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Freedom What do we usually think when we think about freedom? What is freedom all about? How does it feel to ‘feel free’? Are we really ‘free’ when we ‘feel free’? So many questions, and answers to those ‘free’ thoughts that we ‘think’ we’re free, just for a while, whether with our arms stretched out or just in deep contemplated silence. When reality sets in once again, and you’re back to square one, well??? What just happened??? Freedom is something that every human being expresses without considering thoughts or opinions of others, on what they may have in mind. Is it correct to think the way you think? Should you consider another individuals opinion before you speak your mind? If you do, what will be the next step to follow, considering what you spoke about? Is your opinion really important at the end of it all? Our thoughts we think so freely, are they important? And why are they important? Who declared them to be important? So in all of this, if we have to measure our words and think about ‘considering’ another person’s opinion on your subject matter of conversation, what just happened to ‘feeling free’? So are we really free to do what we think we want to do ‘freely’? As confusing as it sounds and opinionated as it becomes eventually, our freedom lies just in listening to and hearing others as they express themselves. Just staying quiet with your thoughts while watching ‘life’ in action, in any situation, is where freedom lies. The less you ‘freely’ express your personal opinion in your presented situation the better you get at understanding the deep significance of ‘authentic freedom’. Freedom lies in our genuine and understanding ‘silence’ in all we do throughout our day. Freedom lies in our minds alone to do everything we usually do even while we’re simply talking to others. Staying calm in your’ situation’ is also very ‘freeing’ as you mind allows you to process your thoughts with an in-depth understanding of your situation. Being ‘alone’ with your thoughts allows you the freedom to make informed and calculated decisions, while letting go of all that doesn’t conform to your situation. Contemplating in silence the depth of your situation requires that long standing freedom you so desire to have. The difficulty very often lies in accepting your situation, thus contracting your freedom to think calmly.

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