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Not all people have the luxury of living the kind of life they want or expect to have. Not all people have the joy of having what they deserve in life. Most people hygge through their circumstances knowingly or unknowingly with whatever they have. Hygge-ing through your ‘situation’ simply means that you accept your surroundings the way they are. No complaints!! There are times where you can’t change your circumstances, or your situation is what it is. Stop right there!! In your thoughts!! Stop and breathe!! Silently!! Step back for a moment, in your thoughts, and ask, and / or evaluate your judgments for yourself. Why do I think the way I do? What will it take for me to change the way I think about my situation? If I do, what am I expecting to get out of my expected changes? And why?? These thoughts may lead you to think better and / or improvise upon your current thoughts. You automatically begin to give every little thought or action a much deeper thought as to why you think your current situation needs that desperate change you think looking for. When you can very consciously evaluate your thoughts and actions that may follow, you begin to automatically and calmly comprehend the reasons for being exactly where you are right now. The point in its entirety is to ‘trust your circumstances’ calmly. Impossible?? Yes!! Simply because the concept of the ‘my attitude’ dictates that I want what I want, and when I want what I want, I must get what I want!! But really, it is what it is!! So ask yourself, AGAIN!! How long am I going to fight this ‘seemingly hopeless’ situation?? How long will I sit up on that fence and expect things to ‘change’ to ‘my tune’?? A day?? Or two?? Perhaps?? A week?? A month?? Oh!! That can go on and on!! Oh!! And whilst you’re at it, try that same silent evaluation of your thoughts process, at every step of the way. Evaluate the worth of your thoughts and the way you think, and your expected actions in the bargain. Then ask yourself it’s all ‘worth the trouble??’ Hygge through those ‘difficult’ thoughts in deep contemplation over simply understanding your situation the way it currently stands. Instead of asking yourself, ‘why’, try understanding your situation for what it actually is. Work around it, if possible. Stare at your situation in the face for as long as you think you can or need to. Hygge or pyt!! Then when you’re done, and you realise nothing will change any time sooner, try understanding your situation from another point of view.

Remember you’re NOT the be all and end all of Creation!! Hygge your way, through it all!!

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