Hygge – As Unreal As It Can Get What is it actually?? What is it?? Is it a feeling?? Is it really practical as it can get?? Can we really feel Hygge today?? Numerous questions… So many issues going on in our daily lives today that have to be dealt with. Sometimes you don’t really know where to start. Do we really feel ‘Hygge’ in our current situations? How do you feel Hygge when things don’t go the way you expect them to go?? Is it possible to ‘Hygge’ when your thoughts weigh you down completely?? Is it even possible to make Hygge a priority in uncomfortable situations?? So many unanswered question and more… As Hygge as we want our daily situations to be, we can only do the best we can to deal with the reality of our individual situations. To feel Hygge in any situation is to feel at peace with it. To feel at peace with those rough times, is to supposedly stay calm in your situation. So, is it possible?? To feel Hygge?? In sore situations, remaining tranquil gives you the kind of coziness only you know for yourself. No matter how terrible your situation is or may be, ‘reacting’ to it, immediately takes away the Hygge impression. It brings ‘harsh reality’ back to your moment. The whole concept of Hygge is to feel comfort in it all the time. Dealing with ‘harsh situations’ in a ‘Hygge’ manner increases your focus on your situation at hand. This concentrated focus guides you in a calm direction to understand the ongoing discomfort. It helps you to figure out how to fulfil your current obligations towards your situation, calmly. While you’re in this process of calm reality, take a look around you and feel that very uneasy and very real calm. Silently observe everything around you. Nothing really there to do. Just process silently everything you notice. Even as you arrange things around you, just process everything you do in silence. Truth is, it’s not easy, and neither is it difficult. What ‘seems’ difficult, is just ‘your personal processing’ of your ‘perception’. The trick is not to fight it. The more you look for positivity in a difficult situation, you bring a certain calm sympathetic and empathetic thoughts to keep the moment from exploding. The whole point of silent processing is to feel the Hygge through deep observation. In doing so, our minds open up to a diverse array of possibilities. Feeling deep authenticity of your situation is what Hygge-ing in the moment is all about.
Nothing really great about it, but deep and understanding of what you’re currently going through.