Nail your Niche Your niche is your benchmark. Your benchmark is your skill. Your skill is something you’re simply perfect at, with passion and ease. What your perfect at is what you have practiced over a considerable period of time through various experiences, with the kind of company you keep, the places you’ve worked, so on and so forth. To understand for yourself what exactly it is you’re excellent at, is something you have to be passionate about; something that is interesting to you and keeps your skills active. Each of us are naturally blessed with skills we are born with. All we have to do is continuously soul search them with the intention of enhancing them for our personal betterment. To understand what you’re skilled at, is simply a matter of understanding what you enjoy doing, whether it’s for a living or just socially. It may be something you want to do or have to do, but the point is you’ve got to do it with ease. In addition to this fact, mentoring people around you enhances your skills and understanding of another person’s views, which will open up to further discussion. These are those times when everyone’s views are taken into consideration and a common ground is arrived at. Here is where, as the ‘expert’ in your area of study, you elucidate all pros and cons of the situation in detail, bearing in mind the ease of the other colleagues understanding capacity, while guiding them perhaps individually or collectively, how to enhance their skills on the project presented to them. As this process continues for a considerable length of time and with practice of unraveling specific concerns over the years, your expertise and skills in that particular area is what grants you personal ability to define your stance or your niche in the market. Your intricate and in-depth understanding and knowledge of the subject matter as well as sharing your expertise of it, is what your personal benchmark is all about. Being the most sought after person in the market for in-depth advice is the way you nail your niche. There is nothing ‘special’ or ‘different’ about marking you niche. The more you’re able to explain the highlights and challenges of issues in situations presented to you, the better skills you acquire in understanding tribulations from another individuals perception, which automatically helps you to help them in the best possible way you can for their situation. Nailing your niche is not difficult nor is it an easy task. To make your expertise your personal niche simply means to concentrate on what you do with deep and abiding understanding while removing all distractions which would keep you from following your passions.