Perception Consciousness Our intellectual visual viewpoint of people around us or situations, allows us to see what we want to see and believe what we see. Judging without understanding has developed into an unpleasant natural human instinct which roughly translates into “what you see is what you get”. Most times, to comprehend the implication of what you visualize, takes immense effort, not because we don’t want to but because we don’t have the time to even think about others and their issues, or their situations. Our human consciousness of an existing circumstance of a single individual or people around us, simply implies that every thought we think, every move we make, every word we utter - good, bad, or a revolting one, comes from deep within our inner thoughts in our minds. When we choose to ‘see it our way’, we deliberately cannot see it any other way, no matter how much we try to. This is simply due to lack of openness or acceptance of another’s viewpoint. When you’re out walking the dog or driving around, or just walking, do you ever stop to think of all that’s going on around you?? Does it even matter?? Should it bother you?? Surely the answer to all these questions and even more are simply a NO. Is there any particular reason why it’s a downright NO?? NO!!! No reason, really, or maybe it’s just that I’ve no time for it, or it doesn’t concern me, or I’ve got bigger fish to fry, or better fish to fry…so on and so forth are all your foreseeable excuses!!! Understanding perception is nothing but visualizing issues from your personal viewpoint while you’re supposed to keep your opinions to yourself. Not talking about it most of the time does the trick to a certain extent, provided you understand the depth of what you perceive only to expose it in circumstances relating to similar situations. Conversing with people generally about your personal perception of a situation, may not necessarily be of any value to the circumstances of another’s situation. In cases like these, you can only suggest an opinion, NOT IMPOSE YOUR PERCEPTION OR THEORY on to that individual or situation. Understanding your own perception is simply your deep and abiding feeling or sympathy upon instantly visualizing what you saw. You have to ask yourself that simple question – did I see or did I look?? What difference did that make?? Ask yourself all those ‘regular’ questions to elevate your intensity of consciousness of what you saw. There is no big deal in any of this simply because there is so much happening recurrently besides happening habitually and a lot is taken for granted by every human being with the simple thought that says – Oh, someone else can look into it!! To appreciate your personal and continuous visual perception, you can only do the best you can to stay conscious of your environment and of every living soul around you, not pass judgment upon what you see but to comprehend what you envision and be wise enough to learn not to get yourself into steamy circumstances.