The Dynamism of Catastrophe

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The Dynamism of Catastrophe We’re often disappointed when we ‘fail’ at what we’re doing or done to the point where we either give up completely or feel the world has caved in on us, so on and so forth. So how long should you allow yourself to feel this way?? How long are you going to allow yourself to carry this burden of your ‘perceived’ failure and allow it to bring you down further?? May be a day?? A week?? A month?? More than that?? What?? How about this… To understand how to grow through what was a perceived ‘painful’ ‘mistake’, and, if you had to take up that ‘presumably’ ‘failed’ mistake in hand, and reflect upon it very carefully and meticulously, comprehending with deep and calm focus as to where those inaccuracies lie or what you might have missed, perhaps make a list of what had been missed out the first time, and, upon fully realizing what can be done to avoid a foul up again, you are now armed with enhanced knowledge of your project or your situation. If we look at failure as something that feels like the end of the world to us, it’s just going to pull us all the way further down that rabbit hole. At the very least, you can do is to take a break for a while (not too long though or maybe!!!), clear your head, just breath, allow yourself to feel everything as well as feel nothing, at the same time. Difficult to accept?? Oh yeah!! Impossible to do?? Not at all!! If you can turn those thoughts around and say to yourself, why didn’t I think of it this way?? Or why didn’t I see it that way?? It was way easier than what I was doing all this while. I would have finished this job way sooner than what the original time slot it was intended to be accomplished in. From a diverse range of methods you can comprehend in silence and calm understanding of your situation in abeyance or which needs a different outlook to achieve desired results you feel pretty stuck with, and with presence of mind and realistic understanding of expected requirements, this time around, you eventually grow to accomplish what you set out to do, simply because you weren’t open to suggestions the first time around. This doesn’t mean that things can’t change for you now. It simply suggests that you’ve been given another chance to make things right for you and / or for those around you. If you eventually keep an open mind as well as be mindful that you can be open to suggestions which are perhaps way easier than your methods, you should feel free to silently observe and make personal notes wherever necessary to improve your

personal understanding of your situation very silently and all for yourself. Don’t take things too seriously though!!

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