Transformation through Hygge
Many times we come across people who we ‘accidentally’ cross paths with, in a diverse range of situations. Some of these experiences are perhaps memorable while others turn out to be life’s lessons. While this is perhaps the general notion, think about yourself in a ‘different light’. What sort of impact are you making personally on the people who know you?? Is it a positive, a negative or a neutral one?? While you’ll never know what goes on in the minds of those around you, upon ‘seeing’ you, whether from a distance or at close range, or even as you pass by, remember one thing always - they will remember ‘something’ about you, no matter how insignificant it may be to them.
So what’s the point to all of this?? Hygge!! How?? Where’s the Hygge in it?? This part may be a bit challenging to explain, but it’s not impossible to understand. If you have an ‘intentional’ hygge mind-set, your outward appearance, actions, and gestures, reflect your personality. By that same token, there is the saying that goes – what you see is what you get. So how do you make a ‘difference’ to those who don’t know you?? It’s very simple – have a helpful mind-set. We all know that there is a bit of caution involved in that too. Have a ‘present’ mind-set. Be on your guard as well, so as to be aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
People in general are always on the lookout for ‘tips and hints’ from kind ‘strangers’. You’ll never know the ‘difference’ you make to a total stranger without even knowing it. If you ever receive a compliment from a stranger, who brings to your notice, what he / she may have felt ‘good’ about you, show your gratitude. There again, you made that person’s day, the hygge way. That intense feeling of gratitude may or may not be something that you even thought was of any significance to you, but to that person, it was. Something that may not feel hygge to you, may be of utmost and passionate hygge to another. The significant fact, is to practice pleasantries silently, calmly, and with utmost caution, with strangers who appreciate you.
Do you believe it’s really enough to be appreciated only by the people who know you?? Would you think it’s inappropriate for a total stranger to walk up to you and appreciate your kind gestures of perhaps, holding open the door for him / her?? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with that. So think about it – would you like to make a difference in peoples’ lives, just by ‘being’?? The point here is, it all begins with ‘YOU’ - Yes, just YOU and your mind-set. How do you feel about
yourself?? Your actions?? Your moves?? Your disposition… So on and so forth?? It all plays out on your external gestures towards those around you, thus making a positive impact on others around you or a negative one. So, being mindful all the time, will portray you in a positive light, which in turn leaves a pleasant hygge memory in the minds of those you cross paths with. Cheers and happy Hygge moments all the way!!!