Hygge through your ‘Triggers’ Very often a passing aroma, a visual sight or a scene can result in ‘triggering off’ an emotion – be it a good one, a bad one, an unpleasant memory, so on and so forth. What does that bring to your mind? Obviously, it depends upon what triggered you off. So what now? Yes, it plays on your mind, maybe for ‘a while’, a moment, and brings back memories of all kinds. Dealing with these triggers is very, very important, especially when they bring back negative emotions. When you feel and/or realise these emotions are triggered off, you have to slow down your senses, maybe stop in your tracks and stop doing whatever it is you’re doing in the moment. Take a deep breath and remember that a trigger is something that ‘had happened in your past’. It has nothing to do with your present moment. It has nothing to do with who you are today or what you’re doing today. All the same, that ‘trigger’ can be dealt with in a calm and peaceful manner, maybe with your favorite beverage – hot or cold. Triggers usually don’t last too long in your memory, unless you want it to, by playing it over and over in your head. Hygge-ing through those triggered memories will bring you the closure you’re looking for. It gives you the chance to comprehend upon all those could-haves, should-haves, couldn’thaves, and shouldn’t-haves, and the fact that all is just a memory today. Triggers should guide you to realise that whatever happens, happens for the best. It’s useless trying to reminisce over your ‘triggered’ situation or emotion, differently. But, you can walk through it with ease now, knowing that it’s got nothing to do with your current stance, nor can you bring it back. Even hygge-ing through these emotions are sometimes not easy, especially when you can clearly feel that ‘moment’, like it just happened. Stir your mind as soon as you can, and realise it’s only in your head and in your past. The more you give yourself time to walk through those negative triggered emotions, analyzing those moments step by step, you will automatically realise for yourself that it was nothing but a circumstance of the moment. Whether you comprehend upon your triggers with your favorite beverage, or long walks, you best bet is to learn from your experience. Remember that it was only an experience and not a life sentence. Allow your triggers to make you a better person. Thank your triggers – not too easy, but not too difficult either. Take a deep breath
every time and relax knowing that you’re in a better place today.