The Ethiopian Messenger 22 - November 2022

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The African Union led peace talk which had commenced on the 24th of October 2022 in Pre toria, South Africa has resulted in an important milestone through the signing of a peace agree ment between the Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF on the 2nd of November 2022.

Politics Economy

The official bilateral relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands is almost nearing a centu ry. It dates back to the trade agreement signed in 1926. Full-fledged diplomatic relations were forged in 1948.

Coffee is among the precious gifts that Ethiopia has given to the world. More than 3 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide everyday. It is produced in more than 50 countries. More than 120 million people in the world depend on the coffee for their livelihoods.

Page: 12 Politics Government’s Sustained Effort Towards Silencing the Guns in Northern Ethiopia Bears Fruit De aanhoudende inspanningen van de regering om de geweren in Noord-Ethiopië het zwijgen op te leggen, werpen hun vruchten af L’effort soutenu du gouvernement pour faire taire les armes dans le nord de l’Éthiopie porte ses fruits
Source: Office of Oromia Regional President Wheatfield - Oromia, Ethiopia

Dear Readers,

The 22nd issue of the Ethiopian Messenger will focus on the Em bassy’s activities and Ethiopia’s major engagements in the past five months.

Our first article is about efforts by the Ethiopian Government to bring peace in the Northern part of Ethiopia.

A brief account on Ethiopia’s bilateral relation with the Nether lands follows.

An article that highlights the role of coffee in the Ethiopian econ omy is also put forward.

The “News in Brief” column will carry major news stories that depict Ethiopia’s diplomatic engagements in the past five months.

We hope you will enjoy this issue of the Ethiopian Messenger.

The Editorial Team

1. Government’s Sustained Effort Towards Silencing the Guns in Northern Ethiopia Bears Fruit 4

De aanhoudende inspanningen van de regering om de geweren in Noord-Ethiopië het zwijgen op te leggen, werpen hun vruchten af 4

L’effort soutenu du gouvernement pour faire taire les armes dans le nord de l’Éthiopie porte ses fruits 4 2. Ethiopia and the Netherlands - Longstanding Cooperation 8 Ethiopië en Nederland - een langdurige samenwerking 8

L’Éthiopie et les Pays-Bas - une coopération de longue date 8 3. Ethiopia’s Coffee Export Hits its Highest in Export Volume and Earnings 12 4. News in Brief 14

Nov 2022 3 ውድ አንባቢያን መልእክተ-ኢትዮጵያ በ 22 ኛ ዕትሙ በሀገራችን እንዲሁም በኤምባሲያችን ባለፉት አምስት ወራት የተከናወኑ አንኳር ጉዳዮች ላይ የተለያዩ ጹሁፎች ይዞ ለአንባቢያን ቀርቧል። በቅድሚያ የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ ሰላም ለማምጣት ያደረገውን ጥረት በሚመለከት የተዘጋጀ ጽሁፍ ቀርቧል። በመቀጠል በኢትዮጵያ እና በኔዘርላንድስ መካከል ያለውን የሁለትሽ ግንኙነት የሚዳስስ ጹሑፍ ቀርቧል። ከዚያ በማስከተል ቡና በኢትዮጵያ ኢኮኖሚ ላይ ያለውን ድርሻ በሚመለከት የተዘጋጀ ጽሁፍ በመጽሔቱ ውስጥ ተካቷል፡፡ በመጨረሻም ባለፉት አምስት ወራቶች የኢትዮጵያን ዲፕሎማሲያዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች በሚመለከት የወጡ አንኳር ዜናዎች እንዲሁም በሚሲዮኑ የተደረጉ እንቅስቃሴዎች ተጠናቅረው ቀርበዋል። መልካም ንባብ! የአርትኦት ኮሚቴ

The African Union led peace talk which had commenced on the 24th of October 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa has result ed in an important milestone through the signing of a peace agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF on the 2nd of November 2022.


De aanhoudende inspanningen van de regering om de geweren in Noord-Ethiopië het zwijgen op te leggen, werpen hun vruchten af

De door de Afrikaanse Unie geleide vre desbesprekingen, die op 24 oktober 2022 in Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika, van start zijn ge gaan, hebben een belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt met de ondertekening van een vredesakkoord tussen de Ethiopische re gering en de VBFT op 2 november 2022.

L’effort soutenu du gouvernement pour faire taire les armes dans le nord de l’Éthiopie porte ses fruits

Les pourparlers de paix menés par l’Union africaine, qui ont débuté le 24 octobre 2022 à Pretoria, en Afrique du Sud, ont franchi une étape importante avec la sig nature d’un accord de paix entre le gou vernement éthiopien et le FPLT le 2 no vembre 2022.

In the past seven months there was a rising hope that peace will prevail in Ethiopia. Indefinite humanitarian truce was unilaterally declared by the government on March 24, 2022, heightening the hope of all Ethiopians. The olive branch was also embraced by the TPLF leadership until they violated it by provoking an attack on Amhara and Afar regions on August 24, 2022, which brought the humanitarian truce to an end.

The Government of Ethiopia had extended pronouncement for peace to the TPLF sever al times in the past two years against the dire humanitarian situation. On June 28, 2021, the Government halted actions on the ground tak ing into account the rainy season and farming moment when it announced a unilateral human itarian ceasefire. It was also to give a time of reflection to its people in Tigray to reflect about the situation on the ground.

On December 2021, having repelled the attack by the TPLF on the neighboring regions of Afar and Amhara, the Ethiopian National Defense Force halted its military advance into the Tigray region. This was done mainly to facilitate hu manitarian supplies reaching the people in

De afgelopen zeven maanden is de hoop op vre de in Ethiopië toegenomen. Op 24 maart 2022 heeft de regering eenzijdig een humanitair be stand voor onbepaalde tijd afgekondigd, wat de hoop van alle Ethiopiërs heeft gewekt. De oli jftak werd ook aanvaard door de leiders van het VBFT, totdat zij de humanitaire wapenstilstand schonden en er op 24 augustus 2022 een aanval op de Amhara- en Afar-regio’s plaatsvond.

In de afgelopen twee jaar heeft de Ethiopische regering verschillende vredesverklaringen af gelegd ten behoeve van het VBFT in het licht van de nijpende humanitaire situatie. Op 28 juni 2021 heeft de regering haar acties op het terrein onderbroken vanwege het regenseizoen en de landbouwperiode, en vervolgens een eenzijdig humanitair staakt-het-vuren afgekondigd. Dit was ook om haar mensen in Tigray de tijd te geven na te denken over de situatie ter plaatse.

Op 20 december 2021, nadat de aanval van het VBFT op de naburige regio’s Afar en Amhara was afgeslagen, heeft de Ethiopische Nationale Defensiemacht haar militaire opmars naar de re gio Tigray gestaakt. Dit besluit werd hoofdzake lijk genomen om de levering van humanitaire

Au cours des sept derniers mois, l’espoir de voir la paix régner en Éthiopie s’est accru. Une trêve humanitaire illimitée a été déclarée uni latéralement par le gouvernement le 24 mars 2022, renforçant l’espoir de tous les Éthiopiens. Le rameau d’olivier a également été accepté par les dirigeants du FLPT jusqu’à ce qu’ils transgr essent et mettent ainsi fin à la trêve humanitaire en provoquant une attaque contre les régions d’Amhara et d’Afar le 24 août 2022.

Au cours des deux dernières années, le gou vernement éthiopien a prononcé plusieurs fois des déclarations de paix à l’intention du FPLT à cause de la situation humanitaire désastreuse. Le 28 juin 2021, le gouvernement a interrompu ses actions sur le terrain en raison de la saison des pluies et de la période agricole, et a alors an noncé un cessez-le-feu humanitaire unilatéral. Il s’agissait également de donner un temps de ré flexion à sa population du Tigré pour se pencher sur la situation sur le terrain.

Le 20 décembre 2021, après avoir repoussé l’at taque du FLPT sur les régions voisines d’Afar et d’Amhara, la Force de défense nationale éthio pienne a stoppé son avancée militaire dans-

4 The Ethiopian Messenger
Government’s Sustained Effort Towards Silencing the Guns in Northern Ethiopia Bears Fruit Source: REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko Bron: REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko Source : REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko

Tigray who have long suffered under the yoke of the TPLF. On March 24, 2022, Cognizant of the need to take extraordinary measures to save lives and reduce human suffering, the govern ment of Ethiopia declared a unilateral humani tarian truce which renewed its vow not to enter into another round of conflict.

The declaration of Humanitarian truce had over whelmingly transformed the humanitarian situ ation in the Northern part of the country. Since March 24, effort has been made to increase the number of United Nations humanitarian flights and through improved clearance procedures for the delivery of food, medicine, fuel and cash transferred for payments by aid organizations. During the mentioned period, the WFP, ICRC, and the European Union HAB (Humanitarian Aid Bridge) have facilitated to deliver human itarian aid. The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service /UNHAS/ has also provided dai ly flights. The government has also facilitated provision of humanitarian assistances through the Abala Mekelle route. Additionally, nine teen (19) humanitarian partners have secured approval to transport medicine including vac cines, medical items and Nutrition Supplies to the Tigray region. Between the months of April to July 2022, over 4308 trucks of food and non food items have been transported to Mekelle. This is close to 80% of the total trucks carry ing humanitarian supplies that reached Mekelle, demonstrating the pace in which the humanitar ian supply has increased since the declaration of the humanitarian truce. Furthermore, 1,081,155 liters of fuel have reached Mekelle.

In addition to facilitating the smooth delivery of humanitarian assistance to the people in need in the region, the Government of Ethiopia signed a Third-Party Implementation Agreement with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to implement the World Bank-fi nanced recovery project in the Tigray region on July 11, 2022.

True to its Pan-African zeal, Ethiopia has always been an advocate for African solutions to Afri can problems. It was in this vein that the gov ernment pronounced its plan to end the conflict through peaceful negotiation under the auspices of the African Union. To this effect, on July 12, f2022, the Government established a High-level Peace Committee led by the Deputy Prime Min ister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to lead the Government’s effort to end the conflict in north ern Ethiopia through peaceful negotiations. The appointment of the High-Level Peace Commit tee is the highlight of Government’s commit ment to pursue a constructive engagement and approach to the peace talks in good faith.

To further cement its peace plan, on the 17th of August 2022, the peace committee announced its road map for peace. The roadmap contains a series of activities that aimed at attaining a set of goals, including ensuring a sustained provision of humanitarian aid in conflict affected areas, fa cilitating the resumption of basic services, and most importantly resolving the conflict peace fully. The Committee further underscored that there is a need to conclude a ceasefire agreement

hulp aan de bevolking van Tigray, die al lang onder het bewind van de VBFT lijdt, te verge makkelijken. Op 24 maart 2022 heeft de Ethi opische regering, die de noodzaak erkende om buitengewone maatregelen te nemen om levens te redden en menselijk lijden te verminderen, een unilateraal humanitair bestand afgekondigd en zich er opnieuw toe verbonden geen nieuwe conflictcyclus te beginnen.

De afkondiging van de humanitaire wapenstil stand heeft de humanitaire situatie in het noor den van het land aanzienlijk veranderd. Sinds 24 maart zijn inspanningen geleverd om het aantal humanitaire VN-vluchten te verhogen en om de inklaringsprocedures voor de levering van voedsel, geneesmiddelen, brandstof en contant geld dat door hulporganisaties wordt overge maakt voor betalingen, te verbeteren. Tijdens de verslagperiode hebben het WVP, het ICRC en het netwerk voor humanitaire logistiek van de Europese Unie (HAB) de levering van hu manitaire hulp vergemakkelijkt. Ook de Hu manitaire luchtdienst van de Verenigde Naties (UNHAS) verzorgde dagelijkse vluchten. De regering heeft ook de levering van humanitaire hulp via de weg Abala-Mekelle vergemakkeli jkt. Daarnaast kregen negentien (19) humani taire partners toestemming om geneesmiddel en, waaronder vaccins, medische apparatuur en voedingsproducten, naar de regio Tigray te vervoeren. Tussen april en juli 2022 werden meer dan 4308 vrachtwagenladingen voedsel middelen en non-food artikelen naar Mekelle vervoerd. Dit vertegenwoordigt bijna 80% van het totale aantal vrachtwagens met humanitaire goederen naar Mekelle, waaruit blijkt hoe snel de humanitaire leveringen zijn toegenomen sinds de afkondiging van het humanitaire be stand. Daarnaast werd 1.081.155 liter brandstof aan Mekelle geleverd.

De Ethiopische regering heeft op 11 juli 2022 een uitvoeringsovereenkomst door een derde partij met het Bureau van de Verenigde Naties voor projectdiensten (UNOPS) ondertekend voor de uitvoering van het door de Wereldbank gefinancierde herstelproject in de regio Tigray.

Overeenkomstig zijn pan-Afrikaanse geest heeft Ethiopië altijd gepleit voor Afrikaanse oplossingen voor Afrikaanse problemen. Te gen deze achtergrond heeft de regering haar voornemen kenbaar gemaakt om het conflict te beëindigen door middel van vreedzame on derhandelingen onder auspiciën van de Afri kaanse Unie. Daartoe heeft de regering op 12 juli 2022 een vredescomité op hoog niveau in gesteld onder leiding van de vicepremier en de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken om leiding te geven aan haar inspanningen om het conflict in Noord-Ethiopië op vreedzame wijze te beëin digen. De benoeming van het vredescomité op hoog niveau is het hoogtepunt van de verbinte nis van de regering om haar engagement en con structieve aanpak van de vredesbesprekingen in goed vertrouwen voort te zetten.

Op 17 augustus 2022 kondigde het Vredescomi té zijn draaiboek aan om zijn vredesplan te consolideren. Dit draaiboek bevat een aantal stappen die erop gericht zijn een reeks doel-

la région du Tigré. Cette décision a été prise principalement pour faciliter l’acheminement de l’aide humanitaire aux habitants du Tigré qui souffrent depuis longtemps sous le joug du FLPT. Le 24 mars 2022, conscient de la néces sité de prendre des mesures extraordinaires pour sauver des vies et réduire la souffrance humaine, le gouvernement éthiopien a déclaré une trêve humanitaire unilatérale, renouvelant ainsi son engagement à ne pas entrer dans un nouveau cycle de conflit.

La déclaration de la trêve humanitaire a con sidérablement transformé la situation humani taire dans la partie nord du pays. Depuis le 24 mars, des efforts ont été déployés pour augment er le nombre de vols humanitaires des Nations Unies et améliorer les procédures d’autorisation pour la livraison de nourriture, de médicaments, de carburant et d’argent liquide transféré pour les paiements des organisations d’aide. Au cours de la période mentionnée, le PAM, le CICR et le RLH (Réseau Logistique Humanitaire) de l’Union européenne ont facilité la livraison de l’aide humanitaire. Le service aérien humani taire des Nations Unies (UNHAS) a également assuré des vols quotidiens. Le gouvernement a aussi facilité l’acheminement de l’aide humani taire par la route Abala-Mekelle. En outre, dixneuf (19) partenaires humanitaires ont obtenu l’autorisation de transporter des médicaments, notamment des vaccins, du matériel médical et des produits nutritionnels dans la région du Ti gré. Entre les mois d’avril et de juillet 2022, plus de 4308 camions de produits alimentaires et non alimentaires ont été acheminés à Mekelle. Cela représente près de 80 % du total des camions transportant des biens humanitaires qui se sont rendus à Mekelle, ce qui démontre le rythme auquel l’approvisionnement humanitaire a aug menté depuis la déclaration de la trêve humani taire. En outre, 1 081 155 litres de carburant ont été livrés à Mekelle.

En plus de faciliter l’acheminement sans heu rts de l’aide humanitaire aux personnes dans le besoin dans la région, le gouvernement éthiopi en a signé le 11 juillet 2022 un Accord de mise en œuvre par une tierce partie avec le Bureau des Nations Unies pour les services d’appui aux projets (UNOPS) pour implémenter le projet de redressement financé par la Banque mondiale dans la région du Tigré.

Fidèle à son esprit panafricain, l’Éthiopie a toujours plaidé en faveur de solutions afric aines aux problèmes africains. C’est dans cette optique que le gouvernement a fait part de son intention de mettre fin au conflit par des négo ciations pacifiques sous les auspices de l’Union africaine. À cet effet, le 12 juillet 2022, le gou vernement a établi un Comité de paix de haut niveau dirigé par le vice-premier ministre et le ministre des Affaires étrangères pour diriger ses efforts visant à mettre fin pacifiquement au conflit dans le nord de l’Éthiopie. La nomina tion du Comité de haut niveau pour la paix est le point culminant de la volonté du gouvernement à poursuivre son engagement et son approche constructive des pourparlers de paix en toute bonne foi.

Nov 2022 5

as soon as possible.

The preparation for national dialogue that was launched as a concept at the early stages of the reform in 2018, currently at the stage of being finalized, will take us further a step to address diverse unsettled political issues that have been lingering over the years.

The people of Ethiopia have nurtured over the years unshakable culture of harmony and to getherness. These are people interlinked through cultural bonds ranging from mixed neighbor hoods, marriages, and multicultural schoolings with no barriers to ethnicity. It is a country that has accepted, at a very early stage, the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all coexisting side by side. The current stances in some parts of the country seemingly inter-communal animosity do not define these deep-rooted values nurtured over the years by the Ethiopian polity. These are our tangible val ues and strength that help us overcome political discords that are drugging us into a path of con flict. It is also a thing to wither overtime as the political elites with diverse views come to their senses that the age-old wisdom of our multicul tural society will overcome our differences.

As a founding member of the League of Nations, the United Nations (UN) and Organization of African Union, Ethiopia has a track record of acting responsibly in playing its part including by contributing a large fleet to United Nations peace keeping operations and fighting terrorism within its subregion.

The African Union led peace talk which had commenced on the 24th of October 2022 in Pre toria, South Africa has resulted in an important milestone through the signing of a peace agree ment between the Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF on the 2nd of November 2022. In or der ensure a sustained peace in the country, the next moves should be guided by two important fundamentals; upholding the results of the AU peace process and committing to a national di alogue that embraces all political actors follow ing a peaceful path. The international commu nity can only add to the efforts of peace efforts nurtured by all Ethiopians.

stellingen te verwezenlijken, waaronder het waarborgen van de voortdurende verstrekking van humanitaire hulp aan door het conflict get roffen gebieden, het vergemakkelijken van de hervatting van basisdiensten en, het belangri jkste, het vreedzaam oplossen van het conflict. Het Comité benadrukte ook dat er zo spoedig mogelijk een staakt-het-vuren-overeenkomst moet worden gesloten.

De voorbereiding van de nationale dialoog, waarvan het concept in de beginfase van de her vorming in 2018 werd geïnitieerd en momenteel wordt afgerond, zal ons een stap dichter brengen bij het oplossen van verschillende onopgeloste politieke kwesties die al jaren aanslepen.

Het Ethiopische volk heeft door de jaren heen een onwrikbare cultuur van harmonie en soli dariteit gekoesterd. Het zijn mensen die gebon den zijn door culturele banden, variërend van gemengde buurten tot multiculturele huwelijken en scholen zonder etnische grenzen. Het is een land dat al vroeg het naast elkaar bestaan van de drie Abrahamitische godsdiensten (jodendom, christendom en islam) aanvaardde. De huidige standpunten in sommige delen van het land, die lijken te worden gekenmerkt door animositeit tussen de gemeenschappen, zijn geen afspiegel ing van deze diepgewortelde waarden, die in de loop der jaren door de Ethiopische politiek zijn gevoed. Het zijn onze tastbare waarden en kracht die ons helpen de politieke verdeeldheid te overwinnen die ons op het pad van conflicten brengt. Het is ook een realiteit die zal verdwi jnen wanneer politieke elites met uiteenlopende opvattingen zich realiseren dat de eeuwenoude wijsheid van onze multiculturele samenleving onze verschillen zal overwinnen.

Als stichtend lid van de Volkenbond, de Vereni gde Naties (VN) en de Organisatie van de Af rikaanse Unie heeft Ethiopië altijd op verant woordelijke wijze zijn rol gespeeld, onder meer door een grote vloot ter beschikking te stellen van VN-vredeshandhavingsoperaties en door terrorisme in zijn subregio te bestrijden.

De door de Afrikaanse Unie geleide vredesbe sprekingen, die op 24 oktober 2022 in Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika, van start zijn gegaan, hebben een belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt met de ondertek ening van een vredesakkoord tussen de Ethi opische regering en de VBFT op 2 november 2022. Om duurzame vrede in het land te verze keren, moeten de volgende stappen worden ge leid door twee fundamentele beginselen: respect voor het resultaat van het AU-vredesproces en betrokkenheid bij een nationale dialoog waarin alle politieke actoren een vreedzame weg be wandelen. De internationale gemeenschap kan alleen maar bijdragen aan de vredesinspannin gen van alle Ethiopiërs.

Le 17 août 2022, le Comité de paix a annoncé sa feuille de route pour consolider son plan de paix. Cette feuille de route contient une série d’activ ités visant à atteindre un ensemble d’objectifs, notamment assurer la continuité de la livraison d’aide humanitaire dans les zones touchées par le conflit, faciliter la reprise des services de base et, surtout, résoudre le conflit de manière pacifique. Le Comité a également souligné qu’il était nécessaire de conclure un accord de cessezle-feu dès que possible.

La préparation du dialogue national, dont le concept a été lancé dès les premières étapes de la réforme en 2018 et qui est actuellement en cours de finalisation, nous permettra de franchir une étape supplémentaire dans la résolution de diverses questions politiques non résolues qui perdurent depuis des années.

Le peuple éthiopien a nourri au fil des ans une culture inébranlable d’harmonie et de solidarité. Il s’agit de personnes liées par des liens cul turels allant de quartiers mixtes aux mariages et écoles multiculturelles sans aucune barrière ethnique. C’est un pays qui a accepté, très tôt, la coexistence des trois religions abrahamiques (judaïsme, christianisme et islam). Les positions actuelles dans certaines parties du pays, qui semblent caractérisées par une animosité inter communautaire, ne définissent pas ces valeurs profondément enracinées, nourries au fil des ans par la politique éthiopienne. Ce sont nos valeurs tangibles et notre force qui nous aident à sur monter les discordes politiques qui nous entraî nent sur la voie du conflit. C’est aussi une réalité qui disparaîtra à mesure que les élites politiques aux opinions diverses se rendront compte que la sagesse séculaire de notre société multicul turelle surmontera nos différences.

En tant que membre fondateur de la Société des Nations, des Nations unies (ONU) et de l’Or ganisation de l’Union africaine, l’Éthiopie a toujours agi de manière responsable en jouant son rôle, notamment en fournissant une flotte importante aux opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations unies et en luttant contre le ter rorisme dans sa sous-région.

Les pourparlers de paix menés par l’Union afr icaine, qui ont débuté le 24 octobre 2022 à Pre toria, en Afrique du Sud, ont franchi une étape importante avec la signature d’un accord de paix entre le gouvernement éthiopien et le FPLT le 2 novembre 2022. Afin d’assurer une paix dura ble dans le pays, les prochaines étapes doivent être guidées par deux principes fondamentaux : le respect des résultats du processus de paix de l’UA et l’engagement dans un dialogue national qui englobe tous les acteurs politiques suivant une voie pacifique. La communauté internatio nale ne peut que contribuer aux efforts de paix déployés par tous les Éthiopiens.

6 The Ethiopian Messenger
Simien Mountains National Park Source: Travel to Ethiopia

The official bilateral relations between Ethio pia and the Netherlands is almost nearing a century. It dates back to the trade agreement signed in 1926. Full-fledged diplomatic rela tions were forged in 1948.

De officiële bilaterale betrekkingen tussen Ethiopië en Nederland zijn bijna een eeuw oud. Zij gaan terug tot de handelsovereen komst die de twee landen in 1926 ondertek enden. Volledige diplomatieke betrekkingen werden gestart in 1948.

L’Éthiopie et les Pays-Bas - une coopération de longue date

Les relations bilatérales officielles entre l’Éthio pie et les Pays-Bas ont presque un siècle. Elles remontent à l’accord commercial signé entre les deux pays en 1926. Les relations diploma tiques à part entière ont quant à elles débuté en 1948.

The official bilateral relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands is almost nearing a centu ry. It dates back to the trade agreement signed in 1926. Full-fledged diplomatic relations were forged in 1948.

The Ethiopian Embassy in London had initial ly been accredited to the Netherlands until the mandate has been transferred to the Embassy in Brussels in 1985. Ethiopia had once again moved its mission in the Hague to be covered from Brussels in the year 2021 due to the cur rent economic down turn and the impact of the COVID. Currently, the Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels covers all the Benelux countries, the EU institutions and the OACPS affairs. Am bassador Hirut Zemene Kassa has presented her credentials to His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexan der Claus George Ferdinand on 25 May 2022. Through this new accreditation, the Ambassa dor has reestablished links with relevant offices in the Netherlands. The first Dutch legation was opened in Ethiopia in 1950 that later grew into an Embassy in 1960.

A number of official exchange of visits had taken place between the two countries over the years. Her Majesty Queen Juliana, the maternal grand mother of the current King of the Netherlands, made an official visit to Ethiopia in 1953, where the visit was reciprocated by Emperor Haile-Se lassie I the following year. Since then, visits by parliamentarians as well as government officials had been conducted including exchanges at For eign Ministers’ level in 2004 and 2019.

De officiële bilaterale betrekkingen tussen Ethi opië en Nederland zijn bijna een eeuw oud. Zij gaan terug tot de handelsovereenkomst die de twee landen in 1926 ondertekenden. Volledige diplomatieke betrekkingen werden gestart in 1948.

De Ethiopische ambassade in Londen was aan vankelijk geaccrediteerd bij Nederland, totdat het mandaat in 1985 werd overgedragen aan de ambassade in Brussel. Vanwege de huidige economische neergang en de gevolgen van COVID heeft Ethiopië zijn missie in 2021 op nieuw verplaatst uit Den Haag, dat nu wordt vertegenwoordigd door de missie in Brussel. Momenteel bestrijkt de Ethiopische ambassade in Brussel alle Benelux-landen, EU-instellingen en ACS-aangelegenheden. Op 25 mei 2022 overhandigde ambassadeur Hirut Zemene Kas sa haar geloofsbrieven aan Zijne Majesteit de Koning van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand. Met deze nieuwe accreditatie heeft de ambas sadeur de banden met de betrokken kantoren in Nederland hersteld. De eerste Nederlandse legatie werd in 1950 in Ethiopië geopend en werd in 1960 een ambassade.

In de loop der jaren is er een aantal officiële bezoeken tussen beide landen uitgewisseld. Hare Majesteit Koningin Juliana, de grootmoeder van moederszijde van de huidige Koning der Neder landen, bracht in 1953 een officieel bezoek aan Ethiopië, waarop keizer Haile Selassie I het jaar nadien reageerde. Sindsdien hebben er bezoek en van parlementsleden en regeringsfunctionar

Les relations bilatérales officielles entre l’Éthi opie et les Pays-Bas ont presque un siècle. Elles remontent à l’accord commercial signé entre les deux pays en 1926. Les relations diplomatiques à part entière ont quant à elles débuté en 1948.

L’ambassade d’Éthiopie à Londres avait initiale ment été accréditée auprès des Pays-Bas jusqu’à ce que le mandat soit transféré à l’ambassade de Bruxelles en 1985. En raison du ralentissement économique actuel et de l’impact de la COVID, en 2021 l’Éthiopie a à nouveau déplacé sa mis sion de La Haye, désormais représentée par celle de Bruxelles. Actuellement, l’ambassade d’Éthiopie à Bruxelles couvre tous les pays du Benelux, les institutions de l’UE et les affaires de l’OEACP. Le 25 mai 2022, l’Ambassadrice Hirut Zemene Kassa a présenté ses lettres de créance à Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume des Pays-Bas, Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand. Grâce à cette nouvelle accrédita tion, l’Ambassadrice a rétabli les liens avec les bureaux concernés aux Pays-Bas. La première légation néerlandaise a été ouverte en Éthiopie en 1950 et est devenue une ambassade en 1960.

Au fil des ans, un certain nombre d’échanges de visites officielles se sont succédés entre les deux pays. Sa Majesté la Reine Juliana, grandmère maternelle de l’actuel roi des Pays-Bas, a effectué une visite officielle en Éthiopie en 1953, visite à laquelle l’Empereur Haile-Selas sie I a répondu l’année suivante. Depuis lors, des visites de parlementaires et de représentants du gouvernement ont eu lieu, notamment des échanges au niveau des ministres des Affaires

8 The Ethiopian Messenger
Photo Credit: The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels Ethiopia and the NetherlandsLongstanding Cooperation Ethiopië en Nederland - een lang durige samenwerking Foto credit: Ambassade van Ethiopië in Brussel Foto credit: Ambassade van Ethiopië in Brussel

The cooperation between the two countries is multifaceted, that includes development coop eration, investment, and trade. The Netherlands is one of the strongest development partners of Ethiopia whilst Ethiopia being among six Afri can countries prioritized by the Dutch govern ment for development assistance. The first de velopment cooperation agreement between the Netherlands and Ethiopia was signed in 1991. The current development program, that is, the Dutch Multiannual Country Strategy (MACS) for Ethiopia is being renewed for the second time (2023-2026).

The Netherlands currently supports Ethiopian institutions that work in food security, repro ductive health, climate change, unemployment, justice, and rule of law through projects that are aligned with the Ethiopian government’s devel opmental plans. This approach is a good begin ning to transit to “Aid to Trade”.

Projects such as Flying Swans, where a cold lo gistic chain infrastructure is being built intended to improve the export of perishable

products, particularly fruits and vegetables via the Ethio-Djibouti railway are highlights of the Netherlands’ investment in Ethiopia. A good ex ample to be noted as a scheme of aid for trade. Using this infrastructure, the first container with 24 tons of avocados were distributed to the European market successfully in August 2020. Kunzila Horti Park (KHP) is another flagship project of the Netherlands government in Ethi opia. It is an integrated project that incorporates

issen plaatsgevonden, waaronder uitwisselingen op het niveau van de ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken in 2004 en 2019.

De samenwerking tussen beide landen is veelzi jdig en omvat ontwikkelingssamenwerking, in vesteringen en handel. Nederland is een van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingspartners van Ethi opië, en Ethiopië is een van de zes Afrikaanse landen waaraan de Nederlandse regering pri oriteit geeft voor hulp op dit gebied. De eerste ontwikkelingssamenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen Nederland en Ethiopië werd in 1991 ondertekend. Het huidige ontwikkelingspro gramma, de Nederlandse Meerjarige Landen strategie (MLS) voor Ethiopië, wordt voor de tweede maal verlengd (2023-2026).

Nederland steunt momenteel Ethiopische in stellingen die werkzaam zijn op het gebied van voedselzekerheid, reproductieve gezondheid, klimaatverandering, werkloosheid, justitie en de rechtsstaat, door middel van projecten die aansluiten bij de ontwikkelingsplannen van de Ethiopische regering. Deze aanpak is een goed begin voor de overgang naar “hulp voor han del”.

Projecten zoals Flying Swans, waar een infra structuur voor een koelketen wordt gebouwd om de export van bederfelijke goederen, vooral groenten en vruchten, via de spoorlijn Ethio pië-Djibouti te verbeteren, zijn de hoogtepunten van de Nederlandse investeringen in Ethiopië. Merk op dat dit een goed voorbeeld is in de con text van hulp voor handel. Dankzij deze in

étrangères en 2004 et 2019.

La coopération entre les deux pays est multi forme et comprend la coopération au dévelop pement, les investissements et le commerce. Les Pays-Bas sont l’un des principaux partenaires de développement de l’Éthiopie, qui fait partie des six pays africains auxquels le gouvernement néerlandais accorde la priorité en matière d’aide dans ce domaine. Le premier accord de coopéra tion au développement entre les Pays-Bas et l’Éthiopie a été signé en 1991. Le programme de développement actuel, c’est-à-dire la stratégie pluriannuelle par pays (MACS) des Pays-Bas pour l’Éthiopie, a été renouvelé pour la deux ième fois (2023-2026).

Les Pays-Bas soutiennent actuellement les institutions éthiopiennes qui travaillent dans les domaines de la sécurité alimentaire, de la santé génésique, du changement climatique, du chômage, de la justice et de l’État de droit, par le biais de projets alignés sur les plans de dével oppement du gouvernement éthiopien. Cette ap proche est un bon début pour passer à l’”aide au commerce”.

Des projets tels que Flying Swans, où une in frastructure de chaîne logistique du froid est en cours de construction afin d’améliorer l’expor tation de produits périssables, en particulier de fruits et légumes, via la voie ferrée Éthiopie-Dji bouti, sont les éléments marquants de l’inves tissement des Pays-Bas en Éthiopie. Il s’agit là d’un bon exemple à noter dans le cadre de l’aide au commerce. Grâce à cette infrastructure, le

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Photo Credit: The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels Foto credit: Ambassade van Ethiopië in Brussel Crédit photo : Ambassade d’Éthiopie à Bruxelles

horticulture, dairy, poultry, tourism, and irriga tion projects around the largest lake in Ethiopia, Lake Tana, covering 500 hectares of land. The project is designed to support Ethiopian small holder farmers in Kunzila area and expected to be developed within five years.

With regards to trade, the Netherlands is one of the top ten trading partners of Ethiopia and one of the top 4 in the European Union. It is also the 5th export destination for Ethiopian export items with 6% share. In 2017, Ethiopia exported €232.6 million worth of products to the Netherlands and imported €163.1 million worth of products in turn (2017 est.). Ethiopia enjoys preferential trade arrangements to access the Netherlands market under the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme, which grants tariffs and quotas free market access to the EU for all goods, except arms and ammunition, originating from Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Ethi opia’s exports to the Netherlands are dominated by agricultural products, which are included un der EBA. Therefore, they enter the Dutch mar ket duty and quota free.

Foreign direct investment from the Netherlands started in Ethiopia in the 1960’s through sug ar production. More recently, the Netherlands’ investment in Ethiopia has largely focused on horticultural production, mainly in the Amhara and Oromia regions of Ethiopia. In addition to horticulture, investors from the Netherlands are working in animal husbandry, Dairy production, Agro-processing, as well as in brewery and con struction. Companies such as Heineken, Uni lever, Bavaria, and Holland dairy are some of them with recognizable names. The Netherlands is now among the top foreign investors in Ethi opia, ranking first from Europe.

The government of the Netherlands has also been providing long term scholarships as well as need based short term trainings to consider able number of Ethiopian students and profes sionals under its Orange Knowledge Program. The Netherlands’ Organization for International Education (NUFFIC) has established working relations with several public and private uni versities and TVET institutions in Ethiopia. Re search and training Partnerships between Ethio pian and Dutch institutions are also a part of the Partnership in the education sector.

The multifaceted links among others, through higher learning schemes and business ventures between the two countries has also resulted in a meaningful link between the people of the two countries that are serving as an important bond to strengthen the cooperation.

Many important cooperative ventures have been evolved over the years that would lead the rela tions between the two countries to reach to its next heights.

frastructuur werd de eerste container van 24 ton avocado’s in augustus 2020 met succes gedis tribueerd naar de Europese markt. Het Kunzila Horti Park (KHP) is een ander vlaggenschip project van de Nederlandse regering in Ethiopië. Het is een geïntegreerd project dat tuinbouw-, zuivel-, pluimvee , toerisme- en irrigatieproject en omvat rond het grootste meer van Ethiopië, het Tanameer, met een oppervlakte van 500 hectare. Het project is bedoeld om Ethiopische kleine boeren in de Kunzila regio te onders teunen en zal naar alle verwachting binnen vijf jaar worden ontwikkeld.

Wat de handel betreft, is Nederland een van de tien belangrijkste handelspartners van Ethiopië en een van de vier belangrijkste in de Europese Unie. Het is ook de vijfde grootste bestemming voor de Ethiopische export met een aandeel van 6%. In 2017 exporteerde Ethiopië 232,6 miljoen euro aan goederen naar Nederland en import eerde het 163,1 miljoen euro aan goederen ter ug (schatting 2017). Ethiopië profiteert van een preferentiële handelsregeling om toegang te kri jgen tot de Nederlandse markt in het kader van het “alles behalve wapens”-programma (EBA), dat belasting- en quotavrije toegang tot de EUmarkt verleent voor alle goederen, met uitzon dering van wapens en munitie, uit de minst ontwikkelde landen (MOL’s). De uitvoer van Ethiopië naar Nederland bestaat voornamelijk uit landbouwproducten, die onder de EBA-re geling vallen. Zij komen derhalve vrij van recht en en contingenten op de Nederlandse markt.

Nederlandse directe buitenlandse investerin gen in Ethiopië begonnen in de jaren zestig met de suikerproductie. Meer recentelijk waren de Nederlandse investeringen in Ethiopië grotend eels gericht op de tuinbouwproductie, voor namelijk in de regio’s Amhara en Oromia. Naast de tuinbouw zijn Nederlandse investeerders ac tief in veeteelt, zuivel, agro-industrie, brouwerij en bouw.

Bekende bedrijven zoals Heineken, Unilever, Bavaria en Holland dairy behoren hiertoe. Ned erland is nu een van de grootste buitenlandse investeerders in Ethiopië en staat op de eerste plaats van de Europese landen.

De Nederlandse regering heeft in het kader van haar Orange Knowledge-programma aan een aanzienlijk aantal Ethiopische studenten en professionals langetermijnbeurzen en kort lopende opleidingen op basis van hun behoeften verstrekt. De Nederlandse organisatie voor in ternationaal onderwijs (NUFFIC) heeft betrek kingen aangeknoopt met verscheidene openbare en particuliere universiteiten en instellingen voor technisch beroepsonderwijs en -opleid ing (TVET) in Ethiopië. Partnerschappen voor onderzoek en opleiding tussen Ethiopische en Nederlandse instellingen maken ook deel uit van het partnerschap in de onderwijssector.

De veelzijdige relatie, waaronder programma’s voor hoger onderwijs en zakelijke partnerschap pen, hebben ook een belangrijke band tussen beide bevolkingen tot stand gebracht, die als basis dient voor verdere samenwerking.

In de loop der jaren zijn veel belangrijke samen werkingsprojecten ontwikkeld, die de betrek kingen tussen beide landen naar alle verwacht ing naar nieuwe hoogten zullen tillen.

premier conteneur de 24 tonnes d’avocats a été distribué avec succès sur le marché européen en août 2020. Le Kunzila Horti Park (KHP) est un autre projet phare du gouvernement néerlanda is en Éthiopie. Il s’agit d’un projet intégré qui comprend des projets d’horticulture, de produits laitiers, de volaille, de tourisme et d’irrigation autour du plus grand lac d’Éthiopie, le lac Tana, sur une superficie de 500 hectares. Le projet est conçu pour soutenir les petits exploitants éthi opiens de la région de Kunzila et devrait être développé dans les cinq ans.

En ce qui concerne le commerce, les Pays-Bas sont l’un des dix premiers partenaires commer ciaux de l’Éthiopie et l’un des quatre premiers dans l’Union européenne. C’est également la 5ème destination des exportations éthiopiennes avec une part de 6 %. En 2017, l’Éthiopie a ex porté pour 232,6 millions d’euros de produits vers les Pays-Bas et a importé pour 163,1 mil lions d’euros de produits en retour (estimation de 2017). L’Éthiopie bénéficie d’un régime commercial préférentiel pour accéder au marché néerlandais dans le cadre du programme “Tout sauf les armes” (TSA), qui accorde un accès li bre de droits de douane et de quotas au marché de l’UE pour toutes les marchandises, à l’excep tion des armes et des munitions, originaires des pays les moins avancés (PMA). Les exportations de l’Éthiopie vers les Pays-Bas sont dominées par les produits agricoles, qui sont inclus dans le régime TSA. Ils entrent donc sur le marché néerlandais en franchise de droits et de quotas. L’investissement étranger direct des Pays-Bas a débuté en Éthiopie dans les années 1960 avec la production de sucre. Plus récemment, les investissements des Pays-Bas en Éthiopie se sont largement concentrés sur la produc tion horticole, principalement dans les régions d’Amhara et d’Oromia. Outre l’horticulture, les investisseurs néerlandais sont présents dans les domaines de l’élevage, la production laitière, l’agro-transformation, ainsi que dans la brasse rie et la construction.

Des entreprises bien connues telles que Heinek en, Unilever, Bavaria, et Holland dairy figurent parmi ceux-ci. Les Pays-Bas sont désormais l’un des principaux investisseurs étrangers en Éthiopie, au premier rang des pays européens.

Le gouvernement néerlandais a également four ni des bourses d’études à long terme ainsi que des formations à court terme basées sur leurs be soins à un nombre considérable d’étudiants et de professionnels éthiopiens dans le cadre de son programme Orange Knowledge. L’Organisation néerlandaise pour l’éducation internationale (NUFFIC) a établi des relations avec plusieurs universités publiques et privées et institutions d’EFTP en Éthiopie. Les partenariats de recher che et de formation entre les institutions éthiopi ennes et néerlandaises font également partie du partenariat dans le secteur de l’éducation.

Les liens multiformes, notamment par le biais de programmes d’enseignement supérieur et de partenariats commerciaux, ont également permis d’établir un lien significatif entre les populations des deux pays, qui sert de base au renforcement de la coopération.

De nombreux projets de coopération importants ont été élaborés au fil des ans et devraient per mettre aux relations entre les deux pays d’attein dre de nouveaux sommets.

10 The Ethiopian Messenger
Source: @flyethiopian Ethiopian Airlines


Ethiopia’s Coffee Export Hits its Highest in Export Volume and Earnings

Coffee is among the precious gifts that Ethiopia has given to the world. More than 3 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide everyday. It is produced in more than 50 countries. More than 120 million people in the world depend on the coffee for their livelihoods.

The word coffee by itself is said to be derived from Kaffa, name of a place in the South-Western Ethiopian highlands where it was first discovered. With a wide range of Agroecological zones, Ethiopia is endowed with a rich variety of coffee and its diverse origins. Coffee becomes rich in flavor and aroma because of the geographical, genotypic, and cultural variety within the country.

While the combination of altitude, temperature, rainfall, and soil pH has made Ethiopia an ideal environment for coffee production, the excellence of the country’s beans is also due to the absence of agrochemical use and the protection of its forests. Coffee is a tree that loves other trees, and you need to have a certain level of tree cover in order to have good-quality coffee, says the Rainforest Alliance’s country director for Ethiopia, Mr. Denu Lemma.

According to legend, coffee cultivation and drinking began as early as the 9th century in Ethiopia. Botanical evidence also indicates that Coffee Arabica originated on the plateaus of South-western Ethiopia from where it spread to Yemen where it got the “Arabica” tag/name and later spread around the world. An Abyssinian goatherd with the name Kaldi, who lived around 850 AD, explored and first tasted coffee, according to the legend. In terms of economic value it is a leading source of export earnings. In the year 2021/2022, more than 300,000 tons of coffee was exported with 1.4 billion USD earnings. Half of the country’s total production is consumed locally.

The livelihood of estimated 15 million Ethiopian farmers is based on coffee. Ethiopia has renownd speciality coffees named after local plac es where different varieties of coffee are produced. Namely Harar, Yir gachefe, Sidamo and Limmu are now carried in various international cof fee shops and markets while recognizing the original brand owners. Like many other developing countries, Ethiopia’s export is also limited to few primary products, which are mainly agricultural commodities. Major agricultural export commodities include coffee, hides and skins, oilseeds, pulses, and fruits & vegetables. Coffee has a leading role followed by cut flowers.

One-third of Ethiopia’s export earnings come from coffee export. In the history of Ethiopia’s export, coffee has reached the highest record of ex port in terms of volume as well as earnings in 2021/22. Among the con tributing factors for this achievement is the reform that the government put in place in the sector especially the market model of vertical integra tion which better benefits small holder coffee farmers.

The growing income generated from the coffee export demonstrates Ethi opia’s successful achievement in its reform, and the bright future of a large portion of people that are relying on this sector. This optimistic sce nario also extends to partners engaged in the coffee sector.

The Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony is an important part of Ethio pian culture that has been passed from generation to generation. The cer emony has a great social value as it is a moment to come together and celebrate life.

Although Ethiopia produces coffee for the world market and domestic consumption, data shows that our productivity level is still low. To men

12 The Ethiopian Messenger
Coffee is among the precious gifts that Ethiopia has given to the world. More than 3 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide everyday. It is produced in more than 50 countries. More than 120 million people in the world depend on the coffee for their livelihoods.

tion some, Brazil, which started growing coffee only 290 years ago, is the world’s first producer and second coffee consumer, and its coffee produc tivity per hectare is 1.4 tons. Vietnam is 2.1 tons, Colombia’s is 0.9, and Ethiopia, the hub and origin of specialty coffees, has a coffee productivity of only 0.3 tons per hectare.

In the last fiscal year, a record growth in exports has been achieved be cause of proper management of the coffee sector reform with a sense of ownership. Among the key activities undertaken in the reform were: iden tifying the problems of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange and identify ing bottlenecks of the sector with participation of stakeholders in different regional cities. Involving the stakeholders had helped develop a sense of ownership and to combat illegal coffee trade. To improve low productivi ty, better benefit the farmers, and ensure sustainable production of coffee, a package of coffee productivity and quality improvement is in place by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA)- a body that manages the sector.

Another key element behind the highest export earnings was active en

gagements in promoting the sector. Ethiopia hosted the 15th African Spe cialty Coffee Growers Association Conference as well as participated in exhibitions, bazaars, and expos in different parts of the world, including Japan, USA, UAE, Hungary, Senegal, China, and India. If the reforms carried out in the fiscal year and the results achieved can be sustained, Ethiopia can significantly increase its income from its coffee export.

The Benelux countries, Belgium in particular is one of the major distribu tors of for Ethiopian coffee in Europe. The Embassy in Brussels has been hosting different coffee trade promotion events as Benelux mainly Bel gium is an important destination for our coffee.

Coffee lovers in Benelux and the rest of Europe are invited to enjoy Ethi opian delicious original coffee. Come and visit, enjoy the cultural coffee ceremony, taste coffee from its origin, and explore opportunities in the sector.

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Credit: Office of Oromia Regional President

News in Brief


A parliamentary delegation led by Honourable David Mcallister had conducted a working visit in Ethiopia from September 18-22, 2022. During the meetings, both H.E. President Sahle-Work Zewde and Honour able Tagesse Chaffo, Speaker of the HoPRs of the FDRE noted the importance that Ethiopia attaches to the longstanding relations with the European Union. They also briefed them about the governments’ com mitment to solve the conflict in the Northern part of Ethiopia through the AU-led dialogue. The two high officials also intimated the delegation about the hu manitarian aid delivery works being conducted. Prior to the visit of the delegation, H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene, Ethiopian Ambassador to Benelux countries and the EU institutions, had met and briefed them about the current situation in the countries.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and other senior Govern ment officials warmly received President William Ruto, the newly elected president of Kenya at Bole Interna tional Airport on the 6th of October 2022. The Presi dent consulted with Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on the strengthening of the longstanding Ethio-Kenya re lations, and both agreed to work together to utilize the economic potential between the two countries. On this occasion, Ethiopia and Kenya have reached an agree ment for export of wheat grain to Kenya. According to the Office of the President of Kenya, the wheat export agreement will contribute to stabilize the price of food products in Kenya. While in Addis Ababa, Ruto attend ed Safaricom Ethiopia’s national launching event.

H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on 12 August 2022, that Ethiopia has successfully attained its third filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The Prime Minister stated that GERD will remain a real gain and a symbol of mutual coopera tion and development. The premier also congratulated all Ethiopians and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to those who are working tirelessly to bring this grand Ethiopian dream to realization. Prime Minister Abiy further emphasized that it is this generation’s respon sibility to build the country on a solid foundation and pass it on to the next generation.

new President of the Federal Republic of Somalia pays an offical visit to ethiopia

During the visit, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his delegation held bilateral discussions with the delega tion of the Federal Republic of Somalia led by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on 28 September 2022. The two leaders expressed commitment to further strength en relations between Ethiopia and Somalia, particularly focused on enabling a stable Horn Region. President

14 The Ethiopian Messenger
A delgation from the European Parlament visits Ethiopia: meets Ethiopian President and Speaker Ethiopia completes the third-phase filling of The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Ethiopia, Kenya relations to the next heights: President William Ruto on offical visit The

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud expressed appreciation to Ethiopia for the sacrifices made to enable a better So malia and highlighted the importance of collaboration to address common challenges faced by the two coun tries. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, on his part, affirmed Ethiopia’s readiness to work at various levels with the new administration of the Federal Republic of Somalia, with particular emphasis to economic growth.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen said the Government of Ethiopia earnestly tried to avoid the conflict in the northern part of the country, although efforts to make peace were not suc cessful due to the belligerence of the TPLF. He said thanks to the resolve and determination of Ethiopians, the designs of our adversaries have been frustrated, adding that Ethiopia paved a path for peace and recov ery, relying on the ability of the peace-loving Ethiopians to reconcile and make peace on their own. He called for support for Ethiopia’s agenda for peace, reconciliation, and reconstruction and urged respect and support for the AU-led peace process. Any other approach, includ ing the politicization of human rights and unilateral co ercive measures, will not yield any outcome, he stressed.

The Green Legacy initiative in Ethiopia, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, strengthens regional cooperation and will ultimately serve as a crucial platform to ensure peace and stability in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Ethi opia provided high-quality seedlings to some of its neighbours last year and plans to do the same in the years to come in an effort to promote regional coopera tion and combat the negative effects of climate change, Minister Demeke said. The Minister made the remarks during a high-level UN side event held on 22 Septem ber 2022, in New York to discuss Ethiopia’s Green Leg acy initiative and its role in battling climate change and easing the socio-economic crisis. Minister Demeke praised the initiative, which is led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, thanked UNDP for its partnership with Ethiopia and called on support for the Initiative from bilateral and multilateral development partners. Mr. Al haji Fall, speaking on behalf of Ahunna Eziakonwa, As sistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), described the Green Legacy initiative as a stepping stone to a better future for Ethiopia. Announcing UN DP’s plan to share Ethiopia’s experiences with about 10 other countries and make the Green Legacy initiative pan-African, he praised Ethiopia for setting the pace in combating climate change and for fostering community resilience.

On the sidelines of UNGA77 in New York, H.E. Deme ke Mekonnen met with European Union Commission er for International Partnerships, Ms. Jutta Urpilainen on 22 September 2022. During their conversation, Mr. Demeke discussed about the current situation in the northern region of Ethiopia and expressed his country’s keen interest in reinvigorating relations with the EU. Ms.

Nov 2022 15
Jutta Urpilainen also expressed the hope of the Eu ropean Union to see peace in Ethiopia and stands ready to support development efforts of the country. DPM and FM Demeke at UNGA77: we all have a shared destiny that calls for cooperation UNDP to share Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative with 10 African countries DPM and FM Demeke: Ethiopia commits to scale up ties with EU

H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, met with Ms. Rita Laranjinha, Direc tor for Africa at the European External Action Service on 14 September 2022. The Deputy Prime Minister re affirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to working on issues that strengthen Ethiopia’s relationships with the Euro pean Union. He also briefed her on the current situation in Ethiopia in relation to the northern conflict and the peace-building efforts that the Ethiopian government has undertaken thus far. He stated that the Ethiopian government is committed to the AU-led peace process and expressed hope that the EU would support efforts to end the conflict peacefully. Ms. Rita Larnjinha, for her part, stated that the European Union is keen on strength ening its strategic partnerships. She stated that the EU supports the AU-led peace process, emphasizing the EU’s willingness to assist the peace process whenever it is required.

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met and exchanged views with H.E. Stefano Sannino, Secretary General of the European External Action Service on September 14, 2022. On the occasion, the Ambassador briefed the Secretary General on the current situation in Ethiopia particularly focusing on the confidence building mea sures that the Government of Ethiopia has been taking since the declaration of unilateral indefinite humanitar ian truce in March 2022, which was flagrantly violated by the TPLF leadership. She also expressed government’s commitment to address the humanitarian prob lem in the Northern part Ethiopia and noted in this re gard the aggression on the Afar and Amhara region by the TPLF is the primary cause for the disruption of the delivery. Despite this difficult situation, she underlined the Government’s determination to the peaceful reso lution of the conflict under the auspices of the African Union. H.E. Mr. Sannino, on his part, underscored the importance of resolving the conflict peacefully under the African Union leadership and reiterated Europe an Union’s commitment to support the peace process. H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene had also met and ex changed views with Ms. Rita Laranjinha, Director of Africa at the European External Action Service, Ms. Andrea Koulaimah, Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific at the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), and Mr. Hans Stausboll, Acting Director for Africa at the European Union International Partnership (INTPA) to exchange and convey message on the current situa tion in Ethiopia.

On October 5, 2022, Ethiopia took part in the election for the council memberships of International Civil Avi ation Organization (ICAO). The Ethiopian delegation, led by Minister of Transport and Logistics, Dagmawit Moges, took part in the 41st session of ICAO Assem bly. The Minister confirmed that Ethiopia has been in ducted as a member of the organization’s council with an overwhelming majority vote, which marks the coun try’s massive contribution to the global aviation sector.

16 The Ethiopian Messenger
EU says it supports the AU-led peace process
Ethiopia becomes member of ICAO Councel with overwhelming majority vote Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with H.E. Stefano Sannino, Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS)

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with Philippe Bronchain, the new Director General for Africa in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium on the 24th of August 2022. During the meeting, the Ambassador briefed the Director General about the current political and economic situation of Ethiopia, especially measures taken by the government to establish peace and stability in the country. At the meeting, pending bilateral issues between the two countries were also reviewed. The Di rector General, on his part, thanked Ambassador Hirut for the courtesy meeting and the extensive briefing on the current situation of Ethiopia, while expressing interest to work closely to foster the relation between Ethiopia and Belgium. Both sides agreed to continue exchanging updates on issues of mutual concern.

Ambassador Fortuna Dibaco met with Ms. Sanne Lowenhardt, the Head of Horn, East and Southern Af rica of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and exchanged views about the cur rent situation in Ethiopia and related matters. On the current situation in Ethiopia, Ambassador Fortuna ex plained at length about the government’s engagement to address the humanitarian situation, to end the conflict in the northern part of Ethiopia and steps taken to ex pedite the AU led peace talks with the TPLF. She also stressed that the international community needs to con demn the unlawful violation of WFP warehouses and robbery committed by the TPLF that was met to be used to the humanitarian delivery. Ambassador Fortuna also briefed Ms. Lowenhardt about the third filling of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and Ethi opia’s commitment to accomplish the full construction of the dam following international principles of equitable utilisation of water. The Director General, on her part, thanked Ambassador Fortuna for the briefing on the current situation in Ethiopia and expressed interest to work closely to foster the relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands.

H.E. Hirut Zemene,

Benelux Countries held a virtual discussion with Mr. Tom Reisen, Director for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg. During the discussion, H.E. Ambassador Hirut briefed the Director about the current situation in Ethiopia. They also exchanged views on issues of bi lateral, regional, and global issues of mutual concerns. Both sides agreed to continue to hold regular meetings and update each other of new developments.

H.E. Amb. Hirut Zemene met with H.E Ambassador Hugues Chantry, Director General of the Egmont Roy al Institute for International Relations on September 9, 2022. On the occasion the two sides also exchanged views on how to further strengthen the relation that was established earlier this year between the Ethiopian Dip lomatic Strategic Centre and the Egmont Royal Insti tute for International Relations. Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations is one of the most important thinktanks in Belgium with a close link with the EU Institutions. The two sides also discussed about current developments in Ethiopia.

Nov 2022 17
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the FDRE to Ambassador Hirut confers with Director for Political Affairs at the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg Ambassador Fortuna Dibaco holds discussion with Ms. Sanne Lowenhardt Ambassador Hirut Zemene holds a courtesy meeting with the new Director General for Africa at the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Belgium Ambssador Hirut Zemene meets with Ambassador. Hugues Chantry, Director General of the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations

On the occasion of the European Council leader’s ses sion, the Ethiopian diaspora community and friends of Ethiopia in Belgium and from various European countries staged a rally in Brussels (October 20,2022) in front of the EU protesting undue external pressures against Ethiopia. In the rally held in front of the head quarters of the European Commission, demonstrators urged the European Union to refrain from its partiality over the conflict in the Norther part of Ethiopia.

hosted the first and annual Pan African Artificial Intelli gence conference on 4 October 2022. During the open ing, PM Abiy Ahmed highlighted the role of Artificial Intelligence in Ethiopia‘s digital transformation agenda anchored in Digital Ethiopia 2025.


The Science Museum which has been inaugurated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, aims at showcasing Ethi opian ancient wisdom such as traditional medicine, cul tural and traditional knowledge of innovation among others. Together with the official opening of the Science Museum, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed also launched the technology start-ups and public/private institution exhibition that will be on display and open to the pub lic for the next several weeks. The Science Museum


H.E State Minister Dr. Sofiya Kassa officially opened the celebration of “Ethiopia day” at Floriade Expo in Almere city of the Netherlands on September 11, 2022 (Meskerem 1). At the event which was hosted by the Ethiopian Horticulture Producers and Exporters Asso ciation (EHPEA), officials of the Flevoland province, Netherlands, and the Commissioner General of the expo have welcomed the delegation on their arrival. The event combined showcasing Ethiopia’s investment opportunities in the horticulture sector and promoting the country’s unique cultural elements and values. State Minister H.E. Dr. Sofiya Kassa, in her keynote speech, explained about the remarkable achievements Ethiopia has registered under the Green Legacy Initia tive from which other counties around the world can take lessons. H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene also noted “ this celebration of ‘Ethiopia Day’ at the Floriade Expo today is aimed at promoting Ethiopia’s agri-business investment and trade potentials while celebrating Ethi opian New Year.” Mr. Nega Mekuanint, president of the EHPEA, spoke about the state of horticulture business in Ethiopia and the association’s efforts to support the growers and exporters of horticulture.

18 The Ethiopian Messenger
Ethiopians stage a demonstration in front of the European Commission Day” celebrated at Floriade Expo, Almere, the Netherlands Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurates the newly built Science Museum located in the heart of Addis Ababa

Safaricom Ethiopia switched on its mobile telecom munications network and services in Addis Ababa on October 6, 2022. Safaricom Ethiopia held a ceremony on the same day to mark its national launch. Safaricom Ethiopia was granted a nationwide full-service Unified Telecommunications Service Licence and is the first company in the country to launch a competitive mo bile service to Ethio Telecom, which is state-owned. Safaricom Ethiopia’s 2G, 3G and 4G mobile services are available in 11 cities from today including Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar, Awoday, Gondar, Mojo, Harar, Ad ama, Bishoftu and Debre Birhan where it has already started trial services a week ago. Safaricom Ethiopia is owned by an international consortium including Voda fone Group; Safaricom; Vodacom Group; Sumitomo Corporation – one of the largest international trading and business investment companies; and British Inter national Investment (BII) – the UK’s development fi nance institution and impact investor.

noting the longstanding cooperation between Ethiopia and #Belgium. Mr Thewodros Berhanu, chair of Bel go Ethiopian Association (BEA), and Mr Mouctar Bah, president of Brussels Africa Hub (BAH) took part as organizers. In addition, Brussels Enterprise Commerce, and Industry (BECI), Walloon Export and Foreign In vestment Agency (#AWEX), Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT), Hub Brussels (HUB), and Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Belgium-Luxem bourg- Africa- Caribbean- Pacific (CBL, ACP) part nered in organizing this event. The panel of the round table was composed of four speakers including Mr. Temesgen Tilahun, Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission (#EIC), Mr. Shibeshi Bette mariam, Secretary General of Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations (#AACSA) as well as two Belgian firms, Mr. Zeco Ebro Kassim, General Manager of Puratos for the Horn of Africa and Mr.Guillaume Accarain from BIO. Ethiopian Airlines in Benelux, Mr Gemechis Tujuba had took part in the event that had gathered from various Belgian regions.

The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Brussels hosted a business round table pro motion event on the 6th of October 2022. The event aimed at enlightening the #Benelux business commu nities about the untapped business opportunities in the different sectors in Ethiopia. Ambassadors of the two countries H.E. Hirut Zemene & H.E. Stefaan Thijs opened the event with words of encouragement and

The Embassy organizes a fund-raising event for the construction of the GERD and Ethiopians in need of assistance

The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels organized a fund-raising event for the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and for Ethiopian in need of assistance in various areas of the country on Septem ber 17, 2022. Ethiopians from Belgium and the Nether lands and friends of Ethiopia participated in the event. On the occasion, Colonel athlete Derartu Tulu was the guest of honour and has delivered an inspiring message. Engineer Gideon Asfaw, the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Negotiations, also made a video conference presenta tion on the overall developments in the construction of the dam and the level of mobilization and gave further explanations to various questions from the audience. H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene expressed her grati tude for the beginning of collecting the support that was done and urged the participants to continue strengthen ing their support to combat the multifaceted problems

Nov 2022 19
Safaricom Ethiopia switches on its network, services in Addis Ababa The Embassy hosts a “Business with Ethiopia” promotion event

our country faced.

The embassy of Ethiopia has met and discussed with a delegation led by H.E. Mr Ordin Bedri, President of the Harari regional state who were on a working visit in the Netherlands. The delegation was hosted by the VitensEvides Water for Life Foundation from the Netherlands that does various social corporate responsibility-based water projects in Ethiopia - with a view to strengthening the existing cooperation in the water sector. On the occasion a fruitful exchange of views was made on how the Embassy could facilitate the ongoing cooperation in water works and beyond. Harar is one of the historic cities of Ethiopia with UNESCO registered Jugol, the Fortified Historic Town. It is also a region awarded a UNESCO peace prize for its exemplary diversity and peaceful intercommunal coexistence and various reli gions.

residents of the capital, dressed up with colourful tra ditional clothes, flocked to the Square in unison to ob serve the festival. Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Abune Matias and President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia were in attendance of the festival in the capital, Addis Ababa. Members of the clergy, students of the Sunday schools and large number of faithful sing songs and present ed religious performances commemorating the found ing of the Holy Cross. The big bonfire at the center of the Square symbolizes the smoke of incense burned by Queen Helena and indicated the exact place of the whereabouts of the Holy Cross buried for centuries. On the next day, Ethiopian Christians observed the Holy Meskel Holiday by attending church services, visiting relatives and the needy and feasting traditional foods and drinks. The Meskel celebration is one of the UN ESCO registered festivals recognised as an intangible asset. Correspondingly, on the 1st of October 2022, Ethiopians and nationals of Ethiopian descent celebrat ed Meskel in Brussels, Belgium. In honour of the occa sion, Ethiopian Ambassador to Benelux countries and the EU institutions, H.E. Hirut Zemene lighted up the Demera (bonfire) with the congregation of members of the Ethiopian community and invited guests.

Ethiopians celebrated the Meskel Demera festival com memorating the Founding of the True Cross nationwide with various religious and traditional events on 26 of September 2022. In Addis Ababa, the festival was un derway at the Meskel Square, the biggest public space in the country, in the presence of religious leaders and senior government officials. Hundreds of thousands of

Ethiopians drawn from several parts of Oromia and the nation at large have celebrated the Irreechaa thanksgiv ing festival at Hora Harsede, a lake in Bishoftu town in the first week of October 2022. The attendants clad

20 The Ethiopian Messenger
Ethiopia’s Harari Regional State President conducted a working visit in the Netherlands Followers of the christian faith celebrate Meskel Demera festival nationwide Irreechaa celebrated colourfully at Hora Harsede in Bishoftu Culture

with colourful traditional attires and costumes gathered at the lake early in the morning to mark the end of the rainy season and the onset of the brighter spring season, and praise God for his blessings. People in groups flock to the lake chanting songs, waving clubs painted in the Aba Gada tricolor of black, red and white. Aba Gadas, Hadhaa Sinqees, government officials and guests at tended the colorful festival. Irreechaa is also a UNES CO registered festival recognised as an intangible asset.

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene had a discussion with the Board of Flemish Inter-University Umbrella Orga nization for Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS) through a cultural and friendly consultation held at the Embassy of Ethiopia on the 18th of August 2022. The consultation was made in the spirit of celebrat ing the more than two decades-long higher education cooperation and strengthening it further. Professor Stefaan Smis, President of the Board of VLIR-UOS, and Kristien Verbrugghen, the Director at VLIR-UOS made overviews of activities of the institution in rela tion to the Inter-University Cooperation and the vari ous projects, as well as the newly approved eight new projects and the scholarship programs of VLIR-UOS in Ethiopia. During the meeting, achievements made through the education Cooperation program and the challenges particularly related to the COVID-19 pan demic and conflict-related issues were reviewed. Both sides agreed to work closely to tackle the challenges and further strengthen the higher education cooperation Program between the two Countries. It is to be recalled that the Flamish Universities Union has established co operation with 12 universities in Ethiopia.

On 20 September 2022, the Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels accorded recognition to Mr. Philp Willy De Sutter head of FINADO, a non-profit Belgian NGO that has been supporting children in need in Ethiopia for twenty years. On the occasion, H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene expressed gratitude for the critical intervention that Mr. De Sutter and his organization are making in humanitarian work in Addis Ababa and its surround ings. Moreover, A founder of a non-profit NGO in Lux embourg, Regards L’Enfants d’Ethiopie, who is also the current Honorary Consul of Ethiopia to the Grand Dutchy of Luxembourg, Mrs. Henoke Courte and the Board Members have been recognized by the Embassy for the humanitarian work in Ethiopia on 15 November 2022. Regards L’Enfants d’Ethiopie has been working in Ethiopia for the past 30 years providing care and support to children in need, particularly children on the streets. The Embassy has awarded a certificate of encouragement to both organizations in recognition of their noble service in Ethiopia and encouraged them to continue their work as friends of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian diaspora community in the Benelux have been demonstrating an exemplary commitment to stand by their country in many fields and specially in the past two years where due to the conflict tremendous social and economic community support were needed. In this issue, we would like to put few examples of these heart-warming deeds. Mr Yohannis Zerfu, who leaves in Belgium had supported the fight against the COVID pandemic by mobilizing protective masks and donating it to the Ministry of Health at early stage while con

Nov 2022 21
Ambassador Hirut Zemene confers with the Board of Vlir-uos The Embassy expressed gratitude to exemplary humanitarian engagement The Ethiopian Diaspora Community: an exemplary deed

tinued his community work by extending psychosocial support to children in need in the IDP centres currently in Ethiopia. Ms Haimanot Belay from the Netherlands had also committed to consistently engaging Ethiopi ans in need by taking initiative to travel to various IDP centres and celebrating holidays with them and offering comfort twice in a year span. Artist Ejigayhu Tesfaye, one of the few early women graduates of the Ale Felege Selam Fine Arts School in Addis Ababa, had expressed her love to her country by donating a bronze sculpture she made by handing it over in person to the Ethiopian National museum. The Embassy is proud to recognise and show a glimpse of the many deeds done by the be loved Ethiopian community in the Benelux.

Ethiopian athlete Yalemzerf Yehualaw become the youngest winner of London Marathon held on Sunday, 2 October 2022. Her victory, in two hours, 17 minutes and 25 seconds, was the third fastest time ever in the women’s race, the fastest debut time in history and an Ethiopian record. At the 2022 Berlin Marathon, Tigist Assefa of Ethiopia also defied the odds with a shocking victory, clocking 2:15:37 to obliterate the course record by almost three minutes. The run is the third-fastest women’s marathon ever, and, most astonishingly, a per sonal best of nearly 20 minutes on September 25, 2022. In a separate tournament for athletes under 20, Ethio pia finished in the third place with six gold, five silver, and one bronze medals at 2022 World Athletics U20 Championships in Cali, Colombia over the first week of August 2022. During the event, Ethiopian Athletes excelled in the Colombian city, Cali, with fabulous vic tory.

Diplomats and staff members of the Embassy of Fed eral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Brussels visit ed the Royal Palace of Brussels on the 23rd of August 2022. The visit was organized by the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy Section in collaboration with Ms. Naomi Meulemans, a Belgian of Ethiopian origin and a found er of Ethiopian Art Conservation Program. The Royal Palace of Brussels is the King’s administrative residence and main workplace, where His Majesty works daily with his staff. At the palace His Majesty receives the representatives of political institutions, foreign guests (heads of state, ambassadors) and other guests. The Embassy had hosted various events to promote Ethiopian cultural heritages and touristic attractions to the Benelux community while it will continue to do so in the new Ethiopian calendar year!

22 The Ethiopian Messenger
Ethiopian Athlets win in various athletics races Cultural exchange at the Royal Palace of Brussels for Ethiopian Embassy staff Source: Hawiman Getachew Science MuseumAddis Ababa, Ethiopia Source: Travel to Ethiopia Danakil Depression - Afar, Ethiopia

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