The Ethiopian Messenger 21 - May 2022

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Ethiopia at the 6th EU-AU Summit Ethiopië op de 6e EU-AU-topontmoeting L’Éthiopie à la 6ème édition du sommet UE-UA Politics The Ethiopian delegation led by H.E. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has taken part in the 6th AU-EU Summit held in Brussels from 17-18 February 2022.

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Parliamentary Diplomacy


Ethiopia as a founding member of the Organization of Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS), which has 78 member countries, has been taking part in the OACPS-European Union Parliamentary Assembly, which was established under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement between OACPS and European Union.

Adwa is a place in the northern part of Ethiopia where the final fight took place between the Ethiopian patriots assembled from all over the country and the fascist Italian army that aimed to conquer and exploit Ethiopia as part of the plan of Europe to scramble for Africa.

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May 2022


Simien Mountains National Park Source: Travel to Ethiopia


The Ethiopian Messenger

ውድ አንባቢያን

Dear Readers,

መልእክተ- ኢትዮጵያ በ21ኛ ዕትሙ በሀገራችን እንዲሁም በኤምባሲያችን ባለፉት ሶስት ወራት የተከናወኑ አንኳር ጉዳዮች ላይ የተለያዩ ጹሁፎች ይዞ ለአንባቢያን ቀርቧል።

The 21st issue of the Ethiopian Messenger will focus on the Embassy’s activities and Ethiopia’s major engagements in the past three months.

በቅድሚያ ሀገራችን በክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዶ/ር አብይ አህመድ ተወክላ በስድስተኛው የአፍሪካ ህበረት እና የአውሮፓ ህብረት የመሪዎች ጉባኤ ላይ ያደረገችውን ተሳትፎ የሚዳስስ ጹሑፍ ቀርቧል።

Our first article embraces Ethiopia’s participation represented by H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the 6th AU-EU Summit held in Brussels.

በመቀጠል በፈረንሳይ በተካሄደ 60ኛው የአካፓ እና 41ኛው የአካፓ እና የአውሮፓ ህብረት ጥምር የፓርላማ ጉባኤ ላይ ሀገራችን ያደረገችውን ተሳትፎ የሚያትት ጹሁፍም ተካቷል።

We then have an article that covers Ethiopia’s High-level participation at the 60th Session of the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly and the 41st Session of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, France.

ከዚያ በማስከተል የአድዋ ድል ላይ ያተኮረ ጹሁፍ በመጽሔቱ ውስጥ ተካቷል፡፡ በመጨረሻም ባለፉት ሶስት ወራቶች ኢትዮጵያን በሚመለከት የወጡ አንኳር ዜናዎች ተጠናቅረው ቀርበዋል፡፡ መልካም ንባብ! የአርትኦት ኮሚቴ

A brief account on the victory of Adwa which is colourfully celebrated in the month of March and its significance is also covered in this issue. Finally, the “News in brief” column will carry major news stories on Ethiopia covering in the past three months. We hope you will enjoy this issue of the Ethiopian Messenger. The Editorial Team

Content 1. Ethiopia at the 6th EU-AU Summit


Ethiopië op de 6e EU-AU-topontmoeting 6 L’Éthiopie à la 6ème édition du sommet UE-UA 8 2. Ethiopia participates at the OACPS and the EU-OACPS Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) 10 Ethiopië neemt deel aan de OACPS en de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering EU-OACPS (PPV)


L’Éthiopie participe à l’OEACP et à l’Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire UE-OEACP (APP) 14 3. Victory of Adwa: The Spirit of Justice and Independence


4. News in Brief 18

May 2022



Ethiopia at the 6th EU-AU Summit The summit was a timely opportunity to have close consultation with European partner on the need to ascertain the sovereignty and territorial integrity against the blatant acts of the TPLF clique.

Credit: European Union The Ethiopian delegation led by H.E. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has taken part in the 6th AU-EU Summit held in Brussels from 17-18 February 2022. It is to be recalled that the summit was delayed for more than two years due to the COVID pandemic. H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has attended the plenary gathering where an outcome declaration was issued “A Joint Vision for 2030” while conferring on the sideline with various EU high level officials and heads of state and government. The summit deliberated on multitude of issues, including Health, vaccine, private sector development, connectivity, security, peace and sustainable economic development and migration. During the meeting, a series of thematic roundtables were organized and debated by participants with a view to flesh out concrete and deliverable initiatives. The Summit also served as platform to introduce flagship initiatives for leaders of the two continents of which the EU – Africa Global Gateway Investment Package being the main one. The Africa-Europe Investment Package of EUR 150 billion that was announced by the European union side to support a common ambition for 2030 and AU Agenda 2063. This is part of EU’s Global Gateway strategy, which seeks to invest €300 billion in public and private infrastructure schemes between 2021 and 2027. The Global Gateway strategy, which was announced in December 2021, aims to increase investments both in hard and soft infrastructure projects notably in the digital, climate and energy, transport, health, education and research sectors.


The Ethiopian Messenger

It is an important expression of partnership that the EU reaffirmed its commitment to provide at least 450 million vaccine doses to Africa. This would allow the attempt to vaccinate 60% of Africans by the end of this year. It was also significant that the summit took a noteworthy step towards boosting Africa’s strategic autonomy in pharma-manufacturing by unveiling an initiative supported by the European Union that makes six African countries beneficiary of the MRNA technology. The crux of the summit outcomes will be adding value to the decades old continent to conflict relations created with a proper follow-up mechanism. It was therefore important that the summit declaration has underlined this fact. In this connection, the upcoming college to college consultation between the AU and the EU will be expected with wide interest particularly on ways and means to forge common position on vaccine technology transfer. This will be a concrete step in promoting self-reliance in vaccine production to the continent and mutually reinforcing in and out interconnected world. The summit was a success in many ways, beginning from the turnout, as all 27 heads of state/government of the EU as well as 40 leaders from Africa side attended it, revealing the importance the two sides attached to their relations. Furthermore, the summit was held against the backdrop of the pandemic, following a 16-month delay due to the pandemic, in a face-to-face format. Compared to the past summits of the two continents, the 6th Summit was packed with tangible decisions that could change the lives of millions in the two continents.

Credit: Office of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Meetings of Ethiopian Delegation on the Sideline of the Summit Apart from participating in the EU-AU Summit, Ethiopia’s delegation led by H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took the opportunity to meet high officials of the European Union and fellow leaders of various countries. During his stay in Brussels, Prime Minister Abiy, among others, met with H.E. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, H.E. Janez Jansa, Prime Minister of Slovenia, H.E. Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, and H.E. Magdalena Andersson Prime Minister of Sweden. He has taken part in the growth financing roundtable jointly chaired by current chairs of the AU and the EU. Furthermore, H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had fruitful exchange of views with the leaders of the European Union, including H.E. Charles Michel, President of the European Council and H.E. Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Ethiopia has signed the Lomé convention on 28 February 1975. The EU partnership with Ethiopia is currently governed by the Cotonou agreement, which comes to an end in a few months’ time and is set to be replaced by the post-Cotonou cooperation agreement. It is to be recalled that with the aim to consolidate the political, economic, and social relations that the two continents enjoy, the two sides established a joint EU-Africa strategy in 2000. Since then, Africa and EU member countries have held six consecutive summits, including the 6th Summit, which was held in Brussels from 17-18 of February 2022, serving as a platform to engage in political and policy dialogues and define their cooperative relationship.

The summit was a timely opportunity to have close consultation with European partner on the need to ascertain the sovereignty and territorial integrity against the blatant acts of the TPLF clique. It was also quite important to end the destructive conflict and addressing humanitarian violations. On building national consensus, peace and reconciliation, measures, including furnishing the government work for national dialogue by establishing the National Dialogue Commission, the release of high-profile opposition party leaders, the commitment to fair humanitarian to the exact possible were well noted by counterparts during the bilateral talks. Furthermore, a mutual understanding has also been reached to strengthen cooperation in various areas of common interest.

May 2022


Ethiopië op de 6e EU-AU-topontmoeting De top bood de gelegenheid voor nauw overleg met de Europese partners over de noodzaak om de soevereiniteit en de territoriale integriteit van Ethiopië te waarborgen tegen het schaamteloze optreden van de TPLF.

Credit: De Europese Unie De Ethiopische delegatie onder leiding van Abiy Ahmed, minister-president van de Federale Democratische Republiek Ethiopië, heeft deelgenomen aan de 6e topontmoeting tussen de AU en de EU, die van 17 tot en met 18 februari 2022 in Brussel is gehouden. Er werd aan herinnerd dat de top meer dan twee jaar vertraging heeft opgelopen ten gevolge van de COVID-pandemie. Premier Abiy Ahmed woonde de plenaire vergadering bij waar een slotverklaring werd afgelegd, getiteld “Een gedeelde visie voor 2030”, en had in de marge daarvan een afspraak met verscheidene hoge EU-functionarissen en staatshoofden en regeringsleiders. Tijdens de top is gesproken over een breed scala van onderwerpen, waaronder gezondheid, vaccins, ontwikkeling van de particuliere sector, connectiviteit, veiligheid, vrede, duurzame economische ontwikkeling en migratie. Tijdens de bijeenkomst werd een reeks rondetafelgesprekken gehouden waar de deelnemers de verschillende kwesties bespraken met het oog op de uitwerking van concrete en haalbare initiatieven. De top diende ook als platform om vlaggenschipinitiatieven te presenteren aan de leiders van beide continenten, waarvan het belangrijkste het investeringspakket EU-Afrika “Global Gateway” is: de Europese Unie heeft 150 miljard euro aangekondigd ter ondersteuning van een gemeenschappelijke ambitie voor 2030 en de Agenda 2063 van de AU. Dit initiatief maakt deel uit van de Global Gateway-strategie van de EU, die tot doel heeft tussen 2021 en 2027 300 miljard euro te investeren in openbare en particuliere infrastructuurprojecten. Deze strategie, die in december 2021 werd aangekondigd, is gericht op meer investeringen in materiële en immateriële infrastructuurprojecten, met name in de sectoren digitaal, klimaat en energie, vervoer, gezondheid, onderwijs en onderzoek.


The Ethiopian Messenger

De herbevestiging door de EU van haar toezegging om ten minste 450 miljoen doses vaccin aan Afrika te verstrekken, is een belangrijke uiting van partnerschap. Hierdoor zou tegen het einde van het jaar kunnen worden getracht 60% van de Afrikanen te vaccineren. De top heeft ook een belangrijke stap gezet in de versterking van de strategische autonomie van Afrika op het gebied van de farmaceutische productie door de onthulling van een door de EU gesteund initiatief waardoor zes Afrikaanse landen kunnen profiteren van MRNA-technologie. Het belangrijkste resultaat van de top was een meerwaarde te geven aan de betrekkingen tussen de 2 continenten, die al verscheidene decennia in een conflict verwikkeld zijn, en een passend follow-up-mechanisme in het leven te roepen. Het is dan ook van belang dat dit feit in de verklaring van de top wordt onderstreept. In dit verband zal met grote belangstelling worden uitgekeken naar het komende overleg tussen de AU en de EU, met name over de vraag hoe een gemeenschappelijk standpunt inzake de overdracht van technologie op het gebied van vaccins kan worden vastgesteld. Dit zal een concrete stap zijn in de bevordering van de autonomie van het continent bij de productie van vaccins en de wederzijdse versterking in een onderling verbonden wereld. De top was in vele opzichten een succes, te beginnen met de aanwezigheid van 27 staatshoofden en regeringsleiders van de EU en 40 Afrikaanse leiders, waaruit blijkt hoeveel belang beide partijen hechten aan hun relatie. Bovendien vond de top plaats tegen de achtergrond van de pandemie, die 16 maanden vertraging veroorzaakte. In vergelijking met eerdere topontmoetingen van de twee continenten was de 6e top rijk aan tastbare

Credit: Het kantoor van de Ethiopische Eerste Minister besluiten die het leven van miljoenen mensen op beide continenten kunnen veranderen. Vergaderingen van de Ethiopische delegatie in de marge van de top De Ethiopische delegatie onder leiding van premier Abiy Ahmed woonde niet alleen de EU-AU-top bij, maar maakte ook van de gelegenheid gebruik om hoge EU-functionarissen en ambtgenoten uit verschillende landen te ontmoeten. Tijdens zijn verblijf in Brussel had premier Abiy onder meer ontmoetingen met de Franse president Emmanuel Macron, de Sloveense premier Janez Jansa, de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz en de Zweedse premier Magdalena Andersson. Hij nam deel aan de ronde tafel over de financiering van groei, die gezamenlijk werd geleid door de huidige voorzitters van de AU en de EU. Daarnaast heeft premier Abiy Ahmed een vruchtbare gedachtewisseling gehad met leiders van de Europese Unie, onder wie Charles Michel, voorzitter van de Europese Raad, en Ursula Von der Leyen, voorzitter van de Europese Commissie. De top bood de gelegenheid voor nauw overleg met de Europese partners over de noodzaak om de soevereiniteit en de territoriale integriteit van Ethiopië te waarborgen tegen het schaamteloze optreden van de TPLF. Ook werd benadrukt dat het van belang is een einde te maken aan het destructieve conflict en de schendingen van de mensenrechten aan te pakken. De inspanningen om een nationale consensus te bereiken, de maatregelen om vrede en verzoening te bewerkstelligen, waaronder het initiatief van de regering voor een nationale dialoog door de instelling van de Nationale Dialoogcommissie, de vrijlating van prominente leiders

van oppositiepartijen, alsmede de toezegging om humanitaire acties zo billijk mogelijk te laten verlopen, werden door onze ambtgenoten tijdens de bilaterale gesprekken goed opgemerkt. Voorts werd een wederzijdse overeenkomst bereikt om de samenwerking op verschillende gebieden van gemeenschappelijk belang te versterken. Ethiopië heeft de Overeenkomst van Lomé op 28 februari 1975 ondertekend. Het partnerschap van de EU met Ethiopië wordt momenteel geregeld door de Overeenkomst van Cotonou, die over enkele maanden verstrijkt en zal worden vervangen door de partnerschapsovereenkomst van Post-Cotonou. Er werd aan herinnerd dat de twee partijen in 2000 een gezamenlijke strategie EU-Afrika hebben vastgesteld om de politieke, economische en sociale betrekkingen tussen de twee continenten te consolideren. Sindsdien hebben Afrika en de lidstaten van de EU zes opeenvolgende topontmoetingen gehouden, waaronder de 6de topontmoeting, die op 17 en 18 februari 2022 in Brussel plaatsvond en als platform diende om een politieke en strategische dialoog aan te gaan en hun samenwerkingsrelatie vast te stellen.

May 2022


L’Éthiopie à la 6ème édition du sommet UE-UA Le sommet a été l’occasion d’une consultation étroite avec les partenaires européens sur la nécessité d’assurer la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale de l’Éthiopie contre les actes flagrants du FLPT.

Crédit : L’Union européenne La délégation éthiopienne conduite par Abiy Ahmed, Premier ministre de la République fédérale démocratique d’Éthiopie, a participé au 6ème sommet UA-UE qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles les 17 et 18 février 2022. Il convient de rappeler que le sommet a été retardé de plus de deux ans en raison de la pandémie de COVID. Le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed a assisté à la réunion plénière au cours de laquelle une déclaration finale a été publiée, intitulée “Une vision commune pour 2030”, et s’est entretenu en marge de la réunion avec plusieurs hauts fonctionnaires et chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’UE. Le sommet a délibéré sur une multitude de questions, notamment la santé, les vaccins, le développement du secteur privé, la connectivité, la sécurité, la paix, le développement économique durable et les migrations. Au cours de la réunion, une série de tables rondes ont été organisées durant lesquelles les participants ont débattu des diverses thématiques en vue d’élaborer des initiatives concrètes et réalisables. Le sommet a également servi de plateforme pour présenter des initiatives phares aux dirigeants des deux continents, dont la principale est le paquet d’investissements de la passerelle mondiale UE-Afrique : un montant de 150 milliards d’euros a été annoncé par l’Union européenne pour soutenir une ambition commune pour 2030 et l’Agenda 2063 de l’UA. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre de la stratégie “Global Gateway” de l’UE, qui vise à investir 300 milliards d’euros dans des projets d’infrastructure publics et privés entre 2021 et 2027. Cette stratégie, annoncée en décembre 2021, a pour but d’accroître les investissements dans les projets d’infrastructures matérielles et immatérielles, notamment dans les secteurs du numérique, du climat et de l’énergie, des transports, de la santé, de l’éducation et de la recherche.


The Ethiopian Messenger

Le fait que l’UE ait réaffirmé son engagement à fournir au moins 450 millions de doses de vaccin à l’Afrique est une expression importante du partenariat. Cela permettrait de tenter de vacciner 60 % de la population africaine d’ici la fin de l’année. Le sommet a également permis de franchir une étape importante dans le renforcement de l’autonomie stratégique de l’Afrique en matière de fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques en dévoilant une initiative soutenue par l’Union européenne, qui permet à six pays africains de bénéficier de la technologie MRNA. Le sommet a eu pour principal résultat d’ajouter de la valeur aux relations entre les 2 continents, qui ont été conflictuelles pendant plusieurs décennies, et de créer un mécanisme de suivi approprié. Il est donc important que la déclaration du sommet ait souligné ce fait. À cet égard, la prochaine consultation entre l’UA et l’UE sera attendue avec un grand intérêt, notamment en ce qui concerne les moyens d’adopter une position commune sur le transfert de technologie en termes de vaccins. Il s’agira d’une étape concrète dans la promotion de l’autonomie du continent en matière de production de vaccins et d’un renforcement mutuel dans un monde interconnecté. Le sommet a été un succès à bien des égards, à commencer par le taux de participation, puisque les 27 chefs d’État ou de gouvernement de l’UE ainsi que 40 dirigeants africains y ont assisté, ce qui témoigne de l’importance que les deux parties attachent à leurs relations. En outre, le sommet s’est tenu en face à face dans un contexte de pandémie, après que celle-ci a occasionné un retard de 16 mois. Par rapport aux précédents sommets des deux continents, le 6ème sommet était riche en décisions tangibles qui pourraient changer la vie de millions de personnes sur les deux continents

Crédit : Le bureau du Premier ministre éthiopien Réunions de la délégation éthiopienne en marge du sommet

forcer la coopération dans divers domaines d’intérêt commun.

En plus de participer au sommet UE-UA, la délégation éthiopienne conduite par le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed a profité de l’occasion pour rencontrer de hauts responsables de l’Union européenne et des homologues de divers pays. Au cours de son séjour à Bruxelles, le Premier ministre Abiy a, entre autres, rencontré Emmanuel Macron, Président français, Janez Jansa, Premier ministre slovène, Olaf Scholz, Chancelier allemand, et Magdalena Andersson, Première ministre suédoise. Il a pris part à la table ronde sur le financement de la croissance dirigée conjointement par les présidents actuels de l’UA et de l’UE. En outre, le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed a eu un échange de vues fructueux avec les dirigeants de l’Union européenne, dont Charles Michel, Président du Conseil européen et Ursula Von der Leyen, présidente de la Commission européenne.

L’Éthiopie a signé la convention de Lomé le 28 février 1975. Le partenariat de l’UE avec l’Éthiopie est actuellement régi par l’accord de Cotonou, qui arrive à échéance dans quelques mois et doit être remplacé par l’accord de coopération post-Cotonou. Il convient de rappeler que dans le but de consolider les relations politiques, économiques et sociales dont jouissent les deux continents, les deux parties ont établi une stratégie conjointe UE-Afrique en 2000. Depuis lors, l’Afrique et les pays membres de l’UE ont organisé six sommets consécutifs, dont le 6ème sommet, qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles les 17 et 18 février 2022, et qui a servi de plateforme pour engager des dialogues politiques et stratégiques et définir leur relation de coopération.

Le sommet a été l’occasion d’une consultation étroite avec les partenaires européens sur la nécessité d’assurer la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale de l’Éthiopie contre les actes flagrants du FLPT. L’importance de mettre fin au conflit destructeur et de s’attaquer aux violations des droits de l’homme a également été soulignée. Les efforts ayant pour but d’arriver à un consensus national, les mesures afin d’assurer la paix et la réconciliation, notamment l’initiative gouvernementale en vue d’un dialogue national passant par la création de la Commission du dialogue national, la libération de dirigeants de partis d’opposition de premier plan, ainsi que l’engagement en faveur d’une action humanitaire aussi équitable que possible, ont été bien notées par nos homologues au cours des entretiens bilatéraux. En outre, un accord mutuel a également été conclu pour ren-

May 2022


Ethiopia particpates at the OACPS and the EU-OACPS Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) Honorable Speaker Tagesse Chaffo has expressed Ethiopia’s unwavering stance in playing its part in strengthening the institutional capacity of OACPS to make it fit for purpose, efficient, independent and a visible actor in the multilateral fora.

Honorable speaker Tagesse Chaffo. Credit: The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels Ethiopia as a founding member of the Organization of Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS), which has 78 member countries, has been taking part in the OACPS-European Union Parliamentary Assembly, which was established under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement between OACPS and European Union. The Joint Parliamentary Assembly is a platform to exchange views on global political, economic, social, and environmental issues between members of Parliament of OACPS on the one hand and OACPS-EU assemblies on the other. This year, the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly was held for the 60th time from 29 to 31 March 2022, followed by the 41st session of the OACPS-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly held between 01-03 April 2022, in Strasbourg, France. This meeting has been the first in-person Session of the Assemblies since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Ethiopia participated in those Assemblies with a high-level delegation led by the Speaker of the House of Peoples Representatives, Honorable Tagesse Chaffo. The Assemblies were preceded by three meetings of the OACPS Committees, i.e., Committee on the Political Affairs, Committee on the Economic Development, Finance, and Trade, and the Committee on Social and Environmental Affairs, held between 29-30 March 2022. The Committees’ meetings discussed issues related to the challenges of peace and security, trade barriers as well as climate change among Members of the OACPS. The 60th OACPS Parliamentary Assembly The 60th session of the OACPS Parliamentary Assembly started its meeting by deliberating on the outcomes of the various committee meetings that dwelt on the status of peace and security issues in the region, ways and means to collaborate in managing the adverse impacts of the COVID pandemic and strengthening the stature of the OACPS to make it fit for


The Ethiopian Messenger

purpose to the current global reality. Based on the reports presented by the Committee on the Economic Development, Finance and Trade, and the Committee on Social and Environmental Affairs, Participants noted that the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM) will put pressure on exporters to the EU, to decarbonize the production of certain goods and that many exporters and producers in the least Developed Countries (LDCs) and other developing countries such as those members of the OACPS will face difficulties to finance necessary investments. They also discussed trade issues guaranteeing access to the European Market for producers in the framework of new regulations arising from the green pact for Europe. The OACPS members also discussed the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and the list of high-risk third countries with strategic deficiencies in their anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime. Members requested that a study be carried out on the impact of the list on their countries. Around-table discussion of Speakers and Deputy Speakers of National Assemblies also took place under the title “OACPS: Innovation and Resilience” and Honorable Mr. Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, Secretary-General of OACPS called on Members to support the work of the OACPS, enhance the visibility of the OACPS and its work in their respective countries and the international arena, and invited them to commemorate key OACPS days in their national assemblies. During this discussion, Honorable Speaker Tagesse Chaffo has expressed Ethiopia’s unwavering stance in playing its part in strengthening the institutional capacity of OACPS to make it fit for purpose, efficient, independent and a visible actor in the multilateral fora. He also pointed out important items that would enrich the Rules of Procedure of the OACPS-EU joint parliamentary assembly under revision.

The meeting has also deliberated on issues that will be discussed at the 41st session of the OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, and the tabling of the current Ukraine-Russia Crisis as the JPA agenda of an urgent debate was hotly debated among members of the OACPS reflecting different views. The 41st OACPS-EU JPA On the 1st of April, the 41st Session Joint Parliamentary Assembly was opened by the statement of the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, the French State Minister for European Affairs H.E. Clement Beaune, the Co-Presidents of the OACPS-EU Parliamentary Assembly Honorable Carlos Zorrinho and Honorable Peter Kenilorea, the Secretary-General for OACPS Honorable Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti and the Mayor of Strasbourg City Jeanne Barseghian. In her opening remarks, Honorable Metsola underlined that the parliamentary cooperation between Europe and the OACPS, which is based on mutual respect, democracy promotion and rule of law will further continue under the new Post-Cotonou Partnership Agreement. The European side also raised issues like democracy rule of law, mutual respect, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. They particularly emphasized the Ukraine-Russia crisis and its impacts on food security and called for the Assembly to stand with Ukraine and condemned the aggression. In this regard, the representative of the current EU presidency, the French State Minister Beaune underlined that his country is ready to support the agricultural activities of the developing countries in their struggle to achieve food security. The OACPS side, on the other hand, stated the need to cooperate to address the impacts of climate change, particularly emphasizing the importance of strengthening the dialogue for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Honorable Tagesse Chaffo, in addition to taking part in the opening ceremony, has delivered an intervention on the need to expedite the ratification of the Post-Cotonou Agreement. He also further stated the importance of creating a consultation mechanism in the implementation phase of the agreement to ascertain ownership, and common understanding.

Committee about the current situation in Ethiopia, particularly the government’s efforts to bring sustainable peace and stability in the country. The Members of the OACPS and the EU have clearly stated their support for EU-OACPS collaboration on key issues such as economic recovery and investment, the fight against global warming, environmental protection, and ensuring universal health coverage and access to COVID-19 vaccines for all. The assembly adopted a resolution. A special session was held to celebrate the JPA 20 years of existence, during which the many accomplishments and achievements of the JPA were highlighted particularly the establishment of a solid basis for constructive dialogue and international political cooperation with a focus on multilateral solutions. The importance of the parliamentary dimension of the OACPS-EU partnership was another key message of the commemoration. The Cotonu and Post-Cotonu agreements were discussed at length following the statement of Madam Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner of the International Partnership, and her team. The session also featured young leaders from the OACPS Members who expressed their views on the Post-Cotonou agreement. Speakers highlighted the need to engage young people by establishing a youth forum under the revised Georgetown Agreement. Among the Panelists, the 2021, Jutta Urpilainen’s Special Advisor on Youth from Ethiopia Bitania Lulu underlined that the Post-Cotonou agreement should consider demography and focus on youth, particularly on youth education and capacity building, job creation, and youth empowerment, and it has got wide acceptance among the participants. The participation of the Ethiopian delegation that included sideline engagement with the OACPS and EU members of Parliament had made it possible to forge common positions on mutual interests with the OACPSEU member countries. It has also helped a balanced reflection on the current situation in Ethiopia. The next session of the OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly is agreed to take place in Mozambique.

Prior to the full Assembly session, Honorable Dima Nego (Ph.D.), Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Standing Committee of the House of Representatives has taken the opportunity to explain to members of the Political

Honorable Dima Nego (PhD). Credit: The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels

May 2022


Ethiopië neemt deel aan de OACPS en de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering EU-OACPS (PPV) Tagesse Chaffo uiting aan het onwrikbare standpunt van Ethiopië om zijn rol te spelen bij de versterking van de institutionele capaciteit van de OACPS, zodat deze geschikt is voor het beoogde doel, doeltreffend en onafhankelijk kan optreden en een zichtbare speler in multilaterale fora kan worden.

Tagesse Chaffo. Crediet: Ambassade van Ethiopië in Brussel Ethiopië heeft als stichtend lid van de 78 leden tellende Organisatie van Staten in Afrika, het Caribisch gebied en de Stille Oceaan (OACPS) deelgenomen aan de Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS -Europese Unie, die is ingesteld bij de Partnerschapsovereenkomst van Cotonou tussen de OACPS en de Europese Unie. De Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering is een platform voor de uitwisseling van standpunten over wereldwijde politieke, economische, sociale en milieukwesties tussen OACPS-parlementariërs enerzijds en de OACPS-EU vergaderingen anderzijds. Dit jaar werd de Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS voor de 60e keer gehouden van 29 tot en met 31 maart 2022, gevolgd door de 41e zitting van de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS -EU van 1 tot en met 3 april 2022, in Straatsburg, Frankrijk. Deze bijeenkomst is de eerste rechtstreekse zitting van de Vergaderingen sinds het uitbreken van COVID-19 in 2020. Ethiopië nam aan de Vergaderingen deel met een delegatie op hoog niveau onder leiding van de voorzitter van het Huis van volksafgevaardigden, Tagesse Chaffo. De Vergaderingen werden voorafgegaan door drie vergaderingen van de OACPS -commissies, namelijk de Commissie politieke zaken, de Commissie economische ontwikkeling, financiën en handel, en de Commissie sociale en milieuzaken, die op 29 en 30 maart 2022 werden gehouden. Tijdens de commissievergaderingen werden kwesties in verband met de uitdagingen van vrede en veiligheid, handelsbelemmeringen en klimaatverandering onder OACPS -leden besproken. De 60e Parlementaire Vergadering van de OACPS De Parlementaire Vergadering van de OACPS begon haar 60e zitting met een bespreking van de resultaten van de verschillende commissievergaderingen waarin het vraagstuk van vrede en veiligheid in de regio, manieren om samen te werken bij het aanpakken van de negatieve gevolgen van


The Ethiopian Messenger

de COVID-pandemie en het versterken van het aanzien van de OACPS om haar relevant te maken voor de huidige mondiale realiteit aan de orde kwam. Op basis van verslagen van de Commissie economische ontwikkeling, financiën en handel en de Commissie sociale en milieuzaken namen de deelnemers er nota van dat het EU-mechanisme voor koolstofcorrectie aan de grens (CBAM) exporteurs naar de EU onder druk zal zetten om de productie van bepaalde producten koolstofarmer te maken en dat veel exporteurs en producenten uit de minst ontwikkelde landen (MOL’s) en andere ontwikkelingslanden, zoals OACPS-leden, moeilijkheden zullen ondervinden om de nodige investeringen te financieren. Zij wisselden ook van gedachten over handelskwesties die de toegang van producenten tot de Europese markt moeten waarborgen in het kader van de nieuwe regelgeving die voortvloeit uit de Green Deal voor Europa. De OACPS-leden bespraken ook de EU-lijst van niet-coöperatieve belastingjurisdicties en de lijst van derde landen met een hoog risico die strategische tekortkomingen vertonen in hun regelingen ter bestrijding van het witwassen van geld en de financiering van terrorisme. De leden verzochten om een studie naar de gevolgen van de lijst voor hun landen. Onder de titel “OACPS: innovatie en veerkracht” vond tevens een rondetafelgesprek plaats met de voorzitters en vicevoorzitters van de nationale vergaderingen, waarbij Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, secretaris-generaal van de OACPS, de leden opriep het werk van de OACPS te steunen, de zichtbaarheid van de OACPS en haar werkzaamheden in hun respectieve landen en op het internationale toneel te verbeteren, en hen uitnodigde de belangrijkste dagen van de OACPS in hun nationale vergaderingen te herdenken. Tijdens de bespreking gaf Tagesse Chaffo uiting aan het onwrikbare standpunt van Ethiopië om zijn rol te spelen bij de versterking van de institutionele capaciteit van de OACPS, zodat deze geschikt is voor het beoogde doel, doeltreffend en onafhankelijk kan optreden en

een zichtbare speler in multilaterale fora kan worden. Hij bracht ook belangrijke punten naar voren ter verrijking van het reglement van orde van de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS-EU, dat momenteel wordt herzien. Tijdens de bijeenkomst werden ook de kwesties aan de orde gesteld die tijdens de 41e zitting van de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering EU-ACS moeten worden behandeld, en de toevoeging aan de agenda van de PPV van een spoeddebat over de huidige crisis tussen Oekraïne en Rusland was het onderwerp van een levendig discussie tussen de leden van de EU-ACS waarin verschillende standpunten werden verwoord. De 41e Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS-EU Op 1 april is de 41e bijeenkomst van de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering geopend door de voorzitter van het Europees Parlement Roberta Metsola, de Franse staatssecretaris voor Europese Zaken Clément Beaune, de covoorzitters van de Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS-EU Carlos Zorrinho en Peter Kenilorea, de secretaris-generaal van de OACPS, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti en de burgemeester van Straatsburg Jeanne Barseghian. In haar openingstoespraak benadrukte Roberta Metsola dat de parlementaire samenwerking tussen Europa en de OACPS, die gebaseerd is op wederzijds respect, de bevordering van de democratie en de rechtsstaat, zal worden voortgezet in het kader van de nieuwe partnerschapsovereenkomst na de Overeenkomst van Cotonou. Van Europese zijde werden ook onderwerpen als democratie, rechtsstaat, wederzijds respect, soevereiniteit en territoriale integriteit aan de orde gesteld. Hij legde in het bijzonder de nadruk op de crisis tussen Oekraïne en Rusland en de gevolgen daarvan voor de voedselzekerheid en riepen de Vergadering op Oekraïne bij te staan en de agressie te veroordelen. In dit verband bevestigde de vertegenwoordiger van het huidige EU-voorzitterschap, de Franse minister van Staat Clément Beaune, dat zijn land bereid is de landbouwactiviteiten van ontwikkelingslanden te steunen in hun strijd voor voedselzekerheid. Van OACPS-zijde werd onderstreept dat moet worden samengewerkt om de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering aan te pakken, met bijzondere klemtoon op het belang van een intensievere dialoog om de agenda voor 2030 en de Overeenkomst van Parijs te verwezenlijken. Tagesse Chaffo nam niet alleen deel aan de openingsceremonie, maar sprak ook over de noodzaak om de ratificatie van de post-Cotonou-overeenkomst te versnellen. Hij herinnerde er ook aan dat het van belang is

in de uitvoeringsfase van de overeenkomst een overlegmechanisme in te stellen om te zorgen voor eigen inbreng en gemeenschappelijk begrip. Voorafgaand aan de plenaire zitting van de Vergadering maakte Prof. Dima Nego, voorzitter van de vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken van het Huis van Afgevaardigden, van de gelegenheid gebruik om de leden van de Commissie politieke zaken in te lichten over de huidige situatie in Ethiopië, met inbegrip van de inspanningen van de regering om duurzame vrede en stabiliteit in het land tot stand te brengen. De leden van de OACPS en de EU herhaalden duidelijk hun steun voor de samenwerking tussen de EU en de OACPS op belangrijke punten zoals economisch herstel en investeringen, bestrijding van de opwarming van de aarde, bescherming van het milieu en het waarborgen van universele dekking van de gezondheid en toegang tot COVID-19-vaccins voor iedereen. De vergadering heeft een resolutie aangenomen. Er werd een speciale zitting gehouden om het 20-jarig bestaan van de PPV te vieren, waarbij haar talrijke verwezenlijkingen en resultaten werden belicht, waaronder de totstandbrenging van een solide basis voor een constructieve dialoog en internationale politieke samenwerking gericht op multilaterale oplossingen. Het belang van de parlementaire dimensie van het ACS-EU-partnerschap was een andere belangrijke boodschap van de herdenking. De overeenkomsten van Cotonou en post-Cotonou werden uitvoerig besproken na een uiteenzetting van Jutta Urpilainen, commissaris voor Internationaal partnerschap, en haar team. Tijdens de zitting konden ook jonge leiders van de OACPS hun mening geven over de post-Cotonou-overeenkomst. De sprekers benadrukten dat de jeugd bij het proces moet worden betrokken door in het kader van de herziene overeenkomst van Georgetown een jeugdforum op te richten. Een van de panelleden, Bitania Lulu (Ethiopië), speciaal adviseur voor jeugdzaken van Jutta Urpilainen, herinnerde eraan dat in de post-Cotonou overeenkomst rekening moet worden gehouden met de demografische situatie en de nadruk moet worden gelegd op jongeren, in het bijzonder onderwijs, zelfredzaamheid van jongeren en capaciteitsopbouw, alsook het scheppen van banen. Dankzij de deelname van de Ethiopische delegatie, die een complementair engagement met leden van de OACPS en het Europees Parlement inhield, konden gemeenschappelijke standpunten over wederzijdse belangen met de OACPS-EU-lidstaten worden vastgesteld. Het heeft ook bijgedragen tot een meer evenwichtige bezinning op de huidige situatie in Ethiopië. Overeengekomen werd dat de volgende zitting van de Paritaire Parlementaire Vergadering OACPS-EU in Mozambique zal plaatsvinden.

Prof. Dima Nego. Credit: Ambassade van Ethiopië in Brussel

May 2022


L’Éthiopie participe à l’OEACP et à l’Assemblée parlementaire paritaire UE-OEACP (APP) Tagesse Chaffo a exprimé la position inébranlable de l’Éthiopie qui souhaite jouer son rôle dans le renforcement de la capacité institutionnelle de l’OEACP afin qu’elle soit adaptée à son objectif, efficace, indépendante et un acteur visible dans les forums multilatéraux.

Honorable Tagesse Chaffo. Crédit : Ambassade d’Éthiopie à Bruxelles L’Éthiopie, en tant que membre fondateur de l’Organisation des États d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (OEACP), qui compte 78 pays membres, a participé à l’Assemblée parlementaire OEACP-Union européenne, qui a été créée dans le cadre de l’accord de partenariat de Cotonou entre l’OEACP et l’Union européenne. L’Assemblée parlementaire paritaire est une plateforme d’échange de vues sur les questions politiques, économiques, sociales et environnementales mondiales entre les parlementaires de l’OEACP d’une part et les assemblées de l’OEACP-UE d’autre part. Cette année, l’Assemblée parlementaire de l’OEACP s’est tenue pour la 60ème fois du 29 au 31 mars 2022, et a été suivie par la 41ème session de l’APP OEACP-Union européenne qui s’est déroulée du 1er au 3 avril 2022, à Strasbourg, en France. Cette réunion est la première session en personne des Assemblées depuis l’apparition de la pandémie de COVID-19 en 2020. L’Éthiopie a participé à ces Assemblées avec une délégation de haut niveau dirigée par le président de la Chambre des représentants du peuple, Tagesse Chaffo. Les Assemblées ont été précédées de trois réunions des Commissions de l’OEACP, à savoir la Commission des affaires politiques, la Commission du développement économique, des finances et du commerce, et la Commission des affaires sociales et environnementales, qui ont eu lieu les 29 et 30 mars 2022. Les réunions des commissions ont permis de discuter des questions liées aux défis de la paix et de la sécurité, des barrières commerciales ainsi que du changement climatique parmi les membres de l’OEACP. La 60ème assemblée parlementaire de l’OEACP L’assemblée parlementaire de l’OEACP a commencé sa 60ème session par une discussion sur les résultats des différentes réunions des Commissions qui se sont penchées sur la question de la paix et de la sécurité dans la région, les moyens de collaborer dans la gestion des impacts négatifs de


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la pandémie de COVID et le renforcement de la stature de l’OEACP pour la rendre adaptée à la réalité mondiale actuelle. Sur la base des rapports présentés par la Commission du développement économique, des finances et du commerce et la commission des affaires sociales et de l’environnement, les participants ont noté que le mécanisme d’ajustement carbone aux frontières (MACF) exercera une pression importante sur les exportateurs vers l’UE afin qu’ils décarbonisent la production de certains produits et que de nombreux exportateurs et producteurs des pays les moins avancés (PMA) et d’autres pays en développement tels que les membres de l’OEACP auront des difficultés à financer les investissements nécessaires. Ils ont également discuté des questions commerciales garantissant l’accès des producteurs au marché européen dans le cadre des nouvelles réglementations découlant du Pacte vert pour l’Europe. Les membres de l’OEACP ont également abordé la liste de l’UE des juridictions fiscales non coopératives et la liste des pays tiers à haut risque présentant des déficiences stratégiques dans leur régime de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme. Les membres ont demandé qu’une étude soit réalisée sur l’impact de la liste sur leurs pays. Un tour de table des Présidents et Vice-présidents des assemblées nationales a également eu lieu sous le titre “OEACP : Innovation et résilience” et Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, Secrétaire général de l’OEACP, a appelé les membres à soutenir le travail de l’OEACP, à améliorer la visibilité de l’OEACP et de son travail dans leurs pays respectifs et sur la scène internationale, et les a invités à commémorer les journées clés de l’OEACP dans leurs assemblées nationales. Au cours de cette discussion, Tagesse Chaffo a exprimé la position inébranlable de l’Éthiopie qui souhaite jouer son rôle dans le renforcement de la capacité institutionnelle de l’OEACP afin qu’elle soit adaptée à son objectif, efficace, indépendante et un acteur visible dans les forums multilatéraux. Il a également avancé des points importants qui enrichiraient le règlement intérieur de l’Assemblée parle-

mentaire paritaire OEACP-UE en cours de révision. Durant la réunion, les questions qui seront discutées lors de la 41ème session de l’APP OEACP-UE ont également été évoquées, et l’ajout à l’ordre du jour d’une discussion urgente sur la crise actuelle entre l’Ukraine et la Russie a fait l’objet d’un vif débat entre les membres de l’OEACP reflétant différents points de vue. La 41ème APP OEACP-EU Le 1er avril, la 41ème session de l’Assemblée parlementaire paritaire a été ouverte par le discours de la Présidente du Parlement européen Roberta Metsola, du Ministre d’État français chargé des Affaires européennes Clément Beaune, des Co-Présidents de l’APP OACPS-UE Carlos Zorrinho et Peter Kenilorea, du Secrétaire général de l’OACPS, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti et de la maire de Strasbourg Jeanne Barseghian. Dans son discours d’ouverture, Roberta Metsola a souligné que la coopération parlementaire entre l’Europe et l’OEACP, qui est basée sur le respect mutuel, la promotion de la démocratie et l’état de droit, se poursuivra dans le cadre du nouvel accord de partenariat post-Cotonou. La partie européenne a également soulevé des questions telles que la démocratie, l’État de droit, le respect mutuel, la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale. Elle a particulièrement insisté sur la crise Ukraine-Russie et ses impacts sur la sécurité alimentaire et a appelé l’Assemblée à se tenir aux côtés de l’Ukraine et à condamner l’agression. À cet égard, le représentant de la présidence actuelle de l’UE, le ministre d’État français Clément Beaune, a souligné que son pays était prêt à soutenir les activités agricoles des pays en développement dans leur lutte pour la sécurité alimentaire. La partie OEACP a quant à elle souligné la nécessité de coopérer pour faire face aux impacts du changement climatique, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur l’importance de renforcer le dialogue pour réaliser l’Agenda 2030 et l’Accord de Paris. En plus de participer à la cérémonie d’ouverture, Tagesse Chaffo est intervenu sur la nécessaire accélération de la ratification de l’accord post-Cotonou. Il a également rappelé l’importance de créer un mécanisme de consultation dans la phase de mise en œuvre de l’accord afin de s’assurer de l’appropriation et de la compréhension commune.

représentants, a profité de l’occasion pour expliquer aux membres de la Commission des affaires politiques la situation actuelle en Éthiopie, notamment les efforts du gouvernement pour instaurer une paix et une stabilité durables dans le pays. Les membres de l’OEACP et de l’UE ont clairement affirmé leur soutien à la collaboration entre l’UE et l’OEACP sur des questions clés telles que la relance économique et l’investissement, la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, la protection de l’environnement et la garantie d’une couverture sanitaire universelle et d’un accès aux vaccins contre la COVID-19 pour tous. L’assemblée a adopté une résolution. Une session spéciale a été organisée pour célébrer les 20 ans d’existence de l’APP, au cours de laquelle ses nombreux accomplissements et réalisations ont été mis en lumière, notamment l’établissement d’une base solide pour un dialogue constructif et une coopération politique internationale axée sur des solutions multilatérales. L’importance de la dimension parlementaire du partenariat OEACP-UE a été un autre message clé de la commémoration. Les accords de Cotonou et Post-Cotonou ont été longuement discutés suite à l’intervention de Jutta Urpilainen, Commissaire du Partenariat International, et de son équipe. La session a également permis à de jeunes dirigeants membres de l’OEACP d’exprimer leur point de vue sur l’accord post-Cotonou. Les intervenants ont souligné la nécessité de faire participer les jeunes en créant un forum de la jeunesse dans le cadre de l’accord de Georgetown révisé. Parmi les panélistes, Bitania Lulu (Éthiopie), conseillère spéciale pour la jeunesse de Jutta Urpilainen, a rappelé que l’accord post-Cotonou devrait tenir compte de la démographie et se concentrer sur la jeunesse, en particulier sur l’éducation, l’autonomisation et le renforcement des capacités des jeunes, ainsi que sur la création d’emplois. La participation de la délégation éthiopienne, qui comprenait un engagement complémentaire avec les membres de l’OEACP et du Parlement européen, a permis d’adopter des positions communes sur des intérêts mutuels avec les pays membres de l’OEACP-UE. Elle a également contribué à une réflexion plus équilibrée sur la situation actuelle en Éthiopie. Il a été convenu que la prochaine session de l’Assemblée parlementaire paritaire OEACP-UE aura lieu au Mozambique.

Avant la session plénière de l’Assemblée, le Prof. Dima Nego, président de la Commission permanente des affaires étrangères de la Chambre des

Honorable Prof. Dima Nego. Crédit : Ambassade d’Éthiopie à Bruxelles

May 2022


History Victory of Adwa: The Spirit of Justice and Independence Ethiopia, unlike other colonized countries around the world, does not have an Independence Day; it rather celebrates a Victory Day.

Credit: Adwa is a place in the northern part of Ethiopia where the final battle took place between the Ethiopian patriots assembled from all over the country and the fascist Italian army that aimed to conquer and exploit Ethiopia as part of the plan of Europe to scramble for Africa. It is to be recalled that the colonial powers agreed Italy, which had colonial possession over Assab port since 1882, could take over Ethiopia as its future colony. As a result, though Italy desired to expand its territories by colonizing Ethiopia, Emperor Menelik II (1889-1906) was highly resistant to this and agreed to establish a treaty instead. Eventually, the Italians signed the Treaty of Wuchale, which was written in Amharic and Italian, with Minilik II in May 1889 at a place called Wuchale in the then Wollo province. Misinterpretation of the treaty of Wuchale by the Italian side and their design to exsert unjust pressure on Ethiopia, led to a single day war that made Ethiopia the only African nation that has successfully defended a colonial attempt and remained independent. It was the battle of Adwa that took place on the 1st of March 1896, that resulted in a conclusive victory for Ethiopia over the fascist power of Italy. The Ethiopian army, mobilized from farmers, traditional warriors, women, and pastoralists, defeated a modern and well-armed Italian army of the time. Although the Ethiopian side demanded a peaceful resolution of the matter, the miscalculation hinged on their military might led the Italian side to involve the invasion. Thereupon, Emperor Minilik II alerted his people on the matter and declared preparation for the war. The fascist Italian force had not anticipated the fierce resistance they would face from the Ethiopian side. Although aware they were outnumbered, Italians believed the Ethiopians to be undisciplined and unskilled at the art of war, negating the advantage in numbers. However, they were proven severely wrong, and


The Ethiopian Messenger

by the afternoon of 1 March 1896, Italian forces were in a desperate and panicked retreat. For a country like Ethiopia, waging war against a heavily armed, better trained, and mechanized army at a place very distant from its capital city required logistical efforts unprecedented in the history of the country. In consequence, the way the Emperor and his allies handled the entire preparation and the battle can only be described as a masterstroke. The first showdown was on 7th of December 1895 where a relatively smaller number of the Italian army was wiped out at Amba Alagie. The next encounter was at Mekelle, where the Italians were surrounded by the Ethiopian fighters stationed behind a strong strategic position by cutting off the water supply, upon Empress Tayitu’s tactical advice. Empress Tayitu Bitul, the wife of Emperor Minilik II, was one of the key strategists and brave leaders who led six thousand cavalries to the warfront and employed war chants that motivated the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Subsequently, General Barattieri of Italy, after weeks of inactivity, decided to press forward a surprise attack on March 1, 1896, assuming that Ethiopians would be busy celebrating a holiday. Because, according to the Ethiopian calendar, the date was Yekatit 23, 1888, the Day of Saint George. However, having all the intelligence at hand, the Ethiopian side was well-prepared and on standby for the fight. The preparation and mobilization of the people were meticulous in military, logistical as well as in spiritual preparedness. Those who were not directly engaged in the war front including elders, artists, spiritual leaders etc. did also contribute to the victory. Every segment of the society contributed in all the possible ways they could, responding to the well-articulated and effective call of

the Emperor to save their country. As a result, Ethiopians concluded the war with an audacious Victory of Adwa. Besides the wise leadership of the then leaders with an effective intelligence system and prior procurement of weaponry, the patriotism of the people, the role of women, and religion have also played significant role in mobilizing the public to fight against the fascist forces that came to grab resources and impose outlandish values, culture, and religion by force on the people of Ethiopia. The victory of Adwa finally led to the negotiations between the two countries that resulted in the Addis Ababa Treaty, which consists of the unconditional acceptance of Ethiopian independence and sovereignty. It also led to a change of government in Italy, and most importantly, it turned Ethiopia into the symbol of redemption and freedom for black people. Thus, perspectives and history has been changed; what was considered unthinkable in pre-Adwa days was proved wrong, and as a result, Pan-Africanism and anti-colonial struggle thrived. Bahru Zewde, an emeritus professor at Addis Ababa University, in his book “A History of Modern Ethiopia” stated that as a counter-current to the sweeping tide of colonial domination in Africa, it shocked some as it encouraged others. It forced observers, politicians, and businessmen to reassess their positions. As an example of such a reassessment, he quoted George F.H. Berkeley, a pro-Italian British historian of the campaign, as follows. “From the broader standpoint of politics and history, it seems

possible that the Battle of Adwa heralds the rise of a new power in Africa – we are remineded that the natives of that continent may yet become a military factor worthy of our closest attention. The suggestion has been made that this is the first revolt of the Dark Continent against domineering Europe.” Many across the globe celebrate an Independence Day; Ethiopia rather celebrates a Victory Day. The Victory of Adwa is a source of pride for Ethiopians as well as all black people around the world as it is the first and ever shining victory against colonialism. It also served as a source of courage for African brothers and sisters to emancipate themselves from colonial yoke and apartheid. That is the reason why the Victory of Adwa is also known as African Victory. And most importantly, it upholds the spirit of justice and independence. As the victory of Adwa has a special place in the psychology and pride of all Ethiopians, it is colorfully celebrated every year on the 1st of March (on Yekatit 23 in the Ethiopian calendar) at national and local levels. To transend Adwa’s legacy to the next generation as well as to add a touristic site to the capital, the government of Ethiopia has recently - under the new administration of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed - launched the “Adwa Zero km Mega Project” in Addis Ababa city. This memorial centre for the Victory of Adwa, also known as African Victory, is expected to serve as a platform for rejuvenation of the Pan-African spirit as well as a new touristic spot for the city in addition to the recently launched Unity Park, Sheger project, and Entoto park.


May 2022


News in Brief ETHIOPIA DECLARES INDEFINITE HUMANITARIAN TRUCE TO FACILITATE FREE FLOW OF AID INTO TIGRAY REGION: (GCS) In a statement issued on March 24, 2022, the Government Communication Service (GCS) declared that the Government of Ethiopia has declared an indefinite humanitarian truce to expedite the provision of humanitarian aid to compatriots in the Tigray region. The Government further calls upon the donor community to redouble their generous contributions to alleviate the situation and reiterated its commitment to continue working in collaboration with all domestic and international partners to expedite the provision of humanitarian assistance. The commitment being undertaken by the Government of Ethiopia could have the desired outcome of improving the humanitarian situation on the ground only to the extent that it is reciprocated by the other side. Currently, increased number of United Nations humanitarian flights and expedited through improved clearance procedures for the delivery of fuel and cash for payments by aid organizations is ongoing. Flights for ICRC, WHO, and the European Union have been facilitated to deliver humanitarian aid. The Government has also been working to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance through convoys via the Abala-Mekelle corridor.

PM ABIY AHMED EXPRESSES GRATITUDE TO AFRICANS OVER THE PEACEFUL, SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION OF THE AU SUMMIT Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has expressed gratitude on February 6, 2022, to all African countries for their contribution to the peaceful and victorious conclusion of the 35th A.U. Summit. H.E. PM Abiy underlined that all Africans have to strive together for an African Solution to African Problems. The Premier expressed gratitude to all Africans for standing with Ethiopia in its trying times. It was the first Summit of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union to be held physically after two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The summit was concluded with a renewed commitment to respond to the pressing challenges facing Africa and expressing rededication to meet the development needs of the continent. The theme of the year is dedicated to nutrition under the title “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent”


The Ethiopian Messenger

GRAND ETHIOPIAN RENAISSANCE DAM COMMENCES GENERATING ELECTRIC POWER Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has officially launched power generation at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) hydropower plant on February 20, 2022. The Premier attended the first production of 375 MW hydropower from an early generation of GERD. The Premier noted that the dam would not obstruct the natural flow of the River Nile, adding that the commencement of the power generation indicates Ethiopia’s amicable position on the river for the project doesn’t impose any harm against downstream countries. Abiy also reiterated the commitment of Ethiopia to facilitate conducive integration in the power supply sector across Africa and beyond the continent through proper utilization of its natural resources. The Prime Minister further expressed gratitude for all individuals and institutions that contributed their part to the construction of the dam and the successful beginning of the generation of electric power from the GERD, which he described as “Africa’s largest power plant. More than 60 percent of the Ethiopian population do not have access to electricity. The GERD is expected to address this wide gap to access of electricity without causing significant harm to downstream countries and based on internationally accepted principles.

IMPORT SUBSTITUTION LIES AT THE HEART OF ETHIOPIA’S ASPIRATIONS FOR FOOD SELF SUFFICINCY on March 6, 2022, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated that Ethiopia has embarked on irrigated summer wheat productivity by strengthening cluster farming approaches. The prime Minister noted that farmers in several parts of the country have been harvesting greater yields that will continue to be supported through various efforts. The Prime Minister further underscored that import substitution lies at the heart of Ethiopia’s aspirations toward self-sufficiency. The Ministry of Finance recently stated that Ethiopia has managed to cover 336,000 hectares of land with irrigation surpassing the plan set for 300,000 hectares during the current season. The Prime Minster takes a regular working visit to various irrigation project sites to witness first-hand the success of this important project that is the only path to food self-sufficiency.



The Prime Minister has inaugurated the new state-of-the-art skyscraper headquarters of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE on February 14, 2022), built at 303.5 million USD. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has underlined the fact that the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) and other banking sectors are expected to join the global financial competition. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the premier lauded the bank as a wealth of financial expertise and knowledge in Ethiopian banking history. The premier added that the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) is a testament to Ethiopia’s capacity in building institutions and passing them on to future generations.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen participated in the 58th Munich Security Conference on February 19-21, 2022. Addressing the conference,H.E. Demeke said the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa region need more engagement and radical initiatives for expedited regional economic integration and peaceful development. The Deputy PM while while delivering an opening remarks at the 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC) Roundtable discussion on the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, regard. underlined the importance of creating a functioning framework of cooperation among the Red Sea and Horn African states that would accommodate the interests of all or at least of the majority of stakeholders.. Initiatives to develop common endeavours at multilateral levels to stem the illegal flow of migrants, drugs, and weapons along the Red Sea route should be encouraged, he said. Though Ethiopia is not a littoral state, he said its proximity to the region makes it logical to incorporate it in any association around the Red Sea. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister has taken the opportunity to call on the international community to give proper recognition to Ethiopia’s decision to conduct an inclusive national dialogue.

DEPUTY PM AND FOREIGN MINISTER DEMEKE DISCUSSES CURRENT ISSUES WITH THE EU SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR HOA Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, met and discussed with Dr. Annette Weber, European Union Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, on February 9, 2022.The Deputy Prime Minister briefed the envoy about positive steps taken by the government of Ethiopia to achieve lasting peace in the country, which needs proper recognition from the E.U. Speaking on the severe drought in some parts of the country, including the Somali region and Southern Oromia, he called on humanitarian agencies and development partners to accelerate support to affected people. The Special envoy, on her part, expressed appreciation for the positive measures the Government has taken to give peace a chance. The discussion between the two sides included the peace efforts of Hon. Olusegun Obasanjo, High Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for the Horn of Africa, and the tripartite talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

HOUSE APPOINTS COMMISSIONERS OF THE NATIONAL DIALOGUE COMMISSION The House of Peoples Representatives of Ethiopia, in its special session held on February 21, 2022, appointed commissioners of the National Dialogue Commission with an overwhelming majority. The house had previously publicized lists of the candidates to garner commentaries from the public for further screenings. Based on the recommendations collected from the public, the council had nominated eligible candidate commissioners and referred them to the parliament for the appointment. The commission is expected to furnish the highly anticipated forum for national consensus on fundamental national issues, bridge significant disparities, and ensure peace and national consensus.

May 2022




On April 13, 2022—The World Bank has approved a 300 million USD International Development Association (IDA) in support of conflict affected communities in Ethiopia. The grant has been delivered in line with “The Response-Recovery-Resilience for Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia Project.” The project will support efforts to address the immediate needs of communities, rehabilitate infrastructure destroyed by conflict, and increase community resilience to the impacts of conflict in a sustainable manner. Specifically, the project will help to improve access to basic services, as well as rebuild climate-resilient infrastructure, prioritized by communities. “To urgently meet the needs of conflict-affected communities, mobile units will be dispatched to provide key services including in the areas of education, health, water, and sanitation.”, the World Bank said. The project will also provide Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivors with improved access to the services and comprehensive care needed to recover from the impacts of the violence they experienced. Furthermore, it will support prevention interventions to address the underlying norms and dynamics that perpetuate GBV. “Survivors of gender-based violence suffer devastating effects to their physical and mental health. Project will also help to improve access to health, psychosocial support, and legal services for GBV survivors in conflict-affected regions where quality response services are limited,” said Ousmane Dione, World Bank Country Director for Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan. “The project has a national geographic scope, initially prioritizing support to the Afar, Amhara, Benishangul Gumuz, Oromia, and Tigray regions, which have been highly impacted by the recent conflict and host large numbers of internally displaced peoples (IDPs).” To ensure rapid and efficient support that is adapted to local contexts, the project will be implemented by federal, regional, and community-based organizations.

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with Secretary-General of the European External Action Service, Stefano Sannino, on February 10, 2022. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the current developments in Ethiopia and other common interests of the parties. The two sides agreed on the need to continue the engagement at various levels between Ethiopia and the European Union to strengthen the relations further.

H.E. AMB. HIRUT ZEMENE MEETS WITH HONORABLE FABIO MASSIMO CASTALDO, MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT H.E. Hirut Zemene, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia met with Honorable Fabio Massimo Castaldo, member of the European Parliament, on the 20th of April 2022. During the meeting, the two sides discussed regional and bilateral issues of importance. H.E. Ambassador Hirut briefed Honorable Castaldo on the current developments in Ethiopia, particularly the humanitarian truce, humanitarian access, the reconciliation and the national dialogue process. Both sides agreed to continue their engagements to exchange of views on common issues of interest.

ADDIS ABABA-DJIBOUTI RAILWAY COMMENCES COMMUTER TRAIN SERVICE The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway officially commenced a commuter train service with 19 stations in the presence of Ambassador of P. R. China to Ethiopia Zhao Ziyuan and the Ethiopian Transport Minister, Dagmawit Moges, and other officials from Ethiopia and Djibouti on February 22, 2022. On the occasion, Transport Minister Dagmawit Moges said that the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Standard Gage Railway line has been in good progress over the last four years of operation. The commuter train service will be operational with 19 stations across the railway.


The Ethiopian Messenger

H.E. AMBASSADOR HIRUT ZEMENE MEETS WITH H.E. EAMON GILMORE, EUSR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS H.E. Hirut Zemene, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, had a fruirful discussion with H.E. Eamon Gilmore, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights on the 2nd of May 2022. During the meeting, the two sides discussed the current situation in Ethiopia, focusing on Human Rights and Humanitarian issues. They had a frank and cordial discussion on appreciating progresses made and noting challenges that need to be addressed. They further exchaged views on the upcoming national political dialogue and issues of economic and social reforms. They agreed to continue engagements on issues of common concerns.

cluding, Jonsson & Jonsson, Univercells/UNIZIMA, among others, were in attendance. Furthermore, representatives of regional Business offices of Belgium (AWEX & FIT), TRAIDE foundation (Dutch), Ethio-Belgian Association, and others attended the event virtually and/or physically, as it was in a hybrid format. Ambassador Hirut Zemene had moderated the roundtable, which was a fruitful interactive event.The participants drawn from the Belelux area focused on the pharmaceutical sector had a chance to exchange views with the Ethiopian officials, which is expected to encourage them to do business in Ethiopia.

DUTCH COMPANY OBSERVES TO EMPOWER LIVESTOCK OWNERS IN ETHIOPIA UNDER “LIVESTOCK POWER ETHIOPIA PROJECT” EGMONT INSTITUTE, COUNTERPARTS IN ETHIOPIA TO FORGE PROFESSIONAL LINK H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene held discussions with the Director-General of Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Ambassador Hugues Chantry, on March 16, 2022. Ambassador Hirut highlighted the need to strengthen cooperation between Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations and counterparts in Ethiopia. Ambassador Hirut took the opportunity to brief Ambassador Chantry about the current developments in Ethiopia and measures being taken by the Government of Ethiopia to ensure peace and stability in the country.

H.E. Ambassador of Ethiopia to Belgium, Luxembourg and E.U. Institutions, Hirut Zemene on 24 February 2022, received at her office Mr. Jeroen A. Beijer, a Commercial Director of Pikoline/Schippers Group– a Dutch company founded in 1966 and operates in more than 40 countries around the world- to discuss its new project in Ethiopia.The company develops knowledge, services, and products to improve hygiene in livestock farms. Both sides exchanged ideas on the collaboration that the company has started with the FDRE Ministry of Agriculture in the LiveStock sector. Ambassador Hirut appreciated the company’s interest to engage in Ethiopia a country with more than 160 million heads of livestock population. She further stated that this project would improve the trade efficiency of the sector especially by preventing contraband trade of live animals and helping small scale livestock owners. Mr. Beijer, on his part, explained his company’s interest to empower livestock farmers in optimizing farm hygiene, create more efficient management of livestock and improve financial inclusion of small-scale livestock owners.

THE EMBASSY HOSTS A ROUND TABLE ON PHARMACEUTICAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMPANIES IN BENELUX A round table dedicated to the pharmaceutical sector was hosted by the Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels on April 7, 2022. This event was aimed at showing the pharmaceutical companies in the Benelux countries about the investment and export opportunities in the sector in Ethiopia. The round table was conducted in a hybrid format that included physical and virtual means of attendance. Among the panellists were Mrs. Lelise Neme, Commissioner of EIC (Ethiopian Investment Commission), Mr. Sandokan Debebe, CEO of IDPC (Industrial Park Development Corporation), Mr. Fasika Mekete, advisor to the Minister of Health, and a representative from Ethiopian Food & Drug Authority. As the round table was a specific and focused event, some anchor Belgian pharmaceutical companies, in-

May 2022


DUTCH COMPANY OBSERVES TO EMPOWER LIVESTOCK OWNERS IN ETHIOPIA UNDER “LIVESTOCK POWER ETHIOPIA PROJECT” H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene met with Eric DE CLERCQ, Director of Africa, Near and the Middle East at Wallonia Export and Investment Agency (AWEX). They had fruitful exchanges on the means of promoting cooperation in investment, trade, and tourism sectors on February 24, 2022. During the meeting, the Ambassador explained the encouraging engagement of Belgian companies in investing in various sectors in the country. She also noted that the Government is expanding its manufacturing sector by building several industrial parks as part of the country’s ongoing economic transformation. Mr. Eric DE CLERCQ, on his part, mentioned that Belgian businesses are showing their interests to invest in Africa. He further noted that many companies are determined to send their trade missions to Africa. The two sides agreed to explore investment opportunities in the pharmaceutical sector in Ethiopia, expand coffee trade, and promote tourism between the two countries.

BUSINESS INSIDER RANKS ETHIOPIA AMONG TOP 10 INVESTMENT DESTINATIONS IN AFRICA Business Insider Africa has ranked Ethiopia among the top ten investment destinations in Africa, describing the country as ‘’rewarding for investors’’, with its high GDP and resilient economy. It added that being the second-largest African flower exporter and among the biggest producers of coffee worldwide, Ethiopia is rewarding for investors. Business Insider (BI) is an American financial and business news website founded in 2007.

ETHIOPIA FINISHES IN FIRST PLACE AT THE 2022 WORLD INDOOR ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Ethiopia has finished in first place with four gold, three silver, and two bronze medals at 2022 World Indoor Athletics Championships in Belgrade, Serbia.

ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES AND BOEING SIGN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR NEW 777-8 FREIGHTER The Memorandum of Understanding to order the 777-8 Freighter will enable Ethiopian Airlines to meet expanding global cargo demand from its hub in Addis Ababa and position the carrier for long-term sustainable growth on March 5, 2022. “In our vision 2035, we are planning to expand our Cargo and Logistics business to be one of the largest global multimodal logistics providers on all continents. We are increasing our dedicated Freighter fleet with the latest technology, fuel-efficient, and environment-friendly airplanes of the 21st century. We have also started the construction of the largest E-commerce Hub Terminal in Africa.” said Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde Gebremariam. He added, “Today, our air cargo services cover more than 120 international destinations worldwide with both belly hold capacity and dedicated Freighter services.” Ethiopian Airlines, the biggest carrier in Africa, has appointed a new CEO, Mesfin Tasew to replace Tewolde Gebremariam who left the company for medical reasons.


The Ethiopian Messenger

Over the third week of March 2022, Ethiopia finished in first place at the 2022 World Indoor Athletics Championships. The world’s best track and field athletes gathered in Belgrade, Serbia, to compete in the World Athletics Indoor Championships. During the event, Ethiopian Athletes shined in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, with a gun-to-tape victory that eclipsed the championship records. After a season highlighted by fast records and exciting races, the meet was a perfect capstone to indoors and a preview of what’s to come outdoors. Relatedly, Ethiopia’s Senbere Teferi won the 21km women’s race at the New York City Half Marathon held on Sunday in New York. Senbere took home first place with a dramatic finish in the women’s race with a record time of 1:07:35.

Ethiopian Coffee Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels


May 2022


The Ethiopian Messenger Celebration of Fichee Chambalaalla (It is a New Year festival celebrated among the Sidama people in Ethiopia) Source:

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