FEATURES Faculty and student reading | PAGE 5 CAMPUS LIFE Music Review | PAGE 10
The Etownian
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Vol. 116. Issue 12
U.S. Ambassador, students discuss foreign policy in the Middle East by Grace Gibson Managing Editor newseditor@etown.edu
uesday, Jan. 28, Elizabethtown College hosted Ambassador John B. Craig for a discussion-based lecture entitled “What’s Happening in the Middle East?” Through interactive questions and student participation, Craig guided the audience of students, staff, faculty and community members through an exploration of current events in the Middle East. A native of Elizabethtown, Craig’s expertise on Middle Eastern affairs and foreign policy began with a dream he had from a very young age. Craig felt “an intense desire to become an American diplomat,” as he said in an interview after the talk, and he even planned out his life as a diplomat in 11th grade. That plan took him to the School of International Service at American University. After graduation, Craig joined the US Diplomatic Service at the age of 21, completing 11 overseas assignments, mostly in the Middle East. He then served as American Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman starting in 1998, Special Assistant to the President for Combatting Terrorism starting in 2001 and President of the Boeing Company’s Middle East Division starting in 2002, the last of which led him to spend eight years living in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. During these experiences, Etown recognized Craig’s expertise and accomplishments with
Photo courtesy of Kay Wolf
Ambassador John B. Craig invited students to act like foreign policy makers to increase their understanding of international affairs and the foreign policy process. his 2002 appointment as a scholar-in-residence and his 2010 selection as director of the Center for Global Citizenship, now known as the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking (CGUP). Fittingly, the College later redefined his role as Ambassador-inResidence. Today, Craig serves in a variety of roles that reflect his considerable knowledge and extensive experience working as a diplomat. He is an adjunct faculty member at Etown; a
senior fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based think tank the Transatlantic Leadership Network; the Executive Director of the Hudson Institute-associated Working Group on the Plight of Christians and Religious Pluralism in the Middle East and a senior partner in the Abu Dhabi-based Manaar Energy Consultants. Beyond these roles however, Craig fosters a passion for helping students understand international affairs and their own place within
them. This passion was the impetus for his talk, which involved students and allowed them to share their thoughts. Craig introduced several current situations in the Middle East and then asked the audience to act like foreign policy makers, mirroring the decision-making process undergone by government officials. Before addressing specific situations, Craig gave an overview of the processes and figures involved in directing U.S. foreign policy. Craig said that his main goal in giving this talk was to “demystify” the foreign policy process and show how the general public is involved. “There is a process, and it is followed,” he said. “There is a legitimate role for citizens in this process.” The process to which Craig referred is the series of committees and actions laid out by the National Security Act of 1947. According to this act, the first group involved in policy-making is the Interagency Working Group. Like all of these committees, Craig emphasized, this one has an ad hoc ethos: members are selected based on whose expertise is needed. The Interagency Working Group starts the policy process by making recommendations to the Deputies Committee. The Deputies Committee, consisting of the deputy secretaries of the federal executive departments, makes further recommendations and examines the information from the Interagency Working Group on a larger scale, considering impacts and interests in various regions. SEE FOREIGN POLICY PAGE 3
An update on Conrad's Corner S e m e s t e r b e g i n s w i t h faculty and staff departures by Ashlee Reick Staff Writer newseditor@etown.edu
Photo: Rachel Freed | Staff Photographer
According to Dr. Limas, Conrad's Corner is one of the few locations in the country that allows underage and of-age people to be served in the same space. “The impetus for Conrad's Corner was to create a vibrant social option for students that by Ryan Montagna could concurrently be a learning opportunity Staff Writer for students to consume alcohol responsibly newseditor@etown.edu and also present a template for underage students to view that demonstrates wise onrad’s Corner is one of the additions decision-making,” he explained in an email. made to campus for the 2019-2020 Limas added that the concept has been academic year. The Office of Student popular with students. “We have done well Activities (OSA) web page describes it as with themes that students have enjoyed for “E-town’s on-campus traveling pub, where the social lounge this year, including a silent students can come together for a wide range disco, bingo, pub trivia, The Price is Right, of events on Friday and Saturday nights. All poker tournament, rodeo with an actual events are free and open to all students, with mechanical bull, a Super Bowl party, and alcoholic beverages available for students 21 a beach party out by the Bowers [Center and older with a wristband.” for Sports, Fitness and Wellbeing's] sand However, Vice President for Student volleyball court, just to name a few,” he said. Life Dr. Celestino Limas explained that Conrad’s Corner is more than just a source of SEE CONRAD'S CORNER PAGE 3 entertainment.
ver the past month, Elizabethtown College has seen the departures of several long-time staff and faculty members. Professor of sociology and anthropology Dr. Robert Wheelersburg announced his retirement from Etown. Chaplain and Director of Religious Life Dr. Rev. Tracy Sadd also departed from the College as of Jan. 15 but declined an interview. She worked for the College for 18 years. In addition, the resignation of Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Title IX Coordinator Dr. Armenta Hinton was announced on Friday, Jan. 31, her last day on campus. Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas is assuming “responsibility for diversity and inclusion efforts at the College” and Title IX responsibilities were shifted to Human Resources, according to the email announcement. Assistant professor of psychology Dr. Ian MacFarlane also left the College in January for another job. Both Hinton and MacFarlane were unable to be reached at this time. After completing graduate school, Wheelersburg began his work at the College in 1989, marking
31 years of service in February. Throughout his time at the College, Wheelersburg primarily taught courses in anthropology. Additionally, Wheelersburg served as a professor of international studies for five years. He focused on area studies such as Native Americans and Scandinavian emergency management and intelligence operations. “I taught first-year seminar probably a total of 25 times, which I really enjoyed," Wheelersburg said in an email interview. He noted that the biggest reward for him was the students at the College. “I was never bored here thanks to the challenges my students gave me," he said. Overall, Wheelersburg described his experience at the College as “an absolute delight.” Wheelersburg also served as a leader among his colleagues. He originally served as Dean, but he later held several other leadership positions at the College. In describing his experience at the College, Wheelersburg said he chaired “every important council and committee on campus; some twice.” Wheelersburg also immersed himself and students in enriching research. Throughout his time at the College, Wheelersburg took SEE DEPARTURES PAGE 3