COMMUNITY RECOVERY SEED BEDS A place for growing togheter
Environmental Purpose: To learn how to follow and manage an entire cycle of the plants
To preserve species of plants that are not anymore sold and cultivated
To preserve biodiversity
Social Purpose: To share within the gardeners a common space for growing plants from their seeds
To develop a sense of socialization and collaboration among the gardeners To involve senior people in the activity of the garden, as well as school and children
STEP 1: Find a sunny place in your garden South – East Exposed Meet the other gardeners and propose them your idea
STEP 2: Choose your structure 1 A wodden structure , to cover with plexiglass or polybicarbonat. This is a tool shed with an area that can be adapted.
O.U. Garbatella, Rome, Italy
STEP 2: Choose your structure 1
To adapt‌ even like this, if you prefer!
O.U. Garbatella, Rome, Italy
STEP 2: Choose your structure 2 Wodden structure, low- rise from the ground.
STEP 2: Choose your structure 2 Openable. PROS: Very easy to build.
CONS: Not really accessible from everyone,like senior people
STEP 2: Choose your structure 3 Wood and Plastic bottles for a nursery house
Wheatfields Infant school, St Albans, England
STEP 2: Choose your structure 3
Wheatfields Infant school, St Albans, England
STEP 3: Plan the sowing! There is time for sowing, time for planting, transplanting,harvesting. Use a calendar and check when seeds are ready to be sowed, transplanting, collected for the preservation
Ask to the other gardeners what seeds they have, put them in common and decide all togheter what to plant this year.
In general the sowing is in January - February
Expected results: The joint work between the gardeners develops greater integration within the group The use of different seeds can also facilitate the exchange between different generations, if for example the elderly gives ancient seeds or plants typical of the area. Joint management of the work requires the active participation of gardeners.
Expected results: The management of the process from seeds and not from planting purchased education to better understand what sustainable development means in nature. The complete management cycle plant (seed - plant - fruit - seed preserved - new plant - etc.) Allows you to experiment and verify all stages of professional management of a vegetable garden.
Enjoy watching life grows !!!!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.