2 minute read
Eumundi Voice - Issue 105, 31 October 2024
Aged Care Reforms
Aged care in Australia will see the biggest reform in almost 30 years in 2025, with changes expected to affect both home care and residential aged care.
The Australian Government introduced the Aged Care Bill 2024 to Parliament on 12 September 2024. With support from both the Australian Government and Opposition, the Aged Care Act looks likely to make its way through parliament this year and will come into force on 1 July 2025. Those already receiving residential aged care or a home care package will be protected by a “no worse off” principle and will continue on the same level of funding and contributions.
The reforms focus on helping older Australians to remain in their own home. A new Support at Home program will replace existing Home Care packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. Means-testing remains
a feature and most Australians, other than full pensioners, will pay more for aged care than they do now. The family home will continue to be largely exempt from the aged care means test.
Some details are yet to be provided, particularly around co-contribution payments and seniors’ organisations are continuing their advocacy. Most welcomed the Bill given reforms are regarded as long overdue. Margaret Walsh OAM, Acting National President of Australian Independent Retirees and a member of the Aged Care Taskforce that advised government on the reforms said, “While no one wishes to pay more, it is clear that aged care is becoming an increasing cost to the federal budget. Reforms are needed to improve the quality, accessibility, and sustainability of aged care services into the future.”
For details of the proposals visit: t.ly/lY-EF. For seniors’ organisations visit: open.org.au, nationalseniors.com.au and independentretirees. com.au.
Rhonda Piggott