VOL. 05
issue with NAJWA SHIHAB, S.H
classics 02 04Â
contents credits
letter from editors
features 11 18Â
najwa shihab how poverty has influenced the indonesian education system
catatan penyair buku tua
mindfulness in education
antheia project
chocolate souffle
teyan nan mulia
education poem
10 study tips
what's up world
eunoia is a student-run digital publication that aims to give
najwa shihab featured figure
fellow students a platform for expression and representation, and to educate, collaborate and inspire through creative means.
antheia project featured figure
CONNECT THE TEAM the editorial board
general instagram @eunoiagspi
caroline falisha fc, daniella renatta citra
read online
photographer nelson adrian darwin writers elsey djaparily chan, jihan nila safira social media dulce santia amor, valieza susanto contributing writers jasmine wijaya, tanisha richelle claire, charlene daneeka woen contributing artists wahyu raihan fikryawan, nares, christopher dylan, charlene daneeka woen
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On behalf of the Global Sevilla Secondary and Junior College department, we wish everyone well in this challenging time. It is important for any academic institution to have a channel where students can creatively express themselves through writing, tell everyone about the things they are most passionate about, and share their achievements to help encourage and inspire the youth to make a difference. In line with this, we would like to congratulate Eunoia for its second year of showcasing the dreams and power of students, being the best version of themselves. May you continue in publishing stories that awaken the fire of passion of youth and we wish you all the best in the years to come. Education is one of the most widely affected sectors of the crisis we are facing now. It has become a challenge for the school, teachers, parents and students. School in the new normal is not something that we thought we would be having a year ago. Everyone was caught off-guard. Parents are now obliged to equip their children with the necessary electronic devices and must make sure that their internet access at home is stable enough to secure a good quality online meeting experience for the students. Students’ hearts and discipline are being tested by studying from home. Our students are not seasoned for this kind of setup. As part of their nature, we understand their needs to connect with their friends, to enjoy the thrills of games the teachers give them in a faceto-face class, to enhance their talents through extracurricular activities and to deepen the desire in their hearts of looking forward for the next day of school. Having this in mind, Global Sevilla has been continuously updating the teachers through constant communication on how to give a better online class experiences to our beloved students. We appreciate the extra efforts that parents are doing especially in supervising their children as they attend online meetings, giving a little push at times when their kids feel unmotivated and patting their backs for doing good work. These things really do help as our students move forward along with the changes in education in the new normal. Like our students, some of the teachers are not well-trained for this kind of education set-up. But the burning desire of our teachers helped us pave the way in breaking barriers as we step forward and face the new challenges. Our teachers spend sleepless nights to study and keep up with significant technologies that will enhance their skills and allow them to deliver a better online classroom experience for our students. Being a leading mindfulnessbased academic institution, Global Sevilla also keeps on updating and strengthening the mindfulness and academic programs as we cope with the needs of our stakeholders in this trying time. Maintaining the balance in keeping our students updated with the competencies they need to learn and ensuring that they still live up to the core values of our school by being present in the moment, is our commitment as we advance through the next chapter of our school lives. No matter what challenges the new normal may bring us, we know we can make it through as we take each new step together. Once again, we hope and pray for the safety of everyone. May we all keep a sound mind and body as we embark on this new journey. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon in God’s perfect time.
Christopher Amargo Secondary Principal
Caroline 11 Editor/PIC
Daniella 8 Editor/PIC
TEAM Elsey 9 Writer
Samuel 11 Designer
Valieza 9 IG PIC eunoia- 6
Nelson 10 Photographer
Dulce 10 IG Co-PIC
Editor's Letter
Written by Daniella Renatta Citra "Education is of utmost importance.” recurrent sentence playing in our heads.
“Do pay attention at school today.” They say. Under the cold, white ceiling, twenty-two youths turn through the pages of two-inch thick textbooks. Carefully scouring for activity 4.3. A memorable atmosphere for me. Training for a future with promise. I couldn’t have made it this far without you. Oh, am I grateful for you. Now, education, I thank you.
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SURAT DARI EDITOR Nelson Mandela dulu pernah berkata, “Pendidikan adalah senjata paling ampuh yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk mengubah dunia,�  Sebuah ujaran yang mungkin terdengar lazim bagi kita, tapi mari kita ambil waktu sejenak untuk refleksi diri. Apakah anda setuju dengan kalimat tersebut atau apakah kalimat ini hanya sekadar kalimat motivasi belaka? Menjadi bagian dari era modern, kita para generasi muda didorong untuk dapat beradaptasi di dunia yang terus berkembang. Berbagai penemuan baru dan kemajuan teknologi seakan terjadi sesingkat satu kedipan mata. Hal tersebut telah mendatangkan berbagai manfaat bagi kemajuan umat manusia, tetapi juga berdampak besar terhadap para generasi mudanya, khususnya di bidang pendidikan. Para kawula muda, diharuskan untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan di masa depan sehingga dalam menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, berbagai aspek dan keterampilan mau tidak mau harus dikuasai oleh para murid didik. Sekilas, hal tersebut mungkin terdengar seperti hal yang menguntungkan, memperkaya diri melalui penguasaan materi dan keterampilan akan sangat berguna di kemudian hari. Akan tetapi, terdapat satu faktor yang sangat penting yang sering diabaikan dari fakta tersebut. Dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan yang diekspektasikan dari berbagai pihak, hal tersebut berdampak besar kepada beban kerja yang harus dipikul kami, para murid.  Bertumpuk-tumpuk buku berisi konsep dan rumus ilmiah menunggu dengan anteng di meja belajar kami, menunggu untuk dihafal dan berharap dapat dimengerti. Lembaran pekerjaan rumah yang berserakan, belum lagi berbagai ujian yang harus kami persiapkan. Beban yang cukup berat ini kami harus tanggung demi memastikan masa depan kami.
Perlahan-lahan hal itulah yang mulai mengubah persepsi kami terhadap konsep edukasi. Sebuah proses yang seharusnya dapat menerima informasi, wawasan, dan pengetahuan alih-alih menjadi perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang tak terelakkan. Jika kita kembali ke pertanyaan di awal surat ini, mungkin hal tersebut memang benar, tetapi tidak berlaku bagi sebagian besar dari kami. Oleh karena itu, masalah tersebut menjadi inspirasi bagi kami untuk mengangkat topik edukasi di edisi kelima sekaligus pertama EUNOIA Tahun Akademik 2020-2021. Kami ingin menunjukkan para generasi muda bahwa edukasi adalah topik yang memiliki naungan yang sangat luas dan tidak hanya dibatasi oleh sekadar tumpukan buku-buku pelajaran. Terdapat banyak ranah yang dapat dijelajah dalam menimba ilmu dan sekolah bukanlah satu-satunya tempat, kita dapat teredukasi. Kami ingin membantu menyajikan pandangan yang berbeda terhadap topik edukasi dan membantu menaikkan antusiasme para generasi muda dalam berkontribusi di bidang ini. Di isu kali ini, kami telah menyajikan berbagai konten menarik yang bertujuan untuk memperluas pemahaman dan persepsi terhadap edukasi, melalui sudut pandang berbagai tokoh yang berpengalaman dalam bidang ini, perspektif kami terhadap topik edukasi dan bagaimana kami menjadikan proses tersebut sebuah pengalaman yang seru dan patut disyukuri. Kami berharap, majalah EUNOIA edisi kali ini dapat menginspirasi para pembaca dan menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan memanglah sebuah senjata ampuh dalam mengubah dunia.
Caroline Falisha F.C.
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Playlist curated by Dinakara Hapsari Suharno Illustration by Daniella Renatta Citra
cover feature
bincang akrab bersama Najwa Shihab
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cover feature Siapa yang tak kenal dengan sosok wanita yang satu ini? Seorang tokoh tersohor yang telah berkecimpung di sektor jurnalistik selama 17 tahun sebelum akhirnya memutuskan untuk bergelut di bidang bisnis media dengan mendirikan bisnis start-up bertajuk Narasi. Tindakan yang mungkin dianggap nekat bagi beberapa pihak, tetapi beliau membuktikan bahwa hal tersebut bisa ia lakukan dengan sukses. Pada Jumat 12 September 2020 kami berkesempatan untuk berbincang bersama Kak Najwa Shihab tentang kisahnya dan seluk beluk kesuksesannya. Diawali dengan sebuah realisasi, Kak Najwa merasa bahwa dunia terus berubah diakibatkan oleh perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat. Ditambah dengan berubahnya cara mengonsumsi media yang tadinya satu arah menjadi dua arah, sebagai pelaku media ia merasa bahwa ia memiliki tanggung jawab untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. Ia harus memastikan bahwa konten yang diproduksi akan tetap relevan dan menarik sehingga tidak akan pudar ditelan waktu. Didasari oleh pemikiran tersebut, ia pun akhirnya merasa bahwa berhenti meniti karier di stasiun TV yang telah membesarkan namanya dan mendirikan sebuah bisnis baru, adalah langkah yang tepat. Bersama dengan dua orang teman, Kak Najwa mendirikan Narasi yang tujuan utamanya yaitu menyajikan konten yang membuka mata dan membangkitkan semangat sehingga kita, generasi muda, melakukan gerakan untuk turun tangan Walau begitu, memulai sebuah bisnis start-up tidak semudah memutarbalikkan tangan. Akan selalu ada tantangan dan rintangan yang harus dihadang untuk dapat mencapai ekspektasi yang diharapkan. Hal tersebut juga dialami oleh Kak Najwa pada saat awal pendirian Narasi. Dengan berpindahnya posisi dari seseorang yang diperkerjakan menjadi seseorang memperkerjakan, ia sekarang memiliki tanggung jawab lebih besar terhadap berjalannya perusahaan rintisannya tersebut. Kak Najwa berujar bahwa salah satu tantangan yang harus ia hadapi adalah memastikan bahwa Narasi tumbuh sehat dan berhasil secara komersial sehingga bisa diterima oleh publik. Selain itu, ia juga mengungkapkan bahwa aset utama Narasi adalah sumber daya manusia. Maka dari itu, sangatlah penting untuknya agar menemukan anak muda yang kreatif, gemar mencoba hal baru, dan mahir berteknologi untuk ikut bergabung ke dalam Narasi. Hal tersebut harus dipenuhi dengan tujuan agar dapat menghasilkan konten yang unik, menarik dan bisa bersaing di tengah begitu banyaknya alternatif media digital di luar sana. Tidak sampai di situ saja, bahkan perjuangannya dalam meniti karir pun harus dilaluinya dengan menguras tenaga dan juga emosi.
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cover feature Berkat perjuangan dan tekad kerasnya, Narasi pun menjadi sebuah media yang kita kenal saat ini. Setelah tiga tahun berdirinya Narasi tentu saja Kak Najwa telah belajar banyak hal baru dalam menyampaikan berita di platform digital. Beliau mengungkapkan bahwa tiga aspek yang selalu dipegang erat dalam menyampaikan berita adalah mengetahui karakter pembaca agar memastikan bahwa konten yang disajikan relevan, merumuskan konten yang memiliki sudut pandang yang menarik dan yang terakhir harus menjaga unsur-unsur jurnalistik. Kak Najwa menggarisbawahi betapa pentingnya perusahaan media seperti Narasi dalam menjadi gatekeeper dari banyaknya informasi yang beredar di luar sana . Selain dari sisi konten yang disajikan, Kak Najwa pun telah belajar berbagai hal dalam segi kepemimpinan. Ia menjelaskan bahwa pemimpin yang baik itu seseorang yang harus mau belajar. Belajar bukan hanya dari atasan tapi dari bawahan, dari kiri dan juga kanan. Bukan hanya itu, seorang pemimpin yang baik juga tidak ragu untuk mengakui kesalahan, selalu membuka diri terhadap kesempatan dan juga bisa mempersatukan. Beliau sadar, bahwa pendekatan yang dilakukan saat bekerja bersama para milenial pun harus disesuaikan.
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Sudah bukan zamannya bahwa pemimpin hanya sekadar memerintah. Dibutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang dapat menginspirasi bawahannya untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan diberikan penjelasan, melibatkannya dalam proses, dan membuat para pekerjanya merasa bagian dari organisasi atau gerakan yang diinisiasikan. Semua hal tersebut dilaksanakan agar hasil yang didapatkan benarbenar maksimal dan tulus dari hati. Mengetahui poin-poin tersebut, Kak Najwa berharap bahwa beberapa hal sudah diperkenalkan di jenjang yang lebih awal. Ia merasa bahwa semangat untuk terus-menerus mau belajar harus ditumbuhkan ke dalam diri para pelajar. Beliau menegaskan bahwa menjadi life-long learner sangatlah penting dan merupakan kunci dari kesuksesan. Harapan Kak Najwa pun selaras dengan nasihat yang ia berikan dalam mencapai kesuksesan di dunia pekerjaan. Ia bernasihat bahwa kita harus selalu kreatif dalam mencoba hal baru karena dunia akan selalu berubah. Keluar dari zona nyaman merupakan sebuah keharusan dan merasa tertantang jika sebuah hal dilabel “tidak mungkin”. Kak Najwa menjelaskan bahwa semakin tidak mungkin seharusnya semakin ingin kita membuktikan bahwa kita bisa berhasil.
Jadilah pembaca yang gigih , karena hal tersebut adalah awal mula dari orang yang sukses eunoia- 15
cover feature Dengan menghadirkan konten yang menarik dan juga unik, Narasi pun tidak luput dari lontaran kritik dari para pembaca. Akan tetapi, mengetahui hal tersebut, Kak Najwa mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya selalu terbuka atas masukan dan kritikan dan beranggapan bahwa hal tersebut adalah sesuatu yang baik dan diperlukan. Ia merasa bahwa kritikan bisa menjadi sebuah obat. Walaupun pahit tapi pada akhirnya akan menyembuhkan. Akan tetapi, dalam menerapkan hal tersebut, kita juga harus memiliki kepekaan agar dapat membedakan mana masukan yang sehat dan mana yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan. Akhir-akhir ini, dunia digemparkan dengan melandanya sebuah pandemi Covid-19 yang memukul semua sektor tak terkecuali sektor media. Namun, dalam menghadapi hal tersebut, Kak Najwa beranggapan bahwa di setiap krisis sebetulnya ada peluang. Ia merasa bahwa di dalam sebuah krisis kita seharusnya berpikir bagaimana kita dapat memanfaatkan situasi ini dan belajar dari kesulitan yang dihadapi. Bagi Narasi, pada awalnya pandemi ini memang terasa berat karena transisi seluruh pekerjaan yang biasanya dilakukan bersama-sama harus dilakukan di rumah masing-masing. Tetapi, dengan berjalanya waktu ia dan tim pun akhirnya menemukan sebuah pola dan sistem yang akhirnya menghasilkan lebih banyak konten yang dapat disajikan. Beberapa cara yang dilakukan oleh Kak Najwa termasuk mengubah beberapa strategi dalam memanfaatkan teknologi, menyesuaikan konten yang disajikan agar memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat saat kebingungan dan rasa takut menghantui para masyarakat di ambang ketidakpastian ini dan yang terakhir dengan menyediakan kesempatan bagi para masyarakat dalam memenuhi keinginan untuk bertemu dan berjejaring melalui komunitas Mata Kita. Melalui komunitas yang tersebar di 34 provinsi di Indonesia ini, berbagai kegiatan virtual pun diselenggarakan dengan tujuan agar para masyarakat masih bisa merasa produktif dan dapat memberikan bantuan kepada orang lain. Di akhir perbincangan kami, Kak Najwa menyampaikan sebuah pesan yang sangat sederhana tapi vital kepada seluruh pemuda-pemudi Indonesia. Beliau menyampaikan betapa pentingnya untuk kita menjadi seorang pembaca yang gigih, karena hal tersebut adalah awal mula dari orang yang sukses. Beliau mengungkapkan bahwa orang yang suka membaca akan mempunyai keluasan imajinasi, kelapangan hati, tingkat toleransi yang tinggi dan tidak sok tahu karena mereka adalah orang yang selalu mau cari tahu. Orang yang gemar membaca pun tidak cepat menghakimi orang lain karena “orang yang suka membaca akan mencari kebenaran bukan mencari pembenaran”. Sebuah ujaran yang mungkin terdengar sederhana tapi sangat relevan dengan kenyataan yang kita hadapi saat ini.
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How poverty has influenced the Indonesian education system WRITTEN BY ELSEY DJAPARILY CHAN
What exactly is scarcity? Why is it our concern? These are questions we frequently ask when dealing with poverty. Throughout the years, Indonesia, as well as many other countries have been facing poverty; yet it still remains an unfamiliar concept to the majority. As we enjoy the luxuries of our fulfilled, contented lives, we tend to disregard those without sufficient resources to satisfy their necessities. Despite the rate of Indonesia’s poverty decreasing to 9.22% last year, many parents are still struggling to afford their childrens' school fee. To start with, the situation wherein people prioritize their daily essentials in order to survive, resulting in the lack of money to afford higher cost education, is known as poverty. At an early age, poor children enter school with something called the readiness gap. This refers to the gap between the wealthiest children and the poorest children. In these cases, children from low-income families are academically behind by a year or more compared to their privileged peers. Being unable to complete their education, their chances of employment would be limited, therefore leading to a future that isn’t so successful.
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According to Kompasiana, Indonesia is still facing poverty due to structural factors, which are caused by unequal development and results that aren’t distributed in balance. During this pandemic, we have the privilege of staying at home while having home-based learning. On the other hand, children who experience poverty are not only more vulnerable to COVID-19 due to the lack of shelter, but this also hinders their chances of education. Poverty has a profound and destructive impact, especially on children. Indonesian children have a right to be educated, despite their social status or wealth. However, poor families focus on the need of their children to earn money instead, hindering them from their education. Up to 85% of Indonesian children are enrolled in primary schools, including those who do not continue to the secondary level, due to the incapability of affording the fees. In addition, children could feel alienated from society, and may also suffer insecurities due to their socioeconomic status. They will occasionally wonder, ’does my status determine who I am?’ Imagine having to undergo emotional stress and depression at such a young age — merely because of belonging to a lower social stratum. Overall, although poverty is inevitable for many children, it will never be too late to be prevented and overcome for many children. Poverty in our society is so normalized, when it shouldn’t be at all. The eradication of poverty should continue to be implemented by the government in order for society to spark and initiate a change. eunoia- 19
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Mindfulness Education in
Written by Tanisha Richelle Claire
Mindfulness, now introduced to students in various schools, is taught in classes of all sizes. Mindfulness is the awareness of the moment, consciousness of your surroundings, and the perception of the feelings in the body. It improves skills such as focus and ability of thinking, and helps students focus on the importance of taking care of ourselves and being virtuous towards one another in our community. “Children these days face unprecedented stress levels and anxiety with perhaps 25% of 12-18 year-olds encountering anxiety attacks.” according to the National Institute of Mental Health. These early levels of stress may have a detrimental effect on memory, learning and attitude, as well as mental and physical wellbeing. With mindfulness being taught in schools, students may obtain psychological benefits. It will greatly boost both learning abilities and academic life, and it enhances the self-regulation of habits, emotions, and feelings. Researchers have discovered that mindful practices are successful in solving a variety of issues important to students, such as depression, anxiety, stress, tension, and low mood. “Mindfulness is a powerful tool that supports children in calming themselves, focusing their attention, and interacting effectively with others, all critical skills for functioning well in school and in life,” stated Amy Saltzman, M.D., “Incorporating mindfulness into education has been linked to improving academic and social and emotional learning. Mindfulness also strengthens some underlying development processes—such as focus, resilience, and self-soothing—that will help kids in the long run. Mindful practices can be done at school by doing mindful breathing, walking, colouring and other relaxing activities. This illustrates how mindfulness will play a major part in education to create a healthier learning environment. Students will have the ability to decrease stress, anxiety, and depression. Students will be calm, be able to focus their attention, and interact effectively with others, which will also improve their academics.
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An interview with the
Written by Elsey Djaparily Chan
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What inspired you to start this project? Around January, we started from a casual conversation to discussing about the current massive news. We thought that someone needed to take action so why not us? Due to this pandemic, it has come to our attention that plenty of medical supplies are made of single-use plastics or disposable plastics. We also realized the increasing amount of trash in our environment, even by the shore. We knew that something had to be done, so we came up with the idea of The Antheia Project. What is the meaning behind The Antheia Project? Initially, we wanted to be Indonesia’s first environmental magazine. We looked for unique and special names that no one has used before. After loads of research and brainstorming, we came up with The Antheia Project. The word ‘Antheia’ has been used for various purposes in the US, and none from Indonesia at all, so we decided that it would be a great opportunity to use it. Antheia, an epithet for Aphrodite, is actually the Greek goddess of flowers and blossom. She is also the daughter of the god of the sky and thunder. Antheia represents trust, friendship, community and love, which are qualities we hope for our movement to have. Furthermore, we believe that The Antheia Project will definitely reflect what we stand for and what we hope our movement will also stand for. How does The Antheia Project differ from other projects, all aiming to educate people about current environmental issues? We try our best to deliver the most factual, reliable, qualitative and informative news regarding the environmental issues. The Antheia Project aims to give information that people normally need to go an extra mile for. We would like to be that platform where everyone can get information regarding alternatives to daily waste effortlessly. Through our guidelines, people can view the alternatives to materials that increase waste. We intend on providing information that would truly be impactful and easy to digest, yet fun to read at the same time. By giving our readers a hopeful spirit, we believe that it can change Indonesia’s future. Our main point is to inform, inspire and educate. Since the foundation of change is education, informing others about our environment allows them to make correct choices eventually. Other organizations may inform, but it isn’t enough — education, inspiration and guidance are necessary to make a change, which is what we expect to establish with our project.
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Do you think we are moving forward in terms of environmental awareness in general? Progress could be seen as they are plenty of youths who are actively fighting for environmental awareness. We definitely don’t claim to be the only page discussing about the environmental awareness, and we are glad that we aren’t. The more this conversation is brought up, the more change and impact you’ll notice. We made our content bilingual as we hope to reach more locals and for the information to actually be impactful enough for people to take into consideration. Our information is also in Bahasa Indonesia since we live in Indonesia, and we want to change the mindset of the people in our country first before going international. In two years’ time, how do you think Indonesia will change in terms of action against global warming? Honestly, it depends on the people of Indonesia. The most we can hope for is change, but if the general population doesn’t educate themselves about climate change as well as other environmental issues, or even with no innovation, there will barely be any change or impact. In order to spark a change in the world, we need to start through the mindset of the people and they have to reflect on themselves at the same time. We strongly believe that doing things individually will influence more people, leading to a greater impact. It is our future, so we should be the one to make the change, instead of waiting for someone else to do something. In two years, we really hope to see improvements in Indonesia, such as in waste management, change in energy sources, and possibly sustainable policies and laws that can be implemented by the government. Action is really needed, but we truly hope that it won’t take 2 years for Indonesians to realize what’s going on in the world today, for it will be too late. A future we hope to see is one wherein sustainability is a norm and not just an option to us. If we continue to ban single use plastic, we are on the right path. Indonesia is an incredibly beautiful country; it would be distressing to watch it be destroyed by irresponsible human beings. If you have a chance to talk to someone who prioritises profit over sustainability, what will you tell them? Lots of people are willing to do anything for money. Personally, we know some with the mindset that exploiting the environment is fine for money. We would tell them that exploiting the environment to an extent that doesn’t harm the Earth isn’t much of a huge deal. However, in some cases, overexploitation and overfishing could be destructive to the environment as they aren’t sustainable. Nevertheless, we can’t fully blame those people as plenty of Indonesians do not have access to education to practice sustainability. This is why The Antheia Project aims to educate them to try to be sustainable. We have always taken the economy into consideration, and we understand that sustainability is a privileged concept and that countless people do not have access to it.
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What is the most impactful and memorable experience you’ve had with The Antheia Project? Although we were slightly nervous before the core team meeting, it was certainly one of the most memorable experiences we’ve had with the team. Working together with loads of environmentalists with the same positive mindset and passion makes it feel so unforgettable and impactful. Every post we have uploaded also means a lot to us. The idea that everything we put out has the power to create an impact is really meaningful. We love how every team member has a different view and perspective, which allows us to learn something new every day. Every conversation between every member and ourselves has been really memorable as well, as they are so full of passion and love for our Earth, and it is so great to see people actually coming together for a cause. What would you like to say to your fellow young Indonesians? Don’t neglect the crises of the world today, especially the environmental issues. This is our future, and we only have one Earth. If anything happens to it, how will we access the natural resources? We believe that climate change is the symptom of the problems in society. We still have a long way to go, and we must continue to humbly fight for the truth and justice for our environment. As cliché as it sounds, the future is in your hands — if not now, it’s never. It doesn’t take much to make a change. Every choice you make is a glimpse into what your future would look like. The fight has just begun, so if you have been actively taking stands, don’t stop. By providing bilingual content, we focus on giving the less fortunate locals the opportunity to be educated. Please also look forward to our upcoming website, as well as our imminent department called Antheia Education, concentrating on the education of less privileged children in Indonesia, it will also be in Bahasa Indonesia.
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kins e m r ra o f , r e Butt
1/4 cup condensed milk eunoia- 26
3 Large eggs, separated
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Rub a thin, even layer of butter on the bottoms and sides of four 4ounce ceramic or glass ramekins, then sprinkle with sugar to evenly coat. Shake out excess sugar. Refrigerate the ramekins until ready to fill. Put the chocolate chips in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Melt, stirring occasionally, just until smooth. Remove from the saucepan and wipe the bottom of the bowl dry. Add the sweetened condensed milk and 2 egg yolks (reserve the remaining yolk for another use). Whisk until smooth.
Beat the egg whites in a clean bowl until mediumstiff peaks form. Scoop one-third of the beaten whites into the chocolate mixture and stir with the whisk to loosen the chocolate mixture. Add half of the remaining whites and gently fold with a silicone spatula until just a few white streaks remain. Add the remaining whites and gently fold just until the last streak of white disappears. Put the chilled prepared ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet and divide the batter evenly among them. Bake until risen above the rims and set, 12 to 14 minutes. Serve immediately.
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Teyan nan Mulia Ditulis oleh Jasmine Wijaya
Apa yang terlintas di dalam pikiran kalian
seperti gedung sekolah beserta isinya
jika mendengar kata “investasi�? Pasti
dan peralatan-peralatan sekolah yang
kebanyakan dari kalian akan berpikir
menunjang proses belajar mengajar di
sekolah tersebut.
dengan berharga
bukan? Namun sebenarnya salah satu
Tidak jarang juga ditemukan banyak
investasi yang paling berharga dalam
hidup adalah ilmu. Tidak hanya itu, ilmu
juga merupakan salah satu investasi
dalam hidup yang bisa berlaku bahkan
sampai sudah menginjak lanjut usia.Â
tersebut tidak mampu menyediakan
adanya terjadi
Indonesia, masih terdapat banyak rakyat yang bahkan belum bisa mendapatkan investasi tersebut, yaitu mendapatkan pendidikan
kualitas pendidikan yang ada di kotakota besar di Indonesia. Kondisi seperti ini biasanya terjadi di daerah terpencil. Daerah
yang letak teritorialnya jauh dari kota pusat
mendapat perhatian yang kurang dari pemerintah.Â
sangatlah terbelakang, dan salah satu faktor terbesar terjadinya hal tersebut adalah kemiskinan. Kemiskinan sangat berdampak kepada kualitas pendidikan di daerah tersebut. Salah satu faktor pendidikan yang sangat terdampak ialah dan
memadai untuk proses belajar mengajar,
fasilitas yang memadai bagi guru dan muridnya
sekolah lain pada umumnya. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini, aktivitas belajar mengajar tidak dapat dilakukan di sekolah, tetapi harus dilakukan melalui pembelajaran jarak
membutuhkan gawai dan internet atau kuota,
tersebut bisa dibilang membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Oleh karena itu, banyak
mendapatkan pendidikan yang cukup beruntung. Akibatnya, proses belajar mengajar di daerah tersebut pun tidak bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan kualitas pendidikan yang mereka terima juga semakin
Indonesia masih memiliki rakyat yang peduli akan sesama sehingga mereka mau
kurang beruntung ini untuk tetap bisa mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak di tengah
mendukung ini.
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dan layak, terutama murid yang kurang
Kualitas pendidikan di daerah terpencil
Mereka adalah orang yang bukan hanya
mereka untuk mendapatkan pendidikan,
karena sejatinya hanyalah pendidikan yang
menerapkan pemikiran sang idola mereka
tersebut. Oleh karena itu, para Gusdurian ini
kemiskinan,” itulah yang dikatakan oleh
kebanyakan memiliki sikap dan pikiran yang
seorang warga bernama Wahyu Wiwoho
humanis, seperti layaknya idola mereka,
menggalang donasi internet bagi siswa yang kurang mampu di masa pandemi ini.
Penggalangan donasi tersebut dilakukan
Wahyu Wiwoho memanfaatkan teknologi
diantaranya ada yang menggalang dana
untuk kemudian digunakan untuk membeli
gawai, ada juga yang menyumbangkan
untuk di
web kitabisa.com.
gawai, dan ada juga yang meminjamkan gawainya dan kemudian disalurkan kepada
penting, tetapi yang paling penting ialah
keprihatinan akan banyaknya siswa yang
kesulitan mengakses pembelajaran daring,
disumbangkan oleh setiap individu tidaklah kolektif
sehingga gerakannya ini bisa menjadi besar
dan dampaknya bisa segera dirasakan oleh
pelajar yang membutuhkan. Donasi yang
dilakukan di Surabaya dan di Malang, dan
terkumpul ini kemudian akan digunakan
akan terus diperluas jangkauan wilayahnya
untuk membeli modem dan kuota internet
agar tidak hanya siswa di daerah Jawa Timur
yang akan dibagikan kepada seribu pelajar
yang bisa mendapatkan bantuan ini.
dengan latar belakang yang kurang mampu di daerah Jabodetabek dan daerah lainnya.
Hanya dengan aksi yang sederhana tetapi bermakna ini, Indonesia dapat menjadi
Tidak hanya itu, galang donasi gawai pun
negara yang lebih maju dengan adanya
dilakukan untuk membantu siswa yang
kurang mampu dan memiliki kesulitan
pendidikan. Selain itu, rakyat Indonesia juga
belajar melalui pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ)
bisa lebih teredukasi terlepas dari apapun
pada masa pandemi saat ini. Penggalangan
kondisi ekonomi yang dialaminya saat ini.
Gusdurian, yaitu orang-orang yang sangat mengidolakan
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Education A poem by Charlene Daneeka Woen
What is it exactly? Receiving or giving? Is it given directly? What are we achieving? The knowledge we gain Will help in the long run To use our brain For the best reason The most powerful weapon Is something we must earn Both character and knowledge Is of most importance The key to a bright future The path of success Many names to give it But what is it to you?
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Study Tips from our alumni tips from owen suherman, michael lo, angellica marta interviewed and curated by dulce santia amor, valieza susanto
Hi, I'm Owen, a second year UCLA student studying chemical engineering. During my time at Global Sevilla Puri Indah, I got 6A* 3A for IGCSE and 1A* 3A for A-Levels.
Hey everyone! My name is Michael, I am a Global Sevilla Puri Indah alumni and am currently a first year in UBC’s Faculty of Land & Food Systems. I got 6A* and 2As for my IGCSE and 4A* for my A levels.
Hi guys! I'm Angie and I'm currently enrolled in Imperial College London’s Faculty of Medicine. I got full scores for my checkpoint. I took 11 subjects during IGCSE with 5A*s and 6As. I got 3A*s and 1A during A-Levels.
Get 8 hours of sleep and exercise well This helps you stay fit so you are physically and mentally ready to conquer and excel in the academic field!
Put your phone away when studying In many cases, phones are a student’s biggest distraction. So turn your phone off and put it away. Thus, you will not be tempted to scroll miles through your Instagram explore page.
Make acronyms and flowcharts to help with memorizing Why can we easily remember memes but not the reactivity series nor the periodic table? That’s because it has visuals, and it is the image and uniquely relatable information that sticks to your head. Try to implement this the next time you are required to memorize!
Separate your workspace from your study space This maintains the professional vibe when it comes to studying. Reading your biology textbook near your bed will only tempt you to snuggle under the covers, which will result in complete abandonment of a study date with said textbook.
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Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions You would feel all the more regretful when you know you could have asked for a re-explanation of how photosynthesis happens, but didn’t. Hence your loss of an additional three points to a test wherein you scored 22 out of 40.
Teach others about what you have learned You wouldn’t want to mistakenly teach your friends the wrong formula for finding a sphere’s volume, do you? Peer teaching is one reason for you to get your facts and explanations straight in order for them to understand what you do.
Be consistent in exerting effort throughout the year Consistency of effort throughout the year lessens your burden in exam seasons as you would most likely have already retained a lot of information from reviewing for previous tests. Consistent effort is also likely to bless you with stable scores, although they are not always under our control.
Organize your papers and notes Throughout the year, you will be receiving lots of worksheets, assessments, handouts, and of course you would have your own notes too. File them into folders so you will not waste time looking for that one algebra worksheet during the exam week.
Do not study everything in one go Why have 3 separate meals instead of a huge one for the day? Well, not only is it unhealthy but you are also guaranteed to puke your guts out. This applies to the brain as well; cramming the night before isn’t likely to be effective. Try dividing study sessions for different days, and take breaks to not exhaust your mind.
Have self-confidence and never give up This ensures your hard work won’t be in vain. Always believe in yourself and be positive. Remember that achievers don’t quit, and quitters don’t achieve.
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nares 9
wahyu 12
charlene 8
dylan 8 eunoia - 33
One of the currently most discussed topics is the BLM movement, you might also recognize it is as the #BlackLivesMatter movement you see on social media. These murders and police brutalities have been taking place so frequently and are most often targeted at Black people. Another crisis going on is happening in Yemen, with more than 80% of its population in need of humanitarian assistance. Among 2 million children under 5 years old are in desperate need of treatment, due to the lack of health services and the growth of spreading diseases. Yemen is running short of clean water supplies, as well as health facilities. They do not have access to basic healthcare, as they are unable to cure the people from sicknesses, let alone treating those infected by the COVID-19.
A month ago, a catastrophic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon caused deaths, injuries as well as homelessness among its citizens. Lebanon is currently fighting an unprecedented economic crisis, famine, pandemic, political unrest, and sufferings from the massive explosion. The Lebanese government was said to be responsible, due to failing to protect its own citizens. The government’s negligence and not procuring enough resources to sustain its own people was so mismanaged, that it has caused Lebanon’s supplies to decrease to close to none.
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Thailand’s democracy is currently stolen since the 2014 military coup. For 6 whole years, the military government was led by Prayut Chan-o-cha, who is still in power. Whenever someone spoke up, they were arrested, threatened, or even attacked. Thai activists who called for democracy and reformed the monarchy risked themselves, aware that speaking the truth may cost them their lives. Furthermore, Thai media aren’t allowed to report the situation, decreasing help for Thai people to fight for their rights to freedom of opinion and expression. A popular social media platform, TikTok, is incredibly trendy today. It is known for its comedy and its expressive use in creating and sharing of content. However, what we do not realize is that some of these trends are more racist than we think. Take for example, the infamous Fox-Eye Trend. Although this trend is simply an act of pulling at one’s eyes, it has gotten backlash due to mimicking the way someone would insult Asian eyes. This trend was then called out for alleged Asian cultural appropriation and racism. Despite the fact that TikTok trends can be entertaining, we should always make sure to understand the meaning behind it before creating unnecessary content.
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Orang yang suka membaca akan mencari kebenaran, bukan mencari pembenaran eunoia - 36