EUNOIA // The Offline Issue (March 2022)

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classics 02






features 06

Online to Offline: The Adaptation


OSIS events




what's up world


back to school packing list


kita di masa pandemi


movie recommendations


lunar new year



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eunoia is a student-run digital publication that aims to give

Mr Christopher Amargo Ms Yosuanela Putri Maristya

fellow students a platform for expression and representation, and to educate, collaborate and inspire through creative means.

Mr Anand Balan Mr Ifran Nutriputra Mr Candra Gunawan


featured figure Dika, Valerie, Gladys, and Edric

the editorial board Daniela Renatta Citra, Dulce Amor Santia photographers Nelson Adrian Darwin writers Delbar Rosana Ifra Zafira, Shane Natalie The social media Daniela Renatta Citra, Dulce Amor Santia design Gabrielle Felosa Nitisaputra, Candice Christabel


CONNECT general instagram @eunoiagspi @gspiosis read online

Compiled by Delbar Rosana Ifra Zafira Illustrated by Daniella Renatta Citra

Online to Offline: The Adaptation

Written by Shane Natalie and Gabriella Felosa Nitisaputra

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We asked Dika, Edric, Gladys, and Valerie of Grade 7 and these are their opinions. In Dika’s opinion, online can be better since, if you forget to bring things then it would be all right since you can just grab them. The worst situation is in PE class, as it feels weird seeing everybody on screen. When we had the Mindfulness Day he said that he did complicated moves, and started to feel like jelly. Dika said that when we have PE, we would have a much larger space, so during that time, it is better offline than online. Dika misses socializing and meeting new friends and people, and he has the itch to see new people, he told us. Now, in Edric’s opinion, he believes that online learning has its pros and cons. For example, online learning is flexible, as students get to study whenever, wherever, and however they want it to be. Next, it is affordable. Online is not complicated. Drivers do not have to pick us up, which is of great relief for our parents and also it is easier to access information. In his opinion, the cons are: students from online learning are lacking in social interactions and they intentionally don’t want to be a part of a subject and do not want to try. eunoia-7

When the pandemic is over, then these students could have difficulties in communicating with others and keeping up with the class and the subjects. Also, teachers have to relay information to the students who might have problems in interacting and understanding the topic that is being taught. Finally, being distracted with other things, and not having the focus needed are also not good when we want a productive learning journey. ​The next interviewee is Gladys, and she believes that online learning is the best choice because of the current pandemic. Online allows us to meet one another without being close by and is a helpful tool during these times. Gladys believes that although online is quick and easy, offline has more interaction and is sometimes even more convenient than online. She says that when the lessons need tools that are hard to find or rather bothersome, then yes, offline would be better. Subjects such as PE, IT, and Science are examples. Offline also makes the experience of learning more interactive and maybe more fun, as we can meet our teachers and friends.

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And the final interviewee we will cover is Valerie. Her stance on online and offline, of which one is better, is somewhere in the middle. She believes that offline is better than online, but because of the complicated situation of COVID-19, we should learn online. For our mixed learning, there aren't any major problems but, for those who learn at school, maybe we can reduce the use of devices/gadgets so it can feel like a regular class. In Valerie’s perspective, ICT is one of the subjects that would be better offline since we all have different types of devices so it would be better if we do it offline since we would all have the same type of computer and it would just allow information to be digested easier. Valerie, and maybe a lot of other students, would say that they miss offline to some degree, such as getting to play with your friends in the grass plaza, and that online might sometimes get embarrassing. The four students of Grade 7 had some really interesting answers to our questions and gave us insight into what it feels like to be in the online experience in both primary and secondary. We hope that you, the reader, stay safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. Just hang on a little while longer, and soon things can all come back to normal! eunoia-9

V E E N S I T S S O Written by Gabrielle Felosa Nitisaputra

These past 2 months of February and March has some great events that really emphasize on the fundraising for the environment such as the SSD & OEE departments’ community service of “Give Back to the Environment”. All of the donations of this event went to Sea Soldier and Eco Camp NGOs, to manage the terrible situation of plastic waste in the environments such as oceans.









known as Valentine’s day. The event was packed with many performances from Secondary and High school students.









exhilarating it was also for a good cause to help the environment. If you would like to do some good on your own you can try to donate or maybe on your next beach








environment should be protected. And as a final note I



departments events


to for


applaud doing











forward to their next innovative event.

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LSE with that









Ibrahim G12


Clara G7

by Lara G8

by Clara G7


what's up world?

what is happening in Ukraine?

written by Candice Christabel

The recent invasion by Russian soldiers of Ukraine has become huge news worldwide. It has become extremely viral as most social media are talking about the situation. The attack started not long ago on February 24, 2022. The Russian soldiers and tanks sent by Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, rapidly gained territory and areas in Ukraine. Russia began dispatching enormous numbers of soldiers and equipment to near Ukraine's borders late in 2021. President Vladimir Putin had said for months that he would not conquer his neighbor, but he finally broke the peace agreement and sent troops across Ukrainian borders. He stated that he aimed to protect individuals who had been subjected to bullying and mass murder, as well as to "demilitarize and de-Nazificate" Ukraine. Russia wants now to topple and replace Ukraine's democratically elected government. eunoia-14

As a major power attacks a European neighbor for the first time since World War II, the Ukrainian people and the rest of Europe are frightened. Numerous people have died, and families in military services will face difficult times in the following days. According to the UN Children's Agency, around five million Ukrainians may be displaced. Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Poland, and Moldova are bracing for an influx of refugees. The Western alliance declared that it has no plans to send combat forces to Ukraine. Instead, they have supplied advisers, weapons, and medical teams. The West is also targeting Russia's economy, financial firms, and people. Ukraine has urged its supporters to stop purchasing Russian oil and gas. The three Baltic republics have implored the rest of the world to disassociate Russia's financial sector from the international Swift payment service. "It's essential for us to make sure Ukraine never, ever joins NATO," Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov stated. "Assuming Ukraine is a NATO member when these military activities begin. Is it planned that we would go to war with the NATO bloc? Has anyone thought of it? Apparently not." President Putin said. President Putin wants NATO to withdraw its forces and military assets from member nations that entered the alliance since 1997 and to refrain from deploying weapons close to Russia's eunoia-15 borders.

There is no diplomatic method out of this for the time being. Ukraine has called for discussions, but Russia stated they can only take place if Kyiv accepts to give up and demilitarize, which it will not do. Aside from the war, any subsequent agreement will have to include the Western nations, as well as arms control for all involved.

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kita di masa pandemi written by Ravelin

Terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 melanda seluruh negeri di belahan dunia termasuk Indonesia. Sudah lebih dari dua tahun pandemi ini menganggu aktivitas manusia diberbagai aspek kehidupan. Virus ini sangat mudah menyebar dari satu orang ke orang lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah menerapkan peraturan untuk selalu menjaga jarak agar memperlambat proses penularan virus ini. Pemerintah juga membatasi aktivitas-aktivitas yang biasa kita lakukan di luar rumah termasuk kegiatan pembelajaran. Kegiatan pembelajaran ini dilakukan secara daring atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) yang dilakukan di rumah masing-masing. Awal mula tersebarnya berita tentang virus Covid-19 ini, pemerintah menerapkan PJJ selama dua minggu karena keadaan yang tidak mendukung dan sebagai pencegahan penyebaran virus ini. Namun, pandemi ini tidak kunjung selesai hingga sekarang. Hal itu disebabkan oleh virus yang terus bermutasi dan menimbulkan varian-varian baru lainnya. Semenjak dua minggu tersebut, kini PJJ terus dilaksanakan sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan eunoia-19 akibat pandemi yang tak menentu ini.

Dengan adanya PJJ selama dua minggu, banyak siswa senang termasuk saya lantaran tidak perlu pergi ke sekolah, tidak perlu bangun pagi karena semua aktivitas dilakukan secara daring. Terlebih pada saat itu akses pembelajaran daring masih sangat terbatas, tidak seperti sekarang yang sudah banyak aplikasi untuk mendukung pembelajaran daring. Sebelum pandemi ini terjadi, banyak siswa yang berkhayal dan berpikir “kapan ya bisa sekolah dari rumah?”, “kapan ya bisa sekolah sambil tiduran?”, “pengen libur satu tahun deh, lelah sekolah terus”, “pengen sekolah sambil santai-santai bisa ga ya?”, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan sekarang khayalan itu benarbenar terjadi. Dengan terjadinya pandemi ini, sekolah dilaksanakan secara daring, kita bisa dengan bebas melakukan apapun yang kita mau sambil sekolah. Bisa sambil nonton film, bisa sambil makan, bisa sambil tiduran, dan aktivitas lainnya yang bisa kita lakukan secara bersamaan dengan aktivitas pembelajaran. Walaupun tidak benar-benar libursatu tahun, setidaknya waktu sekolah menjadi lebih fleksibel dan bisa sekolah dengan santai pada saat itu. Saya sebagai pelajar yang terkena dampak pandemi ini juga awalnya merasa senang karena bisa belajar dari rumah, bisa bangun siang, bisa sambil melakukan aktivitas lain, bisa sambil bermain handphone, dan lain-lain. Namun, lama-kelamaan pembelajaran daring ini terasa membosankan dan lumayan membuat stres karena harus melakukan segala sesuatu dari rumah, tidak bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman, tidak bisa berinteraksi secara langsung dengan guru, sulit memahami pelajaran, tugas yang semakin banyak, dan sangat melelahkan karena setiap hari harus menatap layar. eunoia-20

Selama PJJ, tentu tidak lepas dari tugas dan ulangan harian. Semenjak belajar di rumah, rasa malas mulai menyerang dan lebih sering menunda-nunda pekerjaan/tugas. Selama PJJ, saya sering menunda-nunda pekerjaan dan pada akhirnya semua tugas menumpuk dan deadline-nya jatuh pada tanggal yang sama semua. Namun, sekarang saya sudah mulai mengurangi hal tersebut dan mulai mengerjakan tugas setiap diberikan agar tidak menumpuk di kemudian hari dan jadi lebih cepat selesai. Kalau ulangan, saya juga berusaha untuk belajar agar lebih paham dengan materinya sehingga saat ulangan saya bisa mengerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan. Karena sekolah tidak luput dari tugas dan ulangan, saya harus membiasakan diri untuk belajar dan latihan agar bisa memperoleh nilai yang maksimal. Menurut saya, walaupun kegiatan belajar mengajar dilakukan secara jarak jauh, kita harus tetap produktif agar aktif dalam menjalani hari-hari yang akan datang. Kita juga harus memotivasi diri sendiri untuk tetap semangat, dan ingat bahwa masa depan ditentukan oleh diri kita yang sekarang. Jika sudah mulai lelah, jangan dipaksakan untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan karena hasilnya tidak akan maksimal. Lebih baik istirahat sebentar, lakukan hal yang kita suka sejenak dan kembali melakukan aktivitas ketika sudah merasa lebih baik. Kita juga harus menyeimbangkan kegiatan belajar dengan aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya agar tidak mudah bosan dan dapat menikmati hidup walaupun di era pandemi.


Sudah lebih dari dua tahun kita melaksanakan pembelajaran secara daring atau jarak jauh, kita sudah harus terbiasa dengan kondisi sekarang ini dan mulai menganggap bahwa PJJ ini merupakan hal yang normal di era pandemi demi menjaga kesehatan kita semua dan mencegah penularan virus ini agar pandemi ini cepat berlalu. Kuncinya adalah terus memotivasi diri sendiri agar terus semangat dan jangan jadikan pandemi ini sebagai alasan untuk kita tidak berkembang. Asalkan ada niat dan tekad yang besar, kita pasti bisa maju dan berkembang walaupun di era pandemi seperti sekarang ini.


belle (2021)

written by Charlene Daneeka Woen

Belle is a Japanese animated science fantasy film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by Studio Chizu. It is based on and inspired by the 1756 French fairy tale Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Suzu is a shy, ordinary high school student living in a rural village. For years, she has only been a shadow of herself. But when she enters "U", a massive virtual world, she escapes into her online persona as Belle, a gorgeous and globally-beloved singer. One day, her concert is interrupted by a monstrous creature chased by vigilantes. As their hunt escalates, Suzu embarks on an emotional and epic quest to uncover the identity of this mysterious "beast" and to discover her true self in a world where you can be anyone. Belle is a beautiful movie with a fantastic story, filled with great music, an excellent cast, good visuals and animation.


shang chi (2021) Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is a 2021 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character, ShangChi. It was produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film was directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, from a screenplay he wrote with Dave Callaham and Andrew Lanham. Marvel Studios' "Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings" stars Simu Liu as ShangChi, who must confront the past he thought he left behind when he is drawn into the web of the mysterious Ten Rings organization. This film includes many interesting concepts that come from a character who’s been masking his true identity, running from the past, and facing internal battles of love, war, loss, and betrayal. Shang-Chi is a story about the complicated nature of a family, but it’s also a story about how grief can be overcome not through isolation or anger, but compassion and connection. It also brings out the meaning of “stop hiding who you are”. With beautiful sets, strong characters, a huge amount of heart, and a wonderfully crafted background, “Shang-Chi” is a phenomenal film with a great message. eunoia-24

happy lunar new year



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