What art of acquiring knowledge or practice of science. The action to instruct, how to teach, to educate, to impart formation, learning, understanding!
Aerospace is the human effort in science, engineering and business to fly in the atmosphere of Earth (aeronautics) and surrounding space (astronautics.) Aerospace is the industry of building aircraft, vehicles and equipment to be sent into space. Aerospace is the branch of technology and industry concerned with aviation and space flight. Aerospace companies are involved in developing and making rockets, missiles, space vehicles, and related equipment. Aerospace organizations research, design, manufacture, operate, or maintain aircraft and/or spacecraft.
AEROSPACE ABBREVIATIONS a.p. Autopilot admn Administration, Product Support, Commerce, Economy, Finance, Justice. aero Aerodynamics. air Air, Air Conditioning, Gas. airc Aircraft, Maneuvers, Operations, Tourism, Transport. armt Armament, Defense. comp Computer, Automation, Video. ctrl Controls, Control Systems. docu Documentation (Technical, etc.) draw Drawing. elec Electricity, Ignition, Fire, Light. elek Electronics, Audio. engi Engines/Motors, Powerplants. envi Environment, Ecology, Medicine, Weather, Health, Rescue. eqpt Equipment, Apparatus, Circuits, Devices, Mechanics, Systems. fluid Fluids. foun Foundry, Forging. gse Ground Support Equipment. heli Helicopters, Other Vehicles. hydr Hydraulics, Pneumatics. ice Icing, Anti-icing, De-icing. infr Infrastructures, Installations. inst Instruments. labo Laboratory. 5
land Landing Gear. mach Machining. manu Manufacturing, Calculations, Design, Processes, Production, Techniques. mech Mechanics. meta Metallurgy. misc Miscellaneous. navi Navigation. op/ac Optics/Acoustics paint Painting. perf Performance, Units of Measure. phot Photography. print Printing, Typography. prod Products, Ingredients, Hardware. sci Sciences (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, ...) space Space, Atom, Energy. stru Structures. test Testing, Training, Measurements, Checks. text Textiles. tool Tooling. tran Transmissions. weld Welding.
Acting Active Advanced Assistant Antiaircraft Antiaircraft Artillery Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France AAC Air Approach Control AAC Automatic Approach Control AACS Airways and Air Communications Service AAD Advanced Ammunition Depot AADA Antiaircraft Defended Area AADC Antiaircraft Defence Commander AAEE Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment AAéF Académie aéronautique de France AAFC Antiaircraft Fire Control AAFCE Allied Air Forces Central Europe AAFNE Allied Air Forces Northern Europe AAFSE Allied Air Forces Southern Europe AAG Air Adjudant General AALC Amphibious Assault and Landing Craft AALMG Antiaircraft Light Machine Gun AAM Air-to-Air Missile AAMS American Air Mail Society AAOC Antiaircraft Air Mail Society AAOR Antiaircraft Artillery Operations Room 7
AAP Allied Administrative Publication AAP Apollo Applications Program AAPP Auxiliary Airborne Power Plant AAPU Airborne Auxiliary Power Unit AASD Antiaircraft Self-Destroying AASR Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar AATC Automatic Air Traffic Control AATO Army Air Transport Organization AB Adapter Booster AB Afterburner AB Air Base AB Airborne ABC Advancing Blade Concept ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center ABMA Army Ballistic Missile Agency Abn, abn Airborne ABRES Advanced Ballistic Reentry System a/c, A/C Account a/c, A/C Aircraft AC Absolute Ceiling AC Advisory Circular AC Aerodynamic Center A/C Aircraft Commander AC Airworthiness Committee AC Alternating Current AC Altocumulus AC Armament Control AC Atlantic Council ACA Armament Control Agency 8
CODIFICATION a = adjective E = english F = french G = german S = spanish n f = noun, feminine n m = noun, masculine n n = noun, neutral v = verb * = standardized term
VOCABULARY Structure concentrates on the disposition of details suggested by one use of configuration. But structure may refer in addition to an underlying form that is not necessarily observable by a glance at the outlines of something: excessive fat disguising what was actually a perfectly formed bone structure. Also, structure emphasizes the organic relatedness of a whole, seen from the perspective of function: the complicated structure of the executive branch of the government; the structure of the internal combustion engine.
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