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Winner – Made in Borås
Made in Borås
AUTHOR(S) — Gauthier Durey (FR), Architect, urbanist, landscaper; Linn Runeson (SE), Architect, urbanist; Eric Reid (CA), Landscaper, urbanist
CONTACT — edit / atelier +47 96742371 gauthier@edit-atelier.com / www.edit-atelier.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Respectful of Borås’s identity, its industrial and textile history, “Made in Borås” proposes to combine these elements with Gässlösa’s unique location on the Viskan river. Re-affirming the city’s riverscape as a strong tool for renewing Gässlösa’s, providing high quality living and climate adaptability. This approach led to the conceptualisation of a metropolitan river park at the core of Borås and its future developments, introducing the necessary spatial qualities for a denser urban living.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — It is a great proposal that takes advantage of the existing qualities of the site. The proposal contains an interesting variety of typologies but is at the same time a distinct unit. The proposal convincingly takes care of the situation by the water and shows how the river can be a real asset to the city. The old industrial buildings that are preserved provide a good basis for businesses to establish but also give a distinct identity to the area. The urban structure has a spatial clarity and stability that can be developed further.