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Special Mention – The Shape of Water
AUTHOR(S) — María Beni Ezquerro (ES), Manuel Pedraz Salas (ES), Francisco Javier Fernández García (ES), Marta Peinado Alós (ES), Architects CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Josu Acebrón Gutiérrez (ES), Student in architecture and landscape; Pablo Irarrázaval (CL), Architect TEAM POINT OF VIEW — Sant Climent is the metropolitan gateway that allows you to go from the delta plane to the Ordal mountains. Considering this anteroom character that gives access from one ecosystem to another, the proposal gives continuity to the existing stream park in Viladecans and connects it with the metropolitan park planned in the stream of Les Comes, North of the town. This connection materializes as a park of agricultural character and productive predisposition, thus trying to minimize the risks of becoming an area of growth and urban speculation that deteriorates the main quality of Sant Climent, which is precisely its compactness and moderate growth that protects and respects its privileged agroforestry environment. CONTACT — C/ Carme 44, Principal 2ª, 08001 Barcelona (ES) +34 670912203
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