6 minute read
SCALES — XL/L - Urban / architectural LOCATION — Trelleborg POPULATION — City 43,360 inhab. STRATEGIC SITE — 95 ha PROJECT SITE — 48 ha SITE PROPOSED BY — Municipality of Trelleborg OWNER OF THE SITE — Trelleborg Port / Municipality / Private POST-COMPETITION PHASE — Post-competition phase: In 2018 a structural plan will be developed and in 2019 a planning program. The city intends to develop cooperation with the winning team(s). Start is set to March 2018
Charlotte Hägg Reader — Project leader for the old port transformation, City of Trelleborg
1. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE SITE MUTATION? Trelleborg is in the midst of reformulating its identity from “port city” to “coastal city”, and to become a more important regional stakeholder. This process is triggered mainly by the relocation of the port that makes more than 90 ha first-class waterfront land available for urban development, and by the rerouting of road traffic to a new ring road which means that today’s barrier between the inner city and the sea can be removed. The way this former port site, proposed to Europan competition, will be transformed and will define Trelleborg in the long term and consequently for future generations.
2. HOW CAN THE SITE BE INTEGRATED IN THE ISSUES OF PRODUCTIVE CITIES? HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THE PRODUCTIVITY ISSUE? Production 2.0 is the future — clean, quiet production that does not require much heavy transports. By trying a new form of production 2.0 the new neighbourhood by the sea can become an arena where the city’s identity is stretched and reformulated. The project site will complement Trelleborg city and support the trade in the city centre. Production could fill the ground floors at street level to add a dynamic where there is little or no opportunity for local business or service. The objective is to create an “exotic” city quarter in Sweden’s Southernmost city from which every resident can enjoy the sea and the surroundings. A destination for visitors and tourists alike.
3. HAVE YOU ALREADY DEFINED A SPECIFIC PROCESS FOR THE URBAN AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE AFTER EUROPAN? In 2018 a structural plan will be developed taking into account qualities from the different proposals together with planned investigations on contamination, climate change and infrastructure. In 2019 the planning program will be finished. The city intends to develop cooperation with the winning team(s). The urban identity of Trelleborg is diverse and tolerant and there is opportunity to create a unique future architecture. Considering the size of the site, the intention is to work with more than just one awarded team.
New Sjöstad: Water, Walk With Me
AUTHOR(S) — Cyril Pavlu (CZ), Katerina Vondrova (CZ), Architects-urbanists CONTACT — T. +46 765523764 cyrilpavlu@hotmail.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — New Sjöstad connects the city with the reclaimed seafront and makes Trelleborg a city on the sea, rather than next to the sea. Through the revelation of Skåne’s natural potential coastlines, with the celebration of water and the preservation of the industrial and productive heritage, the proposal presents three new vibrant districts in the former harbour. Public space links lead through small squares, production hubs, food halls, parks and other, naturally extending the existing urban fabric to the redeveloped waterfront. The proposal celebrates water with over five kilometres of restored coastline and new public facilities, such as bathing piers, marinas, wetland areas and natural beaches which all create a diverse and continuous public realm for current and future Trelleborg’s residents.
JURY POINT OF VIEW — The success of integrating the old town with the new harbour town district will be dependent on how well new structures allow for natural barrier-free flows between the old and the new, between points of interest, and between town and sea. The proposal answers in a well-crafted and seemingly effortless way to several of these matters. The proposed urban structure shows good understanding of the existing Trelleborg town pattern, adding a contemporary interpretation of the existing varied, permeable and rather large blocks, consisting of a multitude of building types.
AUTHOR(S) — Leonard Ma (CA), Architect CONTRIBUTOR(S) — Carmen Lee (CA), Architect
CONTACT — Public Office, Helsinki (FI) T. +358 449612422, www.publicoffice.co
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — “Pioneers” is a project that seeks to develop partnerships with future residents in a process of collective building. In the first phase, 10% of the projected inhabitants will colonize the project site, using a specific wood building technique to construct a 64sqm building. The pioneers establish a grid across the site and the clues for possible development in the city. The precise architecture aims to supplant the role of capital in the coordination of labour, to create a public building process. By reconsidering the production of housing, Trelleborg can utilise the assets of the city - access to land, in a way that engages directly with the public. A public partnership establishes a community, deeply involved in Trelleborg, with a vested interest in the future of the city. JURY POINT OF VIEW — This proposal offers an unusually farreaching analysis of the theme Productive Cities. It delivers a thoughtful and radical argument for a slow and gradual development based on self-construction. The authors challenge the privilege that capital investment currently has over labour when it comes to defining the urban landscape, and explore a way of reversing the positions. The proposal uses the existing manufacturing facilities on the site, minimizes the reliance on specialised expertise, and hence, aims for a radically increased level of accessibility throughout the development process, questioning both the notion of labour itself, and the current development of the housing market.
AUTHOR(S) — Virginie Alexe (FR), Urbanist; Augustin Bourgeois (FR), Camille Bourgeois (FR), Architects; Bérengère Chauffeté (FR), Landscape architect CONTACT — virginie.alexe@gmail.com, augustin.bourgeois@gmail.com, camillebourgeois90@gmail.com b.chauffete@gmail.com
TEAM POINT OF VIEW — We stayed a week in Trelleborg to take into consideration the existing things that would feed the project. And the question was: how to deal in a subtle way with legitimate ambitions and respect of the genius loci? 1 / advent. First, the apparition of the infrastructure web and accommodations. The principle is simply to continue the existing paths that are already heading to the port. Keeping the existing visual connections and creating new housing blocks according to the purest urban intel: the street. The diversity of uses and lifestyles are leading directly to the city. Then, the implementation of emerging green spaces in the south part. The trees will be the first protection from the wind. The waterfront will always be public. 2 / production. Densification of the first phase web. A new geopolitical ambition: to be a major city in the Baltic Union. 3 / prospective. Thanks to its rubber industry Trelleborg’s port will continue to enjoy the future.