A Smart Investment in America’s Midwest
By Mark Laurenzo, Business Development Manager, Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA)
s we reflect on lessons learned in the year 2020, many words come to mind that encapsulate a year unlike any in our life mes. But the word that stands out in my mind is transforma onal. The collective impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has truly transformed not only how we live, but how we do business. Many newly implemented ways of working will remain well a er the pandemic has come to an end and ul mately become part of whatever normalcy looks like moving forward. In the midst of these unprecedented circumstances, the state of Iowa (centrally located in North America) has gone the extra mile to support impacted businesses through relief grants, tax deferrals, assistance with access to federal resources, workforce development initiatives and other targeted programs designed to sustain businesses in the early days 34
of the pandemic. And as businesses have reopened and resumed operaons over the past few months, we've seen countless examples of Iowan ingenuity and our state’s indominable work ethic in the effort to push forward safely and efficiently. Though this year has presented a series of unusual challenges, there have been bright spots, including this month’s announcement that Iowa was named as European Business Magazine's Best State to Invest for the second year in a row. We’re apprecia ve of the editorial board and subscribers for gran ng us with this great honor that we could not have achieved without our top-ranked workforce and the ongoing partnership of nearly 450 interna onal employers operating in Iowa. This incredible recogni on demonstrates that though the business landscape has changed, Iowa’s low cost of doing business, skilled workforce and efficient infrastructure continue to cement our state as a great place for
industry. Even in the face of adversity, we’re commi ed to fostering an environment where businesses achieve sustained growth and people enjoy a rewarding quality of life. Read on to learn more about why Iowa may be a smart investment for your business.
A research-driven and businessfriendly environment As a state that’s home to top-ranked research-based universi es, high-tech startups and a dogged commitment to innova on, companies and ins tu ons opera ng in Iowa are tackling tomorrow’s challenges today. In fact, Iowa has emerged as a bioscience epicenter through unique research and development special es in bio-based products, animal health, precision agriculture and immunotherapies. Beyond our research-first approach, companies and ins tu ons opera ng in the state have access to abundant raw materials and a pipeline of world-class talent stemming from the University of