Capital raising of startups increased to €276M
tartups that run in the payments and transfers segment were the ones with the most capital raising opera ons. The “Portugal FinTech Report 2020” shows that the FinTech ecosystem has changed in the last 12 months and the rela onship with regulators has improved. Wri en By Beatriz Da Silva
28 europeanbusinessmagazine.com
According to Portugal FinTech, the 30 Portuguese FinTechs that stood out in the country increased the amount of capital raised by around €66m in 12 months. The report shows that the top 30 technological innova on companies have raised, since 2017, around €276m, which compares with the capital raised un l last year, that
stood at €210m. However, this was not the only change in the na onal ecosystem of financial, insurance, cybersecurity, capital markets and even real estate technological innova on - although the report is called “Portugal FinTech Report 2020”, there are startups that run in another market segments other than finance,