Morocco: A New Genera on of Civil Servants Paving the Way for Industry 2.0
ver the last decade a new genera on of civil servants has been working to improve the attractiveness of Morocco’s
industrial sector, especially in areas such as automotive, aeronautics, electronics and biotech. With youth on their side, many of them are in
their thirties or early forties, and they all have extensive experience in the private sector in Morocco or abroad.
Youssef El Bari, Secretary General Ac ng as the global coordinator of Morocco’s “industry team”, Youssef El Bari is the secretary general of the Ministry of Industry, trade, green and digital economy. Prior to this, a graduate from the prestigious French engineering school Polytechnique, El Bari was the director of industrial innova on in Phosphate Giant OCP. El Bari is laser-focused on execuon and deals with numerous challenges in the transforma on of the administra on, alongside coordinating the different departments and interac ons with other ministries. A seasoned jogger who used to run long distance, El Bari is a rising star in the Moroccan administration. Renowned for his solu ons-oriented character and his constant search for common ground, he is also well known for being a tough nego ator. 52