History, Government & Politics Tours For Colleges
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History, Government & Politics Tours For Colleges
New Y or k Hist or y & Po lit ic s It inerar y
Day 1: Touc h down in the off your ba gs and head city that never slee ps! Drop 360º view back up in to the sky s of Manha for some ttan from the Top of the Rock Day 2: Grab . a ferry over Ellis Islan to the Stat d Immigra ue of Liber tion Muse city was fo ty and um to lear unded on n mass imm immigrant igration. Co how the journey to nt Manhattan inue the where the ’s lower ea Tenemen st side tM to life as th ey attempt useum brings their experience ed to mak Times Sq e a better uare, befo life. re enjoying a hit Broad Shop in way show Day 3: Take . a Headquar guided tour of the U nited Nat ters before ions visiting th Museum to le e 9/11 Mem o physical an arn exactly how th e attacks al rial and d emotiona te l landscap e of the city red the . Day 4: Expl ore Rights Tou Harlem on a Soci al r Justice an shopping be then enjoy some free d Civil fore you he time and la st minute ad home. Day 5: Earl y morning arrival in th inspired. e UK, tired and
Our range of history and politics school trips allows students to explore the great moments and pivotal periods in history from the Tudors right through to Cold War Eastern Europe. Our specialist itineraries have been proven to leave a lasting impression on students, whilst opening their eyes and bringing their subject to life.
Great communicatio n, personal service, good conn ection between us as the college an d EST as the provider. South Essex College
Washingt on Po lit ic s It inerar y
for an Museum ers Field ts of the First d n la F it the In the even r nurse Day 1: Vis through civilian o e journey story of a soldier, nd the e tt A r. interactiv e a th ence of w r, follow World Wa the human experi nin Gate which te Me to illustra eremony at the ultimate C made the Last Post tes all those who ra o commem ar. during w tes in the els sacrifice me key si n visiting so underground tun ot ay d e th d C end s an the Tyne Day 2: Sp Walk the trenche to d ea H e a. l 62. etery in th m Ypres are ry Wood and Hil e C ry a ilit ua locating British M by r st at Sanct u e to rg r la , the lise you roup. Cemetery uide can persona in your g rg of a pupil world. Ou a family member of nagar the grave he Loch region. T e Western m e m th o S r on s plore the ing crate iv the name rv s in su Day 3: Ex st nta the large no morial co e e M av l h a t v Crater is p bu the Thie e Somme Front and en who died in th m 0 0 ,0 3 7 of to life. rave. e period known g ought th br lly a re aving r home h Depart fo
Krakow Hist or y It inerar y
Par is Hist or y It inera ry
Day 1: Land in the beau tiful city of to the Wie Kr liczka Salt Mine one of akow, take a trip out the oldest in Europe. Day 2: Expl ore the old Kazimierz guided wal Je wish Quar king tour of ter. Take a the area w before head hich ing to the Je wish Ghetto was left deserted Schindler Factory. location of the Visit the G alicia Jew ish Museu commemor m which po ates the vict ignantly im a Holocau st Survivor s of holocaust. Here you can mee to hear eyeconcentrat t ion camp co witness te stimony of nditions an Follow this d life unde with a trad r Nazi rule. itional mea l and folklo re show. Day 3: Spen d the day un derstandin Final Solutio g the realities n on a guid ed tour of A of the Concentrat uschwtiz ion Camp, - Birkenau an incredib missed for ly poignant any history site not to be student. Le evening at t off some st the Wodny eam in the Waterpark . Day 4: Spen d the morni ng explorin shop for so g Krakow’s uvenirs in the market old town an before head stalls of th d ing back to e Cloth Hal the airport. l
Day 1: Trav el by coach to the birthp and get your lace of revo be lution passing man arings on a Guided City Tour y of the mai n sights. Cl Montparna imb the sse Tower for some gr city. eat views ov er the Day 2: Visit La Concie rge where was held du Marie-Antoi ring the Re nette volution be execution, fore he and see whe re self-procla Napoleon th r guillotine imed “son of the revolutio e Les Invalid n” is buried es. at Day 3: Spen d the day ex ploring the opulence of grandeur an the palace and garden d de Versaill s at the Ch es before re ateau turning to meal in a Pa Paris to en risian restau joy a rant. Day 4: Visit the Arc de Triomphe shopping on with free ti the Champs me and your coach to return ho Elysees before you bo me. ard
Your group will receive a free pack of Imperial War Museum postcards, representing the Third Reich and The Cold War, as a souvenir of your trip to Berlin!
our and get y the of Berlin ishing at toric city n is fi h r e u o th T g into in ly lk F s. a w 1: W Day g vie rical at evenin on a histo r some gre bearings Dome fo g a st h the city by Reic affected partition tion Centre and ow h of a sense menta Day 2: Get Berlin Wall Docu round on a Berlin e erg o tried to visiting th f Tears. Go und those wh ce o stories of ay with a e d r th r the Pala ou y ea nd Tour to h e Wall. E th r e d Bunker n u freedom tunnel to er. e TV Tow th p u ip tr the Stasi ow soner at h olitical pri describes -p , ts ex n n u a co eet t-hand ac . Complete the Day 3: M rs fi h it w ho, nd Berlin Prison w can see a p on East kept a gri useum where you njoy free E the Stasi ! M st R a D E the D in the picture at g. e was like ll what lif latz in the evenin even sme P r e am d ts o P ome time at nd head h Charlie a t in o p . e it Check eriod to lif Day 4: Vis ght the p ally brou having re
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Day 1: Tra vel by coac h or rail in capital. E xplore Lo to the hea ndon’s war rt of the the Impe time histo rial War ry by visit Museum Rooms. ing or the Ca Get some b inet War great view a ride on th s of the ci e London ty skyline Eye. on Day 2: Get behind th e scenes of visit to th eT Tudor Bri tain with Palace. Ta ower of London a or Hamp ke part in ton Court a worksh Archives op at the which allo National ws stude sources on nts to look almost ev at primar ery perio y d in British history. Day 3: A to ur of the Hou you to the heart of go ses of Parliame nt takes vernmen Supreme t while a Court intr visit to th oduces th type of ca e e Court's ses they h role and th ear, with a case taki e the oppor ng place. tunity to see Day 4: Ta ke a tour of the Lo you head ndon Du home. ngeons be fore
erar y in It s ld ie f le t t a WW I B
feet ind your cts ton DC. F Washing nusual fa u in e e m d si so e arn ive Stat ur and le o T g Day 1: Arr in ed Walk on a them istorical city. is h ite about th s on a Wh s footstep e t’ n th e d in si e pre don l alk in the justice is e politcia Day 2: W see where in the land. Reliv r King e our and T st th e u se h L u ig o in H art the h where M e Court; the spot . Suprem ” Speech stand on m d a n a re D ry a e histo inal “I Hav m se is h rary of gave ur the Lib itol and to al Declaration of p a C S U it the origin Day 3: Vis efore viewing the es. b l Archiv Congress ce at the Nationa n e d at the Indepen cal events or histori hotos at the aj m ’s ca ri live Ame time for p e. Day 4: Re with just enough ding hom m efore hea b t n e m Newseu u n o M n to spired! Washing red and in the UK, ti in l a iv rr ing a rly morn Day 5: Ea
Ber lin y C o ld War It inerar
London Hist or y & Po lit ic s It inerar y
wish The guides at the Je and Museum, Aushwitz were Schindler's factory ed er just the fantastic and deliv rmation. right amount of info wns College Havant & South Do
Ber lin, It inerar y 5 4 9 1 8 1 9 1 y n a Ger m
a r feet on d find you Berlin an hing at the to in e iv rr nis .Day 1: A g Tour, fi great photos. l Walkin for some historica te a G rg u b ny at Branden in Germa olled life e SS contr re visiting the th ow h rn efo ts how Day 2: Lea phy of Terror b documen time e which gra e. Free al Centr im the Topo ri g o re m t e ce M ocialis Resistan ed the National S ing. sist the even in people re tz la amer P ation in Potsd oncentr n ausen C h rground o n e d se n u ch go isit to Sa Berlin to ombing b to 2 g W Day 3: V in W rn ore retu erience a Camp bef nker Tour to exp n. Relax with an Bu ilia v ci a of s a Berlin e ugh the ey raid thro bowling. meal and to g in n e ev emorial caust M al city. ant Holo n ot ig iv o p p is e th it th to Day 4: Vis enlightening trip an round off
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My Tour Manager Our market-leading portal is a masterclass in tour organisation. My Tour Manager is a tour organiser designed to save you time and enable you to keep on track with your trip admin. Trip paperwork online and in one place Personalised tour checklist detailing what you need to do and by when Download free resources and templates
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Travel Smart With The EST Travel App The EST Travel App is the secure on tour app for groups travelling with European Study Tours – it’s free and is personalised to your tour. Gone are the days of carrying bundles of paper. Download the app to your mobile device and you’ll have instant access to everything you’ll need whilst you’re away. Worried you’ll have no signal or concerned about data usage? It’s available offline.
We’re With You All The Way With Locate My Trip Locate My Trip is the easy, convenient way to trace your group’s location, and has been specifically designed to provide reassurance to both parents and teachers Your college can log in and locate your group’s whereabouts - where you’ve been and your current location Your college and European Study Tours can react quickly to travel issues and other events which may affect your tour plans
The app was excellen t, all members of staff downloaded the app and it made organising where we needed to be and when very easy. I would definitely recommend the app to anyone travelling wi th EST Ormiston Horizon Ac ademy
t - all Perfection throughou te, ura acc s information wa e Th ar. cle d an up to date, app is cool! South Essex College
Easily provide parents with relevant information should travel plans be affected I have been travelling with EST since 1996 and have never been disappointed by the service or the experience of the trip Bury College
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We Take Responsibility
By working with us as your tour organiser rather than booking independently, we take the responsibility for the provision of all your travel services, giving you peace of mind that you are covered legally and financially under new Package Travel Regulations. Risk Assessments Choosing us as your travel partner will save a considerable amount of work, show due diligence and demonstrate good practice. With our experienced auditors and regular safety training, we are able to make accurate and informed decisions on the suitability of your tour components. Group Leader Inspection Visits We understand the importance of being as well prepared as possible which is why we provide the perfect opportunity to explore your destination before taking your group away. We provide two nights’ accommodation for two staff for you to familiarise yourself with the hotel and perfect your itinerary. “The management team at EST are very proactive in their approach to health and safety”
We Share Our Knowledge and Experience With You to Develop Career Ready Students Our team have travelled the world seeking out the essentials for your next trip and are keen to pass on other group leaders’ recommendations on the best options for your group, and help create the next generation of internationally-minded students. As part of our personal service for each group leader, we give you a dedicated Tour Consultant and Tour Planner ensuring an effortless booking process. Make Your Trip Rewarding For over 35 years our trips have inspired hundreds of thousands of students into university and their chosen career paths as well as helping students improve their attainment and reach their potential.
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helpfulness Safety Management 98.8% & Risk Assessment advice
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General Attitude
Itinerary Planning
98.3% 97%
“The first-hand experiences of learning outside the classrooom can help to make subjects more vivid and interesting for pupils and enhance their understanding. It can also contribute significantly to pupils’ personal, social and emotional development.” Ofsted
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Spring Travel Offer Up to £30 off per person if you travel by the end of March 2019!
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0330 838 4120
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You will receive a booking discount of £10 per person for tours to the UK, £20 per person for tours to Europe, and £30 per person for worldwide tours. Offer does not apply to Live! Events or 4 Designers bookings. Offer applies to new enquiries received after 1st September 2018. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer.