Eurotur Tourbook 2021, Argentina & South America

Page 135

Buenos Aires: Cultural Encounter

Buenos Aires: Cultural Encounter


5 Days / 4 Nights Buenos Aires

Gato Negro, Remarkable Bar, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @visitargentina

TBK0407 What’s included • Needed transfers • Accommodation: 4 nights • Tours: City tour with Colón Theatre Museums Tour - Graffiti Tour Mataderos’ Fair - Remarkable Bars • Meals: 4 breakfasts - 1 lunch 2 snacks • Needed tickets to museums

Day 1 Buenos Aires. Arrival and reception at the airport. Transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon, panoramic tour of the city starting at Plaza de Mayo, witness of some the most important events of the country from 1810. Then continue to the neighbourhood of La Boca, and finish in Palermo and Recoleta. During the tour, we visit a city’s icon: the Colón Theatre, considered one of the best opera houses in the world, recognized for its acoustic and artistic value of its construction. We have the opportunity to visit: The Foyer, The Golden Room, the Gallery of the

Busts and Main Room. At the end, return to the hotel. Day 2 Buenos Aires. B Morning at leisure. In the afternoon, departure from the hotel to visit two of the most representative museums dedicated to different aspects and periods of argentinian art and culture. According to the preferences of each passenger, it is possible to choose between the following museums:National Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Decorative Art, Jose Hernández Museum and Buenos Aires’ Museum of Latin American Art(MALBA).At the end of the tour, we enjoy a coffee in Errazuriz Palace that is home to the Museum of Decorative Art, which is a fitting example of the Belle Epoque in ‘porteño’ area. Finally, return to the hotel. Day 3 Buenos Aires. B Morning at leisure and in the afternoon encounter with Urban Art. Discover why Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals of Street Art. At this tour, you can contemplate the work of more than 50 urban

artists and the fascinating stories behind their murals. You may explore different areas of the city and photograph giant walls not listed in the tourist guides. We finish the tour with a stop at a bar where you can breathe urban art. Day 4 Buenos Aires. B L We leave the city and drive to the neighbourhood of Mataderos (in Spanish, ‘mataderos’ means slaughterhouses), where the countryside and the city lived for a while since in 1889, a slaughter of cattle was founded. When the neighbourhood began to populate with workers attracted by the new activity, it received the nickname ‘Nueva Chicago’ (the New Chicago), in allusion to the city from the United States, centre of the meat industry. Nowadays, an outdoor fair is held in the neighbourhood, in which is possible to see a mix of horse dressage and runs, lasso throwing, guitar-playing, live music and typical dances. At lunch time, we can taste some of the typical foods of the country such as

empanadas and locro (meat and vegetable stew). Day 5 Buenos Aires. B In the morning we visit some bars of the city, that have special historical relevance and for that reason deserve to be called ‘Remarkable’. During the tour, we stop at El Ateneo Splendid. It is an antique theatre that nowadays functions as a bookstore, which is known as one of the most beautiful libraries in the world, by the newspaper The Guardian. At due time, transfer to the airport to board your flight. Operational notes: Day 2: The National Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of Decorative Art, and Jose Hernández Museum close on Mondays. MALBA (Buenos Aires’ Museum of Latin American Art) closes on Tuesdays. Day 3: The Graffiti Tour operates on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satuday in the afternoon, in a shared service. Day 4: Mataderos’ Fair only operates on Sundays except from January to March. During those months, it is replaced by San Telmo Fair.


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Buenos Aires: Cultural Encounter

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