Costa del Sol 27 April – 3 May 2023 Issue 1973

Page 12


MARBELLA is expected to host the biggest golf tour operator conven‐tion in Europe, bringing in more than €1 million for the city. The International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO) an‐nounced on Tuesday, April 25 that it will hold its first‐ever European con‐vention in Marbella. More than 650 people are set to attend and 8,300 work meetings are expected to be held.

Marbella’s mayor, Ángeles Muñoz, described the event as a massive boost for the city’s tourism industry, which currently interacts with more than 2,500 accredited tour operators from 90 countries

that manage over 90 per cent of all global golf vacation packages and generate more than €2.5 billion an‐nually!

Attendees will enjoy two days of conferences, networking, and a chance to experience Marbella’s lo‐cal attractions.

The Vice‐Minister of Tourism, Cul‐ture and Sport from the Andalucian regional government, Victor Gonza‐lez, added that golf tourism provides 5,000 direct and 45,000 indirect jobs in the region.

The IAGTO CEO, Peter Walton, says that Spain and Portugal are the top golf destinations, and the indus‐try has grown despite the pandemic.

Issue No. 1973 27 April - 3 May 2023 FREE • GRATIS COSTA DEL SOL • EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM
The mayor announced the exciting news. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Marbella

Betty Henderson DONKEY DREAMLAND is offering a delightful Full Moon Walk from 7pm on Friday, May 5, where par‐ticipants can enjoy a peaceful walk in the hills behind La Cala de Mijas while watching the sun set and the full moon rise.

The event comes after a successful Donkey Walk Experience held last July, where guests, volunteers, and donkeys embarked on a walk into the sunset, relishing the spectacular views as the full moon rose.

For a donation of €15 per person, which in ‐cludes one drink and a tapas picnic snack (with additional drinks avail ‐able for a further dona ‐tion), attendees can join the walk and enjoy the beautiful surroundings with the donkeys. The cost will fund the sanctu ‐ary’s vital work.

The walk will take par ‐ticipants up hills and along rocky terrain, so suitable footwear is es ‐sential. After the walk, guests can spend time with the donkeys at the sanctuary under the full moon’s magical light.

Reservations can be made online: www.don s . All are invited to wit ‐ness the enchanting beauty of the full moon with Donkey Dreamland, while supporting the sanctuary.

ESTEPONA’S Parque Orquidario is causing a stir in the botanical world! The park has been invited as a special guest to several exciting events throughout the Iberi‐an peninsula.

Thousands of people got to take a look at the park’s in‐credible orchid species on dis‐play at the Clube dos Orquidófilos de Portugal’s an‐nual exhibition, held at Lisbon Zoo on Friday, April 21. Visi‐tors marvelled at the diverse range of species on display at the Estepona stand and re‐ceived informative insights in‐to the park’s collection.

Manuel Lucas, the Es ‐tepona park’s curator, wowed the crowd with two fantastic talks, including a fas‐cinating lecture entitled ‘The Orchid Hunters of the 19th Century: A Rescue from Oblivion’, which shed light on the unsung heroes who ex‐plored the world in search of new orchid species.

Lucas described the event as a major success, and sever‐al European orchid fanatics have expressed interest in visiting Parque Orquidario to explore its collection.

Taking root

The park is also attracting national attention and has al‐so been invited to judge the 24th Fiesta de los Patios

Full moon walk Heart of gold

Portuenses and participate in the first Festival de las Orquídeas in Jimera de Líbar in Andalucia.

DANIELA WENK, a local estate agent, has been hailed as a hero after she went above and beyond for one of her clients. When Daniela received a call from a concerned client about her husband’s welfare, she acted fast and headed straight to the property on Monday, April 24.

Upon arrival, Daniela found the man in urgent need of medical assistance. Without hesitation, she called an ambu‐lance and stayed by the man’s side for over two hours while they waited for it to arrive. Guardia Civil officers came to as‐sist until the ambulance arrived.

Thanks to Daniela’s actions, the man was taken to the hospital where doctors confirmed that her intervention saved his life. The man is currently receiving treatment and is expected to recover.

The man’s relieved wife took to Facebook to express her gratitude to Daniela, where the local community thanked her for her heartwarming gesture.

In an interview, Daniela played down her actions, saying that people are calling her a hero, she did what she hoped most people would do in her position. She also shared her concern that there aren’t enough ambulances in the region.

It’s clear that Daniela is an exceptional member of the Calahonda community.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS 2
Guests stroll in the sanctuary’s scenic fields.
Photo credit: Donkey Dreamland (via email)


Dazzling dance

BENALMADENA Dance School is hosting two excit‐ing events to mark Interna‐tional Dance Day on Thurs‐day, April 27 and Friday, April 28. Their talented stu‐dents are set to perform at Plaza de la Mezquita and Plaza de las Tres Culturas.

Luxe summit

MARBELLA took the luxury tourism industry by storm at a Madrid summit this week. The city’s Director of Tourism, Laura De Arce put Marbella’s luxury tourism industry on display, high‐lighting quality and excel‐lence.

Fashion forward

A CHARITY fashion show held on Thursday, April 20 was a hit! The Times Bar La Cala Mijas was bustling with fashion lovers who helped raise an amazing €500 for the Royal British Legion. Glass the Label thanked ev‐eryone involved.

Helping hand

AGE CONCERN Marbella and San Pedro thanked their thoughtful volunteers who helped Roberto and Courtney to get a big food shop at the British super‐market. The couple shop lo‐cally but were overjoyed to stock up on home treats.

Boss ladies

FUENGIROLA hosted an exciting women in business event last weekend, which saw 14 local women en ‐trepreneurs showcase their businesses to the public. The event aimed to inspire younger women in business and show them the oppor‐tunities available.

Crime watch

POLICE have just cracked down on an international criminal ring, believed to be based in Napoli, putting an end to their near‐30 inci‐dent spree of robberies in‐cluding luxury watches worth more than €1 million. Three were arrested.

THE BIOPARC Foundation called for urgent action to protect the planet on Earth Day, which was celebrated on Saturday, April 22.

With over a million species of plants and animals in dan‐ger of extinction, the Fuen‐girola, Valencia, and Gijón branches of the natural con‐servation park joined the UN’s Earth Day celebrations with the message to “invest in our planet”.

To mark the occasion they launched a campaign which aims to bring nature’s beauty closer to society, and awak‐ening feelings of love and re‐spect towards our planet.

Their campaign focused on the unique characteristics of life on Earth, but highlighted the threats to the planet’s fu‐ture due to human activity. They have also launched ini‐

Save our skins

tiatives to protect marine life and promote conservation efforts.

Through BIOPARC’s partic‐ipation in more than 100 Eu‐ropean conservation pro ‐grammes, the BIOPARC Foundation preserves biodi‐versity in habitats threatened by extinction.

BIOPARC parks offer visi‐tors a chance to see endan‐gered species up close and learn about threatened habi‐tats. The UN has highlighted the need for viable solutions to reduce the impact of cli‐mate change, but it’s up to individuals and organisations to take action.

Blooming talent Roaring for more

THE Lions Club in La Cala de Mijas are a charitable group, and showed their generosity once again on Friday, April 14 as the group came together for an evening of entertain‐ment and giving at The Village Inn in Mijas.

The event was a resound‐ing success, bringing together over 80 guests who enjoyed a wonderful experience, from the delicious food and drink to the fantastic music from entertainers, Boogie Wonder‐land. The raffle was undoubt‐edly a highlight of the night, with lucky winners walking away with some incredible prizes. Thanks to the gener‐ous support from the guests

AS spring leads into sum‐mer, so a new batch of scammers turn up and this is a knock on the door and threaten type.

It probably didn’t help their cause that when they recently drove up in their white jeep and spoke to someone very close to Eu‐ro Weekly News that they were rumbled pretty quickly.

After Covid and then Brexit, some non‐residents are just coming back to re‐open their properties and

and sponsors, the event raised a whopping €1,265 for charitable causes.

The event was organised by the Lions’ social secretary, Dave Greenwood, who left no stone unturned in making sure every detail was perfect.

Club President, Wynson Beswick, gave a heartfelt speech, thanking everyone for their contributions and recognising the incredible ef‐fort that went into making the night a success.

The group received excel‐lent feedback for the evening and are already planning their next social event, a Corona‐tion themed ‘Party in the Park’ on Sunday, May 7.

THE annual Spring Fair of the Coin Branch of the Royal British Legion was a grand af‐fair, held at Molly’s Road‐house on Wednesday, April 19. The event was a magnifi‐cent display of creativity, with more than 30 members vying for the top prize in more than a dozen different competi‐tions, designed to celebrate the unique colours and flavours of spring.

The fair showcased some of the most vibrant and stunning spring arrangements, pho‐tographs, collages, and bon‐nets created by members of the community. There was al‐so a competition for the best

Spring scam

to be told that there is a problem caused by the previous home owner or that debts have built up is a potential worry.

There’s a telephone number to call and a sug‐gestion that their people can help the problem go away if you are ready to pay them for their assis‐tance.

Some of us who settled here are getting on in

years and may be very worried by such an ap ‐proach and having seen the problem of some properties being built without licence in the past may be tempted to be tak‐en in.

Our advice is to a) ask for official identification and b) when it is not forth‐coming just say “I’m calling the police for advice” and shut the door.

chutney and vegetable, which attracted garden lovers from across the region.

The competition was tough, but the judges, Chair‐man Jo Taylor and Miranda from Molly’s, managed to choose some winners. Rosey Brown emerged as the star of the day, bagging the most awards, including several cer‐tificates. Her breathtaking flo‐ral arrangement featured in‐tricate designs and bright colours, impressing all guests and the judges.

The event was a resound‐ing success and the perfect way to celebrate spring in Coin!

PREPARE to be amazed seafood lovers! The 14th edition of the Feria del Marisco is in Benalmade‐na from Friday, April 28 until Monday, May 1.

The Kaleido car park in Puerto Deportivo in Be‐nalmadena will be the place to be for anyone who wants to indulge in dishes featuring the best catch at the best prices.

The event will feature incredible local restau‐rants including Los Melli‐zos, Casa Rafael, Almarina, Casa Gaspar, and La De‐spensa del Tipo. They will be serving up delicious seafood and rice dishes to please all guests’ palates.

The decoration at the festival will also be a feast for the eyes, with an in‐credible sea view on the ceiling, complete with a beautiful fishing boat.

Thanks to the support of sponsors like Cruzcam‐po, Coca‐Cola, and BMW Safa Motor, this year's Fe‐ria del Marisco promises to be bigger than before.

FOR MORE NEWS STORIES publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain. The Euro Weekly News Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 3 NEWS
Fresh off the hook 130 STORIES
Photo credit: Bio Parc Foundation (via email)
An Asian tiger in the BIOPARC conservation park.

All on board

BUS travel in Fuengirola is easier than ever be ‐fore thanks to a new free bus card available for local residents. Resi ‐dents who are regis ‐tered as living in the Fuengirola region (em ‐padronado) can now ap ‐ply for a free transport pass which can be used on local bus services.

The registration pro ‐cess opened on Mon ‐day, April 17, allowing passengers to ride for free from Wednesday,

May 17 when the sys ‐tem comes into place. Physical bus cards cost €3 and are available from several locations around Fuengirola; the Casa Consistorial, the Tenencia Alcaldía de El Boquetillo, the Hogar Social de Puebla Lucía, or the Edificio Colores.

The virtual Tarjeta Ciudadana is available from the app store on Android devices, while its iOS equivalent will be available from Thurs ‐


day, May 25. Residents can find out more infor ‐mation or sign up online at: www.tarjetaciuda .

The decision to offer free bus passes is part of the council’s efforts to turn Fuengirola into a low emission zone, or ‘ZBE’. The scheme has been funded by the Eu ‐ropean Union’s Next Generation Plan which aims to drive the EU to ‐wards a more sustain ‐able future.

BENALMADENA witnessed a thrilling charity golf tourna‐ment in the form of ‘The Cud‐eca Player of the Year Com‐petition 2022/23’ event, powered by

The competition, aimed at supporting the Cudeca Foun‐dation’s palliative care initia‐tives in the Malaga region, raised a stunning total of €7,620 for the charity.

Golf societies and groups from across the Costa del Sol participated in the year‐long event that culminated in the finals held at the legendary Old Course of the San Roque Club on Thursday, April 19.

Chipping in

Meaning don’t try to do too many things at the same time, focus on one thing at a time. This proverb dates back to the mid-1500s and is derived from the trade of blacksmithing.

The eight winners, spon‐sors, Cudeca, and celebrated the tournament’s success in a group photo. Fredrik Falken‐gren emerged as the Cudeca ‘Player of the Year’ after shooting 37 stableford points in the finals held at the world‐renowned Real Club Valder‐rama.

The tournament, open to golf societies and groups which use the forum, invites players to do‐nate €10 and experience two of the best days of European golf at the San Roque Club and the Grand Final venue, Real Club Valderrama.

Lead sponsors Black Box Golf, Spence Clarke, and Vi‐nomarket, along with spon‐sors Paul Scotton Design, Ibex

Estepona’s got talent

ESTEPONA is set to become a hub of musical talent as the town welcomes a youth music competition. The fifth annual ‘Ciudad de Estepona’ National Young Musicians Contest will showcase some of the country’s best musical prodigies under the age of 14 on Sat‐urday, April 29 and Sunday, April 30.

The stakes are high, and the competition is fierce as 10 semi‐fi‐nalists from all over Spain battle it out for a chance to become the next big music sensation. Judges for the competition include renowned musicians with national and international recognition, and all semi‐finalists will receive a certificate.

Estepona’s Colegio San José will host the semi‐finals on Satur‐day, April 29, and the grand finale will take place at the Auditorio Felipe VI on Sunday, April 30.

The competition promises to be a musical extravaganza featur‐ing young virtuosos who specialize in piano, string instruments, wind instruments, harp, and guitar. The event will also feature an electrifying performance by Alexander Erokhin, a young violin prodigy from Valladolid who won the fourth edition last year.

Insurance, El Paraiso Golf, and Callaway Golf Europe, generously contributed to the cause.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS 4
Golfers took to the course for Cudeca Foundation. Photo credit: Cudeca Foundation (via email)
“Don’t put too many irons in the fire.”
51% Amount of monthly salary you need to buy an iPhone 14 Pro Max in the UK.

Celebrity appearances

CELEBRITIES Eva Longoria and Maria Bravo are set to host the 11th annual Global Gift Gala in Marbella in July.

The Casanis Group owner and CEO Zazou Belounis, Marbella mayor Ángeles Muñoz, and the founder of Casa Ángeles and Fundación Global Gift, Maria Bravo, made the announcement at a launch event on Friday, April 21.

The international charity gala, which will take place on Sunday, July 23 at the Hotel Don Pepe Gran Meliá, promises to be a starstudded affair, with Eva Longoria and other famous celebrities in attendance.

This year’s event will also benefit from the support of global partner Utopia Avatars, a project designed to cre ­

ROTARY Club MarbellaGuadalmina, in collaboration with the charity La España Azul and environmental activist Nacho Dean, is making waves for their outstanding efforts to reduce plastic waste.

The Rotary Club is taking action with the EndPlastic­

ate an ethical world where businesses are socially responsible and philanthropy is at the forefront.

The event, which will feature a pre ­ gala dinner at Mamzel at Finca Besaya, will be attended by a whole host of famous faces. The restaurant’s head chef and co­

owner, Fabián Cangas promises a unique dining experience for guests.

During the launch, Maria Bravo praised Zazou Belounis for his commitment to charity and his initiative which allows diners at his restuarants to make donations to Casa Ángeles.

Pollution patrol

Soup initiative, partnered with Nacho Dean and his La España Azul Expedition.

Nacho is a renowned adventurer and naturalist who successfully walked around

Marbella scores big

MARBELLA FC, the pride of the city received a grand reception from the city mayor, Ángeles Muñoz at the City Hall on Monday, April 24.

The mayor welcomed the team after their recent promotion up a league to 2ª RFEF and expressed her pride in the team’s great performance throughout the season, which culminated in their remarkable achievement.

Muñoz explained that she believes this is just the beginning for the team and that they will continue to dream big and work towards becoming one of the best teams in Spanish football. “Your triumph is also a triumph for our city,” she said.

Esteban Granero, the head of ‘Best of You’, the company that manages Marbella FC, also congratulated the team for their hard work and dedication throughout the season. He presented the championship cup to the mayor along with coach Emilio Fajardo.

Granero also thanked the City Hall for their unwavering support for the team.

Marbella FC has made its mark in Spanish football, and with backing from the City Hall, and the public, it is sure to continue to achieve great things in the future.

the world to document climate change and swam through the straits between continents to highlight the need to preserve the oceans.

Now, with the support of three Rotary Districts in Spain, Nacho is sailing around the Spanish coastline in his boat, La España Azul, to document the impact of plastic and microplastic contamination on marine ecosystems.

During his current expedition, Nacho recently disembarked in Marbella, where he gave a talk to the Rotary Club when he told the audience that even at this point in his voyage some alarming statistics on plastic pollution are already emerging. After the talk, Nacho received Honorary Member status of the Club from the Club President, Willem Falter.

Nacho meets with officials and private companies at each port to encourage cooperation towards freeing the oceans from plastic pollution.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 MARBELLA NEWS 6
Marbella prepares to host a dazzling charity gala. Photo credit: Global Gift Foundation (via email)v

Allergy awareness ahoy!

ONE inspirational mum from Malaga is on a mission to raise awareness about life‐threatening food allergies.

Jay Dickens recently pub ‐lished a children’s book, enti‐tled ‘The Peanut Pirate’, which follows the story of her son, nine‐year‐old James and his severe peanut aller‐gy.

James recently started at Sunland International School in Cartama, where he re ‐ceived incredible support from his classmates and teachers.

Jay started The Allergy Ad‐ventures social media page on Facebook to connect with other parents with allergic children and raise awareness about food allergies.

The Peanut Pirate is the first book in a series that will follow James’ journey through his formative years at school coping with a life ‐threatening allergy.

Food allergies affect around 2.5 per cent of the population worldwide, with peanut aller‐gies being one of the most common. Jay’s book is an es‐

sential read for parents and children alike, as it inspires young readers to be more un‐derstanding and supportive of those with food allergies. The book is now available for pur‐chase: https://www.ama

Walking warriors

PREPARE to don a yellow shirt and join the Darkness Into Light mental health or‐ganisation on Saturday, May 6 for their annual charity walk, raising funds for those in suicidal crisis or self‐harm‐ing on the Costa Del Sol.

The walk along the coast in the early hours offers a heartwarming experience, uniting a community to sup‐port mental health.

On Saturday, May 6 at 6am, join walkers at Blue Dolphin Beach Restaurant in Estepona to show your sup‐port for mental health

other day centre in Estepona, set to open in June.

James recently began Oral Immunotherapy Treatment with Dr Isabella Fernandez de Alba in Granada, and can now tolerate six peanuts per day.

awareness and make a posi‐tive difference in your com‐munity.

The organisation’s past ef‐forts have helped their local partner, Afesol Salud Mental, to obtain a new day centre and they have raised a stag‐gering €50,000 to furnish an‐

FUENGIROLA hosted the opening matches of the Finnish Baseball League over the weekend, and it was a grand slam of an event! The games took place at the Jesús Gámez field in the Elola sports complex, on Saturday, April 22 and Sun‐day, April 23. Lapuan Virki went head to head against Joensuu Maila in the women’s category on Saturday. On Sunday, IPV faced off against Hyvinkää Tahko in the men’s category.

Baseball is a popular sport in Finland, and the matches were a big deal, with live television coverage across the country. The event was made possible by a partnership signed in 2017

The event has grown sig‐nificantly since its establish‐ment in Dublin in 2009, now spanning 22 countries, sup‐porting 36 charities with more than 200,000 walkers. The Costa del Sol walk began in 2016 and has since ex ‐panded to three locations.

Registration is available via Facebook or online: http://www.darknessinto

If you can’t make the walk, donations are also accepted through the website.

Home runs

between the Finnish Baseball League and Fuengirola Town Hall.

The matches were a hit with locals and tourists alike, especially as many Finns call Fuengirola home.

Spectators packed in to support their favourite teams and enjoy the stadium atmo‐sphere. With an exciting start to the season, Finnish baseball fans can’t wait to see what the coming months hold.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 7 NEWS
Walkers catch a delightful sunrise.
Photo credit: Darkness into Light (via Facebook)
Photo credit: Karen Southall (via email)
PEANUT PIRATE: The proud author and her son, James.

Cast of dreams

Betty Henderson CALLING all performing arts lovers! The Salón Varietés Theatre in Fuengirola is on the lookout for the next big stars in the performing arts indus‐try. The theatre is holding a casting call to find performers who will dazzle audiences by singing, acting or dancing.

The theatre is holding two days of open auditions for their upcoming shows. They are seeking talented adults and young people aged 15+ who have a passion for the performing arts, in particular those who might not have acted in the theatre for a long time.

Auditions will take place on Saturday, April 28, and Sun‐

day, April 29. On Saturday, ac‐tors and singers will have their chance to shine from 11am to 1pm. Those audi‐tioning are asked to bring along a prepared song or monologue to impress the theatre’s directors. The fol‐lowing day, auditions will also

begin at 11am for dancers who are asked to come in dancing attire and will also re‐ceive a workshop.

All are invited to get in‐volved with the only theatre of its kind in southern Spain. For more information, con‐tact John Gale: 627 595 059.

Ready to ride

MALAGA is getting into gear to host one of the region’s biggest motorcy cle events at the DB Killer Moment Evento Motor on Saturday, May 6.

Motorsport profes sionals and amateurs will take to the track at the Autocine Málaga CesurFP where they will show off their talent in several circuit races. Guests will be able to marvel at the state‐of‐the‐art motorcycles with racers from various teams across the region. Spectators will also get to witness top‐quality technology in the racing field firsthand. As well as the racing, organisers are putting on a show for all spectators with

music from DJs Adrian Cobos and Salvi Tejon, as well as a food and drink zone, a motorsport exhibition and a raffle.

Whether you’re an avid motorcycle fan or simply looking for a thrilling day out, this event is not to be missed! Guests have the chance to get up close and personal with the latest motorcycles and see how they perform.

With the event coming up soon, more than 300 people have already bought tickets. Guests can buy tickets by message on Facebook to Dbkiller Moment or WhatsApp 643 963 079.

Mijas’ green guardian

REME LEIVA, the deter ‐mined candidate of Ade ‐lante Andalucía in Mijas, is taking a stand for the pro‐tection of the town’s beloved Sierra Mijas moun‐tain range after devastating fires took a toll on local forests.

She is speaking out against the recent creation of forest tracks in the Arbu‐lagá area of the Sierra Mijas, calling it “almost worse than the fire itself” and damaging not only the natural environ‐ment but also our cultural heritage.

In a statement made on Wednesday, April 19, Leiva

emphasised the urgent need for the restoration, preven‐tion, and conservation of Sierra Mijas‐Alpujata, citing the numerous fires that have ravaged the region.

“We must restore the for‐est space lost to these fires. Prevention is also urgent ‐we need to establish water reservoirs near the moun‐tains to enable helicopters to act quickly in the event of a fire and restore the fire stations in the village.”

Finally, Leiva highlights the importance of conserva‐tion and announces Ade ‐lante Andalucía’s support for the creation of Sierra Mi‐

jas‐Alpujata Natural Park.

Leiva is seeking to be elected in local elections tak‐ing place next month.

Date correction

IN a correction to a misprint, the Marbella Fitness Festival took place last weekend on Sunday, April 23, not Sunday, April 29, as was previously report‐ed. We apologise for any confusion caused.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 9 NEWS
Salón Varietés performances blow audiences away. Photo credit: Salón Varietés (via Facebook)

Obituary - Dirk Itterbeek

DIRK ITTERBEEK , the beloved husband of Fabi ‐enne Paques and treasurer of ACE, has sadly passed away at the age of 69 after a valiant fight against cancer.

Born in Mechelen, Bel ‐gium in 1954, Dirk’s life was dedicated to caring for ani‐mals. He found his true call‐ing when he and Fabienne relocated to the Costa del Sol and founded the ACE SHIN Animal Care España Dog Shelter in La Cala de Mijas. For the last 23 years, Dirk

THE Simply Thriving Group is bringing excitement to the month of May with two up‐coming events that are not to be missed!

On Thursday, May 4, the group plans to enjoy a deli‐cious lunch at the renowned Bistro Michel in Torreblanca near Fuengirola. Members of the group will meet next door for a drink beforehand.

The fun continues on Thursday, May 11, when the group heads to The Vil‐lage Inn, Riviera del Sol for

and Fabienne have tirelessly worked to rescue and re ‐home more than 27,000 dogs and cats that have been abandoned, unwant‐

Serving up fun

an evening of entertain ‐ment, good food, and drinks, from 7pm. Sean, a fantastic entertainer, will take the stage at 8.15pm for a fabulous show.

Guests at the dinner will have a choice of three mouthwatering main cours‐

ed, or mistreated.

Dirk’s passing on Thursday April 20 has left a gaping hole in the hearts of those who knew him, both two ‐legged and four‐legged.

Dirk will be laid to rest in Mijas Costa on Friday, April 28, where he will be remem‐bered for his unwavering commitment to animal wel‐fare and his community. Dirk’s legacy will continue to be felt by the countless lives he touched.

Rest in peace, Dirk.

es: sirloin steak with all the trimmings, scampi, chips and peas, or vegetable lasagne. Guests can also in‐dulge in various sweets and a small beer or glass of wine, all for €15!

The Simply Thriving Group always has great fun at their social events and welcomes anyone to join and make new friends. Con‐tact Val on 951 313 257 or check out the Facebook site for more details and to book.

Crowning the king

GIBRALTAR is gearing up to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III in true style! A spectacular Coronation Parade at Con‐vent Place will launch the celebrations on Wednes‐day, May 3 at 6pm.

The Parade will feature service personnel from the British Forces Gibraltar and representatives from all of Gibraltar’s Essential Ser‐vices. The event promises to be a spectacle of military ex‐cellence and a celebration of British identity in the overseas territory.

The celebrations don’t end there though. On Thursday, May 4, His Excel‐lency the Governor and the

WE regret to inform our read‐ers that the Open Day sched‐uled for Sunday, April 30 at the ACE Dog Shelter in La Cala de Mijas has been cancelled.

This decision has been made due to the recent pass‐ing of Dirk Itterbeek, the hus‐

Chief Minister will visit ev‐ery school in Gibraltar to join their Coronation cele‐brations. Garden parties, as‐semblies, concerts, and street parties are on the cards to mark the momen‐tous occasion.

The public is also invited to watch a livestream of the King’s Coronation on Satur‐day, May 6 which will be displayed on a large screen

set up at Casemates Square.

Announcing the plans, Chief Minister, the Hon Fabi‐an Picardo KC MP ex ‐plained, “I am also hon‐oured to have been invited, alongside His Excellency the Governor, to attend His Majesty’s Coronation in London, where we will proudly represent the gov‐ernment and people of Gibraltar.”

Event cancellation

band of Fabienne Paques, the President and Founder of the shelter. Dirk’s funeral is set to take place on Friday, April 28, so the event has

been cancelled. We extend our condo ‐lences to Fabienne and her family during this difficult time.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS 10
Bunting is going up to mark the occasion. Dirk was a much-loved member of the community. Photo credit: Carolyn Melian (via email)

Shore to impress

Betty Henderson

MARATHON season is here, and Estepona is joining in the fun with the second edition of its popular half marathon, the Media Maratón Senda Litoral de Estepona ‘Trofeo IKOS Andalusia’, which is set to take place on Sunday, April 30. More than 700 runners will hit the tarmac in this epic 21.1 kilometre race from Cancelada to the Estepona Athletics Stadium.

The race features varied terrain which will challenge the most experienced of runners, but there will be a team of marshalls to ensure the race runs smoothly.

The race will start at 9.30am sharp from Calle Montemayor in Cancelada, taking participants past residential areas before hitting the first refreshment stop at the five kilometre mark. From there, runners will take in beautiful sea

MIJAS is gearing up to host its first ever Iberian jamón ham cutting competition. On Sunday, May 7 the town will host the ‘Liga Nacional de Cortadores de jamón’, featuring some of the country’s finest ham and experts in the culinary field.

It’s time to witness the best Iberian ham cutters from all over Spain compete for the ul­

New Nordic-inspired range of partially recycled glasses

INSPIRED by Nordic street style; with a minimalist approach in design and a focus on individual expression, the new LUXe range from Specsavers Ópticas is applying both Nordic thinking and Nordic styling to their range. Now available in Spain, the range is classic, minimalist and partially made from bio­based acetate and recycled materials.

views as they head along Estepona’s coastal esplanade, past the fishing harbour, and around the lighthouse.

There are several categories for participants to compete in, including Junior, Senior, Veterans, and a new category for disabled runners. Cash prizes will go to the top finishers.

Runners can sign up online at: www.dor

Cut above the rest

timate crown in an epic showdown! Competitors will have the chance to collect points in the National Jamón Cutting League.

Guests will watch competitors carving the perfect cuts of ham before sampling plates of ham, at just €5 each.

With six of the best ham cutters from Spain on display, this is an absolute must­attend for all foodies and jamón enthusiasts out there.

The competition will be held in the town’s Cortijo Don Elías in Las Lagunas from 12pm.

The beautifully crafted frames blend minimalistic design and classic chic styling. They feature soft textures, rich earthy tones, natural crystal shades and modern silhouettes, providing a clean and timeless look. Even the tiniest details have been considered, from the herringbone textured corewires to the two­tone laminated acetate temple tips. Every aspect of each frame adds to their refined aesthetic.

Sustainability was identified as one of the key drivers in buying decisions in a recent report from Specsavers Ópticas, making this range’s eco­credentials even more important. These frames are handcrafted from 52 per cent bio­based acetate, made with materials like tree pulp, and the metal frames are made from 54 per cent recycled metals.

Nerea Galdos­Little from Specsavers Ópticas Marbella commented, “It’s a pleasure to intro­

LUXE RANGE: Now available in Spain.

duce this Nordic­inspired range to our stores. Over five million Scandinavians holiday in Spain ever year and there are around 20,000 permanent residents from Scandinavia living in the Malaga Province alone.

A recent Sifo survey showed that 28 per cent of Swedes have at some point considered buying a home abroad and 22 per cent of those would like to buy a home in Spain. And it’s not just the Swedes who love Spain, Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol has the second largest number of Finns outside Finland!

Scandinavians have a love affair with Spain and so it only seems right to introduce a range inspired by their style to the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca and Mallorca, which many of them call home.

There are nine Specsavers Ópticas stores in Spain. You

Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Estepona (via email) EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS/FEATURE 12
Athletes are gearing up for the race.
can find them in Marbella
Fuengirola on
Visit to find your nearest store.
the Costa del Sol, Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia on the Costa Blanca and Santa Ponça in Mallorca.

1m seats

AS announced by the train operator on Sun‐day, April 23, Renfe will have a total of one mil‐lion seats available for travellers during the May bank holiday in Spain.

It has planned this mammoth total of seats to be available for travel on its AVE, Larga and Me‐dia Distancia trains be‐tween Friday, April 28 and Tuesday, May 2. For more information go to

Renfe will offer addi‐tional seats to its normal schedules on its AVE, Av‐lo, Alvia, Euromed and Intercity services, with Andalucia, the Levantine area and Catalonia being the most popular desti‐nations.

The company said that this offer during the holi‐day period will save the combustion of 9.5 million litres of fuel, avoiding the emission of 28.8 million CO2 or 135.3 tons of NOx into the atmosphere.

Escape plan

Betty Henderson

THE Spanish government said it was on high alert on Friday, April 21 as it prepared to evac‐uate around 60 Spanish na‐tionals from war‐torn Sudan.

The conflict situation in the country is rapidly deteriorat‐ing, and fighting shows no signs of abating. The Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, said military planes are on standby and ready to go when the situation stabilises enough to enter. Until then, the em‐bassy is working tirelessly to gather all Spanish nationals and prepare for the evacua‐tion. In the meantime, the Spanish government is urging Sudanese forces to reach a ceasefire that will allow for‐eigners to leave the country and Sudanese nationals to re‐ceive vital humanitarian aid.

Spain will also cooperate with other nations to rescue their citizens. Sudan is a coun‐try located in the northeast of Africa which has been em‐broiled in conflict and political instability for many years.

The latest outbreak of vio‐

General al-Burhan meets with troops.

lence erupted after a military coup in 2019, which led to clashes between government forces and opposition groups. The situation has deterio‐rated in the past week, with fighting intensifying in many parts of the country including in the capital, Khartoum, caus‐ing mass displacement and a severe humanitarian crisis.

THE European Union (EU) has issued a stern warning to Spain over a controversial en‐vironmental law that seeks to legalise irrigation in thou‐sands of hectares of land around Doñana National Park, one of the most impor‐tant wetlands in Europe.

Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for Environment, wrote a letter on Thursday, April 20, ex ‐pressing his concerns about the proposed law and threat‐ened to take legal action if it violates environmental legis‐lation.

In deep water

The EU has already re ‐quested clarification from the Spanish government about the law change, but no for‐mal response has been given yet.

According to technical esti‐mates by the European Par‐liament, the fine for non ‐compliance could be as much as €300m. Spain has previ‐ously faced environmental fines in the Basque Country.

Doñana in southern An‐

REYES MAROTO has caused controver ‐sy by suggesting introducing a tourist tax to Madrid, something that local hoteliers are already getting steamed up about, according to a news source on Monday, April 17.

For five years, Maroto was in charge of Spain’s tourism. Now she is standing for mayor of Madrid, which every year attracts millions of visitors, including lots of British holidaymakers.

A tourist tax was first proposed for Madrid in 2015 and 2018 but was never implemented.

“The most important thing is to know why,” Maroto said.

Speaking during a breakfast meeting

dalucia has been suffering from water shortages due to the expansion of irrigated agriculture in surrounding ar‐eas. A local ecological re ‐search centre, reports that 59 per cent of the major lagoons in Doñana have not been filled with water since 2013.

The situation has been at‐tributed to the increase in ir‐rigated land, which has ex‐panded by 30 per cent in the last decade.

New tourist tax

in Madrid, the Ex ‐ Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism said she liked the idea of introducing a tourist tax, which visitors to the city would have to pay per night, but added, “The tourist tax does not have to be merely a tax, it has to be a tax that reverts to the tourism industry.”

On hearing her comments the Madrid Hotel Business Association (MHBA) made clear its opposition to the idea without any hesitation, claiming that it would have a detrimental effect on the hotel sector and visitors.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS 14
Photo credit: عب الف ا البرهان (via Facebook)
€240 average daily spend of international visitors to Madrid.

New Housing Law 2023

THE Spanish government proposed a new housing law in February 2022. This new law, which is the first of its kind, has finally been agreed upon and is pending approval from the Spanish Parliament. It focuses on rental properties in what they are calling ‘stressed areas’.

A ‘stressed area’ under the new law is an area where the cost of the mortgage or rent, plus bills and other basic property costs, exceeds 30 per cent of the average income or where the rent has risen by 5 per cent above the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

This new law has redefined what a large and small landowner is. A large landowner is now someone who owns five properties or more, it used to be 10. A small landowner owns less than five properties. The most controversial part of this new law is the fact that

the tenant will no longer pay the real estate fees.

To ensure there are no loopholes in this new law they have prohibited the inclusion of extra charges (community fee, garbage removal, etc) and you cannot come to an ‘agreement between parties’ contrary to the housing agreement. They have included tax benefits that will help offset these extra costs for the owners.

Another big change is the elimination of the CPI when calculating the cost of the rent, it is capped

and cannot increase by more than 2 per cent in 2023 and 3 per cent in 2024. They have also included new measures to protect against evictions.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 15 NEWS
NEW LAW: Focuses on rental properties.
metric tons of sunflowers are grown in Spain.

Castle jazz experience

THE Sohail Jazz & World Music Festival is back and this year it promises to be even more spectacular than ever before!

Taking place on Friday, June

2 and Saturday, June 3, the stunning Sohail Castle in Marenostrum, Fuengirola will play host to some of the best jazz and world music from the international musical scene.

Music mission

ALHAURIN EL GRANDE is about to rock for a good cause! The Un Sí Por La Vida ­ Unidos Contra el Cáncer charity is organising the first ever Alhaurín Pop­Rock Fest, a music festival that aims to raise funds to help cancer patients and their families.

All are invited to dance to the beat and show their support for the charity at the one­day festival, set to take place on Saturday, May 13 at the CEIP Emilia Olivares school. The festival boasts a star­studded line­up including Alejados, Velacruz, Leeloo Music, Malavé, Dj Yu, and Dj Manolo Jiménez.

Tickets for the event cost just €5 at the Un Sí Por La Vida headquarters located on Calle Esperanza, 3. Each ticket includes a complimentary drink for guests.

Announcing the event, Francisco Torres, the president of the association, explained, “This festival is another example of our commitment to fighting cancer and supporting patients and their families. We want to fill Alhaurín el Grande with music while contributing to such an important cause.”

Companies including the local council, Radio Televisión Alhaurín El Grande, Tocata Radio FM, Cervezas Cruzcampo, and Barberos Nómadas will also show their support.

This year’s line­up is exceptional and includes Moisés P Sánchez, one of the most brilliant and influential pianists on the jazz scene today.

Also taking to the stage will be Maureen Choi, a American virtuoso violinist who has given her own unique twist on her playing of the instrument, as well as Lucía & Horacio Fumero. Lucía won the national Jazz Spain Prize 2022, while Horacio is a talented double bassist.

The lineup is completed by Miryam Latrece, who will enchant the audience with her intimate performances of traditional and folk music with her elegant voice.

The festival’s setting is truly magical. The Sohail Castle provides the perfect backdrop for two unforgettable nights of music under the stars.

Tickets start at €25 and can be purchased online from: www.marenostrumfuengiro

CALLING all coffee and quiz lovers! Get ready for a fun ­ filled afternoon of exciting trivia and heartwarming community spirit in aid of local equine rescue charity, S.E.A.R.C.H!

The charity is set to host a community coffee afternoon featuring an exciting quiz on Saturday, May 6 in Coin.

The doors will open from 12pm, and the fun quiz will get underway from 1pm, with local mastermind Alan Boardman acting as quizmaster with an assortment of questions that are sure to entertain and challenge. Guests can form teams of two to five.

Guests are asked to pay an entry donation of €5 which will go towards S.E.A.R.C.H. and includes a welcome drink.

Delicious cakes and tapas and refreshing drinks will also be on of­

Saddle up

S.E.A.R.C.H rescues vulnerable horses.


RSVP to Susan Barns via Facebook to reserve your spot at this exclusive event. The venue is located at the charity’s ranch at Lugar Partido Haza Zaya, 448 in Coin.

S.E.A.R.C.H works in Andalucia, caring for the

region’s famous horses, particularly those that have sadly been abused or abandoned. Their philosophy focuses on natural methods of healing, training, and riding, enabling horses to be rehomed in a permanent loving environment.

Photo credit: Susan Barns (via Facebook)

AFTER the success of last year’s event, Estepona Foreign Residents Organisation (AREME) is bringing back their Hog Roast charity event from 1pm­6pm on Sunday, June 11 at Sol y Sierra in Parque Antena (Rita's Bar).

Last year’s event was hugely popular, raising hundreds of euros for local charities. This year, the Marbella Hog Roast Company is back with their mouth­watering food, and Karen Danzig will be performing live to keep all guests entertained. There will also be a raffle, boasting incredible prizes.

The event is a chance for local foreign residents to socialise over a delicious Sunday lunch. All profits from ticket sales and raffle tickets will go to local animal charities.

STEP back in time at an exciting ‘Back to the 80s’ party night in Mijas! If you’re a lover of big hair, neon colours, and funky music, this is the party for you! What’s more, it’s a charity event, raising vital funds for the Cudeca Foundation’s hospice.

On Saturday, April 29, Paddy’s Bar will open at 7pm for a night of dancing, reminiscing and social fun! Guests will be transported back in time with the best music, food, and drinks the decade had to offer.

Sizzling support

Tickets cost €25 and can be purchased from any AREME committee member, Sol Y Sierra itself, or Viceversa on AREME quiz nights, which take place every first and third Thursday each month.

Alternatively, guests can buy tickets by emailing: or by contacting Jim Stevenson on 677 866 953 Guests are also invited to AREME’s monthly coffee mornings on the first Monday of each month at Rick’s bar in Estepona Port at 11am. Guests can come along on Monday, May 1 and meet fellow members and socialise.

LAST CHANCE Animal Rescue is gearing up to host an unforgettable evening of music at Los Arcos Restaurant near Coin on Monday, May 15.

The charity is proud to welcome the one and only Tony Whitehouse, an amazing musical performer with an impressive repertoire of Motown, Disco, Pop, and Soul songs to get guests on the dancefloor!

Unleashing tunes Night fever

The event promises to be a night to remember, with a welcome drink and delicious buffet included in the €15 ticket price. There are just 100 tickets available, which are selling quickly! Guests can purchase tickets directly from Paddy’s Bar in La Cala Hills.

The Cudeca Foundation provides compassionate care to people with ad ­

vanced stage diseases, including cancer patients, and their families. They provide personalised care to every single patient, taking care of every aspect of their life with dignity and respect.

This is the perfect opportunity to dress up in your favourite 80s’ outfit and show off your dance moves to the tunes that defined the decade.

The party starts at 7pm, so guests will have plenty of time to get settled in before Whitehouse takes the stage at 8.30pm. As an added bonus, The Voice BBC1 star, Gary Poole, will also be performing from 7.45pm to 8.15pm!

Tickets for the event cost just €6 and can be purchased at the charity’s Coin Charity Shop on Avenida María Zambrano and their warehouse in Alhaurin El Grande.

Guests can enjoy delicious food at the venue, but it’s recommended to place your order as soon as possible on the

evening. Further information about the venue is available by WhatsApp to Joe on 626 942 427.

Every cent raised from the event will go directly to the shelter, helping to rescue, re­

habilitate, and rehome abandoned, abused, and injured animals.

Last Chance Animal Rescue is dedicated to finding loving homes for all their animals, and every donation counts.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 SOCIAL SCENE 18
Tony Whitehouse is providing the tunes. Photo credit: Tony Whitehouse (via Facebook)

Marbella is open

Be amongst the first to experience the classic glamour and unparalleled service of Marbella’s new coveted lunch spot, Cipriani Marbella, at Puente Romano Beach Resort.

Sip a famous Bellini on the elegant, shaded terrace, and savour traditional Italian signature dishes from the celebrated Harry’s Bar in Venice.

The name is legendary worldwide. Now the Bellini cocktail and Carpaccio “alla Cipriani” that were first invented and named by Giuseppe Cipriani Sr at Harry’s Bar in Venice have arrived in Marbella.

Bringing authentic Italian gastronomic glamour to Puente Romano Beach Resort’s exciting world-class restaurant collection, this latest addition offers a tempting menu for lunch (and dinner) that reflects Cipriani’s Venetian origins.

As one review said: “There is an indisputable sense of sprezzatura that permeates each one of the Cipriani venues. They carry within them the type of movie-star confidence that is only achieved after becoming a global icon and beating all the odds.”

Italian food made to perfection

Cipriani Marbella’s à la carte menu is built on the concept of simple Italian food made to perfection. It features signature dishes from the legendary Harry’s Bar in Venice, including Calf’s Liver “alla Veneziana” with Fried Polenta, Baked Tagliolini with Ham, and Risotto “alla Primavera” appealing to a variety of tastes. These Italian favourites use seasonal, premium ingredients and produce, many sourced from Italian farms, adding authenticity to the menu.

The stylish, timeless restaurant, featuring an intimate bar and restaurant decorated in Cipriani's iconic nautical colours, with Murano glass chandeliers, blue and white terrazzo patterned floor, high gloss wood and contemporary black-and-white fashion photography adorning the walls. Cipriani Marbella also has a large garden terrace, perfect for long, leisurely lunches.

As the Cipriani motto goes, “To serve is first to love,” so guests can also look forward to impeccable service.

Lunchtimemoments,withatasteofladolcevita Cipriani
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 19 ADVERTISING FEATURE • (+34) 952 76 82 77

GET ready to put on your fancy clothes and show off your dance moves for a great cause! The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of Benalmadena and Torremolinos is throwing a Spring Charity Dinner on Friday, May 5 from 8.30pm, and all are invited!

This year’s event will be held at the gorgeous Hotel Pez Espada by MedPlaya in Torremolinos. Guests will get to indulge in a delectable dinner, watch an enchanting performance by the ‘Ballet Al­Andalus’, and enjoy other surprise events throughout the evening. Fernando Luis Aisa, the event organiser, and presenter Jorge Torres will also be there to join in on the fun. All the money raised will go towards supporting the daily services provided by the association to both patients and families suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Benalmadena and Torremolinos.

ESTEPONA is set to host an evening of Hollywood glamour and Broadway magic. The international ‘Love to Sing’ choir is set to give a dazzling performance in the town’s stunning Botanical Orchid Park on Friday, April 28 from 7pm.

Led by Musical Director Shirley Helleur and baritone David Geary, the choir will be performing a selection of classic film scores in a free concert entitled ‘A Spring of Cinema and Broadway’.

Dine and dance

Spring celebration

Tickets are available for purchase at the association’s headquarters, on Avenida Ciudad de Melilla, phone: 699 215 542 or 952 567 803 Those who cannot attend but would like to make a donation can do so to the organisation’s Unicaja account ­ 21030175640030003245.

Magic of movies

The event promises to be a magical evening under the stars, with the sounds of classic Hollywood films, including ‘La La Land’, ‘Skyfall’, and ‘The Greatest Showman’. It’s an opportunity to escape into the world of film and Broadway for a night, all while enjoying the stunning surroundings of the Botanical Orchid Park

The ‘Love to Sing’ choir is

made up of over 40 talented individuals from different countries, all coming together under Helleur’s expert direction. They have quickly gained a dedicated following along the Costa del Sol since their establishment in 2017, delighting audiences with their professionalism and passion for music while often raising money for charity.

SPRING is here and the Anglican Church of the Costa del Sol West is holding a special Spring Fair to celebrate. The church will host the event at the American Club of Estepona’s (ACE) clubhouse on Saturday, May 20, starting at 1pm. The fair will showcase a wide range of stalls, including crafts, jewellery, books, cakes, and more. Additionally, there will be a tombola and a grand prize draw with some fantastic prizes. The event will also mark the arrival of the church’s new chaplain, Tony Carroll, after facing visa issues for the last 18 months. The chaplain’s arrival has been eagerly awaited and is set to be a huge celebration for the community, and guests will have an opportunity to meet him.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 SOCIAL SCENE 20
Organisers unveil the poster for the charity gala. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Torremolinos

Brecon Beacons renamed

THE Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales announced that as from its 66th anniversary which was on Monday April 17 it will use the name Bannau Brycheiniog.

Those who run the park

say the change will celebrate and promote the area’s culture and heritage. It is part of a management overall to address environmental challenges.

Brycheiniog was named after the fifth century King Brychan who ruled over this independent kingdom in the early middle ages.

The Welch names means ‘the peaks of Brychan’s kingdom’. You pronounce the name banaye ­ bruch ­ ein ­ log with the ch in bruch pronounced like the word loch.

The National Park’s chief executive, Catherine Mealing ­ Jones said: “It just felt the right time to reclaim the old name for the area (it) reflects our commitment to the Welsh language.

“But we understand people are used to calling the park by the name everyone’s used for 66 years, so we don’t expect everyone to use it, at least straight away.”

The park covers almost 529 square miles (1.347 sq km) of south and mid wales. About four million visitors come to Bannau Brycheiniog every year.

Coronation train

Anna Ellis

LONDON North Eastern Railway (LNER) is proud to launch a newly named service to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday, May 6.

From May 6, the daily 11.00am service between London King’s Cross and Edinburgh Waverley will be called the ‘Carolean Express’, with the inaugural service departing the iconic London station at 11.00am on the day of the King’s Coronation.

The era of British history under King Charles III will be known as the Carolean

Emergency landing

A CO-PILOT was forced to take over the controls of an easyJet flight after the pilot was taken ill.

On Friday, April 21, a flight from London on its way to Morocco ended up being diverted 500 miles after the pilot became ill mid­flight, leaving the co­pilot to make an emergency landing in Portugal, according to a news source.

At approximately 6.30am an easyJet flight left from London Gatwick and was on its way to Agadir, Morocco but had to be diverted nearly 500 miles away to Faro in Portugal.

era, the same name that was given to the eras of both King Charles I and II.

The ‘Carolean Express’ will join formal service names such as ‘Highland Chieftain’ and ‘Northern Lights’ which are popular daily services on the LNER route, operating between London and Inverness and London and Aberdeen.

The weekday ‘Flying Scotsman’ service operates in the opposite direction, taking customers to London King’s Cross from Edinburgh Waverley at 5.40am, stopping only at Newcastle.

It was reported that the co­pilot landed the aircraft safely with 100 passengers on board at Faro airport.

The Airbus A320 was seen on online flight trackers making an unscheduled stop after a mid­air alert.

A source at Faro airport commented that the diversion was the result of the pilot suffering an ‘indisposition,’ a red alert had been sent and the co­pilot completed a successful landing.

The condition of the pilot and the cause of his illness is as yet unknown.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 NEWS 22
NATIONAL PARK: Celebrating the area’s culture and heritage.

BRITISH actress Rachel Warren on mega success, new releases, and the tough road to the top.

They say the course of true love never did run smooth, and as it turns out the course of mega successful careers isn’t that different either.

Despite its glamorous exterior, acting is one of the notoriously harshest of careers to make a name in, with a remarkable only 2 per cent of actors ever even making a living.

For those who do tread that path though ­ undeterred by the knock backs, the low pay and the often far­from­glamorous hoursthe payoff can often be something quite extraordinary.

Now 38 and about to star in not only a new Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde remake but also her own series, the actress and producer sat down with the Euro Weekly News to talk US success, the importance of backing yourself, and the long road to the top.

Originally from Buckinghamshire, Rachel told the EWN acting has been practically a lifelong passion: “At five I pointed at the TV screen and I said ‘mummy


Michelle Ryan, Peter Andre, and Junior Andre.

With multiple films under her belt, and often no longer having to audition for roles, Rachel’s star is now rising even higher with a seriously exciting new project in the works; a high concept comedy series that she describes as a “mixture between Fleabag and Bridget Jones.”

Not content with simply reaping the rewards of her own hard work though, Rachel explained she now wants to help other actors, particularly in dealing with some of her industry’s darker sides.

“I wanted to open doors for myself and now for others.

that’ and I knew that’s what I wanted to do in life.”

“None of my family are in the industry and my parents really wanted me to have an education rather than going straight into acting.

“I compromised and I told them I would get an acting degree, which I ended up doing in London.”

At one point things took a particularly dark turn when Rachel even had to take out a restraining order against someone else in

the industry.

Those experiences, which would have (understandably) seen a lot of aspiring actors run for the hills, saw Rachel do the opposite, working out how to create her own way within a sometimes brutal profession.

The result was RWI Creative, her own film and TV poster design company, which allowed her to stay within the industry on her own terms while paying the bills

time to audition for acting parts.

Rachel told the EWN her big break came with the hugely successful Rise of the Footsoldier franchise.

From there, as Rachel explains, everything else fell into place. She has since starred in The Last Heist alongside Terry Stone and has just shot multiple films, including Dragged Up Dirty ­ due for release in 2024 ­ alongside Nick Moran,

“That is one of the things I am fiercely passionate about; erasing manipulation and gaslighting in the industry and bringing up new and young filmmakers in a safe environment and working with some of the big beasts in the industry.

Rachel’s latest film Ripper’s Revenge, following a journalist who covers the famous murderer’s crimes before finding himself the target of a series of letters from Jack the Ripper, is out now.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 FEATURE 24
Rachel attended the Marbella International Film Festival. Credit: MIFF



Stay clear

DENMARK has lifted restrictions on sailing in waters near the Nord Stream gas pipeline which was sabotaged by a series of blasts last September. At the same time Denmark’s Maritime Authority advised against anchoring or fishing within one nautical mile (1.85 kilometres) of the site.


Happy talk

EIGHTY-FIVE per cent of the Netherlands’ population told an official poll they were happy with their lives although 62 per cent believed things “were going wrong” with the country. A further 60 per cent were dissatisfied with the country’s political policies, compared with 49 per cent in the autumn.


Early occupiers

DURING excavations in Elewijt near Zemst, archaeologist Kylian Verhaevert and his team discovered evidence of an Iron Age settlement with circular ditches and a burial ground. They also uncovered a Roman cemetery with up to 30 graves and signs of an open-air temple and sanctuary.


Second term

AS the 2024 EU elections approach, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has not said whether she wants to stand again. If willing, and she receives government backing, her re-election is a certainty as Germany wields significant influence regarding Brussels’ top jobs.


High up

ALAIN ROBERT, a free climber known as the French Spiderman, recently scaled a 38storey tower block in Paris in support of demonstrators opposed to the new pension law delaying the age when people can retire. Aged 60, he habitually climbs without a harness, using only his bare hands.


Open again

NORWAY’S Trollstigen winding road with its many hairpin bends, which is closed by the government each winter, has reopened to traffic. This area receives an average of 450 inches of snowfall and is impassable until April when snow ploughs clear the scenic route, ready for the tourist season.


Happy Birds

FINLAND-BASED Rovio, maker of the Angry Birds video games, has been bought by Sega Sammy Holdings. The Japanese gaming giant responsible for the Sonic the Hedgehog character is paying €760 million for Angry Birds, which was the first mobile game to be downloaded one billion times.



THE 10-kilometre Great Ireland Run accidentally became an 8.5-kilometre run as runners were accidentally sent the wrong way by marshals. The race, organised by Great Ireland Run and Dublin City Harriers, was held in Dublin's Phoenix Park but all results were afterwards declared void.


Milan getaway

ITALY’S Justice Minister Carlo Nordio was summoned to parliament to explain why Russian businessman Artem Uss, under house arrest in a luxury apartment in Milan, was able to abscond. He was due to be extradited to the US to face charges of evading sanctions and money-laundering.


Sea rescue

SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD Erica Vicente was blown far out to sea while paddle boarding off the Vila Real de Santo Antonio beach. Twenty hours later the MSC Reef, a container ship waiting to enter Tangier (Morocco) harbour, spotted her in the water, alive but suffering from hypothermia and sunburn.


Shooting star

A MYSTERIOUS flash lighting up Kyiv’s night sky on April 21 was originally identified as a Nasa satellite falling to Earth. After the US space agency revealed that it was still in orbit, Ukrainian space officials announced that the flash was probably a meteor entering the earth’s atmosphere.


No Tweets

SVERIGES RADIO (SR) has stopped using Twitter, referring to its concerns over the company’s “recent turbulence” and questioning Twitter’s ability and willingness to fight fake news and hate speech. SR’s decision follows similar moves by the US National Public Radio and Canada’s CBC.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 EUROPEAN PRESS 26


Outlook cloudy

SUPERDRY no longer expects to make a profit this year and may have to raise new funds. Poor weather had resulted in less demand for the company’s new spring­summer collection and sales had been hit by the cost of living crisis hit, the British fashion brand admitted.

Tax facts

MULTINATIONAL companies pay corporation tax averaging 21.8 per cent in Spain, more than seven percentage points below the European Union’s 29.03 per cent. Meanwhile, more than half of large Spanish groups pay corporation tax amounting to less than 20 per cent according to tax authority Hacienda.

CBI shamed

THE British Insurance Brokers’ Association, representing 1,800 insurance brokers and intermediaries, left the scandal­hit Confederation of British Industry (CBI) following sexual assault allegations against senior staff. The CBI admitted that some members had left but stressed this was only in “single­digit” numbers.

Gas cash

SPANISH engineering and construction companies Tecnicas

Reunidas, FCC and Turkey’s Enka secured a €1 billion contract to build one of Germany’s three planned regasification plants for liquid natural gas (LNG) near Hamburg. Another Spanish company, Sener y Cobra, will be responsible for another in Brünsbuttel.

Charge sheet

LESS than 12 years before the first ban on diesel engines comes into force, the UK has no public electric chargers or hydrogen refilling station for lorries. Lack of infrastructure makes it impossible for operators to decarbonise their fleets, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) warned.

is the amount that Inditex was worth on April 17 as shares rose by 1.22 per cent, putting the fashion chain ahead of power company Iberdrola and Santander bank.

Deflating inflation figures

INFLATION in the UK fell less than was hoped, hampered by food and drink prices rocketing by 19.1 per cent.

The annual rate measured by the consumer price index (CPI) dipped to 10.1 per cent in March, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said, continuing its downward path after February’s 10.4 per cent.

Economists had expected a fall to 9.8 per cent but instead inflation remained in double figures as food and drink prices rose at the fastest annual rate since 1977.

Britain was the only country in western Europe with double­digit inflation in March, compared with an average of 6.9 per cent in the euro zone and 5 per cent in the United

FC BARCELONA is putting the finishing touches to plans for financing its Espai Barça project with a €1.5 billion bond issue.

Amongst other plans, this will finance a complete remodelling of the club’s Camp Nou football ground.

As investors will expect an interest rate of around 6 per cent costing the club an annual €90 million, the market is waiting to see how and where it will seek the funding to meet these extra payments.

Little has gone smoothly for the club since announcing its plans to finance the Espai Barça project.

Flat batteries

MTE Power, a small producer of lithium ion batteries, initially intended to build its first factory capable of large ­ scale production in Dundee.

The company recently told Sky News that it was considering whether to switch from the UK to the US where it would benefit from American subsidies under the Inflation Reduction Act.

“Unless we can make the UK a competitive place for battery manufacturers, we probably won’t end up with a battery manufacturing industry in the UK,” AMTE Power’s chief executive Alan Hollis said.


It looks as though the Bank of England will again raise the interest rate with financial markets now betting on

a 97 per chance that the Bank will increase the base rate by a quarter of one percentage point to 4.5 per cent on May 11. There were indications, insiders said, that this could hit 5 per cent by the autumn.

Referring to the March figures, Grant Fitzner, the chief economist at the ONS, said the principal drivers of the reduction were motor fuel prices and heating oil costs.

“Both fell after sharp rises at the same time last year. Clothing, furniture and household goods prices increased, but more slowly than a year ago. However, these were partially offset by the cost of food, which is still climbing steeply, with bread and cereal prices at a record high.”

Barça’s on the ball

vate placement of bonds on Wall Street, split into three €500­million tranches. The first would have been due on June 30, 2032, and the second on June 30, 2045. The club would have paid interest on the third tranche only until 2045 despite maturing on June 30, 2052.

the club had to rethink its plans.

This involved reducing the number of bonds and taking on a bank debt that will be guaranteed by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

EL CORTE INGLES has paid a total of €500 million to finalise its deal with Sheikh Al Thani.

With this transaction, the department store group acquired 4.2 million of its shares, representing 5.53 per cent of the group’s capital and half of the 10.33 per cent owned by AI Thani through Luxembourgregistered Primefin.

El Corte Ingles repurchased these shares in June 2022 in an operation originally valued at €385 million. The final amount was increased to €500 million to include compensation and interest, principally as compensation to Primefin which granted a €1 billion loan to El Corte Ingles in 2015.

Home help

THE Bank of Spain (BDE) revised the number of mortgages eligible for social protection measures agreed with the government and finance sector in late 2022.

Initially, Barcelona had hoped for a €1.5 billion pri­

These plans came to nothing. Beset by the Negrerira scandal over bribes to the vice­president of the football referees’ committee, which coincided with last March’s banking crisis,

A smooth ride

NATIONAL EXPRESS reported a rise in first ­ quarter revenues thanks to its UK buses and German rail improvements.

Overall earnings rose by 25 per cent to £774.4 million (€879.7 million), consistent with expectations, while Spanish subsidiary ALSA reported solid growth, especially on long haul and Morocco routes.

UK earnings rose 27 per cent year ­ onyear, with scheduled coach revenue up 87 per cent on 2022, reflecting the recovery from the Covid ­ related restrictions 2021 and the impact of rail strikes.

Thanks to its first ­ quarter results, National Express shares immediately rose 4.25 per cent after having fallen by around 48 per cent over the 12 months.

The company’s German rail interests rose 10 per cent on 2022 while it expects a 13 per cent price increase on the US bus contracts once these expire.

Some finer points have still to be decided, including the final amount of both the bonds and the bank loan. Sources close to the process suggested that ultimately the bond issue would be somewhere under €1 billion and the loan somewhat over €500 million.

Meter pact

ENERGY FIRMS agreed to ban forcible installation of prepayment meters in the homes of customers who are over 85.

Representatives must in future wear body cameras as part of a new code of conduct, the Guardian revealed.

Suppliers reached agreement with the government regarding new guidelines for installing the meters in situations where householders have run up an energy debt. There will be no repetition of agents brandishing court­approved entry warrants to break in to install them, power companies pledged.

They must now make at least 10 attempts to contact a customer and then conduct a ‘site welfare visit’ before a prepayment meter is installed.

The updated and extended Code of Good Practice was expected to benefit one million vulnerable households and those at risk of defaulting on mortgage payments.

Instead, Spain’s supervisor calculates that this would assist 550,000 families should the interest rate rise from the current 3.5 to 4 per cent.

Nevertheless, past figures for households accessing the 2012 Code also suggested that only 200,000 households would benefit, according to Bank of Spain’s latest Financial Stability Report.

Cheers Heineken

HEINEKEN has finished the first quarter of its fiscal year with buoyant sales in Spain.

The multinational brewing company reported that its net income grew by more than 20 per cent owing to increased volume and the combination of channels and brands.

Sales of the 0.0. non­alcoholic brand performed exceptionally well in Spain, together with the entire premium range led by El Aguila.

In addition, Spain is one of six markets that have completed the transition to Eazle, one of the largest e­commerce platforms in the world, the company said. • 27 April - 3 May 2023 28
STAT OF WEEK €98.8 billion
MARCH INFLATION: In double figures owing to food and drink prices. CAMP NOU: FC Barcelona plans to remodel iconic football ground.
Photo credit: Flickr/Mobilus Mobili
Photo credit: Pexels/Gustav Fring



3M 104,73 105,59 3,69M American Express 163,28 163,75 154,01 10,57M Amgen 243,46 246,40 243,05 1,61M Apple 166,65 167,87 165,56 52,18M Boeing 207,23 209,88 206,08 3,28M Caterpillar 222,27 224,22 220,93 2,80M Chevron 169,85 170,06 168,02 5,61M Cisco 46,58 47,65 46,36 39,46M Coca-Cola 63,96 64,00 63,44 10,68M Dow 55,70 56,17 55,37 3,31M Goldman Sachs 338,71 339,31 334,32 2,21M Home Depot 298,57 301,31 295,50 3,35M Honeywell 196,75 197,76 196,00 1,90M IBM 126,36 130,98 125,84 9,71M Intel 30,86 31,25 30,71 30,09M J&J 163,58 163,82 160,96 9,48M JPMorgan 140,81 141,43 139,84 10,42M McDonald’s 291,00 291,67 289,88 2,27M Merck&Co 114,17 114,52 113,00 4,61M Microsoft 286,11 289,03 285,08 23,18M Nike 124,45 125,35 123,71 3,88M Procter&Gamble 150,85 151,36 150,37 5,29M Salesforce Inc 197,51 200,08 196,82 3,59M The Travelers 179,26 184,11 178,43 1,47M UnitedHealth 487,46 489,65 483,26 3,27M Verizon 37,19 37,80 36,97 31,43M Visa A 234,60 234,67 231,50 4,92M Walgreens Boots 35,37 36,14 34,37 11,52M Walmart 150,97 151,39 149,60 4,22M Walt Disney 98,07 98,58 97,39 7,71M InterContinental 5.530,0 5.556,0 5.514,0 30,34K Intermediate Capital 1.232,50 1.250,00 1.232,50 46,88K Intertek 4.083,0 4.147,0 4.070,0 61,19K ITV 80,18 80,82 79,94 274,05K J Sainsbury 280,50 281,20 279,50 183,06K Johnson Matthey 1.951,0 1.965,5 1.946,5 9,88K Land Securities 637,80 638,60 633,60 37,96K Legal & General 252,70 254,30 251,60 1,40M Lloyds Banking 49,09 49,55 48,88 2,59M London Stock Exchange 8.000,0 8.020,0 7.934,0 30,82K Melrose Industries 410,40 420,00 405,00 1,05M Mondi 1.278,00 1.285,00 1.273,00 28,62K National Grid 1.143,00 1.145,50 1.129,50 242,58K NatWest Group 273,20 275,80 272,50 1,24M Next 6.678,0 6.680,0 6.626,0 15,78K Ocado 517,56 521,00 515,20 161,16K Persimmon 1.245,3 1.253,0 1.237,7 6,53K Phoenix 573,40 575,20 571,00 101,29K Prudential 1.145,00 1.152,50 1.138,50 183,70K Reckitt Benckiser 6.476,6 6.488,0 6.432,0 53,66K Relx 2.709,00 2.718,00 2.684,00 260,44K Rentokil 615,80 618,00 611,60 681,12K Rightmove 572,22 574,80 566,40 62,28K Rio Tinto PLC 5.237,0 5.330,0 5.203,0 457,84K Rolls-Royce Holdings 153,00 155,25 152,55 2,50M Sage 799,60 799,60 796,00 51,75K Samsung Electronics DRC 1.234,00 1.237,00 1.231,00 0,62K Schroders 478,3 482,1 476,7 48,52K Scottish Mortgage 641,59 645,40 639,60 237,29K Segro 797,60 799,20 792,80 122,53K Severn Trent 2.925,0 2.938,0 2.902,0 26,49K Shell 2.460,0 2.464,0 2.444,0 3,91M Smith & Nephew 1.255,00 1.257,00 1.242,50 115,66K Smiths Group 1.663,50 1.667,00 1.658,00 9,56K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 11.505,0 11.535,0 11.445,0 4,42K SSE 1.831,00 1.833,50 1.823,00 122,61K St. James’s Place 1.199,50 1.208,50 1.193,00 16,56K Standard Chartered 641,20 645,00 637,60 563,83K Taylor Wimpey 120,95 121,90 120,05 552,87K Tesco 277,00 277,10 274,30 756,24K Tui 512,60 532,20 507,20 333,34K Unilever 4.383,0 4.396,5 4.365,0 142,09K United Utilities 1.079,00 1.085,50 1.075,00 9,32K Vodafone Group PLC 89,79 90,14 89,70 422,94K Whitbread 3.071,0 3.085,0 3.060,0 21,63K WPP 953,20 959,20 946,80 83,50 Most Advanced XPO, Inc. +17.96% 8.173M Sunnova Energy International Inc. +14.66% 14.019M Matson, Inc. +11.15% 699,963 Iridium Communications Inc. +10.90% 1.997M Badger Meter, Inc. +10.66% 472,627 RLI Corp. +9.34% 671,449 TransMedics Group, Inc. +8.85% 811,507 Watsco, Inc. +8.32% 930,351 Snap-on Incorporated +7.97% 849,259 Lam Research Corporation +7.23% 4.048M China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation +7.05% 58,956 Most Declined Getty Images Holdings, Inc. -14.04% 917,234 Kuaishou Technology -11.93% 1.045M AT&T Inc. -10.41% 129.742M Tesla, Inc. -9.75% 210.971M Seagate Technology Holdings plc -9.20% 7.96M Nokia Oyj -9.09% 58.294M, Inc. -8.81% 21.235M Snap Inc. -7.65% 33.504M Renault SA -7.63% 40,361 GoHealth, Inc. -7.38% 22,982 Joby Aviation, Inc. -7.26% 2.629M C C OMPANY OMPANY P P RICE RICE((P P)) C C HANGE((P P)) % C % C HG N N ET ET V V OL
CLOSING PRICES 24 APRIL 3I Group 1.701,00 1.704,00 1.689,50 36,67K Abrdn 200,08 201,70 197,90 110,24K Admiral Group 2.248,0 2.265,0 2.238,0 42,50K Anglo American 2.648,0 2.658,0 2.605,0 305,11K Antofagasta 1.542,00 1.548,50 1.527,84 5,74K Ashtead Group 4.658,0 4.662,0 4.618,0 37,34K Associated British Foods 2.027,0 2.055,0 2.015,0 163,64K AstraZeneca 12.116,0 12.136,0 12.022,0 41,01K Auto Trader Group Plc 624,00 624,60 620,40 87,46K Aviva 424,70 425,90 422,60 403,98K B&M European Value Retail SA489,20 493,30 487,70 164,09K BAE Systems 1.028,00 1.030,50 1.024,50 508,52K Barclays 153,12 154,50 152,64 4,62M Barratt Developments 480,80 482,90 477,50 254,45K Berkeley 4.319,0 4.335,0 4.299,0 4,43K BHP Group Ltd 2.396,00 2.416,99 2.384,64 28,17K BP 529,20 533,20 527,90 3,39M British American Tobacco 2.925,0 2.929,0 2.910,0 114,25K British Land Company 385,40 386,40 383,00 67,86K BT Group 155,70 155,90 154,15 604,86K Bunzl 3.180,0 3.185,0 3.162,0 33,22K Burberry Group 2.582,0 2.608,0 2.573,0 18,70K Carnival 673,4 682,2 664,4 33,30K Centrica 113,50 113,75 112,74 84,14K Coca Cola HBC AG 2.390,0 2.393,6 2.369,0 2,17K Compass 2.061,60 2.068,00 2.052,00 92,16K CRH 3.994,0 4.011,0 3.959,0 74,72K Croda Intl 7.024,0 7.030,0 6.990,0 7,04K DCC 4.802,0 4.825,0 4.789,0 4,00K Diageo 3.728,5 3.736,5 3.705,5 141,93K DS Smith 316,40 319,90 315,80 314,32K EasyJet 505,05 513,00 502,76 146,14K Experian 2.763,0 2.771,0 2.757,0 44,62K Ferguson 10.885,0 10.975,0 10.860,0 15,85K Flutter Entertainment 15.600,0 15.620,0 15.350,0 24,20K Fresnillo 773,20 776,00 770,60 41,99K Glencore 492,30 498,50 491,30 2,90M GSK plc 1.476,80 1.478,00 1.463,40 219,23K Halma 2.223,0 2.221,0 2.198,0 25,35K Hargreaves Lansdown 788,60 796,60 786,40 35,92K Hikma Pharma 1.834,00 1.835,50 1.821,50 14,90K HSBC 575,00 576,90 573,20 89,32K IAG 147,50 149,15 146,55 1,16M Imperial Brands 1.955,20 1.956,00 1.934,50 58,05K Informa 711,00 712,20 704,40 13,75K º º C C OMPANY OMPANY P P RICE RICE((P P)) C C HANGE HANGE((P P)) % C % C HG HG . N N ET ET V V OL OL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0955 Japan yen (JPY) 146.75 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9799 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4528 Norway kroner (NOK) 11.682 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on previous page 0.88389 1.13313

Bagged it


sales improved in the second half of its financial year, partly due to demand for luxury goods as China’s economy reopened. The firm slumped during the first half on reporting £4 million (€4.5 million) losses for the six months ending 1 October 2022.

AI is best

ROUGHLY half of Spanish bosses said they would prefer artificial intelligence to make decisions for them, a study by technology firm Oracle found. Forty ­ five per cent of managers said that an over­abundance of data and their inability to handle it efficiently had led to a greater reliance on machines.

Housing for all

Linda Hall

SPAIN’S government will use European funds to finance 43,000 new homes for use as social housing at reasonable rents. This will add up to a total of 93,000 properties when taking into account an additional 50,000 properties which now belong to Sareb, Spain’s ‘bad bank’.

Speaking in parliament on April 19, Pedro Sanchez, president of the Spanish government, explained that some of the properties would be newbuilds while others would be renovated.

The cost would be covered by €4 billion in EU funding which will be made available

through Spain’s Official Credit Institute (ICO).

“Public and private develop­

In-person preferred

A RECENT survey found that a third of the UK population prefer to do their banking in person. Meanwhile, high street banks maintain in­person services are underused although the survey found that people wanted person­toperson advice even when they were computer­literate and could obtain it online.

Forty­four per cent of over­55s said they would rather visit a branch but the survey by

professional services company, Accenture, found that not only older generations were averse to change as the 18­34 age group also hesitated to switch entirely to online banking. More people were using the Post Office to manage money as a result of branches closing, which often made it the only location where consumers and businesses could do their banking.

EY cull

ers will have access to this funding on the understanding that the properties will be available as social housing for at least 50 years,” government sources said. Not all of the 50,000 properties acquired by Sareb when the 2008 property bubble burst will be immediately available, however.

Twenty­one thousand of the Sareb homes are finished and the bank possesses enough land to build 15,000 more, but a further 14,000 are at present occupied by squatters. Raquel Sanchez, Transport and Urban Agenda minister, explained during a La Sexta television interview, that where possible the government hoped to be able to “legalise the situation” of the squatters.

The minister did not mention that only 2,230 of Sareb’s properties were located in Madrid, Valencia, or Barcelona whose respective rents had risen by 10.4, 18.4 and 19.1 per cent since March 2022.

LONDON­BASED accountancy firm Ernst & Young (EY) is cutting 3,000 US jobs, citing overcapacity. Days earlier, EY abandoned plans to separate its auditing and consulting divisions although the company maintained that the reductions were unrelated. The cuts affecting approximately 5 per cent of its US workforce were part of its ongoing management of the business, said EY, promising “comprehensive support” to those affected.

Cheap deal

THE National Competition and Markets Commission (CNMC) is investigating 35 of Spain’s small and medium­sized electricity suppliers. The CNMC suspects that Holaluz, Cox, Fenie Energia, Alpex Iberica, Alterna, Neuroenergia and Som Energia amongst others, have taken advantage of the Iberian exception, buying cheap electricity on the Spanish market and selling it to France. As always, the CNMC said it could not provide any further details.

RAQUEL SANCHEZ: Spain’s Transport and Urban Agenda minister. Photo credit: Pool Moncloa
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 31 FINANCE


On the cards

DEMAND for paper money around the world is at its lowest in 20 years, banknote manufacturer De La Rue said. The company, which designs a third of the banknotes used worldwide, explained that the demand for cash had fallen since the pandemic when central banks stocked up on currency.

Stone profit

MARBLE multinational Cosentino had a turnover of €1.7 billion last year, 22 per cent more than in 2021 and the company’s third consecutive year with a turnover topping €1 billion. Operating profits grew by 13 per cent to €312 million while net profits also advanced by 13 per cent to €117 million.

Tomato blow

THIS year could see the lowest production of British tomatoes since 1985. The National Farmers Union warned that steep rises in production costs, including energy to heat and light greenhouses, had forced many growers to make cuts, mothball greenhouses or shut down altogether.

Speeding up

CAR production by 19.6 per cent during the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period in 2022, manufacturers’ association Anfact announced. A total of 658,282 vehicles left Spanish factories thanks to a renewed supply of chips, although production was 13 per cent lower than in 2019.

Quids in

PEPCO GROUP, which owns Poundland, posted strong sales growth after rising prices and inflation drove shoppers to seek out bargains. Turnover grew by 22.8 per cent to €2.39 billion for the six months ending March, following solid trade at its Pepco outlets where revenues soared by 36.9 per cent.

Grenadier goes to Austria

INEOS, the company founded and run by Sir Jim Ratcliffe, will build an electric version of its new Grenadier off­road vehicle.

Despite Ratcliffe’s staunch backing for Brexit, the latest version of his 4x4 will be produced in Austria, using car parts from the Canadian manufacturer Magna.

With production due to begin in 2026, the UK has once again missed out on building a second Ineos vehicle after Ratcliffe chose a French factory for the original Grenadier.

Ratcliffe, who transformed Ineos into one of the UK’s biggest private companies by taking over chemicals businesses, has since launched unrelated projects

which, together with the Grenadier, range from clothing to sports clubs.

These include the Nice football team in France, the Ineos Britannia sailing team as well as the for­

Mammoth Aena contract

mer Team Sky cycling team, since renamed the Ineos Grenadiers. He has also put in a bid for Manchester United.

With a personal wealth which the Sunday Times Rich List put at £6 billion (€6.8 billion), Ratcliffe lives in Monaco for tax purposes.

He named the Grenadier after his favourite London pub, which he later bought, but despite the vehicle’s ostensible Britishness, the first version was built in Hambach in eastern France.

This came as a disappointment for Bridgend in south Wales where Ratcliffe had originally planned to build the Grenadier following the closure of the Ford engine plant.

Another London acquisition

INDITEX founder Amancio Ortega paid £82 million (€93 million) for another London property in Foley Street, via his Pontegadea real estate company.

The 1920s building close to Oxford Circus and the British Museum, was originally built as a printer’s and later housed the BBC’s overseas service.

This was the Zara billionaire’s second impressive property deal in recent months, following the €100 million purchase last March of an apartment building in Dublin’s Hanover Square.

The Foley Street building was bought from Abrdn ­ formerly Standard Life Aberdeen ­ in a transaction overseen by property advisers Savills.

Abrdn bought the 4,000­square metre Foley Street building for £70 million (€79.5 million) in 2017, leasing it for 25 years to the Kier Group in 2018.

Undeterred by Brexit, Ortega continues to invest in the London property market with assets worth approximately €3 billion. His biggest purchase, The Post Building, was acquired in 2019 for around €700 million.

He owns properties in Oxford Street, St James’s Street and St James

US investment fund, Apollo Global Management, has the John Wood Group in its sights.

Usually referred to as Wood, the multinational engineering and consulting business headquartered in Aberdeen turned down four previous offers, maintaining that they did not reflect its real value.

Matters changed with

Square as well as Devonshire House, the former townhouse of the Dukes of Devonshire in Piccadilly.

The Foley Street sale was one of London’s few largescale property transactions in recent months, after sales slowed owing to the Bank of England's increased interest increase.

An American suitor

the fifth, which valued Wood at £1.66 billion (€1.84 billion), 59 per cent more than the share price before the first offer was made.

The board of directors listened to Wood’s investorsmainly big institutional funds ­ and decided to open the books to Apollo.

This follows a steady de­


OWNED airports operator

Aena is putting out to tender a fiveyear, €1.5 billion contract for private security.

What is possibly the Administration’s largest­ever services contract, seeks approximately 5,500 security guards and 2,000 assistants for Aena’s 45 airports, two helipads and Murcia aerodrome.

They will be required to provide adequate security at Aena airports which foresee 286 million arrivals during 2023, rising to 288 million in 2024, 301 million in 2025 and 315 million in 2026.

Insiders familiar with the contract specifications said in the Spanish press that this offered the option of an additional year, to provide the chosen companies with as much stability as possible.


DESPITE the cost­of­living crisis, spending on flights and holidays rose in the first three months of 2023.

Details from more than 24 million UK bank accounts showed a 27 per cent year­onyear rise on package holiday bookings, and a 36 per cent increase in spending on airfares, according to analysis by digital advertising platform Cardlytics.

cline in Wood’s share price, partly to the problematical £2.2 billion (€2.5 billion) takeover of US engineering giant Amec Foster Wheeler, and attempts to diversify from oil and gas.

The original deadline for a decision has now passed and has been moved to May 17.

A health unto His Majesty

NYETIMBER, which produces English sparkling wine, predicted bumper sales for this summer.

Eric Heerema, Nyetimber’s chief executive and chairman, said the Sussexbased company was expecting “strong demand” over the Coronation bank holiday.

Sales had already surged in recent years, Heerema pointed out, thanks in part to warmer weather which favoured production and shot up by 60 per cent over the late Queen’s Platinum

Jubilee weekend.

Glasses of Nyetimber wines, which have been served at numerous royal events, will be raised again throughout Britain during and after HM King Charles III’s coronation on Saturday, May 6.

Nyetimber, like rival Chapel Down, is launching a £39.50 (€44.83) limited edition wine for the Coronation, made from West Sussex grapes.

“Consumers are always proud to champion and celebrate British goods and craftsmanship,” Heerema said.

While all the travel industry has enjoyed a post ­ Covid rebound, figures suggest a trend towards low ­ cost options as budget airlines are up 42 per cent year ­ on ­ year compared with 29 per cent for more expensive carriers.

Best start

BANKINTER had an excellent start to 2023.

The bank reported first­quarter profits of €185 million, 20 per cent more than the same period last year and Bankinter’s best­ever January­March figure.

It also takes into account the €77 million that Bankinter paid as the first instalment of the temporary windfall tax. This was introduced last year to fund government measures brought in to ease the costof­living crisis.

The stock market immediately responded with a 5 per cent increase in Bankinter shares although these later fell back to around 2 per cent.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 FINANCE 32
INEOS GRENADIER: Electric version will be built in Austria. Photo credit: Flickr/Mario AP AMANCIO ORTEGA: Inditex founder continues to add to property portfolio.
Photo credit: La Sexta

ONCE again the festival of Ra ‐madan has drawn to a close. Ten years ago, your average Brit in the street wouldn’t have had a clue as to the meaning or origins of Ra ‐madan.

This year you would have to be a recluse in a moon cave to miss out on what is actually the most impor‐tant Muslim celebration of the year. In fact, it now comes in as the UK’s third biggest religious event after Christmas and Easter. Appar ‐ently some four million Muslims have been fasting this month, and consequently the news has been carried on just about every media outlet you care to mention; includ‐ing of course the projections and decorations that have flooded the West End of London.

There has been a positive deluge of programmes on TV, explaining the custom and how it affects its followers. A number have shown special diets. Times to eat and sleep, and even a series of exercises designed to help the followers get through, what can obviously be an

I draw the line

extremely taxing period. I did slightly twitch at one interview however when the interviewee sug‐gested it would be thoughtful if non ‐ Muslims would try and avoid eating openly in front of anyone close by who was obviously Mus ‐lim!

Well I’m afraid I draw the line there. The idea of hiding yer actual ice cream or fish and chips, because you may ‘offend’ someone who is fasting, is just a step too far. Sorry about that. I actually spent eight years in a Muslim country, and con‐sequently saw the festival com ‐pletely close up as it were.

I do remember one fellow Brit walking through a supermarket in the day during Ramadan, scoffing bananas and telling me he couldn’t care less because he wasn’t actually a Muslim himself. I did feel this somewhat disrespectful, as we were guests in their country, but frankly being asked to refrain from eating openly in my own country because it may offend someone, in my opinion is a total liberty and the sort of inflammatory remark that


does nothing to improve under ‐standing and acceptance of other people’s beliefs whatsoever.

Incidentally, I do remember, dur‐ing my experience of those far off Saudi days, the whole month being great fun for those of the privileged elite, who would simply party it up all night and sleep all day. Nice work if you can get it.

Even I enjoyed visiting offices and helping a somewhat devious associ‐ate deliver illegal alcohol in the middle of the night. After all most of us enjoy a drink at Christmas, I can categorically assure you that in the 70s, Ramadan was no excep ‐tion.

It may have changed now, but I very much doubt it. In fact I was in‐formed that during the 70s Saudi Arabia was the world’s biggest im ‐porter of JW whisky. This couldn’t be shown on any books so they al ‐ways paid cash. I wonder where all that disappeared to!?



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AFTER years of pain following the 2008 banking crisis, much of Spain has seen a remarkable recovery as far as housing is concerned and in many parts of the country the sight of towering cranes indicates the amount of new accommodations that is being built.

It’s good news for the economy as it creates employ‐ment and also generates income for local councils espe‐cially as many of the buyers, particularly in popular holi‐day areas, are foreigners either purchasing a holiday home or moving to Spain permanently.

Whilst there are fewer British buyers there are large numbers of Germans and other Europeans who don’t need to follow the 90/180 day rule, so the market is cur‐rently very buoyant. There is however a major problem that certainly affects the Costa del Sol and we believe many of the areas where the seven editions of Euro Weekly News are distributed. Basically, the more new builds on previously vacant land, the more traffic and in many cases, the infrastructure is not keeping up with the developments, so that whilst each new urbanisation has brand new roads, they simply lead to existing roads which can no longer cope with the volume of traffic hit‐ting them. In addition, whilst the government is encour‐aging drivers to take public transport, there are whole ar‐eas where there are no trains and buses of course get caught up in the ever‐growing traffic jams.

Spain has a huge amount of EU funding and is invest‐ing left, right and centre, but with pressure to add or in‐crease costs on toll roads, the country will see empty motorways and even more traffic on the free roads.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 33 FEATURE
the faith
Love Leapy



“ IT’S that time of year,” Sir David Atten‐borough will breathily tell you, “when you first really start to see them.” Tourists, that is. After all, they’re the easi‐est to recognise as a species. They’re the pasty‐looking white blobs on the beach ‐unless it’s been unusually hot and they’re red as lobsters and being given the kiss of life by paramedics.

They’re the ones who hold you up. On the roads because they don’t know where they’re going. In supermarkets be‐cause they’re counting out their change. In restaurants because they’re confused about the difference between salmón and salmonete but, in any case, would prefer burger and chips.

If the weather suddenly turns bitterly cold and showery, they’re still dressed for summer. In summer, they’re the ones wandering around shops, streets and restaurants with hardly a stitch on.

Tourists could never be mistaken for two other species you encounter in Spain. The newly arrived expats and the

long‐term expats. The former you’ll see enthusiastically attending every Spanish class, Flamenco, bull fight and obscure fe‐ria and club imaginable.

Whereas long ‐ term expats are the complete opposite and the hardest to spot. They dress like the Spanish, wear

summer clothes only in summer and dress more formally in town. Like the Spanish too, they’ve learned to accept the way of life. Mañana really does mean, err, mañana.

Recent research showing that Nean ‐derthals came to spend the summer on the south coast of the Iberian peninsula also puts a new gloss on package holi ‐days in the sun. Thirty thousand years ago, when Europe was going through an icy period and snow covered practically everything north of the River Ebro, homi‐noids searched for somewhere warmer to give them a greater chance of survival.

We now know that Neanderthals ‘holi‐dayed’ in what is today the south of Por‐tugal and Spain after their most recent footprints were found in a quarry in Gibraltar.

So, first Neanderthals, then the Ro ‐mans. And with all the Roman ruins ‐ vil‐las, roads, marketplaces ‐ being un ‐earthed here, it struck me that the Romans were among the earliest ‘long‐term’ tourist species. You can just imag‐ine them, can’t you? Hurtling along the carreteras to the nearest encampment in their horse‐ drawn chariots. Holding up traffic at the roundabouts. Counting out their silver denarii coins in the markets.

Overseeing another luxury villa reforma. Before advancing over the Alps into Italy, Hannibal first got the show on the road in Spain when he breezed in from Carthage with his, err, caravan of nose‐to‐tail elephants. So is all the TAIL‐gating you occasionally observe among local drivers yet one more vestige of those an‐cient times?

Give a final thought to Strabo, an un‐lucky general who not only took a pasting from the locals, but died of the plague during one catastrophic campaign. Just as he was about to expire, lightning struck his tent and reduced it to ashes. So, not a happy camper either...

Not to be outdone, though, the worst UK campaign was in 1216 when King John, marching about dealing with a re‐bellion and a couple of invasions, caught dysentery in Norfolk, lost the Crown Jew‐els in the Wash, and died in Notting ‐hamshire. Nuff said.

Nora Johnson’s 12 critically acclaimed psychological suspense crime thrillers (www.nora‐ all available on‐line including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Ap‐ple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

The Mediterranean diet

AH! The Mediterranean diet!

Is there anything better? Not if you take in every adulatory word written about it in the international media.

The funny thing is, though, that the Mediterranean diet I read about is rarely the same one that is common in Spain.

What always bring me up short are the whole grains. Olive oil, check. Vegetables, check. Pulses, check. Nuts, sort of check. Seeds, again just a sort of check because the only seeds commonly eaten in the part of the Mediterranean that I am familiar with are sunflower seeds.

But whole grains? I exclude the young from this because they’ll eat anything, but offer whole grains to a no ‐ longer youthful Spanish person and you will receive a polite refusal and what was once known as an old ‐fashioned look.

They won’t give brown rice the time of day and white rice must be coloured bright yellow to be edible. That’s why Spanish home cooks cheer‐

fully use E‐ 102 food colouring as it’s cheaper than saffron and gives a bet ‐ter colour. Incidentally, E‐102 ‐ which can cause migraine, blurred vision, rhinitis, itching and purple skin patch‐es ‐ is already banned in Norway and Austria.

Never mind, probably Mediter ‐ranean Spain has developed immunity to dodgy E ‐ 102 so let’s move on to ‘lean proteins and healthy fats’.

I’ll give you fish and lean protein. Serrano ham has fewer calories than chicken breast and even pork is con ‐sidered white meat these days. Nor is there a great liking for beef outside cocido, apart from fillet steak or en ‐trecote for high days and holidays.

And I’ll give you healthy fats, too, because there’s not a lot of butter in Mediterranean food although those healthy pulses swim alongside fat ‐laden chorizo, morcillas and belly of pork.

What everyone forgets about the Spanish Mediterranean diet is that it was once eaten in moderation by peo‐ple who expected to walk every ‐where, who worked hard and prac ‐tised a frugality imposed on them by hard times.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 FEATURE 34
Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. Nora’s latest thriller. Noraistheauthorofpopularpsychological suspenseandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist.

WE are well into the pre ‐ election peri ‐od in Spain with the campaigning frenzy due to start on May 12 until May 26. Al‐though I will be presenting on a list, the rules governing this period oblige me to be relatively silent about it. Having said that, I get asked on a regular basis if we are going to win the elections. It’s a bit like asking what next week’s winning lottery numbers will be.

Sure, there are frequent polls flowing in from all directions, which fail to paint a single story. So, what do we do? I guess it’s a little bit like reading the horoscope from the local paper. It is of‐ten more a source of amusement than of real information. If you are anything like me, you read your horoscope and if you like what it says, you feel bolstered and ready to face the world, but if you don’t like the implications, you just laugh and discard it as a load of rubbish because “that’s not going to happen to me.”

I am sceptical at the least about opin‐ion polls: because I don’t know how they have been carried out, how many people have had their opinions extract‐


emerge as the victor. Spain, along with several other countries has a 24 ‐ hour blackout period on the day before the elections.

It is euphemistically referred to local‐ly as a day of reflection, although I don’t think much reflection is actually taking place. It is probably more like a day and night of sleepless nail biting, like kids wondering if Santa will come during the night, or have they been naughty and will be passed by?

ed, what questions they have been asked and how these questions have been constructed, how the data has been analysed, how representative the sample group is, and so I could go on. Not least, is who has commissioned it and is the aim to inform or to influence and manipulate? Put in a nutshell, I re‐ally don’t trust opinion polls or the re‐sults they publish. Who is going to win?

“The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind....”

Equally, I get asked on almost a daily basis, “Whom should we vote for?” What a question to ask a standing politician who is presenting again in this election! I think this is a form of Chinese water torture, given that I can’t give an answer unless it were to pro ‐mote another party.

It seems that politicians, and wannabe politicians are getting excited about the prospect of the battle, the campaigning, all hoping that they will

I find myself asking whether the polls reflect the people or if the people re ‐flect the polls? Do the polls really exist to inform, or has someone worked out that many people don’t decide on their voting choices until the last minute and that the polls influence one way or an‐other their final decision? I think that the latter is probably true and hence the mania for polling.

So, I can’t say who will win, as it isn’t up to the politicians or to the pollsters. People will make their own decisions either through custom, persuasion, ran‐domness, or logical analysis. I think I would rather try to guess the winning lottery numbers.

the best rest

THE hotel and tourism sector on the Costa del Sol is big business, and one of their funda‐mental services is to offer clients the best rest.

Our experience as guests staying in holiday accommodations or hotels largely depends on our quality of rest. Other factors such as the rating, the size of the rooms, cleanliness and whether the complex has other services like a spa and beauty treatments are irrele‐vant if we don’t enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Not sleeping well will almost always result in negative feedback.

• So how can hotels and accommodation services ensure guests get the best rest?

A mattress must combine comfort and durability to stand the test of time and to pro‐vide quality comfort to the many people that will use it.

The mattress must also comply with cur‐rent regulations, including quality certificates. These quality certificates ensure that the mat‐tress is safe to use and that it is made of flame‐retardant fabrics and certified by an ac‐

credited company.

• Complying with regulations

Foams such as viscoelastic or HR must have an accredited certificate which ensures they do not contain any toxic substances and pro‐vides the highest level of protection for hu‐man health and the environment.

Another essential accreditation is that the mattress complies with Standard 100 by OEKO‐TEX, certifying that all the materials that make up the mattress are free of toxic substances. The Class I certificate means that the mattresses are even suitable for babies.

• Comfort

The mattress must be adequate for all types of users and they are usually manufactured for medium to high firm‐ness. A perfect example of this comes from leading chain MiColchón and their ‘Double Comfort’ range of reinforced mattresses. These are designed for dura‐bility and also contain comfort layers us‐ing the best materials, such as viscoelastic or high‐density and resilient Irontex. Night‐land mattresses offer tourists and travellers much‐needed and restful sleep.

• Durability

Like any business, the hotel and holiday sector must take into account the profitability and durability of their products. MiColchón

has created an exclusive ‘Double Duration’ range with high‐quality continuous thread spring cores, making it completely non‐de‐formable thanks to its patented ‘special con‐tinuous use’ back system.

MiColchón mattresses are a perfect exam‐ple of durability and profitability, with a spring core and extra hard steel, without compromising on the comfort achieved from the most advanced viscoelastic material, Memoryvis, and fireproof upholstery that complies with current regulations.

• A service that is good as the product Hotels or individuals who invest in holiday accommodation know the importance of professional and personal service, something that MiColchón strives to provide their cus‐tomers.

Standing out against their competition, Mi‐Colchón has an express delivery service with‐in 24 ‐ 48 hours, providing an immediate solu‐tion to any incident that may arise in hotels and holiday apartments in Malaga Province.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 35 FEATURE
WHO IS GOING TO WIN? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind ...
Advertising Feature Speak to the rest experts at MiColchon and find out more: Website: - Telephone: 951 555 155 - Email:
Helping hotels provide
Malaga stores: You can find MiColchon stores in Málaga, El Palo, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Marbella, Velez Malaga, Torre del Mar and Motril! Estepona coming soon!
A mattress must combine comfort and durability.

Sontec Hearing Centres: Listening and audio fatigue

HAVE you ever felt fatigued after listening to someone speak for an extended period?

Or perhaps you work in an industry that is causing ear pain and sensitivity to loud sounds? You may be suffering from listen‐ing or audio fatigue, side effects that can be caused by loud audio or exposure to noise for long periods.

A common condition among people who work in the music industry, such as sound engineers, audio producers and musicians, audio fatigue can also affect anybody who listens to loud music or sounds for extend‐ed periods. Whereas listening fatigue is a common side effect that comes from the additional effort individuals with hear‐ing loss have to make due to commu‐nication dif ficulties, such as after a long con versation or

Zoom meeting.

Listening fatigue and audio fatigue are related, but are distinct concepts in the context of audio perception.

What are the symptoms of audio fatigue and listener fatigue?

Audio fatigue refers to a phenomenon where prolonged exposure to the same au‐dio signal can cause the listener to become less sensitive to certain aspects of the sound. This can result in noise sensitivity, tinnitus, and difficulty in distinguishing sounds or words.

Listening fatigue, on the other hand, refers to the subjective feeling of discomfort or ex

haustion that can occur after prolonged ex‐posure to sound or if you are losing your hearing and are having to concentrate much harder on following a conversation. This can manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches or earaches, as well as cognitive symptoms such as difficulty con‐centrating or feeling mentally drained.

If you aren’t hearing as well as you used to and believe you are experiencing listen‐ing or audio fatigue, it’s time to have your hearing evaluated by a qualified healthcare professional. Hearing aids and audio acces‐sories from Sontec Hearing Centres can help to avoid or alleviate these symptoms.

How can Son‐tec Hearing Centres help?

While it is recom ‐mended to take fre ‐quent breaks when lis‐

tening to audio, use proper audio equip‐ment that fits correctly, reduce background noise and create comfortable atmo ‐spheres, you may need to seek medical ad‐vice from qualified audiologists such as Sontec.

Working with the world’s leading hear‐ing aid manufacturing brands including GN Resound, Widex, Oticon, Coselgi, Phonak and Bernafon, the highly qualified and li‐censed hearing care professionals will pro‐vide tailor‐made solutions for each individ‐ual.

Sontec will offer you a free in ‐ depth hearing evaluation in the centre or in the comfort of your home to recommend the best solution for you and your lifestyle from their range of leading brands, as well as offering a free hearing study, batteries and hearing aid repair, monitoring of pa‐tient progress, hearing aid cleaning and in‐credible after‐care services.

Improving your hearing quality will im‐prove the quality of your life. Visit the pro‐fessional and friendly team at Sontec to take care of all your hearing health needs.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 HEALTH & BEAUTY 36
Advertising Feature
Address: Calle Hermanos Pinzon 4, Edificio Florida II - Local 9, Fuengirola Telephone: +34 618 38 59 10 - Email: - Website:
Hearing from Sontec.

Testing situation

YOU should be careful with cosmetic testers, dermatolo‐gists and make‐up artists say. There is usually a supply of pads and cotton buds to try out cosmetics, although many peo‐ple use their fingers. Bacteria can also grow in the testers if people ‘double dip’ and re‐ap‐ply make‐up when using pads or cotton buds.

If you must test make sure the tester is sealed, use an indi‐vidual one‐time use applicator and only put the make‐up on the back of your hand.

Vaping alert

VAPING does not help young smokers break the habit, a sur‐vey of UK 1,000 teenagers re‐vealed.

US researchers analysing the data discovered that fre‐quent smoking ‐ more than six cigarettes a week ‐ was higher in those who began vaping be‐fore they were 15.

Youngsters who smoked and vaped were twice as likely to smoke heavily by the time they left school than their peers who used tobacco, the investigators found.

Cheers for beer

DAYS after dire warnings from the US regarding the dangers of alcohol, the Uni‐versity of Murcia put in a good word for beer.

Beer drinkers appear to have better mental and physical health than teeto‐tallers and ex‐drinkers, a re‐search team announced.

Analysing data from 33,185 participants in Spain’s National Health sur‐veys between 2012 and 2017, they found that 80 per cent of moderate drinkers rated their physical health as ‘good’ compared to 50 per cent of non ‐

Cranberry cure

SO they were right all along.

Cranberry juice really can help to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), Australian researchers found after reviewing 50 trials involving 9,000 participants.

Many women swear by cranberry juice or supple‐ments for preventing cystitis and the Australian re‐view has confirmed that these can reduce the chance of contracting a future UTI by more than 25 per cent.

The odds were slashed by 53 per cent for children and those susceptible to infections following medical interventions, the investigation found.

Experts believe this is due to cranberries’ high con‐centration of the antioxidant proanthocyanidin, which prevents Escherichia coli (E.coli), the most com‐mon UTI‐causing bacteria, from sticking to the blad‐der wall.

Researchers nevertheless warned that cranberries cannot cure an established UTI, for which it is neces‐sary to seek medical attention.

Ice cream esteem


Ninety per cent of beer‐drinkers regarded their mental health as ‘good’ compared to 80 per cent of non‐drinkers.

The heavier their intake, the better beer ‐ drinkers rated their health although the experts warned that they were more likely to eat fast food and smoke.

Green dream

PLANTS in the bedroom can help you sleep, maintained sleep psychologist Dr Kather‐ine Hall

They can reduce stress and anxiety while helping to clear the mind and relax the body, she explained.

Plants emit oxygen and also help to improve a room’s ven‐tilation and humidity, making it easier to breathe at night “and drift off.”

Snake plant ‐ also known as mother‐in‐law’s tongue ‐ is one of Dr Hall’s favourites, to‐gether with aloe vera, spider plant and peace lilies, all of which you’ll easily find at any florist or the open‐air market.

TWENTY ‐ YEAR ‐ OLD re ‐search in the US has linked dairy ‐ based desserts like ice ‐ cream to heavily re ‐duced chances of develop‐ing insulin‐resistance syn‐drome.

This is a precursor to dia‐betes in overweight peo ‐ple, but although ice cream has a lower glycaemic in ‐dex than super ‐ healthy brown rice, doctors in the UK have given the recently resuscitated findings an icy reception.

“It may contain some nu‐trients which could be ben‐eficial, like calcium, and it has a low glycaemic index,” said Dr Duane Mellor, a se‐nior lecturer and dietitian

at Aston Medical School. “But this is likely to be outweighed by its sugar and calorie content,” he added.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 37 HEALTH & BEAUTY
BEER: Researchers give it the thumbs-up. Photo credit:Pixabay/Alfbel
26% of adults in England are obese, 38% are overweight.
ICE CREAM: Benefits outweighed by sugar and calorie content. Photo credit: Pixabay/Picjumbo

Good luck with that LETTERS

THIS is just a precursor to fully­fledged, no go zones for the police, which will mirror the goings on in ‘culturally rich’ Sweden.

Birmingham City Council’s website says that “Birmingham is one of the first ‘super diverse’ cities in the UK where citizens from ethnic minorities make up more than half the population.” The headline to the article is “Why Birmingham’s super ­ diversity is a strength, and not a surprise.”

We’ll see how that strength plays out.


I read in your April 20­26 edition that the UK along with France are the big spenders in the Valencian region. I wonder if the authorities are aware that thanks to Brexit and the Schengen 90­day Agreement that they are missing out on even more UK income. Although I own property here I am now not coming over as much as I did and there are many more like me.

Hello again

Do you think you could write something about this?

I have just read an article which has reduced me to tears of laughter, and it is serious. I tell you, 100 years down the line people are going to look back to now and very recent times as lunacy. Political correctness is like an Orwell novel, as is woke etc.

This article refers to ‘larger­bodied’ people and ‘people of size’. How bloody ridiculous. By normalising fat people, who are fat because they eat too much or do not exercise, we make life uncomfortable and more expensive and (health) less efficient for ‘normal­sized’ people.

Currently, it is always the norm, the majority, who have to suffer and subjugate themselves to the will of any minority.

The article is about Australia charging for two seats for a fat person. My opinion is that if that person can produce a valid medical certificate as to why they cannot reduce their weight, they should not be charged for two seats; otherwise, fair play ­ two or even three seats charged.

If these people were shamed, perhaps they would do something about it. Go back 100 years, were there so many huge people about? No!!! Mostly it’s nothing to do with a medical condition. It is eating too much and laziness.

I have struggled with weight during my life and, because it is ugly and unhealthy, I have always tried to diet, exercise and keep it down.

Nowadays we are forced to watch ex ­

tremely fat, mostly plain women, on our TVs in varying states of undress; in dramas or advertisements etc. It is unpleasant.

I agree with acceptance, of any person, but why do we have to aggrandise absolutely every deviation from the norm?

Once again, sorry for the rant.


PS. Oh, and don’t start me on this bullying rubbish!!

Help needed

Dear Sir

I have a problem that I hope you or your readers can help me with.

I am an 86­year­old woman and I travel quite a lot .

I am quite fit, I go bowling two or three times a week. I also work one day a week in a charity shop.

I have always had travel insurance whenever I go away.

Since Covid the travel companies will not insure a person of my age.

The one I usually use stops at 85 years.

I have tried other companies, some stop at an even earlier age.

I might add I have never had to make a claim with any company.

I hope you can help me. I do have the card which entitles me to emergency medical treatment in some countries.

I can’t be the only older person who likes to travel.

I am hoping you can help me .

Kind regards.

I believe

I was very interested to read your column in EWN April 20­26 as I also believe “what you think is what you get.”

My bracelet is engraved with my motto ‘Think it, feel it, have it, be it’.

I followed the Law of Attraction for years then spent a long time studying a book on quantum physics. I was even compiling data to write a book about it all, then discovered that Pam Grout had already done one ­ E2that gives you nine experiments to prove your thoughts create your reality.

When I talk to friends about it and the way that I can do things “because I believe I can”, I do get some strange looks, so it was great when I learned that the 2022 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to the men who proved the key supposition of quantum theory: that local realism is fake.

Thanks again for sharing the information so clearly ­ I do hope others who read it will learn more and change their lives for the better.

Kind regards,

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 HOROSCOPES/LETTERS 40

Getting there


TRAVELLING hopefully is better than arriving, Robert Louis Stevenson said long before travelling was made easy.

Whether you agree or not, you will sometimes need to get from A to B, and a minimal amount of Spanish will help to prove Stevenson right (or wrong).

So if you want a taxi, go to the head of the rank and ask:

Are you free?…¿está libre?

If the driver is free, it’s not superfluous in Spain to say Buenos días, Buenas tardes or Buenas noches on entering before launching into:

I want to go to…..quiero ir a/me lleva por favor a (followed by your destination)

How much is that? (at journey’s end).....¿cuánto es? or ¿cuánto le debo?

If you need to ring for a taxi on any of Spain’s Costas you can probably conduct the entire conversation in English. All the same it’s as well to know how to do it in Spanish:

Could you send a taxi to (wherever you happen to be)….¿puede mandar un taxi a…

As well as the hoped ­ for, “Si, en seguida” (straight away) be prepared to be told the number of the taxi that will pick you up.

For a local bus, it’s always best to have change, as the driver also doles out tickets and might, if he or she is not having a good day, refuse to change a banknote.

For trains and medium or long ­ distance buses and coaches:

I’d like a single to …..quiero un billete sencillo a... (followed by destination)

I’d like a return ticket…..quiero un billete de ida y vuelta

How much?.....¿cuánto es?

When does the train/bus/coach leave…..¿a qué hora sale el tren/autobus/autocar?

The train/bus/coach will be late…..el tren/autobus/autocar llegará con retraso

How long does the journey take?.....¿cuánto dura el trayecto?

Having mentioned that a local bus driver also does the job of an Englishspeaker’s bus conductor, remember that the driver is ‘el conductor’. Meanwhile a bus conductor is ‘el cobrador’ or ‘el revisor’ but Daniel Barenboim is ‘un director de orquesta’.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 41 FEATURE

I DARE reiterate that you could all benefit from re‐membering these words of wisdom my father imparted to me. “It’s not what you know or who you know that matters, it’s who knows you.”

This works on many lev‐els, firstly not to judge the person next to you and to ensure that people are left with a good memory of you. Voracious networking only works in very few circles and Marbella is but a fish pond.

Sharing each other’s infor‐mation should by nature be the lay of the land but as of yet, on many levels, this is a work in progress. I personal‐ly find it most rewarding to


highlight other people’s pos‐itive points, even when they could be considered as ‘competition’.

I chose not to see if this way as we all bring our uniqueness to the table and there is truly something and someone to suit every taste and prerequisite. With this in mind, instead of just getting the informa‐tion you need from some‐one or blabbing out your message to anyone you can trap for long enough, first

In the loop

show a genuine interest and a willingness to support their cause, they’ll be more inclined to listen to you when it’s your turn. They’ll also be more inclined to rec‐ommend your services.

Curiously last week’s guests were mostly intro‐ductions by previous guests.

Our first interview of #MN393 is courtesy of Marie Noelle Erize of Marie‐Noelle Communications and what a subject! Luis Ponce of Marbella Mountain Re‐sorts talks of his exclusive mansion rentals ranging from €3,000‐€9,000 a day!


Thanks to Kate Hill we welcome Delia and Morten Olsen of Pure Nordic Water, energising our bodies from the inside out with appar‐ently one of the best drink‐ing waters for our health on the market.

Although I’m not a big fan of fine dining in general, I do think it worth taking you to Boho Club Marbella to share my experience. Thanks to the invitation by Pilar I got

to savour delights and not be hungry when I left. Usu‐ally this type of eating evokes the ‘Emperor’s new clothes’ reaction but this was certainly not the case

with the experience at Boho Club Marbella. With thanks to Pilar for the invitation!

Another introduction, this time from Filip Bovin, brings Tero Keski‐Valkama to the show; he’s an AI specialist looking to create commu‐nity with like‐minded pro‐fessionals. My CIT Marbella guest of the was Dra. Patri‐cia López, Oral Surgeon at Hospiten, qualified to fix your face and do beauty treatments, with the neces‐sary know‐how.

And to finish off, a truly grand finale, international singer, songwriter, pianist, producer, Yanela Brooks! A must to watch, ‐

A new show airs tonight at the new peak time of 9.30pm on RTV Marbella with more guests and recordings to help keep you in the loop.

PS ‐ I’m really congested with my allergies and feeling a bit ‘dim’, so I hope there aren’t too many faux pas in this week’s #MarbellaMo‐ments, if so, sorry xo

Help with mental health

DR SAMANTHA TORRES has worked in the field of mental health for over 30 years: in the UK, Singapore, and now in Spain. With family roots in Spain she and her husband were driv ‐en a little by Brexit to make the move from the UK to Spain.

With a PhD in Mental Health she specialised in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and as well as running work ‐shops she also works in private practice both online and in person.

Sam explains that CBT is a combination of two therapies which ad ‐dresses both how our thinking affects us and how our behaviours are so often determined by the way we think.

It is an action based therapy which seeks to help clients tackle a wide range of what may seem to be routine ex ‐

periences such as anxi ‐ety, depression, grief, self esteem, and stress.

The real problem aris ‐es when these experi ‐ences negatively impact on our day to day func ‐tioning. Sam says that al‐though society has changed and many peo ‐ple no longer live in close family settings, it also has to be acknowledged that families can equally be a source of stress as well as a potential source of support.

Sam does a lot of work online, a develop ‐ment which was partly driven by the pandemic

restrictions, but also us‐es space at the EVO Pi ‐lates studio in La Cala for face to face work. Sam’s PhD thesis was on the impacts on close family and partners of suicide.

A very heavy topic but one which affects too many people these days.

Samantha can be con‐tacted via her website ( https://www.drsaman /), by email or by phone. mail@drsamanthator ES: +34 639 723 886 UK: +44 7902 970335. • • -
Thank you for watching, liking and sharing my shows.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 FEATURE 42


THE GOP in the USA has committed itself to banning abortion. Could this be one instance in which they have made the ‘right’ moral decision at great risk to their political aspira ‐tions?

Human life is sacred and we all have the right to live. Then, why is abortion is such a complex issue? An embryo is alive immediately it is con ‐ceived, but is not a human life. It be ‐comes a foetus after about 10 weeks of gestation, when it begins its unity with the soul. This union is not com ‐plete until the 16th week.

Until then it is not recognised as a living sentient being, in which case, it has fewer rights than a goat or a salmon. But it has always had the potential to become a human being. And if the embryo is destroyed its potential is destroyed. This is surely the issue.

At the same time, its mother in whose body the foetus exists is al ‐ready a fully sentient being with the right to live. The foetus has the right to be born and to exist; but does this

override the rights of the mother in any circumstances?

If the mother’s life would be en ‐dangered by the pregnancy or birth, it is the choice between an existing human life and a potential one, and it is generally considered that the mother has priority. If her life is not threatened, it is a question of having the right to make the decision about her own body and to live her life ac ‐cordingly. Or so the argument goes.

If the foetus is considered a sen ‐tient being, then the circumstances of the conception should be irrele ‐vant, because it had no control over it, whether it resulted from poor family planning, a simple lovers’ tiff or a brutal gang rape.

Cases of rape depend on the cir ‐cumstances. If it is a gang rape, the victim may not even know who is the father. And she may associate the in ‐nocent baby’s very existence with the horrifying experience of the as ‐

Campervan conversion

DURING the pandemic ‘staycation’ became the thing to do and as new trends appeared more and more people opted for slow travel on four wheels.

People rented camper ‐vans and found newfound fun in the freedom of the road. Since then this trend has continued to grow with more and more peo‐

A converted campervan.

Rebound effects

IN good news for the camping and caravanning industry, it is seeing the first signs of the stabilisa‐tion in motorhome registrations in Spain.

According to data from the Spanish Association of the Caravanning Industry and Trade (ASE‐ICAR), a total of 651 new motorhomes and campers were sold in March 2023, an increase of 7.1 per cent compared to the same month in 2022 (608).

However, caravan registrations continue to fall, from 243 in March 2022 to 180 last month (‐26 per cent).

In the second‐hand market, sales of motorhomes and campers are also up compared to a year ago: 1923 compared to 1855 (+3.7 per cent).

The same is true for caravans: 649 compared to 632 in February 2022 (+2.7 per cent).

ASEICAR confirmed: “It is likely that from now on we will see small rebound effects with continu‐ous monthly rises and falls in registrations, which will probably last until the end of the year, when a gradual and definitive recovery of the sector is expected.”

ple purchasing their own or refurbishing an old van and converting it into a camper van.

If you have considered doing the same, experts say you should definitely rent one a few times be ‐fore you make the invest‐ment and then once you have made the decision spend plenty of time on a plan for the refurbish ‐ment. Make sure to keep an eye on the weight of your vehicle. A DIY project will definitely keep costs down but according to the professionals, you should‐n’t be afraid to outsource some of the work too.

Once you are finished you will have a vacation on your doorstep ready to take off every weekend. If you work remotely, as more and more people do every day, you can choose to make your camper van your office picking a differ‐ent location and view ev ‐ery day.

sault. If it is rape by an unknown at ‐tacker, her baby may be a constant reminder of the nightmare of the or ‐deal. If it is a family member, she has to decide whether to report it and await the reaction of her family. In any of these cases, is abortion of the birth of a potential human being jus ‐tified?

Where the rape is perpetrated by a boyfriend, fiancé, husband or ‘part ‐ner’ who insisted on going ahead de ‐spite her protests, there would seem to be no case whatsoever for abort ‐ing the baby’s birth, despite the in ‐conveniences to its parents.

If the mother is somebody who sleeps around with scant regard for the consequences, there would seem to be a moral obligation to preserve an innocent life resulting from the reckless pursuit of pleasure. But it is not always as simple as that!

Packing hacks for a stress free trip

ENJOY camping but not the stress of packing for the trip? Do you always forget something? Here are some top camping packing hacks.

The first one is easy: be organised. Make a checklist but save it and take it with you, you can then use it to make sure you have packed everything when leaving. You can also keep it and use it for your next camping trip.

Use transparent packing containers to store your gear, you can see inside each container and then you don’t have to waste time rummag‐ing through all your gear looking for one thing.

To save space don’t pack a pillow just put some of your clothes inside your sleeping bag case and use this as a pillow. Or you can bring inflatable pillows if you find them comfortable.

Line your backpack with a rubbish bag, if it rains it will protect the items in your bag from getting damp.

If you are travelling with children pack their clothes per day each with its own bag which in ‐cludes socks underwear etc… then have a bag marked ‘extra’ in case one outfit gets dirty or wet. This will save you both time and space.

If you intend to bring food then create your menu before you leave and only bring the items you need. Create a mixed spice bag to add to the food instead of bringing lots of different bottles.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 43 FEATURE/CAMPING
Photo credit: Flickr San Finch
David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors
more from our columnists please scan this QR Code
Photo Credits: National Museum of Health and Medicine and A foetus has the right to become a human being - although it may eventually become a rapist.


Sitters care for pets at home

MANY pet‐sitters are used to being in charge while pet‐minding. However, when Talisker the cat has sitters in, he keeps an eye on them. It is good to find someone who will play with your pets, as well as look after them. House sitmatch can help you find such a pet‐sitter and compan‐ion at very little cost.

If you’re planning a trip regis‐ter now to find pet‐sitters in time. Whether your trip is short or long, you’ll know that sometimes you must leave pets at home. Young and se‐nior pets in particular benefit from staying at home, so they can follow their routines undis‐turbed. Join our pet and house sitting network, and the sitters come for free!

Choose for affordable travel, home and pet care. These are the steps to take:

1. Register as a homeown‐er on

2. Choose a Premium ac‐count (£89 per year) to ensure you can help online when needed

3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house

4. Post an advert for the dates when you want to go

away. Sitters apply and you choose.

How does it work?

HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert say‐ing when you are going on holi‐day. House‐sitters see your ad‐vert, they respond and you choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets.

Trustpilot Testimonials ‐ 4.9 /

5 Excellent

10 out of 10 for housesit

I have had nothing but good and helpful service from the people who run this site, and my experience has been excel‐lent. Tristram Cosgrave Dog and cat owner, Malaga

How do you join?

Please register online via our website www.Housesitmatch. com.

Need a pet or housesitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and petsitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either housesitter or homeowner with a 20% discount using coupon code 20EWN – Reader exclusive offer. To find a house pet-sitter go to

Heads up for food

WE put lots of thought into the type of bed and acces‐sories our pets use and we usually choose a cute dish for their food. Have you ev‐er thought about where their water and food bowl should be, more specifically

at what height? Me neither but apparently it’s very im‐portant for the health of your dogs and cats. Placing their dish on the floor, as I imagine most people do, is something that veterinari‐ans strongly advise against.

Placing their dish on the floor causes digestive prob‐lems because of the posi ‐tion of their digestive or ‐gans especially in larger breeds.

So, at what height should it be positioned? They rec‐ommend that their water and food bowls be posi ‐tioned at shoulder height. This will help them digest food in a more natural way and avoids increased pres‐sure on the neck, back, and paws. They then don’t have to eat in a forced po‐sition, this will help all dogs and cats but especially our older furry friends.

DID you know that ‘puppy parties’ are getting more and more popular with families opting to throw a party for their poodles on their birthday? If you would like to plan a pet party celebration but you don’t know where to start here are some tips.

You should take into consideration the size of your dog and the invitees when picking the location for the party, you wouldn’t want your living room overrun with grey‐hounds for example.

Take into account the personality of your pup, if he scares easily, a small gathering that won’t be too stressful is best.

Don’t forget the re ‐freshments with plenty of fresh water on hand, dog‐gy snacks, and a pupcake

of course. Don’t forget to check with the humans before giving out treats and don’t forget human snacks!

Party favours like fris‐bees and tennis balls are very popular along with

some party hats if you can get them to keep them on.

Don’t forget the dog ‐themed decoration and take lots of photos so you can turn it into an album to remember the day.

Paw-ty Time Grieving pets

WHEN a loved one passes away your pets may grieve this loss as well. Research shows that dogs and cats show signs of grief following the loss of a family member or even another companion ani‐mal. Your pet may begin to sleep in a spot where the de‐ceased pet or person did.

Experts say you shouldn’t scold or discourage them from doing this. During this period your pet is not only suffering a personal loss but an upheaval in their daily routines and so they may act out. Cats tend to vocalise their emotions by me‐

owing more and loudly.

Research has also shown that they will experience a loss of appetite and they may spend more time sleeping. Ex‐perts recommend taking them on long walks and hikes if they can manage it and you

should distract them with puz‐zle toys. The main thing is to be patient and kind to them as they process this loss. If their behaviour continues and you are worried then you should take them to the vet just in case.

SPONSORED BY • 27 April - 3 May 2023 44
HAPPY PUPDAY: Don’t forget a pupcake. Your pets grieve too. Talisker the cat keeps an eye on the pet-sitters at work.
Photo credit: Flickr Djalexej Photo credit: Flickr Seth
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 47 SERVICES REMOVALS & STORAGE


AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Euros. For other energy-saving products visit 952 935 513. We are Junta de Andalucia authorised installers as the new law states (real decreto 115/2017). On the Costa del Sol since 1993


QUALITY Air Conditioning Installations. Economical to use, & silent in operation. 26 Years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocare www.envirocare (301178)

MR COOL – Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heating Systems, Sales & Service – Call Christian +34 629 527 587 or Nick +34 618 678 853 – (303225)

ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation; also recovery service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 /



Awnings, Persiana, Shutter & Rejas Specialist. New & Repairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 / 952 199 640 (302583)

ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730)

BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (294242)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (302785)


SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living environment. Tel

Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (292919)


CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids’ activities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sundays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012)

THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (the road behind the Mijas Aquapark) on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 (293850)

ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 602 431 968 Facebook: @ATDDecorMalaga (303106)

BESPOKE PAINTER general, mural & restorer, for internal/exterior designs 654 866 393 (303133)


JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Bathrooms/kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (303368) Electrician, plumbing, construction, painting. Innovation. ROT deduction for Swedish, Sotogrande to Marbella 648 712 530 (302411)

GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available) (302414)

SWINGLES CASAS SL . For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (295953)

PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (302310)


NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 19yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/WhatsApp 655 040 648 (303060)


PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)

ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (302540)

WE BUY vintage antiques and silver. Silver Jewellery accepted. Good rates paid. Discretion assured. 613 822 572 / +447778 422 305 (303311)

PROFESSIONAL CARPENTRY Car-Ports, Mobile Home Decking. Concreting and Slabbing. Best Rates, Fully Insured. Tel: 622 647 602 (303113)


ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email acservs@ (290189)

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921


Est. over 25 years. Rental management. Tailor made for your all property needs. Call Wendy 635 630 370 (303017)

STARLIGHT Property Cleaning & Maintenance. All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 682 636451 (302059)


RAINBOW Pinturas . English Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residential, commercial & communities. Spraying: door, kitchens & furniture. Light construction. Call/WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 www.rainbowpinturas. com (302039)

DOMESTIC Appliance repairswashing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (296265)

WASHING MACHINES , Ovens, Boilers etc. All work guaranteed by ex Zanussi technician. Reliable rapid service. Joe 609 345 096 (303048)


BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (294321)


ALL ELECTRICAL work, rewiring, fault finding 30 years’ experience. Frank Tel. or Whatsapp 650 561 629 (302735)




MARBLE FLOORS polished high shine non-slip. Fast Service Reliable, family-run business. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. No job too small. Cleansol 10am – 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578

Discount code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)



WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel - 678 716 693 (288662)


FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (302540)

COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting donations of clothing, homeware & furniture, so if you are having a House Clearance, Please call us for FREE COLLECTION. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961

CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (296265)

APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202


BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)

27 Apri - 3 May 2023 • CLASSIFIEDS 48
you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161




PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@garden-professionals. com (295350)



MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Why don’t I come to you? Women, Men & Children. Estepona – Sotogrande. Call 658 675 077 (303361)


STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance

Call 971 277 455 For your security (291234)


INTERPRETER : Michael will assist/go with you to any appointment ie Townhall, Doctors etc call 606 809 042 (303309)

RIVIERA DEL SOL . Treat yourself to an Excellent Massage! Irina, Cuban masseuse, fun and spontaneous. Only when a massage is something more than a massage, and becomes a unique experience, with a mixture of smells, sounds, sensations, only then is when you enjoy the perfection of the exclusive massage. Ask for more information without obligation 951 274 723, 650 237 145 (302727)


FRI: 19:30

SAT: 19:30

SUN: 19:30

MON: 19:30


SUN: 12:10

TUE: 20:10


TUE: 17:45


SUN: 12:40


SUN: 15:30


TUE: 17:15


SUN: 13:10


TUE: 20:45


PLAZA MAYOR CINEMA Malaga Puerto Banus


THU: 21:00




THU, FRI, SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, WED: 17:30, 18:00, 19:30




THU, FRI, SAT, SUN, MON, TUE, WED: 17:00, 19:00, 21:00



FOODSCAPING Spain Organic Edible Landscaping Services. We design,install & manage Raised bed Kitchen Gardens & Food Forests on the Costa del Sol. 52 Harvests a year from your own backyard. Now is the time to plant for summer abundance. Contact: 642 260 204 (303308)


IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (301097)

BODY and face treatments. Oleksandra, massage therapist +34603 388 449. San Pedro Alcántara (303346)

BOTOX & fillers from €80. Skinny Jab & Fat reducing injections. Cover Coast & Inland. www.beau 609 347 086 (303371)


BE PROACTIVE: Electric / Gas fires, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. EnviroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759. info@ www. (301178)


SENIOR Lawyer Offices in Glasgow, San Pedro, Fuengirola. 00447955 013 6 33 (303350)



ENGLISH LOCKSMITH emergency & appointment, locks changed, patio doors & windows secured. All locks supplied insurance approved. Fast & reliable service. No hidden extras or nasty surprises. 657 466 803 (290138)

TANTRIC masseuse in Calahonda. Cristal, expert in the art of seduction and tantric massage. Authentic masseuse who manages to transmit the physical and emotional pleasure with the 5 senses. Sensual tantric massage or body to body to perfection. Make an appointment. 650 237 145

BUTTERFLY - Massage, is a space designed for people with high sensitivity, with a taste for body to body interaction, who enjoy the sensuality and magical trantric, to feel the warm hands of an attractive masseuse running through your body. Our masseuses have been chosen not only for their physical attractiveness, but also for their sensuality and massage skills. Only by appointment 951 274 723, 650 237 145 (302727)



DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (302074)


ELECTRIC GATES / Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. (294592)


E K SERVICES Window & Pool cleaning, gardening, window tinting. Marbella to Malaga. Call +34681 928 041. Email: (303338)


GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (301104)


HANDYMAN: General Masonry work, painting, wall/roof waterproofing & other jobs. Call Michael 622 755 666 (303309)


VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs can renovate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (293467)


HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (303337)


ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (302540)


MOTOR INSURANCE . For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)


RELAXING Massage for Men & Couples. Feel free from tension & stress Call Dany 603 202 758 (303146)

SAN PEDRO. Sandra. Professional relaxing, tantric massage. Young, slim, work alone, unforgettable moments. Nueva Andalucia. 641 346 278

MATURE elegant lady. Offers tantric and other massage. Personal home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp3

PURE RELAXATION in Nueva Andalucia with attractive independent masseuse. Tantric and other special massages in private apartment. For gentlemen and couples, with no rush attention to your needs 656 350 401

ENGLISH ELEGANT independent & affectionate lady in late 40s, gives a sensual golfers massage to relieve tension in her discreet private apartment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 680 177 569 (303054)

CASSIE. Mature English lady. Discreet and clean. 667 914 732 (FU 2974)

IT’S TIME to try something different and very relaxed. Sara, elegant masseuse, I offer massage, tantric, sensitive, prostatic, authentic relaxation that will leave you floating on the cloud. believe me spectacular! Very clean. I give and demand total hygiene! Let yourself go and you will discover the most hidden pleasures. Only by appointment. 650 237 145 (302727)


CALA DE MIJAS. Excellent professional masseuse with exclusive attention for people who want to change their routine and want to relax and live a relaxing experience. If you are looking for discretion and good treatment, here I am. I’m Noa and I hope you make your appointment as soon as possible because I am very requested. 650 237 145

MY HANDS can transmit a very important message and make us feel connected. I will create a suitable atmosphere for relaxation and sensuality without noise, candlelight, soft music, nothing should disturb that moment. Before we start, all you have to do is relax, breathe slowly to free your body and mind... I’ll take care of the rest. Irina, qualified masseuse with many years of experience. Book your appointment. 650 237 145 (302727)

RIVIERA DEL SOL . I am Noa a simple and natural girl who hides among her shy appearance the best kept secrets of relaxing, decontracting and stimulating massage. I am a specialist in eliminating your worries, muscular tension thanks to a depurative massage technique that I combine with a sensory capacity out of the ordinary. I massage both men and couples. 650 237 145. by appointment only (302727)

CALAHONDA . I am your ideal masseuse if you want to enjoy a massage, relaxing and sensual and want to try the sensations that this generates. I will use my hands and body with techniques of relaxation and mutual connection. Carla – 650 237 145 (302727)

THE BEST RELAXING MASSAGE CLOSE TO ELVIRIA. Tantric massages. Come and enjoy today with us. Latin masseuses for men. Come and relax. Outcall, too 650 237 145 (302727)

in English
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 49

NEAR ELVIRIA. Masseuse, elegant with a high dose of implication. Very special tantric sensory massages. I will make you feel very relaxed with a good massage. 951 274 723, 650 237 145 (302727)

MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for relaxing massage in the city centre. Available 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (295192)

PROFESSIONAL MALE muscled masseur. Full-body relaxing, deep tissue and therapeutic massage. In/outcalls. WhatsApp me 607 595 906 (301288)

FUENGIROLA - Johanna Brazilian

Mature Masseur. Relaxing Massages. Best relax guaranteed. Tel: 617.818.615 (303203)

ASIAN MASSEUR Massage relaxing & therapeutic, to release tension and stress. Fuengirola. Call 634 103 607

LOS BOLICHES - Carolina Pretty Masseur, Relaxing Massage, Guaranteed relax - 634.703.111 (303203)

BENALMADENA lovely lady, offering you a very relaxing body massage. Call for an appointment 634 209 427 (303369)

FUENGIROLA. Japanese Shiatsu & Zen Ki relaxing and therapeutic massage. Excellent service guaranteed. Home Visits. WhatsApp for appointment 693 988 340

WWW.LAILALYNCH1.COM. Heated pool, Jacuzzi and private bar. Inland private retreat with a full massage service. 662 913 428 (FU 2952)


AMAZING relaxing massage by mature lady, In/ outcalls. Fuengirola. 657 697 397 (FU 2970)

ESTEPONA. Susana, Latin Girl sculptural body, trained for deep relaxing massage. 697 705 304 (FU 2786)

ASIAN wellness massage Nice area west Marbella. Guaranteed results. 623 554 233 or 623 594

698 (301500)

ESTEPONA area. Kannika sweet Asian masseuse. Various massage. For more service details WhatsApp me 602 427 095 (FU 2891)

FILIPINO massage centre, Marbella, where hearts of professional massage. Open daily. 660 578 171 (MI 563)

FUENGIROLA Paula 30 years old beautiful, soft sensitive massages, deep body relaxation techniques 641 244 707 (FU 2908)

TWO filipina, simpathic excellent unique relaxing massage authentic oriental massage, exclusive. Elviria. 679 126 231 (MI 563)

BOLICHES CELINA independent loving lady, kind, beautiful affectionate only for educated discreet respectable gentleman! Enjoy deep sensitive exciting relaxing massages in private discreet apartment, quiet cosy atmosphere high satisfaction! Excellent calm treatments! Demanding excellent hygiene! Appointments

11am/6pm 622 210 797 (FU 2966)

UKRAINIAN/ THAI slims, friendly, beautiful hands massage. Marbella. 604 428 812 (MI 563)

VANESSA Benalmadena excellent massage services. Relaxing & therapeutic. Home premises. Call me 624 811 098 (303305)

BEAUTIFUL Asian lady offer exclusive, sensitive, prostatic, deep, soft massage pleasure to body and mind pleasure, good clean atmosphere, Marbella. Elviria. 603 257 690 (MI 563)

FUENGIROLA. New Megan , mulatto, 19 years old massage and relaxation, 697 490 934. (FU 2975)

JAPANESE massage. Marbella. Relaxing, less stress. 664 177 216 (MI 559)

ASIAN touch combination oriental/ european massage relief pain stress exotic pretty lady. Elviria. 633 705 558 (MI 563)

NEW Samanta beautiful, Colombian, 19 years old massage and relaxation 697 490 934. (FU 2975)

MARBELLA Tantric ritual massage with aromatherapy to leave completely renewed. 642 751 070 (2907)

ORIENTAL lady, tantric sensory generate body to body, technique, deep, soft massage. Marbella 603 208 080 (MI 563)

FUENGIROLA Centre. 5 masseuses, total discretion, luxury apartment, young, beautiful. Massage, relax. 697 490 934 (FU 2975)

MASSAGE! Outcalls everywhere in Costa del Sol! Independent lady offer sensual massage. 604 256 336 (FU 2965)

SARA Venezuelan, professional relaxing therapeutic & sensitive massage. I can visit you. For more information contact me 632 770 051

DUQUESA area. Relaxing massages are given to soothe body and mind. Call 610 056 299 (303377)

THAI Benalmadena Costa. Bodybody full massages. Visits. Whatsapp 689 387 448, 632 092 619 (MI 562)

MARBELLA. Hi! I am Agness, beautiful masseuse, spectacular attributes. Relive stress, personalised massage, unforgettable sensations. 642 268 665 (fu 2931)

NUEVA Andaluci a: Valery, Portuguese, mature, blond, sweet unique sensual massage. Independent. 685 221 959 (FU 2973)

VILLA MAGNA Benalmadena - with 8 masseurs & room rental – from 50€ - call 666 294 326 (303260)


JADE BRITISH lady offers sensual massage service for gentlemen & couples. Discrete premises. Estepona area. Call 665 896 519

FUENGIROLA Paseo maritimo, private full massage service available 639 072 591 (303379)

ARGENTINIAN lady gives sensual & relaxing massage. Private premises WhatsApp +34613 661 068

BENALMADENA Private Villa: DANIELA from Colombia 19yrs Masseur. New on the Coast. in C/ Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 662 52 78 15 (303183)

BENALMADENA Private Villa: IRINA Russian Masseur, model, slim, Russian, Spanish, English in Calle Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 673 88 75 47 (303183)

BENALMADENA Private Masseur villa, massage, jacuzzi, outcalls 24hrs, Calle Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 673 88 75 47 (303183)

BENALMADENA Private Villa: Maria - Colombian Masseur - blond long hair, Calle Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls & Outcalls 24hrs. Tel. 673 88 75 47 (303183)

BENALMADENA Private Villa: Alicia Spanish professional & relaxing Masseur. Calle Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 673 88 75 47 (303183)

BENALMADENA Private Villa: Sandra Spanish Masseur and Amalia - duo massage & relaxing. Calle Imperio Argentina N.1 in Benalmadena. Incalls & Outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 673 88 75 47

THE Ultimate Bliss at a Very Nice Place - Tantra is Fullness to Darin Sensory Massage Lovers - Fuengirola - Call 608 977 260 (303269)


FUENGIROLA. Relaxing massage made by alternative gender masseuse. Violeta Chiropractor. 660 867 374 (FU 2972)

BENALMADENA. FRIENDLY attractive masseuse, relieve muscle tension. From 50€. 613 106 153


GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel678 716 693 (288662)


ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 /

MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (301104)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours, call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (295855)






ROBERTSON CARS ...would like to thank all of my past, present & future clients for their continued support over the last 35 years here in Spain. Stay safe and outdrive everyone. If contacting Samantha in the afternoons, please only Whatsapp on 608 658 785 or Email as I am driving mostly & unable to take your calls.

ROBERTSON CARS SALE WAS €18,995 NOW €17,995: RANGE ROVER SPORT 4X4 DIESEL /AUTOMATIC 2011.Looks right in White, only 130,000 kms (approx 80,000miles) Private Lady Owner, parking sensors, reverse camera, sat nav, ITV till June 2023. turns heads good looks and quality. Samantha. See photos on my web page – text or whats app. 608 658 785. email

ROBERTSON CARS SALE WAS €11,500 NOW €10,995 AUTOMATIC / CABRIO MERCEDES SLK 2006 Stunning Silver only used as holiday car with 55,000KMS (Approx 35,000miles) 2 Seater Convertible have fun in the sun. New ITV. Just Passed July till 2023 ,Electric Roof folds into boot. Selling Under Book Price. Classy Great Shape Cabrio. See photos on my web page – www.robertsoncars-spain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email:

ROBERTSON CARS SALE: Automatic Ford B Max 2015 1.6 Petrol ONLY 35,000KMS. Silver in Spotless Condition, sliding side door makes parking easier and high seating position great for old legs, 5 DOOR, Hatchback Dog Friendly, One Private Owner, Ill Health Forces Sale , EVERYTHING YOU WANT BUY NOW 10,995€. To Test Drive Samantha Email therobertsonclan@ www.robertson cars-spain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785


SOON.......AUTOMATIC FORD FOCUS 2009 1.5 DIESEL very low kilometers, 5 door, big boot room for golf clubs and luggage, and also coming soon.....automatic honda jazz 1.3 small automatic with very low kilometres Watch my website for more information www.robert soncars-spain,com or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 Email: therobert

LEXUS 2.5 300 H Executive Navigation 4wd 197 CV Model Metallic Pearl, Imported, Purchased October 2020, 5090kms Hybrid and Petrol. Condition as new. Offers on 38,000€

Neg. Please Call 689 876 751 (303217)

GOLF AUTOMATIC 1.6 Turbo Diesel, 2015, 159,000kms 11,950€ ONO. 607 334 610 (303335)

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (301482)

ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (302563)

MOTOR HOMES! now is the time to get your motorhome ready for the season. Washing, Machine polishing protection etc, Tel/WhatsApp 666 926 718.


CARS TRANSFERRED, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678808837 or email (290189)




ALL CARS / Commercials wanted, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (302091)

CARS, Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Considered Call or Whatsapp 687 049 592

WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (302517)




INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (303137)

YATCH SKIPPER RETIRED to enhance your boating skills, boat handling, maintenance, navigation, safety. On your own boat, any size of boat. Mike 602 533 508 (303066)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 50 CLASSIFIEDS

MALE/Female Viagra, cialis, kamagra jelly all areas. Mixed trial packs available. Delivery or mail order available 604 385 476.

SOLUCIONES RAPIDAS - We will Paint your apartment in maximum 2 days. 640 350 479 (301298)

UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photos. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. (290153)

COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Paul 676 700 370


CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (303211)

ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the town hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care.

ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 2.00pm.

ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287)

ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered charity 8448, the Centre is open to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authorities, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322)

SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 info@sepe


SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about rehoming, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)

PLUMBING . Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (294321)


THINKING of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively looking for properties from Torremolinos to Calahonda. List with us and let us sell your property. Call Joe 626 864 683 (302705)


Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email (303052)

WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (295954)


Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email (303052)

STARLIGHT Property Cleaning & Maintenance. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Persiana repairs, Decorating, Electrial & Plumbing repairs. 682 636451 www.starlight (302059)

LONG TERM RENTALS AVAILABLE and also wanted. Super prices. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (303025)


Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@ (303052)

15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 14th May 2023. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (303227)


MAN & VAN , 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (291430)

2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 (302401) Tel David 696 810 618 (294207)

STORAGE, Storage, Storage. Man & Van Services. Call/Whatsapp 690 155 340 (302418)



JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Call or WhatsApp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (301271) Tel David 696 810 618 (294207)

STORAGE Tel David 696 810 618 (294207)


ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / in (101730)

ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (294242)


WE are looking for receptionist for adult massage house. We have in Fuengirola and Elviria. If interested please contact +34 611 30 41 02.

SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocare www.envirocare (301178)

SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas to Reflect Heat / Glare And Stop Furniture Fading And Still Keep The View. Save Heat in The Winter to Improve Your Living Environment.

Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176

CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or


POOL MAINTENANCE, & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 951 536 389 www.sparklenri (303027)

SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocare www.envirocare (301178)

WESTARPOOLS. Pool construction, renovation, repairs and heating. 619 246 372 / (302695)


ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 acservs@ (290189)

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921

CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)

Electric & Gas Water Heaters. Quality Installations. 26 years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@en www.enviro (301178)

MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 - 644 546 176 (292919)

TRADITIONAL WINDOW CLEANER Give your windows and doors that professional finish at affordable prices. Call Chris 604 871 121/ 952 561 607 (302562)


OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpedrotranslations@ (302734)

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 51
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

Toyota Corolla Touring Sports - perfect choice?


FOR many people, especially of a certain age, mention estate cars and Volvo comes to mind, estates that were favoured by antique dealers everywhere. Look for a large estate now and to be honest you’ll struggle. We’ve moved to ‘lifestyle’ estates which are colloquially known as Tourers, smaller load capacity but arguably more stylish and better handling than the estate barges of old.

One of the sleekest and most affordable estates, sorry tourers, is Toyota’s Corolla Touring Sports. Carrying their very wellproven hybrid technology, still a much more allround and useable proposition than an EV, the Corolla may not be the most exciting means of transport, but as a

package it pretty much does everything you could want of a car. Lots of equipment, affordable running costs and very well bolted together. It feels like a car that will still be running and looking good in 20 years­time.

Prices start from €35,363/£31,560 with four trim levels and two engine options ­ 1.8 or 2.0 ­ litre petrol hybrid.

Facts at a Glance

Standard fare on the entry level model provides everything from front and rear

parking sensors and auto lights to smart phone

ming rear view mirrors to its standard equipment.

One of the first things

quality puts some rivals of similar price in the shade. You still get the bolt ­ on ­ iPad look of so many cars but that apart there’s a pleasing normality with a standard automatic gear shift lever, buttons (hurrah!) and decent functionality to the touch screen.

• Model: Toyota Corolla Touring Sports Design

• Engine: 1.8-litre, 4-cylinder, petrol electric selfcharging hybrid

• Gears: CVT automatic

• Price: €37,123/£33,130

• Performance: 0-100 kph (62 mph) 9.4 seconds/Maximum Speed 180 kph (112 mph).

• Economy: 4.7l/100km (60.1 mpg) Combined driving.

• Emissions: 106 g/km

Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets

connectivity and dual zone air conditioning. My test model was the Design trim, second up in the range, which adds keyless entry and start, power tailgate, privacy glass, power fold door mirrors and auto dim ­

Reinstatement, please

Anna Ellis

UK Drivers and the RAC are calling for the hard shoulder to be reinstated on existing all ­ lane ­ running smart motorways.

Seven ­ in ­ 10 drivers (69 per cent) want the hard shoulder to be reinstated on the 235 miles of existing all ­ lane ­ running smart motorways, regardless of the government claiming it would be too disruptive and costly, according to new re ­

search by the RAC.

The RAC believes this week’s decision to scrap 14 all ­ lane ­ running schemes needs to be quickly followed by the reinstatement of hard shoulders as this is clearly what a majority of drivers are expecting.

Anything less will be seen as a poor excuse which could lead to more lives being needlessly lost on these controversial motorways,

with just 31 per cent of drivers saying the hard shoulder should not be restored.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “While we’re pleased, the government reached the same conclusion that many drivers already have by cancelling future smart motorway schemes which would have seen around dozens more miles of hard shoulder disappearing forever.”

As with anything Toyota, the Corolla is a smooth and refined drive, push the throttle too enthusiastically though and as is usual with a CVT transmission it hangs onto high engine revs meaning it’s rather vocal. Progressive rather than sudden acceleration is the order of the day.

ent low stance, it looks very low yet isn’t compared to other cars of a similar type. So Toyota’s stylists obviously know a thing or two about sleek design!

Inside it looks and feels well assembled and the

If you’re looking for a car that’s got more practicality than a hatchback, but still handles as capably, looks good and is superbly well built, then the Toyota Corolla Hybrid Touring might just be the perfect choice.

Key Award

Anna Ellis

FIAT has claimed first prize in the ‘Social Media Strategy Non­Food’ category at the Interactive Key Award 2023.

The victory was awarded to the ‘Wrapping Ads’ social project, launched by FIAT during the end­of­year celebrations.

Every Christmas, in Italy alone, more than 75,000 tons of paper are wasted to wrap presents. That’s why FIAT decided to use its adverting spaces in newspapers to design the first ‘recyclable’ campaign that could be used to wrap Christmas gifts.

Thanks to this, over two million people have recycled newsprint which otherwise would have been thrown away.

In addition, the Brand has developed several videos that teach how to re­use wrapping paper in a smart and sustainable way.

The funny clips went online in seven European countries and recorded more than four million views.

As well as this epochal challenge, as a car manufacturer, FIAT plays a key role with its most precious jewel: the iconic New 500. Indeed, the symbol of Made in Italy is leading, with relevance and authority, the transition to an electric and accessible urban mobility for all.

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 MOTORING 52
TOURING SPORT: Looks good and is superbly well built - this might be the perfect choice for you. SMART MOTORWAYS: Drivers want the hard shoulder to be reinstated. Image: Jarek Kilian / Interactive Key Award. Image: Stellantis


Use of triangles may be scrapped

THE Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) is said to be contemplating eliminating the obligation to place the orange emergency triangles in the event of a vehicle breaking down in the middle of a motorway or dual carriageway. This move is the result of a marked increase in the number of road accidents.

Pere Navarro, the director of the DGT, stated as much during a press briefing on Tuesday, April 4. He explained: “Last year there were 16 deaths on motorways and dual carriageways of people who had got out of their vehicle.” The DGT director added that one in every 10 road deaths was caused by somebody being hit by a car.

Currently, when a vehicle suffers a road accident, it is compulsory for the driver to signal it to other road users, either with the emer­

gency triangles or with the V­16 emergency light, which is placed on the roof of the car and will eventually replace the triangles.

However, this new regulation will not be compulsory until January 2026, so in the meantime, both forms of signalling will coexist. There will still be drivers who opt for the triangles and have to get out of their car to place it, running the risk of being knocked down.

Therefore, in view of this danger, the DGT is ‘assessing’ how to eliminate the obligation of signalling on motorways and dual carriageways. This is something that other countries have already put into practice, and as DGT sources confirmed to a news source, Pere Navarro is studying how to do it at a regulatory level.

UK ministers and aviation chiefs have revealed an action plan for the next two years in the race to reach Jet Zero by 2050, as the government continues with ambitious plans to decarbonise faster than any other G7 country, grow the economy, and support hundreds of thousands of well ­ paid green jobs.

The Jet Zero Councilmade up of industry, academic and government leaders ­ met last week at Farnborough Airport.

Through its two ­ year plan, the council committed to continue working to speed up the design, manufacture, and rollout of zero emission aircraft and vital infrastructure at UK airports.

The plan sets out how the council will help to accelerate the production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), by continuing to

invest millions of pounds in first ­ of ­ a ­ kind SAF plants, supporting crucial scientific research on a larger scale, and helping to drive down production costs.

Farnborough Airport also played host to the Sustainable Skies World Summit April 17 ­ 18, which gathers experts and leaders from the worlds of aviation, gov ­

ernment, energy, and engineering.

AMBITIOUS PLANS: To reach zero emissions. BROKEN DOWN: Warning triangles are currently used to alert other drivers.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 53 MOTORING
Image: GVLR / Credit: Kzenon/
35% of registered cars owners in the UK are female.

Driver killed in horror crash

A HORRIFIC crash during the Rallysprint San Bar‐tolomé de Pinares in the Spanish province of Avila resulted in the death of rally driver David López Tomico.

The incident occurred on Saturday, April 22, while he was competing in a round of the Castilla and León Rallysprint Championship.

Tomico and his co‐driver Natalia Rios Diaz were on the first downhill section of the course between San Bartolomé de Pinares and the Port of El Boquerón when tragedy struck at around 3.15pm. Their Fiat Abarth Grande Punto left the road at high speed and subsequently rolled about 50 metres down a steep ravine.

Diaz was rescued from the wreckage by firefight‐ers who had been de ‐ployed to the scene and transferred to a hospital for treatment. Sadly, they were unable to save the

life of the driver. The race was abandoned for the rest of the day by its or‐ganisers as a mark of re‐spect to Tomico, as re ‐ported by a news source .

The deceased driver’s team, Vallejo Racing, posted a poignant tribute to him on Twitter. It read: “Again, this sport hit us where it hurts the most. Vallejo Racing is in mourning because we have lost one of our own: David López Tomico, a passionate lover of mo‐torsports, a leader in his work and an example of perseverance and love for his people.”

It continued: “He joined the team in 2022 and his encouragement and strength were essen‐tial for the Dakar 2023 project to come to fruition. Today we not only lose a mechanic or a member of the team, but a real friend is gone. David, your strength will always be with us.”

PFC Malaga’s 16-game winning streak snapped!

PFC Malaga’s 16 match winning streak is over, dy‐namited by a 2 ‐ 1 defeat in the RFAF semi‐final first leg to a feisty Malaga CF Women B side in Cartama in a frustrating setback for the team.

PFC Malaga entered the post ‐ season as the No. 1 seed and was pitted against crosstown rivals Malaga CF in the semi ‐ fi ‐nal. A team that PFC Malaga had defeated twice this season. Most saw this as an easy victo ‐ry, a ticket practically al ‐ready punched to the fi ‐nals.

The match, however, did not go according to plan.

Within the first 10 min ‐utes of the contest, the Malaga CF had seized the lead when Carla Aquilar scored the first goal in min 30’.

More than anything,

Malaga played with no fear of this talent‐clogged PFC Malaga team. The Malaguenas would not be intimidated again by their new neighbours.

Luisa Vertel gave PFC a bit of hope with a 60th minute penalty goal and the black and yellow launched a blitz in the fi ‐nal minutes forcing Mala‐ga to defend with every ‐thing they had, and the home team showed in ‐credible resilience to hold on to their lead and pick up three massive points.

Alba Mendez, struck an

insurance goal in 71’ min to seal the win for Mala ‐ga.

That two players Carla Aquilar and Alba Mendez were such key contribu ‐tors is something that Malaga CF manager Javi Ramos could take pride in.

Until Sunday, PFC Mala‐ga seemed unbeatable and unshakable every time they stepped on the field, collecting multiple goals before half ‐ time and managing a total of 17 shutouts this season. But Sunday proved that

PFC Malaga is imperfect, just like any other team. However, it’s not over yet, and despite the obvi‐ous ramifications of this loss, sometimes it can be just what a team needs.

The black and yellow have now suffered the first and second losses of its inaugural campaign, and now, the response is critical. This sets us up for a very tasty second leg on April 30 at 6.30pm at Guadalmar football field for the return leg, with PFC needing a positive re‐sult.

Nagelsmann rejects new offer

ANY hopes that Chelsea had of tempting Julian Nagelsmann to become their next manager have been crushed after the German allegedly turned down the club’s offer.

According to reports on Friday, April 21, Julian Nagelsmann has rejected the offer of becoming the next manager of Premier League club Chelsea.

The 35 ‐ year ‐ old Ger ‐man was available having been sacked recently as coach of Bundesliga gi ‐ants, Bayern Munich.

Nagelsmann was thought to be one of the front ‐ runners to land the Stamford Bridge job cur ‐rently held by interim boss Frank Lampard.

The club’s American owner Todd Boehly fired Graham Potter earlier this month after a series of awful results saw the Londoners freefalling down the table.

However, posting on Twitter on Friday, the re ‐spected sports journalist

Fabrizio Romano report ‐ed exclusively that Nagelsmann was no longer in the running to fill the post in West Lon ‐don.

“EXCLUSIVE: Julian Nagelsmann has now withdrawn from the race to become the new Chelsea head coach ‐ it looks like it’s his final de ‐cision. #CFC German coach is said to be no longer available after multiple round of talks. Nagelsmann was top can‐

didate for the job,” he tweeted.

Fabrizio posted again only a few minutes later, repeating what the Ger ‐man had told Sky Sport DE: “Julian Nagelsmann when asked said talks had collapsed with Chelsea for head coach job: ‘To cancel some ‐thing, you have to com ‐mit to something’, he told Sky Sport DE. It’s definite‐ly over between Nagels ‐mann & #CFC ‐ different views on crucial points.”

PFC MALAGA: Need a positive result at the return leg on Sunday.
EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 SPORT 54
JULIAN NAGELSMANN: Had different views on crucial points Credit: Steffen Prößdorf - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

THIS year’s Eurocopa con‐sisted of 40 teams from nine different countries, including a mostly ladies team from Lithuania! The welcome, or‐ganisation and support from the host club and Eurocopa Team was first class, making it a tournament for everyone to remember.

Over 50s

Up against 20 other teams in their division, Malaga WFC

Over 50s side overcame the opposition over two days to win the coveted trophy. Their record of winning all of their Day 1 matches, scoring 11 goals with only one against, put them in the driv‐ing seat for Day 2 as top seeds.

The support from many in the crowd, including their Over 60s clubmates roaring them on when not playing themselves, must have given

Malaga WFC win Eurocopa 2023!

goalies. And so to yet anoth‐er penalty shoot‐out!

All were successful except for one which was brilliantly saved by Malaga’s goalie, who had had a magnificent tournament. Thus, Mala‐ga’s winning penalty was hailed with a wall of sound from the stand and a rush of teammates towards the scorer!

mination and creativity, and restored some pride by drawing all matches and scoring some decent goals, although they were unable to progress to the semi‐finals of the Plate Competition, missing out by a single point!

Before saying goodbye…

from the visitors coming from good passing and clever movement.

them a fine lift.

However, Day 2 against the other top teams proved more difficult and they had to endure the hurdle of a 1‐0 defeat by Bolton Nomads before learning that they had earned enough points to take them into the semi‐fi‐nals against Sporting Lions

Bilbao. This turned out to be another tough game with plenty of attacking but also solid defending, with both teams failing to score, result‐ing in a penalty shoot‐out cli‐max, which Malaga won.

And so into the final against their rivals from the earlier rounds, Bolton No‐mads. Both teams attacked from the first whistle and, al‐though chances were creat‐ed, both defences held

It would be inappropriate to single out individual play‐ers, as this was a fantastic overall team performance by the entire squad. Naturally, celebrations went on well in‐to the Albufeira night, a great achievement from one of our Costa teams!

Over 60s

The Over 60s Malaga WFC Team found the going much tougher than their younger counterparts and failed to win a game on Day 1. How‐ever, after a captain’s rallying team talk, they showed fan‐

The standard of walking football on display from all throughout the tournament, particularly in such boiling hot conditions, was nothing short of incredible! Old friends were reacquainted and many new friendships forged between clubs. We trust that everyone got home safely and that per‐haps more clubs from our re‐gion will be able to compete in the next Eurocopa tourna‐ment!

Meanwhile, elsewhere…

EWN Over 60s League

Nerja Utd 2 v 2 Walking Dead

The hosts took the lead

More creativity from both sides brought more chances in the second half but both goalkeepers were up to the challenge and made good saves. Just when it looked like the score would remain the same, Nerja were award‐ed a running offences penal‐ty, which was duly dis ‐patched, resulting in a fair and well‐played 2‐2 draw.

Don’t forget…

…to access Facebook walk for more news concerning our sport!

No1 Tennis Player in the world is Carlos Alcaraz

EWN 27 April - 3 May 2023 SPORT 56
A great achievement!

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Articles inside

Nagelsmann rejects new offer

pages 54-55

PFC Malaga’s 16-game winning streak snapped!

page 54

Driver killed in horror crash

page 54

Use of triangles may be scrapped

page 53

Key Award

page 52

Reinstatement, please

page 52

Toyota Corolla Touring Sports - perfect choice?

page 52


pages 49-51

Paw-ty Time Grieving pets

pages 44-49

Heads up for food

page 44

PETS Sitters care for pets at home

page 44

Packing hacks for a stress free trip

page 43

Rebound effects

page 43


page 43

Help with mental health

page 42

In the loop

page 42

Getting there

pages 41-42

Green dream

pages 37-40

Cranberry cure

page 37

Testing situation

page 37

Sontec Hearing Centres: Listening and audio fatigue

page 36

the best rest

page 35


page 35

The Mediterranean diet

pages 34-35


page 34

Strand Properties is one of the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®

page 33

Advertising Feature

page 33


page 33

I draw the line

page 33

Best start

pages 32-33

A health unto His Majesty

page 32

An American suitor

page 32

Another London acquisition

page 32

Mammoth Aena contract

page 32

Grenadier goes to Austria

page 32


page 32

EY cull

page 31

In-person preferred

page 31

Housing for all

page 31

Barça’s on the ball

pages 28-31

Deflating inflation figures

page 28


page 28


pages 26-27


pages 24-25

Brecon Beacons renamed

pages 22-24

Marbella is open

pages 19-21

Unleashing tunes Night fever

page 18

Sizzling support

page 18

Saddle up

pages 16-18

Music mission

page 16

New Housing Law 2023

page 15

In deep water

page 14

Escape plan

page 14

New Nordic-inspired range of partially recycled glasses

pages 12-14

Shore to impress

page 12

Crowning the king

pages 10-11

Serving up fun

page 10

Obituary - Dirk Itterbeek

page 10

Ready to ride

page 9

Cast of dreams

page 9

Walking warriors

pages 7-8

Allergy awareness ahoy!

page 7

Marbella scores big

page 6

Celebrity appearances

page 6

Chipping in

pages 4-5

All on board

page 4

Spring scam

page 3

Save our skins

page 3


page 3

Full moon walk Heart of gold

page 2


pages 1-2
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