Basque Diaspora Akademikoa

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BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa

I NDEX I nt r oduct i on Backgr ound-genesi s Pr ogr am –morni ngsessi on Webpage I nvi t edguest s Hi ghl i ght sf r om t he morni ngsessi on 2ndsessi on–Af t ernoon– r oundt abl emeet i ng I nvi t edguest s UPV/ EHUpr oposal · Defini t i onofBasqueAcademi c · Di aspor a · Vi si on–Mi ssi on–St r at egi cl i nes Over al lr emarks Get t i ngt owork · Ent i t ydefini t i onandset up · Cr eat i onandmanagement oft hecommuni t y · WebandOut r each · Synchr oni zat i onwi t h ot herel ement s · UPV/ EHUAl umni · Roadmap Annexes

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BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


I NTRODUCTI ON Event sl i ket hi ssymposi um,whi chat t r actsuchadi verse arr ayofdi sci pl i nes,al lwi t ht heai m ofcol l abor at i on,canpl ay akeyr ol ei nt hef ut ur eoft heBasqueCount ry,bui l di ngbri dges acr ossourboundari est oconnectr esear chers,t hi nkers, pr of essi onal sandf ut ur el eaders. Event sl i ket hi ssymposi um,gi vent hepr opert r eat mentand car e,gi vent henecessarydi ssemi nat i on,canhel pi ncr easea soci alawar enessaboutt heneedt ofirsti dent i f yandt hen act i vat eouri nt el l ect ualpat ri mony.Theconnect i onscoul d hel pusvi sual i zeacol l ect i veef f ort ,t hel i nkst hatal r eadyexi st andt heonest hatcoul dexi st . However ,wear eher et obegi nal ongj ourneybutweal soneed t oavoi dr ei nvent i ngt hewheel ,f or ,i ti swort hr ememberi ng pastandcurr entf r agment edef f ort sf r om Basqueuni versi t i es anddi f f er enti nst i t ut i onst oconnectwi t ht hedi aspor a.Letus capi t al i zeont heworkdoneandr ow t oget heront hesame boat ,al latt hesamet i me,benefit i ngf r om t hesamewi nd,i n t hesamedi r ect i on.(1) Di aspor asci ent i st shavel ongbeenamongt hemosti nfluent i al i nnovat orsandchangemakersi nt hei rcount ri esofori gi n. Di aspor asgi veback-Di aspor asof t enhavet heconnect i ons,t he l i ngui st i candcul t ur alcompet ence,t heknowl edge,anddri ve. Reachi ngoutt oot herdi aspor aorgani zat i onsandi ndi vi dual s hasbeeni nst rument ali nshari ngchal l enges,i dent i f yi ng opport uni t i esanddevel opi ngst r at egi es.(2) Theout comeswi l lt aket i me,butwear er eadyt oi nst i gat eand eagert ocont i nueworki ngont hi si ni t i at i ve.Thecel ebr at i onof event sdesi gnedwi t ht hi sappr oachcoul dbri ngt heDi aspor a t oget heri nt oacommuni t y,t hati st osay,agr oupofi dent i fied i ndi vi dual sworki ngonapr oj ect ,t ryi ngt osol vesi mi l arpr obl ems, ( 1)Texti ni t al i cs,quot i ngsomeoft hespeakersoft hesymposi um. ( 2)USAI DFr om t heAmeri canPeopl e/ How t oi mpr ovedi áspor aengagement ,TheGuar di t ps: / / www. t heguar di an. com/ gl obal devel opment pr of essi onal snet work/ 2013/ f eb/ 20/ i mpr ovi ngasi andi aspor ai nsi t ut i ons Basedi nMani l a,Dovel ynRannvei gAguni asi saseni orpol i cyanal ystwi t ht heMi gr at i onPol i cyI nst i t ut e, ani ndependentt hi nkt ankt hatanal ysesi nt ernat i onalmi gr at i onpol i cy.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


t ackl i ngsi mi l ari ni t i at i ves,al li none,ar oundt heworl d,but i nt er connect ed,r oot edt ot heBasqueCount ry. Di aspor aBasqueshaveast r ongsenseofBasquei dent i t y,sowehave beent ol d.Letust akeadvant ageoft hi spower .Thecr eat i onoft hi s communi t yi st ruet ot hemot t ooft hi suni versi t y,“ emant azabalzazu” . I ti sadr eam t hatgoesbeyondt hef actofbel ongi ngt oanet workor communi t y.Her e,wear edeal i ngwi t hanet workcount ry, count rynet workgal axyt hatcoul dcont ri but et ot hedevel opmentof t heBasqueCount ry.Thecommuni t ycoul dbeusedasacat al ystf oral l t heacademi cf or cesi nt hecount ry.Acat al ystt oconnectanybody. TheBasqueAcademi cDi aspor a/ BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koacoul dbe ar easont ost r engt hent hepri dei nbel ongi ngt ot hi suni versi t yandasa di r ectconsequence,i nbel ongi ngt ot hi scount ry. Al t houghwest artf r om abl urr edbegi nni ng,whosepr ofil ei snotcl earl y definedyet ,adi f f usest art i ngpoi ntt hatneedst obe neat l ycarved,we al sof acet hepossi bi l i t yofunpar al l el edout comes,wi t hi nest i mabl e benefit st hatweal lcanshar e.Gr eati deasar edi f f use,notcl earl y est abl i shed.Weshoul dnotbeoverwhel medbyt hi sf actandkeepon worki ngt oget her ,j oi ni ngf or ces. Aboveal l ,weshoul dbeari nmi ndt hatt hef ut ur egener at i onst hat nurt ur et hef ut ur eDi aspor aneedt obei dent i fiedandt r ackedi nor dert o hel p,support ,andal sobenefitf r om t hatexchangeofknowl edge, cul t ur eandexpert i se. So,mayt hi sr eportbear ecor doft hei ni t i at i veandanovervi ew f or t hosewhower eunabl et oat t endandar ewi l l i ngt opart i ci pat e.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Backgr ound–genesi s Thepr oj ectwasmappedoutbyt heRect oroft heUPV/ EHUI ñaki Goi ri zel ai a,whosaw t heopport uni t yt ocel ebr at easymposi um oft hese char act eri st i cswi t hi nt heal r eadyexi st i ngf r ameworkoft heUPV/ EHU summercourses,amongstwhi ch,t hecourseBASQUEYOURSELFwoul d bedel i ver ed. Duet oot herhappeni ngsdi r ect l yr el at edt ot hespi ri toft hi ssymposi um, andt aki ngpl aceatt hesamet i m ,i me twasdeci dedt her ef or et osett he dat ef orourencount er ,synchr oni zi ngi twi t ht hearri valofr esear chers andacademi csf r om al lovert heworl dwhower ecomi ngt ot akeparti n someoft hement i onedsummercourses: »Thenew r ol eoft heBasqueDi aspor ai nt heXXIcent ury »Excel l encei nBasqueSt udi es »TheBasquesi nNevada al lt obecel ebr at edi nJ ul yi nDonost i aSanSebast i an. I ti swort hr ememberi ngt hatt heori gi nali deat hatf ert i l i zedt he symposi um wasbornatt hel astJ AI ALDIcel ebr at edi nBoi se,i n2015. Ont hatoccasi on,t heRect orI ñakiGoi ri zel ai adel i ver edal ect ur ei n whi chhesett hecornerst onesf orhi sf ut ur epr oposaloffirst ,t he cel ebr at i onoft hement i onedcourses,andsecond,t heout l i ni ngoft he col l abor at i onef f ortt hatwoul di nt hef ut ur e,gi vebi rt ht ot heBasque Academi cDi aspor aCommuni t y. Thefirstsymposi um,organi zedbyt heUni versi t yoft heBasqueCount ry UPV/ EHU,ont heBasqueAcademi cDi aspor awascel ebr at edi n Donost i aSanSebast i an,2016Eur opeanCapi t alofCul t ur e,onJ ul y12t h att heCarl osSant amari aCent er .I twasanopport uni t yt oshar e knowl edgeandenj oyt hei nt ernat i onalbenchmarkqual i t i esoft heci t y asawel comi ngsymboloft hatacademi cdi aspor awewantt oconnect wi t handr ecover .

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Thi sSymposi um wasdevi sedast hest art i ngpoi ntt ol ayt hef oundat i ons ofani nt ernat i onalcommuni t yofacademi csandr esear cherswi t h Basqueancest orsort i eswi t ht heBasqueCount rydi spersedal lovert he worl d.Thi snet workai mst oshar et her oot st hatdefinei t smembersand pr omot eandst r engt henf ut ur ecol l abor at i onsi nsear chofmut ual benefiti nt ermsofknowl edgeandasenseofbel ongi ng.I twasdesi gned asanexcel l entopport uni t yt oi dent i f yr esear ch,i nt el l ect ual ,and cul t ur alact i vi t yacr osst hepl anetandl i nki tt oi t sr oot si nt heBasque Count ry. Al li nal l ,i twasdonewi t ht hehopeofcr eat i nganddevel opi ngan i nt ernat i onalcommuni t yoft eachersandr esear cherswhobenefit s f r om t heshar edandcommonpot ent i al .I t sai mi st osetupt hi sar ena f orr el at i onshi psasameet i ngpoi ntf ordi al ogue,exchangi ngi deas,and knowl w edgegener at i onandt r ansf er .Thi sspacewi l lal l ow t heBasque Count ryt okeepgr owi ngwi t hcont ri but i onsf r om anypartoft heworl d, butwi l lal sobenefital lt hosewhodeci det opart i ci pat e,ast heywi l lseea nexusofacademi ccol l abor at i onr oot edi nt hei rownori gi nsandwi t h t hespi ri tt ogr ow i nknowl edge,st ayi ngt ruet ot hemot t oofUPV/ EHU’ s: “emant azabalzazu”( “ Shar eandspr eadknowl edge” ) . Ont hi soccasi onweenj oyedt hepr esenceofpr est i gi ousacademi csand r esear chersf r om t heUni t edSt at esofAmeri caandEur ope, i nt ernat i onalbenchmarki ndi vi dual swi t hevi dentt i est ot heBasque Count ry,duebasi cal l yt ooneormoreoft heser easons: •Theyhaveancest orsf r om anyoft he7Basquepr ovi nces •Theywer eborni nt heBasqueCount ry •Theywer eAl umnif r om Basqueuni versi t i es •Theywer ei nt ernat i onalacademi csonBasqueSt udi es Thesymposi um wasdi vi dedi nt wodi f f er entsessi ons: •Onesessi onopent ot hepubl i c,cel ebr at edatt heCarl osSant amari a Cent r e,at t endedbyagoodnumberofpart i ci pant s,cl oset o100.The sessi onwasi nt r oduced byt heRect oroft heUni versi t yoft heBasque Count ryUPV/ EHU,I ñakiGoi ri zel ai a,whogavet hepr operf r ameworkt o al lt hatf ol l owed. ( 3)SeeOpeni ngl ect ur ebyI ñakiGoi ri zel ai a,Rect orofUPV/ EHU.Document1

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•Onesessi on,roundt abl emeet i ng,( at t endedbyt hespeakersoft he morni ngsessi onandagr oupof7l ocalacademi cs)cel ebr at edat J ul i anat egi ,l edbyt heRect orandf ol l owedbyanopendi scussi on.

Pr ogr am -WebPage Thepr ogr am oft hesymposi um,waspubl i shedont heweb ht t p: / / www. di aspor akademi koa. eus/ i ndex. php/ en/ pr ogr amme

Fi gur e1:Compl et epr ogr ammepubl i shedont hewebpageanddel i ver edt ot heat t endees.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


I nvi t edguest s Al t hought her ewasani ni t i alai mt ocoverageogr aphi calar eaasvastas possi bl e,andsomeoft hei ni t i al l ypr oposedcensusofacademi cswer e al soact i vei npart sofEur opeandAsi a,event ual l y,t hesel ect edgr oup r epr esent edavari edscenari of r om t heUSA. Thespeakerswer ei nf ormedaboutt hegoal soft hi ssymposi um andal so askedt opr epar eal ect ur eof15mi nut esbasedont hef ol l owi ngaspect s: •Thei rconnect i onswi t ht heBasqueCount ry •Thei rcurr entworkl i nes •Thei rpr oposalonhow t obui l daBasqueAcademi cDi aspor a Net work Thenamesoft hei nvi t edguest swi t ht hei rshortaf fil i at i onr ef er encesi s asf ol l ows: ·W i l l i am Dougl ass,Pr of essorofSoci alAnt hr opol ogyatt he Uni versi t yofNevada,Reno. Hi sworkhasbeenasour ceofi nspi r at i onf ormuchoft her esear chdone i nt hi sar eaovert hel astdecades,andhei sconsi der edoneoft he f or emostexpert si nBasqueSt udi esi nt hel astandcurr entcent ury. Heopenedt her oundofl ect ur eswi t hhi skeynot espeech.Hi sanal ysi s pr ovi deduswi t ht heperf ectst ruct ur et ocont ext ual i zet heai msoft he i ni t i at i ve,wi t hhi sl ect ur e: " Configuri nganI nt ernat i onalSchol arl y Net workofBasqueDi aspor aSpeci al i st s" ( 4)Seet heshortBI Osofal lspeakersatt heendoft hedocumenti nAnnex2. .

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


St ephenAnsol abehere,Pr of essorofGovernmentat Harvar d Uni versi t y,Cambri dge,Massachuset t s. Ti t l eofhi sl ect ur e: “ Fi vei deasf orbui l di ngaBasque Academi cDi aspor aNet work” Xabi erI ruj o,Pr of essorofGenoci dest udi esatt heUni versi t yof Nevada,Reno. Ti t l eofhi sl ect ur e: “ BasqueBi bl i ogr aphi cPr oduct i on” Mi kelPri et o,St af fConsul t anti nDi vi si onofTr anspl ant at i on SurgeryatMayoCl i ni c,Surgi calDi r ect orofKi dneyand Pancr easTr anspl antPr ogr am andPedi at ri cKi dney Tr anspl ant at i on. Ti t l eofhi sl ect ur e: “ BasqueAcademi cGl obalNet worki ng” Mai derLl aguno,Adj unctFacul t yatGr aduat eSchoolof Ar chi t ect ur e,Pl anni ngandPr eservat i on,Col umbi aUni versi t y; Pri nci palatAZPMLAl ej andr oZaer aPol o&Mai derLl aguno Ar chi t ect ur e. Ti t l eofherl ect ur e: “ Urbancosmopol i t i cs” J ohnYsursa,Pr of essorofHi st oryatBoi seSt at eUni versi t y, Boi se,I daho;Facul t yDi r ect orofBasqueSt udi esConsort i um,at t hesameuni versi t y. J ohnBi et er,Pr of essorofHi st oryatBoi seSt at eUni versi t y,Boi se, I daho,andcof ounderoft heBasqueSt udi esPr ogr am.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


J ohnYsursaandJ ohnBi et erof f er edt hei rl ect ur et oget her , t het i t l ewas: “ Devel opi ngani nt egr at edandsust ai nabl e BasqueAcademi cGl obalNet work” Asdynami zerandr apport euroft hesymposi um,weenj oyed t hecol l abor at i onofPr of essorMariJ oseOl azi regi( 5)Di r ect or f orPr omot i onanddi ssemi nat i onoft heBasqueLanguageat Et xepar eEuskalI nst i t ut ua. Shei nt r oducedeachspeakerandconduct edt hemorni ng sessi on,gi vi ngfloort ot hepart i ci pant sandconcl udi ngt he publ i csessi onoft hesymposi um wi t hr emarks,r eflect i ngupon t hemosti mport antaspect sment i onedi nt hel ect ur es. ( 5)Pr of .MariJ oseOl azi r egi ,Di r ect orf orpr omot i onanddi ssemi nat i onoft heBasquel anguageatEt xepar eEuskalI nst i t ua, ht t p: / / www. et xepar e. eus/ eu.,apostshehashel dsi nceNov2010.Shei sDoct ori nBasquePhi l ol ogyandPr of essoratt heUPV/ EHU,Facul t yofArt s. Shehasal sobeenPr of essoratt heUni versi t yofNevada,RenoandI nvi t edpr of essoratt heUni versi t t ätKonst anz,Germany.Shehascompl et edMast ers i nt heUni versi dadRamonLl ul ,Bar cel onaandt heUni versi t yofEastAngl i a( Rei noUni do,2007) .Besi des,shei smemberatt heRoyalAcademyoft he Basquel anguageEuskal t zai ndi a,coor di nat oroft heCommi t t eet oPr omot eBasqueLi t er at ur ef r om t heEur opeani nst i t ut i onL. A. F.( Li t er at ur eAcr oss Fr ont i ers) ,di r ect orandf ounderoft heMul t i l i ngualPort alofBasqueLi t er at ur ewww. basquel i t er at ur e. com,andsi nce2004,di r ect oroft heBasque l i t er at ur ecol l ect i ont r ansl at ed:‘ BasqueLi t er at ur eSeri es’ ,f r om t heCent erf orBasqueSt udi es( Uni versi t yofNevada,Reno) .

Hi ghl i ght sf r om t hemor ni ngsessi on •Ther ear emanydi aspor as,notj ustone. •Ther ealchal l engei snott obui l dnet worksbutt oputt hem t o gooduse. •Ther ehavebeenf r agment edef f ort sbyt heBasque uni versi t i est oconnectwi t hdi aspor as,someofwhi char e NABO–FEVA( Nort hAmeri canBasqueOrgani zat i ons,and t hesamei nArgent i na,r espect i vel y) ,wi t houtf orget t i ngt he f oundi ngfigur esofDi aspor ai nAmeri ca:pri est s( J esui t s) .That l eadst oconfirm t hatBasqueDi aspor ast udi esbeganbef or e BasqueDi aspor aest abl i shment .Evenmor e,t hefirstef f ort st o bui l danAcademi cNet workofBasqueacademi csdat eback f r om t hebegi nni ngoft he20t hcent ury.Theyat t r act edvery i mport antschol ars,onehundr edpeopl ef or20years.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•Someoft hei nst i t ut i onsgi vi ngsupportandact i vat i ng t heDi aspor asi ngener alar et heBasqueGovernmentandt he Et xepar eFoundat i on,ort heUni versi t yofNevadaaswel las manyot heruni versi t i es,NGOs,anddi f f er entent i t i es.Let ’ s beari nmi ndt hati nCanadat her ear eal soact i veent i t i es support i ngt heBasqueDi aspor a. • Thei mport anceofpubl i cat i onsandedi t ori al ssuchas EKI Nedi t ori al ,amongstot hers,whi chhasbeenadeci si ve i nst rumentt osomehow mai nt ai nt hi sAcademi cdi aspor a. Mor eover ,i ti sexpect edt or emai nt hi swayi nt hef ut ur e. oAsanexampl e,BOGA aBasqueSt udi es Consort i um J ournal ,pr omot edbyBoi seSt at e Uni versi t y,coul dbeachannelt ohel pvi sual i ze t hecol l abor at i onoft heBasqueAcademi c Di aspor aandacademi csi nt heBasqueCount ry. oAnot herexampl eofpossi bl ecol l abor at i on whendocument i ngt hei ni t i at i vecoul dcome f r om t hebi ggestBasquel i br aryi nt heworl d out si det heBasqueCount ry,whi chi satt he Uni versi t yofNevadaReno. •Wear egoi ngbacki nt ot hef ut ur e,wear enot i nvent i nganyt hi ng.Someofearl yBasquesout si det he BasqueCount rywer er oot edi nt hei ri dent i t yandbui l t net works,butt heywer eal soabl et omovef arbeyondt hat . Di aspor aBasqueshaveast r ongsenseofBasquei dent i t y! Takeadvant ageofi t ! •Ber omant i caboutbi gi deasandpr agmat i cont he speci ficoper at i vedet ai l si nhow wei mpl ementt hem. •Ar ewegoi ngt obef r ontorr eardri ven?Fr ont :wewi l l dri ve,wewi l lt aket hei ni t i at i ve,sett heagendaandpar cel outt hedi vi si onofl abor .Rear:wewi l lmoni t orwhat i ndi vi dual sandr esear chersdo.Bot happr oachesar ei mport ant , bot hhavet hei rcont ri but i onst obet akeni nt oaccount .

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•Let ’ snotberi gi di ncr af t i ngt hef ut ur enet workandt ake i nt oaccountt hedi versi t yandvari et yofpot ent i alpart i ci pant s. Basqueacademi csdonotnecessari l yworki nBasqueSt udi es, andmaybet heyar enotevenBasque.Bei ncl usi ve! •Bui l di ngconnect i onst hatcanappeari ndi f f er ent cl ust ersandhel pvi sual i zet hecol l ect i veef f ortandt hel i nks t hatexi standcoul dexi st .Basi cs:l i nks,nodesandel ement s. Wehavet oharnesst hi snet workt oworkt oget her ,cr eat e event st hatbri ngt hedi aspor at oget heri nt oacommuni t yor manycommuni t i es:manydi f f er entgr oupsworki ngona si mi l arpr obl em,Bui l danext ensi venet workbasedonexi st i ng net works:Et xepar e,USAC,et c. oBui l dashar edport alonl i ne,whi chmayhel p vi sual i zet henet workandcoul dal sopr ovi dedual , onl i nedegr ees. •ANDveryi mport ant l y,nurt ur et henextDi aspor a,so t r ackal lst udent sandmovement s,exchanges,et c.Weshoul d beengagi ngf ut ur eBasquest udent st oworkwi t hBasque Di aspor aacademi cs.Asuggest i onwoul dbet ot r ackal l st udent st hathavevi si t edt heBasqueCount ryandi ncl ude t hem i nt heDi aspor acommuni t y. •Fornew Basquedi aspor a:ThesenseofBasquei dent i t yi s i nt ensi fiedast heyearsl i vi ngabr oadi ncr ease.Ther ef or ewe havet ot akecar eoft hi snew di aspor at hathasbeenbei ng gr owi ngduri ngt he21stCent ury,t r ai nedi nt heBasqueCount ry butworki ngal lovert heworl d.Let ’ sbui l dar ef er encepoi ntt o supportt hem andhel pt hem gr ow pr of essi onal l ywhi l e est abl i shi ngl ocal-i nt ernat i onalconnect i onsf ort hebenefitof t heBasqueCount ryonagl obalperspect i ve. •Let ’ spr oposet hepr operquest i onsandwewi l lfindt he ri ghtanswers. •Let ’ sbecaut i ousaboutt heemot i onalbur dent hatcan spoi loursci ent i ficworkr egar di ngt hedi aspor a.Letust el lt he st ori es,donotf abri cat et hem.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•W heni tcomest ocr eat eadi r ect oryofBasqueAcademi c Di aspor a,apossi bl eexampl ecoul dbeHarvar dDat averse.Let usl earnf r om val uabl ei ni t i at i veswhoseef fici encyi ssol i dl y confirmed.Thi st oolcoul dbear ef er encet ocr eat eaDat averse ofBasqueResear ch. •Weneedasol i di nst i t ut i onalf oundat i oncombi ni ng vert i cal / i nt egr at edandhori zont al / sust ai nabl est ruct ur ewi t h nosi ngl edi r ect or ,andwi t hashar edpowerst ruct ur e. •Asuggest i onofcol l abor at i oncoul dbe “ part t i mers” . Hi r eacademi csonapart t i mebasi st opart i ci pat ei nBasque i nst i t ut i ons.Thi swoul dbel egali nt heUS.Spotcandi dat esand consi dert hepossi bi l i t yofhi ri ngt hem part t i me. •The21stCent uryDi aspor ai si nt er est edi n: oMai nt ai ni ngt heconnect i ont ot hemot herl and andcol l abor at ewi t hacademi ci nst i t ut i ons. oPart i ci pat i ngi nt hepr osperi t yoft heBasque Count ry:gi vebackt hei nvest mentt heBasque Count rymadewi t ht hem. oFaci l i t at i ngandment ori ngpeopl ei nf ol l owi ng ourf oot st eps. oCont ri but et ochanget hei mageoft heBasque Count ryworl dwi de:wear emor et hangast r onomy. •Amongstt hepossi bl ei deasofcol l abor at i on: oCheckandmai nt ai nt heal r eadyexi st i ng col l abor at i onbet weenmedi cali nst i t ut i onsi nt he BasqueCount rysuchasCrucesHospi t alandMayo Cl i ni c,wi t hBasqueGovernment / Osaki det zaon Heal t hcar ei ssues. oPot ent i alcol l abor at i onwi t hUPV/ EHUi nMedi cal Educat i onandResear ch. •Ot heri deas: oConst i t ut easpeakers’ bur eau oI nt ernshi ps oTeachi ngworkshops oCommongr antpr oj ect s oZort zi akbatEGUNA:Dayoft heBasqueDi aspor a BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


2ndSessi on–Af t er noon Roundt abl emeet i ng I nt heaf t ernoon,ar oundt abl esessi on,notopent ot hegener al publ i c,wascel ebr at edatJ ul i anat egibui l di ng,t heVi cer ect or at e f aci l i t yont heGi puzkoaCampus.Pr of essorMariJ oseOl azi r egi al soconduct edt hi ssessi on,dynami zi ngt hedi scussi onand pr oposi ngquest i onsuponwhi cht hepart i ci pant swer easkedt o r eflect . I nt hi ssessi on,l edbyt heRect oroft heUPV/ EHU,hei nvi t ed guest soft hemorni ngt obej oi nedbyasel ect edl i stofBasque Academi csdi r ect l yr el at edt ot hepi l ot i ngoft heuni versi t y and/ ort hegovernmentoft heBasqueCount ryi nt hel astdecades.

I nvi t edguest s Thenamesoft hel ocalpart i ci pant st hatat t endedt heaf t ernoon sessi on: •I ñakiGoi ri zel ai a,Rect oroft heUPV/ EHU,Pr of essorof Tel emat i cEngi neeri ngi nt heDepart mentof Tel ecomuni cat i onsEngi neeri ngatt heSuperi orTechni cal SchoolofEngi neeri ng,UPV/ EHU. •NekaneBal l uerka,Vi ceRect orf orPost gr aduat eSt udi es andI nt ernat i onalRel at i ons,UPV/ EHU.Pr of essorof Met hodol ogyofBehavi orSci encesatUPV/ EHU. •PedroMi guelEt xeni keLandi l i bar,Pr esi dentofDonost i a I nt ernat i onalPhysi csCent er .Pr of essorofPhysi csat UPV/ EHU.Mi ni st erofEducat i onandSpokespersonoft he BasqueGovernment( firstGovernmentaf t erFr anco Regi me) . •J uanI gnaci oPérezI gl esi as,Pr of essorofAni mal Physi ol ogyatt heUPV/ EHU.Di r ect oroft heSci ent i fic Cul t ur eChai r .FormerRect oroft heUPV/ EHU. •Pel l oSal aburu,Pr of essorofBasqueLi ngui st i csatt he UPV/ EHU.FormerRect oroft heUPV/ EHU. BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•J uanJ oséI barret xe,Di r ect orofAgi rr eLehendakari Cent er .Pr of essorofEconomi csatt heUPV/ EHU. FormerPri meMi ni st eroft heBasqueGovernment ( Lehendakariohi a) . •Franci scoJ avi erCabal l ero,Pr of essorofPhi l osophyof Law att heUPV/ EHU.Di r ect orofLat i nAmeri canNet work ofMast ersandDoct or at eSchool s.FormerPel ot ari( 1966 W orl dChampi on,Mont evi deo) . Thi ssessi onwasal soi ni t i al l yorgani zedandst ruct ur edast he del i veryoft heUPV/ EHU’ Spr oposal ,f ol l owedbyanopen di scussi ont oagr eeont hebestt ermst oconf orm t hement i oned communi t y,i t svi si on,mi ssi on,andst r at egi cl i nes,t oget herwi t h asuggest edr oadmapf ort hecomi ngyears.

UPV/ EHUPr oposal Tobegi nwi t h,t hepr oposalout l i nedadefini t i onoft heBasque Academi cDi aspor aandal soast r at egi cappr oachf ort heent i t y t hatwoul dsupport ,pr omot eanddynami zet heDi aspor a. W hatdoweunderst andbyBasqueAcademi cDi asporaNet work?

I dent i t yhel psdefineourmi ssi onandvi si on.Oncei dent i t yi s out l i ned,wecanpi ct ur eandi magi net heCOMMUNI TYwewoul d cr eat e,r egar dl essoft hespeci ficent i t yi twi l levent ual l yadopt . W heni dent i f yi ngt heCI RCLESt hatdescri bet het ypesof di aspor awecomet oout l i neaseri esofgr oups.Al loft hem shar e acommonchar act eri st i candt hati st heexi st enceof i ndi vi dual samongstt hem,whoareworki ngi n i nnovat i onrel at edmat t ers,bot hi nt heacademi candt he busi nessworl d. Theseci r cl escoul dbedescri bedasf ol l ows:

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Fi r stci r cl e Of f spri ngofBasques,bei ng 1.Fi rstgenerat i on:Borni nt heBasqueCount rybut mi gr at edabr oad. 2.Secondgenerat i on:Fat herormot herborni nt heBasque Count ry,butt heywer ebornsomewher eel se. 3.Thi rdgenerat i on:oneormor egr andpar entborni nt he BasqueCount ry. 4.Fourt hgenerat i on:oneormor egr eat gr andpar entborn i nt heBasqueCount ry.

Secondci r cl e: Al umnioft heBasqueCount ry,andl i vi ngabr oad,whost i l l mai nt ai nt hei rt i est ot hei rori gi ns,andr el at i vesbackhome. Emot i onal l yt i edt ot heBasqueCount ryandsomehow i ndebtf or t hei rupbri ngi ngandori gi nalbackgr ound.Thi ssecondci r cl e,t he onet hatcorr espondst oALUMNI ,coul dr ef erdi r ect l yt ot he of f spri ngofouruni versi t y,t heUPV/ EHU.Letusr emembert hat amongstot hert hi ngs,“ w ,t we heUPV/ EHU,shoul dbepr oudof havi ngpr oducedovert heyears,uni versi t yeducat i ont omor e t han300, 000peopl e”( 6),someofwhom ar eALUMNIt hat r epr esentt heAcademi cDi aspor a. Remembert hatDi aspor asal sohel pspr eadi deas.Beari nmi nd t hatmanyoft heemergi ngworl d' sbri ght estmi ndsar eeducat ed atWest ernuni versi t i es.Ani ncr easi ngnumbergohome,t aki ng wi t ht hem bot hknowl edgeandcont act s( 7) .Ouri ni t i at i vewi t h t hi ssymposi um woul dbet henecessaryst ept owar dst hat r euni onwi t ht hoser epr esent at i vesoft heALUMNI .Letus connectwi t ht hoset hatst ayedabr oad,butar ewi l l i ngt oret urn t o,orj ustst ayt unedwi t ht hei rori gi ns,f ori dent i t yr easons,f or emot i onalr easons,f orcommi t mentandacknowl edgmentof t hei rknowl edgepat ri mony,i nappr ai salandr ecogni t i onoft hel egacyt osurvi ve.Letusconnectwi t ht hoset oo.

( 6)UPV/ EHURect or’ I ñakiGoi ri zel ai a’ sl ect ur eatAcademi cyearopeni ngcer emony,2013 ( 7)TheEconomi st ,2016,Themagi cofdi aspor as

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Thi r dci r cl e Notof f spri ngofanygener at i on,norAl umnibutsomehow t i edt o t heBasqueCount ryf orpr of essi onal r esear chacademi cr easons. Wear eaddr essi ngher ei ndi vi dual swhosel i nesofworkar e di r ect l yr el at edt ot heBasquei dent i t y,cul t ur eandi di osyncr asy ( Pr of essorW i l l i am Dougl assi sacl earexampl e) . Moreover,weshoul dal sot akei nt oconsi derat i onal astbutnot l eastgroup,whi chi ncl udes:Noneoft hei ndi vi dual sment i oned above,butt hoser eadyandwi l l i ngt odonat eandcol l abor at ef or al t rui st i c,pat r onager easons,sympat het i cwi t ht heBasque Count ryont hewhol e,orwi t hdi aspor asi nt hegener alsenseof t hewor d.Weshoul dn’ tf orgett hosewhor egar dl essoft hei r ori gi nsorancest ors,ort hei racademi cbackgr ound,ar e genui nel yi mpl i edwi t ht heBasqueCount ry,f orpr of essi onalor nonpr of essi onalr easons.

Oncewehavedefinedwhatweunderst andbydi aspor a, t heVi si on,Mi ssi on,andSt rat egi cl i nesoft heent i t yt hatwoul d support ,pr omot eanddynami zet heDi aspor awer epr oposed.

Vi si on Bet heent i t ynort hst arsupport edbyUPV/ EHU,t hel eadi ng ref erenti nchargeandr esponsi bl ef oral lt heconnect i onswho hel pknowl edgecr eat i on,andi t si nt ernat i onalpr omot i onf or t hebenefitofBasqueAcademi csandt her ef or eoft heBasque Count ryandi t sDi aspor a.

Mi ssi on •I dent i f yandpromot et heknowl edgepat ri mony scat t er edal lovert hegl obebel ongi ngt ot heBasqueAcademi c Di aspor a,andbui l dnew waysofconnect i onswi t hbenefit sf oral l t hepart i ci pant s( r esear chpr oj ect s,t r ai ni ngofst udent s,exchange pr ogr amsand mobi l i t y,knowl edget r ansf er) . •Hel pspreadawarenessoft hepot ent i aloft hi snet work andcont ri but et ot hevi sual i zat i onoft hebenefit sobt ai nedi n t ermsofcol l abor at i ver esear ch,i nt el l ect ualpr ogr ess,and i nt ernat i onalpr oj ect i on. BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


St r at egi cl i nes •Cr eat eandmai nt ai npr ogr amsandevent sf oradhesi on, connect i on,vi si bi l i t yandpr omot i onoft heBasque Academi cDi aspor a. •Encour ageandsupportagr oupofpeopl ei nt heBasque Count rydi r ect l yconnect edt ot heBasqueAcademi c Di aspor a. •Hel pi nt hepossi bl est rat egi cal l i ancest hatmayr esul t amonguni versi t i esandr esear chcent erst hatshar e academi csandcommonfiel dsofresearch •Hel pl ever agefinanci alsupportf orj oi nt pr oj ect s i nvol vi ngt hedi aspor a. •Devel opamat chi ngofcapaci t i esandsynchroni ci t yof goal swi t hal r eadyexi st i ngdi aspor ai nst i t ut i onsand pr ogr amsi nt heBasqueCount ryandal lovert heworl d. Theseconcept sar ebasi ct odescri bet her ealf abri conwhi chwe coul dfirstdi scussandt hendesi gnt hef ut ur er oadmapoft he ment i onedcommuni t y.

Over al lr emar ks Asmai nremarks,i ncl udi ngt hosecol l ect edaf t ert hemorni ng sessi onandsummari zedbyPr of essorMariJ oseOl azi r egi ,and al sot hecont ri but i onsoft hosegat her edatt her oundt abl et hat day,wer et hef ol l owi ng: •Recogni t i onoft her ealsuccessoft hemeet i ngi t sel f . Al t houghmanygoodt hi ngsar ebl urr edanddi f ficul tt o underst andatfirst ,t heyendupwi wt hexcel l entr esul t s.Ther e wasanappealf ornotbecomi ngoverwhel medanddi sappoi nt ed byt hel ackofdefini t i oni nt hevastpr oposal i ni t i at i ve,andt o keepf ai t hi nt hegoodout comesr esul t i ngf r om t oday’ smeet i ng. •I mport ancei nr eal i zi ngt hepowerofpeopl ei nt he act i vat i onoft heseki ndofcol l abor at i ons.I ti speopl ewho connect ,noti nst i t ut i ons. BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


•Emphasi sont heemot i onalt i et hatdefini ngt hi s communi t ymeans,r at hert hannet work.Letusappealt o t hi semot i onalt i et omaket heconnect i onmor epowerf ul andmor eef f ect i ve. •Emphasi sont he“ umbr el l a”char act ert obepr ovi dedby t heUPV/ EHUasani nst i t ut i onwhi chsupport sand pr omot est hecomi ngBasqueAcademi cDi aspor aNet work orCommuni t y. •Emphasi sont he“ nervoussyst em”t obepr ovi dedbyt he UPV/ EHUt oact i vat et hi snet workorcommuni t y. •I nor dert odesi gnt hel egalent i t yt hatwoul dshel t ert he i ni t i at i ve,t her ei saneedt ocr eat eaflexi bl ei nst i t ut i on st ruct ur e,maybel ayi ngonaf ormalki ndofagr eement t hatwi l lpr ovi devi si bi l i t yi nt hel ongt erm.Thi si nst i t ut i on coul dbeEuskampusFundazi oa,whowoul dactast he enabl eroft hepr oj ecti t sel f . •Urget oi dent i f yt hei ndi vi dual swhor epr esentt heBasque Academi cDi aspor ascat t er edal lovert heworl dand synchr oni zewi t ht hem.Needt oanswert hef ol l owi ng quest i onswhendeal i ngwi t ht hedefini t i onoft heBasque Academi cDi aspor a: oBasques,W hoar ewe?( l ookback) oW howear e,( f ut ur epr oj ect i on,ourai ms) oHow manyar et her e?W her e? •I nt ermsofsci ent i ficdi sci pl i nesandknowl edgear eas,i ti s vi t alt ocl assi f yt hesei ndi vi dual s( e. g.quant um physi cs) . Onceweknow whot heyar e,wewi l lbeabl et opr opose col l abor at i ver esear ch,col l abor at i vework.Thebui l di ngof t hi spr oact i veat t i t udemakesanout st andi ngdi f f er ence f ort hecomi ngf ut ur e.

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•Asanexampl eofi mmedi at ecol l abor at i onof f eri ng,i ti s ment i onedt hatt her ehasnotbeenanypr evi ous col l abor at i onbet weenMi kelPri et oandt heMedi calSchool f r om t heUPV/ EHU.Doct orsf r om MayoCl i ni car er eadyand opent ocol l abor at ewi t ht heMedi calSchooloft hi suni versi t y. •Wear enotconsci oust odayoft hi sBasqueAcademi c Di aspor aandi t spot ent i al .Ther ei sanevi dentneedt ocr eat e soci alawar enessoft hebenefit si twoul dpr oduce. •Acknowl edget hepri deandhonori tmeanst obel ongt ot he BasqueLand,acknowl edget hesenseofbel ongi ng,based onouri dent i t ybutt hatgoesf arbeyondt hati dent i t y. •Acknowl edgementoft hecommi t mentoft hegr oup,a char act eri st i ci nher entt ot hesuccessoft hepr oj ect . •Needofsoci almedi aandI nt ernetenabl ers( Facebook, Twi t t er ,Li nkedi n)t omanaget hi scommuni t y.

Get t i ngt owor k Nextst eps–Oper at i veact i ons andRoadmap Oneoft hemai nr easonst odi scusst hepr oposaloft heUPV/ EHU wast oagr eeonapossi bl er oadmapf ort hecomi ngyears. Fort hatr eason,t her ewasafirstl i stofoperat i veact i ons suggest ed:

1. Cr eat i onoft hecommuni t y Wevi sual i zet heout comeasacommuni t yr at hert hananet work. Themai ndi f f er enceoft hi scommuni t yi ncont r astwi t ht he net workwoul dbepr eci sel yt heemot i onali mpl i cat i ont hatl i esi n bel ongi ngt oagr oupoft hesechar act eri st i cs.Thi semot i onall i nk woul dbet heDRI VERoft hepr oj ect .Thi scommuni t ywi l lbe cr eat edaccor di ngt ot hedefini t i onpr oposedofBasqueDi aspor a Academi cs.

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2. Ent i t ydefini t i onandset upoft heent i t yt o suppor tt heDi aspor a 2. a.Thenextst epi st odefineandsetupt heent i t yf ort he pr omot i onandmanagementoft hi scommuni t yaccor di ngt o t hest r at egi cappr oachpr oposed( Vi si on,Mi ssi on,St r at egi c l i nes) .Thi sent i t ywi l lactast heenabl erandmanageroft hat communi t y.Amongstot hert hi ngs,i twoul dbei nchargeof : •Compl et i ngacensusofal lBasqueacademi cdi aspor a r epr esent at i ves.I ncl usi veat t i t ude.Letusnotberi gi di n cr af t i ngt hef ut ur enet workandt akei nt oaccountt he di versi t yandvari et yofpot ent i alpart i ci pant s,quot i ng Wi l l i am Dougl ass. •I nst i gat i ngandact i vat i ngal lcont act s,pr omot i ng communi cat i onandi nt er act i on. 2. b.Thi scommuni t ymanagerr ol ecoul dbecarri edoutby EuskampusFundazi oa.I twoul dconsi stof ,amongstot her t hi ngs,bei ngi nchargeoft hef ol l owi ng: oW ebandOut reach:Managementofsoci alnet works. Capi t al i zet heef f ortal r eadymadebyot heri nst i t ut i ons: Et xepar eEuskalI nst i t ut e,Uni versi t yofNevada,NGOs, NABO( Nort hAmeri canBasqueOrgani zat i ons) , FEVA( Organi zat i onofBasquesi nArgent i na) ,Bi zkai a Tal ent ,j ustt oment i onaf ew. oLobbyi ng oDesi gnofcommonpr oj ect sofmul t i di sci pl i nary t hemat i c. oOrgani zat i onoft henextsymposi um.

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3. Synchr oni zet hecommuni t ywi t h t ool sal r eadyexi st i ngi nt hesyst em. Someoft hem ar epr ovi dedbyouri nst i t ut i ons( 8) »BasqueGovernment–For ei gn Af f ai rsOf fice »Bi zkai aTal ent »Ot hers…

4. TheALUMNIf r om UPV/ EHU W oul dbeaspeci algr oupt oi nt egr at ei nt ot hi scommuni t y.We shoul dbeari nmi ndt hatoneoft het ypest hati l l ust r at et hi s academi cdi aspor ai spr eci sel yt heALUMNIf r om t hi suni versi t y. Thet arget ,however ,woul dbe,i nt hemi dl ongt erm, t oi nt egr at eALUMNIal sof rom t heot herBasqueuni versi t i esi n al lEuskalHerri a( Spani shandFr enchsi de) .

Roadmap Thi sext endedl i stofoper at i veact i onscoul dbeat ent at i ver oadmappr oposedt ot hepart i ci pant soft hi ssessi on: 1. -…<Dec2016–ent i t ydefini t i on 2. -…<Apri l 2017–Communi t y+Web 3. -…<J ul y2017–2ndSymposi um 4. -…<December2017–Fi rstpr oj ect s However ,duet ot hel ackoft i me,i twasdeci dedt ol eavesome t i met oal lt hepart i ci pant sandsuggest edt heyhandedi nt hei r comment sorsuggest i onsi nt hecomi ngf ut ur eaf t ert heyhad r ecei vedt hefinalr eportwi t hconcl usi ons. Thet i mei snow andt heopport uni t yi sgr eat ! Let ’ smakei thappen!

( 8)SeeAnnex3f ordet ai l edi nf ormat i onaboutt heel ement sal readyexi st i ngi nt hesyst em t hatarewort hsynchroni zi ngwi t ht hi si ni t i at i ve.

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ANNEX1:Openi ngl ect ur ebyUPV/ EHU’ s Rect orI ñakiGoi r i zel ai a BasqueAcademi cDi aspor a 1stSymposi um –Donost i aSanSebast i án Openi ngl ect ur e Uni versi t yoft heBasqueCount ry 2016/ 07/ 12

Openi ngl ect ur e Fi rstofal lIwoul dl i ket owel comeal lofyou,especi al l yal lofyou comi ngf r om ot hercount ri es.Fort heUni versi t yoft heBasque Count ryi ti sagr eatpl easur et ohaveyoual lher e,ont hi scampus whi chi sal soyouruni versi t y,everyone’ suni versi t y. Iwantt omakeaspeci alment i onaboutt hepeopl ef r om t he EuskampusFoundat i onwhoworkedr eal l yhar dt oorgani zet hi s event .Eskerri kaskoI gor ,Eskerri kaskoI t saso. Youar eal lBasqueSchol arsf r om ar oundt heworl d.Someofyou wer eborni nt heBasqueCount ryandl ef t ,ot hersar edescendant s ofBasquei mmi gr ant sandst i l lot hersar eschol arswhoseworki s vi t al l yi mport anti ndefini ngBasquei dent i t yt hr ough pr of essi onal ,academi c,orcul t ur alt i esbet weenEuskadiandt he r estoft heworl d. Zenbatgar a?(9)How manyar ewe?W henf acedwi t ht hedr eam ofi dent i f yi ngt hepeopl espr eadal lovert heworl dt hatr epr esent t heBasqueAcademi cDi aspor a,t hatquest i oncomest oourmi nd, Zenbati zangodi r a?Zenbatgar a?Ourgoali st oi dent i f yt he BasqueAcademi cDi aspor a,ani ni t i at i vepr omot edbyour uni versi t y. AsBi l lDougl assr emi ndsus“ I dent i t ycanbedefinedasaper son’ s sour cef orgi vi ngunder st andi ngandaconst r uct edmeani ngt o l i f eexper i encesandevent s.Meani ngt endst obeor gani zed ar oundapr i mar yorcor ei dent i t yt hatf r amesot heri dent i t i es, l oyal t i es, andi nt er est s.Thevar i ousi dent i t i est hatoneper sonhas ar enotnecessar i l yi nconfli ctwi t heachot her ;r at hert heymaybe compl ement ar y.Ther eseemst obeasymbi ot i cDi aspor ai dent i t y ( 9)Zenbatgar aEuskalDant zariTal dea,f oundedatt heUni versi t yofNevadai nReno( UNR)i n1989.Theyadopt edt hatnameasi twast hefirst ut t er ancemadeatt hefirstmeet i ngoft hest udent sassoci at i oni n1986.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


t hati ncor por at esandsynt hesi zest heBasqueandhostcount r y i dent i t i es”( Dougl assetal1999) Foratl east5cent uri est heent i r eBasqueCount ryhasbeenone ofEur ope’ spri mear easofemi gr at i on.Consequent l y,every i nhabi t edcont i nentont hegl obehasr ecei vedaBasque i mmi gr antcont i ngent .SomeBasque“ col oni es”ar ecent uri esol d, ot hersar equi t er ecent(10). Wecoul daf firm t hatwear eoneoft hesmal l estpeopl esi nt he worl dwi t honeoft hel argestDi aspor as( 11) .Accor di ngt osome account s,mor et hant hr eequart ersofal lBasquesl i veout si de oft hei rori gi nalhomel and.(12) W hent heyl ef tt heBasqueCount ryl ooki ngf orabet t erl i f e,most oft hem workedhar dwi t houtgoodworki ngcondi t i ons.They wer el ooki ngf orsomet hi ngbet t ert hanwhatt heyhadbackat home.Someoft hei rdr eamsbecamer eal i t y,someoft hem di d not .Butsomeoft hei rdescendant swer eabl et ost udyat uni versi t i esf ol l owi ngt hei rancest ors’ dr eamsandbecame pr of essi onal si nal lar easofknowl edge.Someoft hem ar enow academi csandt heyar eworki ngf oruni versi t i esandr esear ch cent ersl ocat edal lovert heworl d. Thi sSymposi um i sdevi sedast hest art i ngpoi ntt ol ayt he f oundat i onsofani nt ernat i onalnet workofacademi csand r esear cherswi t hBasqueancest orsort i eswi t ht heBasque Count rydi spersedal lovert heworl d.Thi snet workai mst ost ay i nt unewi t ht hecor et hatdefinesi t smembersandpr omot esand st r engt hensf ut ur ecol l abor at i onsi nsear chofmut ualbenefiti n t ermsofknowl edgeandasenseofbel ongi ng.Ourgoalwi l lbet o i dent i f yschol ars,r esear chers,i nt el l ect ual s/ t hi nkerswho cont ri but et ocr eat eknowl edgeal lovert heworl dandl i nkal l t hatact i vi t yt oi t sr oot si nt heBasqueCount ry.

( 10)MostLat i nAmeri cansandt hatoft hePhi l i pi nesar ecent uri esol dwher east heBasquepr esencei nAust r al i adat esf r om t heearl y20t hcent uryandt hat ofBri t i shCol umbi apost dat esW orl dWarI I . ( 11)TheBasqueGovernmentest i mat est hatt hedi aspor apopul at i onconsi st sof4. 5mi l l i onpeopl e( EJ1996) .Lat el y,t hegovernmentarguest hatt henumber ofdi aspor aBasquesor“ t hechi l dr enoft heBaqueCount ryi nt he21stcent uryi s6mi l l i on( Dei a,J ul y102008)However ,t hi sfigur ei sext r emel ydi f ficul tt o corr obor at e.Gi vent hatt hedi aspor ai sabout1. 5t i mesasl argeast hepopul at i oni nt hehomecount rywi t hani nst i t ut i onalpr esencei nover20count ri es, t hei ssueofcommuni cat i onandcont acti sofenormousi mport ance.Oi arzabali nTheBasqueDi aspor aWebscape2013 ( 12)Ul f Di et ri chRi eps.I kerbasqueResear chPr of essori nhi si nt r oduct i ont oTheBAsqueDi aspor aWebscape, ,I dent i t y,Nat i onandHomel and,19952015 Pedr oJ .Oi arzabal

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Atat i memarkedbyt he gl obal i zat i onofexchanges,whent he per cept i onofdi st anceandt i mear echangi ng,how doBasques experi enceouri dent i t y?Post moderncommuni cat i onsempower t he“ i magi ni ng”ofapsychol ogi cal l yi nt er connect ed,yet geogr aphi cal l ydi f f useBasquedi aspori ci dent i t y( 13) .Thi s commonsenseofbel ongi ng,t hesedi f f er entpat hsand experi ences,r evealamosai cofchar act ers.Thosecul t ur al l y i nt ert wi nedi ndi vi dual st hatsi l ent l yworkar oundt heworl d, benefitf r om t hei rcul t ur alhybri di t y.Thei rhybri di t yi sar esul tof l i vi ngi nahostcount rydi f f er entf r om t hei rown,but ,st i l l ,gi vi ng senset ot hei rt r ansnat i onali dent i t yi nt hi sgl obal i zedworl d. Wet hi nkt hataBasqueAcademi cDi aspor acoul dbeanot her wayofexpr essi ngourBasquei dent i t yi naconst ant l ychangi ng worl d.Knowl w edgeandcul t ur ear et hekey,andknowl edgeand cul t ur ecoul dal sobet hekeyt ouni t i ngwi t hacommongoal ,t o cr eat eaknowl edgebasedBasqueAcademi cDi aspor a.Letus hel pi dent i f yt hosei ndi vi dual s,andl etusst artt oday. Al lt hi sl eadsust or eflectonwhatwehavedone,ast heUni versi t y oft heBasqueCount ry,t ocont ri but et ot hedevel opmentof r el at i onswi t ht heBasqueDi aspor a,andaboveal l ,f r om t he Uni versi t yperspect i ve,t ost udyi t ,andespeci al l yt heacademi c Di aspor a.W henwest artspeaki ngaboutBasqueAcademi c Di aspor at her ei sapersont hati mmedi at el ycomest oourmi nd: J oseAnt oni oAgi rr e,underwhoset erm asLehendakarit he Basqueuni versi t ywasi naugur at edi n1936,l at ert obesi l enced byt hef or ceofarms.Thecr eat i onoft heBasqueuni versi t yi s wi t houtdoubt ,oneoft hegr eatcont ri but i onsmadeby LehendakariAgi rr e. Agi rr ehi msel fi sacl earexampl eoft heBasqueAcademi c Di aspor a,i fImaysay.Hewasaf ul l t i mepr of essoratCol umbi a Uni versi t y,wher ehet aughtAdvancedResear chi nModern Hi st oryofWest ernCont i nent alEur opeandAdvancedResear ch i nLat i nAmeri canHi st ory.Hewast her ef or e,oneoft hefirst component soft hi sBasqueAcademi cDi aspor at hatwewantt o r ecogni zeandst r engt henl ooki ngt ot hef ut ur e.( …) ( 13)EuskalKul t urEr akundea/ I nst i t ut eCul t urelBasque

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Today,ourr el at i onshi pwi t hCol umbi aUni versi t yi sal i veand wel l ,t hankst ot hej oi ntr esear chworkdonewi t ht heAgi rr e LehendakariCent er ,l ocat edatt heUni versi t yoft heBasque Count ry,whi chi sal sodi r ect edbyanot herLehendakari , LehendakariI barr et xe,apr of essorofouruni versi t y,whoi sal so her et odaywi t hus. Recal l i ngt hesef act s,Iam awar eoft hemanypeopl ewhohave bel ongedandbel ongnow t ot hi sBasqueacademi cDi aspor a. Someoft hem ar ewel l knownandt hei rcont ri but i onsar epartof ouri nt el l ect ualheri t age. However ,t hevastmaj ori t yoft hesepeopl eperf orm t hei rwork t eachi nganddoi ngr esear chatuni versi t i est hr oughoutt heworl d wi t houthavi ngbeenabl et onet work,t ohel peachot herout ,t o compl ementeachot her’ sworkort ot akeadvant ageofa commonandshar edpot ent i al(14). W henf ocusi ngont heacademi cDi aspor aoft he21stcent ury,we cannotf orgett oment i ont hecommuni t yofAl umnidevel opi ng t hei rpr of essi onalcar eersar oundt heworl d,t hosest udent sf r om t heBasqueCount ryt hatfini shedorcompl ement edt hei rst udi es att heUPV/ EHU,oratanyot heruni versi t yoft heBasqueCount ry andhavebecomeschol arsi ndi f f er entdi sci pl i nes.Wecomeas onewi t hI ñi goLamarka,pr esi dentofEHUAl umni ,whenhe af firmst hat“ i ti snecessaryt okni tapowerf ulnet work,l eavi ng ani mpri ntoft hesoci al ,economi candcul t ur alval uet hey cont ri but ewi t ht ot heBasquesoci et y,i mpr ovi ngatt hesame t i met hef eel i ngofbel ongi ngandl oyal t yt ot heUni versi t y”(15)of t hef ut ur egener at i onst ocome.Aspr of essorOi arzabal(16) r emi ndsus,i naway,ouref f ortshoul dbeacommonone,an ef f ortwhi chspansuni versi t y,NGOsandgovernment s, empoweri ngi dent i t ymai nt enanceoft heDi aspor a,acommon ef f ortwhi chwi l lal l ow ust ost r engt henef f ect i vechannel sof communi cat i on.Wewoul dl i ket oconsol i dat et heshari ngof knowl edgewi t hmut ualbenefit .Wewantt or econnecteach ot herwi t ht hei rpastl egacy,acknowl edgei tandcheri shi t , pr ot ecti tandst r engt heni t .Ouruni versi t ywant st ocont ri but ei n aspeci ficfiel d,t heacademi c ( 14)Rect or ’ sspeechatJ OANETORRI ,Boi se2015 ( 15)EHUwebpage,Al umni ,I ñi goLamar ka,Pr esi dent ’ sgr eet i ng ( 16)TheBasqueDi aspor aWebscape,I dent i t y,Nat i onandHomel and,P.J .Oi ar zabal2013

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


wher ewewi l ldoourbestt opr omot eandest abl i shef f ect i ve channel sofcommuni cat i on,ofi nt er act i onandcol l abor at i on. Thi si st hemai nr easonf ort hi ssymposi um.Ourai mi st o est abl i shaspacef ort hi sr el at i onshi pwhi chcoul dserveasa meet i ngpl acef ordi al ogue,f orshari ngandcont r ast i ngi deasand f orgener at i ngandt r ansmi t t i ngknowl edge,aspaceal l owi ngt he BasqueCount ryt ocont i nuegr owi ngi nknowl edgewi t hi nput f r om anywher ei nt heworl d.Thi si swhywear et aki ngst epsi n t hi sdi r ect i on,assumi nganact i ver ol ei nt hepr omot i onand devel opmentoft heacademi ccommuni t yoft heBasque Di aspor a. We,att heUni versi t yoft heBasqueCount ryassumet her ol eof l eadi ngt hi si ni t i at i vet ofirsti dent i f yandt henr econnectt he BasqueAcademi cDi aspor a.Wewantt obet hel eadi ngpr omot ers oft hi spr oj ect ,of f eri ngouropenhandt oot herhi ghereducat i on i nst i t ut i onsoft heBasqueCount rywhomi ghtwantt of ol l ow and comeaboar dt hesameshi pwi t ht hevastworl dast hemai n r oadmap.Letusst artt hi sadvent ur e,f ort her ecogni t i onoft he workdonesof ar ,f ort her ecogni t i onoft heacademi cpastt hat nurt ur edt hosecar eers,andf ort hef ut ur eofourBasque i nt ernat i onalschol ars. Oursymbol ,cr eat edbyt heart i stEduar doChi l l i da,r epr esent st he t r eeofknowl edge.I thasi t sr oot si nt heBasqueCount ry,buti t s br anchesext endar oundt heworl d,l i ket heDi aspor a.Thedeep r oot sar et heol dancest orsandbr anchesar et heworl dwi de ci t i zenshi p,i l l ust r at edbysomeoft heacademi csher et oday. Your epr esentt hecut t i ngedgeoft r ansdi sci pl i nari t y,andt he l at esti nt ermsofpr ogr essi navari et yofdi sci pl i nes.Thi si st he firstsymposi um andi ti scl eart hatsomeoft hem ar eher ewi t hus t odaybutot hersar enotsuf fici ent l yr epr esent ed.Ibel i evet hat wear eal lconnect edi nonepeopl e,weoweadebtt oal lt hose t hatar enother et odaybutexi standal sot oal lt hosewhocame bef or eus,aswel last hosewhowi l lcomel at er ,i ngener at i onst o come.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Ist art edt hi sspeechwi t haquot ef r om Dougl assandBi l baoi n t hei rbookAmer i kanuak.I dent i t ycanbedefinedasaperson’ s sour cef orgi vi ngunderst andi ngandaconst ruct edmeani ngt o l i f eexperi encesandevent s….Basqueschol arshel pusout l i ne t hatAcademi cDi aspor awear eaboutt oi dent i f y,andnurt ur e, set t i ngupt her oadmapf orf ut ur ecol l abor at i on,anet workof i nt el l ect ualcol l abor at i ononwhi chwecoul dal lgai nf r om and gr ow f r om.Hel puscol ort hatt r eeofknowl edgespr eadi ngi t s br anchesal lt hr oughoutt heworl d,wi t hi t sr oot sfirml yt i edt o i t sbegi nni ngs,butconst ant l ygr owi ngandexpandi ng,as depi ct edbyChi l l i da.Letusbef ai t hf ult oourmot t o: “ emant azabalzazu” .

Bi bl i ogr aphy Dougl ass,W i l l i am A.andJ onBi l bao.1975.Amer i kanuak. Basquesi nt heNew Wor l d.Reno:Uni versi t yofNevadaPr ess Dougl ass,W i l l i am A. ,UrzaCarmel o,W hi t eLi nda,Zul ai ka J oseba. 1999.TheBasqueDi aspor a.Reno:Uni versi t yofNevada. Oi arzabal ,Pedr oJ .TheBasqueDi aspor aWebscape.I dent i t y, Nat i on, andHomel and,1990s2010s.2013 UPV/ EHUAr eadelRect or ,I nt ervenci onespúbl i cas, ht t p: / / www. ehu. eus/ es/ err ekt or ear enagerr al di publ i koak EUSKALKULTURERAKUNDEA/ I NSTI TUECULTURELBASQUE ht t p: / / www. eke. eus/ en/ basquecul t ur al i nst i t ut e/ about us EUSKOI KASKUNTZABasqueSt udi esSoci et y, ht t p: / / www. euskoi kaskunt za. org/ en/ qui enessomos/ ETXEPAREEUSKALI NSTI TUTUA,ht t p: / / www. et xepar e. eus/ eu Aurr er agoaz,I I IW orl dCongr essofBasqueCommuni t i es, EuskoJ aurl ari t zaGobi ernoVasco, ht t p: / / www. nabasque. org/ ol d_nabo/ NABO/ Congr ess. ht m Guzt i onart ean,VW orl dCongr essofBasqueCommuni t i es, EuskoJ aurl ari t zaGobi ernoVasco, ht t p: / / www. nabasque. org/ ol d_nabo/ NABO/ f our_year_pl an. ht m BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


ANNEX2:SHORTBI OSofal lspeaker s. WI LLI AM DOUGLASS Pr of .W i l l i am Dougl ass,anot ori ousSoci alAnt hr opol ogi stby t heUni versi t yofChi cago,andPr ofofSoci alAnt hr opol ogyas wel lasf ounderandfirstdi r ect oroft hecurr entCent erof BasqueSt udi esoft heUni versi t yofNevada,whohasservedi n t hatcapaci t yf or33years.Hei saut horofmor et hant wodozen booksand200art i cl esonawi dearr ayoft opi cspart i cul arl y BasqueandI t al i anemi gr at i onworl dwi de,et hni ci dent i t yand i t smai nt enance,andf ami l yhi st ory.Hi smostnot abl eBasquer el at edpubl i cat i onsar eDeat hi nMur el aga:TheSoci al Si gni ficanceofFuner ar yRi t uali naSpani shBasqueVi l l age ( 1969)and( wi t hJ onBi l bao)Amer i kanuak:Basquesi nt heNew Wor l d( 1975) . STEPHEN ANSOLABEHERE St ephenAnsol abeher ei sPr of essorofGovernmentatHarvar d Uni versi t y.Hei sanexpertonU. S.el ect i onsandvot i ngbehavi or , andhaswri t t enext ensi vel yonel ect or alcompet i t i on,publ i c opi ni on,medi a,pol i t i calpart i es,el ect i onl aw and admi ni st r at i on,andvot i ngri ght s.Heal sor esear chesenergy pol i cyandpol i t i cs.Hei st hePri nci palI nvest i gat oroft he Cooper at i veCongr essi onalEl ect i onSt udy,aconsort i um ofover 50di f f er entuni versi t yr esear cht eams,whi chconduct sl argescal epubl i copi ni onst udi esi nt heUni t edSt at es.Hei sa memberoft heAdvi soryBoar doft heReut ersI nst i t ut ef ort he St udyofJ ournal i sm atOxf or dUni versi t y. Hei saTruman Schol ar ,aCarnegi eSchol ar ,andaHooverNat i onalFel l ow.I n 2007,hewasel ect edt ot heAmeri canAcademyofArt sand Sci ences. J UAN URI AGEREKA Pr of essorofLi ngui st i csatt heUni versi t yofMaryl and,worki ng att heedgeofChomsky' sMi ni mal i stPr ogr am.Hehasmade pr oposal sexpl ori ngnew t erri t ori es:onspel l outofsynt act i c st ruct ur es,t heemergenceofbarri erst oquest i onf ormat i on, r epr oj ect i onsofsynt act i ccat egori es,et c.Uri ager ekawasasa f oundi ngmemberoft heLi ngui st i csDepart mentatMaryl andi n 1988.Hehasdi r ect edorcodi r ect ed19di ssert at i onsand BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


part i ci pat edi nsi xt yot hers,andi st hecoaut hor ,wi t hhi sment or Howar dLasni k,oft wot ext booksonsynt ax.I nhi scapaci t yas Associ at ePr ovostf orFacul t yhel edt heappr ovalandpr omot i on off ami l yf ri endl ypol i ci es,r egul ari zi ngt hest at usof pr of essi onal t r ackf acul t y,organi zi ngl eadershi pf orums, andupdat i ngpr omot i on/ t enur epol i ci esatMaryl and. XABI ERI RUJ O Xabi erI ruj oi scodi r ect oroft heCent erf orBasqueSt udi esatt he Uni versi t yofNevada,Reno,wher ehei spr of essorofgenoci de st udi es.Theaut horwast hefirstguestr esear chschol aroft he ManuelI ruj oChai ratt heUni versi t yofLi verpoolandr egul arl y t eachescoursesongenoci deandcul t ur algenoci deatBoi se St at eUni versi t yandt heUni versi t yofCal i f orni a,Sant aBarbar a. Hehol dst hr eemast er’ sdegr eesi nl i ngui st i cs,hi st oryand phi l osophy,hast woPhDsi nhi st oryandphi l osophy.I ruj ohas l ect ur edi nvari ousAmeri canandEur opeanuni versi t i esandhas ment or edsever algr aduat est udent s.Memberoft heedi t ori al boar doff ouracademi cpr esses,I ruj ohasaut hor edmor et han t enbooksandanumberofart i cl esi nspeci al i zedj ournal sand hasr ecei vedawar dsanddi st i nct i onsatnat i onaland i nt ernat i onall evel . MAI DERLLAGUNO Mai derLl agunoMuni t xai sPri nci palatAZPML( Al ej andr o Zaer aPol o&Mai derLl aguno)ar chi t ect ur eandi scurr ent l y Adj untFacul t yatGr aduat eSchoolofAr chi t ect ur e,Pl anni ngand Pr eservat i on( GSAPP) ,Col umbi aUni versi t y.Shehashel d t eachi ngposi t i onsi nt hepastatYal eSchoolofAr chi t ect ur e, Berl ageI nst i t ut e,andt heEi dgenössi scheTechi shceHochschul e Züri ch.Mai derobt ai nedherdi pl omai nar chi t ect ur ewi t hhonors f r om UPV/ EHU,SchoolofAr chi t ect ur ei n2006andgr aduat ed wi t hdi st i nct i onf r om GSAPPCol umbi aUni versi t yi n2010.Shei s curr ent l ycompl et i ngherPh. Dwhi chshehasdevel opedbet ween t heI nst i t ut eofTechnol ogyi nAr chi t ect ur e( I TA)att heETHi n Zuri chandt heCi vi landEnvi r onment alEngi neeri ngdepart ment atPri ncet onUni versi t y.Mai der’ sworkhasbeenexhi bi t edand publ i shedext ensi vel yi nvari ousi nt ernat i onalperi odi cal sand newsl et t ers. BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


MI KELPRI ETO Dr .Mi kelPri et oi saSt af fConsul t anti nt heDi vi si onof Tr anspl ant at i onSurgeryatMayoCl i ni candservesast he Surgi calDi r ect orofbot ht heKi dneyandPancr easTr anspl ant Pr ogr am andPedi at ri cKi dneyTr anspl ant at i on.Hei sanat i veof Spai n,wher ehegr aduat edf r om t heMedi calSchooloft he Uni versi t yoft heBasqueCount ryi n1984.Hewentont odoa Tr anspl antResear chFel l owshi patt heUni versi t yofMi nnesot a, f ol l owedbyaf el l owshi patt heRoyalLi verpoolHospi t ali nt he UK.Hecompl et edar esi dencyi nGener alSurgeryatLaheyCl i ni c i nBost on,Massachuset t s,i n1998.Thi swasf ol l owedbya Tr anspl antSurgeryandI mmunol ogyFel l owshi patt he Uni versi t yofMi nnesot ai nMi nneapol i s,Mi nnesot a. I n1999,Dr .Pri et oj oi nedMayoCl i ni casanAssi st antPr of essor andConsul t anti nt heDi vi si onofTr anspl ant at i onSurgery.He i sal soveryi nvol vedwi t haf fil i at edorgani zat i ons.AtLi f eSour ce, hehasbeent heChai roft heKi dneyandPancr easTr anspl ant Commi t t eeandi scurr ent l yt heChai roft heCl i ni calPol i cyBoar d. I naddi t i ont ohi sappoi nt ment si nTr anspl ant at i on,heal so servedast heMedi calDi r ect orofI nt ernat i onalPr act i ce Oper at i onsf orMayoCl i ni ci nRochest er ,Mi nnesot a,unt i lJ ul y 2015. Dr .Pri et ohasspeci ali nt er est si nki dneyandpancr eas t r anspl ant at i oni nadul t sandchi l dr en,l i vi ngdonat i on, l apar oscopi cdonornephr ect omy,andki dneypai r eddonat i on. J OHN YSURSA Pr of essorJ ohnYsursa,PhDi nHi st orybyt heUni versi t yof Cal i f orni a,Facul t yDi r ect orofBasqueSt udi esConsort i um,at Boi seSt at eUni versi t y,Boi se,I daho.Hehasbeenact i vel y i nvol vedi nt heBasqueAmeri cancommuni t yi nvari ousways, i ncl udi ngBasquecul t ur alendeavorst hatbri dget heworl dsof academi aandpopul arcul t ur e.Onechi efr esponsi bi l i t yi st o serveasmanagi ngedi t orofoneofBoi seSt at e’ sfirstonl i ne academi cj ournal ,BOGA:BasqueSt udi esConsor t i um J our nal . Addi t i onalr esponsi bi l i t i esent ai lf aci l i t at i ngvari ous i ni t i at i vesofBoi seSt at eBasqueSt udi esbot honCampus ( e. g. ,peri odi cacademi cconf er ences,vi si t i ngperf ormersand schol ars,webmast eroft hepr ogr am’ suni versi t ywebpage,

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


cont act sofi nt ernat i onalpart nerst of ost erst udent ,f acul t y,and pr of essi onalexchanges,amongstot hers)andi nt hel argerl ocal communi t yi nanef f ortt of orge“ l earni ngl i nks. ”Resear chand t eachi ngi nt er esti ncl udeworkshopsandr egul arcourse of f eri ngsonvari ousaspect sofBasquecul t ur ei ncl udi ngi ssues ofi dent i t y,i mmi gr at i on,ri t ual s,hi st ory,musi c,song,dance, j ustt oment i onaf ew. J OHN BI ETER Hei sacof ounderandPr of essori nt heBasqueSt udi es pr ogr am aswel lasaPr of essori nt heHi st oryDepart mentat Boi seSt at eUni versi t y.Her ecei vedaB. A.i nEconomi cs/ Soci al Sci encef r om t heUni versi t yofSt .Thomasi nSt .Paul ,Mi nnesot a, hi sM. A.i nHi st oryf r om Boi seSt at eUni versi t yandearnedhi s doct or aldegr eei nHi st oryf r om Bost onCol l ege.Hei st he coaut horofAnEnduri ngLegacy:AHi st oryoft heBasquesi n I dahoandr ecent l ypubl i shedanew bookt i t l ed:Showdowni n t heBi gQui et :Land, Myt handGover nmenti nt heAmer i can West( 2015) .

ANNEX3:Synchr oni zat i onwi t hexi st i ngel ement s i nt hesyst em.BASQUEGOVERNMENT Aspr evi ousl yment i onedi nt hi sr eport ,someoft hesummer coursesorgani zedbyt heUPV/ EHUi nt hesamel ocat i onatt he samet i mewer edi r ect l yr el at edt ot hesymposi um,aswas The( new)r ol eoft heBasqueDi aspor ai nt heXXI stcent ury.I n t hi scourse,di r ect edbyI manolGal dos,Donost i aCi t yHal l Pr esi dent ’ sof ficet echni ci an( Donost i akoUdal et xe Zezendari t zal agunt zat ar akoTekni kari a)andi nt r oducedby Mari anEl orzaHeadofFor ei gnAf f ai rsOf ficei nt heBasque Government ,t her ol et obepl ayedbyt hegovernmenti n mat t ersr el at edt ot heBasquedi aspor awer eexpl ai ned.Mor e speci fical l yAsi erVal l ej of r om t hesamedepart mentatt he BasqueGovernment ,announcedani nt er est i ngt oolr eadyt obe soonl aunched:BasqueGl obalNet work, ht t p: / / basquegl obal net work. eus/ eu/

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


TheLehendakari ,I ñi goUrkul l u,cl osedt heaut umnmeet i ngof t heNort hAmeri canBasqueOrgani zat i ons( N. A. B. O. )wher ehe pr ovi dednewsaboutt hecr eat i onofanet workofBasquesi nt he worl dcal l edt heGl obalBasqueNet work,wi t ht heai m ofput t i ng al lt heBasqueswhof ordi f f er entr easonsl i veorworkout si det he BasqueCount ry( st udent s,busi nessmen,ai dworkers, pr of essi onal s,et c. )i nt ouchwi t heachot her .Hi st ori cal l yt he Basquecommuni t yabr oadhasbeenorgani zedar oundt he Di aspor aandt heEuskalEt xeak.TheGovernmentnow want st o t akeast epf urt her ,i r eki a. euskadi . eus. Thi st oolemphasi zest hei deat hatt hef ut ur eofEuskadii si nt he worl d,andi ti st i mef orust ofightt hesocal l edt al entdr ai n, someofwhi chi spartoft hedi aspor awewantt oconnect . Thi si spr eci sel yt hevi rt ualcommuni t ywhi chof f erst he possi bi l i t yt ocol l abor at eonl i neandhel pusmapt hekeyagent s i nt heacademi cdi aspor a.I nt hi sBasqueGl obalNet work,i ti s possi bl ef oranyonet ogi vehi s/ hernameandst artt hevi rt ual coor di nat i on.Theyal soof f eranewsl et t eronmat t ersr el at edt o t hedi aspor a.I t ssubscri pt i oni sf r eeofchargeandkeepsyou r egul arl yupdat ed. W ebel i evet hi si sat oolal r eadyexi st i ngi nt hesyst em t hatcoul d hel pbui l dt hecensuswi t hal lt hei ndi vi dual si dent i fiedi nt he Basquedi aspor a.I tcoul dbet hebegi nni ngt ol at eri dent i f yt hose whor epr esentt heacademi candr esear chdi aspor a.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


ANNEXES BI ZKAI ATALENT I twasal socomment edatt hement i onedsummercoursei n t hel ect ur eof f er edbyI vánJ i ménez,Di r ect orofBi zkai aTal ent , ht t p: / / www. bi zkai at al ent . eus/how apartoft hedi aspor a2. 0 i spr eci sel yt hesci ent i ficdi aspor a,whi chi ni t sel fconst i t ut es ast r at egi cpl ayer .Accor di ngt ohi scont ri but i on,i dent i f yi ngt hi s communi t ycoul dbeachal l engef ort heBasqueCount ryi nt he comi ngyears.I ti snecessaryt or eat t r actt al entof f eri nga flexi bl eworki ngpr oposal . Fort hatr easont heyhavel aunchedt het oolBasqueTal entMap, ht t p: / / www. bebasquet al ent net work. eus/ , i nwhi chonceyouar er egi st er ed,youar eabl et ovi sual i ze whot her ei sal lovert heworl dr eadyt ocol l abor at ewi t hyou, doi ngr esear chont hesamedi sci pl i nes,orwi l l i ngt ost art busi nessi not hercount ri es. I nEuskampus,webel i eveaswel l ,t hatt hi scoul dbeat ool t hatcoul dhel pusst ayi nt unewi t ht hesci ent i ficdi aspor a subscri bedt ot hi sBasqueTal entMapnet work.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


Phot ogr aphs Fami l ypi ct ur eatt heendof t hemorni ngsessi on,att he Carl osSant amari aCent er: Fr anci scoJ avi erCabal l er o,J uan J oséI barr et xe,Xabi erI ruj o,Mai der Ll aguno,Al f onsoCarl osena,I ñaki Goi ri zel ai a,NekaneBal l uerka, MariJ oseOl azi r egi ,Asi erVal l ej o. Pedr oMi guelEt xeni ke,Pel l o Sal aburu,St ephenAnsol abeher e, Mi kelPri et o,W i l l i am A.Dougl ass, J ohnYsursa,J uanUri ager eka, andJ ohnBi et er ,

Fami l ypi ct ur eatJ ul i anat egi Bui l di ng,CampusVi cer ect or at ei n Donost i a:Gor aneAgi rr e,Fr anci sco J avi erCabal l er o,J ohnBi et er , Mai derLl aguno,Xabi erI ruj o,I ñaki Goi ri zel ai a,MariJ oseOl azi r egi , NekaneBal l uerka,J ohnYsursa,J uan Uri ager eka,I t xasoEt xebarri a,I gor Campi l l o,J uanI gnaci oPer ezI gl esi as, Pel l oSal aburu,Mi kelPri et o,St ephen Ansol abeher e,W i l l i am A.Dougl ass, J uanJ oséI barr et xeandPedr oMi guel Et xeni ke.

Fi nal l y,t heaudi enceenj oyed amusi cperf ormance del i ver edbyt heOr chest r aof t heUni versi t édeBor deaux. Afinalgi f twr appedi nmusi c, i l l ust r at i ngt hel ei t mot i vof t hi sfirstsymposi um on BasqueAcademi cDi aspor a: shar eknowl degeacr oss bor ders.

BasqueDi aspor aAkademi koa


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