Hélène jacquet

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Smart specialisation and Inter-regional cooperation strategy

Campus of Excellence HÊlène Jacquet - University of Bordeaux Donostia, July the 19th of 2013



Bordeaux University Campus of Excellence


Inter-regional cooperation strategy and action plan


Bordeaux University Campus of Excellence a european university transformation to address 21th century challenges



Bordeaux and Aquitaine region Gironde Estuary

Aquitaine coast

Bordeaux vineyards

Cultural heritage

Prehistoric caves

Landes forest




Bordeaux and Aquitaine region

Aéronautics, Space, Defense Safran Dassault EADS Thales

Laser Megajoule

Pharma – ICT for Health

Emerging Clusters

3G€ Investment over 15 years

Sanofi-Aventis BMS-Upsa Siemens Agfa Healthcare

Geolocation services UAVs Wind industry Creative industries

From a cluster of Universities and schools to a united University 1441 Creation by pope Eugene IV 1808 Napoléon 1er sets up one university with 3 faculties: Theology, Letters, Sciences 1968 3 universities: Bordeaux 1 (Law, Economy, Sciences), 2 (Biology and Health) and 3 (Humanities) 1995 Bordeaux 1 splits into Bordeaux 1 (Science and Technology) and Bordeaux IV (Law, Economy) 2007 Research and Higher Education Cluster (PRES University of Bordeaux –

➘ 8,700 staff members ➘3,300 research and teaching personnel ➘ 110 research units (CNRS, INSERM …) ➘ 3,900 other personnel (tech, adm.) ➘ 62,000 students, including ➘ 3,000 doctoral students ➘ 30,000 graduates/year

A University counting for more than 10% of the population of the metropolis of Bordeaux 520 000 m2 SHON 260 ha


A leading European Research University in 2020

A need for growth to expand research capacity

A necessary break down of barriers between actors and scientific domains

Taking further modernisation steps

A renewed image

Three pillars for this ambition

An excellence strategy focussing on strategic priorities development

A unified organization and governance for a larger visibility and an enhanced

Renewed and sustainable infrastructures

A unique signature

One of the 8 campus selected in France

IDEX BORDEAUX 700 Mâ‚Ź endowment

An integrated vision Horizon 2020 Smart specialisation

Aquitaine Science Transfer

Challenged Based Programs

People Infrastructures

Transfer Ip - Expertise

Lifelong learning


Frontiers programs

Public-Private Institutes Innovation connectors

International training Numeric


Education & Training

Innovation & Developpment Pre-Industrial Platforms

Building on scientific priorities

Advanced Materials Amadeus


Laser& Systems LaPHiA

Environment COTE


Society & Health




Neuro TranslationalCardiology sciences Imaging BRAIN



Priorities for investment



An exemple : education and training Incentive for innovation in education programs, initial training cursus and lifelong learning

➘ Distance and autonomous learning with ICT tools ➘ International cursus with partnering Universities ➘ Specialised platforms for skills training and life-long learning : health industry, aeronautics, forestry, laser, … ➘ Interdisciplinary curricula mixing skills in a number of disciplinary fields ➘ New educational provisions built on research of excellence ➘ Languages and multicultural skills development

Roadmap for the Campus of Excellence

Select ion

January 2011 July 2011

Negociate contract

Probation period (4 years)

Consolida te (4 years) 2020

2011 – 2012

2012 – 2015

2016 - 2019

Endowm ent UBX

2014 1st January New Universi ty

2018 End of renovati on progra m CAMPU S

Inter-regional cooperation strategy and action plan a contribution to economic development through targeted support to Research and Innovation (R&I)


Contributing to a Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive growth of South-West Europe


RIS-3 compatible by construction … EU : • H2020 : societal challenges • Erasmus + FRANCE SPAIN Investissements Campus d’Avenir and d’Excelencia campus of Internacional excellence 2 REGIONS (Aquitaine, Euskadi) 1 EUROREGION Smart specialisation

Choices Competitive Advantages Connectivit y and Clusters Collaborativ e leadership 18

A Euroregional campus of excellence as driving force of a knowledge funded economic renewal Political Objectives • Individual : strengthening our corporate performance • Regional : achieving the euroregional objective of an economy funded on knowledge and innovation • National: increasing the return on investment expected out of our (respective) excellence strategies Opening to other to a modernised european space for research and • European : contributing euro-regional items higher education as a pillar for economic development through R&I Strategy

Excellence perimeters crossed

• Building on our respective strengths and projects • Diversifying opportunities of development for our staff, students and partners • Developing a Euroregional knowledge-based identity

Operational objectives ➘ Generate an international, attractive and joint academic offering ➘ Obtain synergies in R & D ➘ Achieve joint valorisation and transfer of knowledge at the international level with a direct impact on the social welfare ➘ Promote the euroregional campus internationally


Towards a euroregional campus


IdEx Bordeaux

Building on shared Excellence priorities and projects


Operational strategy

Extending - Euro-regional strategy

e-HUB-Aq : Action Plan To procure our students with increased employabilit y skills To create value out of the crossfertilisation of our cultures of knowledge transfer


To build a european leadership based on synergies of our research of excellence To promote the image of an euroregiona l campus of excellence



To procure our students with increased employability skills


Short-term mobility program for students to take part in training/research/tr ansversal events

Joint offer of MASTER Programmes

Euroregional Ph.D career center

To build a european leadership based on synergies of “clusters of excellence�


Inter-clusters of excellence international development (including H2020)

Joint doctoral program

Summer schools for young researchers

To create value out of the cross-fertilisation of our cultures of knowledge transfer


A euroregional gate for technology transfer opportunities

The entrepreneurship fabrik

The entrepreneurship fabrik : Students empowerment 2012-2013 From a 3-monthly rythm of joint events to a monthly one Total : 68 beneficiaries 2013-2014 An effective monthly rythm for joint events / actions Total : 332 beneficiaries 2014-2015 Full integration of common objectives in respective action plans 13/07/2012


Short term challenges ➘

To be an active part of the RIS3 process from a regional & euroregional perspective

To structure / join consortium to be promoted in the european framework Erasmus +, H2020, KET, KIC, … ➘


To build on the Universtity international nature to raise the 27

Perspectives Euroregional campus as a driver for a successful RIS-3

RIS-3 as an opportunity for euroregional campus 28

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