Introduction The 78 Exh1b1t1on was fou nded 1n January o f last year and IS planned as an annual event show1ng works by contemporary v1sual art ists. The aim of the committee 1s to prov1de th e public w1th an opportuni ty to v1s1t and expenence an exh1b1t1on not normally available 1n the region and, at the same t1me, to st1mulate an awareness o f the visual arts here
Acknowle dge m e nts The comm1t tee very gratefully acknowledges t he asmtance of : The Mun1c1pal Art Gallery. Limerick Mr Kev1n Cummm~ of the Cummins Gallery L1menck The Arts Counc1l of Ireland The Arts Council of Northern Ireland The Vocational EducatiOn Committee, L 1menck The Crawford Mun1cipal School of Art, Cork T he L 1merick School of Art and Design National College o f Art and Des1gn Dublin Goodw1n Gallen es Limenck
Committee Charles Harper Co ord1nat or Ursula Bnck Chairwoman Lorraine Wall Secre tary Terence L eahy Treasurer Thomas Fitzge rald Dietrich Blodau Willem Minjon Kate Henness y Gerald Dukes Sam Walsh
Ve nues
10.00 . 1.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 1.00
10 00 5.00 10 00 - 1 00
' 10.30 2.15
1.00 5.00
Munic ipal Art Gallery Pery Square Monday Fnday Saturday Cummins Gallery 99 O'Connell Street Monday Friday Saturday Goodwin Galleries 74 O'Connell Street Monday Friday
Adjudicators Theo McNab Adrian Hall Coil in Murray Charles Harper
The adJudicators worked together and cons1dered six works as clearly ment ng pnzes. w ith the except1on of the R.T .E. pme especially for a Graph1c Work , they chose no t to differentiate between categones of pamtmg and sculpture in the number of pnzes awarded Those works selected for pnzes were Joel F1sher's handmade paper and mk work, where the final fo rm o f the d rawmg IS dec1ded by the shape and quail ty of the reconstituted paper Ant hony O'Carrolls gentle evoca t1ve oil pa1ntmg "Incantation 2", Dav 1d Leverett's subtle resin reltef work " lceblock" which with the contained poem conveyed strongly scu lptural ideas of t1me and place. Brendan Kelleher's "Containing the process o f its own mak ing". S1obhan Piercy's "Figure on a Balcony" and James Buck ley's "6 +Space". Pr izewmners were chosen by the adjudiCa tors from work selected by the Committee from an entry which was unfortunately smaller than that of last year. It IS to be hoped that these pnzes generously donated by R.T.E. - M1d West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects - Aughinish Al umma Ireland - w1ll encourage a larger submiss1on
Purchase of works in exh ibition Persons wtshmg to purchase V\Qrks are requested to convn micate WIth the attendant.
No V\Qrk can be marked as sold unless a deposit of ten per cent of catalogue price is paid. If any purchaser. lllklo has paid a deposit on a v..ork, has not C0fl'4)1eted the contract by
paymg the full catal~e pnce of the V\Qrk on or before 6 December 78 the contract Will be vo1d and the depos1t forfeited. 01eques should be crossed and made payable t•) the 78 Exh1bition.
Awards Graphics
First Prize Graphecs ATE Award JOE L FISHER 25 "Bou ndary Internal"
Second Pr ize Med West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects Second Award for Graphics BRENDA KELLIHER 48 "Paper V and VI"
F erst Prize Aughm esh Alumina Ltd. and Alum ena Contractors Ltd. Award ANTHONY O'CARROLL 86 "I ncantation 2"
Second Prize Mid West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects Second Award for Pa inting SlOB HAN PIERCY 97 "F egure on Balcony"
Sculpture •
Fers t Prize Med West Branch of t he Royal Institute of Arch itects Ferst Award fo r Sculpture DAVID LEVERETTE 57 "Ice Block"
Second Prize Mid West Branch of the Royal l nstetute of Archetects Second Award for Sculpture JAMES BUCKLEY "6-+ Space"
I First Prize Graphics RTE Award ~.OE L F ISHER 25 Boundary Internal"
Second Prize M1d.West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects Second Award for Graph ics BRENDA KELLI H ER 48 "Paper V and V I "
r First Prize Painting Aughinish Alumina Ltd . and A lumina Contractors Ltd. Award ANTHONY O'CARROLL 86 "Incantat ion 2"
路- ----
Second Prize Pa inting Mid West Branch o f t he Royal Insti tute of A rchitects Second Award for Pai nting SI OBH AN PI ERCY 97 " F1gure on Balcony"
Firs t Prize Scu lptu re M id-West Branch of th e Royal Institute of Architects Firs t Award fo r Sculpture DAVI D LEVERETTE 57 "Ice Block" Unfortunately. d ue to tec:hnecal ltmi tatlons, not suttablt for reproduct ton .
Second Pme Sculpture Mid -West Branch of the Royal Insti tute o f Arch itects Second Award for Sculpture JAMES BUCKLEY "6 + Space"
Harolds Cross
32 Teeth
Exhibitors DANIEL M. AHERN Crawford Munocopal School of Art, Cork Anols is Arls
KAY CAHALANE School of Art, Cork Head Sertes
£104 £83 BRENDA ANDREWS 80 Wolfe Tone Streot Lomerock Yesterday and Today
JOEL FISHER clo Oliver Dowling Gallery 19 Kildare Street Dublon 2 Boundary Internal
£70 Na Laethea A Bho
RICHARD GORMAN 48 Fraosland Road Goatstown, Dublin 14 D.N .A
HELENA CAULFIELD Art Dept., R.T .C. Galway No Laethe A Bho
Curve No. 1
FE LIM EGAN clo Oliver Dowling Gallery 19 Koldere Str"t Dubhn 2 Untotled
ALAN GREEN Ollvar Dowhng Gallery 19 Koldare Street Dublin 2 Drowong No . 159 N.F .S .
CHARLES HARPER School of Art S. Desogn Georges Quay. Lo merick Cotozens Reward Cotozens Space
£75 LAURENCE BENNETT Riverdale Cottage Classons Brodge Lower Churchtown Road Dublin 14 Arroyo Seco Ill
MI CHAEL COLEMAN clo Oliver Dowling Gallery 19 Koldtre St., Dubhn 2 Dovode
SEAMUS CUDDIHY 73 College Park, Corbally Lomerock Still Life
THOMAS FITZGERALD 48 Avondale Dnve Greystones. Lomenck Aoshng Gheal
Cel A rco IrtS
£65 BASIL BLACKSHAW clo Tom Caldwell Gallery 31 Upper Fitzwilliam St. Dublin Harolds Cross
£600 DIETRICH BLODAU Abbey House Rethkeake Co. Limenck O'Connell St. No . 2
£48 8
£65 5
PAULINE FITZGERALD 48 Avondale Ortve Greystones, Lomenck Well Weave One
CLIONA CUSSEN 127 Bothar Ne T re, Ath Cllath, Duibhllnne 4 Duosiu
MICHAEL FITZHARRIS 53 Evora Park, Howth Dublin Every Man
GERALD DAVIS 11 Capel St., Dublin 1 Only the Ethernel
ANDREW FOLAN N .C.A .D. K oldere Street Dublin 2 Garden
£750 19
Trlur (Fear)
Another Dey Gone
£130 £130 Castogatory
GERALD HEMSWORTH Oliver Dowling 19 Koldare st., Dublin 2 Drawong
KATE HENNESSY 8 Naughtons Place Henry Street, Lomerock Lovers (from a Persoan Monaturel
£200 41
Kat• (from on lndoan drawingl
£150 42
Madona and Chold
KENNETH DOLAN Skarries Lodge, Molverton Skerroes, Co. Dublin Stone Foelds
PAUL FUNGE Arts Centre, Gorey Portrait of Wolloam Dockey N.F .S.
PATSY HUISMAN$ 39 Drumgeely Holl Shannon, Co. Clare Graven Image
V IVIENNE BOGAN 2 Clifton Villa, Ennis Road Li merick Reflected
£80 21
£60 22
JAM ES A. BUCKLEY Grange Hill , Ovens Co. Cork 6 + Space
JACK DONOVAN cl o Lomerock School of Art and Desogn Georges Quay, Lomanck Vocatoons Seroes No 4
£120 23
Over the Wall
£45 CECI L Y BRENN AN 25 Gray Sq .• The Riberotoes Dublin 8 Red Tulip Field
MARTIN GALE clo Neptune Gallery 42 South Wolloem Str"t Dublon 2 " Take O ff "
£200 GRAHAM PATRICK G INGLES 4 Coastguard Cottages Ballygelley, Co. Antnm N. Ireland 32 Teeth £65 33 Bolt No . 13
NEV ILL JOHNSON c/ o Tom Caldwell Gallery 31 Upper Fotzwolloem Street Dublin The Cottage at Tocknock
45 46
PETER D . JONES 52 Thatch Road Whotehall Dublon 9 Star Lady £25 Those Boots Were Made For Walkong £35
50 51
53 54
55 56
AN I TA KELLY Knock , Co. Mayo Untitled £40 BRENDA KELL I HER 13 Upper Fitzwilliam St Dublon 2 Paper V and VI £85 BR I AN K I NG T ay lor Gallery, Dawson Street Dublin Untotled £100 CECIL K ING c/o Davod Hendrocks gallery 119 St. Stephen's Green Dublon Oasos (ol £240 Oasis (ii) £70 ROSALIND LAWSON Barnacoyle House. Newcastle via Greystones, Co. Wocklow The Heart of the Matter £50
68 69
DAVID LEVERETTE Oliver Dowlong Gallery 19 Koldart St., Dublon l ceblock £400 MATTY LOUGH The Archway Unoversoty College Gelway lmpendong Storm £94
61 62
Rochestown Road Co. Cork Untitled £100 KIERAN MEAGHER School of Art and Desogn Georges Quay Lomerock 759 Squares £600 WILLEM MINJON 13 OAKLEY Road Dublin 6 Rose and Fell £165 Planetaroum or Borth of Troangle £135
74 75
63 64
TERRY LEAHY "Belvoor", Revington Park North Corcular Roed, Li merock Alone £75 Dancer £76
DANIEL LEARY + St . Nocholas Ave . Off Merchants Roed Galway Players Packett £25 Yogplaot Yogurt woth Real Strawberroes £25.00
HANRY MORGAN Moore Street Cappa more Co. Lomerick Evolutoon £35 The Koss £65 Together £60 ANGELA MORRISSY 3 Seavoew Piece Myrtlevolle, Co. Cork Head I £110 Heed II £110
BOB MULCAHY Walshestown , Mahoonagh Co Lomerock Anu Munster P.O.A . Creatoon £35 JOHN MURRAY Keakol , Bantry West Cork Apple TrH £95 Selly Tr11 £95 CLAIRE McCARTHY 115 Connolly Road Cork Untitled No 1 £90 DANNY McCARTHY 14 Croke Piece Mellow, Co Cork Poem Box 17 £75
81 82
83 84
KATE McDONAGH c/ o School of Art and Desogn Georges Quay Lomerocl. Self Portraot £22.50
£33 88
ROBERT McDONALD 22 Rathmore Lawn Douglas Road Cork S C Curve £250 89
78 79
SEAN McSWEENEY c/ o Teylor Gellery Dewson Street Dublon The Beech Slogo £76 SANDRA McTURK 4 Avondele Roed Kolloney Packer £35 Untotled £40
EVIN NOLAN 58 St. Agnes Road Dublon 12 A Square Salutes £300 MICHAEL O'BRIEN Dromsally Road Cllppamore, Co. Lomerock The Wood N .F .S. By the Stream N .F .S. THOMAS O'BRIEN 35 Sycamore Ave . Rathbone, Li merick Landscape with Cycl ist £52 Seven Days £46 ANTHONY O'CARROLL C/o Davod Hendricks 119 St. Stephens Gallery Dublin 2 Incantation 3 £200 Incantation 2 £350 ElLIS O'CONNELL 38 Benvoirl ich Bishopstown, Co. Cork Untotled P.O.A. Shadow Box 2 £250 JOHN O'CONNOR Ard An Tureis Rovervoew Ballyvolane. Cork Bleck Series i £60 Bleck Sari~ II £60 MICHAE L O'NEI L L c/o Limerick School of A rt & Desogn Georges Quay Urbs Antoqua Fuot P.O .A .
92 93
96 97 98
COLETTE O'SULLIVAN 13 Barry's Place Cathedral Road Cork Untotled £25 Unto tied £25 PATRICK O'SULLIVAN Toaroes West, Macroom Co. Cork Wall Poece £300 PAULM. O'RE I LLY Graogue, Moycerkey T hurles, Co. Topperary Bo ollng Water : Mexoco £300 SI OBHAN PIERCY 1 Sidney Place Wellington Road, Cork Boll Poster and Fogure N.F .S. Fogure on Balcony £350 Untotled £30 THOMAS QUINN Konvara. Co. G1lw1y Ireland on S10 a Day £110
PADRAIC REANEY 11 El m Park Road Greenf11lds, Newcastle, Gal way 100 Study XVI £52 MICHAEL RICKS 114 Drumgeely Holl Shannon 101 Potatoes £85 CHR IS ROBINSON School of Art Dunlaoghaire 102 Untotled I £120 103 Untotled II £35
VIEIENNE ROACH Roches Bungalow Garrettstown, Co. Cork 104 Th1 Adeph N .F.S. MARY ROOEN "Loughrnvay" Blackrock Road, Cork 105 Brush Off £100 NIGEL ROLFE 45 l nchocore Road, Oublon 8 106 Hand Grod £150 JAMES SHEEHY 6 Upper Mallow Street Limerick 107 Study for R iversode Park £80 108 Study for Prospect Park £80 109 Study for Tobbets Park £80 JOHN SHINNORS 63 Glasgow Park Lomerock 110 Resurrection series No. 1 & 2. £400 OONALD TESKEY Castl em•1 rix, R1thkeale Co. Lomerock 111 Untotled P.O .A. 112 Foeld P.O.A. P. J. TRACY Dunmore, Co. Galway 113 Untotled £130 BENEDICT TUTTY Glenstal Abbey M urroe, Co. Lomerock 114 Bandaged Head P.O.A. EITHNE TWOMEY 4 1 Harbour Row, Cobh, Co. Cork 115 Unto tied £100
LORRAINE WALL B1lvoor, R1vongton Park, North Corcul1r Road Lomerock 116 Re Emergence £75 117 LuiScadh £33 118 Exertoon £110 SAMUEL WALSH 125 Mayorstone Park Lomerock 119 New Black Brogue Shoes £40 120 John L oddy (Poetl £45 GORDON WOODS c/o Davod Hendrocks Gallery 119 St. Stephens Green Dublon 2 121 I rosh State o P.O.A. 122 I rosh Stall oo P.O.A .