The Lirrer ick Exhibitim of Visual Art was fa.mded in 1 977 and was planned as an annual event shONing works by contemporary visual artists . The aim at the tirre was to provide the p.1blic with an qlportunity to visit and experience a type of exhibition not nornally available in the regim . Since 1977 1 and by the continual patronage by not mly national and local artists rut internatiQ1al artists tOO 1 the Exhibition of Visual Art is nON acknONledged as me of the premier national art exhibitims in the camtry . The Exhibitim of Visual Art is a na)or undertaking in organisatim and administratim and the carrnittee reccgnise the difficulty that other parts of Ireland have in rramting an exhibitim of this calibre . Therefore I in cmjunction with the Kilkenny Art Gallery Scciety I the Exhibition of Visual Art 1980 will hang in the Kilkenny Castle Gallery for the ITOlth of Noveml:::er I so making a constructive cmtributim to the furthering of visual understanding . In 1981 it is planned to travel the Exhibition of Visual Art to the Ulster Museum in Belfast . \
and "What I selecL-=>d reflects th·~ latter , l1o\t.A2ver I try to corr ect them. When yoor Ccrnnittee app::>inted a single juror you J=Ut all your eggs in one basket and hoped for the best. Keep the creature fed , give him a few jars to get his mind and eye connected and send the poor fellow out to review the four hundred brave sol diers lined up for inspection .
Just before roarding the plane in New York for Limerick , (my mother ' s city) , I sul::mitted v.ork for an exhibition . so I ~11 know the hopes that ride with 1,<,0rk that corres out of your OINI'l head and hand . I also know how imperfect any selection process is . I was alone with you ovm 1,<,0rk and my OYJl1 predilections,
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At:east you have one advantage in une juror - he v.on ' t disagree with himself , however , his thooghts still argue aroond in his head like a committee. We 1 ve ended up with sare 66 paintings and sculptures and they might have reen 90 had the space at the Municipal Gallery reen rrore elastic . When I left Ireland sare twenty years ago to seek my fortune , lliblin would have reen hard put to display a group of \\Orks to canpare with what is crow:ling the gallery (which has very good natural lighting by the way) . Maybe you can write a great ~rn with only a l::utt of a pencil and a lick of the tongue , l::ut to paint a fine picture a knowledge of what ' s h'ippening elsewhere is inaispensible . There ' s a difference between being of your tirre and being only in fashion , ana Wherever you are , its hard to separate t he tv.o . Just as it ' s hard to understand that making good art is rrore i.rrq;:ortant than being a farrous artist . Farrous artists come and go . So what did I find?
A sophisticated understanding of the quarrels that start up in any city where art matters to enough peopl e . It ' s a p:>Or city for art where you can ' t start a quarrel . That ' s what good art comes out of . That 1 s how the exhibition looks to Ire . Each ~..x::>rk of art saying "This is
the only way it can be and pay no attention to those other fellows at all . " Every good \\Ork of art has the canbination of canplete confidence and insecurity. It ' s what gives them their style I 'rn always struck in Ireland I have been since I was a kid in D..lblin - at how sceptical Irish Artists are of the new. And now much they test it before accepting it. A sceptical lot indeed , with a wilt-in conservatism al:out matters of value . Is this \\Orth wasting your tirre over? If not , don It rother â&#x20AC;˘ So the quick fix doesn ' t go here . By that I rrean art that lasts for a year or so . Art here is still sub s~ies aeternae . Whatever the category - pure abstract painting , collage, imaginative voyages , optical fugues realist excursions - there ' s a strong sense that investing my talent rreans I ' rn going to get a return right here in this bit of art . This is an attitude that \\Orks when a strong "localism" has replaced the provincial/international coin that used to flip slow rrotion throogh the air . I like the attitude that says I ' M doing the best I can in this tirre and place, which is the rrost any of us can do with oor lives . Place is irnp:>rtant. I know that as one who gave up sare of his birthright. I came back
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to find rrore than I left . There is strong art in several places Cork sculptors , Belfast conceptualists, Dublin painters - and now there • s Li.rrer ick . SO back to vmere v.e started . What was offered to ne was edited by my own eye . I •M ~11 aware another would have seen differently . I'm attracted by work that comes on slow, the intelectually firm , the linear rather than the painterly, wit of all kinds , and by the strength of character that goes its own road no matter how narrow (it has a way of broadening out) . It was a surprise to me when I discovered that the works that attracted ne the rrost (the prizewinners) ~re rrostly from the Limerick area . It was a pleasure too , l::ecause it justified what this exhibition - and all the people that support it - set out to do in 1977. You are on the road . And thanks for letting me join you for a short part of the . Journey. Brian O' Doherty (Patrick Ireland) Septeml::er 1980.
Brian 0 • Coherty was torn in Ballaghderreen , Co . Roscanrrnn in 19 34 • He studied rredicine and qualified as a doctor at University college, Dublin, in 1961 went to Harvard to study aspects of visual perception. He lived for some years in Boston and now lives in New York , where he has worked as an art critic on varioos American magazines and newspapers including the New York Ti.rres . 'I'hough he has always painted he started serioosly in 1964 reing i!1V01Ved in serial Ogham drawings vmkh linked ancient forms with rrodern ideas . He has worked as a sculptor and recently as a project artist . Br tan 0 •Coherty changed his name to Patrick Ireland in 1972 as the signature for his artworks "until the British military presence is rerroved fran Northern Ireland and all its citizens granted civil rights" .
Fringe Events .
.Municipal Art Gallery, Pery Square . 20th Septemter - 31st <X=tob=r 1980 Monday - Friday 10 . 00 - 1. 00/2 . 00- 8 . 00 Saturday 10 . 00 - 1. 00 KILKENNY . Castle Gallery, Kilkermy Castle . 8th Noveillb2r - 5th .Deceml:::er 1980 Tuesday - Saturday 11.00-12 . 30/2 . 00-5 . 00 Sunday 2. 00- 5. 00
Requests have been made this year to artists selected for exhibition to attend the Municipal Art Gallery in Lirrerick on the 1st, 15th and 29th October from 2. 30 to 5. 30pm, to discuss their \\Ork with young people from the Mid-West Region . All schools in the region have been notified to the best of the ccmnittee ' s ability. Large school groops are requested to notify the Art Gallery authorities at 061-44668 to avoid overcrowding . Grafica 2 Ireland, the Galway based print \\Orkshop will hold an exhibition of etchings and en4ravings in the Allied Irish Banks , Bank House , O'Connell Street, Lirrerick from the 1st to the 31st CX::tob?.r , 1980. The Camri.ttee \\Ould like to take this opportunity to wish Gr af ica 2 Ireland v.ell with this exhibition and its future ventures .
Tan Fitzgerald ' Craggaunowen Piece' PAINTING First Prize
Deborah BrONn ' Glass Fibre Form, Stainless Steel Base'
Michael O' Neill ' Great Oval City ' Secrnd Prize AWARD
1977 1978 1979
Graham Gingles Anthcny O' carroll Michael Colertan
1977 1978 1979
Alan Robb Siobhan Piercy Barrie Cooke
1977 1978
Rol::ert McDcnald David Leverett
1977 1978 1979
Eilis O' Ccnnell James Buckley Roy Jdmstcn
1977 1978 1979
Alan Green Jcel Fisher Jolm Aiken
1977 1978 1979
Paul Mc:sse Brenda Kelliher Jc:seph Lee
GRAPHICS First Prize
Jack Dcnovan ' Balccny VI '
Secood Prize
Felim Egan
Michae 1 Colenan ' Untitled ' Sec end Prize
Den MacGabhann ' Untitled '
HCNOORABLE MENTICNS (At the discreticn of the adjudicator)
Patrick Harris Daniel o' Gorrcan Benedict Tutty Ian Suther land Michael O' Neill
' Craggaunowen Pi ece ' Limestone 24 X 20 X 29 ÂŁ275
All measurements in Centimetres Height x \vidth X Depth
MICHAEL COLEMAN 'Untitled'路 Pastel 110 X 149
N.F . S.
JACK DONOVAN 'Balcony VI ' Oil and Collage
122 £500
NIKE FITZPATRICK 'Fodder Form ' Wood and Hay 80 X 178 X 168 X 240 £200 J
'Glass Fibre Form on Stainless Steel Base' Glass Fibre and Stainless Steel 80 X 100 X . 76.5 ÂŁ800
HICHAEL O' NEILL 'Gre at Oval City' Etching/Aquatint 32 X 47.5 ÂŁ54 (unframed)
1 '
I I I . .___,~t--.~-- 1------~--~DONNCHA MACGABHANN ' Untitled ' Pen and Ink 41 X 38 £75
I DANNY MCCARTHY 2 JOHN AIKEN 3 NORMAN FRASER ' Like the Farmer in the ' Square in Cross in Square' 'Belfast Streamers' West of Ireland trying to Wood Oi 1 on Canvas get Blood out of a Turnip' E7 X 67 X 6 91 X 70.5 Mixed Media £300 £250 40 X 30 £150
4 LORRAINE WALL ' Progression' Mixed Media on Bockingford Paper 52 X 72 £125
5 SANDRA MCTURK ' Quarry Project ' Photographs 46 X 57 £175
O' Neill ;Great Oval City'
,., I
i I
7 PATRICIA LANGLOIS 'Greek Crossing ' . Photograph 25 . 5 X 39.5 £65
I 0 JIM BUCKLEY 'Guard I' Mild Steel Varnished 210 X 63 X 53 £235
'Cross ' Triptych' Mixed Media 77 x 66 each £300 I I MIRIAM FLANAGAN 'Self Portait' Photograph 30.5 X 30.5 N.F.S.
9 JOHN RENHICK 'Infinity Theme No. 3' Painting 76 X 50.5 £85
I? Mike Fitzpatrick ' Fcdr'ler Fo1:·,t'
I 3 JOHN KETCH ' Untitled' Acrylic 141 X l0Lf £120
I4 PATRICK 0 I SULLIVAN 'Link' Marble 20 X 43 X 12.5 £350
I 5 -::JANIEL MCCARTHY 'Dock Road Limerick ' 50 X 75.5 £25 (unframed) £340
I6 \HLLEM MINJON ' Annamorphis' Pas tle 69 X 99 £.260
I 7 BRIAN MAGUIRE 'Sleep' Screenprint 38 X 26.5 £57
I 8 DONAL MCCLOSKEY 'Female Form ' Wood 96 X 66 X 56
34 Tom Fitzgerald
2 0 DONALD TESKEY 'Ghosts Ten ' Pencil 60 X 93 £185
' Untitled ' Mixed Media 66 X 50 £175
23 MICHAEL TIMLIN 'Rythm Series II' Metal 92 X 67 X 3.5 Photograph
2 I (X)n :1acGabhann ' Untitled'
24 ROGER PALMER ' Three Fields of Barley ' Photograph 65 X 85.5 £250
25 TINOTHY BROOKE 'An tEarrach Cre Dubh' Watercolour 36 X 54 £200
28 LAURENCE BENNETT 'Painting \vith Fragments ' Collage/Oil and Paper 76 X 57.5 £150
2 9 SAMUEL WALSH '' Drawing 10/VII/1980 ' Pencil on Watercolour Paper 56 X 76.5 £90
3 0 JUDITH EVANS and ARTHUR WATSON 'Family Portrait ' Acrylic 122 X 183 £500
. 'Square in Gross l.n Square' Hixed Media 52 X 52 £175
'Clepsydra ' Pencil 59 X 44 . 5 £115
3 I CHARLES HARPER ' Conversation ' tvatercolour on Japanese Paper 62 X 92
3 2 SUE COULES 'Room with Flowers' Watercolour/Pastel 45 X 43 N. F .S.
3 3 BARRIE COOKE 'Lake Light ' Oi l
3 5 ' Balcony VI ' Jack Donovan
51 X 51 £375
I 9 TOM FITZGERALD ' Black Rai nbow 1 Mixed Media
58 X 46
' Study for Las t Supper ' Resist Dye 26 X 37
N.F .S .
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3 7 SIOBHAN PIERCY ' Sweet Packets' Oils 46 X 46
•... I
38 Michael Coleman ' Untitled '
3 9 ANDRE STITT ' 7rickster/Warrier Se t of Four' Mixed Media SlxL~O.Seach
4 0 CHARLES HARPER 'Citizens Malcontention' Acrylic on Canvas 141.5 X 155 £850
4 I SARA HORGAN 'Habitation Chart' Relief Print/Collage 42
42 BRENDA KELLIHER 'Shields' Handmade Paper 74 X 136 £200
43 BRIAN KENNEDY 'Untitled' Etching 39.5 X 60 £45 46 ALAN ROBB ' Clip Strip' Acrylic 182 X 162 £850
'Untitled' Steel 155 X 180 X 65 £700
4 7 PAUL M. 0 'REILLY 'Ipog : Nightwindow, Red Cabbage' Oil 53.5 X 68.5 £350
45 CATRIONA O'CONNOR ' No Life' Charcoal/Acrylic 76 X 108 £250 48 Del::orah Brown
'Glass Fibre Form, Stainless Steel Base '
4 9 JOSEPH HUNT ' Dingle Coast ' Photograph
33.5 £40
52 CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON ' B'linne ' Ac ry lic
N. F . S .
50 JOHN HIDDLETON ' Newgrange III ' Oil
30.5 £200
53 JOHN MACNONAGLE ' About to have Breakfast' Collage
46 X 32 £65
JIM MANLEY ' Killough ' Watercolour
40 X 46 £90 54 SUE MELLING ' Untitled ' Etching
33 . 5 £45
55 CLEMENT McALEEP.. ' Hidden Garden' Oil l15 X 122 £300
56 JOHN KELLY ' Fragments ' Watercolour 79.5 X 67 £200
59 RICHARD SLADE 60 ' Approaching Balls Bridge' Oil 52 X 39 £150
' Chase ' Silkscreen 36 X 55.5 £60 I
57 MATTHEW O'CONNELL 'Batik' As Title 51.5 X 46.5 £65 OLIVER HHELAN ' Square ' Mixed Hedia 120 X 120 £325
6 I ROY JOHNSTON ' Permutations of Five Colour Elements III' Acrylic on Cotton Duck 140.5 X 193 £625 64 ROB SMITH
'Rivers ' Photo Collage 100.5 X 100.5 £300
6 2 SARA HORGAN ' Paperchart' Relief Print/Collag~ 42 X 42 £65
6 3 STEPHEN SNODDY ' Micro - Vista' Acrylic 182 . 5 X 137 £200
6 6 MARK THOMAS ' Garden I ' Acrylic on Canva~ 152 . 5 X 152.5 £380
' Painting No. 2 ' Oil 127 X 137 £300
LIST OF EXHIBITIORS (2), (26) John Aiken, c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery, Dublin.
(58) Michael Cullen, 6 , Henrietta Street, Dublin 1.
(31), (40) Charles Harper, 503, Elm Park, Castletroy, Limerick.
(28) Laurence Bennett, 36, Hyde Park, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
(27) Rosaleen Davey, 9, Vavasour Square, Sandymount, Dublin 4.
(62), (41} Sara Horgan, 36, Mount Pleasent Square, Dublin 6.
(25) Timothy llrooke, Cregg Duff, Spiddal, Co . Ga 1\.Jay .
(35) Jack Donovan, 36, Ballykeefe Estate, l-1ungret, Co. Limerick.
(49) Joseph Runt, 29, Roselawn路, Tramore, Co. HatPrforci.
(48) Deborah Br9wn, c/o David Hendriks Gallery, Dublin.
(30) Judith Evans and Arthur Watson, Ballyblood , Tulla, Co. Clare.
(61) Roy Johnston, 3, Cyprus Avenue, ;1elfast.
(10) Jim Buckley, Grange Hill, Ovens, Co. Cork. (44) John路 Burke, c/o Triskel Arts Cen tre, 8, Bridge Street, Cork. (38) Michael Coleman, c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery, Dublin. (33) Barrie Cooke, c/o David Hendriks Gallery, Dublin . (32) Sue Coules, 87 Ballycrochan Road, Bangor , Co. Down .
(22) Jose Luis Fajardo, c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery, Dublin . (34), (I9) Tom Fitzgerald, c/o Limerick School of Art and Design. (12) . Mike Fitzpatrick, Clonmoney, Newmarket -on - Fergus, Co. Clare. (11) Miriam Flanagan, 1 Derrynane, 1 38, Rochestown Avenue, Dunlaoire . (3) Norman Fraser, 41 , Kirkliston Drive, Belfast.
(42) Brenda Kelliher, 13, Upper Fitzwilliam Street, ''ublin 2. (56) John Kelly, 11, Blessington Place, Dublin 7. (43) Brian Kennedy, 2, Clifton Te rrace, Summerhill, Cork . (13) John Ketch, 6 , Devonshire Street, Cork. (65) Gene Lambert, 5, Clifton Terrace, Honks town, Co. Dublin.
(7) Patricia Langlois,
(15) Daniel McCarthy
3, Brighton Avenue,
3I Aranleigh Mount Grange Rd Rathf arnharn Dublin
Monks town, Co. Dublin. (53) John MacMonagle,
1, Bridge View, Sundayswell, Cork. (36) Bernadette Madden, Studio, 12, Herbert Pl ace, Dublin. (17) Brian Maguire, 26 Eaton Square , Terenure, Dublin. (51) Jim Manley, Ardmore House, Downpatrick, Co . Down . (54) Sue Melling, Tullig School, Dripsey, Co. Cork . (50) John Middleton, c/o Tom Caldwell Gallery, Belfast . (16) Willem Minjon, 37, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. (55) Clement McAleer, c/o Tom Caldwell Gallery, Belfast .
(14) Patrick O' Sullivari , To ames \-lest, Mac r oom, Cork.
Danny McCarthy c/o Triskel Arts Cen tre, Cor k.
c/o Olive r Dowling Gall e ry, Dub lin.
(18) Donal McC l oskey, 4, Bohernamona, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
(37) Siobhan Piercy, Woodsie, Tivoili, Cork.
(21) Donncha MacGabhann, c/o ' T'he Mews,' 4, The Crescent, Limerick. (5) Sandra McTurk, 4, Avondale Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin. (57) Matthew O'Connell, Gal l e ry Workshops, Adam Court, 7 , Grafton Street, Dublin. (45) Catriona O' Connor , Clonmoney, Bunratty, Co . Clar e . (6) Michael O'Nei ll, 2, Pery Square, Limerick . (4 7) Paul M. 0 ' Reilly, Graigue, Moycarkey, Thurles, Co. Tipperary .
(24) Roger Palmer,
(9) John Renwi ck, Glyndenbourne, Herbert Road, Bray, Co . Wicklow. (46) Alan Robb, Gl enn Cam, 10, Mount Pleasent, Glashee n Road, Cork. (52) Christopher Robinson, 39, York Road, Dunlaoire. (R) Nigel Rol fe, 45, Inchicore Road, Dublin. (59) Richard Slade, 29, Rosendale Gardens, Corbally, Limerick. (64) Rob Smith, 18, South Terrace, Inchicore, Oublin 8.
(63) Stephen Snoddy, 5, Ardmore Park South, Finighy, Belfast. (39) Andre Stitt, c/o Trevor Wray, 44, Rathmullen Drive, Newtownards, Co. Down. (20) Donald Teskey, c/o Lincoln Gallery, Dublin 1. (66) Mark Thomas, 364B , Antrim Road, Belfast. (23) Michael Timlin, 109, Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin 6. (4) Lorraine Wall, ' Belvoir , ' Revington Park, N.C.Road, Limerick. (29) Samuel Walsh, Ballymacreese, Ballyneety, Co. Limerick. (60) Oliver Whelan, 58 , Kildanan Avenue, Finglas, Dub lin 11.
M:>lex S . A.,
Catalogue and Poster Irish Elsevier Printing, Shar110n .
Allied Irish Banks , Bank of Ireland, Burlington Industries , Cummins Galleries , Gaule , t-lurphy , 0 â&#x20AC;˘COnnor Joe Malone , Neodata Services , SFAOCo., Shannanside Oil , Treaty Pharmacy, WOOdfield House Hotel .
Transp:Jrt Dan Ryan Truck Rentals .
'Ihe Ccmnittee very gratefully acknowledge the assistance of :
Reception Lep (Irelc'md) Ltd.
The Arts Council of Ireland, The Arts Co..mcil of Northern Ireland , 'Ihe t-b.lnicipal Art Gallery , Lirrerick. The Vocational Education Committee, Lirrerick. 'l'riskel Arts Centre , Cork , Project Arts Centre , D..lblin, Lirrer ick School of Art & Design , Limerick Corp:Jration , Kilkenny Art Gallery SOciety, Office of Public WOrks . National Institute for Higher Education . Allied Irish Banks , Limerick.
Verbatim Ltd . , Mid- West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects , Howmedica International, Rl'E ,
Alumina Contractors Ltd . ,
co . ,
PhOtography Joe Wilson and Limerick Leader (Patrick Ireland) Typewriting Mary 0 1 Halloran.
CCmnittee 1980
Purchase of works in Exhibition
Chairr.erson Ursnal Brick
No work can ~ marked as sold unless
Co-ordinator Charles Har:per Secretary Lorraine Wall Treasurer Tony Rodgers P . R.O. Gerry D..lkes (in absentia) Comnittee Hugh Murray Samuel Walsh (P. R.O. ) Mrninistrator Paul M. O' Reilly
a derosit as part of the catalogue price is paid. If any p.rrchaser , who has paid a
derosit on a work , has not completed the contract by paying the full catalogue price of the work on or ~fore 31st January 1981 the contract will ~ void and the derosit forfeited. Cheques should ~ crossed and made payable to the Exhibition of Visual Art. Purchasers are advised to note that rossession of works will not ~ rossible until after the Exhibition of Visual Art returns fran Kilkenny . The utrrost care has ~en taken in the canpilation of this catalogue, J::ut the Comnittee does not hold itself resronsible for any errors . Persons wishing to p_rrchase works are requested to camunicate with the Attendant.
,t~.watd E'll,ll. 79 •Col·l'eg9'10'~e•IIY
composl\104'1 ,.,·,\11 l'a\t04'1S open
II I LIMERICK MUNICIPAL ART GALLERY PERYSQUARE 19 Sep-31 Oct Mon -Fr; : 10-1/ 2.30-8 Sat : 10-1 •
KILKENNY MODERN GALLERY KILKENNY CASTLE 6 Nov-s Dec Tue-Sat : 11-12.30/ 2- 5 Sun: 2 ·5