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Introduction The Exhibition of Visual Art was founded in 1977 and is planned as an annual event showing works by contemporary visual artists. The aim of the committee is to provide the public with an opportunity to visit and experience an exhibition not normally available in the region and, at the same time, to stimulate an awareness of the visual arts here.
Adjudicator I would like first to pay tribute to the variety and quality of the work submitted to the Exhibition of Visual Art, 1979. Coming as an outsider it was a welcome, but not unexpected delight to find such a range of talented work in evidence. An open exhibition is by its nature a mixed exhibition; for art has wider dimensions than many would like to believe. I have selected for the exhibition work that I consider to be of the highest quality. I have tried not to bias the selection in any one <hrection (a view of contemporary nrt that could not have been upheld by any assessment of the 400 submtsstons), but have tried to pick out the best wtthm a vanety of types of work. Tho fu~ttl selection was conditioned by tho rwc<>ssary limits of the space of tho u.tllmy, and for that reason there urc rn.my works of some quality that could not he included. The exhibition ts a personal selection. I have selected thoso works that were successful in thou own terms: those, whether quiet or noisy, that had something to say. 1 h.tt something could be the mystery about an image, a notion about art, t1 vtew of the landscape, an excited emotion, a beautiful exposttion of materials or a calm reflection. In some cases I have chosen works that havo a 'chansma' or show zest, but muy .tppe,u to lack professional finish. Indeed, there are a number of works that may appear deliberately 'awkward' and certainly fit within no acknowledged contemporary styles. For me, the spirit of the work is more important than tts style. A well-built wooden boat is Judged by its looks, but more importantly by its capabilities in the water. I couldn't ask whether each work sailed well, but I did demand that it was not just as
successful as decoration or representation, but was successful as art in the conveying of an intention. Art is a time consuming, highly skilled and often obsessive activity. I have tned to find a bit of that obsessiveness in every work. The works are arranged on the walls in loose groups. This is to provide comparison, as well as contrast. I hope to have provtded the best possible context within which each work can be seen and understood. It is always harder for sculptors to transport their works to open exhibitions. None of the sculptures submitted this year, though most of them showed constderable merit, was of a high enough standard to award the 1st Prize. I am happy to award the 2nd Prize, but I hope that next year's exhibition will bring in a larger submission. Sandy Natrne, September 1979. Sandy Nairne was Ass1stant 01rector of the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford from 1974 to 1976. He is current y an ASSIStant Keeper of the Modern Collection at the Tate Gallery, and IS mov,ng m January 1980 to be Director of Exh1b1tions at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.
The Exhibition of Vlaual Art Limerick 1979 This year the exhibition fulfils the original77 EVA brief of rousing the West awake to high grade contemporary visual art, but in a much altered context. The venues have been reduced from three to one; the available space has been halved, while the submissions have increased; the selection, adjudication, and hanging have all been done by only one person, not three or four, one thoroughly qualified, though in a different way, and unknown to and by the fine art establishment, centre and margin, in Ireland. In their wisdom. those who risked making these changes set up stresses on space and selection that have gone on to produce an EVA cons1stent in intent and quality with previous EVA standards, yet one that states the case for contemporary visual art w1th a far tighter and denser audience impact. To say that EVA 79 IS very hke Alice' s Restaurant, and that " You can get anything you want in Ahce's Restaurant". IS to offer a metaphor for the evidence in EVA 79 that points to fundamental patterns 1n present-day fine art. This EVA tncludes work by amateurs, students, and professionals of the centre and margin, with and without gallery and international associations, all with variations of age, experience and background. The pieces offer a wide range of contrast . in representational styles, in presentational media-material use and, naturally enough, in the audience to whom the pieces address themselves. Many works, especially the large ones, stress spatial representation, letting their right-angles celebrate spacescapes: the aerial-, land路, and cityscapes of exteriors, and the in-scapes
and skin-scapes of interiors. In some of these and in many middle-sized works, various levels of right-angle, straight路 edge control insert themselves more and more forcibly, invading the space-scapes, and trapping, warping, and stamping out grid rhythms . And in a large grouping of other pieces, mostly smaller路sized examples, the space under duress is now occupied by human representations: figures and faces, almost invariably caught and stilled into a confrontation with the audience across or through the gaps set out by media, materials, and design behaviours. Alice has spread out around herself and us the contingencies binding on contemporary art and representation, here and elsewhere: the human body, the body' s outer and inner livmg spaces, and the responses 1t must make in the face of our culture' s commitment to the Box. Ahce IS qutte a cooke .
Paul M . O'Reilly, Moycarkey 13.9.79.
Venue Municipal Art Gallery PerySquare Limerick 22 Sept- 13 Oct 1979 10.00..1.00/ 2.00-8.00 10.00..1.00
Monday Friday Saturday
Fringe Events at the same Venue: Lecture by Dorothy Walker 'Contemporary Art in Ireland' Wednesday 26 September 8 p.m. Admission Free Lecture by Paul O'Reilly 'Exhibition of Visual Art' Monday 1 October 8 p.m. Admission Free Louis Stewart Trio 'Jazz Recital' Tuesday 2 October 8 p.m. Admission ÂŁ3.00 (tickets available from The Art Shop, 117 O'Connell Street, Limerick, only) PauiDurcan 'Poetry Reading' Wednesday 3 October 8 p.m. Admission 50p (at the door) (in conjunction with The Stony Thursday Book, Limerick)
Awards Patrons' Open Award FelimEgan "Composition with Red" Painting First Prize De Beers Award Michael Coleman "Untitled Painting"
Second Prize
First Prize
Second Prize
Verbatim Award Barrie Cook "Woman in the Burren" Sculpture Mid-West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects Award - withheld.
Howmedica Award Roy Johnston "Square to Cube Transformation"
Graphics First Prize R.T.E . Award John Aiken "Clear Square (2)"
Second Prize
Alumina Contractors Ltd Award Joseph Lee "Boy"
Burlington Industries. Co. Clare Shannonside Oil SFADCo James McMahon Ltd Neodata Ltd The Cummins Gallery, Limerick The Art Shop, Limerick Craig Gardner P .J. McGuigan County and City of Limerick Bar Association Bank of Ireland
Patrons' O~n Award Felim E~an "Composition with Red"
De Beers Award
Michael Col_e"'!an" "Untitled Pa.nt.ng
Verbatim Award
Barrie CC?otk~e Burren" "Woman rn
Mich ael Farrell "Auvers sur Oise"
Jack Donovan "laughing Woman II"
Eithne Jordan "Rain flower ..
Samuel Walsh "Kilkenny (Rough Surface)"
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Vivienne Bogan "Paper Parcel" m
Andre Stitt "Dead Cat 12th July 1979"
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Paul O'Reilly "Glass of Water : Night Window No. 2"
Mark Thomas " Raw Sil k Ill"
Charles Harper "Valley
Guwd Cauy "Embrace"
Eugene Lambert " Interior"
Tom O'Brien "SOuthill Area"
Alan Robb "Residue"
ATE Award John Aiken "Clear Square (2)"
Alumina Contractors Ltd. Award Joeoph Lee
Howmedica Award Roy Johnson "Square to Cube Transformation"
Silly Houstan "Mask"
Roger Hannam " Monument"
John Aiken c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery Dublm Clear Square (2)
Jack Donovan 36 Ballykeetfe Mungret Co. Limerick 11 Laughing Woman II
Mixed media on paper
Od and collage
01l pa1nt
Ciaran Lennon cl o David Hendnks Gallery Dublin 29 Drawing for 'Wh1spenng Wall' £200 Pencil, 1nk and photos
Brenda Andrews 80 Wolfe Tone Street Limenck PassmgBy
Sean Durack 8 Church St Scantf Co Clare Tno
Sally Houstan 78 Garv1lly Ave Rathgar Dubhn Mas/<
Brian M cCallion 64 Anderson town Road Belfast 30 Break m Summer Storm
Margaret Becker Loughanuro Clane Baby m White Dress
Felim Egan c/o Ohver Dowfmg Gallery Dubhn Composmon w!Ch Red
Acryhc on 4 canvases
Vivienne Bogan 2 Cliftonvllle Enn1s Road Lm1onck Pnpor Parcel
Michael Farrell ct Taylor Gallenes Dublin Auvers sur D1se
Watercolour and collagu
Mild stool and loa thor
Mult1 media draWing
Acrylic and felt pens
Patrick Harris c/o Taylor Gallenes Dubhn 20 G1rlw•th Crossed Hands
Roy Johnston 3 Cyprus Avenue Belfast 22 Squore to Cube TronsformatJon fSn" s/J POA W ldcd t I whuo oolluloso pa1nt
E1thne Jord/ln 243 Mount Pro pc1 1 Av11 Clontod f)uhlill Rmnllowe1
£380 Wood
Donal McCloskey 4 Bohernamona Thurles Vembrate Form
Kate McDonagh ct o School of Art and Des•gn L1merick Untitled 1979 P.O.A AcryliC on paper
Past I
Veronica J . Bolay 19 Linden Lea Park St1llorgiln Co Dubhn lmsfl
f.100 Gou.1cho
Gerard Casey 4 Hdwthorn Ave K1lkenny 6 Embrace
£90 Watercolour
Michael Coleman clo Oliver Dowhng Gallery Dublm Untitled Pamtmg
£675 Acrylic on canvas
Andrew Folan N CAD. Dubhn 16 UnMied
Graham Patrick Gingles 4 Coastguard Cottages Ballygally Co Antnm 17 Male Nude
011 on canvas Jarleth Daly c/o Umenck School of Art and Design 10 PrismatiC Forms £280 Steel
Brian Kmg c o T ylor Gal n Dubin 25 Un(l(/od
£250 Mrs Syra Larkin Kdshan•g Castlegregory Co Kerry Scraggane
£150 Watercolour on paper
Gene Lambert c o Dun La~hauc College of Art CoDuiJhn
Roger Hannam Greenfield Ballincollig Co Cork Monument
Charles Harper c o L1merick School of Art and Design 19 Valley of Fools
Catherine McMahon Moyarta N.C. Road l1menck 34 No TJtle IP•nk-Grey Panell Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
(75 Photog mph
POll r
M1xed med1a
Peter McGuiness Flat ( 11 42 Elmwood Avo Belfast Untitled
Olonpap r
Pastel on paper
Silk screen
Cec11 King c o DllVId Itt n<111ks Gallery DuiJhn 24 {/I(IU 1011
8 UnMied Pastel
Barrie Cooke c/o David Hendriks Gallery Dublin 9 Woman in the Burren II
June Fitzgerald Randall Well Road Douglas Cork Untitled N .F.S. Collage
Sandra McTurk 4 Avondale Ad K'lhney Dubhn Bound
M•xed med•a
Watercolour Joseph lee 9 Cl•nch's Court Northstrand Dublin 28 Boy P.O.A. Screen print
Fidelma Massey 2 Whyndon Court Kill Co Kildare Bronze Head P.O.A. Bronze Sue Melling Tullig School Dripsey Co Cork Eclipse £40 Etching
Raisin Ni Mhurc hu 111 Haddington Rd Ballsbridge Dublin 38 Musician in a Ploughed Field £70 Pastel Willem Minjon cJ o Lincoln Gallery Dublin 39 Point of Vtew 2 £220 Pastel on ingres Thomas O'Brien 35 Sycamore Ave Rathbane Limerick 40 Southt/1 Area f74 Acrylic pa1nt Anthony O'Carroll cl o David Hendriks Gallery Dublin 41 Sphmx f250 011 on paper Eilis O'Connell 38 Benvo.rhch Bisl~opstown Cork 42 GlyphtCS (160 Watercolour pa1nting Catriona O'Connor Cion money Bun ratty 43 Tree Forms £80 Watercolour Paul M . O'Reilly Graigue Moycarkey Thurles 44 Glass of Water: Ntght Window No 2 Oil on linen Roger Palmer c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery Dublin 45 Ram Squalls Arriving from the Open Sea £250 Photograph and text Siobhan Piercy 1 Sydney Place Well ington Ad Cork 46 Toffo N.F.S. Oils on canvas Alan Robb 10 Mount Prospect Glasheen Rd Cork 47 Residue £750 Acrylic on canvas
Chris Robinson Basement Flat 13 Winsor Tce Dun Laoghaire 48 Untitled P.N. Colour photography Vivienne Roche Roche's Bungalow Garretstown K1nsa le Co Cork 49 Cork and County Club £250 Watercolour painting Geraldine Sadlier Roh1ra' 32 Revmgton Park N C. Rd Limenck 50 Anne Readmg (45 Pen and ink James Sheehy c. o L1merick School of Art and Des1gn 51 Head (80
Aquatint Richard Slade 27 Rosendale Gdns Corbally L1menck 52 Untttled £150 Charcoal and chalk and WilSh Grainne Smyth 2 Sheehn Dnve Caherdavin Pk L1menck 53 Art and the Envtronment £600 Photographs, pen and ink ~ alumin1um and glass Andre Stin 5 Derlett St Ormeau Rd Belfast 54 Dead Cat 72th July 7979 £100 M1xed media Donald Teskey Castlematrix Rathkeale Co Limenck 55 Ghosts IV (100 Pencil Elaine Thomas 695B Antrim Rd Belfast 56 There were six of them
£70 Pastels on paper
Mark Thomas 364B Antrim Rd Belfast 57 Raw Silk Ill £300 Acrylic on canvas Erik Adriaan Van Der Grijn c o Dav1d Hendriks Gallery Dublin 58 Noli me Tangere XI £700 Oil on canvas Owen Walsh 108 Lwr Baggot St Dublin 59 A Taste of Luxury (850 Oil on canvas Samuel Walsh 125 Mayorstone Park L1menck 60 Ktlkenny (Rough Surface) (120 Acrylic paint on canvas
Acknowledgments The Committee very gratefully acknowledge the assistance of: The Municipal Art Gallery, Limerick The Arts Council of Ireland The Arts Council of Northern Ireland The Vocational Education Committee, Limerick Triskel Arts Centre, Cork The Limerick School of Art and Design The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin Limerick Corporation Transport: Dan Ryan Truck Rentals, Dublin Press Reception: Allied Irish Banks, Bank Centre, Dublin Photography: Shannon Development Printing: Irish Elsevier Printers, Shannon
Purchase of works in Exhibition Persons w1sh1ng to purchase works are requested to communicate with the attendant No work can be marked as sold unless a depos1t of ten per cent of catalogue pnce 1s pa1d If any purchaser, who has paid a deposit on a work , has not completed the contract by pay1ng the full catalogue price of the work on or before 6 December 1979 the contract w1ll be vo1d and the deposit forfeited. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to the E~h1b111on of Visual Art.
Committee Ursula Bnck
Chairwoman Charles Harper
Lorra1ne Wall
Secretary Tony Rodgers
Treasurer Samuel Walsh
P.R.O Paul M . O'Reilly
Admtmstrator Hugh Murray Kate Hennessy
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' Cover : "Male Nude" (detail) by Grapham Patric k Gingles/Catalogue designed at Limerick School of Art & Design