Cover Illustration 51 Donal Teskey
'Migration' Pencil on paper 60x93 ÂŁ350
Introduction The Limerick Exhibition of Visual Art was founded in 1977 and was planned as an annual event showing works by contemporary visual artists. The aim at the time was to provide the public with an opportunity to visit and experience a type of exhibition not normally available in the region. Since 1977, and through the continual patronage by not only national but international artists too, the Limerick Exhibition of Visual Art is now acknowledged as one of the premier national art exhibitions in Ireland. For the first time, the Limerick EVA Committee have introduced a system of Purchase Awards by local and national companies and businesses. Details of these Awards and the Sponsors involved will be available In the Gallery at the time of the Exhibition.
Aajua•cator's Note
When I accepted Charles Harper's invitation, I knew that I was somehow preparing myself to assume a ticklish but tempting kind of experiment; the selection of a number of artists in total freedom of mind, and the arbitrary drawing up of an honours Iist, in total freedom and in perfect solitude, since I was to be the only adjudicatorselector of the EVA. The system adopted some years ago for the annual EVA in Limerick, i.e. a single foreign juror- eliminates some of the contradictions inherent in collective juries, where the main problem often reduces itself to a power-struggle between the prominent members of the committee. But not all of the contradictions if the selection process in Limerick becomes a sort of individual adventure, as one-man's or one-woman's inner motivations are totally relative, and the strongest appearances of objectivity may easily cover all the abuses of pure subjectivism. I have met the challenge, anyhow. Coming from different parts of Ireland, almost all of the entries were unknown to me. I did not try, until the last moment, to know the identity of the authors of the works which appealed to me - in order to preserve the integrity and spontaneity of my choice.
Pierre Restany
I was immediately attracted and fascinated by a few pieces, among them a drawing and a sculpture in which I felt the presence of a secret meaning beyond the forms, a recalling of traditional archaism. The artist's name is Tom Fitzgerald. I gave him the Patrons' Open Award without even knowing that he had received the same prize last year. Being aware of this fact, I really wonder if I would have given his second successive consecration; it would have been a pity, by all means. Solitude is also a trap. I had to refrain from being in many ways totally myself, I had to struggle sometimes against my dominant tastes and prejudices, increased and maybe worsened by almost 30 years of international career and theoretical activity. I had to struggle against the temptation of mental power and excessive schematic assimilations; 'this is a second-hand version of Nolan or Adami - here we see a smart cocktail of Vasarely's early black and white rhythms and Frank Stella's stripepaintings... .' The high level of the graphic and photographic sections was a pleasant surprise; almost all of the rejections were merely due to space Iimitations, and the two prizewinners must be considered as real 'primi inter pares.'
The Sculpture section is much more limited, in quantity and quality: I did not want to give the prize to a single 'finished' work but to an idea-inprogress; the two winners by the way, have presentee installation projects. But the leading piece by far remains Tom Fitzgerald's 'Leaba Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne (II).' The Painting was a source of concern and trouble. The 16 selected pieces show a good medium-average standard of quality which reveals the presence in Ireland of an upto-date network of flexible and reliable information sources. Mary Roden ('12 Years Married'), Mary P. O'Connor ('Altarpiece Triptych'), and Catherine Owens ('Nights to Remember, Part One') express an accurate and contemporary vision of women by women, channelled through conventional languages: Photo-Realism, Pop-Fetishism and New Wave. The same can be said for the 'abstract' entries: geometric, colourfield and abstract expressionism. Charles Harper' s 'Bellissima' appears to be a brilliant transition piece, a chromatic and semantic outburst of his earlier style based on the 'activated repetition' of cartoon-like animated drawings. It was one of my few surprises adjudicating the work of the painting section. Ben Stack, wno uses lay-out printing techniques for conveying a coded information - cryptic ('Acronym') or more
directly political ('Northern Series') - impressed me by the precision and accuracy of his visual method. His present research seems to be rich in virtual possibilities for the immediate future. I conferred on him the First Prize on account of this hopeful prospect. To give a Second Prize for Painting would not have made any sense, due to the compact average quality of the whole lot; I decided not to award it. Finally, the selection of the works seems to me more important than the attribution of single honours. I have the feeling that the Exhibition is alive, controversial and highly significant in its options and issues. These options and issues are, without any doubt, the direct and indirect reflection of my mind, my feelings and my mood, on those days at the end of August 1981. Pierre Restany Pierre Restany is special correspondent for Domus, a major European Architecture/Art Magazine. In 1955, he founded the Art Movement ' Nouveaux Realistes' with the artists Arman, Cesar, Christo, Klien, Raysse, Rotella, Niki de Saint路Phalle, Spoerri, Tinquely and others, most of whom have been included in the Irish ROSC exhibitions. He has been adjudicator for all the recognised Art Biennales and has travelled widely and far.
venue Municipal Art Gallery Pery Square Limerick 19 Sept-24 Oct 1981 Monday-Friday 10.00-1.00/2.00-8.00 Saturday 10.00-1.00
Fringe Events at the same Venue:
Lecture with Slides by Robert Bal/agh 'The lrishness of Irish Art' Tuesday 22 September 8 p.m. Admission Free Lecture by Patrick J. M urphy 'A Collector's ViewObservations on EVA 81' Thursday 8 October 8 p.m. Admission Free Seamus Heaney Reads his Poetry Thursday 15 October 8 p.m. Admission £2 Students with card, o ld-age pensioners and disabled persons, £1. (Doors will be closed)
Previous Prize Winners
Patrons' Open Award First Prize Painting
Second Prize Painting
First Prize Sculpture
Second Prize Sculpture
First Prize Graphics
Second Prize Graphics
Honourable Mentions (at the discretion of the adjudicator)
1979 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977 1978 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977
Felim Egan Tom Fitzgerald Graham Gingles Anthony O'Carroll Michael Coleman Michael Coleman Alan Robb Siobhan Piercy Barrie Cooke Jack Donovan Robert McDonald David Leverett Mike Fitzpatrick Eilis O'Connell James Buckley Roy Johnston Deborah Brown Alan Green Joel Fisher John Aiken Michael O'Neill Paul Mosse Brenda Kelliher Joseph Lee Don MacGabhann Patrick Harris Daniel O'Gorman Benedict Tutty lan Sutherland Michael O'Neill
Patrons' Open Award
Tom Fitzgerald 'Leaba Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne (II)'
First Prize
Second Prize Fi rst Prize
Alumina Contractors Ltd. Howmedica International Hydrocurve Ltd. Mid-West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland Radio Telefis Eireann
Painting Hydrocurve Award Ben Stack 'Northern Series'
Patrons Allied Irish Banks Atari Ireland Ltd. Bank of Ireland Burlington Industries Cummins Framing Centre Duggan Brokers (Limerick) Ltd. McKerns Printing Works Ltd. James McMahon Ltd. Murray Sweeney and Co. Solicitors Neodata Services Reynolds, Cooper, McCarron Shannonside 011 Ltd. Verbatim Ltd.
witheld Sculpture Mid-West Branch of the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland Award Danny McCarthy
'H' Second Prize
Fi rst Prize
Second Prize
Howmedica Award Joanna Treacy 'Full Round' Graphics Radio Telefis Eireann Award Donald Teskey 'Migration' Alumina Contractors Award Miriam Flanagan 'The Corridor'
10 Tom Amgerald 'Leaba Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne (//)'
Marble, steel, slate, glass and raffia 6 X 225 X 42 ÂŁ550 All measurements in Centimetres Height x Width x Depth
38 Ben Stack 'Northern Series' Oil and acrylic on canvas 119.5 X 119.5
11 Miriam Flanagan 'The Corridor' Photogr~ph 39.5 X 29
As can be seen from the attached plan, all that is required is a floor space 4' x 3'
(which would be covered by a box contain-
ing the peat moss) .
The cress seed would be sieved through a
stencil of the letter H a few days before the opening in time to allow the seed to germinate.
This would continue to grow
during the period of the exhibition until it blossomed into a white flower after about two weeks .
27 Denny Mee.rthy 'H' wooden frame, peat moss and cress seed
? X 122 N.F.S.
X 91.5
.. •
- ·- ..
.. -...1'
'Full Round' Mud bricks 160 x 101.5 approx
• ...
. .·-
This shows work in progress on one of the original mud pieces . The beehive shape would be built in this way, using clay and soil as mortar .
Estimated building time -
52 Joanna Treacy
1 VIvienne Bogan
'Stitched Panel No. I' Collage and Pencil
2 Michael Coleman
'Untitled' Pastel 56 X 78
3 Nlamn Collins
'Heart Beat' Oil on canvas
183 X 213 £300
4 Helen Comerford
'Untitled' Graphite and to rn·paper In glass box
100 X 141 £500
5 Jackie Cooney 'Growth Ser1es /' Mixed Media, Collage
150 X 98 £250
• 6 Karen Coughlin
'The Bather' Screenprint
142.5 X 76
7 Gr61nne Cuffe
8 Simon English
9 Tom Fitzgerald
'Christy '
7he Inches II'
Mixed media
'Leaba Dhiarmada ag us Ghramne (/)'
M ixed media on perspex
framed £45 unframed £30
12 Miriam Flanagan 'Self·portralt' Photograph
19 X 22 N.F.S.
13 Sam Gallagher 'On Thomhl/1 Road' Photograph 27 X 40
15 Sara Horgan 'Book of Remembrance' Paper pulp 3.5 x 27 x32 £75
14 Charles
'Bellislma' Acrylic 155 X 184.5 £1100
17 Joseph Hunt
'Coastal Set' Photographs 61.5 X 154 £180 (triptych)
16 Sara Horgan 'Heads' Paper pulp/perspex 120.5 X 25 X 14 £125
18 Roy Johnston 'Intersect Series (2)' Acrylic on cotton duck
237 X 237 £985
19 Peter Jones
'Pubic Hair Series' Photograph silkscreen and oils
122 X 243 £450
20 Patricia Kavanagh
'Untitled' Watercolour/collage, transfer 32x 54
21 Mllr1a Keetlng
22 Cecil King
'Fossilization ' Collage
'in trusions' 011 on paper
102.5 X 107.5
35.5 X 45.5 £95
24 Patricia Langlois 'Light Fall' Photograph
25 Don Mac Gabhann 'Untitled' Pencil draw1ng
57 x n £350
27 X 39 £75
28 Harry McConnlck 'Landscape, Carravagh'
Thereu McKenna 'Untitled'
Acrylic on canvas
145 X 183 £350
15 X 156 X 184 £450
23 Patricia Lang lola 'Phoenix' Photograph
38x28 £75
26 Bernadette Madden
'Interlocked Triangles' Hand-knitted wool
60 X 55.5 £100
30 Alan Robb 'My Move' Acrylic
182 X 137
31 ChrlstophCM' Robinson 'Un titled' Photograph 28 X 28 £65
34 Mary Roden 'Twelve Years Married' Oil 137.5 X 163 £600
32 Christoph!!{ Robinson 'and that's the RDS Photograph 26x38 £65
33 VIvienne Roche 'December Series' Watercolour 99.5 X 146 £475
35 VictOI' Sloan 'Shadows with Lightswitch' Photograph
36 Stephen Snoddy 'Means Drawing No. 3' Mixed Media
37 Ben Stack 'Acronym, One by Seven' Oil on canvas
136.5 X 136 N.F.S.
39 Nicholas Stewart 'Lectern' Steel/wood/wax/stain 132.5 X 30 X 31 £100
40 Char1es Molloy 'Untitled' Siikscreen print 65.5 x 116 (triptych)
41 Audrey Mullins 'Collage Series No. 2' Mixed media
44 Paul O'Keeffe 'HAP' Steel 20.5 X 112 X 36.5 £620
42 Anthony O'Carroll 'lncanto' Lithograph
45 Paul O'Keeffe
'KA' Steel 20.5 X 113.5 X 40.5 £620
43 Mary P. O'Connor 'Altar Piece Triptych 011 and acrylic and sllkscreen on canvas
145 X 174 £400
46 Catherine Owens 'Nights to Remember. Part One'
124.5 X 89 £75
47 E. J. Peters 'Behavln' Screenprint 57 X 37.5 £60 unframed
50 Elise Taylor 'Untitled' Clay and paper 98.5 X 68
55 Alistair Wilson
'Pump I' Drawing 120 X 144.5
48 Slobhan Piercy
'Boulters Lock' Screen print 70.5 X 41 £35 unframed
53 Joanna Treacy
'Life Drawing' Charcoal 59 X 45 N.F.S.
56 Joe Wi lson
'Stradbally' Black and White photographs 37 x 30 each.
49 Katherine Richardson 'Self Portrait with Three Surfers' Oil on canvas 137.5 x 183 (dlptych) £800
54 Samuel Walsh 'Painting No. 7' Acrylic on cotton 128.5 equal triangle
57 Helena Zak 'Graphic IX' Graphics 51 X 84 £85
List or exmo1tors VIvienne Bogan 2 Cliftonvllle Ennis Rd. Limerick Michael Coleman c/o Oliver Dowling Gallery 19 Kildare St. Dublin 2 Nlamh Collins 3 Strode Rd. London S.W.6 England
Helen Comel'ford clo Taylor Galleries 6 Dawson St. Dublin 2 Jackie Cooney Ballyfolan Britt as Co. Dublin Karen Coughlin 22 Main St. Howth Co. Dublin Gr61nne Cuffe Quarry Rd. Shank! II Co. Dublin Simon English Glanmore Charlevllle Co. Cork Tom Fitzgerald 'Ardlea· Knockbrack Est. Lisnagry Co. Limerick Miriam Flanagan 'Derrynane' 38 Rochestown Ave. Duniaoire Co. Dublin
Sera Horgan 36 Mt. Pleasant Sq. Dublin 6
Charles Harper 3 Ash Close Elm Pk. Cast letroy Limerick
Mary Roden 89 Maple Drive Greenhills Drogheda
Joseph Hunt 29 Roselawn Tramore Co. Waterford Roy Johnston 3 Cyprus Ave. Belfast BT5 5NT Peter Jones 5 Upr. Mount Pleasant Ave. Ranelagh Dublin
Audrey Mullins 9110 Bridge St. Carrick-on-Suir Co. Tipperary Anthony O'Canoll clo David Hendriks Gallery 119 St. Stephen's Green Dublin 2
Patricia Kavanagh 58 Athlunkard St. Limerick
Mary P. O'Connor 'Verden' Montford Pk. Mardyke Cork
Maria Keating 20 Kincora Ave. Clontarf Dublin 3
Paul O'Keeffe 1 Trafalgar Tee. Monkstown Co. Dublin
Cecil King clo David Hendriks Gallery 119 St. Stephens Green Dublin
Catherine Owens 26 Cromwell Rd. Belfast
Petricla Langlois 3 Brighton Ave. Monkstown Co. Dublin
59 William St Limerick
Don MacGabttann Rath Aine Ospideal Co. Luimnl Bernadette Madden Studio 12 Herbert Place Dublin 2 Danny McCerthy c/o Triskel Arts Centre Cork
Harry McCormick Sem Gallagher Riversdale Lodge Dargle Rd. Bray Co. Wicklow
Charles Molloy Cappagh Cast Iebar Co. Mayo
The Farm House Garravagh lnniscarra Co. Cork Theresa McKenna 480 Ballyfermot Rd. Dublin 10
E. J. Peters
Slobhan Piercy Art and Design Dept. R.T.C. Galway Dublin Rd. Galway Ketherine Rlchardaon 1 Trafalgar Tee. Monkstown Co. Dublin Alen Robb 10 Mt. Prospect Glasheen Cork Christopher Robinson 'Laragm' 39 York Rd. Dun Laoighaire Co. Dublin VIvienne Roche Garrettstown Kinsale Co. Cork
VIctor Sloan 18 Kernan Grove Portadown Co. Armagh Stephen Snoddy 5 Ardmore Pk. South Flnaghy Belfast BT10 OJF Ben Stack 'Lynduff Woodenbrldge Co. Wicklow Nicholas Stewart Flat 3 51 Windsor Ave. Belfast 9
EIIN Taylor 8 Hawthornden Rd. Knock Belfast 4 Donald Teskey clo Lincoln Gallery 4 Lincoln Place Dublin 2 Joenna Treec::y Gregane Caherconllsh Co. Limerick Samuel Walsh Ballymacreese Ballyneety Co. Limerick Allstelr Wilson 8 Hawthornden Rd. Knock Belfast 4 Joe Wilson Main St. Bruff Co. Limerick Helena Zak 31 Grand Parade Cork
Committee 1981
The Committee very gratefully acknowledges the assistance of:
Chairman Hugh Murray Co-ordinator Charles Harper Treasurer Tony Rodgers P.RO. Samuel Walsh Secretary Lorrame Wall Committee Don MacGabhann
The Arts Council, An Chomhalrle Ealalon The Arts Council of Northern Ireland The Art Gallery Advisory Comm1ttee, Limerick Trlskel Arts Centre, Cork Project Arts Centre, Dublin Limenck Corporauon Limerick County Council Limerick V.E.C. Marian Fitzgibbon, Regional Arts Officer Mechanics Institute, Limenck Woodfield House Hotel Contemporary Irish Art Society Catalogue: Irish Elsevier Printing Design: David Lilburn Photography: Shannon Development Co. Silk Screen Printing; Martin Ryan Transport: Dan Ryan Truck Rentals Typesetting: Times Typesetting Auditors: Lacey Droog & Co.
Purchase of Works In Exhibition No work can be marked as sold unless a deposit as part of the catalogue pnce IS paid. If any purchaser, who has pa1d a deposit on a work, has not completed the contract by paying the full catalogue price of the work on or before 31 January 1982, the contract will be void and the deposit forfeited. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to the Exhibition of Visual Art. Purchasers are advised to note that possession of works will not be possible until the Exhibition has finished Its run. The utmost care has been taken m the compilation of this catalogue, but the Committee does not hold itself responsible for any errors. Persons wishing to purchase works are requested to communicate w1th a member of the Committee or the Attendant.
Administrator Paul O'Reilly
I I -
Cover Illustration
'Migration' Donald Teskey Radio Telefis Eireann Award