Evangelist Magazine 02 2009

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Evangelist John 4:35 (NLT) But I say wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest

No 2 :: June 2009 :: www.evangelist.dk

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Family got a new chance From village hooligan to Jesus freak Love is worth waiting for

evangelist · published by the independant Organisation „Evangelist“, founded by Christian and Karen Hedegaard. evangelist · has a nationwide network of partners, who gather two times annually. Partners support the work with prayer and gifts.If you want to become a partner you can contact Evangelist at + 45 48 21 82 00.


evangelist · is inspired by the international Faith Evangelistic Ministry led by Evangelist Teresia Wairimu, who is our personal supervisor and mentor. If you want partner with details: Bank: IBAN: SWIFT: Account no:

Service attended service in the Apostolic Church, Nykøbing Mors May 24, Christian and Karen Hedegaard were speaking.

Miracles on Mors by the Majgaard brothers, Marts 2009

Happy worshippers on tour to Multihouse, in Haderslev. April 2009

to support the ministry and us please use the following Danske Bank DK78 3000 3543 566306 DABADKKK 35433543566306

evangelist · the newsletter is free and published four times a year. With name or address change or cancellation of the magazine please notify Evangelist.

After operation x: young men vandalized the wall in front of evangelists’ office, on Strøledgaard. The Summer Party, in Gørløse, May 16. Christian Hedegaard greets the guests.

Responsible publisher Christian Hedegaard Editoriel Staff Karen Hedegaard · kh@evangelist.dk Eva Maria Jørgensen · et@evangelist.dk Anette Meiner-Madsen – am@evangelist.dk David Skov Petersen - dsp@evangelist.dk Photografers Karsten Jørgensen, Jon Henriksen, Henrik Madsen, a.o.

Events June 19

Layout mail@giraffe.dk Circulation 6.000 stk. Printing Trykcentralen, Viby J. Advertising Jonatan Hansen · 48 21 82 00 info@evangelist.dk Enquiries about Evangelist Evangelist Postboks 179 · 3400 Hillerød www.evangelist.dk · 48 21 82 00 Frontpage photo Welcome to Alternative Summer Festival 2009. Read about the festival on page 1619

The leaders from Evangelist rehabitation work tells their stories about Operation X, at the summer party, May 16.


See Gods power Lena Løbner Hollænderhaven, Fuglebakken 3, Vordingborg See Gods power Lena Løbner Maribohallerne, Ved Stadion 4, 4930 Maribo

July 4-10

August 9-15

Christian Hedegaard is a contributor at the F.E.M conference in Nairobi, Kenya

September Crusade with 25-27

Christian Hedegaard in New Life Bibelcenter, Ålesund, Norge

Alternative summer festival in Gørløse

More info? www.evangelist.dk


GOD wants to

“As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day.” Genesis 50:20 (Amplified)

Nearly 2 years ago I was on a mission trip to Zambia. I was in the middle of dinner, when I suddenly started shivering. I could hardly stand on my feet, I was shaking that much, and a nurse made sure that I got to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. I have tried many things, including meningitis , but never in my life had I been so sick in a country without law and order. I laid in the hospital bed shaking with 7 blankets on top of me and a drip in each arm, but still it did not help, and nobody could find out what was wrong with me. Finally, I was sent from Zambia to South Africa on a medical transport flight, which flew me all the way to Johannesburg, where I was taken to the Department of Intensive Care. As I lay there, I could not understand the meaning of this deroute and most of all I would have wanted to fly in the opposite direction, closer to Karen, my wife, it this was the end of the road for me. But God had control over things. It is possible that that the devil wanted to hurt me badly, but as I lay there God changed

it around

my destiny. I was examined by a doctor who was a believer, and was nursed by many nurses who also had faith. Although I was still registered in the hospital, I was allowed to have breakfast with the doctor’s pastor, a very well-known evangelist and his assisting pastor, who prophesied over me. After only a few days I got well and before I got discharged from the hospital, I had already led two people to Jesus and had prayed for their healing at the hospital. Me, who was so sick I thought I was going to die! The word God gave me in Johannesburg, was Genesis 37:20 about Joseph and his brothers, who tried to kill his dreams: “ Let us kill him and throw his body into some pit, then we will say, some wild animal has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams!” Joseph had experienced great opposition and persecution because of his big dreams and his proclamations. Not even the people closest to him were willing to listen to him, but tried to stop his dreams becoming a reality. They threw him into a well because of his dreams, and then afterwards they sold him to some tradesmen from a foreign country. Here Joseph got his “dream job”, but just as things started to go well for him, he was accused of rape and was sent to jail. Even if it looked like Joseph was finished now, God was not finished with Joseph! He made things happen so that Joseph was promoted, and was in charge of all the other prisoners in jail, and the dream lived on, until the very day when Pharoah sent for Joseph, to tell him of his dreams of the 7 fat cows and the 7 starving cows. Joseph interpreted the dreams and he foresaw 7 years of prosperity and 7 years of famine. Then this message came out to the people, who were told to store their corn, so they could survive the crisis that was coming, and Joseph was promoted by Pharoah to Prime Minister, the most powerful man in the country after the

Pharoah. You would think, that it must have been Joseph who wrote the song “What the devil meant for evil, God will make it good” – because God turned it around for him, lifted him up and used him to save many people, including his brothers, who had hurt him so badly. No matter what you are going through, remember, that God is always bigger and that he can turn things around from evil to good. When people speak badly about you and lie about your motivation, then their gossip makes a way for you. When “Judas” gives you a kiss in the garden and betrays you and shows your enemies the way to your door , than look at Jesus, who lived through the cross, because he was looking forwards to the resurrection. Hold on to your dreams and do not give up. Look at Joseph. If it had not been for the betrayal of his brothers and their gossiping, he would never had come to Egypt, and then he could not have attained the position, that God had determined for him. God had chosen Joseph to take care of his people, and one day his own brothers stood in line for food. He recognized them, but they could not recognize him, before he revealed himself to them. He could have taken advantage of his position, but he did not repay evil wih evil. Instead he loved them and shared his prosperity with them. As God used Joseph, he wants to use you. Let yourself dream and keep dreaming, even if opposition rises against you. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. The things you cant avoid , you will be able to go through. May God help you not to give up as you go through life.

Christian Hedegaard Evangelist by the grace of God Introduction · 3

Mother of three children got help at Bakkebjerg:

The family


got a new

When Kirsten Hansen finished Power School she felt defeated when she was offered help at Bakkebjerg rehabilitation center. But deep down inside she knew it was what she and her children needed. Therefore she accepted the offer – and she has never regretted her decision! Text Anette Meinert-Madsen


- My life hurt in many different ways. My emotions were hurting and my body was in pain. I went to the system to get help, but they did not believe in me. This kind of pain was not lifethreatening and nobody could see how much I was hurting. I was really depressed and in need of help! Kirsten Hansen is telling her story of how broken relationships have brought pain into her life. As a single mother of three children life has had many challenges and it has definitely not been easy. Luckily she had some friends who invited her and her children to Alternative Summer festival. And a year after she decided to go to the Power School. - I was on a social welfare benefit but I was desperate. I left my house, sold my car and some of my stuff. In this way I was able to afford to go to Power School, have a place to live, and pay the school fees for my three children , for three months and all of this without an income. It was a difficult decision but when it was made I acted quite effectively. I knew this was my chance!

God as my Father Kirsten began at Power School and she was expecting great things to happen. Now she thought she was ready to be “built up”, but soon she found out that she had a whole wall that had to be 4 · Testimony

Jon Henriksen

torn down. - I was confronted with a lot of episodes from my life. All the things that I had been though, involving myself and my children, came to the surface. God began to open my eyes to what I had been through and saw that I had built up a wall around myself, just to survive. I had repressed the pain from my past, but now I had to deal with it. Meanwhile I still mistrusted people around me and it was difficult for me to believe that they meant what they said. Kirsten did not really think that anything happened, but after a couple of months , freedom came. - It was at a meeting at Bakkebjerg, where many of the students from Power school had come, because it was a part of the education. That evening Christian Hedegaard talked about the love of the Father, God’s love as a Father to all his children here on earth. It touched all of our hearts deeply. My girls were very moved, because if they have lacked anything, it is a father who was there for them, and who loved them just as they are. I myself was longing both for a father for my children but also for a father who loved me unconditionally. I went home that night and did not understand the significance of the message that had been preached that night. It was just so amazing! Christian Hedegaard passed on the love of God the Father in such a way

that it occurred to me that I really had a father! My fear of standing alone disappeared. I felt that I had come home - and that I had had a new family - and a new relationship.

Going to Bakkebjerg Kirsten had a deep desire to be somebody for people in need. She wanted to help and to be a faithful coworker. She did her job and her chores but pulled away from the fellowship around her more and more. She still had a wall of defence, mistrust and a big chaos inside. After Power School she was given the offer to move to Bakkebjerg with her family. She felt defeated, but deep down inside she knew it was what both her and her children needed. Therefor she accepted the offer – and she has never regretted her decision! Kirsten is a stubborn type. - When I make a decision then that is the way it is going to be. I knew that if I moved to Bakkebjerg then it would not be just to “try” if it was something for us. No, it would be because I wanted the whole thing and I would “finish the race”, she tells. First she began with three days of prayer and fasting: - Because of the feeling of defeat it was quite a special thing to go into three days of prayer and fasting. People took care of my children while I was in a defined space – my room

- and everything was about me and Jesus. It was mind blowing, having so many people so close. But also here it was all about choice! I decided that I might as well get the best out of it! The three days began with a lot of processes inside of me. Amongst other things God revealed problems in areas of my life that I thought were fine. He made me look at some of the decisions I had made, and He held me responsible. It was just so liberating to experience that finally something happened. Actually, when the three days were finished I felt just ready for taking three days more! I found out that living at Bakkebjerg was a gift to me: - “Now you just have to learn how to love Jesus and relax”, they said.

A giant change Kirsten found out that sitting on a chair was not the same as relaxing: While I “relaxed” I tried to figure out all sorts of things. How people felt, how they felt about me, what I had to do to satisfy them. All the time I was planning what to do, to move on. I had no rest inside, she says and continues: - There was no opportunity to hide among the others who lived there. At all times people could tell how I felt. Slowly my wall and my defence system began to fall... Bakkebjerg became a new beginning,

- If I had not been to Bakkebjerg my life would have taken a whole other direction,Kirsten says.

but it also meant a big change. - When I stayed alone I took care of my 3 lovely children myself, as well as 200 square meters of house, a big garden, horses and rabbits. Now we were many to do the same tasks and we are able to ask each other for advice. There is always somebody to talk to and always somebody who wants to lend a helping hand. As an example, I do not have to cook everyday, this means that I can help my children with their homework, while the others cook dinner. And I am able to do my job with a clean conscience, because I know that somebody is home, when my children come from school, she says. - When I get home from work I have enough time to be with my children, individually. I also did that earlier, because I know how important it is for siblings to have individual attention, once in a while. But beforehand, I always felt a little bad about leaving the two others home alone. At Bakkebjerg somebody is always around. Isn’t it annoying at times, that others have an opinion of how you should be a family, and of how you should raise your children, doesn’t this feel like interference? - At Bakkebjerg we do not go around and correct each others children. Of course if a child is acting totally unacceptably you ask him or her to stop, and if it does not really have an effect, you go to the mother of the child. Then the

mother has to correct her child, Kirsten explains and continues: - The leaders at Bakkebjerg are there to help us to move on, especially in the areas we find difficult. I have never felt that they interfered, on the contrary they have been a great help and support. I have learned of many ways of managing conflicts. Many times you come as a mum and think that “you know it all” and that your way of doing things is the best, Kirsten laughs. - But may times I have experienced that the advice and guidance I have received has worked even better on my child! In this way I have had help so that I myself was able to help my children.

Love and honesty Around 20 people live at Bakkebjerg. And looking at it with practical eyes, of course it can be a challenge to live together, with so many people in one house. You might experience a queue for the bathroom in the morning. And the toaster is maybe not available, when you get to the kitchen. It is also quite loud around here, more than in an ordinary home, it is actually seldom that it is quiet. - It can be difficult living this close to others, because almost everybody knows everything, about everybody. You do not have that many secrets. But I look at it as a positive thing – you are not able to pull away from

everybody, it forces you to open up and be yourself. As time passes by, you learn to relax. To me it is a comfort knowing that people who know the “real me”, still love me and keep on loving me, Kirsten says. - Of course it also has been hard, many times. Once in a while, I have also had the thought that it would be easiest just to leave. But I have never thought: “Now! I am out of here.” The love in this place makes the whole difference. The love and the honesty. These things have really impressed me, to see how Vibeke and Martin Schmidt have opened up their home and made it available to people in need. It is their own private house, which has become our home. The love they have for people... Kirsten shakes her head: - Wow! The patience and tolerance they have! It can only come from God!

Helping people After a year as resident at Bakkebjerg, Kirsten became a co-worker: - When you have been through a lot of processes and are able to put yourself and your own issues aside, then you are ready to help a newcomer, a new resident. You have learned how to live life with Jesus everyday, you know the Holy Spirit and are able to hear His voice. You have learned how to help a person, to be there when they need you. You see and meet the needs of

the house. Then you have something to give, she says and continues: - I am happy that I started here as a resident. The only thing that allows me to speak into the lives of other people is that I have taken some of the steps, they are about to take. When I came, someone here had a story quite similar to mine. She shared her experiences with me. She knew what I talked about, and understood what I was fighting against. That was precious. How are people helped at Bakkebjerg? - The way people are helped is very practical. If you are confused, the problem many times can be that you lack structure in your life. We have set meal times here and chores during the day. As an example we all meet everyday at 7:00 am for breakfast – also if we are tired. We give the residents responsibility and chores and expect them to do them, and then something happens in their lives. Everybody has a responsibility to ensure things function. It is important to break the old routines and habits which keep people in a pattern they would like to get out of. We talk and listen to each other. We pray together and we pray for each other,when we are all together and also when we are on our own. It is important to remember the others in prayer. Because God is the one who completes the transformation. Our goal is to see people go out in freedom, Testimony · 5


living the life God has planned for each and every one of them. We do not make any pretty plans of action. We talk about what we can offer, and we help people to find their own purpose. We do not have a purpose for their lives.

Conditions How do you become a resident at Bakkebjerg? - Your willpower is what qualifies you to be at Bakkebjerg. That you want help. That others think you need help will not change your life. You have to decide to get help and then you have to hold on to that decision by taking the same decision again every morning,holding on to it also - when it is difficult and painful. If you do that, then I believe you will succeed. And of course you have to chooseJesus. To get help you have to know Jesus because He is the one who makes miracles in your life. As co-workers we will give you tools to live a personal life with Him. Are you allowed to have contact to your family? - Of course it will be an advantage if you family and friends support you in your stay here. If hey do not it can make the process longer and make everything more difficult for you than necessary. But many of our residents do not have many family members or friends. Many of them are quite alone. It was very difficult for my family when I chose to move to Zealand.

They did not think much of Evangelist at that time. But as time has passed by they have seen how the children and I have had help, how much better we all are now than before. Today they have great respect for the work which is done here. Many people get help at Bakkebjerg but of course it is not everybody who stays as long as I. There are many other opportunities. For some people it is enough just to get some tools which enable them grow in the church where they come from. How about you? - I will always look back at my time here with gratitude. But I will not grow old at Bakkebjerg. I have had a vision for many years to start a place for young girls who have not had a mother.This has been my dream but in periods of my life I have not believed that God could use me for anything. I have been fighting with my own role as a mother! The life at Bakkebjerg has awakened my vision in a whole new way. As an example my thoughts of leadership have been totally turned upside down. Even thought the leaders here in this place are above us, they are also always next to us. The leaders are a big part of the social life and they are the first to start a prayer,they are also the first to start a water fight! They take part in our lives and share their lives with us and still they are greatly respected. Their love has made an incredible difference in my life and the lives of my children.

What do the children say? Morten, 11-years-old: We laugh a lot and the grown ups often joke with each other and with us. We have a great time going on trips and there is a lot of space to play here both inside and outside. I think it has helped me and my family to stay here. Before I had a really stupid temperament but now I have become better at controlling it. I am not talking badly to people anymore and I am better at listening. Me and my family are also nicer to each other now, and we have become more happy. When we are going to move I will miss all the friends I have made here,and the fact that there is always somebody home when mum is not here. Sara, 16-years-old: Bakkebjerg is a great place with a lot of nice people. On weekdays everybody is up early and there is always something to do or something to help with. We always have fun and tease each other in a loving way. If you need help somebody is always around ready to be there for you. In the beginning I found it really difficult to leave all my friends and move far away from them. Now I think that many good things have happened. Personally I have gotten a much better relationship with my mother and my siblings. I can tell that we are all very happy. Mia, 15-years-old: In the beginning I could not really see anything positive about moving. There were too may people at Bakkebjerg, the only positive was that there was a horse I could ride and a couple of friends my own age. Now I can see that it has helped me and my family. I have become more happy and because we are so many people together,I have become more social and have learned to speak my mind. I feel that I have got a better relationship with my mother,and my siblings and that I am able to talk to them about more things than before.

Kirsten with her three children – Mia, Sara and Morten Testimony ¡ 7

Lasse’s road to Jesus:


villlage hooloigan to

Jesus-freak Lasse Nordstroem was living the wild teenage life, whilst his family was falling apart. Their faith in Jesus united the family, but frightened him, until it became real for him, as well. Text Eva Maria Jørgensen Photo Henrik Madsen

It is weekend in Slangerup. A few teenagers who have had plenty to drink and even more than plenty are going from party to party in town. Eventually there is no more fun doing this, and they end up at the OK petrol station. On the way they have stolen a bicycle, and at the petrol station they smash up one of the pumps – much too drunk to worry about surveillance cameras. Unfortunately the town’s SSP staff easily recognize one of the teenagers. This is not the first time he is involved in trouble. When his parents become aware of this, the young teenager is sent off to a boarding school in Jutland. - That was the most terrible idea my parents ever had, Lasse smiles as he recalls, how he felt about this transfer.

Dad stood in the shed drinking Lasse is in the sitting-room sharing from his life. He hesitates for a while and thinks about which words to use to avoid misunderstandings. He looks like a normal 19-year-old guy, a little tough with his dark hair and his hooded sweatshirt. It’s easy to imagine 8 · Testimony

him walking down the main street in Slangerup with his arms hanging down. However something that is in contradiction to this picture of the “tough guy”. You can’t avoid to notice the light in his eyes and the smile that brightens the whole of his face. - I had a childhood in Slangerup just like many others. We were children of tradesmen and very often taken along to the building sites. I think it was a good childhood in many ways, even if things gradually started turning sour, Lasse starts, as he continues sharing how his father drank a little too much. And sometimes way too much. - Of course it was not very nice when your father was standing by the shed drinking with his friends after knockoff time. However at the same time it seemed so normal. Many of my friends had the same kind of problems, he explains.

Yeah-yeah – if you say so At school things were not going too well. Lasse had many friends but wasn’t interested in education. And already in the 5th-6th grade the other boys were told by teachers and parents that Lasse

was probably not the smartest choice of boys to hang out with. - I felt that life seemed so trivial. It was all about working and earning some money, and then it was time to die. Therefore school didn’t make much sense to me, Lasse explains. When Lasse was about 13 years old, his father’s drinking problem had escalated to such an extent that his mother moved out with the children. This became a “wake-up-call” for Lasse’s father who, in desperation, went to an Evangelist meeting where he got saved, delivered from alcohol, and received a completely fresh start. After a couple of months the mother could see a real change and chose to move back together with him again. Lasse didn’t agree at all: - When for so many years you have been told that now things have happened, now things are different then you simply think yeah-yeah, if you say so. And then I took off. During the next months I moved from one place to the other between friends and family, before ending up back home again. It was such a huge radical change for me, also the fact that they all became Christians, that I just chose to leave.

Prayer with arms crossed It was also during this period that Lasse and some friends did those things in Slangerup which resulted in him being sent to a Christian boarding school in Jutland. - My reputation in Slangerup was so bad that the mother of one of my friends made a bet with my friend about how much time would pass, before I would be sent home, Lasse laughs and continues: - The worst was that she won. I only lasted three weeks over there, before I was sent home “to think” for the first time. The year in the boarding school continued in the same way. Lasse broke most of the rules when he was able to, however the Christian fellowship at the school started to make an impression on him. - Some friends brought me and my friend with them to prayer meetings once in a while, and one day there was an English woman speaking, and even though I was standing right at the back with my arms crossed, I joined her in prayer as she prayed a simple prayer of salvation, he recalls.

Didn’t want to see me lost After this Lasse started reading the Bible, however he still lived with a foot in both camps. - I remember one day when I told one of my friends that I just felt like giving up being a Christian and to go to town to drink instead. He then said something which made a huge impact on me: “When I die one day and am on my way to Heaven, I don’t want to see you walking in the opposite direction.” And then he suggested that I should go for a walk and tell Jesus, how I felt. I remember how I told Jesus: “Things are not working out super fantastic”. My friend’s statement that he didn’t want to see me lost has helped me stay on the right track when I felt like doing something stupid, he tells. After the summer holiday Lasse started at the Musketeer school which is a Christian free school, and he wasn’t at all motivated for that. Finally he was asked to stop due to his bad attitude: - In spite of this I still think that the school helped me remain being a Christian. I don’t think I would have been able to hold on to Jesus at an ordinary school, he states.

- When my father became a Christian I hated Christian Hedegaard, because he preached the gospel to my family. And I told him so, and on several occasions I was on the point of slamming a car door on his fingers, when he just had to tell me about Jesus again. While I was at the boarding school I asked him to forgive me. And during this time I started spending time with Jesus and talked with Him about life and what was troubling me. The end result, a little against my will, was that I was able to talk things over with my parents, Lasse recalls.

No longer tired of going to school

The result of the school stop was that Lasse had the opportunity to go to Uganda with Uganda Child Care Denmark in order to get over his school fatigue. This became a time where he got close to some people who had a life with God. Lasse discovered that it was important in everyday life. Therefore he finally decided to be baptised in a lake down there. - This was a fantastic experience as a 16-year-old. Just to be close to people who were much worse off than yourself, and to be baptised and sort of burn that bridge to the past and to show the outside world that you have chosen to follow Jesus.

To-day you don’t have to spend much time together with Lasse, before it becomes clear that he has no intention to live his life with a foot in both camps. Here it’s either or which means either. - Now I have a zest for life, faith in myself, and the Word of God is in me. To-day I know that God has called me to make a difference and not end up as a delinquent in Slangerup with a shopping bag from Netto , Lasse smiles. He is doing his 9th and 10th grade at VUC (adult education classes). This time it is not because somebody thought it would be a good idea. Even if Lasse had enrolled last spring, he had decided that if God didn’t speak then it wouldn’ matter. - However He did. He said that I should acquire new skills, Lasse explains and continues: - Therefore there is a purpose with this now and all things considered I now have a life with a purpose. And when you have a life with a purpose, it also makes sense to do something, Lasse says. With the marks he is getting, you would never believe that he had been tired of going to school. Recently he received two marks of 12 plus one mark of 7, he tells.

I hated Evangelist

Pass on the trick

Back home again I had to try again for the 9th grade. Lasse explains: - Again the indifference won – I didn’t have any purpose for my life. I smoked and drank a little and lived half with God and half without. This meant that I had to stop at the school. Instead I moved into a “boys’ house” at a Dutch couple’s place. Here there was a certain standard which Lasse had to follow, and this helped strengthen his character. Apart from this another relationship started to develop:

To-day Lasse’s life is filled with Jesus. This is true both when he has been with a team on Istedgade with the gospel, or when he is the leader of the other teenagers, but just as much at his place of work. - When you have discovered that there is something better in life, then you have to pass it on to your friends. Or else it’s like you found the trick of how to win the national lotto, but refuse to share it with others – or refuse to make use of it altogether, Lasse ends.

Baptised in Africa

- When my father became a Christian, I hated Christian Hedegaard, because he preached the gospel to my family, Lasse tells.

Testimony · 9


E-mail to the office Full of admiration I watched Operation X and even though I am not a Christian I admire that you stay true to your principles. I have worked at a psychiatric institution and I could only laugh, when Henrik Rindomn threatened the mentally ill, in the program, saying that they might become crippled or worse if they stopped taking their “so-called” medicine. I have, with my own eyes, seen people become invalids from eating anti-psychotic drugs. I wish Evangelist the best of luck! Poul Nielsen A pat on the shoulder We are a group from the State church, who, over the years, have seen how TV2 is totally atheistic . Today we spoke together and hope that you, Christian Hedegaard, will say during the interview, that: “We knew this would come because the Bible says that the devil will lie and try to harm the Christians”. We want God to bless you.. State church people from Herning, Brande and Grindsted. Crazy ideas I think that you are, because of your aggressive ideas and methods, painting a very bad picture of Christians in Denmark, and especially those of us who come from the Pentecostal Church. I think you should read the Bible a little more, and see what it says about brotherly love and not lying …. I think that your purpose, of helping people, is good but the way you do this should be changed. You should not make yourself a target for hatred just to serve Jesus – you are allowed to think and be smart. All I want is that God may open your eyes so that you can become a great testimony about Jesus in this world! Greetings, S. Nielsen

Cry for help from mentally ill I don’t even know if I am writing to the correct email address but I need help. I have visited your website and it gave me hope. I have read a lot but I don’t know if I am any wiser, or know enough about the power of Gods . I understand that He can help me! I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. I hear voices and I am very fearful. I have been admitted to the psychiatric ward many times, but it hasn’t helped me. I’m still psychotic. I wont tell so much more but I hope God will show me mercy. Write to me! Jacob

Proud of being a partner I sat in front of the screen all evening during Operation X and the saw the live web-TV and rejoiced! What a victory! I can’t describe how happy I was all evening. Healthy and straight forward! People want it that way and that shows they trust you. The response from people in the country was huge! I am convinced that your true love for people will touch them and give them new hope. I also want to praise the technical Evangelist Media who did a good job. I am proud of being your partner! Greetings, Tove E. Is love enough? I am a Christian and study as a teacher and it’s wonderful to see that you want to help people. I want to too. But when I look at you I it makes me think: Wouldn’t it also be a good idea to have people who have professional training in order to help people even better? Many of your people are not educated. Or do you think it is a waste of time to study like I do? Should I just show people compassion and love? Greetings, Lea.

From the recording of Operation X, where Morten Spiegelhauer, was visiting the Evangelist office. 10 · Operation X

Press meeting in Frederiksborg centre. On the right Christian Hedegaard and Chairman Joseph Berg, together with two voluntary co-workers, social worker, ≠Andre Meiner-Madsen, and Lene Munch Paulsen, a former schizophrenic.

Operation X Questions about demons and speaking in tongues at Press conference following TV2 program Operation X Are you still casting out demons in children? Do you speak in tongues to the children? These questions and many others were asked by journalists, at a Press conference in Hillerød. Journalists from several different papers and magazines showed up to asked their questions. The reason behind the Press conference was the TV program Operation X ,but the journalists also had opportunity to ask concerning a new police report from “Child Welfare” who accuse Evangelist of assault on a little boy. It was in relation to this matter that the questions about demons and speaking in tongues came up. If we still drive out demons from kids? As far as I am concerned we have never done that, Christian Hedegaard said. - We do not speak in tongues to kids. We pray for kids. Speaking in tongues is prayer, Christian explained.

The mentally ill On the panel was Evangelist Christian Hedegaard and Chairman Joseph Berg along with a social worker and a former schizophrenic woman, who could testify, and explain about the treatment methods used in Evangelist. Most of the journalists were quite critical but there was a good atmosphere, throughout the entire Press conference. As Christian said afterwards, he doesn’t take criticism personally anymore, which made it much easier for everyone present to relax. For the first time ever Lene Munch got to tell her story of deliverance from schizophrenia, to journalists that were actually listening. Lena was in the psychiatric system for seven years, but is now totally free. She is married and the mother of a newborn child and works in an nursing home. It was amongst others, Lenes story, that made Andre Meiner Madsen join Evangelist. – I have never

seen people that sick, get well so quickly, he said.

The best message in the world -Schizophrenic people getting healed by the power of God, should be what the media is focusing on, instead of telling about the people that left our rehab centres, before they had finished treatment. Every time you tell about one person who has not done well, I can give you 9 stories of people where things went well. I wonder why nobody in the media wants to write a story about those who have received help, said Christian Hedegaard. -it is as if the media only want to be negative ,so we have chosen to do the opposite. We only tell good stories to give people faith and new hope. Evangelist means “messenger who brings good news”. The gospel about Jesus Christ heals, delivers and saves

and is the best message of all, he says. In connection with Operation X’s visit in Evangelist the journalists were confronted with 20 former drug addicts and mentally sick people, who gladly would have shared their story on TV. But TV2 was not interested. -The interview took place in our office whilst the 20 “testimonies” sat around the table with us, sitting with a sign in front of them: X Alcoholic, X Addict, X Schizophrenic and so on.. When Morten Spiegelhauer asked ,before the recordings, who they were and what they were doing there, Christian Hedegaard said: These are some of the people who have received help but have never had a chance to tell their story. We believe they deserve to be heard!

Operation X · 11

Drug addict logged on and received


IF…??? Text

Interview with “What If” – a young woman who was on drugs, and awaiting a prison sentence for violence, when she logged onto the chat, in January 2008 for the first time.

Eva Maria Jørgensen

1. When was the first time you came on the chat? I started on the chat around the end of January and beginning of February 2008... 2. Why did you log on? I was really way out and awaiting a prison sentence for violence against a girl, and my life went downhill very quickly. To be honest I didn’t’ know how long I would be able to stand up to living the way I did, when I went on the net and googled “Christian chat”, and the Evangelist chat came up on the screen. When I was younger I had a Christian girlfriend, and she took me to some IMU youth meetings (an evangelical wing of the Church of Denmark). There I saw how people listened and supported each other without judging in advance, that’s why I chose to search for a Christian chat. It was a cry for help when I went on the chat …

3. What did you call yourself? I used the nickname “What If”, and later on my own name, when I felt I could trust the people on the chat. The reason why I chose this nickname was because I had lots of questions, and because it was useful in many sentences i.e. “What if God won’t help me?” or “What if there’s no chance for me?”. In general a nickname suitable for me, and my situation. 4. What did you speak with Admin about? To start with on the chat I was very quiet and just looking to see what others were writing on there. After some time I opened up and jumped out into it. I shared a little about who I was, and where I came from and so on. Later on I had questions like “Is there salvation for me, too?”, “How can God forgive me for what I have done to others?”, “What if I am already lost?”, or “What if He just doesn’t care?”. It was very difficult for me to understand

Chat with Evangelist The Evangelist chat is the place where people are able to log on and receive good advice, prayer and honest answers to difficult questions. Behind the chat is a team of “Admins” who every evening from 8-12 p.m. receive all those who log on to receive help. On the chat the users find a refuge where they can be who they are, under the cover of anonymity. Some people only log on once or for a period of time while others stay on for longer periods of time and grow more and more familiar with what happens.

12 · chat

how He could love someone like me. 5. How did things develop? From the first time I logged on and up until now, I have been on, more or less every day, I haven’t missed many days. I knew that some Admins were on the chat wanting to listen to me and give super good advice to the things I had questions about. I knew that whilst on the chat I didn’t have to be together with my old friends, and this became my high point every day when the chat opened. This was a place where they saw me as who I am, and not for what I had done. 6. How was your day before the chat? Before I started coming on the chat I was on heroin. I was about 15-16 years old when I started taking drugs and had been a junkie for nine years. The first thing I did when getting up in the morning was to take the first fix in order to get well. The rest of the day I spent selling drugs and earning money in different ways to cover my own and my then boyfriend’s drug requirements. I was the leader together with another girl of a gang who went to town with the purpose of harming other people, stabbing them for no reason, if they for instance looked at us in a wrong way or talked to our boyfriends. It was all about having fun and taking lots of drugs. 7. How is your day now? I have had to say good-bye to my old

environment, “friends, boyfriends, etc.”, as they still live their lives taking drugs, drinking and partying. I have had a new start, someone to give my worries to, someone who is with me, takes care of me and protects me from all evil. A life without drugs, alcohol and violence. At the present time I have been clean for nearly one year and have had a new start. I spend a lot of my time reading the Power book and in getting to know Jesus better. I have started going to church and have found some friends whom I can trust and who see me as who I am… 8. What has the chat meant to you? The chat has given me a new start to my life and become a refuge where I could be myself, without having to keep up appearances. It has also meant that I have met a lot of wonderful people with whom I could share the experiences of my life, and receive good advice for the various circumstances of my life. I have seen that I am not the only one who has lived a hard life. Sometimes you think: “Am I the only one who is not perfect?”. However to my surprise I have seen that nobody is perfect in this life, we all have our battles to fight. The chat has helped me to get back my faith in life and find faith in Jesus, so that now I have someone to hold on to every day. Jesus has given the life back to me that Satan had stolen, and taken away all my worries. Now I know that He is with me always wherever I go…

Admin is busy on the chat:

It’s all about

Jesus, not Evangelist

- Time and time again, I am surprised how many people, who even in such a negative programme discover a life-line they have been missing, and seek prayer and encouragement from us, and then the conversation turns out to be all about Jesus instead of Evangelist.

When the media put their focus on Evangelist, you have to be quick on the keys and keep your cool. Admin Eva shares her experiences on the chat after the TV2 programme “Operation X” on 11th May. Text

Karen Hedegaard

- Time and time again, I am amazed how many people, who even in a negative programme see a lifeline that they have been missing, and seek prayer and encouragement from us. Then the conversation will be all about Jesus instead of Evangelist, says Admin Eva alias Eva Trans Jørgensen from Evangelist. There is room for 50 users at a time on the Evangelist chat. Most of the time there is enough room, however when the media put their focus on Evangelist, people are queuing up to log on. This is shared by Admin Eva, alias Eva Maria Jorgensen ,who is the leader of the chat ministry at Evangelist, and who sat behind the PC screen herself, on the admin-team on 11th May, when the TV2 programme “Operation X” went on the air. After the program there was “full house” – which meant 40-45 persons in the chat room – all had questions about “Operation X” and about general subjects concerning faith.

Photo Karsten Jørgensen

Good and difficult dialogue Admin Eva describes some of her experiences on the chat on 11th May: - Right after the programme had finished I think, accusations flew for a while across the chat. Even if some of those who have come in to debate are very sceptical, and we don’t agree on everything, I still think that the evening provided room for many good difficult discussions. How do you explain about demons to a person who does not even believe that human beings have a soul? Eva says. - Others are much more worried about those who didn’t receive help and find it difficult to believe that we would still like to have contact with them, even if we keep on trying to reassure them repeatedly. Others are deeply sceptical, but discover after a little discussion that we only wish to help people who wish to receive help.

In need of help During the course of the evening

people log on who need help, too: - I speak with an addict who logs on and tells that he has neither friends nor family left, and who wants to receive help. Immediately. Unfortunately he gives us a wrong telephone number, so we were not able to make contact with him. Another faithful user of our chat who is an alcoholic chooses this particular evening – after several years of conversation to say: “I need help”. A decision that really touches my heart. Eva shares how she prays for people while she chats: - I pray for a woman who has fear and who experiences relief. I pray for a woman who has pain and the pain decreases. I am also allowed to teach a young woman to love her mother, even if she lives in such a way that she does not deserve it. These conversations takes place in private, while the chat in the main room is taking place at such high speed, that once in a while we miss some questions, that we just don’t have the time to answer, even if we are many Admins helping on the chat.

It’s all about Jesus It’s not an easy task to be on the chat when Evangelist is in the media, but Eva is a fast typist, so things are going quite well: - Time and time again we have to try to explain, how we dare to try and help mentally disturbed people in a different way than the doctors, and at the same time we try to clear up lots of misunderstandings e.g. that we take away all the medicine and lots of other things. In spite of the sceptical guests on chat a positive spirit somehow amazingly remains on the chat, which makes it exciting to work. I am sure that many of the other Admins also had some really good conversations and experiences privately, she says. After a good and busy evening a tired Admin thankfully logs off: - Time and time again, I am surprised how many people, who even in such a negative programme discover a life-line they have been missing, and seek prayer and encouragement from us, and then the conversation turns out to be all about Jesus instead of Evangelist.

chat · 13

Sidste udkald .tv Evangelist Christian Hedegaard og venner... live web tv på nettet!

Når vi sender “sidste udkald” kan du maile, chatte eller ringe direkte til studiet med forbøn eller spørgsmål... Hver søndag aften mellem 21 og 24 på www.evangelist.dk

14 · Annoncer

Live web-tv on www.evangelist.dk:

Evangelist help people in distress. Now direct live web-TV is being introduced – “The Final Call” every Sunday from 9-12 p.m. where viewers are able to call the studio and ask questions, receive counselling or prayer. Text

Karen Hedegaard


Evangelist Media

The organization Evangelist is in contact with a lot of people who are troubled. Therefore the volunteers have decided to optimize the TV-job with live web-TV, in order to reach out even further and get in touch with people who sit alone and unhappy at home in their living-rooms. In future they will be able to follow things, on live web-TV from our web site www.evangelist.dk ,from where Evangelist Media transmits the programme “The Final Call” every Sunday evening from 9-12 p.m. all year round.

Christian Hedegaard and Joseph Berg amongst others are hosts of the program “The Final Call” where people in distress are able to call in and receive help.

A peek into the technical area at Evangelist Media.

Moses Hansen is taking part The news about live web-TV was presented in connection with a press conference on 12th May 2009 in Hillerød, where the journalists present were informed of the new initiative. Evangelist Christian Hedegaard and chairman of the board Joseph Berg are hosts of the program together with amongst others revivalist Moses Hansen, who a few years ago was known for transmitting the so-called “suicide radio” in the area of Herning. This was a radio programme where people were able to call in to receive prayer, counselling and a word of God, all at the same time. Evangelist plans to transmit live web-TV after that same model. The idea is that people should be able to call in and to e-mail us with their prayer requests etc. , speak with counsellors and receive help on the chat, in the course of the evening.

Calls from the viewers “The Final Call” is being transmitted from Evangelist Media’s studio in

Gørløse from where live transmissions have been sent out previously e.g. in connection with the TV2 programme “Operation X” (see the article on page 11). Here people were able to call in and ask questions, and they did, and around midnight the viewers were able to witness two calls that made a big impression: One from an alcoholic who called to receive help and was picked up by volunteers from Evangelist already that same evening, and taken to one of our private centres. The other one from a man who felt tormented by

demons. He told about his problem and accepted the offer of prayer which was followed by a violent reaction from the man, before the telephone connection suddenly cut off. The idea is, of course, that these calls need follow-up, as the viewers are encouraged to call in and e-mail us to share with us about what happens, and how they have received help.

More than 1500 viewers The idea of live web-TV in Denmark is quite new, however at Evangelist

we are convinced that this is going to spread as the news spreads that people are able to call in to receive help. More than 1500 viewers were registered on live web-TV after the “Operation X” program, and Evangelist Media are going to be able to reach many new people with the gospel in this way, no doubt about that. Evangelist Media need media partners who want to join us in supporting the transmissions. Call the office, tel. nr. 48 21 82 00, if it’s possible for you to contribute ,either financially or with practical help. Web-tv · 15

Strøledgaard in Gørløse.

Welcome to

summer festival Alternative SummerFestival 2009, the 4th-10th July at Strøledgaard, in Gørløse, is gonna be “wild”. It is not without meaning, that there is a rhinoceros on the poster for Alternative Summerfestival 2009. This is going to be “wild”, Line Løth Hansen, who is the festival co-ordinater, together with a team of volunteers from Evangelist, promises. The Festival will be held at Strøledgaard, in Gørløse, between Hillerød og Roskilde. It is only about 30 kilometres from Copenhagen, therefore we expect to have a lot of people travelling between theese places, and coming to the big meetings. The location this year means that we can expect many new festival-guests and participants, so we are in great expectation. And of course it’s going to be exciting to see how from Jutland, who will cross the bridge, and maybe use the occasion to come and visit Copenhagen... The great attraction is

16 · Summer festival

going to be the meetings in the hall, where there will be a lot of worship and also the word of God scheduled, which you can read about on the next pages. There will be something to do for all ages, both adults and children, so everybody can have a great time. Strøledgaard covers an area of 50 acres of land, but the organisers have chosen to pay attention to the walking-distance between the tents. For example, the kids-festival with the bouncy castles and the playground is placed close to the hall and the the café-area.

Visit The Home Page If you take a look at www. sommerfestival.dk , then you can read about the many different activities

at the festival, you also can see the photos from earlier festivals, or write greetings in our guestbook. One of the big news this year will take place in the café tent, where there will be more surprises on the menu. It is the rehabcenter Bakkebjerg, that will be taking care of the food and drinks, and they have decided to have a buffet both morning and evening. In he morning you will be able to choose between different kind of bread with assorted spreads, and in the evening there will be a buffet with salads, meat, bread and more. For lunch bagels and pie will be served with coffee, sweets, soft drinks and fastfood. When you are no longer hungry, you can buy some spiritual food, in form of books, cds and gadgets at “Kongens Butik” or at “The Evangelist Shop”, or African Crafts at Childcare Denmark and paintings and more, in Olines Gallery, wich gives some of the profit to the children in Uganda.

Tv-Transmission Just like last year it will be possible to follow the meetings on our web-tv, where there will be live transmission from the hall. Evangelist Media is on the spot with recordings and exciting innterviews with both guest speakers and campers, so if you are unable to attend for some reason, you can go to www.evangelist.dk. Last year Evangelist media had their big breakthrough at the festival, where more than 1000 participants were following us on-line and 7000 logged on, when the meetings were sent again. It was really powerful, and we experienced how people logged on to the chat and wrote or called in. The Media co-workers were working hard all week, where they were also responsible for the prduction of the festival-dvd’s with teaching from the festival, so that everyone could take the teaching home with them..

On-line Registration Almost every day we recieve registrations for the Summer Festival, where there is on-line “sign-up” for campers. Here you can read about prices and different activities. It is free to take part in the festival, but if you want to camp, it will cost 80 DKR for an adult, 50 DKR for a child, plus 50 DKR for electricity each day, for campers. The family price for 2 adults and 2 kids or more is 2200., but then you also have free access to the facilities. If you are not on-line or have more questions you can call the Evangelist Office directly at. 48 21 82 00. There is also information about alternative possibilities of accomodation, for those who do not wish to sleep in a caravan or a tent.

Guest speakers from USA, Africa og Scandinavia:

Power Experience the

d o g of

Guest-Speakers from USA, Africa and Scandinavia stand together to reveal the power of God for salvation, healing and deliverance at the miracle meetings, will be held every evening at 7 pm. Text

Karen Hedegaard

At www.sommerfestival.dk you can get a personal greeting from Dr. Ron Kenoly from Orlando, USA, who is coming to preach at this years Alternative Summer Festival. Dr. Ron Kenoly is known for his international worship-ministry and has been at the “top” for many years, which we were allowed to get at glimpse of at the Festival in 2007, when he performed a concert during an evening meeting and held a worship seminar where he taught about worship and praise, based on the word of God. Last year he was unable to attend due to illness, but this year he will be back. Both with the music and teaching, because he has promised to share what he has received. God has told me that it is time to leave my “inheritance”, so that is what I will do, he says before the festival. Ron Kenoly comes together with his good friend, pastor Gerard Khourie from Christ Family Fellowship in Port St. Lucie, USA, who likes to preach the Gospel of God, and has a big passion to see people get saved. It is Pastor Gerard Khourie’s first visit to Denmark, but not the first time of meeting Evangelist. Christian Hedegaard visited his church a few months ago, and since then they have had a very good connection. Therefore it made sense to ask if he would like to come and take part in the festival, since Sunday Adelaja, unfortunately was unable to attend due to persecution in his own country, Ukraine.



Scandinavian Fire Along with the two main speakers from USA, the guesets at this years festival can also look forward to meeting speakers from countries closer to home, Norway and Sweden.

years. 10 thousands of young people have taken part in their campaigns and concerts since their start in 1997. When you are together with this couple, you can feel it “burn” inside of you. They are people filled with the spirit of God, great love and infectious faith, which is worth following!, is how they are presented on www.sommerfestival. dk. Johannes Amritzer is a man out of the same mould, who has also been used as a preacher by, amongst others Reinhard Bonnke. Together with his wife Maria he started Mission SOS in 1996. The organisation has offices in

Johannes Amritzer Ron Kenoly Robert Bwalya

many have been healed. Christian Hedegaard is looking forward to be a part of the “Scandinavian Team” at the Festival, and is excited to see what God is going to do with this group. There is no doubt that the power will be like dynamite when Norway and Sweden join together with the Danish Evangelist, Christian Hedegaard, who has the same passion to see people recieve Christ, get delivered and healed. When they come together the fire of God will fall, and probably it will end with an explosion. If it doesn’t happen before, then it will happen when the last main speaker, Pastor Robert Bwalya from Zambia goes on stage. Robert has been at the Festival every year, and is a beloved international preacher, known as the person who started “Åndens Klinik” (“The Spiritual Clinic”). Thousands of people have been helped through his deliverance ministry. Last year he preached a message on pain, which we won’t forget. People were deeply touched,and at the same time a spirit of faith was released.

Other Speakers... Stephan og Anne Christiansson Christian Hedegaard

We have invited our brothers and sisters to come and share with us what God has given them. Stephan and Anne Christiansson have a vision to see young people in Europe being saved, and are on fire for Jesus, and thats what they have seen over the

Sweden, Norway, Austria and USA and has 150 co-workers all over the world today. They have planted around 340 churches as a result of more than 50 international “Jesus Festivals”. Tens of thousands have been saved, baptised with the Holy Spirit and in water and

Aside from the main speakers there are some meetings with different Danish preachers: Else-Marie and Johannes Hansen, Apostolsk Kirke in Aalborg, David Hansen, Aalborg MenighedsCenter, Ruth and Carsten Jespersen, ChildCare Denmark, H.K. Neerskov, writer of the book “Israel og Palæstinenserne”. Aside from them, Lena Løbner,will lead the worship during the festival, together with a team of good singers and musicians from Evangelist. Read more about the different speakers at: www.sommerfestival.dk

Summer festival · 17

What do the teenagers say? Magnus, 16: I met Jesus at the teen festival last year – Now I am happier and more free to talk with people, pray for them and stuff like that. Every time I am at the festival something new happens to me. We also have fun with competitions and great fellowship. Last year I met some new people. They are true friends, and our friendship has remained.

Cecilie, 15: At the Festival last year God met me personally. I also met a lot of new people, it was an awsome week with funny competitions, and great music. At the Festival 2007 everyting changed for me and my family. It started something good, which exploded all of a sudden!

Hector, 14: The coolest thing at the Festival last year was definitely the good teaching. Something I still remember is the teaching about Prophetic gifts and fruits of the Spirit, which made a difference for me. Robert Bwalya was teaching about things you gotta remember as a teenager, that was also useful. If you think that it can sometimes take a long time to be sitting at the meetings, then there is a lot of good entertainment and fun. We had a competition where we threw sharks. That was a lot of fun. We went out on the streets, and people were getting healed! Personally I have experienced feeling empty inside, but now Jesus has filled the emptiness.

Linda, 15: What I remember best from the festival last year, was the breakthrough we had when we prayed for those we cared about. We were all laying on the ground, crying and shouting out to God for maybe half an hour. Afterwards we were all quiet. All of a sudden I started to laugh – I found out that it was the Holy Spirit who made me laugh. And at last there was a new joy inside of my heart, and the anger that had been there was now gone.

Vibeke, 15: Last year at the festival I came with an open mind ready for something new. I expected the best to happen to me. It was such a good experience for me to be there. And after that you just wanna go back, again and again. You feel so welcome, and it is like a big family. You can just be yourself, and you don’t have to give any thought to what people think and

Look forward to many fun activities, like, for example, mechanical bull riding. 18 · Summer festival

Teen-Xplosive This year’s Teen-Festival, offers you a cosy time, neck-breaking competitions and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Alternative Summer Festival is going higher to a new level, where it is possible to meet Jesus “for real”, more than ever before. This is just because He is 100 % real and interested in you. We are also, and that is why we are working hard to see the best results for the TeenFestival, both Xplosive and cosy. The worship this year is also going to be more on fire than we ever experienced before, the preaching will go deeper and you cannot avoid being touched, the fellowship will be so extreme, that you will make friends for life. There are not only famous preachers on the schedule. Other teenagers will also be sharing what Jesus har meant to them and how they cope with life together with Him. But no matter who is speaking, we’ll guarantee you that it’s going to be relevant. Of course you are taking a risk in meeting the Holy Ghost and getting physical, psychological or spiritual help from Him.

We have something new this year, you can now get personal advice during the festival – whatever you are walking around and thinking about, we really want to listen and give what we have, out from our own life and faith. And of course as usual – the scedule is full of “neck-breaking” competitions, fun and challenges you almost won’t dare to try . We are looking so much forward to the festival start, the 4th of July, and we will be having such a great time together. You have to be 13 years of age or be starting the 7th grade of school, after the summer holiday, to be able to join us. There will be meetings three times a day, during the afternoons we will be having surprises, fun or you can just relax and enjoy the fellowship, if you like. In the evenings we will be having our own meetings, sometimes we will also join the big meetings in the hall, and see what God is doing over there. No matter what, we will always end up with “Late Night” for a cosy time at the TeenFestival or around a fire.


Satuday 4/7

Sunday 5/7

Monday 6/7

Tuesday 7/7

Wednesday 8/7 Thursday 9/7

Fridag 10/7 Johannes Amritzer

Morning David Hansen Joseph Berg

Gerard Luis Ibarra Khourie

Else-Marie Hansen

Anne Christiansen

Áfternnon Seminar

Worship seminar Dr. Ron Kenoly

”Israel and end time events” H.K. Neerskov

Love and sex Johs og Else Hansen

”Åndens klinik” BAPTISM Robert Bwalya

Gerard Khourie

Dr. Ron Kenoly

Stefan Christiansen


Child Care Denmark Carsten Jespersen

Christian Robert Bwalya Dr. Ron Hedegaard Kenoly

Christian Hedegaard

Festival is also… Fellowship:

An Awesone show... The children’s meeting with the circus manager Pappa and the rest of the group is for the 3-13 year olds. A special program for the “be-tweenagers”. The children are going to have their own show going on at the Festival, with children’s-meetings in the morning, and having a great time in the evenings. We will make our own place to stay at, and we are going to have fun together over there. The theme this year will be Circus, and in the circus, called “Circus Anga”, we’ll meet every morning to hear the word and God, sing together, laugh together, learn something new and get some new friends. We’ll meet the Circus Manager Pappa and the rest of his circus group. Beside that we are also going to have a good time together in the evening, both a fun time and a cosy time. If you are good at magic tricks (or know someone at the festival

who is good at tricks) then bring this/ them with you. Circus Anga is for children in the age group of 3 years old and up to 6th grade in school, and we’ll split up during our time together, so that the “be-tweenagers” (those who will be starting in 5th and 6th grade) can have their own scedule some of the time. For the parents who have children younger than 3 years of age, there will be a place to sit in the Café-tent where there will be transmitted live, onto a big screen ,from the meetings in the tent. It costs 200 DKR to take part in Circus Anga all week, and if you will only be there for one day, it costs 50 DKR.

You meet people in all ages and from different church societies at the Summer Festival. They come from all over the world – all with one purpose: To worhip Jesus who we believe in and who lives today. You’ll experience being a part of one big family – The Familiy Of God – Where you get friends for life and experience a real love and people who are interested in you – and for your life and salvation.

Worship: We wish to build God an altar of worship. If you haven’t experienced that God has met you while you were worshipping, then come and worship together with us! A good singer or not – For God your voice is the most beautiful one of all!

Prayer: Every morning you can come and pray together with the others who have the heart for it. Jesus said: “Pray, and it will be given to you!” Take part in praying for the salvation of people and revival in our country!

Freedom: If your “life hurts”, things bind you and its hard for you to live your life, then you have the possibility to find your freedom in Jesus! By opening your heart to the Holy Spirit, you won’t be able to let fear, depression, eating disease, addiction or whatever can bind you, into your heart. Do you dare to give Jesus a chance?

Co-Workers: Alternative Summer Festival is arranged by a lot of people, each one living proof of Gods greatness. When God sets people free, then at thesame time he asks them to give to other people, what they have been given themselves. So be bold and ask our co-workers about what God has done for them – it will strengthen your faith and give you hope!

Summer festival · 19

Nygifte på Alternativ Sommerfestival:

Love is


waiting for

Alternative Summer Festival brings to mind good memories for Line and Jonatan Hansen who got to know each other at the Festival in 2007. They got married in December 2008 and gave each other their “yes” in church and the first kiss. Even though they are newly married they have chosen to help with the Festival, and Line is the main co-ordinator of the Summer Festival this year . Text

Karen Hedegaard


Behind the Alternative Summer Festival are many co-workers who know how to get things done without any mistakes during the festival week. Line is amongst one of those who carries the heavy duties. She is in charge of the co-ordination of the different work groups. Last year she did it alone but this year she has marital duties and cannot work as hard. -We actually met each other at the festival which is quite funny, Line says and tells how she met Jonatan. The story about Line and Jonatan is a real Summer Festival-Sunshine story. It is almost too good to be true!

So much pain Line story begins back in 2005 when she registered for the Power school to get to know God, herself and get straightened out. As an educated waitress she had been taught how to smile on command. She was good at it and took responsibility both at work and at home, where she lived with her boyfriend who was a chef. They moved in together when she was 17 and as a result his problems also became her problems. The relationship lasted three years. Several times he tried to commit suicide when he was drunk and she had him admitted to the psychiatric ward. At one point Line got

20 · Portrait

Jon Henriksen

hold of a bible, that she bought in an antique shop. While reading it she found out that God was real. She started praying to God, and at a meeting in 2004 she got saved by asking Jesus to move into her heart. The year after she signed up for Power school which started a deep process of restoration in her life. - I was always sad but was pretty good at keeping it inside Line tells. She lived in a rented room in the beginning but later moved into Lena Løbner’s house, which helped her process of restoration tremendously. It is unbelievable how much pain a human being can contain without even knowing it. It was not the deep conversations that really helped me, it was being with Jesus…

The power of the Holy Spirit Line became a co-worker and was part of the team responsible for the preparations for the Alternative Summer Festival 2005 where Jonatan showed up for the first time. He came from a Christian home where his mum and dad where pastors of a church. -I always believed in God but I lived in rebellion, drinking and smoking for some years, but I could not really run away from God. The Holy Spirit was “on me” somehow and when I was in church it always seemed like the words

that were spoken were directly for me. I always went forward to repent and knew that there would be a time where I would have to make a choice. In church I always heard of people getting healed and delivered but I had not experienced it myself. Christian Hedegaard is my uncle but I did not know much about Evangelist. However I agreed to go to the Summer Festival when my friend asked me. We lived at the campground and were at all the meetings in the big tent. People were standing with closed eyes and lifted their hands and I thought to myself “what a bunch of geeks”. Jonatan continues: - So many things happened at the meetings and I felt the presence of God. People were laughing and crying at the same time. One of my friends had a broken arm but got healed instantly. It was pretty wild! Jonatan was thinking of going to Power school but the question was if it was the will of God or just a good idea. After talking to his parents and grandparents he decided to go with his friend. -We jumped on a train in the middle of the night, the day before the Power school began and slept in the train on the way through the countryside. We had no money at all so we brought sleeping bags and were ready to just sleep in a garage somewhere. But it was not necessary. The first day at

Power school they took up an offering for me and all of a sudden I had enough money for the Power school fees, food and house rental!

You steal my focus! At Power school Jonatan found out that the Power of God is not just for big preachers but that everyone can experience God. He prayed for sick people at Lena Løbner’s meetings around the country and every single time he saw God move. The first couple of months he planned to go back to Aalborg but that changed during the Power school ,which he is very happy about today - otherwise he would not have met Line! - It was not because of her I stayed, he ensures us. Actually they did not see each other much, even though they were both in Evangelist. Line was taking care of children when Jonatan went to church so the first time they really spoke was in 2007 at the festival! On their way to the festival they drove in the same car and Jonatan looked into the mirror and saw Line sleeping on the backseat, and thought to himself that maybe she was the girl for him? During the festival preparations they spoke so much that Line asked him to come for a “talk”. - I was nervous. I thought that

Young married couple at Alternative Summer Festival. Line and Jonatan Hansen. What started as a summer crush has lasted.

maybe she had seen that I liked her and I hoped that she would say that she liked me too, Jonatan tells. But Line did not have the time to be in love. She was busy doing practical stuff and used more time on that than thinking about him. –You are stealing my focus she told him and asked him to stop giving her attention. At least for a while.

Finding the right one After the festival they agreed to get to know each other better but they found out that they had many different opinions about most matters. When Line went to Gørløse after the festival Jonatan went to northern Jutland to build a summer house. When they spoke together on the telephone they argued most of the time and decided to take a break. He was childish and she was much too grown up but what started as a summer flirt kept alive and in December 2007 they started talking again. - God gave me a word from James about “good gifts” when I asked him if Jonatan was the right guy for me. Later I found out that Jonatan means “Gods gift”, Line tells. Jonatan was very focused on serving Jesus and did not really want to be in love so he asked God to remove the

love feelings. But God did not answer his prayers and he got convinced that God was actually involved in what was happening. - Since I was thirteen I have prayed for my wife and Line must have been the one I have been praying for, even though she did not even know God at that time, he says. They became a couple in January, engaged in August and married in December 2008. They did not kiss or sleep together before marriage but decided to live 100 percent pure. They decided to concentrate on friendship instead of focusing on their physical feelings and attraction. Only after the engagement they started to talk about the wedding.

The first kiss When you visit Jonatan and Line in their home you realize that these are two extraordinary people. You can feel the purity, joy, peace and most of all the love between the young couple. - Some things are worth waiting for and the bible says that a man must win his wife in holiness and purity and that is what I chose to live after. When the pastor said “you may now kiss the bride” it was our first kiss, Jonatan tells and continues: - Falling in love is a very strong feeling.

You feel like letting go but instead of stepping into that we chose another standard to honour God. It was a voluntary offering to God when we chose to wait with that dimension. We put Him first in everything and instead of taking things ourselves God gave us time together. Line says: For me it was important to get married to the right guy at the right time. I needed to know that Jonatan was interested in me and not just my body. Especially in these days where you are being compared to models on TV and so on. I was the princess and he was the prince who had to earn my trust. The foundation was the word of God instead of our feelings. This was very important to me, since I had been in two serious relationships before. We agreed to show each other respect and save the best things until last and God gave me the whole thing back, as if it was the first time. What was the reaction from your friends and family? - There were some who did not understand but then we explained and we met only respect from people.

Great Investment

are both working full time and after the summer Line will begin to study politics. She wants to influence the political situation. As a couple they agree that the time before the marriage was a great investment. - It has been like taking off on a jumbo jet. Many of our friends say that the first time as newly married can be difficult but we have had no troubles or turbulence, Jonatan says. -We have found out that we do not need to agree on everything but that difference can be strengths if you learn to give each other space. We also found out that we are actually very much alike deep down on the inside, Line says. The young couple are very much looking forward to the Alternative Summer Festival 2009. - The festival will always be a funny time for us with good memories. You can say that it changed our lives. If I had not been there as a co-worker at the festival in 2007 I would probably never have met her, Jonatan says. Line adds: - Of course it will be different this year because we are married, but we are in great expectation and looking forward to make things “roll” so people can receive.

Line and Jonatan have now been married for almost six months. They

Portrait · 21

Life changing weeks, during the spring course

Before - during - after Powers Seven students from the power school tell us why they came to power school, what they have learned, and how they will use what they have learned….

? Question time by David Skov Pedersen

Evangelist employee David Skov Pedersen has been asking the power school students the following questions: Before Why did you choose to come to power school?

During What is the most radical change that has taken place ? After What do you want to do power school?


Name: Claus Mester Christensen Residence: Roskilde Spiritual background : Culture Centre in Copenhagen Before I really didn’t plan to go to the power school, but I was encouraged to attend, on facebook, the day before school started, and 2 days later I joined power school. During Power school has been an oasis, where I have had time to be together with God, and immerse myself in His word. Before I came, I was a priest, but I had to leave my job, because of stress, and I was on a sickness benefit due to depression. At power school I’ve been given a new start, a renewal of my Christian life and a push into my ministry. After I’ve got a new job, as a leader of Scandinavisk Children’s Mission in Denmark. As a priest I was helping with the work, but now it is going to be as a coordinator, preacher, and a fundraiser.

Name: Birgit Nonklet Residence: Faeroe Islands Spiritual background : grown up in the Pentecostal church and is currently a member of a Faeroese free church. Name: André Tidjemann Residence: Holland Spiritual background : Baptist church Before I met Evangelist on a trip to Kingdom center in Sweden, afterwards I was on a visit to Gørløse and I heard about power school. My wife attended power school in the autumn of 2008, and I followed in the spring of 2009. During My marriage is on the right track again, because of the teaching. The best thing about power school is, that I dared to be myself. Before there had been too many obstacles, but they got torn down during power school. After Now I need to live out what I have learned. My calling is song, worship, teaching and preaching. My wish is to go back to the church where I came from, and build a stronger foundation for my family.

Before I was in a bad circle, and I’ve made wrong choices. Normally I am that kind of person, that is very good at hiding worries and problems, but when Christian Hedegaard came to me and asked me if I was happy, I had to be honest. I was not happy, but I hoped that power school could help me to break the bad circle, I was in. During The trip to Uganda was what brought about the most change, during my time at power school. For personal reasons I had a very big fear of going to Africa. But when I came to Africa I was set free. The way to get healed , is to focus on other people, instead of focusing on oneself, and to share your life and be transparent. After I am going home to the Faeroe Islands, but I am not going home to my old lifestyle as a “sofa Christian”. God has called me to sing, and it will only work,

Your ending, is God’s beginning 12 weeks life changing teaching ended April 30. Last school day, was according to tradition a day of celebration, made up of a group of strong, and proud students, that told of what God had done in their lives. -This is not the end, it is just the beginning. Karen Hedegaard, the powerschool leader, said, as she gave the students their diplomas, and they each told their testimony. The spring team has been a small class of 25 students enrolled, and 20 students that completed. There has, therefore, been more time for each 22 · Powerschool

individual person, and the students got to know each other very well, both in the class room, and during lunch break, and also when there was group work followed by prayer. They shared their testimonies clearly and precisely, and it was very touching to see what God had done in their lives. The fact that some of them were able stand in front of people was a miracle in itself, it was definitely not all of them that could do that when they came!

Life changing It could sound like a set phrase, when you hear that power school is “life changing”, But all the same that is what happens. The students told how they got a whole new beginning, new faith, new trust in knowing that God is with them, and has a plan for them. At power school, they have been tought Gods word, based on the 3’k’s- kundskab, karkater and kraft (knowledge, character, and power). You could add one more k for “kald”

(call) and another little one for “krise” (crisis), there has been a lot of discussion about this subject. How to go through crises and how to get out of them? And finally a k for “komunikation“ (communication), which has also been a popular subject, where the students gained tools they can use throughout their lives. The regular teachers at the school gave the students a word on their way, and then the students got sent out with a prayer and a hug!

school I am going to Africa as a volunteer. Name: Dorthe Larsen Residence: Lemvig Spiritual background: Apostolic church

if I stay in my new lifestyle. Name: Kristina Dam Residence: Holstebro Spiritual background: Free Church in Holstebro Before I really didn’t think that I should attend power school. I had other plans, but they didn’t work, so I made new plans, but they didn’t work either. Then I heard about power school, and everything went well, my economy and where I should live. During For me it is the openness and the love there, that made the biggest impression on me, Amongst the students and the teachers, but also in Evangelist . The trip to Africa was destiny changing for me personally. The freedom it gave, and the possibility to go out and practise what we had learnt at power school! After

What a team The teaching during the spring term has been special in many ways, not least of all,because of all the media attention Evangelist has been exposed to, in the spring of 2009. The students have been on the school bench with Bubber, last but not least, they have been part of Operation X, ( TV show), where some of the students took part. They were silent spectators, each sitting with a sign, x-depression, , x-addict, x-suicidal and so on, during the interview. - You could say, it has been a pretty special kind of team. There has been

Before All solutions to solve our problems had been tried. I tried everything; it was desperation that drove me. I needed renewal in all areas of my life, especially in my family, in my relationship with my husband and my children. During My life got totally changed. God shook me up, right from day 1. Can you believe it, he is able to go deeply , and do so many things in such a short time. Words are not enough to describe the things that have happened. The biggest thing has been, that I have been able to be my self and to be honest about everything.

happened. Name: Eljakim Lindenburg Residence: Holland Spiritual background : Pentecostal church in Holland Before In 2008 I was a co-worker at Alternative Summer Festival, and being together with the other co-workers made a big impression on me. 2 months later I decided to go to power school in the spring of 2009. I had a lot of resistance from people at home. But it is still the best decision I ever made. During I found out that you could build your life with God and have his word as a foundation. I also found out that my life with God before, was built on experiences… Another thing that happened, was that I had a fear of preaching, but it disappeared, when I was in Africa. We were praying for people, and they got healed, and when I was down there, I found out that God could use me to do what He wants.

After Now I have the courage to do what it takes to go where God wants me to go. My dreams began to grow, and the future looks totally different. The first day at school I got a word telling that God will put a new song in my mouth, and that is what has

After I will go out and reach people with what I’ve learned at power school. I will help other people and make a different in their lives. At some point I will open up my own home for people, that dont have a home. My dream is to make a difference in my country and see churches be united.

a lot of “stormy” times for Evangelist, during the course, and you have seen what we’ve been through. It must mean that you are meant for something very special. Karen Hedegaard said to them as she ended her speech.

informs. The teaching plan will also come out on our homepage, as well as information about our guest speakers. Last term the school had a visit from the missionary couple Anne-Lise and Peter Madsen, as well as pastor Johannes Hansen from the Apostolic church in Aalborg, and his young colleague Mads Lauridsen, from the Apostolic Church in Esbjerg. The power school is in Gørløse, which is located between the cities of Hillerød and Roskilde, roughly 30 kilometres from Copenhagen. The prise is 1000 kr. per month, plus 2000 kr. for enrolment,

Ready for Autumn The next class starts Monday August 31, and we are offering some surprises, that will be put out on our homepage www.powerskolen.com On the homepage, you can sign in online, and we have already received a lot of enrolments, Karen Hedegaard

Name: Christina Andersen Residence: Blistrup Spiritual background : grown up in a Christian family Before My family is Christian, but I haven’t been living as a Christian before. It came nice and slowly over the last 2 years, where I got “loved” back to the church. I had maternity leave, but I chose to use it at power school, and I took our little son with me. During I faced and dealt with my past. I got confronted with some deep things, where I was set free when I forgave, and let go, and let God take it. The teaching about God as our father, has made a big difference in my life. After My dream is to help other women, that have considered an abortion. I want to give them an alternative, and lead them away from the thought that having an abortion is the only way.

for 3 months of intensive teaching, Monday -Thursday from 9.00-13.30. The trip to Uganda is not obligatory and the cost of the trip is not included in the course fees. Evangelist can help you to find a place to live, but only for a limited number of people. The deadline for enrolments to power school is August 17.

Powerschool · 23

opposition In

to the world

My wife and I celebrated our anniversary in May. We were in our caravan, on one of Denmark’s most beautiful islands . It is only 3 kilometers long, and one and a half meters wide. I used the day to look back on the years that have passed. Text

Moses Hansen

We arrived at the Island in the middle of a tremendous storm; which is very symbolic of our stormy marriage, of 39 years. If you have read my book, “På jagt efter livet” (Chasing after life), you will know, that our marriage has been stormy from day 1. In my old life, I lived with a woman in each port, with a drug and alcohol addiction. When I left Philadelphia in the USA, I was totally unaware that Joy was pregnant- and I was the father. She told me a six months later, when I was on my way to my guru in India, and was wandering around New Zealand. It wasn’t with pleasure or excitement, that I picked Joy up at the airport in Christchurch, in the southern part of New Zealand. At that time she was 7 months pregnant. 1 month later we got married, nearly against my will. It really was a storm filled beginning.



make them positive. The things in the world that are weak and looked down on, can be changed by God into something strong and beautiful. That is what God did in our marriage- and it can be the same for you .

Our weakness Joy and I are incredibly different. When we moved to the potter’s house, we went through many conflicts, which we didn’t hide from the public eye. There have been times where I said it would be easier to be with my dog than my wife, but my wife has also often said that it would be easier to be with the cat than me. We have never pretended to be anyone other than who we were. We’ve never said that our marriage is perfect. But we have said, that we gave our imperfect marriage to our

perfect God and Father in the highest, which has been our salvation. I will say it this way: our weaknesses have been, and still are our strengths. We haven’t, at any point, been able to rely on the strength of our relationship alone- thinking that we could make it alone. We’ve always had to put our trust in God, trusting that He will take two silly, imperfect people, and in His mercy, preserve them in good times and bad . And God has been able to do that in an outstanding way, up until now. And He, who has been helping us up until now, will help us all the way to the end.

A paradox To say that our weaknesses are our strengths sounds like a paradox- like a contradiction in terms, and it is,

In opposition to the world Our 39 years together hasn’t been sailing on quiet waters. But I need to mention that 3 weeks after the wedding,on May 16 1970, I gave my life to Jesus. Joy had, at that time, already given her life to Jesus. Life with God has been the salvation of our marriage. When I, on our wedding anniversary, reflected back over the years that have passed, I have to admit, that life with Jesus means living in opposition to the world. The world has one standard and Gods kingdom another. The things in the world that are positive, are usually negative in Gods kingdom. And the things that are negative, in the world,well, God can 24 · Teaching

Our anniversary day recently, started with a storm, tells Moses Hansen , seen here with his wife Joy.

according to the understanding gained from the world. The paradox is even greater, when I say, that my strengths are my weaknesses. Those claims are true, they can be understood in Christ- and only in Christ. In the eyes of the world they are totally ridiculous, and foolish statements. The world is asking: How can you be strong, when you are weak? And how can it be that a weakness can be a strength? The answer is that Gods kingdom is in opposition to the world.

Don’t be a “smart ass” The questions can be found in 1.cor. 1vs.26-30, where it is written: “Think friends, how many of you were wise in the eyes of the world, when you came to faith, how few of you had influence in society, and how few of you came from a noble family.” No, God chose those ones to do something, those who look foolish in the eyes of the world, shut the mouths of the “wise” people. God chose the powerless, to make the ruler ashamed. God chose the insignificant and lowly in the world, those who weren’t worth anything, to make those thing that were something, into nothing. So then, people have nothing to boast about , to God. It is God that has made you something of worth in Christ. Here we clearly see, that in Gods kingdom it is your strengths that are your weaknesses, because strengths make people blind in their relationship, to God. The wise and mighty have a tendency

It would be totally pale, and it would lack character and content. That is why life isnt only made up of light and pleasant colors. There will be dark days, where faith and love will be put to the test. It is so good to be with people, whose lives comprise the whole range of colours, from the lightest color to the darkest color. Those people have character and content in their life. Their words and advice carry weight. Let us thank God for the light hours as well as for the dark hours. Let us thank him for the wonderful times on top of the world, as well as the times where we wander in gloomy valleys. All situations in life are like different colours in the hand of the weaver, who is working on a picture of Christ in each one of us. For that we need to have both light and dark colors.

to trust their own ability- they do not see their need for God, whereas the foolish, weak and powerless man, are a lot more able to see their need for salvation. So don’t pretend to be something you’re not, being a smart-ass, to show how strong you are. In Gods kingdom it is perfectly acceptable to be weak and powerless. Strangely enough it could even be to your advantage. Because in your weakness room is made for Gods strength. In your stupidity, a way can be made for Gods wisdom. In your powerlessness place is made for God the Almighty. Everything is a result of your life with Christ.

My grace As I was telling, our wedding day started with a storm, and it was followed by rain. But in the middle of the day it became very quiet,the storm and the rain stopped, and the sun came out. For me it was a very clear teaching about our marriage: storm, rain, silence, and sun. It is a picture of life. When I had shared some of my thoughts with Joy, about marriage, she said: ” People will think, that our marriage has only been stormy.” But that is not what I am saying. We have also had a lot of great times, experiences and years together. We have 6 wonderful children, who have done well; we have wonderful inlaws and grand children. If Joy hadn’t given me to the ministry, as she had, I wouldn’t have been able to travel and serve the way that I have. The thing I want to tell you is, that it is okay to have storms in a marriage, and in your life. It is okay to be different. It is okay; to see some things differently, it is okay to be powerless. Every thing depends on me having my life in Christ, and we experience, the same strong truth, that Paul did, when troubles came,almost paralysing him. He asked God to be free for them, but he got this answer from God in 2.cor.12vs8: “My grace is enough for you, because my power is made perfect in your weakness!” And Paul answered: “that is why I want to point out that in my weakness, the power from Christ can work through me. That is why I wrote that: “Our weaknesses have been and still are our strengths!”

The thorn Let us hear the whole text from Paul,

The best in the world

when he was plagued by a Satanic angel, which he called a “thorn in his flesh”. See, the thing he calls “a thorn in the flesh” has been given to him- with the purpose of keeping Paul humble. In 2.cor.12vs8 Paul says it like this: “Three times I asked the Lord if He could remove it. But he told me: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness. That’s why I want to emphasize my weakness, so that the power from Christ can work through me. That is why I can see the positive side of weakness, in being mistreated and in suffering, in being persecuted and experiencing difficulties, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, I am strong.” We don’t know, if this “thorn in the flesh” made Paul weak for the rest of his life. But one thing we do know: Paul got a new revelation, of how God is working, and it has definitely been useful for him over the remainder of his life. The same revelation has to be useful for you and I, it is namely this, “when I am weak, I am strong.” “Gods grace is enough for me, because Gods power is made perfect in my

weakness.” That is why I have to emphasize: that Gods kingdom is in opposition to the world. It is okay to be powerless. It is okay to be weak. It is okay, to not be one of the “smart” people. It is okay, to not be one of the “powerful people”. It is okay, not to be rich. It is okay, to not have the most perfect marriage. It is okay, to not have the most perfect body. It is okay, because Jesus is living in me. It is in him I have my strength, wisdom, He is my breadwinner, and my wealth. So don’t be afraid of weakness. Be more afraid of seeing yourself as strong in your own might. Because that is the beginning of the end.

Lots of colors Life’s storms, rain, thunder, silence weather, and sunshine can be compared to a woven blanket. You need to have many different coloured threads, in order to make a pattern. Light colours and dark colours, blacks and whites, reds and yellows, blues and purples and so on. If life were a woven blanket, most of us would choose light, pleasant colors. But what kind of picture would it be?

Gods kingdom is in opposition to the world, but it is the best world. In the world, you have to be strong, smart, handsome, beautiful, and look good in order to function. You have to pull your self together in order to live up to the demands, set by Hollywood, fitness centers, magazines, and TVcommercials. But honestly, who can live up to those demands? Not even Hollywood’s own world can live up to it. That is why there are so many broken marriages, broken relationships, and “stars”, who behind their façade, fill themselves up with alcohol and other stimulating drugs. In Gods kingdom, it is the opposite- and halleluja for that. We can take off our masks and be transparent. We can be ourself- we can be real. We don’t have to live up to anything or anyone, to be accepted. We are accepted by God, and if you are amongst people who are born-again, you should be accepted by them, for who you are. So let me repeat: in Gods kingdom, it is okay to be powerless. It is okay to be weak. It is okay, to not belong to group of the smartest people. It is okay, to not belong to the group of powerful people. It is okay, to not be rich. It is okay, to not have the most perfect marriage. It is okay , to not have the most perfect body. It is okay, because Christ lives in me. He is my strength, my wisdom, my breadwinner, and my wealth. Thank you Jesus.

The book “På Jagt efter livet” (Chasing after life) by Moses Hansen can be bought at “Pottemagerens Hus” for 100 kr. Plus postage. Telephone: +4575533323

Teaching · 25

Child Care Denmark gave new hope to Henry:

Sponsorships makes

life easier

Like many other Ugandan children Henry lives with his grandmother. He helps in the garden and dreams of becoming a doctor. Now he has got a sponsor through Child Care Denmark and this gives him better odds. ”Now they can not send me home from school because I have not paid”, he says. Text Eva M.Jørgensen

Photo CCD

- We have holidays right now, Henry explains. He speaks in Luganda, the tribal language because he is not too good at English. The social-worker, Moses, has come to visit him where he lives, to hear a little about how it is to be a sponsor-child.

Chickens, sweet potatoes and child labour... The red dirt roads between the houses are a little wider than just paths. This is how you can tell that Henry lives in a village. The village is called Kitiiti and looks like thousands of other Ugandan villages. Chickens are walking around between the houses, as well as a few goats and a pig. Most of the houses in Henry’s village are made of sun dried bricks and have a sheet metal roof. - A little further out in the bush most of the houses are made from cow dung

Henry lives at his grandmothers place together with an aunt and some other children.

and have a grass roof. Small children are playing between the houses or in the gardens. A garden in Uganda has nothing to do with a house as we know it in Denmark. Instead of a lawn there is trampled dirt in front of the house and behind the house matoke and root vegetables are growing. Matoke are green bananas used in cooked food and together with sweet potatoes and cassava they are the most usual crop. These crops are grown by families in their gardens. Often this means many hours of child labour when it is time for sowing and reaping. - I also help by digging the garden, doing the dishes and fetching water, Henry informs.

Abandoned by his parents When it is time for the interview Henry has to be fetched from the

small pond where he is fetching the water. He is wearing a T-shirt which is almost nothing but holes. In a matter of moments he changes to a clean T-shirt, and then the interview can take place under proper circumstances. He is 11-years-old and goes in 2. grade at Cornerstone School. He likes playing soccer in his spare time and has a sponsor through Child Care Denmark. Therefore he is able to go to school. If he had had no sponsor there would not have been money to pay his school fees. Henry stays with his grandmother together with an aunt and some other children. They say that the grandmother is not alright in her head anymore but she still manages to take care of the children fairly well. That is more than you can say about Henry’s father. The father found a new

wife and therefore he has given Henry to someone else. Nobody knows where Henry’s mother is. - I have no sisters, only a brother, but he lives with my father, Henry tells.

Loves going to school They get food from their little garden and if they get a little extra crop from it, they sell it at the roadside. To Henry the school is a free space. At school he does not have to worry if there is enough food, but he can concentrate on doing his schoolwork as well as possible to maintain his position as one of the best students in his class. And then there are the breaks which he, of course, uses to play soccer. - I love going to school and my favorite subject is mathematics, he tells. And goes on telling about which other subjects they have in school. Amongst other things they learn how to draw. A thing very few children in Uganda have the opportunity to do at home. Expensive paper to draw on is not considered a necessity which is able to be bought from their meagre budget. Henry is happy to have a sponsor.

My life has become better - They cannot send me home from school for not paying my school fees now that I have a sponsor. The sponsor has also really helped me by giving me some presents which I really needed, he tells. As a sponsor though Child Care Denmark you pay the school fees, which covers the child going to school,

26 · Child Care Denmark

UCC thoughts by Carsten Jespersen Yesterday afternoon I was having a talk to our coworkers. They told about some births at the local hospital. At one birth the woman was in labour for several hours, and when the baby finally came out it was so slippery, that the nurses dropped the baby on the floor, and the baby died. In the other case a dustbin with glass and used needles had been placed under the bed where the woman gave birth. When the child came out she fell down into the dustbin with the needles and was thus infected with HIV. I could not imagine that something like this could happen in Denmark, and sometimes life here in Uganda is almost unreal. In some ways we live like ordinary Danish people here in Uganda, and in other ways it is as if you are part of a movie. In a way everything is so unreal and it is difficult to understand the cruelty you meet. Last week – only 10 kilometers from here – a girl of 10-years-old was raped by her stepfather, so badly that she died from it. We see and hear about these children all the time and we know that we are not able to help everybody. But when we have helped one we also know that it is a miracle. Small Kato, who came to us a few months ago was dying.Helped by food through a tube, a drip in the arm and a lot of love we succeeded in bringing him back to life. At the moment he is our own little miracle, whom we see everyday and he is helping us understand why we are here...

As a sponsor child Henry dares to begin dreaming of the future. He would like to become a doctor, he says. school tools, one meal a day, medical help and a little general support for the school. Through Child Care Denmark you also have the opportunity to find individual presents for your sponsor child, aside from the school fees. It could be extra food for the family, a mattress or just some toys. No matter what, it always brings great joy. - My sponsor gave me a mattress to sleep on and a mosquito net so that the mosquitoes are not able to bite me. My life has become much better because of these gifts, Henry smiles. You exaggerate a little, when you speak to a stranger. But it is no lie. Every year more children die in Africa from malaria transferred through mosquito bites than from both starvation and AIDS.

Schooling with a purpose When you ask Henry what he wants to be when he grows up the answer is:”Doctor”. This is the answer many of the children would give because doctors are important people in society. Unfortunately very few get into the universities in Uganda because they cost several thousand dollars

to attend for each month. This is an incomprehensible amount of money for most people in Uganda, they might only have around 1 to 20 Danish Kroner though their hands during a whole month. It is also a large amount for a Danish sponsor to pay. Therefore this is probably not what Henry will be able to achieve as a result of his schooling. If he has a faithful sponsor, and he himself has the desire, he might gain a technical education or a short further education as a secretary. But first and foremost his schooling makes him capable of being a citizen of Uganda and heightens his self-esteem. Because of his schooling he will not be cheated by cunning businessmen or just vote for the most vocal candidate when he is of an age to vote. He will also be able to fill in the small forms you get at the doctors. It might sound like small things but these small things are the things that help make Uganda a better country to live in. Henry has a sponsor but many still do not have a sponsor. Go to www. childcare.dk today and see whom you are able to help.

I believe working with people is the greatest challenge God has given me. In a way it is wonderful and in a way it is terrible. I am certain that had it not been for my faith in God I would already have run away screaming. The Bible says that “Love overcomes everything”. And that is what keeps us going...that and the testimony of little Kato and all the many other children who cannot speak for themselves. We love what we do. Every time a new little Kato comes we are happy that we are able to help and that God uses us in this and in a time like this. We believe that God has given us the assignment to help these children. To show them that they are loved and to tell them that they have a Father in Heaven who will never let them down, even though their own father has done so. It is wonderful to see how love overcomes everything. Love overcomes the failures the children have experienced, both from parents, family and society. Thank you to you sponsors who are faithful to these children and thank you for not letting them down! We are grateful for being where we are. Grateful when a team of doctors come to Uganda and spends time helping the children. Grateful when volunteers come to help us helping. Grateful for being used and grateful that we have each other. I have the most wonderful wife and the greatest children. I am probably the happiest man in the world...

Carsten Jespersen Child Care Denmark

www.childcaredenmark.dk Child Care Denmark · 27

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