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Tuition, Fees and Residency
refer to the Important Dates for refund and registration deadlines. When a student withdraws from a class, the date the Enrollment Services office receives the completed add/drop form or the date of the electronic transaction is the official date of the withdrawal. All transactions must be completed by the deadline date.
Students are advised to consult the Important dates and deadlines calendar at EverettCC.edu/ImportantDates for the last day to add or drop classes. Most classes fall under the regular schedule of deadlines, but some self-support classes and some classes with early/late start and end times may have different deadlines. The college’s refund policy applies only to students who withdraw officially. See Tuition and Fees Refund Policy in this section.
Simply failing to attend a class does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. Students who wish to avoid a failing grade, or who wish to qualify for a refund, must submit a Change of Schedule (add/drop) transaction by the stated deadline. Students with questions about the procedure of dropping a class should contact the Enrollment Services office.
EstimatedQuarterlyTuitionandFees 2022-2023
All rates are subject to change. Current rates may be found on EvCC’s website at EverettCC.edu/Tuition. Tuition and fees are paid at the time of registration or by the deadline stated for that registration period. Students who are receiving financial aid from the college, or who have a third party paying their tuition and fees, must contact the Cashiers Office directly to assure the accuracy of their student account.
Credits Resident Non-Resident Tuition Reduction Non-Resident* 1-10 115.45 per credit 172.63 per credit 298.52 per credit 11 1,211.61 1,785.88 3,049.77 12 1,268.72 1,845.46 3,114.34 13 1,325.83 1,905.04 3,178.91 Add14 updated 1,382.94 Tuition Chart 1,964.62 in Indesign 3,243.48 15 1,440.05 2,024.20 3,308.05 16 1,497.16 2,083.78 3,372.62 17 1,554.27 2,143.36 3,437.19 18 1,611.38 2,202.94 3,501.76 19 1,715.50 2,352.83 3,788.95 20 1,819.62 2,502.72 4,076.14
*Students who are not eligible for resident tuition, but who are permanent residents or citizens of the U.S. living in Washington may be eligible for the Non-Resident Tuition Reduction rate. See Residency below.
Tuition for enrollment in Transitional Studies and English Language Acquisition is $25 per quarter.
Most students in college-credit courses will be charged: 1. A technology fee of $3.50 per credit, up to a maximum of $35 per quarter, 2. A Campus Enhancement fee of $5 per credit, up to a maximum of $50 per quarter, and 3. A Green fee of $.50 per credit, up to a maximum of $7.50 per quarter. Some courses also have special fees for equipment, lab, services, etc.; these fees are listed in the quarterly online class schedule with the course.
The college may charge fees for services such as parking or insurance, etc. Some courses, for which the college does not receive state financial support, charge a class fee, which is added to the total amount of tuition and fees due regardless of the tuition charged for other courses.
State employees and designated educators in the K-12 system may register on a reduced tuition basis beginning the first day of the quarter. Registration prior to the first day of the quarter disqualifies a person from this special tuition reduction. Payment is required for lab fees, special fees, books and other supplies. Tuition reduction is not allowed for Writing Lab, Community Service, Corporate & Continuing Education, self-support classes, special projects, and other courses for which the college has special expenses. EvCC also offers reduced tuition for seniors (age 60+) who wish to audit classes (for no credit) and for other persons in special categories such as veterans, dependents of deceased or disabled veterans, refugees and students in our high school completion program. The Enrollment Services office can provide more detailed information on the qualifications for tuition reduction.
Tuition reduction is available for eligible veterans, and for the spouses and children of disabled and deceased veterans. Eligibility is determined through the EvCC Veterans’ Resource Center in Baker Hall, room 203/204. Information about other tuition reduction programs is available through the Enrollment Services office.
The college determines applicants ' residency at the time they apply for general admission. Non-resident students pay a higher tuition rate than resident students do. All other students are considered to be non-residents for tuition-paying purposes. Some visa and immigration statuses are eligible for residency. Qualifying non-resident students may apply for residency once they make Washington their permanent residence for at least 12 months. Please contact the residency coordinator in Enrollment Services or visit our website for additional information at EverettCC.edu/Enrollment/Tuition/Residen cy. U.S. citizens and permanent residents living in Washington who are not yet eligible for residency in Washington state may be eligible for a partial tuition reduction. Contact Enrollment Services for more information.
Any current non-resident student who wishes to be reclassified as a resident student must complete a Residency Questionnaire for determination of eligibility. Applications for reclassification in the current quarter must be submitted to the Enrollment Services office before the 30th calendar day of the quarter. If the college discovers an error in the student’s residency status during the quarter, the Registrar will determine whether additional tuition and fees are due.
By registering, students assume responsibility for payment. Non-attendance does not constitute a reason to avoid payment. Students must pay their tuition and fees by the deadline as announced on EvCC' s Important Dates and Deadlines webpage, EverettCC.edu/ImportantDates. Registration and refund deadlines may differ for classes which don 't adhere to standard start and end dates, this is also true for self-support classes which have a separate fee structure. Other courses that may have different applicable deadlines include, online, correspondence, telecourse, some language and arts courses. The college reserves the right to bill the student for unpaid tuition and fees incurred by registration and/or to cancel registration of unpaid students. Returned checks, canceled credit cards, employer refusal to pay, ineligibility for financial aid and other reasons for non-payment may result in disenrollment,
a direct bill to the student, and/or referral to a collection agency. Registration in Corporate & Continuing Education and other self-support programs requires immediate payment. Students who intend to have their tuition paid through financial aid or other third party, such as an employer, must arrange for the timely completion of those processes to meet the payment deadline. When in doubt about payment status, contact the Cashiers Office at 425-388-9225.
Tuition may be paid via the EvCC’s Cashier office. Credit card payment can also be made online via ctcLink. Visit EverettCC.edu/Cashiers for payment details.
EvCC offers a tuition payment plan, which enables students to pay half their tuition and fees by the established deadline, and the remainder by the 30th calendar day of the quarter. Contact the Cashiers Office or visit EverettCC.edu/Cashiers for more information and eligibility requirements.
Tuition and fees refer to full general tuition, operating fees, service and activities fees, technology fees, class fees and lab fees. Some fees are not refundable.
A refund of tuition and fees is made only when a student officially withdraws from a class or from the college, and is based upon the refund policy. Date and time of receipt of the add/drop form in the Enrollment Services office or of an electronic transaction using our online registration system establishes the rate at which refunds will be made.
The refund schedule varies depending on the type of class. Refund dates are listed at EverettCC.edu/ImportantDates. Refunds can take up to five weeks to process. Refunds for under $10 will only be processed with a written request from the student.
Fall, Winter and Spring Quarter’s 100% refund deadline is the end of the day on the 5th class day of the term. For example, if Fall Quarter begins on Monday, then the deadline for 100% refund is Friday. During Summer quarter, the 100% refund deadline is at the end of the 4th business day of the term.
50% refund deadline is end of day on the 20th calendar day of the term, or the closest working day to the 20th calendar day. For example, if Fall Quarter begins on Monday, September 22, then the deadline for 50% refund is the end of the day on Friday, October 10. To receive a full or partial refund after paying, or to avoid being billed for the full or partial amount of tuition, you must submit an official withdrawal by these dates.
Deadlines are prorated, depending on the length of the course. Please call 425-388-9076 to determine the prorated deadline. In general, it is wise to withdraw before the first day if your plans have changed.
Self-support classes are usually distinguished by a comprehensive class fee that is different from state regulated tuition. For some self-support classes, cancellations need to be made at least 4 working days prior to the first class in order to receive a refund. For some classes, the specific refund deadline is listed in the online class schedule.
Students should allow 30 days for a refund to be processed. For students receiving federal financial aid, the tuition refund will be calculated in accordance with state and/or federal law. These formulas are published in the Financial Aid office’s