32 EverettCC.edu
refer to the Important Dates for refund and registration deadlines. When a student withdraws from a class, the date the Enrollment Services office receives the completed add/drop form or the date of the electronic transaction is the official date of the withdrawal. All transactions must be completed by the deadline date. Students are advised to consult the Important dates and deadlines calendar at EverettCC.edu/ImportantDates for the last day to add or drop classes. Most classes fall under the regular schedule of deadlines, but some self-support classes and some classes with early/late start and end times may have different deadlines. The college’s refund policy applies only to students who withdraw officially. See Tuition and Fees Refund Policy in this section. Simply failing to attend a class does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. Students who wish to avoid a failing grade, or who wish to qualify for a refund, must submit a Change of Schedule (add/drop) transaction by the stated deadline. Students with questions about the procedure of dropping a class should contact the Enrollment Services office.
TUITION, FEES AND RESIDENCY Estimated Quarterly Tuition and Fees 2022 - 2023 All rates are subject to change. Current rates may be found on EvCC’s website at EverettCC.edu/Tuition. Tuition and fees are paid at the time of registration or by the deadline stated for that registration period. Students who are receiving financial aid from the college, or who have a third party paying their tuition and fees, must contact the Cashiers Office directly to assure the accuracy of their student account.
Credits Resident Non-Resident Tuition Reduction Non-Resident* 1-10 118.21 per credit 177.09 per credit 306.00 per credit 11 1,240.51 1,831.87 3,126.08 12 1,298.92 1,892.84 3,192.16 13 1,357.33 1,953.81 3,258.24 14 1,415.74 Tuition Chart 2,014.78 in Indesign 3,324.32 Add updated 15 1,474.15 2,075.75 3,390.40 16 1,532.56 2,136.72 3,456.48 17 1,590.97 2,197.69 3,522.56 18 1,649.38 2,258.66 3,588.64 19 1,756.26 2,412.49 3,883.31 20 1,863.14 2,566.32 4,177.98
*Students who are not eligible for resident tuition, but who are permanent residents or citizens of the U.S. living in Washington may be eligible for the Non-Resident Tuition Reduction rate. See Residency below. Tuition for enrollment in Transitional Studies and English Language Acquisition is $25 per quarter.
Special Fees Most students in college-credit courses will be charged: 1. A technology fee of $3.50 per credit, up to a maximum of $35 per quarter, 2. A Campus Enhancement fee of $5 per credit, up to a maximum of $50 per quarter, and 3. A Green fee of $.50 per credit, up to a maximum of $7.50 per quarter. Some courses also have special fees for equipment, lab, services, etc.; these fees are listed in the quarterly online class schedule with the course. The college may charge fees for services such as parking or insurance, etc. Some courses, for which the college does not receive state financial support, charge a class fee, which is added to the total amount of tuition and fees due regardless of the tuition charged for other courses.