Condiciones venta a bordo en

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You have bought additional services to enjoying during the flight contracted with Evelop. These services are governed by the following conditions:

SEAT RESERVATIONS The web site allows the User to choose their seat on the contracted flight for an extra charge. Once the Internet purchase process has been completed and your seat selection confirmed, we are unable to give any refunds and no subsequent changes may be made. At the check-in desk, you must present a copy of the seat selection printout, which acts as your payment receipt, together with the credit card of the person who made the selection. Selections are subject to the limitations indicated on each seat. You must take into account the ages of any babies travelling with you (0 up to 2 years of age), as the number of babies must never exceed the number of adults, per booking. This service is limited to certain flights and must be processed within the period allowed (from 2 months up to 3 days before the date of departure).

ADDITIONAL SERVICES The web site allows additional services to be contracted to enable the User to adapt their flight to suit their own tastes and preferences. To do this, Evelop makes available the Premium Menu selection, fast-track check-in and a variety of other additional services.

SALE OF PRODUCTS FROM THE ONBOARD BOUTIQUE IMPORTANT NOTE: DUE TO WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS AND AVAILABLE SPACE ONBOARD, SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE. DO NOT HESITATE IN USING OUR PRE-PACK SERVICE IF YOU WISH TO RESERVE YOUR PRODUCTS FOR YOUR RETURN JOURNEY AND BENEFIT FROM THE ADVANTAGES THAT THIS SERVICE OFFERS For customs and tax reasons, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer ANY products from our Onboard Boutique on flights from European Union countries to Spain (except for the Canary Islands). For the same reason, sale of duty-free tobacco and alcohol is not permitted on domestic flights or on flights from Spain (except for the Canary Islands) to any other European Union country. The following table summarises the possible situations that may arise:





Están disponibles todos Sólo están los productos disponibles los menos el tabaco. El productos marcados alcohol está con el símbolo de la disponible a precio bandera española DUTPAID(con impuestos)


No está permitida la venta de ningún producto de Onboard Boutique

No está permitida la venta de ningún producto de Onboard Boutique


Están disponibles todos los productos. Alochol a precio DUTYFREE(sin impuestos)

Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFREE(sin impuestos)


Sólo están disponibles los productos marcados con el símbolo de la bandera española

Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFREE (sin impuestos)


Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFRE E (sin impuestos) No está permitida la venta de ningún producto de Onboard Boutique Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFRE E(sin impuestos) Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFRE E (sin impuestos)


Sólo están disponibles los productos marcados con el símbolo de la bandera española

Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFREE(sin impuestos)

Están disponibles todos los productos. Alcohol a precio DUTYFREE(sin impuestos)

Sólo están disponibles los productos marcados con el símbolo de la bandera española

Onboard Sales Payment Method: • 1. Cash: Euros (notes or coins). For other forms of payment (notes only), please ask a crew member who will inform you of the accepted methods of payment and the type of change that will be given.

2. Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard and JCB (maximum 150 Euros).

• 3. Travellers¿ Cheques and Eurocheques: when accompanied by a valid Eurocheque card maximum 150 Euros). We regret that we are unable to accept personal cheques. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PAYMENT FOR ALL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN DURING THE FLIGHT If the User needs more information, they can contact us directly by sending an e-mail to TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PURCHASING PRODUCTS FROM OUR ONBOARD SALES CATALOGUE BEFORE FLIGHT DEPARTURE Evelop offers passengers the chance to purchase from the onboard catalogue via this web site. Our catalogue is available on the web site for the User to browse through. Product availability conditions vary according to the type of flight and payment methods accepted are the same as those shown in the previous section (Sale of Products from the Onboard Boutique). PAYMENT FOR ALL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN DURING THE FLIGHT Orders can be placed up to 72 hours before flight departure. D) Payment Methods The User undertakes to pay for services or products contracted before the flight (except for Duty Free products, which are always paid for onboard) using one of the following payment methods, details of which can be found on the payment page: • Debit Cards (Visa Electron and Maestro) or Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard) for payments made via the web site. The purchase of any product will only be effective from the moment at which Evelop charges the total amount payable for the service/product contracted in a valid way to the credit card supplied by the User, or when the purchase amount is paid in cash or the proof of transfer is received; Evelop may cancel the purchase at any time up to that point and the User will forfeit any right of complaint or redress. The act of requesting a service/product implies a commitment on the customer`s part to authorise the payment to be charged to the credit card they supplied at the time of purchase. If it is not possible to charge the credit card (charge rejected), the User accepts that Evelop will not issue the booking made or deliver the product contracted. The prices shown on the web site include airport taxes and fees unless stated otherwise. They do not include visa costs or departure tax, which must be paid directly at the destination or in the country of departure. Any variations in airport tax rate that may be applicable to late booking payments, from the time of booking until the ticket is issued, will be passed on to the customer. INFORMATION ON PAYING FOR AIRLINE TICKETS WITH DEBIT CARDS

When using a debit card for purchasing a flight ticket, the User may see a temporary duplicated charge for a similar amount to the ticket price on their debit card. The User should not worry about this, as this duplicated charge is temporary and will disappear after a few weeks. This is a normal operational practice when a debit card is used to purchase a flight in Spain. This problem is common to all Spanish airlines and travel agencies and is completely out of Evelop多s control, so we are unable to take any responsibility whatsoever for these charges made to debit cards. Debit cards accept charges for amounts lower than the balance in your bank account. They also withdraw the amount of money required to pay for the purchase immediately. All Spanish travel agencies are connected to the same system, known as BSP, which manages payments and charges between private individuals, agencies and airline companies. This is why, when they attempt to put the purchase amount through the system, firstly the debit card issuers such as VISA and MasterCard check your bank balance and make a charge for slightly more than the purchase amount, a few cents usually, of the ticket. This means that when the definitive charge reaches the debit card, that amount has not been used for another purchase. When the charge arrives, it goes straight through to the debit card for the exact amount of the ticket purchased. In normal debit card operations, the second charge cancels out the first immediately. However, when this system (BSP) is used, the amount is charged to the debit card but the first charge remains on your account until your next bill. Normally, all charges to your account are cleared at the beginning of each month, between the 1st and the 5th, although some cards, such as Visa Electron, are cleared on a weekly basis. This problem is well-known by payment method systems and is due to a limitation in the way payment method systems were designed to communicate with each other, that is, bank systems plus payment and charging systems used by travel agencies in Spain, and only occurs with debit cards. To prevent any inconvenience, when purchasing flights we recommend you use a credit card, pay at any of our agencies or make a transfer (please contact 902 200 400 for more information) and we are happy to answer any queries you may have. E) Delivery of documentation. Once the product/service has been paid for, Evelop will deliver the corresponding documentation to the User by sending it straight to their electronic mail address, in the case of documents or electronic vouchers. Once the booking has been confirmed, the User must check its content for any data entry errors; any errors found should be notified by calling the reservations centre listed or by sending an e-mail to, quoting the booking reference. F) Privacy Policy Evelop respects your right to privacy and will therefore apply all current regulations in order to protect the identity of each and every User. Below is a description of all the details of how your

information is recorded and handled in compliance with current legislation on personal data protection. To book the products and services that Evelop offers via its web site, the User must provide the personal details requested during the Customer Registration process. This enables us to personalise our services and adapt them to suit your interests and needs. The User undertakes to update this information regularly and inform Evelop of any change in the details registered on our web site. To navigate our web site you will need to allow the use of cookies. Cookies are used to maintain state information while you are browsing web site pages or when you return to the web site at a later date. If the User wishes, they can configure their browser to receive a cookies notification on the screen and prevent them being installed on their hard disk. Please check your browser instructions and user manual for more information about cookies. In compliance with the content of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection (多LOPD多) we hereby inform the User that, after completing the Customer Registration process, their personal details will be stored in automated files owned by Evelop. We also inform the User that, in compliance with the express requirement issued to all airline companies with regard to controlling and safeguarding public safety and security, Evelop will be authorised to pass your passenger details to the authorities in charge of Government Internal Security Control of your country of origin, transit or destination at any time before your arrival, for this purpose. The United States of America also demands this information for aircraft flying over US air space. This information may also be given to other States demanding it by virtue of applicable laws or treaties if your flight passes through their air space. In accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in Spain and internationally, the carrier may be obliged in certain cases to hand personal data over to Spanish or authorised foreign public authorities (customs, immigration, etc.) in particular for the purpose of preventing or combatting terrorism or other serious crimes. It should be pointed out that some of the authorities mentioned above may be outside the European Union and have access to all or some of the data collected by the carrier (surnames, names, passport number, travel details, etc.) for issuing the Passenger Transport Contract correctly or because of a specific legal authorisation. The transfer of data to countries outside the European Union is done according to the content of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection. These data are obtained for the purpose of providing the User with our services, processing them (administration and charging for products and services purchased), issuing the transport contract and sending information and advertising on Evelop多s offers, promotions and recommendations, for which Evelop needs to send your personal details to companies, suppliers and organisers, namely: name and surname/s, which are absolutely essential for processing your booking, plus optional details about your preferences for the purpose of the specific and adequate provision of the contracted service. The passenger can of course exercise their right to oppose the collection and handling of these details, but they should be aware

that this may result in their travel booking being cancelled or in them being unable to access certain requested additional services (special meals, etc.).

Likewise, the User should be aware that, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in Spain and internationally, failure to provide certain details or providing inaccurate details may result in them being denied boarding or entry to a foreign territory, in which case the carrier will not be held responsible. The passenger expressly authorises Evelop to pass on these details or, if applicable, to be shared with companies in Grupo Barcel贸 Viajes in the following sectors: retail travel agency, wholesale travel agency, hotel services, airlines and passenger transport services, so they can use them for the purposes outlined above. The passenger also consents, in accordance with Article 22 of Law 34/2002 (LSSI), to Evelop and companies within its group to send them commercial communications by electronic mail or similar means. The User may exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose granted to them by the LOPD by sending a certified letter for the attention of the LOPD Coordinator (Evelop Airlines S.L.) C/ Rover Motta, 27. 07006 Palma de Mallorca (Spain) in the terms set out by the Data Protection Agency. For greater convenience, and if you would like more information about how you can exercise the above rights, please contact us at the following email address:

You have bought additional services to enjoying during the flight contracted with Orbest. These services are governed by the following conditions:

SEAT RESERVATIONS The web site allows the User to choose their seat on the contracted flight for an extra charge. Once the Internet purchase process has been completed and your seat selection confirmed, we are unable to give any refunds and no subsequent changes may be made. At the check-in desk, you must present a copy of the seat selection printout, which acts as your payment receipt, together with the credit card of the person who made the selection. Selections are subject to the limitations indicated on each seat. You must take into account the ages of any babies travelling with you (0 up to 2 years of age), as the number of babies must never exceed the number of adults, per booking. This service is limited to certain flights and must be processed within the period allowed (from 2 months up to 3 days before the date of departure).

ADDITIONAL SERVICES The web site allows additional services to be contracted to enable the User to adapt their flight to suit their own tastes and preferences. To do this, Orbest makes available the Premium Menu selection, fast-track check-in and a variety of other additional services. SALE OF PRODUCTS FROM THE ONBOARD BOUTIQUE IMPORTANT NOTE: DUE TO WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS AND AVAILABLE SPACE ONBOARD, SOME PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE. DO NOT HESITATE IN USING OUR PRE-PACK SERVICE IF YOU WISH TO RESERVE YOUR PRODUCTS FOR YOUR RETURN JOURNEY AND BENEFIT FROM THE ADVANTAGES THAT THIS SERVICE OFFERS For customs and tax reasons, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer ANY products from our Onboard Boutique on flights from European Union countries to Portugal/Spain (except for the Canary Islands). For the same reason, sale of duty-free tobacco and alcohol is not permitted on domestic flights or on flights from Portugal/Spain (except for the Canary Islands) to any other European Union country. The following table summarises the possible situations that may arise:







All products are available except tobaco. Alcohol is available at DUTYPAID (including tax prices)

All products are available. Alcohol at DUTYFREE (without tax) prices

Sale of products from our Onboard Boutique is not permited

Sale of products All products are from our available. Alcohol at Onboard DUTY-FREE Boutique is (without tax) prices not permited


Sale of products from our Onboard Boutique is not permited


All products are All products All products available. All products are are available. are available. Alcohol at available. Alcohol at Alcohol at DUTY- Alcohol at DUTYDUTYDUTY-FREE FREE (without tax) FREE (without tax) FREE (without tax) prices prices prices (without tax) prices


All products are All products available. are available. Alcohol at Alcohol at DUTYDUTYFREE (without tax) FREE prices (without tax) prices

Onboard Sales Payment Method:

1. Cash: Euros (notes or coins). For other forms of payment (notes only), please ask a crew member who will inform you of the accepted methods of payment and the type of change that will be given. 2. Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard and JCB (maximum 150 Euros). 3. Travellers Cheques and Eurocheques: when accompanied by a valid Eurocheque card maximum 150 Euros). We regret that we are unable to accept personal cheques.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PAYMENT FOR ALL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN DURING THE FLIGHT If the User needs more information, they can contact us directly by sending an e-mail to TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PURCHASING PRODUCTS FROM OUR ONBOARD SALES CATALOGUE BEFORE FLIGHT DEPARTURE Orbest offers passengers the chance to purchase from the onboard catalogue via this web site. Our catalogue is available on the web site for the User to browse through. Product availability conditions vary according to the type of flight and payment methods accepted are the same as those shown in the previous section (Sale of Products from the Onboard Boutique). PAYMENT FOR ALL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN DURING THE FLIGHT Orders can be placed up to 72 hours before flight departure. PRIVACY POLICY Orbest respects your right to privacy and will therefore apply all current regulations in order to protect the identity of each and every User. Below is a description of all the details of how your information is recorded and handled in compliance with current legislation on personal data protection. To book the products and services that Orbest offers via its web site, the User must provide the personal details requested during the Customer Registration process. This enables us to personalise our services and adapt them to suit your interests and needs. The User undertakes to update this information regularly and inform Orbest of any change in the details registered on our web site. To navigate our web site you will need to allow the use of cookies. Cookies are used to maintain state information while you are browsing web site pages or when you return to the web site at a later date. If the User wishes, they can configure their browser to receive a cookies notification on the screen and prevent them being installed on their hard disk. Please check your browser instructions and user manual for more information about cookies.

In compliance with the content of Law 67/98, of 26 october, on Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform the User that, after completing the Customer Registration process, their personal details will be stored in automated files owned by Orbest. We also inform the User that, in compliance with the express requirement issued to all airline companies with regard to controlling and safeguarding public safety and security, Orbest will be authorised to pass your passenger details to the authorities in charge of Government Internal Security Control of your country of origin, transit or destination at any time before your arrival, for this purpose. The United States of America also demands this information for aircraft flying over US air space. This information may also be given to other States demanding it by virtue of applicable laws or treaties if your flight passes through their air space.

In accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in Portugal and internationally, the carrier may be obliged in certain cases to hand personal data over to portuguese or authorised foreign public authorities (customs, immigration, etc.) in particular for the purpose of preventing or combatting terrorism or other serious crimes. It should be pointed out that some of the authorities mentioned above may be outside the European Union and have access to all or some of the data collected by the carrier (surnames, names, passport number, travel details, etc.) for issuing the Passenger Transport Contract correctly or because of a specific legal authorisation. The transfer of data to countries outside the European Union is done according to the content of Law 67/98, of 26 october, on Personal Data Protection. These data are obtained for the purpose of providing the User with our services, processing them (administration and charging for products and services purchased), issuing the transport contract and sending information and advertising on Orbest offers, promotions and recommendations, for which Orbest needs to send your personal details to companies, suppliers and organisers, namely: name and surname/s, which are absolutely essential for processing your booking, plus optional details about your preferences for the purpose of the specific and adequate provision of the contracted service. The passenger can of course exercise their right to oppose the collection and handling of these details, but they should be aware that this may result in their travel booking being cancelled or in them being unable to access certain requested additional services (special meals, etc.). Likewise, the User should be aware that, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in Portugal and internationally, failure to provide certain details or providing inaccurate details may result in them being denied boarding or entry to a foreign territory, in which case the carrier will not be held responsible. The passenger expressly authorises Orbest to pass on these details or, if applicable, to be shared with companies in Grupo Barcel贸 Viajes in the following sectors: retail travel agency, wholesale travel agency, hotel services, airlines and passenger transport services, so they can use them for the purposes outlined above. The passenger also consents to Orbest and companies within its group to send them commercial communications by electronic mail or similar means. The User may exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose granted to them by the law 67/98 by sending a certified letter for the attention of the LOPD Coordinator (Orbest S.A.) Edificio Rodrigo Uria. Rue Duque de Palmela, 23. Cora莽ao de Jesus. 1250-097 Lisboa in the terms set out by the Data Protection Agency. For greater convenience, and if you would like more information about how you can exercise the above rights, please contact us at the following e-mail address: lopd@

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