Eventattitude / photography as conversation starter tools

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Hello! At Eventattitude, photography has always had a special place. Today, when it gets to breaking the ice between your brand and your consumers, there is sometimes nothing as efficient as pictures! No matter the context – corporate event, music festival, B-to-C or B-to-B fair, street activation – photomarketing remains one of best ways to start the conversation with any target audience. However, the recipe is not within anybody’s reach. Once your consumers are photographed, magic will only operate if they are valued in the pic. If not, the side effects can be quite damaging. A reliable technical solution run by an experienced team is the only guarantee to have the best return on investment. That guarantee, Eventattitude offers it. Ready to take action?

The Modular Booth

Our modular kiosk fits every circumstances and configurations! You want it in “photobooth mode”? No problem. Then it includes a touch screen computer, a DSLR camera, LED lighting and a flash! You expect it to print photos? This is possible through a complementary module… In addition, TheModularBooth offers a wide variety of interesting plug-ins to support the technical system in place in order to really stick to your activation. From a barcode reader to an additional screen mounted on the back, it takes it all!

The Incredible vespa

This modular device is based on the iconic 3 wheels Vespa, Piaggio APE. It is designed for field activations. With its unparalleled look, TheIncredibleVespa naturally catches eyes. No need for a tent, booth or build up! When TheIncredibleVespa lands, activation can begin! Thanks to its two sides, the equipment is doubled (right/left) so TheIncredibleVespa can handle large crowds‌ Very flexible in technical possibilities, we built it in the same mindset as TheModularBooth‌


BIG camera

Who said size didn’t matter? With TheBigCamera, you will catch eyes on your stand and spark the curiosity of your audience on events‌ Its perfect look features a full photobooth device ready to print and share photos. These applications take place on external module, allowing TheBigCamera to permit a constant and heavy flow.

the unexpected box

Our photo cabin was specifically designed for campaigns activation. Its assembling system allows to be quickly operational in all types of circumstances while its ingenious panel system guarantees branding changes in a few minutes!

One ready… what happens in the privacy of the cabins remains a mystery… You’ll hear laughs or cries. You’ll see feet beyond… Sometimes so many feet the cabin deforms. No big deal… the picture will be even more fun! And when it comes out as a print, count on the famous strips!



We have always stimulated the audience to be active in the process, to make the brand experience more entertaining and memorable. Nevertheless, sometimes, a photographer in flesh and blood is the best way to start the conversation with your target. It is also the most appropriate configuration when it comes to tailor-made outputs ( green key, specific portraits‌ ), when human input remains an added value.

This is our special unit dedicated to semi-permanent set ups! With nearly 15 years of projects varying the meter, Eventattitude has built a unique experience on the market. PopKiosk is leveraging that expertise in fixed devices. Whether it’s for the European Parliament, the Autoworld Museum, the Coca-Cola lounge at the Stade de France or Ice Magic Festival, we implement integrated set-ups to take souvenir pictures and – sometimes – a system to sell them on site.

Our last baby! Beyond the technical solution, it is mainly an idea‌ The simple idea that everyone has in his pocket a device to capture his/her favorite moments: a smartphone! Now, brands only have to provide the basics: a good reason to make a Selfie and a device to print it for free‌

At Eventattitude, tailor-made is part of our DNA. We master the entire chain, from furniture design to software development. Our integrated departments allow us to consider all ideas and take any challenge. No matter if it is a “simple� photobooth or a more complicated experiential set-up, as long as the purpose is to start a conversation between a brand and its target.

Hello! | www.eventattitude.com | +32 2 401 48 48 | info@eventattitude.com | Let’s start a conversation together...

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