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Thoughts on the Construction of "Cultural Moutai" 關於文化茅台建設的思考
EDIT/ 文 Huang Xiaogang 黃小剛 TRANSLATION/ 譯 littlekwan
The proposition of "Cultural Moutai" is not only a corporate development strategy, but also a cultural development strategy. As a traditional manufacturing enterprise, it is necessary for Moutai Group to make strategic adjustments to cope with the global competition in the new era. In order to step towards the high end of the global value chain, "Cultural Moutai" is an important means to realize this transition. Therefore, what culture should "Cultural Moutai" build to achieve the overall goals becomes an important question to be immediately answered, which is essentially related to the construction of the connotation and system of "Cultural Moutai".
The Connotation of "Cultural Moutai"
"Cultural Moutai" is a positive coping strategy for the transition from "the era of materialism" to "the era of spiritualization". Evidently, its keyword is "culture", which is the extraction and sublimation of everything that is embedded in and relevant to Moutai liquor. The fundamental idea of "Cultural Moutai" is to build and enhance Moutai's cultural soft power, upgrading Moutai from a physical industrial product to an intangible cultural spirit, making Moutai more than just a type of liquor, a brand, an enterprise and a place, but also the carrier and symbol of this spirit and a modern culture system with "Moutai spirit" as its core. Apart from exploring and sorting out the historical culture of Moutai, the construction of "Cultural Moutai" should also remodel Moutai culture by adapting to the development requirements in the new era and the challenges brought by globalization, and centralize Moutai's development with culture, making it the core competence to support Moutai's future development. Thus, the connotation of "Cultural Moutai" should at least include the following concepts:

"Moutai Spirit" has multiple definitions. It represents the striving enterprising spirit, the ecological spirit maintaining the harmony between man and nature, the craftsmanship spirit pursuing excelsior and the patriotic spirit contributing to the national development. "Moutai Spirit" is the core and essence of "Cultural Moutai", which should be adhered to during the constructing, promoting and developing of "Cultural Moutai".
B) Moutai's history as the foundation of "Cultural Moutai"
Any culture is accumulated and enriched with the historical development over time, so "Cultural Moutai" must be built based on the long-standing development history of Moutai. From the records about Ju-jiang (the name of a kind of liquor in ancient China) during the Western Han Dynasty in The Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian to the glorious development since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the historical profundity of "Cultural Moutai" has been formed and soaked into the mellow Moutai liquor.
Only by using a physical carrier as the medium can the intangible culture be spread and passed on. Therefore, the construction of "Cultural Moutai" should also make good use of all Moutai-relevant products or services so as to spread Moutai culture to the whole world and increase the influence and competiveness of Moutai's cultural soft power.
The construction of "Cultural Moutai" cannot be accomplished without Moutai people's participation. To be
specific, Moutai Group and staff in its subsidiary bodies are the main force of "Cultural Moutai" while the upstream and downstream of Moutai Group, Moutai's consumers as well as other related groups make up the associated force. "Cultural Moutai" must be led by the main force and engaged by the associated force so as to assure its diversified construction and inclusive development.
"Cultural Moutai" is a system, a development strategy that connects traditions and innovations. It represents the cultural sublimation of Moutai's present and the cultural blueprint of Moutai's future. Therefore, the content system of "Cultural Moutai" should give consideration to at least two layers: the inner core and the external presentation.
A) The inner core of "Cultural Moutai"
As mentioned, the core of "Cultural Moutai" is "Moutai Spirit". Looking back to the past, the ultimate force driving Moutai Group to become today's liquor industry leader in China is the "Moutai Spirit" passed from generation to generation. Looking forward to the future, "Moutai Spirit" will continually evolve during the process of globalization and keep inspiring and guiding Moutai to march to a higher, broader and more influential stage. To be specific, "Moutai Spirit" is reflected in five aspects: The first one is the courage to bring forth new ideas. Whether it is the constant experiments or improvements on liquor making techniques or the constant perfection of the modern enterprise system, they all show Moutai Group's encouragement of innovation. It is exactly what pushes Moutai Group to expand. The second is the harmony between man and nature. The fact that Moutai liquor cannot be made outside of Maotai Town is not only a highest praise for Moutai liquor's unique producing environment but also reflects that Moutai Group adheres to the spirit that respects, adapts to, utilizes and lives in harmony with nature. It is also the basic principle that needs to be followed in the construction of "Cultural Moutai". Only by protecting the environment of Maotai Town as well as the water source and ingredients in the region of Chishui River can we lay the resource and environment foundation for Moutai's future development. The third is the persistence in making perfection more perfect. As the leading enterprise in the baijiu industry of our country, Moutai has always adhered to the excelsior and traditional hand-made production technique, which has been listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Moutai liquor production technique is the most valuable technical base for the construction of "Cultural Moutai", also a craftsmanship spirit needed to be promoted and carried forward. The fourth is the patriotism embedded in Moutai people's heart. As one of the significant beneficiaries and witnesses of China's historical process and contemporary development, the development of Moutai has always been closely bound up with the development of our country. The development of Moutai is not only about benefitting the Maotai Town and surroundings, but an implementation tightly in accordance with the national strategies and positively responding to the national policies, which integrates the national development and brand building as one. It fully demonstrates the limitless passion, gratitude to the country and patriotism of Moutai people. The last one is the spirit of advancing with the times. The development of Moutai always strictly follows the current trend of events and development requirements. It is the precious spirit of keeping pace with the times that urges Moutai to implement measures that meet the development demands of the age in time and launch products satisfying the market needs, consolidating the invincible position of Moutai. The construction of "Cultural Moutai" itself is also a strategic measure that meets the high-quality development requirements in the new era which advances with the times.
B) The external presentation of "Cultural Moutai"
The external presentation of "Cultural Moutai" is the embodiment and bearing of its inner core, which can be specifically divided into three layers: The first is to use high-quality Moutai liquor made by exquisite techniques as the core carrier of "Cultural Moutai". Liquor is the core physical carrier of the construction of "Cultural Moutai", and the most important step to make it perfect is the making process, which depends greatly on the craftsmanship that cannot stand away from refinement. Only by adhering to the excelsior spirit of craftsmanship can the high quality of liquor be guaranteed from the origin. Liquor of superior quality is not only one of the main components of "Cultural Moutai", but also the most important carrier for communication and experience, assisting in the broad spread of the in-depth connotation as well as unique spirits of "Cultural Moutai" so as to constantly enhance the cultural soft power, competiveness and influence. The second is to use the characteristic condition built by Moutai's exquisite products as the integrative visual symbol of "Cultural Moutai". Liquor is more than just a kind of industrial product, but also a cultural art piece. The superior quality of Moutai products is the essential assurance for its popularity while the distinct condition is the root for Moutai becoming a type of cultural artwork. Therefore, the construction of "Cultural Moutai" needs to look at
the product design and packaging of all lines of Moutai products in order to create an integrative visual system full of cultural profundity and Moutai characteristics, and make this refined, unique and integrative visual impact become the external symbol of "Cultural Moutai". The third is to use the noble conducts built by the thorough service of Moutai as the spiritual core of "Cultural Moutai". Offering thorough and thoughtful service is the key for modern enterprises to outperform their competitors and tightly seize as well as constantly expand the market space. It is also one of the strategic links that help enterprises create values in the global value chain, one of the core spirits that Moutai needs to keep sticking to and deepening as well as the obligation of the construction of "Cultural Moutai". It is essential for Moutai to influence the market and relevant groups with its sincere service, gradually foster Moutai's cultural connotation directing at noble conducts and re-build Moutai's gracious cultural image, continually enhance the cultural competiveness and influence so as to achieve the big step from powerfulness to greatness. 文 化茅台戰略的提出,不僅是一種企業發展戰略,更是 一種文化發展戰略。茅台集團作為傳統製造業,在新 時代全球競爭中亟需進行戰略調整,實現向全球價值 鏈高端邁進,文化茅台戰略正是實現這一轉型的重要抓手。然而, 用什麼樣的文化統攬全域就成為文化茅台建設亟需解決的重大課 題,也即文化茅台的內涵及文化茅台體系構建問題。
文化茅台的關鍵字是「文化」,是對茅台酒這一物質載體及其 相關內容的文化提煉和昇華,是從「物質時代」向「精神時代」轉

變的積極應對。 文化茅台,其最根本的含義在於塑造和提升茅台的文化軟實力, 將茅台從一款有形的工業產品升級為一種無形的文化精神,而茅台 正是這一文化精神的物質載體和代名詞,從而使得茅台不僅僅是一 款酒、一個品牌、一家企業、一個地名,更是以「茅台精神」為核 心的現代文化內容體系。文化茅台建設不僅要挖掘、梳理茅台歷史 文化,更要結合新時代發展要求和全球化發展挑戰,重塑茅台文化, 用文化統攬茅台發展,讓文化成為茅台未來發展的核心競爭力。因 此,文化茅台的深刻內涵至少包含以下幾個層面。 (一)文化茅台以「茅台精神」 為核心 「茅台精神」是一種奮力拼搏的創業精神,是一種天人合一 的生態精神,是一種精益求精的工匠精神,更是一種為了國家民族 發展而積極貢獻的愛國精神。「茅台精神」是文化茅台的內核與精 髓,是建設、宣傳和發展文化茅台所必須堅持的核心。
任何文化都是隨歷史發展而不斷積澱和豐富起來的,文化茅台 必然以茅台悠久的發展歷史為根基。無論是《史記》中關於西漢枸 醬的記載,還是新中國成立以來輝煌的發展歷程,都構成了文化茅 台最深厚的歷史底蘊 , 浸潤在香飄四溢的茅台酒中。
無形的文化必須要以有形的物質載體為介質,從而實現文化的 傳播與傳承。同樣,文化茅台建設也必須依託與茅台相關的系列物 質化載體或無形服務,方能實現在全球範圍內的廣泛傳播,提升茅 台文化軟實力的影響力和競爭力。
文化茅台的建設離不開茅台相關群體的參與。以茅台集團及 其附屬機構為主體的相關人員是文化茅台建設的主體,茅台集團 上下游、消費者以及其他相關群體則是文化茅台建設的關聯群 體。文化茅台建設必須以主體人員為主導,引導並帶動關聯群體參
文化茅台是一個系統,是一個上承傳統、下啟新路的發展戰略。 文化茅台建設既是對茅台現狀的文化昇華,也是對茅台未來的文化 佈局。文化茅台建設的內容體系至少包括內核與外在兩個層面。
文化茅台的內核是茅台精神。回望過去 , 茅台集團之所以逐步 發展壯大到當今國內白酒行業龍頭,其根本動力正是代代傳承的茅 台精神;展望未來,茅台精神將在全球化發展中不斷革新,並繼續 鼓舞、引領著茅台走向更高、更廣、更具影響力的舞臺。具體而言, 茅台精神體現在五個層面: 一是勇於創新。無論是對釀造工藝的不斷試驗與提升 , 還是對 現代企業制度的不斷完善等等,無不體現出內蘊於茅台集團最深處 的勇於創新、善於創新的寶貴精神。正是這種時時創新的精神推動

著茅台集團猶如滾雪球般越來越大。 二是天人合一。離開茅台就釀不出茅台酒,這既是對茅台酒獨 特釀造環境的高度評價,同時也反映了茅台集團尊重自然、順應自 然、利用自然,與自然和諧相處的天人合一精神。這是文化茅台建 設必須遵循的根本原則,只有保護好茅台、赤水河獨特的釀酒環境 和釀酒資源,才能為茅台未來發展奠定不可或缺的資源基礎和環境 基礎。 三是精益求精。茅台集團作為我國白酒行業龍頭,多年來始終 如一地秉承著手工釀造、精益求精的傳統釀造工藝,該工藝已入選 國家非物質文化遺產名錄,這是文化茅台建設最寶貴的工藝基礎, 也是必須弘揚光大的工匠精神。 四是家國情懷。茅台始終與國家發展密切關聯,茅台的發展是 我國歷史演進與當代發展的重要受益者和見證者。茅台的發展並非 偏安一隅,而是緊跟國家戰略,積極回應國家政策,將國家發展與 品牌塑造融為一體,充分體現了茅台人愛國、報國、建國的無限熱 情與情懷。 五是與時俱進。茅台的發展始終緊跟時勢,緊隨時代發展需求。
正是這種與時俱進的可貴精神,讓茅台始終能夠及時採取符合時代 發展要求的措施,推出滿足市場需求的產品,讓茅台立於不敗之地。 文化茅台建設本身就是順應新時代高品質發展需求的戰略舉措,是 與時俱進的。
文化茅台的外在是對其內核的體現和承載,具體而言主要包含 三個層面: 一是以精細化的工藝釀造品質上乘的美酒,成為文化茅台的核 心載體。 酒是文化茅台建設的核心物質載體,而其最為核心的環節在於 釀造,釀造最為核心的環節在於工藝,工藝最為核心的要求在於精 細化。只有秉持精益求精的工匠精神方能從源頭上、基礎上確保所 釀出的美酒品質上乘。品質上乘的酒既是文化茅台的重要組成內容 之一,更是文化茅台最重要的傳播載體和體驗載體,讓文化茅台的 深刻內涵與獨特精神得以廣泛傳播,進而不斷提升文化茅台的軟實 力、競爭力和影響力。

二是以精緻化的產品塑造獨具特色的品相,成為文化茅台一體 化視覺符號。 酒不僅是一種工業品,更應該是一種文化藝術品。上乘的品質 是茅台廣受市場歡迎的根本保證,獨特的品相則是茅台成為一種文 化藝術品的根基。為此,文化茅台建設還需從茅台各系列產品設計 與包裝著手,塑造富有文化底蘊而又獨具茅台特色的一體化視覺體 系,讓這種精緻而獨特的品相、一體化的視覺衝擊成為文化茅台的 外在符號。 三是以精心化的服務再造茅台高尚的品行,成為文化茅台的精 神內核。 精心化的服務是現代企業戰勝競爭對手,牢牢把握並不斷擴展 市場空間的關鍵所在,也是全球價值鏈中真正能夠為企業創造價值 的戰略環節之一,是茅台需要持續秉承並不斷深化的核心精神之一, 更是文化茅台建設的應有之義。以精心化、真誠化的服務感化市場 和相關群體,逐漸培育茅台品行高尚的文化內涵,再造茅台品行高 尚的文化形象,不斷增強茅台文化競爭力和影響力,實現茅台從強 大到偉大的邁進。