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Gao Weidong Took Over as Chairman of Kweichow Moutai Group 高衛東接任貴州茅台集團董事長
In the spring of 2020, Gao Weidong took over as Chairman of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd. and was elected as the new Chairman of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. Recently, Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group) successively investigated various sites, including the site of Moutai liquor expansion and technical modification project, qu-making workshop 1, the packing workshop, the Moutai staff hospital, Xijiu Company, factory 201, factory 301, the Chinese Liquor Culture City, the quality department, the blending and storing workshop, and liquor-making workshop 18. By visiting the scene, listening to reports as well as asking for information, Gao Weidong investigated the company's work for epidemic prevention and control as well as work resumption, and made specific requests for the next steps. Gao Weidong first came to the site of Moutai liquor expansion and technical modification project. After learning about the relevant situation, he emphasized that the project was closely bound up with Moutai's future development, so the staff needed to set more specific goals, especially focusing on the project quality, the safety of production and the progress of construction so as to assure the project to be put into operation as planned and provide strong momentum for Moutai's "14th Five-Year Plan" development. "Where is the water source?" "How is the upstream protected?" "How to ensure the safety of water obtaining?" Gao Weidong cared much about the ecological protection of the Chishui River. He emphasized that the quality of Moutai liquor was closely related to the water quality and microbe population of the river, so it was important to protect the water source and ensure the security of obtaining water by coordinating with the local government, in order to guarantee the quality of Moutai liquor. In the qu-making workshop and the packing workshop, Gao Weidong solicitously inquired about the work of the staff to understand in detail the production techniques of qu-making and packaging. He emphasized that it was necessary to continue to strictly implement the technique, strictly control the purchase standards and quality standards of raw materials, auxiliary materials, and packaging materials, and always maintain the quality and brand advantages of Moutai liquor. When investigating the Xijiu Company, one of the subsidiaries of Moutai Group, Gao Weidong pointed out that "Xijiu is a very important subsidiary of the group. In recent years, with the joint efforts of all employees, the Xijiu Company has achieved good development results." He emphasized, "The more well-developed the enterprise, the more we should be serious when sorting out the problems in production, marketing, environmental protection and other sectors, take the "Infrastructure Construction Year" as an opportunity to implement the work measures, consolidate the foundation, and promote stable and longterm development of Xijiu." For the production of Xijiu Company's thick fragrance liquor, Gao Weidong required that the Xijiu Company should adhere to the principle of "reservation" and "reduction", keep the historical features and production process, constantly dig into history and culture, trace the cultural connotation of the liquor, foster corporate culture, and enhance brand value. Gao Weidong also inspected various sites such as the site of technical modification project and supporting facilities project for 30,000 tons of Moutai flavor liquor as well as the site of Xijiu Company's technical modification project for 19,000 tons of Moutai flavor liquor, and emphasized the needs to strictly and properly carry out the work of progress, quality, and safety. He emphasized that it was necessary to promote the intensification and self-contained capability of upstream and downstream enterprises from the perspective of the whole industrial chain, introduce related enterprises to produce supporting products nearby, so as to reduce own packaging and logistics costs, improve self-contained service capacity, increase local financial taxes, and promote local development. Gao Weidong also investigated the Chinese Liquor Culture City. He pointed out that Moutai people should protect and make good use of the cultural resources in the Chinese Liquor Culture City to assist Moutai to realize better development with cultural soft power. When investigating the quality department, blending and storing workshop, liquor-making workshop 18 and other units, Gao Weidong went deep into the front-line team to understand the production technique and round production of Moutai liquor, emphasized that "systematic thinking should be used to consider the whole area of
enterprise development", and proposed to "build a technical and powerful Moutai liquor blending team", "ensure the absolute safety of liquor storehouse", and "build a scientific research and quality control system that matches the Moutai brand". Gao Weidong stressed that it was necessary to strengthen the training for professional technical talents by opening technological channels and building a positive atmosphere where technical personnel were respected and acknowledged. By continuing the tradition of "passing on experience", Gao Weidong aimed to foster more young people to become the master of blending; also, the staff should put the safety work in the first place, continuingly increase capital input and enhance the safety management standard via technical and intelligent prevention; staff in blending and storing workshops should implement "double duties for one post", perform their duty, and proceed with the safety work by insisting on extreme thinking, bottomline thinking, and a strong sense of crisis; they should also strictly control the quality of raw materials and other ingredients in accordance with the standardized system and criteria set for organic crops as well as increase scientific research input in the fields of technology and quality. On the work site of liquor-making workshop 18, Gao Weidong expressed that he valued the basic-level staff's effect as a fort and encouraged creating more creativity development space and providing platforms for younger staff to grow. After learning that "the zeng (a kind of steamer) output is stable, the liquor quality is good, and the round production is normal", Gao Weidong expressed his gratitude to every front-line staff who had worked hard and still stuck to their posts at this very critical moment, and reminded everyone to control the quality of production process and base liquor so as to promote Moutai's stable and long-term development together.
2020 年春季,高衛東接任中國貴州茅台酒廠(集團) 有限責任公司董事長,並當選為貴州茅台酒股份有限 公司董事長。 日前,茅台集團董事長高衛東先後深入茅台酒擴建技改專案 現場、制曲一車間、包裝車間、茅台職工醫院、習酒公司、201 廠、 301 廠、中國酒文化城、品質部、勾貯車間、制酒十八車間等地調 研,通過看現場、聽彙報、問情況等方式,檢查公司疫情防控和復 工複產工作,對下步工作提出明確要求。 高衛東首先來到茅台酒擴建技改專案現場,瞭解相關情況後, 他強調,茅台酒擴建技改項目事關茅台的未來發展,要把任務下得 更精准,重點抓疫情防控、抓專案品質、抓安全生產,抓施工進度, 保障專案按計劃建成投產,為茅台「十四五」發展提供強大動能。 「水源地是哪裡?」「上游是如何保護的?」「如何保證取 水安全?」高衛東十分關心赤水河生態保護情況。他強調,茅台酒 的品質和赤水河穀的水質、微生物群息息相關,要保護好水源地,
為茅台酒品質提供重要保證;要加強與地方政府的溝通協調,保證 取水安全,守好茅台酒品質的第一道關口。 在制曲和包裝車間,高衛東關切詢問員工工作情況,詳細瞭 解制曲和包裝生產工藝,強調要繼續嚴格執行工藝,嚴把原輔料和 包材的採購標準、品質標準,始終保持茅台酒的品質和品牌優勢。 高衛東在習酒公司調研時說:「習酒是集團旗下十分重要的 子公司,近年來,在全體員工的共同努力下,習酒公司取得了很好 的發展成效。」他強調「越是在企業發展好的情況下,越要認真梳 理生產、行銷、環保等板塊存在的問題,以『基礎建設年』為契機, 落實工作措施,把基礎夯得更實,推動習酒行穩致遠」。對於習酒 公司濃香型酒生產,高衛東要求,要堅持「保留」、「減量」,保 留好歷史文脈和生產工藝,要不斷深入挖掘歷史文化,溯源酒文化 內涵,厚植企業文化,提升品牌價值。

高衛東還實地查看了 3 萬噸醬香系列酒技改工程及配套設施 專案、習酒公司 1.9 萬噸醬香酒技改工程項目等現場,強調要堅持 進度、品質、安全三項齊抓,抓好。在習酒運營中心項目現場,高 衛東強調,要從全產業鏈角度推動上下游企業的集約化、配套化, 引進關聯企業就近生產配套產品,一來降低自身的包裝物流成本、 提升配套服務能力,二來增加地方財政稅收、促進地方發展。 高衛東還調研了中國酒文化城。指出,要充分保護和利用好 中國酒文化城的文化資源,以文化軟實力助推茅台實現更好發展。 在品質部、勾貯車間、制酒 18 車間等單位調研,他深入一線 瞭解茅台酒生產工藝和輪次生產情況,強調「要用系統思維考量企 業發展全域」,並提出要「打造一支技術好、能力強的茅台酒勾兌 團隊」、「確保酒庫安全萬無一失」、「打造與茅台品牌相匹配的 科研和品質管控體系」。 高衛東強調,要強化專業技術人才培育,打通技術通道,營 造尊重、認同技術人才的氛圍,發揮「傳幫帶」的優良傳統,培養 更多年輕人成為勾兌大師;要將安全工作擺在第一位,持續加大資 金投入,通過技防、智防提升安全管理水準;勾貯車間班子要落實 「一崗雙責」,履職盡責,堅持用極端思維、底線思維、時刻保持 憂患意識推進安全工作;要堅決把牢把嚴把好原輔料進口品質關, 按照有機農作物標準系統化、指標化抓好品質管理,加大技術和品 質領域的科研投入。 在制酒十八車間生產現場,高衛東強調要充分發揮基層支部 的堡壘作用,多為年輕人創造發展空間、提供成長平臺。在得知「甑 產量穩定,酒質好,輪次生產正常」後,高衛東向辛勤耕耘、堅守 崗位的一線員工表示感謝,並叮囑大家一定要把控好生產和基酒品 質,凝心聚力推動茅台行穩致遠。