17 minute read
Aman's Healthcare Regimen 安縵的養生療法

TEXT/ 文 Yam
Health is one of the most concerned topics right now. If our body's natural defense system works well, we can defeat many kinds of diseases. Aman is pleased to announce new wellness programmes designed to bolster and support the body's natural defense system with the aim of enabling guests to be at their optimum health. Drawing on the most advanced medicine and scientific knowledge, as well as the wisdom of ancient wellness traditions, each new programme will tackle a specific aspect of immunity and reflect Aman's signature integrative approach to wellbeing. Intravenous therapies on offer include Myers' Cocktail IV, a potent recovery formula with magnesium and vitamins C and B; Custom Immune Boost IV (Myers' Cocktail plus alpha lipoic acid), helpful for improving carbohydrate metabolism and reducing inflammation; and High Dose Vitamin C, which promotes antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer activities. Vitamin D injections increase the level of macrophages which are crucial to the function of the immune system and helping prevent cancers. Aman's new Traditional Medicine Immune-Support Retreat focuses on the immune-supporting practices to regain the equilibrium of body and mind to prevent illnesses.

健康和養生是當下公眾最關心的話題。自身的免疫力則 是最佳的抗體。若能好好發揮免疫力,人類可以免受 許多疾病的威脅。影響免疫功能好壞的原因有很多種, 我歸納出最重要的六個原因:年齡、營養狀況、睡眠、藥物、運動、 環境與心理壓力。 當下,酒店業也在因應環境迅速做出調整,譬如安縵則推出了 全新康體養生體驗。根據每位賓客的獨特情況和狀態,他們充分考 慮各個方面的因素,從而打造個人化的體驗,致力提升免疫系統, 增強自然屏障。 在某些安縵的渡假村,他們為賓客制定的養生方案,包括具有 針對性的特定療法,目標是增強免疫系統、減輕壓力、減少毒素的

影響並改善腸道功能。 其中,比較特別的靜脈療法包括梅氏雞尾酒 IV,將鎂、維生 素 C 和 B,添加在酒中,是效果顯著的體能恢復配方;定制免疫 增強 IV(邁爾斯雞尾酒加 α- 硫辛酸),有助於碳水化合物代謝和 減少炎症;大劑量維生素 C 療法,可增強身體的抗病毒、抗菌和 抗癌能力。他們還使用維生素 D 注射,可增加對免疫系統功能至 關重要的巨噬細胞水平,並有助於預防癌症。臭氧療法刺激細胞因 子的產生(細胞因子是免疫系統分泌的影響細胞信號傳導的蛋白 質)。 安縵還推出了以傳統醫學提升免疫力為主題的全新度假村,致 力於讓每位到訪賓客恢復身心健康的平衡以預防疾病。
世界之醉 ( 組詩節選 ) Suite Poem: Inebriation of the World (Excerpts) EDIT/ 文 Xu Bichang 徐必常 TRANSLATION/ 譯 Kwankwan
Ju-Jiang The one who named liquor "Ju-Jiang" Must be the father of Ju-Jiang Holding the drinking cup, he thought about all the good things In the picturesque scenery of Maotai town Smoke slowing wreathed over the cottages Surrounded by the inebriety of fine liquor There must be a toasting song As beautiful as his wife and children Having them around The breeze gently kissed his face Just like the night wind Brushing through his pillow The old days must be so wonderful Otherwise, through all these years Time would not turn the river into such mellow liquor Ju-Jiang, you must be the quintessence of Moutai sown by that man And the harvest growing from it
枸醬 那個把酒取名為枸醬的人 一定是枸醬父親 他手把著酒杯,心懷著美好 茅台的風景肯定是如畫的 枸醬升騰起來的醉意 一定挽著炊煙 肯定有一曲酒歌。酒歌的美 一定如他身邊的女子 兒女們肯定繞膝 有輕風從耳邊拂面 就如夜晚 吹過枕頭的那陣風 日子肯定美得不行 不然時光,不會在多年以後 把一條河流變成美酒 枸醬,你肯定是那位男人 種在茅台的精髓 和長在酒中的收穫
Emperor Wu of Han Lands and fine liquor Absolutely incomparable The important officials around you Definitely no match for the liquor down your belly I have no idea how good your liquor was But I know how you felt about Ju-Jiang "Luscious" is what you said And people lost their souls at your words You tasted Ju-Jiang, a mouthful after another Those goddesses in the palace All took Ju-Jiang as vinegar Saw vinegar as destiny And wanted to see through your cup with fate But who would know The moment you raised a cup of liquor You were lifting the territories you owned The beauty of the picturesque land Is the beauty of Ju-Jiang 漢武帝 江山和美酒之間 肯定誰也不等於誰 你身邊那些重臣 絕對不會成為肚子裡的美酒 你的美酒美到什麼程度我不知道 但我知道枸醬 在你心中的味道 一句「甘美之」 有人就丟了魂和魄 你一口又一口品著枸醬 那些絕世的美女 都把枸醬當成醋來喝了 都把醋當命運來喝了 都想用命運望穿你的酒杯 可有誰知道 你舉起一杯酒 就是舉起江山 江山如畫 那江山的秀色 就是枸醬的秀色

The Panama-Pacific International Exposition The shattered liquor bottle pieces On the ground of the expo venue Mirrored what China was like at that time This is a nation famous for porcelain But with enchanting aroma hidden in her belly The feelings in our chests The morality in our hearts Were concealed by the regime I respect you, the powerful one And your power to conquer the others It is you who made those arrogant ones Lower their heads with mincing looks
巴拿馬萬國博覽會 碎在博覽會會場那一地酒瓶 何嘗不是那時的中國 一個以瓷器為名的國度 她那肚子裡藏著的 卻是醉倒世界的醇香 就如中國人胸中的情懷 心中的道德 被一個政權捂住了本色 我敬佩那個擲地有聲的人 更敬重你征服人的力量 是你讓那些趾高氣揚的人 低下他們裝模作樣的頭顱
Have a Drink Drink Moutai to celebrate our reunion in Nanjing After coming back from the long march As the poem tells moving stories Snow falls heavily in Jiangnan and it deserves a drink —— Chen Yi If my friends come over from afar I will definitely think of Moutai Unlike the general who drinks Moutai I will tell my friends stories about Moutai From Ju-Jiang to Emperor Wu of Han From Emperor Wu to Panama From the founding ceremony to the return of Hong Kong From today to tomorrow If I have to appreciate the view around me alone I will compare Moutai to poems Their beauty intoxicates me And their inherence possesses me I cannot compare myself with the general With his poem on the horse back He leaves his liquor in Maotai town But Moutai is the roundworm in my belly Always biting me from the inside 飲酒 金陵重逢飲茅台,萬里長征洗腳來。 深謝詩章傳韻事,雪壓江南飲一杯。 ——陳毅 如果朋友從遠方來 我一定會想著茅台 將軍飲茅台,我可不 我給他們飲茅台酒的故事 從枸醬飲到漢武帝 從漢武帝飲到巴拿馬 從開國大典飲到香港回歸 再從今天飲到未來 如果我獨自欣賞身邊的景物 我會拿茅台酒和詩比 用它們的美來陶醉我 用它們的心來掏空我 但我肯定不能和將軍比 他的詩在馬背,他的酒在茅台 而茅台只是我肚子裡那條蛔蟲 老是在裡面一嘴嘴咬我

Feitian (Flying Apsaras) Feitian of 60 years, is with lofty aspiration The liquor named Moutai Has exceeded Wu Gang's osmanthus wine If you doubt it, you can ask Do any immortals and mortals Still drink unstrained liquor alone At the Mid-Autumn Festival The floral fragrance of osmanthus Can never compete with liquor aroma Among all liquor, Moutai is an extraordinary lady Her wing is larger than Chang E's And her ambition is stronger than Chang E's When she flies, she flies higher than the sky Carrying the Chishui River and Maotai Town Zunyi, Guizhou and China A land of 9.6 million square kilometers Her ability, is more than limitless Good wind all wants to embrace her force Don't worry Once the Moutai bottle is opened All good things will come along
飛天 六十年飛天,心比天高 那個叫茅台的酒,早就勝過了吳剛的 桂花酒 不信你問問八月十五 還有多少神仙和凡人 抱著一壇濁酒獨醉? 桂花再香抵不過酒香 酒中的茅台,那是酒中的奇女子 她身上的翅膀比嫦娥的大 她心中的理想比嫦娥的大 她這一飛,比天還大! 帶著赤水河,帶著茅台鎮 帶著遵義,帶著貴州 帶著九百六十萬平方公里土地的中國 她的能耐 何止是大字了得? 好風都想憑她一份力 這不: 茅台酒一開, 好事自然來!
National Banquet I don't know whether liquor is the eye of a banquet But I know its glitter is similar as the sparkling eyes looking at me Liquor served on a national banquet is much more different I see when the leaders raise their cups They are also showing the bearing of a nation All those eyes staring at Moutai Are also staring at China At her manners, her past and her future
Moutai of 1952 11 years later, why did Mao remember this particular year And Moutai liquor produced in this year Why did he remember her as a gift To bond nations and nations 11 years ago, the three distilleries Were like three big clenched hands They were going to make the new-born republic drunk With the power in their hands In that year, Moutai was first put in the surname of "nation" Gathering the country's energy She bore the heavy burden In the name of the nation

The Geneva Conference Apart from peace We also bring fine liquor So we can toast to peace Apart from "the Five Principles" We also bring Moutai So we can get drunk together with the whole world All the nails in the world Will get rusty when they encounter Moutai The flowers representing friendship Will become in full blossom When they are watered by Moutai Look, the vines and roots underneath the flowers Were holding on to each other like holding hands
國宴 酒算不算宴席上的眼睛我不知道 但我知道它的晶瑩 和看我那雙眸子多麼相似 而國宴上的酒就更加不同 我看到領袖們舉起杯時 舉起的是一個國家的氣度 那一雙雙盯著茅台的眼睛 何嘗不是在盯著中國 盯著她的禮儀,盯著她的歷史與未來
1952 年的茅台酒 十一年後,為何毛澤東還記得這個年份 記得這一年的茅台酒 記得用她,作為國家的禮物 編織一國與一國的紐帶 十一年前,那三家燒房 就像緊握的三雙大手 它們要用自己的力量 讓新生的共和國沉醉 那一年茅台酒第一次姓「國」 她以國家的名義 她集國家的能量 她承擔一個國家的重托
日內瓦會議 我們除了帶去和平 還得帶上美酒 我們得為和平乾杯 我們除了帶去「五項原則」 還得帶去茅台 我們要與世界同醉 那些世界的釘子 一旦遇上茅台 絕對就會生銹 那些友誼的花兒 一旦遇上茅台 就會開得更豔 這不,你看那些友誼之花 花下的藤和根 像一雙雙手緊握著
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MOUTAI On The World Map
茅台在全球 2020

Gao Weidong Talked with Liang Jianzhang to Explore Cross-Industry Cooperation Between Moutai and Ctrip
Recently, Liang Jianzhang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ctrip Group, visited Moutai. Moutai Group Chairman Gao Weidong and General Manager Li Jingren had a discussion with Liang Jianzhang's delegation to discuss the development of the cultural tourism industry. "Moutai is the most attractive shopping choice for tourists coming to Guizhou. I'm also a Moutai fan. I only choose Moutai among baijiu." Liang Jianzhang said that in recent period, domestic tourists would inevitably prefer domestic tourist destinations. Ctrip could promote industrial tourism around Moutai, which could not only increase the attraction of Guizhou tourism, Zunyi tourism and Moutai industrial tourism, but also enhance tourists' recognition of Moutai's brand, culture and value, and cultivate loyal consumers for Moutai. MOUTAI News Gao Weidong pointed out that Moutai's industrial tourism has been affected this year. In order to vigorously promote Moutai's industrial tourism in a short period of time, it is necessary to move

forward with such excellent enterprises as Ctrip. Both Ctrip and Moutai have their own brand, cultural and customer advantages, while Moutai's cultural tourism industry still has a lot of basic work to improve. Next, Ctrip and Moutai can explore how to carry out the cooperation of "Ctrip + Guizhou", "Ctrip + Zunyi" and "Ctrip + Moutai", and look forward to early results of cooperation. It is reported that Guizhou Provincial Government and Ctrip Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Guiyang to boost the high-quality development of the province's cultural tourism industry. Ctrip will combine its own platform and market advantages with Guizhou's resources and industrial advantages to jointly usher in the upgrading and development of cultural tourism industry after the epidemic situation.
高衛東與梁建章座談 : 探索茅台與攜程跨界合作
日前,攜程集團董事局主席梁建章到訪茅台。茅台集團董事長高 衛東,總經理李靜仁與梁建章一行進行座談,圍繞文旅產業發展展開 交流。 「茅台酒對來貴州的遊客是最有吸引力的購物選擇。我也是一名 茅粉,喝白酒只喝茅台。」梁建章表示,近段時間國內遊客必然首選 國內的旅遊目的地,攜程可以圍繞茅台來推廣工業旅遊,這樣既可以 增加貴州旅遊、遵義旅遊和茅台工業旅遊的吸引力,也可以提升遊客 對茅台品牌、文化和價值的認同,為茅台培養忠誠的消費者。 高衛東指出,今年茅台工業旅遊受到了影響。要在短時期內對茅 台工業旅遊進行強力推動,就需要和攜程這樣的優秀企業並肩前行。 攜程和茅台都有自身的品牌優勢、文化優勢、客戶優勢,而茅台的文 旅產業還有很多基礎工作需要提升。下一步,攜程和茅台可以圍繞打 造「攜程 + 貴州」「攜程 + 遵義」「攜程 + 茅台」進行探索,期待 合作早日取得成果。 據悉,貴州省政府與攜程集團在貴陽簽署戰略合作框架協定,助 推全省文旅產業高品質發展。攜程將以自身的平臺優勢、市場優勢與 貴州資源優勢、產業優勢強強聯合,共同迎來疫後文化旅遊產業的升 級發展。
The first international exchange of Moutai culture in 2020 was held in the International Plaza of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). The theme was "Meeting with Cultural Moutai All over the World", and nearly 200 international students from Samoa, Nepal, the United States, Uganda and Panama participated in this unique cultural activity. The article "'Cultural Moutai' Marching Towards a New Era" once profoundly explained the four spiritual essences of "Cultural Moutai", namely, the responsibility of manufacturing in a great country, the persistence of green development, the spreading of kindness and friendship, and the pursuit of cultural recognition. The holding of this international exchange of Moutai culture was a vivid representation of "spreading kindness and friendship as well as pursuing cultural recognition". Through direct communication in Chinese, students could deeply understand the essence of Moutai liquor's traditional making technique and the unique charm of "Cultural Moutai", and then spread them to more international friends in their own way. Art has no boundaries while culture has consensus. As an important symbol of Chinese culture, Moutai has the obligation to spread the value of Chinese culture to the world, to show the unique charm of "Made in China" on the international stage, to become a window for the world to understand China, and to imprint China's mark on the whole world. (Shang Yusong)
2020 年首場茅台文化國際交流活動在對外經濟貿易大學國際交 流大廈舉行。活動以「文化茅台 · 香遇五洲」為主題,共有包括薩摩亞、 尼泊爾、美國、烏干達、巴拿馬等五個國家五個洲在內的近兩百名國 際留學生參與了這場別開生面的文化活動。 文章《邁向新時代的「文化茅台」》深刻闡釋了「文化茅台」的 四個精神內質,即大國製造的擔當、綠色發展的執著、善良友好的傳 播和文化認同的追求。而此次茅台文化國際交流活動的舉行,就是對 「善良友好的傳播和文化認同的追求」的生動再現。通過中文的直接 MOUTAI News

交流,學生們能夠更加深切地體會到茅台酒傳統釀造技藝的本質以及 「文化茅台」獨有的魅力,進而用他們自己的方式,向更多的國際友 人傳播。 藝術無國界,文化有共識。作為中國文化的重要符號。茅台有義 務向全世界傳播中國文化的價值,在國際舞臺上展現「中國製造」的 獨特魅力,成為世界瞭解中國的視窗,在全世界烙上中國印記。 (尚鈺淞)

Li Jingren Surveyed PetroChina Qinghai Branch
Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) led a team to PetroChina Qinghai Sales Branch for survey and exchange. The two sides exchanged views on how to further cooperate in the next step, and discussed the construction of corporate culture, intelligent development, and modern management. When they entered the branch's corporate culture exhibition hall, the bronze sculpture of "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi first came into view. The Daqing spirit of "patriotism, entrepreneurship, pragmatism, and dedication" has inspired generations of petroleum workers to march forward bravely, which is also the value pursuit of generations of Moutai people. During the visit, Li Jingren highly admired the Daqing and "Iron Man" spirits, and highly appreciated the corporate culture MOUTAI News construction of PetroChina Qinghai Sales Branch. He said that Moutai would learn from the successful experience of PetroChina's corporate culture construction and promote the construction of

"Cultural Moutai" to be more practical and effective. In the logistics dispatching control center, Li Jingren was deeply touched after carefully watching the staff's demonstration operation. He said that intelligence was the development trend of the times. As a traditional enterprise, Moutai needed to seek intelligent development, and improve production efficiency as well as enterprise management level through the "Intelligent Moutai" project. At the same time, Moutai would learn from large enterprises like PetroChina to advance the construction of "Intelligent Moutai" with high standard and level. (Wang Zhu)
集團公司總經理李靜仁率隊到中石油青海銷售公司考察交流,雙 方就如何深入下步合作交換意見,並在企業文化打造、智慧化發展、 現代化管理等方面進行研討。 走進該公司企業文化展廳,「鐵人」王進喜的銅身雕塑首先映入 眼簾,「愛國、創業、求實、奉獻」的大慶精神激勵著一代代石油人 奮勇前進,這恰恰也是世代茅台人的價值追求。參觀中,李靜仁對大 慶精神和鐵人精神十分敬佩,並對中石油青海銷售公司的企業文化建 設表示高度認可。他說,茅台要學習借鑒中石油企業文化建設的成功 經驗,推動「文化茅台」建設走得更實、更有成效。 來到物流調度控制中心,在認真觀看工作人員演示操作後,李靜 仁感觸頗深,他說,智慧化、智慧化是時代發展潮流,作為傳統企業, 茅台需要尋求智慧化發展,通過「智慧茅台」工程提高生產效率、提 升企業管理水準,同時也要向中石油這樣的大企業學習取經,以高標 準、高水準推進「智慧茅台」建設。 (王柱)
Wang Yan Discussed "Cultural Moutai" Construction with Employee Representatives
Wang Yan (Deputy Party Secretary of Moutai Group) came to the packaging and blending group to discuss "Moutai Group's Annual Work Report" with employee representatives, listened carefully to employees' voices, and jointly planned Moutai's development. "Front-line employees' understanding of 'Cultural Moutai' is still not systematic, in-depth, and specific enough. It is recommended that our company strengthen the publicity and explanation of 'Cultural Moutai'." "It is recommended to broaden the selection range of suppliers and select the best."... Participant representatives put forward many constructive suggestions for Moutai's development. Wang Yan said that the purpose of gathering representatives here at this moment was to "think about and discuss great events". All representatives should truly shoulder their responsibilities, integrate these responsibilities into the development of the enterprise, and
actively provide suggestions for the future development of Moutai. Wang Yan pointed out that at present, the company was comprehensively and systematically refining and combing Moutai culture. The construction of "Cultural Moutai" could not be achieved overnight. Open construction required continuous and unremitting efforts. Talking about culture was simple, but forming cultural consensus was very difficult. He hoped that everyone would provide more ideas and efforts to the construction of "Cultural Moutai".
集團公司黨委副書記王焱來到包裝勾貯組,與員工代表一起討論 《茅台集團年度工作報告》,仔細傾聽員工心聲,共謀茅台發展。 「一線員工對於『文化茅台』的瞭解仍然不夠系統、不夠深入、 不夠具體,建議公司加強對『文化茅台』的專題宣貫和講解」「建議 拓寬供應商的可選擇範圍,優中選優」……與會代表紛紛為茅台發展 提出了許多建設性的意見建議。王焱表示,公司在年終將各位代表聚 集在這裡,目的在於「想大事,議大事」。諸位代表要切實肩負起身 上的責任,並將這份責任融入到企業發展中去,積極為茅台未來發展 建言獻策。 王焱指出,目前,公司正在對茅台文化進行全面系統的提煉和梳 理。「文化茅台」建設絕不是一朝一夕的事,開放式建設需要久久為 功。談文化簡單,形成文化共識很難,希望大家對「文化茅台」建設 多出主意、多多努力。

Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group) and Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) led a team to visit BGI Group in Shenzhen, and exchanged views with Wang Jian (Chairman of BGI Group) and Xu Xun (CEO of BGI Group) on deepening the next-step cooperation. At the symposium, both sides agreed that the cooperation between Moutai and BGI had been fruitful over the past year. The integration of "liquor + biological science" realized through cooperation not only embodied BGI Group's value pursuit of "Transomics for a better life", but also injected scientific research energy to crack the "Moutai code". Both sides should continue to strengthen cooperation, further promote cooperation projects, continuously improve the scientific and technological performance and standards of the projects, and organically combine Moutai culture with biological science, so as to improve the interestingness and practicability of science, and ensure that the cooperation projects are fruitful and effective. It is reported that depending on their own resources and technical advantages, Moutai and BGI will strengthen cooperation in such aspects as liquor-making microbe research and employee health management, so as to create a benchmark for cross-industry integration. Before the symposium, Gao Weidong and Li Jingren also visited the China National GeneBank (CNGB) to learn more about the gene interpretation platform and gene compilation platform, and to listen to the introduction of CNGB's functional value and intelligent transformation.
茅台集團董事長高衛東,集團總經理李靜仁率隊赴深圳拜訪華大 集團,並與華大集團董事長汪建、首席執行官徐訊交流座談,就深化 下步合作交換意見。 座談會上,雙方一致認為,一年來,茅台與華大的合作富有成效, 通過合作實現的「白酒 + 生物科學」的融合,既是華大集團「基因科 技造福人類」價值追求的體現,也為破解「茅台密碼」注入了科研能 量。雙方要繼續強化合作,深入推進合作項目,不斷提升項目科技含 金量和標準水準,將茅台文化與生物科學有機結合起來,以此提高科 學的趣味性和實用性,確保合作專案出成果、有實效。 據悉,茅台與華大依託各自的資源、技術優勢,將在釀酒微生物 研究、員工健康管理等方面加強合作,打造行業跨界融合的標杆。 座談會前,高衛東、李靜仁一行還實地參觀了深圳國家基因庫, 詳細瞭解基因解讀平臺、基因編寫平臺等資訊,聽取國家基因庫功能 價值、智慧化轉型等方面的情況介紹。 MOUTAI News

Moutai was Again Shortlisted in the Overseas Communication Excellence Awards
Among all the entries solicited in the 2nd Overseas Communication Excellence Awards (OCEA), Moutai is the only shortlisted liquor brand from China with its "Super Moutai" creative marketing event. It is also the second time that Moutai is nominated for the award. OCEA is the first award set up to evaluate the overseas marketing communication value which opens up to Chinese institutions in all fields and industries. The award comprehensively evaluates different ways of marketing communication based on their impacts and their applications of different media especially social media and content creativity, aiming to explore the most outstanding case with the best integration of media choices, contents and creativity as well as the most excellent marketing effect. With the innovative "Super Moutai" on-line marketing event, Moutai extends the communication dimension of Chinese baijiu on overseas social media platforms. For a long time, Moutai, as a representative of Chinese national brand, has been deepening the connotation of "Cultural Moutai", expanding the cultural extension, depending on overseas social media platforms and making "the voice of China" and "Chinese stories" more popular abroad by means of international social media, Internet thinking or social marketing. The successful nomination for OCEA is also a vivid proof of Moutai's significant influence during its overseas development, which also implies that the marketing achievements of "Cultural Moutai" have gradually been noticed and recognized. In the future, Moutai will carry on MOUTAI News with its journey to the world, accelerate its pace in the process of speeding up the global strategic distribution and join hands with several national brands to create new success overseas.

茅台再度入圍「海帆獎」, 彰顯「文化茅台」海外傳播佳績
在以「吸引世界傾聽你精彩」為主題的第二屆中國機構海外傳播 傑出案例(海帆獎)徵集評選活動中,茅台憑藉「超級茅台」創意行 銷活動位列其中,成為唯一一個入圍的中國酒類品牌,這也是茅台連 續第二年入圍該獎項。 「海帆獎」是首個面向全領域、全行業開放的中國機構的出海行 銷傳播價值評估類獎項。獎項評選以影響力為本,以不同媒介尤其是 社交媒體及其相關內容創意為維度,全方位考察不同的傳播行銷方式, 力圖挖掘媒介和創意與內容結合最為緊密的、傳播效果最為出色的案 例。茅台集團憑藉極富創意的「超級茅台」線上行銷活動,拓展了中 國白酒在海外社交媒體平臺的傳播維度。 長久以來,作為中國民族品牌的代表,茅台不斷深化「文化茅台」 內涵,擴展文化外沿,依託海外社交媒體平臺,借助海外社交媒體或 採取互聯網思維、社交行銷手段,讓「中國聲音」、「中國故事」在 海外更加深入人心。而成功入圍此次「海帆獎」則展現了茅台的海外 發展之路飄香四溢,步履生花,也表明「文化茅台」傳播成果逐漸受 到各界的矚目與認可。未來,茅台將繼續放眼世界,在加速全球戰略 佈局的進程中加快腳步,以一杯美酒敬世界,攜手眾多民族品牌,共 創「出海」新佳績。
Moutai Group Launched the Digital Museum Carrying Forward Moutai Culture in a New Way
The first liquor culture digital museum jointly built by Moutai Group and Baidu Digital Museum Project has been officially launched on Baidu Digital Museum. People can enter the Baidu Baike page of "Moutai liquor" and visit Moutai Digital Museum by searching keywords like "Moutai liquor" or "Kweichow Moutai" on Baidu.
茅台集團上線數位博物館, 全新形式傳承茅台酒文化
茅台集團聯合百度百科博物館計 畫共同打造的中國首座酒文化數字博物 館在百度百科博物館正式上線。可在百 度搜索「茅台酒」「貴州茅台」等進入 「茅台酒」百科,進入茅台數位博物館 觀看。