Moutai Magazine - International Edition Issue 30 Winter 2020

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30 WINTER 2020

The New Taste of Ancient Charm 古韻新品

Gao Weidong: Three Important Nodes in Moutai's Capital Market Journey

高衛東:貴州茅台在資本市場的歷程有三個重要節點 Discovering the Forbidden City 如果故宮會說話

Liang Shixiong:Country in the Heart 梁世雄:心隨江山






Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501

Production & Advertising Sales Agent: A renowned cultural blogger. A fan of David Bowie, hats and whisky. His cooperation brands and organizations include Cadillac, Chanel, Montblanc, Visa, Adidas, SK II, Martel, Absolut, Oppo etc.


ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2501, 25/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588 Publisher Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer Christine Yin

Johnny is experienced in brand and marketing promotion. His clients include Forbes Global 500. As a diving enthusiast, he is keen on generating marine conservation and sustainable development knowledge.

Ka Hin

Chief Executive Editor Jocelyn Chenlin Liao Art Director Johnny Woo Senior Project Editor Laura Su, Olivia Kwan Photographer Han Xingxi, Li Lewei Translator Billy Yung, Olivia Kwan Project PR Meng Yuan, Mocha Du

Ka Hin is a specialist in investor relations. He is also the host of many financial press conferences as well as a financial news reporter.

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Moutai Magazine (International Edition)

is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD.

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Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited



“Mixing one’s wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.” -- Bertolt Brecht (The Caucasian Chalk Circle, 1944) Treasures left by the years, we re-taste them through time. In Moutai Magazine issue 30, we will: Walk into the Forbidden City and Listen to Stories Narrated by Every Brick and Tile; Witness the Cooperation between The Palace Museum and Moutai; Follow Moutai’s Steps to Toast to the World Culture; Discover Moutai’s Potential and Value in the Capital Market; Review Three Important Nodes of Moutai’s Capital Market Journey with Gao Weidong; Appreciate the Mountains and Rivers Painted by Liang Shixiong; Have a Taste of the Moutai Ice Cream in Sushi Man; Experience the Charming “Off Season” of the East African Savanna; And Explore the Mysterious Antibody Cocktail.

「把不同的酒攙雜在一起,也許是錯誤 ; 但是新舊的智慧,卻能融匯得很好。」 — — 布 萊 希 特(德 國 戲 劇 家)《高 加 索 灰 闌 記》 歲月留下的瑰寶,通過時間重新品味。 本期 Moutai Magazine,我們將 :

走進故宮,聆聽每一吋紅磚金瓦敘述的故事 ; 見證茅台與故宮兩大文化 IP 的相會 ;

跟隨茅台的腳步,與世界多國文化乾杯 ; 挖掘茅台在資本市場中的潛力與價值 ;

與高衛東共同回顧茅台在資本市場歷程中的三大重要節點 ; 一覽嶺南畫派大師梁世雄筆下的江山 ; 品嘗鮨文餐廳的茅台雪糕 ;

感受東非大草原的淡季魅力 ; 探索抗體雞尾酒的奧秘。




ISSUE #30 2020


10 COVER STORY The cover of issue 30 is inspired by the cooperation and development intention

between Moutai and the Palace Museum. Against the indigo background, the iconic

outline of Moutai bottle appears gleamingly in the style of Chinese ink painting, perfectly contrasting with the magnificent palace of the Forbidden City. The collision of colors and graphic styles leaves a lot of room for imagination.

本期封面以茅台與故宮博物院的合作發展意向為靈感契機。靛藍色的背景之下,茅台酒瓶的 標誌性輪廓如水墨畫般若隱若現,與宏偉莊嚴的故宮樓宇相互輝映——紅磚金瓦,水色墨 青,顏色與畫面風格的碰撞給人留下豐富的想象空間。 8

DEC 2020




Discovering the Forbidden City 如果故宮會說話 The Palace Museum × Moutai The Cooperation between Two Cultural Intellectual Properties 故宮博物院 × 茅台 , 文化大 IP 的相會 The Perfect Encounter between Moutai and the World 茅台與世界乾杯 Why is Moutai Liquor Favored by Chinese Investors? 茅台為何深受中國投資者青睞?

Gao Weidong: Kweichow Moutai's Journey in the Capital Market Has Three Important Nodes 高衛東:貴州茅台在資本市場的歷程有三個重要節點 Liang Shixiong: Country in the Heart 梁世雄:心隨江山






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ETIQUETTE 禮 Sushi Man × Moutai Ice Cream Sushi Man 與茅台雪糕 The "Off Season" of the East African Savanna 東非大草原的「淡季」



The Antibody Cocktail 抗體雞尾酒


Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球



Discovering the Forbidden City 如果故宮會說話 Text/ 文 Olivia Kwan


DEC 2020


In 1403, Zhu Di, the third Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, used "Yongle" as his reign title. It was the first year of the Yongle Era. In order to better control the northern region, Zhu Di decided to move the capital from Nanjing to Beijing. "Having the Juyong Pass on the north, neighboring the Tai-hang Mountains on the west, connecting the Shanhai Pass on the east and covering the Central Plains from the south, it will be a long-lasting imperial capital ruling the world with its vast expanse of fertile land, magnificent mountains and rivers" can accurately summarize Beijing's significant advantages as a politically important spot. The decision to move the capital this time has profoundly affected China's political landscape for hundreds of years till today. Long before the capital was officially moved, the huge project to build a new palace in Beijing had already started, and it took several years. According to The Veritable Records of the Ming Dynasty (Ming Shilu), "when the capital in Beijing was built, the scale of its temples, palaces and gates was the same as that in Nanjing (the former capital), but its grandness and luxury far exceeded the former one." In 1420, the Forbidden City in Beijing was completed. From then on, it has experienced the joys and sorrows of twenty four emperors as well as concubines, princes and princesses through the Ming and Qing Dynasties as the highest political center, witnessing the rise and decline of several eras. 公元 1403 年,明朝第三位皇帝朱棣啟用「永樂」作為自己的年號。這一年為永樂元年。為了能夠更好地控制北方地區, 朱棣決定將明朝的第一首都從南京遷至北京——「北枕居庸關,西靠太行山,東連山海關,南俯中原,沃野千里,山 川壯麗,足以控制四方,統治天下,是可以綿延萬世的帝王之都」足以概括北京作為政治要地的顯著優勢。這次遷都 的決定深刻影響了中國數百年的政治格局,直至今日。 早在遷都之前,在北京修建新宮殿的浩大工程就已經展開,耗時數年。《明實錄》上載道:「癸亥,初營建北京,凡 廟社、宮殿、門闕,規制悉如南京。而高敞壯麗過之,至是成。」公元 1420 年,北京紫禁城建成,從此開始歷經明、 清兩代二十四位皇帝和眾多嬪妃皇子們的悲喜人生,成為兩代統治的最高政治中心,見證多個時期的興盛與衰落 ......




he Forbidden

City, also known as

"the Imperial Palace" and

"the Palace Museum", was the palace of the

Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is also regarded

as the symbol of Beijing. The entire palace complex,

extending from north to south, is located in the center of Beijing. It is a unique work of classic in the history of the

world's architectural art, and also the largest and the most completely preserved wooden palace complex that can be


palace wall or the golden glazed tile, every inch of land and

bricks and golden tiles

seen so far in human history. Whether it is the crimson

every building inside is "sophisticated". Voicelessly, together they compose a grand epic.

Standing in front of the Meridian Gate (Wumen), front

entrance to the Forbidden City, one will already be in awe.

Unlike the other gates, it has two protruding arms on either side. Such a surrounding layout is conducive to defense in

ancient times, and at the same time highlights the majesty. The centre arch of the gate was formerly reserved for the

Emperor only; the exceptions were the Empress, who could enter the arch once on the day of her wedding, and the top three scholars of the triennial civil service examinations,

City appears. Red

stretch out. The Forbidden City

is divided into two parts: the Outer

Court and the Inner Court. The center

of the Outer Court is composed by the Hall of

Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony,

and the Hall of Preserving Harmony, where the Emperor handled state affairs and held major ceremonial events.

The word "harmony" represents the Emperor's most eager

anticipation for the peace of his nation and the harmonious future of his subjects.

Built above a three-level marble stone base, the Hall

who could exit through the central arch once after their

of Supreme Harmony is the core of the entire Forbidden

Scholar (Zhuang Yuan) in the sixth year of Kangxi, once

level of power and status. As the tallest construction in the

exam results were released. Miao Tong, the Number One recorded, "after the release of our results, I undertook the ceremony of 'three kneelings and nine kowtows'

and followed the official of the Ministry of Rites to exit

the palace from the road used by the Emperor, holding the imperial edict in both hands." As the saying goes,

"scholarship pursuing surmounts all other occupations",

this road was the longest road that every scholar pined for at that time.

Entering from the Meridian Gate, the true face of the


DEC 2020

City. The height of buildings in the palace reflects the

Forbidden City, the Hall of Supreme Harmony stands out for the superior royal power. The stateliness of imperial

authority is also embodied in many other details in this hall. To be specific, the length-width ratio of its main room is

9:5 because the number nine and five symbolically connect to the majesty of the Emperor. There are ten pieces of

roof-figures placed along its ridge line, implying that even the largest number "nine" in traditional Chinese culture is not enough to stand for its nobleness. The six pillars



the imperial throne

are covered with gold and

decorated with dragon motifs.

The caisson directly above the throne

is also decorated with a coiled dragon. For

hundreds of years, accompanied by the sound

of ritual music and the ceremony of "three kneelings

and nine kowtows", every new Emperor would go through

their enthronement ceremony in this hall.

As the final step of the civil service examination held

every three years, the palace examination was held in the Forbidden City and presided over by the Emperor. Every

candidate taking this examination would feel the supreme

honor of being "a student of the Emperor". The examination was formerly held outdoors in the square in front of the

Hall of Supreme Harmony. During the era of the Qianlong Emperor, the site was moved into the Hall of Preserving

Harmony to show his care for all candidates. As we walk by the hall today and peek inside, the scene of students wielding their writing brush hundreds of years ago still vividly leaps to our eyes.

Heading north and passing through the Gate of Heavenly

Purity, we enter the Inner Court (or the "Back Palace"), the residence of the Emperor and his family where day-to-

day affairs were handled. Someone has commented, "If we compare the Forbidden City to a piece of music, the Outer Court is the rousing climax while the Inner Court is an

adagio." Corresponding to the three main halls in the Outer

Court, another set of three halls is at the center of the Inner MOUTAI MAGAZINE


Court: the Palace of Heavenly Purity (the residence of the

occupied a decisive position in politics while the Emperor

Earthly Tranquility (the residence of the Empress in the

was highly centralized to the Emperor himself as both

Emperor preceded the Yongzheng Emperor), the Palace of Ming Dynasty) and the Hall of Union (where 25 Imperial Seals were stored).

After the Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, he

moved the residence from the Palace of Heavenly Purity to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with a much smaller

scale, which significantly changed the political function of the Inner Court. Since the Hall of Mental Cultivation was located close to the Outer Court, it finally served as both

the bedroom and the place to discuss state affairs for the

Yongzheng Emperor and seven subsequent emperors. In

was only a puppet; after the Yongzheng Emperor, the power ordinary and political affairs were handled in the same

hall with high efficiency. However, the highly centralized

imperial power eventually declined in the same place. On February 12, 1912, the Empress Dowager Longyu signed and issued the letter of abdication in the Hall of Mental

Cultivation on behalf of her six-year-old son Puyi, effectively ending two thousand years of imperial Chinese history. This small palace has witnessed the history of a dynasty from its prosperity to its decay.

Going through two dynasties of twenty-four emperors,

order to make this formerly plain and simple hall worthy

the Forbidden City is likened to a pop-up story book. Every

Forbidden City to be glazed for better lighting. Previously

history. Its architectural aesthetics excelling nature and

of the Emperor's majesty, it became the first palace in the in the Ming Dynasty, there was a time when eunuchs had

corner in this marvelous creation was loaded with massive colorful tonal collocation have reserved the essence of

traditional Chinese culture lasting for thousands of years. The city walls neatly surround every building in the

Forbidden City in the shape of a rectangle, precisely

reflecting the connotation of the Chinese character " 國

(nation)". As for the construction of imperial and official

buildings inside, a set of fine techniques called "the eight

big works" were commonly used, including the techniques of tiling, earthwork, stone-work, carpentry, frescoing,

painting, scaffolding and wall-papering. A north–south

central axis extends across this city of fantasy like a dragon's

backbone, dividing it into two relatively symmetrical halves. Adhering to the hierarchy, over 8,000 well-proportioned

constructions lie in undulation, turning the solemn land to a musical movement of rich layers.

The use of colors in the Forbidden City is orderly. The

five elements derived from Taoism each represents one

direction and one color. Yellow, the color of the Emperor, is


DEC 2020


associated with the element "earth", and earth's location is

that the younger generation are now the main force of

the world, almost all roofs in the Forbidden City bear yellow

young people are launched, such as notebooks, umbrellas,

the center. As the Emperor was believed to be the center of glazed tiles, symbolizing the majesty of imperial power.

On the other hand, green is associated with the element

"wood" which stands for vitality and growth, representing

the direction "east", thus the Crown Prince's residences in the east have green tiles on the roof. The distribution of

colors is also very rigorous. The light-receiving surfaces are

applied with dazzling bright colors such as scarlet, cinnabar, gold and yellow, bringing out the splendidness; the shaded parts under eaves are decorated with frescoes in cyan and

green, creating a sense of solemnity through color contrast. Looking down from the sky, the stately red and gold color tones form a strong visual impact with the surrounding

green and grey tiles, highlighting its powerful grandness.

consumption, thus products favored by and applicable to fridge magnets, "the royal cat" canvas bags and table

wares, "(Emperor) I got it" tape stickers and even beauty products. The cultural products of the Forbidden City

are also multifaceted. In addition to "cute" products that

attract young people, there are more products highlighting "elegance", such as silk scarves inspired by collections of paintings in the Palace Museum and dark-red enameled

potteries inspired by the shape of "Golden Ruyi", a curved

decorative object that served as a ceremonial scepter at the Emperor's wedding. Everything in the Forbidden City that embodies the beauty of Chinese culture has been deeply explored.

What the Cultural Products and Services Department

Standing in between the constructions and looking up, the

also values are the stories, marketing and promotion behind

condense the aesthetic of details.

man" written on a hot-selling fan were originated from a

frescoes on caissons, brackets, lintels, pillars and eaves

The beauty of the Forbidden City is complicated. For

whom had been living inside, it was a home, the vitality of

a kingdom, but also a besieged city hard to escape from; for those outside the palace walls, it was the supreme heaven.

products. For example, the words "(Emperor) I am such a

true story of the Yongzheng Emperor where he encouraged Minister Tian Wenjing, "I am such a man. I am such an

Emperor. This is my nature. If you and other ministers don't

For us now, the Forbidden City, standing at the center of Beijing, is a magnificent history, an art treasure shining

among the concrete jungle, but it is no longer out of reach.

As the largest cultural intellectual property in China, the

cultural and creative products of the Forbidden City have become phenomenal in recent years. They are no longer flashy souvenirs that tourists buy in passing when they

leave. In order to better promote their cultural products, the Cultural Products and Services Department of the

Palace Museum has formulated seven standards for product

design: elemental, narrative, inherited, artistic, informative, practical and stylish. The biggest difference now is that all products are functional. Marketing research has revealed



painting into a spanning three-dimensional world,

immersing players in a world full of wonder. Several banks including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

(ICBC), the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPDB)

and the China Minsheng Bank (CMBC) have issued different series of debit cards co-branded with the Palace Museum. Xiaomi has launched smartwatches featuring elements of the Forbidden City in design, and Amazon Kindle

has released four beautiful covers inspired by paintings collected in the Forbidden City, respectively themed on "prosperity", "good fortune", "longevity" and "talent".

The Palace Museum dabbles in a variety of industries,

integrating the beauty of different historical artifacts into people's life.

Dr. Shan Jixiang, the former curator of the Palace

let me down, I will also live up to your expectation." Stores in the Palace Museum also have their own characteristics.

There is a store named "Imperial Telephone Bureau" located in the west of the Palace of Gathered Elegance, which in

fact was originally a real telephone bureau equipped with manual telephone exchangers and the first telephone

bureau approved by the Qing Government, where Puyi had made phone calls. Now it has reopened as a shop where

tourists can send out postcards and collect stamps. Through integrating culture and stories into cultural products, icecold history has been incarnated in vivid figures, making users feel more involved and related when using the products.

Apart from its own home-brand cultural products, the

Forbidden City has also been collaborating with big brands to explore more possibilities. The Palace Museum has

teamed up with Cartier, the world-renowned jewelry and

watch brand, on a collaborative restoration effort on six of

the Palace Museum's timepieces and made a documentary

titled "Revive the Memory of the Timepieces". To celebrate the Chinese New Year in 2020, it co-branded with

Swarovski to launch the "Fu is Arriving" series and cooperated with MAC Cosmetics to launch its New Year gift box. Inspired by Chinese classical art, Maogeping, the Chinese cosmetics brand founded by Chinese make-up legend

Mao Geping, launched The Maogeping x Forbidden

Palace Collection with four custom

compacts to suit eyeshadow, blusher,

highlighter and concealer products. Co-developed

by NetEase and the Palace Museum, the mobile game Ink,

Mountains and Mystery inspired by Wang Ximeng's famous painting "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" from the

Song Dynasty has turned the aesthetic of a two-dimensional 16

DEC 2020

Museum, has once elaborated on the basic principles of the Forbidden City's cultural creativity work, that is, "adhering to the original intention of 'bringing the Palace Culture home', striving to develop more creative products with

higher cultural added value that can represent the culture

of the Imperial Palace and evolving from 'quantity growth' to 'quality improvement' through inheriting traditional

Chinese culture." On the one hand, the Palace Museum insists on launching high-quality products; on the other hand, it chooses to collaborate with brands that have a good reputation and suit the temperament of the Forbidden City. By complying with these principles, any products produced by the Palace Museum are able to maintain a high level of



"Cultural creativity of

the Forbidden City needs

to be as colorful, abundant

and profound as cultural relics."

This 600-year-old city of memory

has not drifted into an obsolete past.

Instead, it tries its best to promote the

excellent traditional culture and artistic

achievements of China in a brand-new

way, conveying joy and carrying forward the

essence of Chinese culture.

As a treasure representing ancient Chinese

traditional culture, the Forbidden City is undoubtedly a

masterpiece among imperial architecture of past dynasties,

which allows it to stand still out of the ashes of frequent

wars in modern times and eventually become a great

human cultural heritage. Its symphony of life will continue

playing in the sky of the Beijing city.

The day before "Slight Snow (Xiao Xue)" in 2020, Beijing

ushered in the first snow of this winter. The Forbidden City

bathed in snow looked breathtakingly astonishing, once

again amazing the time. It is expecting your arrival in the

near future. When the time comes, don't forget to bring

home the gifts from the Forbidden City.



Cartier ×Palace Museum

Collaborative Restoration

Swarovski Full Blessing Fu 穿孔耳環

Cartier ×Palace Museum 瑞獸神秘鐘

Swarovski Full Blessing Fu 圓珠筆 故宮「花想容」唇脂






史上獨一無二的經典之作,也是人類歷史上迄今能看到的規模最大、 保存最完整的木結構宮殿建築群。深紅色的宮墻,金黃色的琉璃瓦, 裡面的每一吋土地,每一幢建築,都「久經世故」。它們雖然無言, 卻構成一個宏大的史詩。



皇權的威嚴也輻射到目光所及之處的每個角落:太和殿的長寬比為 統文化中最大的數字「九」都不足以表達它的尊貴;殿內的唯一主 角是皇帝寶座,圍繞著寶座的六根大柱子被貼上黃金,每根柱子上

都雕有一條巨龍,寶座上方的藻井上也雕飾著一條蟠龍。幾百年間, 伴隨著禮樂聲和眾臣的「三跪九叩禮」,每一任新的皇帝就在這個 大殿完成他們的登基大典。






當事人來說都有著非凡的意義。第一種是皇帝大婚時,皇后可以從 人的夢。俗話說:「唯有讀書高」,在殿試中考中狀元、榜眼和探 花的三人,可以在公佈成績那天從這道門出宮。康熙六年的狀元繆

上光榮。乾隆年間,為了彰顯皇帝對考生的關懷,殿試從在太和殿 心維的場景仿佛還歷歷在目。






禮部堂上官,捧黃榜,從禦道出,跪至龍亭內,鼓樂迎至長安門張 穿過午門,豁然開朗,紫禁城的真容出現在眼前,紅色和金黃

色的磚瓦綿延一片。紫禁城分為前、後兩大部分。前朝的中心由三 大殿組成,是皇上處理朝政、舉行重大禮儀活動的場所。清朝順治

人這麼評價:「如果說外朝是陽剛的高潮樂段,那故宮的內廷就是 前的皇帝寢宮「乾清宮」、明朝時期的皇后寢宮「坤寧宮」和乾隆 後收存皇帝寶璽的「交泰殿」構成後宮的中心。






今天大家所知的「太和殿」、「中和殿」和「保和殿」。一個「和」 坐落在八米多高的漢白玉三台上的「太和殿」,是整個故宮的

核心。紫禁城中建築的高低體現了權力和地位的高低。作為故宮裡 18

DEC 2020

到清王朝滅亡的八個清朝皇帝,都把這裡作為起居和處理政務的地 上「天子之氣」,養心殿成為紫禁城中第一個裝上玻璃的宮殿,以


NATURE 天 那麼雍正後便迎來權力向皇帝高度集中的時代,所謂「唯以一

人治天下」。然而,高度集中的皇權也在同一個地方走向衰落。 1912 年 2 月 12 日,隆裕皇太后帶著六歲的溥儀在養心殿頒布 皇帝退位詔書——中國的封建王朝永遠成為歷史。這座小小的 普通宮殿最終得以見證一個王朝從盛到衰的的歷史。


書。翻開它,一景一物、一花一木,都沉澱著歷史的塵土;一 木一石、一磚一瓦,搭建出一座瑰麗的城。它巧奪天工、濃墨 重彩的建築美學,蘊藏著中國千年文化的精髓。







中間向四周擴散。高低起伏、錯落有致的宮殿群令這片肅穆的土地 化身豐富的樂章。



稱皇家交換局有一個交換機,溥儀在此地給外面打過電話。把文化 和故事融合在文創產品中,冷冰冰的歷史化身鮮活的形象,故事的 代入感也會讓人們在使用的過程中有著別樣的感受。






金光燦爛;東邊的南三所屬木,主青,是年幼的皇子皇孫學習成長 顏色的分佈亦非常慎重。受光面用朱、丹、金、黃等炫目的色彩, 盡顯富麗、豪華;房簷下的陰影部分則施以青、綠色調的彩畫,屋 簷的厚重感與受光面的顏色產生強烈對比,營造出一種端莊、威嚴 的氣質。從天上向下俯瞰,故宮主體莊嚴的紅金色調與四周柔和的 青磚灰瓦構成了強烈的視覺反差,突顯其氣勢如虹的雄偉;置身其 中抬頭仰望,藻井、斗拱、門楣、樑柱和外簷處的彩畫,又凝聚了 細節之美。


個家,是一個王朝的氣脈,卻也似一個難以衝破的圍城;對於在宮 墻外的人來說,它是至高無上的天。對於現在的我們來說,佇立在 北京城中心的故宮是恢弘的歷史,是鋼筋叢林中發光的藝術珍品,

間的技憶」為主題的紀錄片,記錄了故宮博物院與卡地亞鐘錶攜手 出「福到新年」系列首飾;在彩妝界,與 M.A.C 魅可在年關聯合 發佈新年限定款,和中國著名化妝藝術大師毛戈平同名美妝品牌聯 名推出了多款口紅,令人愛不釋手;在互聯網界,故宮與網易合作 上架以宋代名畫《千里江山圖》為框架設計的遊戲,逼真的動畫效

果和古色古香的畫面驚艷了一片遊戲大咖;在金融界,與工商銀行、 浦發銀行、民生銀行等眾多銀行推出不同系列的銀聯卡;在科技界,

與小米合作手錶,和 Kindle 合作推出「千里江山」、「祥雲瑞鶴」、 「福壽雙全」、「翠羽爍金」四款中國風保護套 ...... 跨界無數, 把故宮典藏珍寶、帝王手記等歷史文物的美以不同的方式融入人們 的生活中。






作為中國最大的文化 IP,故宮文創近年來成為現象級產品。


了七要素標準:元素性、故事性、傳承性、藝術性、知識性、實用性、 時尚性。與之前相比最大的變化是——所有產品都具有功能性。經 過對市場的調研,他們發現年輕人是消費的主力,於是順勢推出了 故宮筆記本,晴雨傘,冰箱貼,故宮貓系列的帆布包、餐具,「朕

多具有高文化創意附加值,並能夠代表故宮文化水準的創意產品, 增長』走向『品質提升』。」故宮文創正是本著這樣的原則而開展: 一方面,始終堅持輸出優質產品,另一方面,選擇口碑較好且契合 故宮氣質的品牌進行聯名,漸漸地「故宮出品,必屬精品」成為了 故宮的產品評價。






創又是多層面的,除了吸引年輕人的「萌萌噠」的產品,故宮文創 的絲巾禮盒,以清代最隆重的皇帝大婚為背景、故宮博物院藏金如 意為設計靈感的紫砂壺等等。故宮中那些蘊含中國文化的最美麗的 特點和細節,都被深度發掘。



有多麼淳厚,文創的韻味就應該有多麼淳厚。」這座六百歲的記憶 式弘揚中國優秀傳統文化和藝術成就,傳遞了喜悅,傳承了文化。








就是這樣秉性,就是這樣皇帝。爾等大臣若不負朕,朕再不負爾等 店叫「皇家電話局」。「皇家電話局」這個名稱也有來源,記載裡

2020 年「小雪」的前一天,北京迎來了今年冬天第一場雪,

天,歡迎來故宮看雪;走的時候,記得捎上「故宮的禮物」。 MOUTAI MAGAZINE


The Cooperation between Two Cultural Intellectual Properties

文化大 IP 的相會

The Palace Museum Translation/ 譯 Weng Jinqiang



DEC 2020





ecently, Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai

and cooperation.

and had a discussion with Wang Xudong

After the visit, I fully realized the importance of 'cultural

Group) led a team to visit the Palace Museum

(Director of the Palace Museum). The two sides reached a

preliminary agreement to establish a long-term cooperation mechanism in cultural and creative development, talent training, protection of world cultural heritage and other fields. Lou Wei (Executive Vice-President of the Palace

Museum), Gao Shan (Deputy General Manager of Moutai

Group) and Wang Li (Chief Engineer of Moutai Group) also attended the discussion.

Since Moutai and the Imperial Palace are phenomenal

cultural intellectual properties in China, "cultural

cooperation" must be the main theme in this meeting. During the discussion, Wang Xudong introduced the

Palace Museum's new measures and new development in

various aspects including heritage protection, restoration

of cultural relics, cultural communication, and cultural and

"The Palace Museum is a world cultural heritage site.

confidence'." Gao Weidong said. Moutai is both a national brand representing Chinese culture and a world brand,

and Moutai liquor is a typical representative of traditional craft, the quintessence of human wisdom of making

liquor for thousands of years, and the human heritage of

agricultural civilization. He emphasized that the strategy

of "Cultural Moutai" was not only a corporate development

strategy, but also a cultural development strategy. This was also the time when Gao Weidong once again elaborated on

"Cultural Moutai" after he proposed the four core elements of "Cultural Moutai", namely the unique river valley

culture, the traditional culture that values fundamental and morality, the craftsman culture adhering to excelsior, and the red culture highlighting striving spirit.

Through exchanges, the two sides clarified the direction

creative industry in recent years, as well as the construction

of future cooperation: Moutai and the Palace Museum

to truly protect the ancient buildings and collections of

cooperation in fields including cultural relic protection

goals related to the development of the Palace Museum:

cultural relics in the Palace Museum, to deeply explore the humanistic spirit and diversified values embedded in the

Palace Museum, to realize the permanent preservation and sustainable inheritance of cultural relics, and to stimulate the vitality of cultural relics in the Palace Museum. He

also clearly expressed his hope for cooperation between

powerful partners. He said that in order to jointly protect

and inherit Chinese outstanding traditional culture, Moutai and the Palace Museum came together with a sense of

mission and responsibility for national culture as well as economic and social development. The two sides would

greatly boost the promotion, inheritance and development

of the Palace Museum culture through integrity, innovation 22

DEC 2020

will establish long-term partnership to jointly strengthen and historic culture excavation, promote the development of cultural heritage protection, and actively facilitate the spread of Chinese outstanding traditional culture for

the people to enjoy much richer cultural achievements

and better carry forward national culture. The two sides' preliminary agreement on the establishment of a longterm cooperation mechanism in cultural and creative

development is undoubtedly another expectation shared by

all. As time-honored brands, Moutai and the Palace Museum share the same cultural root and development direction. Their collision in cultural and creative development naturally gives people rich imagination.

Gao Weidong hoped that the Palace Museum and Moutai


would give full play to their unique advantages, make

scientific and reasonable planning, further consolidate

cooperation results, and explore more cooperation space

著對國家文化和經濟社會發展的使命感和責任感走到一起。雙方通 過守正創新、強強合作,將極大促進故宮文化的推廣傳承與發展。


in cultural construction. Promoting cultural integration


famous liquor enterprises to create cultural products. The


and sharing high-quality development is a way for world-

cooperation between Moutai and the Palace Museum will provide a new carrier for the in-depth advancement of "Cultural Moutai".

後表示。茅台是中國名片,也是世界品牌,茅台酒是傳統工藝的典 茅台集團「文化茅台」戰略的提出,不僅是一種企業發展戰略,更 是一種文化發展戰略。這也是高衛東提出聚焦「文化茅台」的四個 核心要素,即稟賦獨具的河谷文化、崇本守道的傳統文化、卓越極 致的匠心文化和拼搏奮進的紅色文化後,再次闡釋「文化茅台」。







制達成意向。故宮博物院常務副院長婁瑋,茅台集團副總經理高山、 總工程師王莉出席座談。

茅台與故宮都是文化大 IP,此次相會,文化合作肯定是題中


促進文化遺產保護事業的發展,積極推動中國優秀傳統文化的傳播, 雙方也在文創開發建立長效合作機制的意向也無疑是大家對茅台與

故宮合作的又一期待。同為老字號,茅台和故宮博物院是文化同根, 發展同向,進行文創碰撞自然給人豐富的想像空間。






宮」(即「平安故宮」、「學術故宮」、「數字故宮」和「活力故 了保護、傳承中華優秀傳統文化的共同目標,茅台與故宮博物院懷

間。推動文化融匯、共用高質發展是全球知名酒企打造文化產品的 得又一全新載體。



The Perfect Encounter between Moutai and the World 茅台與世界乾杯 Translation/ 譯 Yung

Originated from the Chishui River Valley, Moutai liquor has accumulated thousands of years of craftsmanship that pursues excelsior. It continues the tradition on the modern dining table and represents China in the banquets of the world. This time, the "Moutai Craze" with strong Jiang fragrance came to France, Japan, New Zealand, Italy and Bulgaria, bringing a warm current to the northern hemisphere in the cold winter, and also bringing new vitality to the gradually warming southern hemisphere. Connecting art, film, sports and food, it served as a medium for making friends, building a bridge of friendship among the world's diverse cultures.

誕生於赤水河谷的茅台佳釀,積澱著千百年來精益求精的工匠技藝。它在現代的餐桌上延續傳統,在四海的酬酢間代言中國。 這次,醬香濃厚的「茅台熱」來到法國、日本、新西蘭、意大利和保加利亞,為迎來寒冬的北半球帶來一股暖流,也讓逐漸 炎熱的南半球煥發新的生機,跨界藝術、電影、體育和美食,以「酒」會友,在世界多樣的文化中搭建起友好的橋樑。


DEC 2020


The bouquet that permeated the Moutai tasting activity

France: Moutai Supported the "Made Culture Design Award & Competition"

complemented the melodious music and beautiful lights,

Award & Competition" initiated by Mr. Shen Ruofan, a

strong Jiang fragrance have deeply impressed the guests. In

The award ceremony of the first "Made Culture Design

Chinese architect based in France, was successfully held at the Petit Palais of Paris, France. Moutai is the only Chinese brand to provide full support for the competition. The

local company of Moutai was invited to attend the award

ceremony, bringing the unique traditional Jiang-fragrance

liquor to the scene and infusing strong Chinese charm into

attracting many guests to have a taste. Both the unique

Chinese-style packaging design of Moutai liquor and the

addition, the Moutai cocktail that perfectly integrated fruit

flavor and Jiang fragrance also provided a unique taste bud experience and was highly praised by the guests..

法國:助力「Made Culture 共創大賽」

由旅法建築師沈若凡發起並主辦的首屆「Made Culture 共創

the event.


crafts for Chinese in the overseas contemporary culture


This award was the first international award of arts and

and art circles. It evaluated and selected the works of

大賽提供全程支援的中國品牌,受邀出席頒獎儀式,並將傳統醬香 本次頒獎典禮,是海外當代文化藝術界首個面向華人的工藝文

outstanding Chinese designers, such as product designers,


illustrators and talents from many other relevant fields.

評定、遴選。最終由 37 位優秀年輕設計師,分別摘得「最佳創意獎」、

architects, interior designers, graphic designers, artists,

Finally, 37 outstanding young designers won the Prize for

Best Creation, the Prize for Best Design and the Grand Prize

師、藝術家、插畫師等諸多領域的優秀華人設計師的作品之中展開 「最佳設計獎」和「至尊金獎」三項大獎的桂冠。




Chinese craft, is undoubtedly an iconic representative


Moutai, as the legendary liquor created by traditional

of Eastern artisan spirit. In this event, in order to better

力,茅台特於頒獎典禮現場舉辦了一場品鑒會,廣邀嘉賓們一同品 茅台品鑒會現場酒香四溢,與悠揚的音樂、旎麗的燈光相得益

present the infinite charm of the collision between Chinese


activity on the scene, inviting guests to savor the mellow


and Western cultures, Moutai specially held a tasting taste of Moutai liquor and the unique taste of Moutai cocktail.

設計,還是濃烈的醬香味道,都給賓客們留下了深刻的印象。此外, 格的味蕾體驗。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:CAMMY FRANCE)



France: Moutai Joined Hands with UNESCO to Promote the Development of International Children's Art

a keen interest in the production technique, culture, and

UNESCO's "WE ARE THE WORLD" Organizing Committee

landscape of Maotai Town and savor the mellow Moutai

The International Children's Art Exhibition, organized by

and UWEE (Union of Western & Eastern Education), was held at the Louvre on the north bank of the Seine-Marne

in the center of Paris, France. Moutai's French distributor

Cammy France participated in this event which was about

hope, responsibility, public welfare and love, providing full support for the smoothness of this art exhibition. It not

history of Moutai. After several years, when meeting

Moutai again, they highly praised Moutai's contribution

to environmental protection. They also hoped to visit that

unforgettable land again in the future to enjoy the beautiful liquor.

法國:攜手聯合國教科文組織, 助推世界兒童藝術發展


only provided a platform for children around the world to

組委會及 UWEE 歐美亞教育聯盟舉辦的世界兒童藝術展,於法國

children's art around the world.


show themselves, but also promoted the development of The opening ceremony is full of Moutai elements,

which fully demonstrated the style of a Chinese national brand to friends from various countries. Moutai's social


順利舉辦提供鼎力支援,在為全球兒童提供展示自我的平臺的同時, 也助推著世界兒童藝術的發展。


responsibility concept of vigorously supporting green and


protection and caring for the healthy development of the


sustainable development, devoting itself to environmental world's children has also planted a seed of love for public welfare and concern for the sustainable development

環境保護、關愛世界兒童健康發展的社會責任理念,也在眾多參展 發展的種子。

本次展會的受邀嘉賓法國藝術家協會主席 Remy Aron 及其夫

of the international environment in the hearts of many

人,早在 2015 年便與茅台結下了不解之緣。自 5 年前受邀參觀茅

The invited guests of this exhibition, Remy Aron,


participating children and guests.

President of La Maison des Artistes, and his wife, had an indissoluble bond with Moutai as early as in 2015. Since

being invited to visit Moutai's headquarters and production

base five years ago, Remy Aron and his wife have developed 26

DEC 2020

台總部及生產基地之日起,Remy Aron 及其夫人便對於茅台酒的

台邂逅,更對茅台為環境保護做出的貢獻讚不絕口,並表示希望將 來能夠有機會再次回到那片讓他們難忘的土地,一覽茅台鎮的秀美 山水,品嘗醇厚的茅台佳釀。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:CAMMY FRANCE)


Japan: When Jiang-Fragrance Liquor Met Film Art The 2020 Tokyo International Film Festival • China

Film Week Closing Ceremony and the Golden Crane Award

Ceremony were held at the Yurakucho Asahi Hall in Tokyo, Japan. As the sponsor of the event, Moutai attended the

award ceremony and attracted much attention from movie fans and Chinese culture enthusiasts through various

attracting guests to stay and learn about the profound

Moutai culture and Chinese liquor culture. They took photos with Moutai elements and wanted to savor the wonderful taste of this Chinese Jiang-fragrance liquor some day.


2020 東京國際電影節·中國電影周閉幕式暨金鶴獎頒獎儀式於

Moutai elements.


attended the event and witnessed this grand gathering of


Many internationally influential filmmakers and actors

Chinese and Japanese art and culture together with Moutai.

席頒獎儀式現場,茅台元素獲得了到場影迷、中華文化愛好者們的 眾多頗具國際影響力的電影人、演員均出席活動現場,與茅台

Upon this year's China Film Week, 12 latest and most


"Song of Youth", "Wild Grass" and "Mao Zedong 1949", have


representative Chinese films, including "Lost in Russia",

been successively screened at TOHO Cinemas Nihonbashi. After the selection by the audience, the list of winning

works of the Golden Crane Awards was announced at the award ceremony.

The publicity materials of "Cultural Moutai" standing in

a conspicuous position of the event site were eye-catching,

之際,《囧媽》《老師·好》《蕎麥瘋長》《決勝時刻》等 12 部最新、 經過觀眾們的評選,「金鶴獎」中獎作品名單在頒獎典禮之中揭曉。 矗立於活動現場顯眼位置的「文化茅台」宣傳品也成為了一道


厚文化底蘊,以及中國白酒文化的博大精深。他們紛紛與茅台合影, 並表示,希望有一天能夠一品中國醬香佳釀的絕妙味道。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:NICHIWA SHOJI)



New Zealand: Moutai Attended the "Auckland Food Show" Again

The "Auckland Food Show", one of the largest annual

food exhibitions in New Zealand, was grandly held,

attracting exhibitors and distributors from all over the

world and providing food and liquor enthusiasts from New Zealand and even all over the world with a comprehensive feast for taste buds.

Moutai once again joined hands with the Australian and

New Zealand distributor Evershine Australia Trading Pty Ltd

its products.

Many people who have tasted Moutai said that they

really enjoyed the touching stories of Moutai, the mellow

Jiang fragrance, and the delicious seafood harvested from

the long coastline as well as the specialties from the South

Pacific. This wonderful encounter of food culture between China and New Zealand had started an unforgettable taste journey for them.



to attend the event. With the rich aroma and mellow taste

Auckland Food Show)」隆重舉辦,來自世界各地的飲食行業

international famous alcoholic beverages, and successfully


of Jiang-fragrance liquor, Moutai stood out among many

spread Chinese liquor culture to this Oceanian country with



"Moutai Craze".


in the center of the venue became a highlight attracting


During the 4-day food show, the Moutai booth set up

the attention of visitors. Moutai Feitian liquor and various

次活動注入了古樸濃郁的中國文化風韻,成功讓中國白酒文化伴隨 為期四天的美食展中,茅台展臺成為備受到場遊客矚目的一道

Jiang-fragrance liquor series were displayed in the Moutai


and the refreshing unique Jiang fragrance attracted


booth. The bottle design that highlighted Chinese aesthetics many liquor enthusiasts to stay and savor the wonderful taste. In addition, Moutai staff's vivid explanation on

the traditional making technique of Moutai liquor, the

profound connotation of "Cultural Moutai", as well as the

characteristics of different products such as Moutai liquor

and Jiang-fragrance liquor series, have fully demonstrated the profound culture of Moutai liquor and the diversity of 28

DEC 2020

無論是其彰顯著中國美學的瓶身設計,還是其沁人心脾的獨特酒香, 工藝、「文化茅台」深刻內涵,以及茅台酒、醬香系列酒等不同產 品特點的生動講解,更讓茅台酒的深厚文化底蘊與產品的多樣性彰 顯無遺。


香佳釀,再搭配綿長海岸線收穫的美味海鮮、南太平洋的特色美食, 這次中新飲食文化的奇妙邂逅,為他們開啟了一場難忘的舌尖之旅。 (Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Moutai Australia NZ-Evershine)


Bulgaria: Moutai's "China Craze" Continues to Prevail Moutai, together with its Bulgarian distributor J&M

Bulgaria LLC, participated in the large-scale event "Bacchus Fish Fest" organized by Bacchus, one of the most famous

wine, spirits and food magazines in Bulgaria, bringing China's long-standing liquor culture into Bulgaria.

On the scene, J&M Bulgaria LLC showed different series

of Moutai liquor to the visitors. With the high quality of Jiang-fragrance liquor and the vivid Moutai story, this

century-old Chinese baijiu brand shined brilliantly at the event site, fully demonstrating its unique cultural charm

and brand vitality. In front of the Moutai exhibition booth, the exquisite bartending technique of the well-known

Bulgarian bartender and the mellow aroma of Moutai liquor

of more Bulgarians. As a loyal "Moutai fan", Emil Koralov

encountered Moutai for the first time three years ago. When he first tasted Moutai, he was shocked by its mellow taste

and complex aroma. Now, he is working with J&M Bulgaria LLC to compile a book about Moutai and Chinese baijiu

culture, hoping to interpret the profound connotation of

"Cultural Moutai" to liquor lovers around the world, so that more people will fall in love with Moutai liquor.


茅 台 攜 手 保 加 利 亞 經 銷 商 J&M 公 司, 參 與 了 由 保 加 利 亞

最著名葡萄酒、烈酒和美食雜誌之一 Bacchus 組織的大型活動 「Bacchus Fish Fest」,將中國悠久的白酒文化帶入保加利亞。

現場,J&M 公司將不同系列的茅台美酒呈現給到場遊客。醬

attracted many visitors to stay. People who have tasted


Jiang fragrance of Moutai itself, but also had rich floral and


Moutai cocktails commented that they not only had the

fruity aromas, guiding them to deeply feel the magical and unique "Chinese taste".

Moutai's rich bouquet and profound culture had also won

praise from many liquor critics, industry experts and high

酒品牌在活動現場大放異彩,綻放出獨一無二的文化魅力與品牌活 醇香吸引了眾多遊客駐足。遊客們在品鑒後表示,茅台雞尾酒擁有 茅台酒本身的醬香韻味,又擁有豐富的花果香,讓他們深刻感受到 了神奇獨特的「中國味道」。


attention from the media. The well-known Bulgarian media

專家的稱讚和媒體的高度矚目。保加利亞知名媒體 Code Fashion

chef Dimo ​​Dimov, the world-class bartender Alex Simeonov,

Simeonov,《Moda》《Goodfood》《Top Gear》BBC 特 許

Code Fashion TV respectively interviewed the top Bulgarian the editor-in-chief of the BBC franchise magazines Moda,

Goodfood and Top Gear Blagovesta Creovska, the top wine expert Emil Koralov, and other authoritative figures with a

high impact in the catering and liquor industry, and invited them to share their views on Moutai liquor and suggestions on the collocation of Moutai liquor and food.

Blagovesta Creovska expressed her love for Moutai

cocktails in the interview, and said that Moutai cocktails' rich and diverse categories and excellent taste could

meet all the needs of consumers. In addition, on behalf of Goodfood and other magazines, she also sent out a

partnership invitation to Moutai, hoping that Moutai, the mysterious and legendary liquor, could enter the vision

TV 分別對保加利亞頂級廚師 Dimo Dimov,世界級調酒師 Alex

經營雜誌的主編 Blagovesta Creovska,頂級葡萄酒專家 Emil Koralov 等在餐飲、酒類行業有著極高話語權的權威人士展開了採 訪,邀請他們分享對茅台酒的看法以及茅台酒與美食的搭配建議。 Blagovesta Creovska 在採訪中表達了對於茅台雞尾酒的熱


飲酒者的全部需求。此外她還代表《Goodfood》等雜誌,向茅台 發出了合作邀請,希望茅台這一神秘傳奇佳釀,能夠走進更多保加 利亞人的視野。Emil Koralov 作為一位忠實「茅粉」,初次邂逅


酒香所震撼。如今,他正與 J&M 公司合作,編撰一本關於茅台和 中國白酒文化的書,希望通過這本書向全球愛酒人士解讀「文化茅 台」的深刻內涵,讓更多人愛上茅台佳釀。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Moutai BulgariaMoutai Bulgaria)



Italy: A Successful Conclusion of the 5th "Moutai Cup" Horse Flat Racing

Originated from ancient Greece and Rome, horse racing

is one of the oldest sports in the world. Continuously

and horses' vigorous posture. In addition to its wide spread

on overseas new media platforms, this year's racing has also been reported by many well-known local media such as Sky, the Italian national TV channel.

In order to give racers a chance to experience the high-

developed to this day, it has become a modern continuation

end quality of the Jiang-fragrance Moutai liquor, Moutai's

horse racing has a history of hundreds of years, local people

Kweichow Feitian Moutai as the prize of the racing to reward

of the European medieval chivalry. Especially in Italy, where have incomparable passion and love for it till today...

Tuscany's idyllic wilderness, the national racecourse

which is a stone's throw away from the Leaning Tower

of Pisa, the still warm sunshine in early winter and the pleasant Mediterranean climate endowed by the sea

constituted the perfect setting for the 5th "Moutai Cup". As the sponsor of this racing, Moutai undoubtedly became beautiful scenery on the racing day. The red, white and

Italian distributor Otto Otto Baijiu specially selected

those who have achieved excellent results in the racing.

"As a distributor of Moutai, we have once again become a

partner of this glamorous racing, and hope to demonstrate through this event the connection between Moutai and

horse racing, a sport with valuable characteristics of loyalty, trust, unity and collaboration." Gianluca Scalfi, General Manager of Moutai's Italian distributor said.

After a fierce competition, the Italian horse Antares del

blue logo of Moutai could be seen on both the venue and

Ma and its rider M. Arras won the championship, bringing

armor" appeared in the field, this Chinese national brand

"Moutai Cup" horse racing next year will return to the

the racers' clothing. When the racers wearing the "Moutai immediately showed infinite charm along with the racers 30

DEC 2020

the game to a successful close. It is expected that the 6th public's view again and create greater glories.



貴特質的運動之間的聯繫。」茅台義大利經銷商總經理 Gianluca


手 M. Arras 最終取得了本屆比賽的冠軍,比賽圓滿落幕。大家也


尤其在已有數百年賽馬歷史的義大利,當地民眾對於賽馬擁有著無 可匹敵的激情與熱愛。今天,義大利民眾對賽馬的熱情依舊延續 ...


場、初冬依舊溫暖的陽光以及大海賦予的怡人地中海氣候,構成了 第五屆「茅台杯」的完美設置。茅台作為本次賽事的贊助商,成為 比賽當天的最大亮點,無論是賽事場地,還是選手的比賽服裝上均 可以看到紅白藍三色相間的茅台標識。當身穿「茅台戰袍」的選手 出現在賽場時,中國民族品牌頓時隨著選手和馬兒的矯健身姿綻放 出了無窮魅力。除了在海外新媒體平臺上的廣泛傳播,本屆比賽還

Scalfi 說道。

經過一番激烈對決,義大利馬匹 ANTARES DEL Ma 與其騎


(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Otto Otto Baijiu)

As the carrier of Chinese liquor culture and the

representative of national brands, Moutai uses mellow

liquor as a medium, tells its stories to the world in an

international language, promotes the integration of Chinese

culture and world culture, and also leads Chinese culture

and national brands to constantly move forward to the

獲得了義大利國家電視頻道 Sky 等當地眾多知名媒體的報導。

center of the international stage.

台義大利經銷商 Otto Otto Baijiu 特將貴州飛天茅台酒作為此次比



賽的獎品,藉以褒獎在比賽中取得優異成績的選手們。「作為茅台 的經銷商,我們再次成為這場魅力賽事的合作夥伴,並且希望通過 這場賽事展現茅台與賽馬這項具有忠誠、信任、團結和協作的寶




Source of information 資料來源:Moutai Global 茅台國際



Why is Moutai Liquor Favored by Chinese Investors? 茅台為何深受中國投資者青睞?


DEC 2020





nder the impacts of the global crisis and market

in 2020 also reflect the stability of its market basis. In

China have been looking for a new way to safely

company that has not been affected on the consumer end,

turmoil caused by the pandemic, consumers in

deploy their funds. After fashion accessories and clothing, high-end spirits have now become the safe long-term

investment for investors, among which Moutai liquor from the Chishui Valley is favored by Chinese investors.

To begin with, the uniqueness of raw materials,

geographical location, local climate and making techniques

result in limited annual production output of Moutai liquor.

such severe market environment, if there is any liquor

it is Moutai. According to its 2020 semi-annual report, both revenue and profit have maintained double-digit high-

quality growth with profit performance better than revenue performance. As the epidemic eases, Moutai also shows a rebound in demand that exceeds expectations, soon

returning to the market state of "demand exceeds supply". From the perspective of industry trends, the baijiu

However, the increasing market demand for Moutai liquor

industry has evolved from concomitant growth to

foundation for it to become investment goods. Its historical

on the improvement of income level, people's demand

in recent years exceeds the supply, thus establishing the

particularity and feature of generating stronger aroma with

age also give it financial attribute: it becomes more valuable with time. "Many consumers will stock up 'Moutai Feitian

53 (a flagship range of Moutai liquor)' because it has much room for appreciation," said Cai Xuefei, an independent alcohol industry analyst.

With a market value of over 330 billion U.S dollars (as of

December 3rd, 2020), Moutai is the largest listed company in China by market capitalization and the world's most

valuable spirits company. As one of the most renowned

baijiu brands in China and even the world, Moutai liquor's main consumption scenes for many years have been

business banquets for government, business circles and

endogenous growth (driven by domestic demand). Based for liquor has shifted from functional consumption to

quality and spiritual consumption as well as personalized consumption. Correspondingly, Moutai's pursuit of

"high-quality development" as well as establishment and

deepening of "cultural Moutai" are in accordance with this trend. Moutai cocktails also show the younger generation and overseas people the possibility of high-end baijiu for

personalization. Hou Shuai summarized the current trends and features of the baijiu industry: "high-end", "big leader" and "new Jiang fragrance". Moutai, as the undoubted big

leader in the high-end Jiang-fragrance baijiu industry, will become even more unstoppable in the future.

As China is now recovering from the epidemic, many

elites who are fond of high-end wines and spirits. Its social

Moutai buyers have seen that the second-hand price of

Cai Xuefei pointed out that, "Anything with the potential

rocketed with the surge in demand. Seeing Moutai liquor's

attribute is also suitable for value upgrading. In this regard, for appreciation is very popular especially under the

circumstance that the overall economic environment has

been turbulent lately. Moutai liquor is not just for drinking,

it is also a social tool, and an indicator of identity. As people

believe that aged Moutai will only be more valuable, there is little risk in hoarding bottles."

The statement that Moutai liquor has high value-

added potential and relatively low risk in investment is

not groundless. Hou Shuai, a senior specialist in the baijiu industry, mentioned in his report "The 2020 Year-end

aged Moutai liquor and limited commemorative liquor has value-added potential, they want to be a part of it before

it is too late. Yang Nan, a Moutai consumer from Guizhou

Province, the place of origin of Moutai liquor, also realized that "there are an increasing number of people entering

the Moutai collection market". "The financial attribute of

Moutai as an investment became obvious to many during

the pandemic, and the price of aged Moutai liquor has risen steadily and is now reaching a historical level," said Zhu Danpeng, an independent analyst from Guangzhou.

As stated in the "2020 China's Top 500 Most Valuable

Review and Future Prospects of Chinese Baijiu Market"

Brands" jointly released by the "Guoying Research Institute"

market has shown strong anti-risk capability. Although

baijiu brand. Through years of development, the brand

that in the first three quarters of 2020, the high-end baijiu people's opportunities to have banquets have decreased due to the epidemic, the gift market owned by high-end baijiu is basically unaffected. For Moutai liquor which has attributes of socializing and cultural communication, it has already consolidated a huge gift market with its classic "Feitian

53" or multifarious special series such as "Chinese Zodiac Animal Liquor" and "Commemorative Liquor".

Moutai liquor's production output and performance


DEC 2020

and GYbrand, Moutai was awarded the most valuable

value of Moutai has continued to grow. Its brand influence has further expanded in recent years. In consideration of Moutai's positioning, its multiple attributes as consumer

goods and investment goods and the promising prospect of the baijiu industry and the sustainably growing economic

environment, Moutai's capability of value-increasing should not be underestimated.


2020 年的全球危機和市場動蕩之下,中國消費者們





中值得長期持有的增值品。其中,來自赤水河谷的茅台酒自然深受 中國投資者們的青睞。



茅台 2020 年的產量及業績也體現其市場基礎的穩定。在嚴峻

到影響,那就是茅台了。茅台 2020 年半年度報告顯示,收入、利 潤都保持著雙位數的高品質增長,且利潤表現優於收入。茅台在疫

後也表現出超出預期的需求反彈,很快重回「供不應求」的市場狀態。 從產業趨勢來看,白酒行業已經從伴生性增長進化為內生性增





基礎。茅台酒的歷史特殊性和酒質越陳越香的特點也為其賦予金融 多消費者購買『飛天茅台』是拿來囤貨升值的。」

茅台市值超過 3300 億美元(截至 2020 年 12 月 3 日數據),

是中國市值最高的上市公司,也是全球市值最高的烈酒公司。作為 中國乃至世界最知名的白酒品牌之一,茅台多年來的主要消費場景 是政府、商界和熱愛高檔葡萄酒及烈酒的精英人群的商務宴請,其

需求已經從功能消費,向品質精神消費、個性化消費轉移。而茅台 一趨勢,「茅台雞尾酒」也讓年輕群體及海外群體看到了高端白酒 的個性化可能。侯帥總結了當前白酒行業的趨勢特點:高端化、大

龍頭、新醬香。根據這一趨勢特點,作為高端醬香白酒中的大龍頭, 茅台將會更加勢不可擋。






都不好,因此任何有升值潛力的東西都很受歡迎。茅台酒不僅僅是 的茅台酒越有價值,收藏茅台酒幾乎沒有風險。」


資深專家侯帥在其《2020 年中國白酒市場年終復盤及未來展望》

以免為時太晚。一位名為楊楠的茅台酒消費者也意識到「有越來越 示:「對許多人來說,茅台酒作為投資品的金融屬性在疫情期間變

得顯而易見。陳年茅台酒的價格穩步上漲,當前正處於歷史高位。」 據「過硬研究院」與 GYbrand 聯合發佈的 2020 年度《中國

中提到,2020 年前三季度,高端白酒市場表現出了強悍的抗風險

最具價值品牌 500 強》排行榜數據顯示,茅台榮膺最具價值白酒




市場基本不受影響。對於具有社交屬性和文化傳播屬性的茅台酒來 說,無論是經典的「飛天茅台」,還是紀念酒系列如「生肖酒」、

品牌。經過多年的發展,茅台品牌價值持續保持增長,品牌影響力 於一體的多重屬性和白酒產業及整體經濟持續增長的前景,茅台的 增值能力不可小覷。




DEC 2020


Gao Weidong 高衛東: Kweichow Moutai's Journey in the Capital Market Has 貴州茅台在 資本市場的歷程有




ith the gong sound of the Shanghai Stock

for 19 consecutive years with excellent business data and

China's capital market began. As 30 years have

a well-known domestic brand to a spirits enterprise

Exchange in 1990, the magnificent 30 years of

passed, China's capital market has grown from scratch and weak to strong. Today, more than 4,000 listed companies

have together formed this super-scale market with a total

market value of nearly 80 trillion yuan. Among them, with 2.32 trillion yuan, Kweichow Moutai ranked first in terms

of market value in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Back to August 27, 2001, the first day of Kweichow

Moutai's stock exchange listing, the issue price of this

stock was 31.39 yuan per share, and the opening price of the day was 34.51 yuan per share. The IPO raised 2.244

billion yuan in total. After 19 years of journey in the capital market, although there have been several turbulences due to macro economy and industry adjustments, the candlestick chart of the Kweichow Moutai stock still

real investment returns. Moutai has also grown from

with considerable influence in the world. We insist on carrying out reforms to turn crises into opportunities,

and adopt measures such as "guaranteeing the quantity through profitable price adjustment and guaranteeing

the price through quantity control" for ordinary Feitian Moutai liquor as well as shifting the target consumer groups to the middle class and business people. We

continuously promote the reform of the marketing system. While adhering to the traditional technique, we actively embrace new technology and deploy the construction of "Intelligent Moutai". As a result, we have further

consolidated and improved our products and market,

creating the best and highest growth rate in the history. The primary core of Moutai's competitiveness is that

shows a stable and continuously rising tendency.

we have excellent products with high quality and scarcity

refreshed its history: in 2007, Kweichow Moutai became

making Moutai liquor, the tens of thousands of craftsmen

In the past 19 years, Kweichow Moutai has continuously

the first 100-yuan stock in the two Stock Exchanges

after the stock reform; in 2017, the total market value

of Kweichow Moutai surpassed Diageo and became the

world's most valuable spirits company; in 2018, Kweichow

Moutai became the first baijiu stock with a market value of more than one trillion yuan; on June 27, 2019, Kweichow Moutai's intraday stock price exceeded 1,000 yuan,

becoming the first 1000-yuan stock in A-share market in the new century after the stock reform; on December 8, 2020, Kweichow Moutai reached 1875 yuan per share in intraday trading, setting a new high since its listing.... Highest in stock price and highest in market value,

Kweichow Moutai has become the A-share king. Behind

this is Kweichow Moutai's 19 consecutive years of growth

in revenue as well as net profit and 18 consecutive years of high dividends. What makes it stand out from the market is not only its stock price performance, but more that it

has become a model of the A-share gilt-edged stock, which is in line with the dividend return for investors and value investment that the regulatory authorities constantly

advocate. Upon the 30th anniversary of the capital market, Gao Weidong, Chairman of Kweichow Moutai, shared

his views on Kweichow Moutai's 19-year capital market

journey, as well as the current changes and persistence:

Kweichow Moutai was listed on August 27, 2001, which

is a milestone in the history of Moutai's development.

Starting from listing, Moutai has closely focused on its own advantages and kept reforming, enabling itself to develop

better and go further. We have grasped the two key points, that is, product and market, adhered to our ingenuity in

making fine liquor and excellence in quality, and promoted the company to achieve healthy and rapid development 38

DEC 2020

characteristics, the special ecological environment for

who can produce complying with the same quality and taste standards, and the enterprise values of making

joint efforts and sticking to high quality to make fine

liquor wholeheartedly. From "the unique river valley

culture", "the traditional culture that values fundamental and morality", and "the craftsman culture adhering to

excelsior", to "the red culture highlighting striving spirit", Moutai has a series of cultural consensus with a strong

sense of identity and appeal, which is also an invaluable

treasure to build corporate competitiveness. From a global perspective, there are not many enterprises with "short supply" characteristic products. The seller's market is

not only wealth but also pressure for the enterprise. We

must, as always, focus on quality, management, and brand

cultivation. This issue also reminds me of "three aspects to be confident in" and "three spirits" manifested by Moutai.

To be specific, we will be confident in the overall economic environment of our country no matter how volatile the

overall market environment might be, in the development of the baijiu industry, and in the development of Moutai itself. Among them, full confidence in the future is the

inexhaustible driving force for Moutai to maintain healthy

and sustainable development in the long term. To elaborate on the "three spirits" upheld by Moutai, the first one is "the spirit of innovation" mentioned before, which ensures

that Moutai can respond to changes in a timely manner in the volatile market environment. Through flexible

and effective innovation in corporate governance, liquor making technique, product R&D, and brand building,

Moutai may even deploy in advance to win the initiative

in development; the second is "the craftsman spirit" that pursues excelsior. Moutai is the representative of the


world's Jiang-fragrance baijiu, with a long making cycle

broke 1,000 yuan. Capital flow fully reflects the choice of

properly make Moutai liquor and provide consumers with

listing in 2001, Kweichow Moutai's revenue and profits

and complicated process. Abiding by the craftsman spirit to excellent quality products is the bounden duty of Moutai

and the fundamental strategy for Moutai to cope with crises; the third is "the striving spirit" inherited by Moutai people

from generation to generation. Over the years, generations of Moutai people have devoted themselves to the cause of

Moutai, worked together with Moutai, shared weal and woe with Moutai, and paid painstaking efforts to jointly realize

Moutai's success, which has also become the decisive factor

to ensure the sustainable and stable development of Moutai. As a responsible enterprise staying true to its original

aspiration, Kweichow Moutai has always been concerned

about the investment and contribution of its stockholders

while achieving its own development. We have long insisted on continuously creating excellent business performance,

investors and the attitude of the capital market. Since its

have continued to increase. The emphasis and sincerity on

stockholder returns have attracted attention and trust from investors, and the stock price has been rising steadily. Up

till June 27, 2019 when Moutai's stock price exceeded 1,000

yuan, it took 18 years to grow into the first 1,000-yuan stock of the new century in A-share market. The third is that the market value exceeded one trillion yuan. From only 2.24

billion yuan at the beginning of listing, to the breakthrough of one trillion yuan on January 15, 2018, Kweichow Moutai used 17 years. From one trillion yuan to the breakthrough of two trillion yuan on July 7 in 2020, it took only one year and a half. This illustrates the strong market attraction of

Kweichow Moutai as a traditional Chinese brand enterprise. As a leading enterprise in Guizhou Province,

repaying stockholders in the most practical way with an

Kweichow Moutai actively fulfills its economic, social and

Moutai's development dividends. Even under the special

to local economic and social development. Firstly, we

excellent and stable cash dividend policy, and sharing situation this year, our dividend plan still reached the

highest level in history, fully demonstrating our greatest sincerity to stockholders. As of the end of June in 2020, Moutai's accumulated cash dividends reached 97.119

billion yuan, about 49 times of the net capital amount raised from the listing, accounting for 46.47% of the

total net profit since the listing. Also, the cash dividend

proportions in the past five years have all exceeded 50%. Looking back on Kweichow Moutai's journey in the

capital market, there are three important time nodes. The first one is the listing. When Kweichow Moutai was listed

in 2001, the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis was not

over, when the competition in the liquor industry continued to intensify. While deeply feeling the arrival of the "cold winter", Moutai aimed at the capital market and carried out drastic reforms with high standards. The listing has

not only effectively promoted its market development, but

also effectively promoted the stockholding system reform,

which is of great significance to the long-term development of Moutai. The second is that the stock price of Moutai

environmental responsibilities, and actively contributes adhere to the general working principle of pursuing

progress while ensuring stability as well as the new concept of development, firmly hold on to the "three crucial

lifelines": quality, safety and environmental protection,

solidly promote Moutai's high-quality development, make great strides forward, and contribute more taxes to the

local government with excellent production and business performance. Secondly, we give full play to the leading

role of Kweichow Moutai's own industrial linkages, gather momentum with other enterprises in the industry, focus on building a world-class core production area of Jiang-

fragrance baijiu, and jointly promote the construction of a world-class Jiang-fragrance baijiu industry chain. Thirdly,

we build the "workshop No. 1" for Moutai production so as to boost the rural industrial revolution, jointly promoting the baijiu supporting industry to settle down in Guizhou and revitalizing rural areas. By actively fulfilling social responsibilities, I believe we will better promote the

long-term sustainable development of the enterprise.



著 1990 年上交所的一聲鑼響,中國資本市場波瀾壯


從無到有,從弱到強。如今,超過 4000 家上市公司


闊的 30 年拉開序幕。30 年彈指而過,中國資本市場

共同組成了這一總市值近 80 萬億的超級市場。其中,貴州茅台以 2.32 萬億元,位列兩市公司市值第一。

時光回到 2001 年 8 月 27 日,貴州茅台上市首日,該股發行

價 31.39 元 / 股,當日開盤價 34.51 元 / 股,首發募資 22.44 億元。 走過 19 年資本市場路,雖曾因宏觀經濟及行業調整出現過幾次動 盪,但貴州茅台依舊走出了一條穩定且持續上揚的 K 線圖。

19 年來,貴州茅台不斷刷新歷史:2007 年,貴州茅台成為股

改後兩市首隻百元股;2017 年,貴州茅台總市值超過全球酒王亞

讓茅台發展走得更好,也走得更遠。我們抓住產品與市場兩個關鍵, 投資回報,推動公司實現了連續 19 年的健康、良性的快速發展, 茅台也從國內知名品牌,成長為在全球範圍內,有相當影響力的知 名烈性酒企業。我們堅持以改革化危為機,對普通飛天茅台酒採取 「順價保量、控量保價」、將消費人群培養向中產階層、商務人士 轉型等措施,持續推進行銷體制改革,在堅守傳統工藝的同時積極

擁抱新科技,佈局建設「智慧茅台」,產品和市場進一步鞏固提升, 創造了歷史最優、增幅最大的增長資料。


吉歐成為全球市值最高的烈性酒公司;2018 年,貴州茅台成為白


價破千元,成為新世紀以來,股改後 A 股首隻千元股;2020 年 12


酒第一隻市值破萬億的股票;2019 年 6 月 27 日,貴州茅台盤中股 月 8 日,貴州茅台盤中觸及 1875.00 元 / 股,創下上市以來新高 ……

股價第一、市值第一,貴州茅台儼然成為 A 股股王,這背後

是貴州茅台營收淨利潤連續 19 年增長,連續 18 年高分紅。令其

傲然市場的,不單是股價表現,更多的是其已成為 A 股大白馬典範, 與監管層持續宣導的分紅回報投資者、價值投資一脈相承。恰逢資

本市場 30 年之際,貴州茅台董事長高衛東分享了他對貴州茅台 19 年資本市場路的看法,以及當下的變革與堅守:

貴州茅台 2001 年 8 月 27 日上市,這在茅台發展歷史上具有


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同樣品質、口感標準生產的數萬工匠隊伍,萬人齊心、堅守品質, 本守道的傳統文化」、「卓越極致的工匠文化」,到「拼搏奮進的 紅色文化」,茅台一系列具有強大認同感和號召力的文化共識,也 是構築企業競爭力的無價之寶。在全世界範圍看,有「供不應求」 特質產品的企業並不算多。賣方市場是企業的財富,也是企業的壓 力。我們必須一如既往地抓好品質,一如既往地抓好管理,一如既 往地培育品牌。這個問題,也讓我想到了茅台身上彰顯的「三個信

心」和「三種精神」。茅台的「三個信心」,既無論整體市場環 境如何變幻無常,茅台對我國經濟大環境充滿信心、對白酒行業







神」,一是前面提到的「創新精神」,它確保了茅台在變幻無常的 發、品牌建設等方面的靈活有效的創新,甚至未雨綢繆的領先佈局, 來贏得發展主動權;二是極致追求的「工匠精神」,茅台是世界醬 香型白酒的代表,釀造週期長、過程複雜,恪守工匠精神做好這瓶 酒,為消費者提供卓越品質的產品,是茅台的天職,也是茅台應對 危機的根本之策;三是茅台人代代傳承的「拼搏精神」,多年來, 一代又一代茅台人,投身茅台事業,風雨同舟,榮辱與共,付出了 大量心血,共同鑄就了茅台的成功之路,這也成為確保茅台持續穩 定發展的決定性因素。


高標準大刀闊斧改革,通過上市既有效促進了市場開拓,也有力推 流動充分體現了投資者的選擇和資本市場的態度。自 2001 年上市 以來,貴州茅台營收與利潤持續雙增,對股東回報的重視與誠意,

得到了投資者的關注和信賴, 股價一路穩健向上。2019 年 6 月 27 日,茅台股價突破千元,用 18 年時間成長為新世紀以來 A 股上的

首隻千元股。三是市值過萬億。貴州茅台從上市之初只有 22.4 億元, 到 2018 年 1 月 15 日突破萬億,用時整整 17 年。從一萬億再到今 年 7 月 7 日突破兩萬億,則只用了短短一年半時間。這從一個側 面說明貴州茅台作為中國傳統品牌企業的強大市場吸引力。






優異的經營業績,以優異穩定的現金分紅政策這種最實際的方式回 們的分紅方案依然達到歷年最高,充分體現了我們對股東最大的誠

意。截至 2020 年 6 月底,茅台累計現金分紅達 971.19 億元,約 為上市募資淨額的 49 倍,占上市以來淨利潤總額的 46.47%,且 近五年的現金分紅比例均超過了 50%。


貴州茅台在 2001 年上市時,亞洲金融危機餘波未散,酒業競爭持

中求進的工作總基調和新發展理念,牢牢守住品質、安全、環保「三 產經營業績為地方貢獻更多稅收。二是發揮貴州茅台自身的產業關 聯帶動作用,與行業其他企業聚勢前行,圍繞打造世界醬香型白酒 核心產區,共同推進世界級醬香型白酒產業鏈集群建設。三是建好 茅台酒生產「第一車間」,助推農村產業革命。共同推動白酒配套 產業「入黔落戶」,銜接鄉村振興。積極履行社會責任,更好推動 企業長遠可持續發展。



Liang Shixiong 梁世雄 42

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Country in the Heart 心隨江山 Text / 文 Jocelyn Chenlin Liao MOUTAI MAGAZINE



hen I walked into the home of Liang Shixiong and his wife Rong Pu, a pair of woodcut

couplets carved in oracle bone inscriptions

immediately caught my eyes. It read, "Half pool of cold wind and rain indicated the arrival of spring, and the

frosted flower bloomed overnight under the moonlight",

which was originally a value piece of calligraphy composed and gifted to the couple by Rong Geng, a famous Chinese paleographer, archaeologist, master of calligraphy and

seal carving, and most importantly, Rong Pu's father. Liang Shixiong cherished this work so much that he properly

reserved the original, asked someone to make a woodcut copy and hung it up at home. Regarded as a master and representative figure in the transformation phase of

"Lingnan School of Chinese Traditional Painting", one of the

three styles of painting that dominated the Chinese painting circle in the 20th century, Liang has always been humble

and amiable when talking to the younger ones. Every time

when someone visited, he and his wife would greet and see them off in person.

Liang was born in Nanhai, Guangdong Province, China

in 1933. He holds various positions including Professor and

Postgraduate Tutor in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, former Director of the Department of Traditional Chinese

Painting, Director of the Research Department of Lingnan School of Painting, Vice President of the Memorial Hall

The former Prime Minister of Japan Tomiichi Murayama took a photo with a calligraphy work gifted by Liang Shixiong 日本前首相村山富市手持梁世雄贈予的「壽」字

by the Great Hall of the People and the Tower of Violet

Light. In 1977, when he joined the Guangdong Traditional Chinese Painting Creation Group led by Li Xiongcai and

Guan Shanyue (group leader), he collaborated with Chen Dongting, Cai Dizhi, Lin Fengsu and Chen Zhangji to

compose several paintings including The Peasant Institute

of Lingnan School of Painting, Executive Director of the

in Guangzhou and The Dawn of Zunyi, which were not only

Association and Member of the Institution of Culture and

the Guangdong Provincial Museum and the Guangdong

Guangdong Artists Association, Member of the China Artists History of Guangdong Province. Adept at Chinese landscape painting, Liang highly values the inheritance of excellent

traditions of Chinese national painting. Through drawing on others successful experience, he strove to explore the

spirit of the times of Chinese landscape painting, seeking to

respectively collected by the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Museum of Art, but also successively sent to multiple

countries and regions for exhibition, including America, Japan, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Belgium, Australia, Thailand, Jordan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Tomiichi Murayama, the current 97-year-old former

bring something new to it.

Prime Minister of Japan, once took a photo in recent years

Mountains over the Pine Forest were respectively collected

Shixiong, which reminded Liang of his visits to Japan. In the

Liang's works Spring Dawn of Pearl River and

with a calligraphy work named "Longevity" gifted by Liang

Liang was born in Nanhai, Guangdong Province, China in 1933. He holds various positions including Professor and Postgraduate Tutor in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, former Director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting, Director of the Research Department

of Lingnan School of Painting, Vice President of the Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, Executive Director of the Guangdong Artists Association, Member of the China Artists Association and Member of the Institution of Culture and History of Guangdong Province.

Adept at Chinese landscape painting, Liang highly values the inheritance of excellent traditions of Chinese national painting. Through drawing on others successful experience, he strove to explore the spirit of the times of Chinese landscape painting, seeking to bring

something new to it. His works were once successively sent to multiple countries and regions for exhibition, including America, Japan, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Belgium, Australia, Thailand, Jordan, Hong Kong and Macau.

梁世雄 1933 年出生於中國廣東省南海。任廣州美術學院教授、碩士研究生導師,原中國畫系主任,嶺南畫派研究室主任,嶺南畫派紀念館副董事長,

Liang Shixiong 梁世雄


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擅長中國山水畫,在藝術上註重繼承中國民族繪畫之優秀傳統,博采眾長,梁世雄努力探索中國山水畫之時代精神,力求予山水畫新意。作品先 後由國家選送美國、日本、加拿大、德國、新加坡、比利時、澳大利亞、泰國、約旦及東南亞各國和我國香港、澳門等地展出。





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PEOPLE 人 1980s, he was invited to join his wife to revisit Japan together

with Li Xiongcai and his wife. During the trip lasting for one and a half month, they have been to Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto,

Nara, Atami, Izu, Ise-Shima and Fuji-Hakone for sightseeing and painting. He was even received by the former Prime

Minister Kaifu Toshiki and the former Ambassador of China to Japan Yang Zhenya during his stay in Japan. In 1992,

"Li Xiongcai and Liang Shixiong's Exhibition of Paintings

during the Visit to Japan" was held in the Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting. Upon the 20th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan

and China, Kaifu Toshiki, former Prime Minister of Japan, led a delegation with over 20 officials including Chief

Cabinet Secretary to attend the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon in person.

Liang started to watch others painting since the age

of five or six, gradually generating interest in painting

himself. He Zhanji, his painting teacher when he was a

primary student till he became a junior high student, had the greatest impact on his enlightenment. Decades later,

when Liang became a Professor in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, one of the eight great academies of fine arts

to be a painter like him." Liang said with a smile. His

instructor, as his respected teacher. In his mind, He Zhanji's

unstoppable spirit.

in China, he still considered He, who was still a painting status will always remain the same.

In the 1950s, Liang Shixiong successively went to the

South China People Literature & Art College and the Central South Literature & Art College to study and work, where he met two people that left major influence in his life -

Guan Shanyue and Li Xiongcai, masters of Lingnan School of Painting. Liang was once granted an opportunity to

learn about ceramics in Poland, but eventually he chose traditional Chinese painting as his life-long career. He

learned about "diligence" and "open-mindedness" from

Guan and Li. "At that time, most of the famous painters

from the northern China who came to Guangzhou would be

invited by them to give lectures. We, as students, benefited a lot from them." Liang still remembers the voices and smiles

masterpiece The Spirit of Mount Ali was born thanks to his In addition to Guan Shanyue and Li Xiongcai, Rong Geng,

Liang's father-in-law and a famous Chinese paleographer

and collector in our country, also had a profound influence on him. "Mr. Rong once told me in a very direct way that

every great painter was also a great calligrapher. A painter who is bad at calligraphy cannot become a great one." At

the suggestion of Rong Geng, Liang made up for the lesson of calligraphy by copying the works of Li Beihai and Wen Zhengming, masters of calligraphy. Liang recalled that,

when he met with his father-in-law, they often discussed

professional and literary matters and rarely talked about family matters. Perhaps it is what a family of scholars is like.

"He is a very low-profile, sincere and steady person who

of his old acquaintances - Liu Haisu, Ye Qianyu, Huang

is really hardworking and diligent about art and work. He

and Cheng Shifa. Speaking of artistic creation, the most

thinks about others." This is how Rong Pu thinks of her

Zhou, Pan Tianshou, Lou Shibai, Li Keran, Li Kuchan

frequently mentioned word by Liang is "sketching". Some

said that he might be a landscape painter who had visited the most places to sketch. From Xinjiang, Tibet, Mount Huang, Mount Tai, Mount Emei, Guilin, Mount Lu, the

Three Gorges along the Yangtze River ……, to the Alishan

Sacred Tree Relics in Taiwan, he composed a large number of sketches in all the above places. "Mrs. Guan and Mr.

Li always told me to go out more to paint. I remembered

once I followed Mr. Li to sketch at the Jinggang Mountains

Region, and suddenly it rained heavily, but Mr. Li continued painting as if nothing had happened, which inspired me

never takes credit for what he has achieved, and always

husband who has accompanied by her side for most of her lifetime. "As a descendent of Lingnan School of Painting, Shixiong hopes to contribute more to promote Lingnan culture. During the process of preparation to construct

the Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, he often traveled to and fro between Hong Kong and Guangzhou,

actively devoting himself to key links including planning,

financing, design and construction. I remembered one time that due to the shortage of funds, he specially organized a

team to go to the kiln in Chaozhou to retrieve free porcelain pieces, and handed over as raw materials to the workers MOUTAI MAGAZINE



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for construction of the hall. He doesn't care about how the society sees him and never speaks out for himself because he does not want to take credit. It is a very good quality."

When treating his students, he always shows his love and

support without asking for anything in return, which is one of many reasons why he is loved and respected by many new-generation Chinese painters graduating from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

In 2019, the opening ceremony of "Country in the Heart

– Liang Shixiong's Art of Traditional Chinese Painting" was held in the National Art Museum of China. The exhibition exhibited over 60 pieces/sets of his works, including his early paintings Autumn Dawn in Coconut Forest and

Return from Fishing collected by the Guangdong Museum of Art, and The Endless Yangtze River collected by the

Nanhai Museum, as well as several representative works of

him throughout various phases collected by the National Art Museum of China this time, comprehensively presenting his artistic achievements from multiple dimensions.









本、加拿大、德國、新加坡、比利時、澳大利亞、泰國、約旦及東 逾 90 歲高齡的日本前首相村山富市近年手持梁世雄贈予的

這幅對聯,珍藏了原件,託人用木板刻好掛出來。梁世雄貴為 20

「壽」字拍了一張照片,讓梁老回想起了在日本的經歷。1980 年代,



世紀主宰中國畫壇的三大畫派之一「中國嶺南畫派」轉型期的代表 每有人拜訪,他和夫人總是親自迎送。

梁世雄 1933 年出生於中國廣東省南海。任廣州美術學院教授、

碩士研究生導師,原中國畫系主任,嶺南畫派研究室主任,嶺南畫 派紀念館副董事長,廣東省美術家協會常務理事,中國美術家協會 會員,廣東省政府文史研究館館員。他擅長中國山水畫,在藝術上 註重繼承中國民族繪畫之優秀傳統,博采眾長,梁世雄努力探索中

梁世雄應邀與夫人及黎雄才夫婦重訪日本,歷時一個半月,曾到東 進行觀光及寫生活動;訪日期間,受到日本前首相海部俊樹及中國

駐日本全權大使楊振亞接見。1992 年,他們在嶺南畫派紀念館舉

辦「黎雄才、梁世雄訪日畫展」,適逢日中邦交正常化 20 周年期間, 日本前首相海部俊樹率領代表團,包括官房長官等一行二十多人參 加開幕式,並親自剪彩。




大會堂、中南海紫光閣收藏。1977 年,他參加以關山月(組長)、



黎雄才為首的廣東國畫創作組,與陳洞庭、蔡迪支、林豐俗、陳章 績等合作的《廣州農民講習所》、《遵義曙光》分別收藏於毛主席 52

DEC 2020

何老師學畫。幾十年後,當梁世雄成為了中國八大美術學院之一—— 梁老的心目中,何老師的地位一直沒有變。

1950 年代,梁世雄在華南人民文藝學院和中南美術專科學校


求學和工作。在那裡,他遇到了兩位影響他一生的恩師——嶺南畫 派的代表大師關山月和黎雄才。他本來有去波蘭學習陶瓷的機會,


不已,補上了書法這一課。與岳父見面,他回憶常常討論的是專業 和文藝方面的事,鮮少談家事,也許這也是書香世家的特點吧。






來到廣州,大都會被他們想辦法請來講課,我們學生從中獲益匪淺。」 程十發等大家的音容笑貌,梁世雄仍記憶猶新。說起藝術創作,梁 世雄提到最多的兩個字是「寫生」。有人說,梁世雄可能是山水畫

家中采風、寫生去過地方最多的。新疆、西藏、黃山、衡山、泰山、 峨眉、桂林、廬山、長江三峽……直到台灣的「阿里山神木林」, 每個地方都留下了他大量的速寫稿。「關、黎兩位常跟我講,一定 要出去,不出去是沒有畫的。一次跟隨黎雄才去井岡山寫生。突降 大雨,但他照畫不誤,他這點被我繼承下來了。」梁世雄笑著說,


是容璞女士對於陪伴自己大半生的伴侶梁世雄的評價。作為嶺南畫 他在籌建嶺南畫派紀念館過程中經常奔波於香港和廣州兩地,積極 地投身於策劃、籌資、設計、施工等各個關鍵環節。由於經費緊缺 的原因,記得有一次他專門組織一隊人馬去潮州的窯口撿回很多免 費的破碎瓷片,作為原料交給工人施工。他從來不去計較社會上對 他的評價也從來不出聲,因為他不想居功,是一種很好的品質。對 於後輩,他總是愛護與提攜,並不要求回報,這也是梁世雄受眾多 廣州美院走出的中國畫新一代名家愛戴的原因之一。

2019 年,「心隨江山——梁世雄中國畫藝術展」在中國美術


館開幕。展覽展出作品 60 余件 / 套,其中包括廣東美術館藏的梁



家容庚先生對他的影響也十分深遠。「容老曾經十分直接地同我講, 父的提點下,梁世雄先臨李北海,後學文徵明,自言練到手臂酸痛

世雄早期成名作《椰林初曉》、《漁歸》,南海博物館藏的《不盡 的代表作品,全面立體地呈現了梁世雄的藝術成就。

Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Mr. Luo Bing, Mrs. Liang Xin 羅兵先生,梁欣女士



Sushi Man Moutai Ice Cream Sushi Man 與茅台雪糕 Text/ 文 Laicha Translation/ 譯 Ziyang


DEC 2020





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idden in downtown, Sushi Man is isolated from

freshness of ingredients, thus fresh fish will arrive by air

Japanese Karesansui (dry landscape) decorated

in preset order and proper rhythm to give customers the

the bustling city by its front yard in the style of

with a stretch of white sandstone, a few rocks and a pine tree. The rustic raw wood and the coating with a natural

clay texture bring about a sense of serene melancholy and a spiritual longing, allowing the customers to enjoy Edomae cuisine as if they are in a real elegant Japanese garden.

Entering through the quilted door curtain, a sushi counter is on the left, where chefs tensely and orderly prepare the ingredients. In the cellaret on the right, besides the full

display of Japanese Sake, there are bottles of Moutai liquor in different sizes, whose presence become a highlight in this Japanese restaurant.

Rigorousness is a prominent part of Japanese culture,

which can be obviously seen in the "personal image" of

sushi chefs: they all keep a shaved head. It is a rule set by the head chef. Strictly keeping up a unified appearance reflects the spirit of Japanese cuisine professionals. In

Sushi Man, they even try to assure the size of sushi rice to

be as identical as possible since it is believed that rigorous

discipline is needed so as to present stable and high-quality dishes.

The essence of "omakase (the customer leaves it up to the

chef to select and serve seasonal specialties)" lies behind the long sushi counter made of raw wood. As the taste of fish

is one of the three factors highly valued in Edomae cuisine, in addition to the making of vinegared sushi rice and the process of curing, each type of fish will be processed in

appropriate skill and temperature. For example, to achieve the best softness of octopus, the chef will give it a "Thai

massage". As for ingredients such as prawns or abalone,

they should be served in porcelain plates heated to a high

temperature. Sushi Man adheres to the superior quality and

from Japan every day. Dishes, drinks and sushi are served best dining experience. In Japanese cuisine, sushi is the

timely capture of seasonal ingredients, so when customers

visit Japanese restaurants at different time of the year, they will be having a destined date with the freshest fish and specialties in season. The sea urchin sushi in the super-

sized portion is undoubtedly the most popular dish in Sushi Man. Different from other Japanese restaurants, Sushi

Man combines the flavor of the purple sea urchin from

Hakodate, Hokkaido and the sweetness of another species called "Hemicentrotus" to bring out the most satisfaction. As the meal draws to a close, one cannot miss the

signature "Moutai ice cream" presented by Sushi Man, a

dual enjoyment of vision and taste. The chef will place an entire bottle of "Moutai Feitian 53" on the sushi counter

with a full scoop of chocolate ice cream (vanilla flavor is

also available) on the side, then pour just the right amount of liquor onto the ice cream ball. When the liquor slowly merges with the ice cream, the strong Jiang fragrance

of Moutai wafts through the air and leaves a comforting

aroma. It turns out to be a "signature dessert" that attracts customers to take photos and videos. Drawing inspiration

from wine-filled chocolate, Master Man, Founder and Head

Chef of Sushi Man, has been thinking about using a Chinese baijiu to match the coffee chocolate ice cream with nutty

and roasted flavor, and then Moutai jumped into his mind.

"Moutai's unique Jiang fragrance can perfectly highlight the sweetness of our home-made coffee chocolate ice cream

and bring out a complex mouth-feel. Meanwhile, its strong flavor is neutralized by the coolness of ice cream, making

its mellowness stand out more. It is a taste that people can remember."









嚴苛的紀律而後才能有穩定、優質的出品,如,鮨文盡量保證壽司 Omakase( 廚師發辦 ) 的精髓,在於那一方寸的原木長桌間。





有序地準備著食材,而右邊的酒櫃中,除了聆郎滿目的日本清酒陳 內頗為顯眼的一道「風景線」了。


形象」中可見一斑——光頭形象是店裏師傅的「標配」,剃光頭是 58

DEC 2020

飯以及醃」三元素有著十分的講究,每一種魚類的處理都講究合適 章魚做類似「泰式按摩」的手法以求其軟韌度達到最佳,而明蝦、 鮑魚等食材則講究盛放這兩樣食材的瓷盤也必須是達到燙手程度。 店內每日有日本空運抵達的新鮮魚類,上等且新鮮是鮨文對食料的









的可以選擇),然後,在食客面前向雪糕傾倒入適量的茅台酒,酒 成為了一道讓人爭相拍照及影像的一道「招牌甜品」。






膽相搭配,前者的香與後者的甜交互融合,讓這款超大分量的壽司 用餐接近尾聲,不能錯過的是鮨文的招牌「茅台雪糕」,是視

覺上的玩味之旅,也讓味蕾高潮叠起。板前師傅會把一整支 53°飛

糕,入口醇厚溫雅的茅台酒讓他靈感迸發,「醬香回味悠長,搭配 爽的雪糕在舌尖暫留,酒體滑過舌尖,一絲絲甘醇讓人記憶猶新。




DEC 2020



of the East African Savanna 東非大草原的「淡季」

Text/ 文 ZXT Translation/ 譯 Guan




DEC 2020



ildlife is a great treasure of Africa, and the

great migration, the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world, is a grand event that

every traveler longs for. During the migration season,

the great herds formed by wildebeest, zebra and gazelle

trample across the plain, eating miles of grasses along the

way like weeding machines. Year after year, they migrate in a clockwise direction across Tanzania and Kenya.

In order to demonstrate the grandness of the migration,

almost all documentaries will choose the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania as the shooting location: filmed in slow

motion, crowds of wildebeest stampede forward, lifting dust into the air that blurs out the horizon line. The crossing of

the Mara River in the Masai Mara National Reserve can also be very dramatic as the migrating herds of gazelle jumped up with all their strength one after another just to attain

However, travel in East Africa is not limited to the

summer in the northern hemisphere. At the end of

February and the beginning of March when the weather is

always drizzly in the northern hemisphere, raindrops begin

to moisturize the dry soil on the East African Savanna in the southern hemisphere. Although it is the "tourist off season" in East Africa, the scenery there is not dull at all. The

withered yellow prairie is replaced by a "green carpet" of

freshly grown grasses; the herds of elephants leisurely pace on the grassland with the high-hanging rainbow brought by the sudden heavy rain as background; seasonal lakes

appear in some areas, attracting waterfowl to station. These peaceful scenes might be "less exciting" than the great

migration, but for the wonders of nature, it is no one's place to judge what is "better" or what "the best" is.

Since hotel rooms are abundant in the off season, the

the opposite shore where crocodiles waiting in ambush.

price becomes much more affordable. During my trip in

summer vacation in the northern hemisphere every year,

Safari Lodge in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Upon

This is a "make or break" moment. Therefore, during the

travel enthusiasts from all over the world will gather at the narrow crossing points with their long-focus cameras just

to witness the soul-stirring scenes which they have watched several times in documentaries through a sea of people.

East Africa this time, I chose to stay in Amboseli Serena arrival, I immediately received the standard greeting in

typical "Serena Hotels" style: the attentive bellboy served

us with ice towels, sweeping away everyone's exhaustion

from long travel. When we walked into Amboseli, we were MOUTAI MAGAZINE


entering the territory of Maasai. As the old saying goes,

"when in Rome, do as the Romans do", the hotel's setting

is also full of Maasai style: not only staffs at the front desk are wearing "Shuka", the traditional Maasai costume, the decorations are also ethnically special. Every room key is attached to an ornament in the shape of the scepter

used by the Maasai tribe leader. Holding the key, we got to experience the feeling of holding a scepter and calling the tune just like a tribe leader.

Wildlife viewings twice a day were very rewarding. I just

love the rainy season in Amboseli so much. As the adequate rain fell onto the grassland, some soaked into the ground, some collected, formed streams and eventually flew into

larger marsh and lakes, where water birds began to gather. Under our eager gaze, two grey-crowned cranes, the

national bird of Uganda, encountered each other. Having

a breeding display involving dancing, these "bird dancers" couldn't wait to show off their movements. The male bird

took the lead in its performance. It first bowed and nodded, slightly spread its wings and moved its long neck up and down. As it got into the groove, it spread its wings wider

and nodded harder, as if a rock star passionately sang in

front of thousands of audience in the concert. Then, the 64

DEC 2020


male bird began to spin and

jump around the female it madly fell

in love with. Its passion gradually melted the female bird's heart, who finally

responded. Then, it was the show time of their duo dance: face to face, they nodded at the same frequency and

flapped their wings. Looking into each other's eyes, they knew they found

the right "bird", so they ended their

dance and stepped aside to enjoy their intimate moment as a new couple.

Daniel, our safari guide cheered

in a restrained voice: here on the

prairie, the best way humans can show respect to the animals is to interfere them as little as

possible. He turned to us and

said, "the grey-crowned crane is an endangered species, so

it is a rare chance for us to witness the process of two birds falling in love. They are loyal

practitioners of monogamy. Once they find their

love, they will stay together for life." Perhaps one day,

urbanites who are surrounded by concrete jungles will

have to come to East Africa to learn the true meaning of love from these birds.

The Amboseli National Park is also the

"Promised Land" of Maasai people. The Maasai are a nomadic ethnic group in East Africa, who still

maintain a traditional way of life and live under a

strict tribal system till now. To welcome our visit,

the tribe performed songs and dances to show their

hospitality. Compared to the graceful singing and

dancing of Maasai young ladies, the light-footed jumping

talent of Maasai young men was even more surprising. One

by one, they stepped forward from the queue and jumped up high without effort, as if they were not restricted by gravity at all. Maasai young men have been training hard since the age of 14. They learned how to hunt

in the woods alone, at the same time strengthening

their physical power, courage and boldness. Benson,

the tribe leader, told me that "excellent jumping skill allows them to get the upper hand when hunting". Today, the Maasai are still living in houses

made of mud. Without electric light, the only



"lighting system" is a hole in the roof, which serves not

only as a channel for natural light to enter the room but

also a chimney. The Maasai people have strong wilderness survival skills, including making a fire without the help of

matches or lighters. They simply use wood and cow dung to generate heat by friction. The whole process takes no more than two minutes.

The Maasai have their own special fashion. Speaking of

"ethnic costume", the main garment worn by Maasai men

is the "Shuka", which is usually made of two pieces of cloth with bright and sharp colors. Such colors can effectively

drive away wild animals on the plain. Both men and women in the tribe have big earlobes. They will have their ears

pierced at birth and gradually increase the weight of their earrings as they grow up. With the stretching force, their

earlobes become longer and the ear holes become bigger. They believe that earlobes need to be long and dangling

to be beautiful. Most of the Maasai lack two teeth, which were actually pulled out by the elderly with a knife since

childhood. They are also stamped with a circle pattern on

their face. According to Benson, these body modifications are IDs for the Maasai.

Today's Maasai people highly value education. In a

school funded by the American, we saw a group of children attending the class. Seeing us, they started to perform singing, showing all talents they have got under the

teacher's leading. Some of the teachers here have been to big cities like Nairobi to study. After graduation, they all

chose to return to their villages where there is no electricity to teach children from the tribe. "Everyone has the right to be educated. This right is equal to everyone, which cannot be compromised due to poverty. I am really grateful to the 66

DEC 2020


railway standards. In addition,

the starting point Mombasa is a

famous port city that Zheng He, a Chinese mariner in the Ming

Dynasty, has set foot on during his travelling to west at that

time. This city actually has a close tie with China.

I believe any Chinese will

feel familiar when they see the railway since it is built completely in teachers in the tribe, who have given up the convenient

lifestyle and their personal development in big cities for the better future of our next generation." Benson said.

As a tribe leader, Benson was often invited to attend

academic seminars in various countries to introduce the Maasai culture and current living situation of Maasai

people. I asked whether he would like to live abroad for a

long time. He shook his head and said with a smile, "I can't

even live in Nairobi for a long time, let along living abroad. After all, my home is here, in my tribe."

In Kenya, there is a group of Chinese people who are

far from their homeland. They are Chinese employees of

the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway. If I weren't here to see with

my own eyes, it would be hard for me to imagine that there would be a pure "Chinese" railway here on the continent

of Africa. This railway connecting Mombasa and Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is the largest infrastructure project in Kenya since its independence. It is also the first time

that China has exported overseas an entire set of domestic

accordance with Chinese railway standards both

internally and externally. As soon as we got on

the train, the Chinese

conductor immediately

came up and greeted us

enthusiastically when he

realized we were from his home country. One of

our friends recognized that the Kenyan train

attendant serving our


carriage was one of

the performers in a sketch comedy at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala a few years ago, which exactly

Tribe leader



presented an interesting story between Chinese engineers


and local people in Mombasa during the construction of


really working on the train were invited to perform in the


the railway. At that time, ten Kenyan young ladies who were sketch. Because of this railway, she had the opportunity

to go abroad for the first time, travelled across half of the earth, stepped on the land of China, and stood on a stage with over one billion audience.

What was our Chinese conductor doing when the Gala

非大草原乾涸的土壤。東非旅行,進入了「淡季」。然而人淡景不 草地毯;突如其來的暴雨,帶來了高懸的彩虹,象群以此為背景, 在蔥郁的草原上悠然踱步;有些區域,甚至出現了季節性湖泊,引 來無數水鳥駐紮。這樣的景色,容不得有人癟嘴嫌棄,對於大自然 的奇妙來說,本身就不應該有所謂的「更好」或者「最好」的。


was live that year? He told us merrily, "I was working hard!

之行,我選擇了 Serena 酒店集團。在肯尼亞安博塞利國家公園,

my Chinese colleagues and watched the replay, and then I

了 Serena 標準式的迎接,細心的服務生為每個人送上冰毛巾,沿

After I was off work in the evening, I made dumplings with toasted three cups of Moutai toward the direction of home

because I felt like I owed it to my parents for not being with them. I hope I can return home next year at the Chinese New Year and have a good drink with my father."


「心向往之」的盛事。「遷徙三友」角馬、斑馬、瞪羚, 除草機似的一路跟著水草啃過去,年復一年地在坦桑



取景地選在坦桑尼亞的塞倫蓋蒂國家公園——慢鏡頭中的角馬密密 麻麻狂奔而來,揚起足以遮蓋地平線的塵土;以及肯尼亞馬賽馬拉 草原的馬拉河之渡——悲壯的背景音樂中,瞪羚群用盡全身力量躍 起,到對岸或是成為鱷魚的盤中餐,在騰空瞬間決定了。於是,北 半球暑假期間,全世界的旅行愛好者們扛著長槍短炮,聚集在塞倫 蓋蒂和馬拉河逼仄的渡口,只求在人縫中看到在紀錄片中看過數次 的樣子。 68

DEC 2020

我入住了 Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge,剛一到門口,便得到


盤,Serena 也入鄉隨俗,酒店裝飾充滿了濃濃的馬賽風格,不僅 前台小哥哥們都披上了馬賽男子傳統服裝「束卡」,裝飾也充滿了 民族風,連開門的鑰匙,都是馬賽村部落首領的權杖,入住的客人 們也可以體驗到手握權杖發號施令的感覺了!


塞利的雨季,雨水豐沛的草原,匯聚小流,再匯集成面積頗大的沼 澤和湖泊,親水的鳥類開始聚集。在我們的熱切註視下,兩只烏干 達國鳥——灰頂鸛鶴相遇了,喜歌善舞的它們不愧是鳥類的舞蹈擔 當,雄鳥率先開始了它的表演,它先躬身頷首,禮儀先行,接著雙

翅微展,跟著早已預埋在 DNA 中的節奏感,上下晃動修長美脖, 隨即漸入佳境,翅膀大張,點頭幅度加大,宛若搖滾巨星在萬人演 唱會唱到正酣處。接著,雄鳥開始在雌鳥周圍旋轉跳躍,為了愛情 不瘋魔不成活。如此熾熱的情愫,冰山也為之融化,害羞而慢熱的 雌鳥終於開始有了回應,雙人表演開始了,面對面、同頻率的高低

點頭,扇動翅膀,確認過眼神,你就是我想要相伴一生的鳥!隨即, 情投意合的新晉小情侶走到旁邊,脖頸交纏,耳鬢廝磨。



Safari 向導 Daniel 急促而克制地歡呼起來——在大草原上,

人類能做到對動物的尊重就是,把干擾減到最小。他轉向我們說: 「灰頂鸛鶴已經瀕危了,在這麽小的族群中可以遇到意中人並且兩 情相悅,這幾率太低了。它們可是一夫一妻制的忠實踐行者,找到 相愛的人,它們會相伴終身。」也許有一天,鋼筋水泥包圍著的都 市人,也需要來到東非,向鳥兒討教愛的真諦了。


非的遊牧民族,直至現在,他們仍然保存著傳統的生活方式,生活 在嚴格的部落制度之下。為了迎接我們的到訪,部落表演了迎客的 歌舞。相比馬賽女孩兒們的優美歌舞,馬賽族男子的輕盈的蹦跳簡 直就是赤裸裸的炫耀,他們依次從隊伍中向前一步,不費吹灰之力

就可躍起,地心引力拿他們毫無辦法。馬賽族男子從 14 歲開始, 就開始了艱苦卓絕的訓練,他們孤獨地在叢林中學習狩獵,鍛煉體

力、勇氣與氣魄。部落首領 Benson 告訴我「彈跳力可以讓他們 在狩獵的時候獲得先機。」


屋頂中的一個孔,作為自然光進入房間的通道的同時,也起到了煙 囪的作用。馬賽人擁有強烈的野外求生技能,比如生火,無需借助 火柴、打火機,馬賽人用木頭和牛糞,依靠摩擦生熱就可以輕松搞 定,整個過程不過 2 分鐘。


卡」,一般是顏色鮮艷的兩塊布,在大草原上,這樣的鮮艷色彩能 有效地驅趕野獸。部落中,無論男女,都擁有大耳垂,馬賽人生下 來就紮耳洞,逐漸加大飾物的重量,使耳朵越拉越長,洞也越來越

I toasted three cups of Moutai toward the direction of home.




印上圓圈,Benson 說,這些都是馬賽人的身份證。


兩顆牙齒,這是從小由長者用配刀拔掉的。他們的臉蛋上還用烙鐵 如今的馬賽人非常重視教育,在美國人出資修建的學校裏,一


國首次將國內的全套鐵路標準出口到海外。除此之外,鐵路起點著 和中國緣分頗深。






求學,畢業後,都選擇了回到自己連電都不通的村莊,教育部落的 並不能因為窮困而動搖。我很感謝部落的老師們,為了我們的下一 代,他們放棄了大城市的便利生活和個人發展。」Benson 說道。

Benson 作為部族首領,常被邀請到各國參加學術研討會,介

紹馬賽人文化和生存現狀, 我問道,你願意在國外長期居住嗎?

他搖了搖頭,笑著說:「別說國外了,內羅畢都不行,畢竟這裏才 是我的部落我的家啊!」


員工,如果不是親身在此,很難想象,遠在非洲大陸,會有這樣一 條「血緣正宗」的「中國」高鐵。這一條鐵路,連接了肯尼亞首都

剛上車,來自中國的列車長看到故鄉有人來,熱情地過來打招呼。 晚小品中的「蒙內十美」之一——那個小品展現了蒙內鐵路修建時 中國工程師和當地人之間啼笑皆非的故事,小品還請到了真正在鐵 路上工作的十位肯尼亞女孩兒。也正是因為這條鐵路,她第一次走 出國門,一去就跨越了半個地球,踏上神州土地,站上了有十幾億 觀眾的舞台。


「努力工作!晚上和中國同事一起包餃子,看春晚重播!對著家的 方向,乾了三杯茅台,算是給家裡老父母賠罪了,希望明年春節, 可以回去和父親好好地喝一次!」




DEC 2020





David Ho 何大一

Dr. Ho has been engaged in HIV/AIDS research since

the beginning of the pandemic, initially focusing on


research team led by Dr. David Da-i Ho, a

well-known Taiwanese-American scholar and professor of Medicine at Columbia University

clinical virology and select topics in HIV pathogenesis.

Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, has discovered

of elegant human studies to elucidate the dynamics of

infected with COVID-19. Inspired by his previous work in

In the mid 1990s, his research team conducted a series HIV replication in vivo.

This knowledge, in turn, formed the foundation for

their pioneering effort to treat HIV "early and hard" and in demonstrating for the first time the durable control of HIV replication in patients receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. This was the turning point in the epidemic that an automatic death sentence was transformed into a manageable disease.


專注於臨床病毒學及艾滋病發病機制的相關課題。上世紀 90

年代中期,他的研究團隊進行了一系列精妙的人體研究,以闡 明艾滋病病毒在有機體內的複製多樣性。


病所做出的開創性努力奠定了基礎,並首次證明了艾滋病病毒 複製在接受聯合抗逆轉病毒治療的病人體內能夠得到長久有效 的控制。何博士對研究艾滋病的突破和治療有著巨大的貢獻和 推動——艾滋病死亡率大大降低,轉變為一種可控制的疾病。

a variety of potent antibodies in critically ill patients

developing HIV treatment, Dr. Ho and his team conceived

an antibody cocktail, which may contribute to treating and preventing infections with novel coronavirus.

According to Nature, scientists isolated 61 types of

neutralizing monoclonal antibodies from five patients

who had been extremely ill with COVID-19, among which 19 types were found to effectively neutralize the SARS-

CoV-2 virus causing the disease in the test tubes, wherein 9 manifested robust potency and efficacy with 50% virusinhibitory concentrations of 0.7 to 9 ng/mL.

The researchers' experiments with Syrian hamsters

revealed that an infusion of one of the purified potent antibodies have provided significant protection to the

animals from disease. "It completely shut off the infectious

virus in the lung tissue of the hamsters we treated," said Dr. Ho.

The study has found that patients with severe COVID-19


DEC 2020


Dr. Ho and his team conceived an antibody cocktail, which may contribute to treating and preventing infections with novel coronavirus.

who require mechanical ventilation are more likely to

produce the most effective neutralizing antibodies against

the virus. Dr. Ho said, "We think that the sicker patients saw more virus and for a longer period, which allowed their

immune system to mount a more robust response." This is similar to what he has learned from the HIV research experience.

The researchers also discovered that some of the most

potent antibodies can keep the SARS-CoV-2 virus from

invading human cells by binding to the spike protein of the virus. According to Dr. Ho, the "antibody cocktail" contains a variety of antibodies which will prevent the virus from

developing drug resistance. They can be manufactured at MOUTAI MAGAZINE



ody C




scale by pharmaceutical firms to fight the virus or prevent

1 safety trial in humans in October. If the antibody therapy

particularly suitable for early treatment of extremely ill


it from taking hold of human bodies. This therapy is

patients, such as the elderly and patients with underlying

proves to be safe, trials for efficacy could start early next

The Guardian reported that immune responses tend


to be weaker in older people, therefore, even if vaccines

to produce, and one dose can persist in the blood for three

antibodies that protect for months at a time can still be

Dr. Ho estimated that a dose of antibodies might cost $50

to six months. At present, researchers are still carrying on

experiments with animals, but they hope to launch a phase

become available in the coming year, infusions of lab-grown valuable. According to Associated Press, the development and approval of antibody therapies usually take less time than conventional drugs.

Professor Sachdev Sidhu at the University of Toronto

also has plans to take neutralizing antibodies into clinical

trials later this year. He pointed out, "The more antibodies the better. Having multiple options will be good to ensure as many patients as possible to receive as many types of


DEC 2020



the mortality rate of COVID-19. Dexamethasone is a

work together to start manufacturing therapeutic antibodies

diseases including severe allergies and asthma. Its efficacy

He also suggested that any capable countries should

that are affordable for patients.

The Times stated that the UK is also studying a cocktail

synthetic corticosteroid medication widely used to treat

in treating COVID-19 was again verified in early September. Peter Horby, professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases

therapy called "REGN-COV2", which is a combination of two

and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine,

antibodies was synthesized by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,

said that although they have already discovered that

monoclonal antibodies. Reuters reported that one of the

while the other was isolated from recovered patients with COVID-19. The trial is expected to recruit approximately

4000 patients, which will be divided into two groups. One

will receive standard treatment against COVID-19, and the

other group will receive both standard treatment and REGNCOV2 treatment.

According to The Times, these two antibodies were

chosen because of their excellent ability to bind to the

surface of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which technically

University of Oxford and chief investigator of the trial, dexamethasone benefits COVID-19 patients, the death rate

remains too high, so they must "keep searching for others".

The RECOVERY trial is specifically carried out so that when promising drugs such as REGN-COV2 become available, their efficacy can be tested quickly.




indicated that they could prevent pathogens from infecting


small-scale clinical trials previously. Experiments with

冠重癥住院患者體內分離出 61 種新冠病毒中和單克隆抗體,發現

amount of viruses in monkeys and the damage caused by

數抑制濃度僅為 0.7 至 9 納克每毫升。

human tissues. REGN-COV2 was confirmed to be safe in

monkeys have also verified that this therapy can reduce the them.

Combining two antibodies is a "precaution" measure

against the failure of antibodies caused by the quick

mutation of the virus. Some scholars believe that the

英國《自然》雜誌網站近期的研究報告稱,研究人員從 5 名新

19 種抗體可有效中和試管中的新冠病毒,其中 9 種顯現強力,半 研究人員把其中一種強效抗體提純後註入敘利亞倉鼠體內,結

果顯示可有效防止倉鼠感染新冠病毒。何大一說,「抗體在倉鼠肺 組織中完全阻斷病毒。」


antibody therapy can effectively keep people from


with a weak immune system who are usually not suitable


contracting the virus, which might especially benefit those for traditional vaccines.

The RECOVERY trial is said to be one of the world's

largest randomized clinical trials of potential COVID-19

treatments, which is supported by the UK government and being launched in approximately 175 hospitals in the UK

for severely ill hospitalized patients with the disease. This project previously only targeted at a variety of maturely-

毒更多且持續時間更長,促使他們的免疫系統產生更強應答」,這 研究人員還發現,最有效力的抗體中有一些能附著在新冠病毒

刺突蛋白表面,阻止病毒侵入人體細胞。何大一說,「抗體雞尾酒」 含多種抗體,有助於預防病毒產生耐藥性。他們找到的抗體可由制 藥企業大批量生產,以對抗或預防新冠病毒入侵人體。這種療法尤 其適合用於重癥高危患者的早期治療,例如老年人和有潛在疾病患 者。

何大一預估,一劑抗體組合的生產成本大約 50 美元,可在血

developed drugs, and REGN-COV2 is the first new therapy

液中存活 3 至 6 個月。目前研究人員仍在進行動物活體試驗,希



specifically designed against COVID-19 being evaluated by The RECOVERY trial has already had multiple

望能在 10 月開始臨床一期安全試驗。如果抗體療法經證實安全,


findings. According to the preliminary results of clinical


dexamethasone, a low-priced drug, can reduce the


trials released by the research team in June last year,

mortality rate of severely ill patients requiring ventilators

by about 30%, which is the first drug found to be reducing

仍有價值。按照報聯社的說法,抗體療法的研發和審批通常比傳統 加拿大多倫多大學教授薩奇德夫·西杜同樣打算今年晚些時候

啟動中和抗體臨床試驗。他認為,有效抗體「越多越好」,「擁有 MOUTAI MAGAZINE


過快導致抗體失效。一些學者認為,抗體療法可避免人們感染新冠 多種選項有助於確保盡可能多的患者接受多種療法」。


病毒,尤其可能讓免疫系統較弱人士受益,因為這些人通常不適合 接種傳統疫苗。



政府支持,正在英國大約 175 家醫院面向新冠重癥住院病患展開。





試驗項目先前只針對多種成熟藥物,REGN-COV2 是首個被納入

「康復」試驗先前已有多項發現。研究團隊去年 6 月公布的臨

體內分離。試驗預期招募大約 4000 名病患,隨機分為兩組。其中




一組接受標準新冠治療,另一組接受標準以及 REGN-COV2 治療。 刺突蛋白表面的能力優異,這從理論上意味著可阻止病原感染人體

組織。REGN-COV2 先前經小規模臨床試驗證實安全性良好。用

重癥患者病亡率降低約三成,是首種能顯著降低新冠病亡率的藥物。 過敏、哮喘等疾病。地塞米松治新冠的藥效 9 月初再次獲得驗證。





想在 REGN-COV2 等「前景不錯」的療法出現時迅速檢驗其效果。



DEC 2020


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MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2020

Moutai First Entered the "Top TM Three" in the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2020 Ranking

According to the BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese

Brands 2020 ranking released in Shanghai, Moutai has reached

No.3 with a brand value of USD 53.8 billion (approximately RMB

361.32 billion), and at the same time been awarded the most highend Chinese brand. This is the highest ranking Moutai has won since it was shortlisted in 2012 for the first time.

The BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking

released a few months ago revealed that Moutai was the fastest

growing brand in 2020, ranking the 18th in the world and the 3rd

among 17 shortlisted Chinese brands. The progressive ranking of


Moutai in the global brand market has rapidly been reflected in the brand value ranking that BrandZTM set up for Chinese companies. The rankings in 2020 were released against the backdrop of


DEC 2020

the "economic winter". In the face of adversity, the growth rate of

Moutai's brand value has become the focus of concern. Increasing its value by 47%, Moutai climbed from No.5 in 2019 to No.3 in

2020. The "BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands" has witnessed the leap in Moutai's brand value.

Moutai executives revealed that the construction of

"Intelligent Moutai" would follow the basic principles of traditionfirst, innovation-oriented, collaboration-focused, and safety-

based. While adhering to the cultural connotation of traditional baijiu making, Moutai will also promote the application of new

technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and

big data in traditional technique.

2020 BrandZTM 最具價值中國品牌, 茅台首進「三甲」

2020 BrandZTM 最具價值中國品牌 100 強在上海發佈。茅台以

538 億美元(約合人民幣 3613.2 億元)的品牌價值位列第三,同時 榮膺 2020 年最高端中國品牌。這也是茅台自 2012 年首次入圍這個

enterprises, listened to market voices, and guided the "Cultural Moutai" construction of the marketing front line.

In order to further focus on the understanding of "Culture


Moutai", Gao Weidong proposed four core elements that ran

行榜顯示,茅台成為全球價值增速最快的品牌,並以 537.55 億美

valley culture, the traditional culture that values fundamental and

幾個月前發佈的 2020 年 BrandZTM 最具價值全球品牌 100 強排

元的品牌價值,位列全球第十八位。在本年度 17 個中國上榜品牌 中,茅台位列第三。茅台在全球品牌市場的排序遞進,迅速折射到 BrandZTM 為中國企業所做的品牌價值排行之中。

2020 年的榜單,發佈於疫情導致的經濟寒冬背景。茅台在逆境

中的品牌價值成長速度,成為關切的焦點。她以 47% 的增速,遠超

阿里巴巴、騰訊 9% 的增長率。從 2018 年的第七名,到 2019 年第五名, 再到 2020 年進入前三甲,「BrandZTM 最具價值中國品牌 100 強」排 行榜見證了茅台品牌價值的躍升。

Gao Weidong Highlighted the Key Points for Building Moutai Culture Experience Halls

With the deepening of the construction of "Cultural Moutai",

the construction of Moutai culture experience halls in various

provinces and regions is underway. Gao Weidong (Chairman of frontier markets of reform and opening up in the Yangtze River

Delta regions, conducted field research on franchised stores and wholly-owned retail stores, visited distributors and cooperative

morality, the craftsman culture adhering to excelsior, and the red culture highlighting striving spirit.

He pointed out that in the construction of the Moutai culture

experience hall, the staff must first understand and explain the

Moutai culture thoroughly, and then extend to such contents as

exhibition, experience, and cultural creation. The core of the Moutai culture experience hall lies in culture. It must use unified cultural elements, standardized visual design, and more unique symbol

and attraction, so that consumers can find a sense of belonging and the root of culture.

Gao Weidong said that the most important thing for the

experience hall was "experience". The construction of the

Moutai culture experience hall should not only focus on the

core elements, but also pay attention to the tasting experience.

Through process design and a sense of ritual, consumers can fully immerse themselves in the charm of Moutai culture. At the same time, it is necessary to organically integrate Moutai culture with

characteristic regional culture, and make the encounter of the two more interesting, forming the significance that can be used for reference and promotion.

During the discussions and exchanges with local distributors, MOUTAI MAGAZINE



Moutai Group) went to Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and other

through the development of Moutai, namely, the unique river

MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2020 Gao Weidong expressed his gratitude to everyone for working

together with Moutai for a long time. He hoped that distributors would continue to run business in an honest, legitimate, and

civilized way, and jointly promote the collective marketing of

Moutai family products under the background of consumption upgrading, so as to do a better job in marketing.



熱開展。茅台董事長高衛東前往上海、蘇州、南京等長三角地區改革 開放前沿市場,實地調研專賣店、自營店,走訪經銷商和合作企業, 傾聽市場聲音,指導行銷一線「文化茅台」建設工作。


的關鍵核心元素,即稟賦獨具的河谷文化、崇本守道的傳統文化、卓 越極致的匠心文化和拼搏奮進的紅色文化。


明白,再以此延展出包括展示、體驗、文創等內容。茅台文化體驗館 的核心在於文化,要以統一的文化要素、規範的視覺設計,更獨具的 標誌性和吸引力,讓消費者找到歸屬感,尋到文化的根。


在把握關鍵核心元素之外,要注重品鑒體驗,通過流程設計和儀式感, 讓消費者全浸式感受茅台文化的魅力。同時,要把茅台文化和特色地 域文化有機結合,把兩者的相遇說得更加有滋有味,形成可借鑒、可 推廣的意義。


舟表示感謝,希望經銷商繼續保持一貫的誠信、依法、文明經營,在 消費升級大背景下,共同推動茅台家族產品聚合行銷,更精准地把市 場工作做好。

Li Jingren Attended the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 China Brand Forum

The 2020 China Brand Forum was hosted by People's Daily in

Beijing. Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech titled

"Gathering Strength for Brands and Adding Luster to 'Made in China'

the enterprise and promotes the self evolution of corporate

values in all directions involving product development, corporate

governance, and branding. The public's recognition of Moutai

brand stems from a high degree of trust in Moutai's quality, and

making every drop of liquor carefully is the core value of Moutai's brand building.

Li Jingren believes that for a new future, Chinese brands need

to become a bridge to enhance communication. In the process of

growing from a small workshop into today's spirits enterprise with

the highest sales revenue in a single product and the highest stock

market value in the world, Moutai on the one hand has absorbed the wisdom and nutrition of many well-known enterprises in the world, and on the other hand has received help from partners

all over the world in various aspects. The growth of Moutai

brand is inseparable from the external commercial civilization,

especially the inspiration of the first-class enterprises in brand

innovation. "Building the country's reputation based on quality

and strengthening the country's influence with brand power" is an important path for today's Chinese enterprises to integrate into

the new development pattern, and it is also a major undertaking

related to the direction of the national economy. To achieve this undertaking, more and more Chinese enterprises need to work together to maintain their competitiveness while focusing on

the strengthening of consensus and value. At any time, Moutai is willing to work with outstanding domestic brands to jointly

promote the construction of "brand power".

on the New Track".

李靜仁出席 2020 中國品牌論壇開幕式

brands need to grasp the fundamental of quality. For an enterprise


Li Jingren said that to integrate into the new pattern, Chinese

like Moutai that takes traditional making technique as its core

and craftsman spirit as its soul, "quality" is always the lifeline

由人民日報社主辦的 2020 中國品牌論壇在北京舉行。茅台集團




of Moutai people. It goes with the growth and development of



of development. "Regarding quality as life and making the best

liquor in the world" has become the most firm belief and pursuit


DEC 2020


發展,從產品打造,到企業治理,再到品牌塑造,全方位推進企業價 值觀的自我進化。公眾對於茅台品牌的認同,正是來源於對茅台品質 的高度信任,認認真真釀好每一滴酒,就是茅台打造品牌最核心的價 值觀。


茅台從小作坊起步,發展成今天全球單品銷售收入第一、股票市值第 一的烈酒企業的過程中, 一方面汲取了全球眾多知名企業的智慧營

養,一方面也得到了世界各國夥伴方方面面的幫助。茅台品牌的成長, 離不開外部商業文明,尤其是一流企業在品牌創新上給茅台帶來的啟

2020 胡潤品牌榜 :貴州茅台再居首位

胡潤研究院日前發佈《2020 胡潤品牌榜》,貴州茅台以 10400

億元的品牌價值位列第一,價值上漲 63%。這也是茅台品牌價值首 次突破 1 萬億元,連續第三次成為「最具價值中國品牌」。


療健康,上漲 74%;其次是酒類,上漲 66%。

媒體查閱,釀酒板塊品牌總價值為 15815 億。其中,茅台品牌

價值獨佔 10400 億,其餘品牌價值之和為 5415 億。

發。「品質立國、品牌強國」,是當下中國企業融入新發展格局的重 要路徑,也是一個事關國家經濟走向的重大事業。這份事業的完成, 需要越來越多的中國企業共同攜手,在保持競爭力的同時,著眼於共 識與價值的強化。無論任何時候,茅台都願與國內優秀品牌一起,為 共同推動「品牌強國」建設添磚加瓦。

Moutai was Listed in China Top 50 Brands with the Most Historical and Cultural Heritage

According to the "Hurun China Top 50 Brands with the Most

Historical and Cultural Heritage 2020" released by the Hurun Research Institute, Kweichow Moutai ranked third, following Tongrentang and Bank of China.

Hurun Most Valuable China Brands 2020: Moutai Ranked First Again

According to the Hurun Most Valuable China Brands 2020

ranking recently released by the Hurun Research Institute,

Kweichow Moutai ranked first with a brand value of 1.04 trillion

yuan. Increased by 63%, the brand value of Moutai first exceeded RMB 1 trillion yuan this year, and Moutai has become "the most valuable China brand" for the third time in a row.

Among the top ten industries with the most brands on the list,

the industry with the most average increase in brand value was

medical and health, which rose 74%; followed by wine and spirits industry, which rose 66%.

making sector was 1.5815 trillion yuan, among which Moutai's

brand value alone accounted for 1.04 trillion yuan, and the sum of the rest was 541.5 billion yuan.

said, "Many entrepreneurs are in the process of building centuryold brands. I hope this list will give them some inspiration: What

are the most successful old brands in Chinese history. The stories of these brands are worth learning and referring to."

This is the first time that the Hurun Research Institute has

released the list, with 50 most successful brands over the age of 60 in mainland China on the list.

The research scope of this list covers brands that provide

products or services to consumers in mainland China for more than 60 years. Based on a comprehensive study of three dimensions of

the brands (history, value and cultural connotation), each brand is ranked according to its total score (100-score system). The weight of brand history is 40%, which examines the earliest time when

the brand got its name, not the time of product appearance; the

weight of brand value is 40%, which examines the market value or

valuation of the brand; the weight of brand cultural connotation is 20%, which examines the cultural representativeness of the brand in the country and industry.




According to the media, the total brand value of the liquor-

Hu Run, Chairman and Chief Research Officer of Hurun Report

MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2020


據胡潤研究院發佈的《2020 胡潤中國最具歷史文化底蘊品牌榜》




史上最成功的老品牌有哪些。這些品牌的故事非常值得學習和參考。」 這是胡潤研究院首次發佈該榜單,50 個中國內地最成功的 60 歲


本次榜單調研範圍涵蓋中國內地具有 60 年以上歷史的為消費者

提供產品或服務的品牌,綜合考察品牌歷史、價值和文化內涵三個維 度,以每個品牌的總分(百分制)進行排名。品牌歷史權重 40%,


40%,考察品牌市值或估值;品牌文化內涵權重 20%,考察品牌於 國家和行業的文化代表性。

Moutai Group Won the Grand Gold and Silver Medals in the CMB Spirits Selection

The 21st Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles

(CMB) (hereinafter referred to as the CMB Spirits Selection)

released the list of winners to the world. Among them, Junpin Xijiu

of Guizhou Maotai Distillery (Group) Xijiu Limited Liability Company won the Grand Gold Medal, and Moutai Prince Classic Moutai-

flavored Series of Kweichow Moutai-flavor Series Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd. won the Silver Medal.

1,400 participating samples from 54 countries and regions

of Chinese Baijiu, that is, the rise and popularity of Jiang fragrance (Moutai flavor).

mainland China became the biggest winner with 119 medals.

茅台集團兩款產品分獲 2020 年 CMB 烈酒大 賽大金獎、銀獎

64 Silver Medals, accounting for 38.6% of the total medals.


Grand Gold Medal, Gold Medal, Silver Medal, and Organic Spirits


were evaluated by 60 professional judges based in Europe. Finally, Among them, there were 6 Grand Gold Medals, 49 Gold Medals and The winning products were awarded four medals, namely the

Trophy, which were widely recognized by the industry and the

第 21 屆比利時布魯塞爾國際烈性酒大獎賽(以下簡稱 CMB 烈

酒有限責任公司的君品習酒斬獲大金獎。貴州茅台醬香酒行銷有限責 來自 54 個國家和地區的 1400 款參賽樣品,經過 60 名常駐歐洲


的專業評審評比,最終,中國大陸以 119 枚獎牌數問鼎大獎賽最大

products from mainland China participated and won a total of 119


It was reported that in this year's competition, a total of 308

medals. Mainland China not only ranked first in the total number

of samples, but also once again became the biggest winner of the competition.

According to media comments, China's liquor products won

the first place, proving that the level of China's liquor industry has


been in line with international standards in the production and quality control of unconventional spirits. Moutai Group won a

Grand Gold Medal and a Silver Medal, reflecting the market trend 82

DEC 2020

贏家。其中,大金獎 6 枚、金獎 49 枚、銀獎 64 枚,總獲獎比例達


有機烈酒獎章(Organic Spirits Trophy)四項大獎。

據悉,本屆大獎賽上,中國大陸共有 308 款產品參賽,共斬獲

119 枚獎牌,不僅位列樣品總數排行榜上第一位,還再次問鼎大獎賽 的最大贏家。


品質掌控上,中國酒業的水準已與國際標準接軌。茅台集團分獲大金 獎與銀獎,則反映了當下中國白酒的市場趨勢——醬香崛起與流行。

香飄世界百年 相伴民族復興

The Aroma of a Century The Revival of a Nation

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