Moutai Magazine - International Edition Issue 26 Special Edition

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Year of the Rat The Supply Shortage of Moutai Liquor Extends to Global Markets 茅台一瓶難求延伸至全球


Camus: May the Spirit of Moutai be Recognized by the World


Zhang Zongxian's "Young Heart" 收藏界傳奇:張宗憲的「不老心」



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Not only a renowned DJ and classical music contributor, he is also good at life style story telling. With a Master Degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong, he starts history research and publishes articles on the Stand News, Music Lover etc.

Samuel Siu Publisher  Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer  Christine Yin Chief Executive Editor  Jocelyn Chenlin Liao Art Director  Johnny Woo Senior Project Editor Laura Su, Olivia Kwan

As an aviation geek and travel enthusiast, Samuel Siu has visited many exotic destinations and "forbidden areas" for vintage aircraft spotting and experiencing, including Iran and North Korea. Samuel used to be an infographic designer and also worked as a renowned radio news anchor in Hong Kong, where he collected unique insights on lifestyle.

Erika Leung

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Moutai Magazine (International Edition)

is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or the license holder. All contents in this magazine have been complied with the best of our knowledge, but no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness or otherwise. Moutai Magazine (international edition) appears quarterly with editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

Independent author, translator, marketing & communications consultant. Translated works (into Chinese) "The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee". Co-founder, Editor-in-chief of "Fragrance Moment" magazine, the world's first Chinese fragrance lifestyle magazine, the unique Chinese magazine allowed to be displayed in public areas in Paris' 5-star hotels in 2012-2013.

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Tear off along the dotted line

Tear off along the dotted line


Ever-Growing Prosperity 駿 業日新

MOUTAI Magazine

"Look forward with wisdom and think of it as the starting point of different journeys." At the beginning of the New Year, a new journey will start, connecting to the promising future. In Moutai Magazine issue 26, we will Tell the Tales and Customs about the Year of the Rat; Celebrate the Chinese New Year with Compatriots at Home and Abroad; Officially Unveil "Moutai for the Year of the Rat"; Summarize the Memorable Events of Moutai in 2019; Congratulate Moutai on Being the Fortune Future 50; Review the Grand Occasion of Kweichow Moutai Overseas Distributors Convention; Interview Camus, the Biggest Overseas Distributor of Moutai; Have a Glance at the Auction Legend of Moutai in China; Present the Art of Moutai Liquor Appreciation; Introduce Zhang Zongxian's Collecting Story; Taste the Charm of Cava – the Champagne in Spain; And Look for a New World in Alcohol.

「用智慧的眼光看待前方,把它看成多次旅程的起點。」 新年伊始,踏上新的征途,連接未來的旅程。 本期 Moutai Magazine, 我們將 : 講述中國鼠年的歷史典故及文化風俗 ; 與海內外同胞共慶「中國年」 ; 揭開「茅台庚子鼠年生肖酒」的神秘面紗 ; 盤點 2019 茅台成就大事記 ; 祝賀茅台上榜《財富》全球未來 50 強 ; 回顧貴州茅台酒海外經銷商大會盛況 ; 專訪茅台最大的海外經銷商卡慕 ; 一覽茅台在中國酒市場的拍賣傳奇 ; 展現茅台酒的品鑒藝術 ; 分享張宗憲的收藏故事 ; 品嘗西班牙的香檳——卡瓦 ; 在酒精中尋找新大陸。







In the cover of issue 26, the roof shape of the traditional Chinese building is ingeniously combined with the bottle of Moutai. The resplendence and magnificence of the bottle with the red background color bring out the festive atmosphere of the year of the rat.

本期封面中,中國傳統建築的屋頂造型與茅台酒瓶巧妙結合,金碧輝煌的瓶身 輪廓映襯著正紅的底色,將鼠年將至的喜慶氛圍渲染地淋漓盡致。 8


MOUTAI Magazine


The Year of the Rat in China: Tales and Customs 豕去呈豐稔 , 鼠來報吉祥 : 中國鼠年的歷史典故及文化 風俗


Celebrating the Spring Festival around the World: The Right Ways to Usher in the "Chinese New Year" 天南地北齊歡慶,五湖四海賀新春:「中國年」的正確 打開方式


The Supply Shortage of Moutai Liquor Extends to Global Markets: The Grand Occasion of Kweichow Moutai Overseas Distributors Convention 2019 茅台一瓶難求延伸至全球:2019 貴州茅台酒海外經銷 商大會盛況



Camus: May the Spirit of Moutai be Recognized by the World 卡慕:讓茅台的靈魂得到世界的認可


Kweichow Moutai, the Auction Legend of Liquor Market in China 茅台——中國酒市場的拍賣傳奇





A Legend in the World of Collecting: Zhang Zongxian's "Young Heart" 收藏界傳奇:張宗憲的「不老心」


Crafted Fragrance, Long-lasting Aroma: The Art of Moutai Liquor Appreciation 「醬」心獨「韻」,唇間留芳 : 茅台酒的品鑒藝術


Looking for a New World in Alcohol 酒精中尋找新大陸


Cava: The Champagne in Spain 卡瓦:西班牙的香檳



Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球 9

JAN 2020

The Year of the Rat in China:

Tales and Customs

豕去呈豐稔 , 鼠來報吉祥

——中國鼠年的歷史典故及文化風俗 EDIT/ 文 Kwan



MOUTAI Magazine


JAN 2020


y celebrating 2020, the year of the rat, we are not

competitor down. The rest of the animals initially selected

entering a whole new cycle of the twelve Chinese

onto the back of the ox and "won" the first place by standing

only stepping into a brand new year, but also

zodiac signs.

As known by many, the twelve zodiac signs appear in a

fixed order, where the rat ranks the first among all twelve animals. However, the typical image of rats is not exactly

likable, so some might question why this animal can win the honor of being in the first place?

The Folktales of the Rat as a Zodiac Sign There were mainly three stories widely spread among

people about why the rat ranks the first among twelve animals.

The first one was originated from a tale of the

Han nationality. There was a time when the

Emperor of Huang was going to choose twelve animals as court guards, so the cat asked the rat to register on its behalf. However, the rat

totally forgot about it, causing the cat to lose

its opportunity as a candidate, which also

led to the breakdown of their relationship for good. When the elephant came to join the

competition, the rat naughtily snuck into

its nose and chased it away – one more 12

the ox to be in the first place, but the rat agilely climbed up

on its head. As "the king of the mountains", the tiger quickly took the third place while the dragon lost the fourth to the rabbit in a running contest and ranked the fifth. The dog

was not satisfied with the ranking, so it impetuously bit the rabbit and had to accept the punishment of being in the

second-last place. After a series of competitions between the snake, the rooster, the sheep, the monkey, the horse

and the pig, the order of "rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,

horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig" was finally decided, becoming the order of twelve zodiac signs.

The second theory was based on the interpretation

by ancient Chinese scholars of the relationship between

the ten heavenly stems, the twelve earthly branches, the five elements and the twelve zodiac animals from the

perspective of the twelve-hour ancient timekeeping system. It was said that before the beginning of everything, the

heaven and the earth were chaotic. When the rat went out at midnight one day, it bit out a crack from the chaos between the heaven and the earth, opening up a bright world. In this story, since the rat was the one who "created" the world, it

was put in the first place among the twelve zodiac animals, also corresponding to the first branch "Zi" in the twelve earthly branches.

The third argument came from the Chinese belief in "yin"


MOUTAI Magazine

and "yang". The ancient people wanted to divide the twelve zodiac animals into "yin" category and "yang" category by

the parity of their toes. Generally, animals should have the same number of fore and hind toes, but the rat had four

fore toes and five hind toes, which was the only one with

inconsistent parity among the twelve animals. When a thing was rare, it became precious, so the rat was ranked first among them.

The Symbolic Significance Carried by the Rat When mentioning about rats in China, the first impression

by many people may be "filthy" and "disgusting". After all,

the old saying that "rats crossing the street are obnoxious to everyone" is deeply rooted. Actually, rats also carry positive symbolic significance. The first one is "intelligence". From the perspective of animal characteristics, rats are timid

and suspicious, which have an acute sense of smell and an

unusually high alertness. Coupled with their tiny bodies and flexible moves, wall-walking or swimming in shallow water

is just a piece of cake, which proves their "sensitivity". Rats' "smartness" should not be underestimated. There was a

popular Chinese folk song singing: "The little rat climbs up

to the lampstand, stole the lamp oil and would not want to come down." The story behind was that the rats could not

resist the scent of the oil. When they wanted to taste the oil

in the pot but could not reach it, what would they do? They would reach their long tail into the pot and dipped the oil

for tasting. They are so smart that people often describe an extremely clever person by saying "you are smarter than a

rat". People always call black cats "spiritual cats" since they

believe black cats can help prevent disasters. As the "sworn enemy" of cats, rats were also regarded as a species with

spiritual power of foreseeing good or bad things by ancient

people. Retrospectively, this kind of saying actually resulted from the limitation of ancient people's knowledge to the

world. Many animals would act strangely before the natural

and grandchildren. Since ancient people prayed for the

rats were granted as "spiritual" due to ancient people's

they piously worshipped rats to bless for a flourishing family.

disasters, and rats were no exception. Frankly speaking,

ignorance to some extents. "Sensitivity", "smartness" and

reproduction of life and the prosperity of their descendants, Sometimes, rats were also seen as the embodiment of

"spiritualization" make up the "intelligence" of rats.

"chivalry" in ancient China. In the Chinese classics "Three

"strong vitality". To be specific, rats are highly fertile with

after rats: "the sky rat" Lu Fang, "the earth rat" Han Zhang,

The second significance that rats are carrying is

a high survival rate. Except when encountering natural

enemies or large-scale hunting, most of the rats will be able to die naturally "surrounded by" tons of children

Heroes and Five Gallants", there were five heroes named

"the mountain rat" Xu Qing, "the river rat" Jiang Ping and "the sleek rat" Bai Yutang.


JAN 2020

The Cultural Customs about the Rat In ancient China, the 25th day of the first month was

designated as the "Grain Bin Filling Festival" in some areas. On this day, the grain and rice merchants would sacrifice

"the God of grains" – the rat to pray for good harvest. This custom was recorded in many ancient Chinese proses. It

was also said that the night of this day was a good time for the rats to marry their daughters. In order not to ruin the

Yet, some other thought the opposite. The composer of

"National Customs·Wei·Huge Rat" from the Book of Songs used "huge rat" as a metaphor to satirize the exploiters in the class society, expressing his wish for living in a happy

land. Liu Zongyuan from the Tang dynasty also composed

a prose named "The Rat Belongs to Someone in Yongzhou" with the similar theme. Their feeling for rats was opposite to worshiping, which gradually became mainstream and influenced modern people.

In the Song dynasty, Su Shi also wrote a very interesting

weddings, every household in the village was requested

story about rats. It was said that the prose was written when

festival that dimming the lights was for the purpose of

Shi heard the sound of a rat biting something under his bed

to dim the lights out. There was another saying about the hunting rats. The parents would tuck their children in early and let the cats out. When the rats came out to search for food in the darkness, they would be hunted by the cats.

In some other places, the 3rd day of the first month was

considered as the day when rats married their daughters.

People following this custom would go to bed early at night

and leave some food in the cabinet or in the corners of their house to offer to the "weddings".

Inspired by the tale, people will draw the story in New

Year paintings or make paper cuttings, which are regarded

as a lucky decoration item during the year of the rat. Some

people will fix the painting or the paper cutting on the wall

he was only eleven. One of the paragraph described that Su at night, so he asked his servant to check with the candle

light. The servant found out the sound was from an empty bag, but the noise stopped as soon as he opened the bag.

Inside the bag, he saw a motionless rat. The servant thought the rat was dead, wondering whether the sound was from a

ghost. When he turned the bag upside down, the rat rapidly moved and ran away, nowhere to be found. This paragraph vividly reflected the "sensitivity" and "smartness" of rats.

Through this incident, Su Shi also realized that even human beings, such an advanced creature, would be blinded by a little rat, really intriguing.

Rats always live in the dark, so few people really

or window to pray for a good coming year. Typically, the

understand them. Looking back at the ancient stories about

the gongs and the trumpets while holding a bridal sedan

story would have different details in different areas. This

painting would show a group of rats waving flags, playing chair to pick up the "rat bride". The "rat groom" wearing a Qing-style hat would ride on the back of a toad, greedily looking at the treasure chest in front of him. What was

rats, they showed both deification and hatred. A same

uncertainty adds a mysterious cultural vibe to the year of the rat.

"Amidst chaos, 'Zi' opened up the sky." As the beginning

waiting for the group of rats was a big cat which already

of a new cycle, 2020 is also a leap year, which will appear

another one in its mouth. Witnessing this scene, the bride

indicates that there will be a lot to look forward to in the

caught one of the rats in the front row in its claw with

was scared and burst into tears. The painting reflected people's clear view on love and hate at that time.

The Classical Literary Works Inspired by the Rat As a kind of companion animal living

around people for a long time, rats would

inevitably be used as the inspiration for poems,

songs and proses. As mentioned earlier, ancient people seemed to have a kind of worshiping feeling for rats and attached this animal to some good symbolic meanings. 14

every four years. The "newness" and "preciousness" surely year of the rat.





生肖「鼠」的民間典故 民間流傳較廣的主要有三種說法。第一種說法來自漢族民

間的傳說故事:當年,軒轅黃帝要選十二種動物擔任宮廷衛士, 貓便委託老鼠幫其報名,結果老鼠把這件事情忘了,導致貓連


MOUTAI Magazine


JAN 2020

候選資格都沒有,從此便與鼠結成冤家。而大象來參選的時候, 被老鼠鑽進鼻子,一下給趕跑了,候選動物又少一名。剩下 的其他動物原本推選勤懇的牛為生肖之首,但敏捷的老鼠卻

竄到牛背上,將牛擠到了第二名。被封為「山中之王」的老 虎當然不能服輸,排到了第三。兔子和「海中之王」龍用賽

跑來爭奪第四名,兔子跑贏了,於是龍排在了第五。狗又不平, 一氣之下咬了兔子,被判官懲罰,排在了倒數第二。蛇、馬、羊、 猴、雞和豬經過一番較量,最終形成了「鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、 蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬」的生肖順序。第二種說法則 基於中國古代學者從古代晝夜十二時辰的角度對天干、地支、 五行、肖獸配屬關係的解讀:萬物起始之前,天地混沌一片。 鼠在時盡夜半之際出來活動,將天地間的混沌咬出一道縫隙, 開闢出一個光明的世界,所謂「鼠咬天開」。因此,排在十二

地支首位的「子」便屬於「鼠」。第三種說法來源於中國人 信陰陽的觀念:古人欲按照動物足趾的奇偶參差,將十二種 動物分為陰陽兩類。動物的前後足趾數一般是相同的,而在

這十二種動物中,唯有鼠是前趾數為四,後趾數為五。奇偶 不一致,自然更加珍貴,便被排在了首位。

「鼠」的象征意義 在中國,如果提到老鼠,許多人的第一印象都可能會是髒、

厭惡,畢竟「老鼠過街,人人喊打」的說法根深蒂固。實際上, 鼠也有正面的象征意義,「靈性」是其一。從其動物特性的角

度上來說,老鼠嗅覺敏感,膽小多疑,有著非同尋常的高度 警惕性。再加上它身體小巧,靈活敏捷,雖說不像貓一樣有「九


敏」是其靈性表現的其中一方面。老鼠的「機靈」也不容小覷。 中國民間有一首傳唱很久的兒歌:「小老鼠,上燈台,偷油

喝,下不來。」據說老鼠聞到油壺裏的香味,想吃,但進不去, 怎麼辦呢?經過反覆嘗試,最後用長尾巴伸進壺嘴裏蘸油,終

於吃著了。這就是鼠的「機靈」之處。人們常用「比老鼠還精」 來形容一個人非常精明。人們總將黑貓稱為「玄貓」,認為 黑貓能夠幫人擋災。而作為貓的「死對頭」,鼠也被古代民 間認為是一種「通靈」的動物,能預知吉凶災禍。其實追 溯起來,這種說法只是源於古代人類對世界認知的局

限。由於構造的差異性,許多動物都會在大自然的 不測來臨前做出異樣的舉動,老鼠也不例外,如

地震前鼠群四處逃散。街上出現一隻老鼠都足以 令人抓狂,何況是一整群。所以,鼠就這樣變成




大多數都能夠壽終正寢,「兒孫滿堂」。古人 祈求生命繁衍、子孫興旺,於是,便產生了敬

奉子鼠的多子多福的生育觀。在中國古代, 16


MOUTAI Magazine


以舊風俗裡人們在這一天早早睡覺,還會在櫥間屋角放些食物, 供「鼠」新郎新娘大宴賓客之用。


年的時候貼在牆上和窗戶上。經典的《老鼠嫁女》年畫表現一 夥老鼠掮旗打傘,敲鑼吹喇叭,抬著花轎迎親。騎在癩蛤蟆背 上的是鼠「新郎」,頭戴著清朝的官帽,手搖著摺扇,雙眼注 視著一個大金箱子,露出一副貪婪的樣子。正當這夥老鼠大搖 大擺,招搖過市之時,等待它們的卻是一隻大黃貓。在前方鳴 鑼開道的鼠兄鼠弟之一被貓的利爪抓住,另一隻被咬在貓的嘴 上。坐在花轎裡的鼠「新娘」目睹此情景,自知末日來臨、淚 流滿面。這幅年畫反映了人民鮮明的愛憎之情。

「鼠」的詩詞文賦 作為長期生活在人們身邊的伴生動物,「鼠」難免會被作

為題詩、作賦、撰文的靈感。前文提到,古代民間似乎或多或 少對「鼠」懷有一種崇拜,賦予了一些美好的象征意義,但古

人對老鼠的情感其實並不單一。中國古代現實主義詩集《詩經》 中的《國風 · 魏風 · 碩鼠》就是用「巨大的老鼠」來比喻當

時階級社會的剝削者,表達自己嚮往樂土的願望。有類似主旨 的還有唐代文學家柳宗元的《永某氏之鼠》。這種崇拜老鼠的 「對立面」到後來漸漸成為主流,被現代人所熟悉。


很濃的小故事——《黠鼠賦》。相傳,這是蘇軾 11 歲時寫的 一篇詠物賦,生動的語言讓一隻老鼠在人面前施計逃脫的形象 躍於紙上。其中特別經典的一段是:「嘐嘐聱聱,聲在橐中。

曰:『噫!此鼠之見閉而不得去者也。』發而視之,寂無所有, 舉燭而索,中有死鼠。童子驚曰:『是方嚙也,而遽死也?向 為何聲,豈其鬼耶?』覆而出之,墮地乃走,雖有敏者,莫措 其手。」這段場景描述蘇軾在夜裡聽見床板下老鼠咬東西的聲 鼠還被視為俠義的化身。在古典名著《三俠五義》中就有五位 以鼠冠名的英雄,「鑽天鼠」盧方、「徹地鼠」韓彰、「穿山 鼠」徐慶、「翻江鼠」蔣平和「錦毛鼠」白玉堂。

「鼠」的文化風俗 古代民間將正月廿五定為「填倉節」,糧商米販會在這天

音,令童子拿蠟燭一照,發現聲音是從一個空袋子里傳出來的。 童子打開袋子,聲音卻戛然而止,等他舉起蠟燭,看見袋子中 有一隻一動不動的老鼠。童子驚訝道:「剛才還有響聲,怎麼 現在突然就死了呢?剛才難道是鬼的聲音嗎?」但等他把袋子 翻轉過來,老鼠一落地就迅速逃走,就算是再敏捷的人也措手 不及。這便充分體現了前文提到的鼠的「靈敏」和「機靈」之 處。蘇軾通過這件事情,也悟出了身為萬物之靈的人類也難免 被小小的老鼠所蒙蔽雙眼,耐人尋味。






記載:「當此新正節過,倉凜為虛,應複置而實之。」傳聞「填 以免驚嚇了老鼠嫁女的喜期。也有說法稱這是為了捕鼠而流傳 下來的一種良俗——父母們會叫孩子們早些睡下,並將貍花貓 放出。因全村無燈火,老鼠便群巢出動偷東西,正中花貓的下

化,有憎惡,相同的故事在不同的地方又有不一樣的說法,但 「混沌之際,天開於『子』」。作為新一輪回的嶄新開端,

2020 年庚子鼠年又正巧是四年一次的閏年。集「新」、「貴」 於一身的庚子鼠年足以令人期待。 17

JAN 2020



MOUTAI Magazine

Celebrating the Spring Festival around the World


The Right Ways to Usher in the "Chinese New Year"



JAN 2020


s the first of China's four major traditional

things and good wishes vividly, and decorate the festival

significant festival in Chinese people's mind.

to paste the Chinese character "Fu" on the door or wall.

festivals, the Spring Festival is the most

Although the spread of Chinese culture prevails all

over the world, how exactly the "Chinese New Year" is celebrated remains as mysterious as a dim red

lantern in the eyes of many international friends.

In thousands of years of historical development,

some established customs are still passed on to today.

Sweeping the Dust

According to "Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals", China

had a custom of sweeping the dust during the Spring

Festival as early as in the Yao and Shun era. Because "dust" and "old" have the same pronunciation "chen" in Chinese,

sweeping the dust has the meaning of "eliminating the old and entering the new". Therefore, until now, every family

will sweep the dust when the Spring Festival is approaching, which means to sweep out all the bad luck and misfortune, say goodbye to the old, and usher in the new.

Pasting Spring Festival Couplets

Spring Festival couplets, also known as "door couplets"

or "couplets", is a unique form of literature in China. It uses

neat, dual, concise and exquisite words to express the good wishes for the coming year. During the Spring Festival,

each family will select a red couplet and paste it in front of their house to add a festive atmosphere to the festival.

Pasting Paper Cuttings and "Fu" Characters

In the folk, people also like to paste various paper

with prosperity. Besides paper cuttings, it is also necessary "Fu" refers to blessing and luck, and wishes for a happy

future. In order to fully reflect this yearning, some people will also paste the character "Fu" upside down, hoping

that the blessing will arrive quickly ("upside down" and

"arrive" have the same pronunciation "dao" in Chinese).


"Staying-up on the New Year's Eve" is the biggest

highlight of the Spring Festival. "Two years is linked by one night that is divided into five periods". On the New Year's Eve, the whole family get together, have the New Year's

Eve dinner, sit around and chat, wait for the moment to say goodbye to the old year and usher in the new year, and stay up all night, symbolizing to drive away all evil and plague, and look forward to the good luck of the

new year. To this day, people are still used to staying up and welcoming the new year on the New Year's Eve.

"All alone in a foreign land, people will miss their dear

most on festivals." For Chinese who live overseas and can

not go home for the Chinese New Year, the celebration of

the Spring Festival also carries their deep homesickness.

In a foreign land, it is undoubtedly the happiest to

experience the original Chinese New Year. So, is there any

difference between the way overseas Chinese celebrate

the new year and that of China? Come and see it now.


Chinatown in Bangkok, Thailand is the world's oldest

cuttings on the windows. Paper cutting is a very popular folk

and largest Chinese emigrant settlement, and also the

years. Because it is mostly pasted on the window, it is also

in Bangkok. For them, the Spring Festival is not only a

art in China and has been loved by people for thousands of called "window paper cutting". The exquisitely designed

and finely-cut paper cuttings demonstrate the auspicious 20

living foundation and spiritual support of 500,000 Chinese festival, but also a symbol of hope for a happy life in

the coming year. Usually, each family holds an ancestor


MOUTAI Magazine

ASIA / JAPAN worship ceremony on the New Year's Eve, and then the

greetings, and give lucky money, hoping for good luck.

the Chinese New Year, relatives and friends will visit each

celebrate the Chinese New Year in a special way, that is, the

family sits together for a reunion dinner. On the first day of other. Influenced by the traditional Buddhist atmosphere, some Chinese in Thailand also choose to give offerings in temples on the first day of the New Year, praying for safety in the coming year. During the Spring Festival,

Bangkok's Chinatown will be decorated into a "red ocean" and the festive atmosphere of the Thai New Year gets

even warmer with the humid climate of 30℃ . In addition to the Chinese, tourists from all over the world will also

wear the Chinese characteristic Tang suit and cheongsam to shuttle in Chinatown on this day, forming a different

landscape. Members of the Thai royal family will also come

to Chinatown to send their New Year's greetings to the local Chinese, celebrating the "hot" Chinese New Year together. The Chinese in Singapore account for more than 75%

of Singapore's total population, so the Chinese traditional

Spring Festival is the grandest and most influential festival. When Spring Festival comes, every Chinese family in

Singapore will write Spring Festival couplets and paste

"Fu" character, and fill the entire house with flourishing

atmosphere; they will do Spring Festival shopping, make New Year's dishes, and have reunion dinner on the New Year's Eve; folks also like to pay New Year's call, send

These Nanyang (including Singapore) Chinese will also

family gathers together to "lao yu sheng" (toss up raw fish strips). "Lao yu sheng" is a raw fish salad usually formed

by strips of raw fish, colored vegetables, fruit shreds, white

sesame seeds, crushed peanuts, five-spice powder, pepper,

sauces, and other ingredients. At the beginning of the "lao yu sheng" ceremony, one person issues an order. Together, the others toss up the food high from the big plate and shout, "Toss up, toss up for prosperity, promotion, and better

years." Through the auspicious meaning of "lao yu sheng", people pray for good luck and fortune in the coming year. The Spring Festival flavor in Japan is also very strong.

Among these gathering places, the Chinatown in Yokohama, Nankin-machi (Nanjing Town) in Kobe, and Sakae-machi

in Nagoya are the most famous. During the Spring Festival, without exception, Chinatowns will hold various forms of

"Spring Festival Ceremony" and related cultural ceremonies, adding a touch of Japanese characteristics to the traditional Chinese year. "Spring Festival Ceremony" started in 1986. It is a large-scale cultural event held by overseas Chinese in

central Japan and the Chinese Consulate General in Nagoya to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival. It has become a

cultural exchange platform for local overseas Chinese and 21

JAN 2020



Japanese people. The Chinatown in Yokohama will perform

classic Chinese New Year decorations such as red lanterns

Spring Festival. With the sound of firecrackers, gongs, and

be seen in Chinatown as well. Australia also has a history

a round of Spring Festival parade every day during the

drums, the main performances of lion dance and dragon dance are coupled with dances and traditional Chinese

cultural performances to create a strong festive atmosphere. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, five dancing lions will walk along five routes to perform lion dance, praying

and red couplets, many vivid zodiac art installations can of horse racing for more than 200 years. Since 2016, the Australian Jockey Club has held a large-scale Chinese

horse racing festival every year during the Spring Festival, bringing together compatriots who are far from home.

Sydney is one of the major settlements of the Chinese

for prosperous business and good harvest in the coming

in Australia, so the Spring Festival celebration in Sydney's

"lucky money" at the door of the restaurant, waiting for the

traditional lion dance performance, cultural activities of all

year. Most Chinese restaurants will hang a few packets of

lion's head to take them away, which means that business

will be prosperous in the coming year. After the lion dance, the dragon dance will begin, symbolizing good luck.

Besides lion and dragon dances, there will also be regular

performances of Peking Opera, Cantonese opera, acrobatics, folk instrument performances and Sichuan's national

skill "face-changing", which will be a feast for the eyes.


Australia is a typical multicultural country. The total

number of Chinese in Australia is nearly 5% of the total

Chinatown is especially grand every year. In addition to the scales are held one after another. Brisbane is another major Chinese settlement in Australia. As an important cultural brand activity for overseas Chinese and local people in

Brisbane to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival, "Brisbane Chinese Festival" has been held for eight times. There

are not only celebration parades, street shows, New Year temple fairs, but also large-scale cultural performances.

Although the hot weather in Australia during the Spring

Festival is quite different from the ice and snow world in northern China, yet the "New Year flavor" is the same.

population. The Chinese zodiac has long been deeply

North America

year, the element "zodiac animals" becomes a great

San Francisco. San Francisco is the first stop for Chinese to

creativity. During the Chinese New Year, in addition to the

of the most concentrated regions of Chinese elements on

rooted in the hearts of the Chinese in Australia. Every

opportunity for the Chinese in Australia to show their


The most typical Chinese district in North America is

cross the sea and land in the United States. It is also one


MOUTAI Magazine

the American continent. Among them, San Francisco's

arrondissement of Paris is the largest Chinatown in Europe.

and the largest "Chinatown" outside Asia. As early as in the

emerged in Paris, including the famous "Wenzhou Street"

Chinatown is the oldest Chinese settlement in North America 1871 print of "Harper's Weekly", a lively scene of Chinese New Year celebrations in San Francisco was published. Today, San Francisco's Chinatown is quite prosperous.

In order to welcome the Spring Festival, San Francisco's

Chinatown will hold a Spring Festival celebration, which

In recent years, many Chinese settlements have gradually

in the 3rd and 4th arrondissements as well as the "Beautiful City" (Belleville) in the 19th arrondissement. Every Spring Festival, several Chinese settlements hold celebrations at the same time, and the city is full of enthusiasm.

In London, the Chinese New Year celebrations are also

started in 1858 and already has a history of 161 years. It is

blooming. The Museum of London Docklands will hold

Asia and one of the "Top 10 Parades in the World". During

ethnic dance performances, appreciation of ethnic musical

considered as the largest Lunar New Year celebration outside the Spring Festival, San Francisco's Chinatown is illuminated for the celebration, which is full of "New Year's flavor". In addition to the red lanterns everywhere, there are also

New Year's fairs, elaborately decorated floats, lively temple fairs, and lively dragon and lion dances. With the sound of firecrackers everywhere and huge crowds of people, the

lively festive scene will attract many local people to watch.

South America

On the Atlantic Ocean in northern South America, there

is a beautiful country called the Republic of Suriname. Although the area is small, it has a very diverse ethnic culture. Among them, the Chinese population has

accounted for one tenth of Suriname's total population.

It is said that Suriname is a country with "Chinese flavor", not only because its official language includes Chinese

Hakka dialect, but also because it makes the Chinese Spring Festival a permanent holiday, allowing local Chinese to celebrate the Spring Festival like the people in China.


There are more than 30,000 overseas Chinese in

Mauritius of Africa, the fourth largest ethnic group in Mauritius. During the construction of Mauritius, the

Chinese have made great contributions, so this country

not only celebrates the Chinese New Year, but also sets a legal holiday for the Chinese New Year. Cleaning rooms,

worshipping ancestors, pasting Spring Festival couplets, hanging lanterns, having New Year's Eve dinner, and

watching Spring Festival Gala are the normal ways for

celebrations, including tai chi and martial arts performances, instruments, calligraphy appreciation, tea tasting, and

many other activities that spread the traditional Chinese culture. Since 2015, Bent Cross holds celebrations every Spring Festival, with free performances, national music,

and calligraphy display. The liveliest is the Spring Festival

celebration in London. On the day of the celebration, there will be more than 50 teams of dragon dance, lion dance, and handmade floats marching towards Chinatown, and there will be New Year's speeches, firecrackers,

finishing touch ceremony, and acrobatic performances to help local Chinese resolve their homesickness.

As the saying goes, "A banquet without liquor is not

a banquet at all." At the dinner table of Chinese national

reunion, Chinese liquor is indispensable. As a world-

famous name card of Chinese culture, Moutai has been

very active in overseas Spring Festival activities in the past

years, permeating the Spring Festival all over the world

with Jiang fragrance. In the year of the pig, Moutai helped

to hold the second Singapore International Chinese Spring

Festival Gala. At the gala, as the flavor from hometown,

Moutai liquor was carefully prepared as a gift to thank the

outstanding Chinese representatives for their contribution

to the promotion of traditional Chinese culture. Even in the

far and cold northern Europe, Moutai also joined hands

with Norwegian distributor to bring the unique customs

of China's traditional festival into the Lillestrom Cultural

Center in Norway. Moutai presented its liquor in the Spring

Festival Gala of overseas Chinese in Norway, and invited

overseas Chinese in Norway and Norwegian friends to

local Chinese to celebrate the new year. Of course, it's

enjoy the bouquet and celebrate the festival together.

lion dancing, so as to get a good omen for the new year.

year of the rat, what kind of wishes and surprises Moutai

also necessary to go to Chinatown to enjoy dragon and


Where there is reunion, there is Moutai. In the coming

will bring to the overseas Chinese, let's wait and see.

Located in the center of Paris, the Chinatown in the 13th 23

JAN 2020

為中國傳統四大節日之首,春節是中國人心目中 意義最重大的節日。雖然中國文化傳播在全球盛 行,但「中國年」具體怎麼過,在許多國際友人





據《呂氏春秋》記載, 我國在堯舜時代就有春節掃塵的風俗。

因「塵」與「陳」諧音,掃塵便有「除陳步新」的涵義。因此, 直到現在,家家戶戶都會在春節來臨之際「撣拂塵垢蛛網」, 寓意把一切霉運、晦氣統統掃出門,寄託著辭舊迎新的祈求。



它以工整、對偶、簡潔、精巧的文字抒發對來年的美好願望。 適逢春節,每家每戶都會精選一幅大紅春聯貼在家門前,為節







因它大多是貼在窗戶上,所以也被稱其為「窗花」。設計精美、 裁剪精細的窗花將吉事祥物、美好願望表現得淋漓盡致,將節

擇到寺廟行佈施禮,以求來年的平安。春節期間,曼谷唐人街 喜慶氛圍升溫。除了華人,世界各地的遊客也會在這個日子穿 上極具中國特色的唐裝和旗袍穿梭在唐人街,形成一道別樣的 風景線。泰國皇室成員也會來到唐人街給當地的華人拜年,共 賀「火熱」的新春。

新加坡華人占總人數的 75% 以上,因而中華傳統的春節





「福」字。「福」字指福氣、福運,寄予對幸福未來的祝願。 希望福氣快快「倒」(到)來。



五更分二天」,除夕之夜,全家團聚在一起,吃過年夜飯,圍 坐閒聊,等著辭舊迎新時刻,通宵守夜,象徵著把一切邪瘟病 疫驅走,期待著新一年吉祥如意。直到今天,人們還習慣在除 夕之夜守歲迎新。






戶戶寫春聯、貼福字,屋裡屋外都紅紅火火;買年貨、做年菜、 吉利。南洋華人還會用特殊的方式來歡慶中國年,那便是一家 人歡聚一堂「撈魚生」。「撈魚生」是一種菜式,以生魚條為

主食,加以有色蔬菜和水果絲、白芝麻、花生碎,調和五香粉、 胡椒粉、醬汁等,裝成一個大盤。「撈魚生」典禮開始時,便

由一人發令,其他人一同把大盤中的菜高高撈起,並齊聲高喊: 「撈起,撈起(粵語諧音同『撈喜』),撈到風生水起,一年 好過一年」。「撈魚生」帶有吉祥的意味,祈求來年好運,能 發大財。


很濃重。其中,以橫濱的中華街、神戶的南京町和名古屋的榮 町最為有名。春節期間的中華街也不例外會舉行各種形式的「春 節祭」和相關文化祭典,在傳統的中國年上增添了一抹東洋特

色。「春節祭」始於 1986 年,是日本中部地區華僑華人和中 國駐名古屋總領館為慶祝中國春節而舉辦的大型文化活動,至 今已成為當地華僑華人和日本民眾的文化交流平臺。橫濱「中



民聚居地,更是全曼谷五十萬華人的生活根本和精神依託。對 他們來說,春節不僅僅是個節日,也象徵著對來年幸福生活的 期盼。通常,各家各戶都會在除夕夜舉行祭祖儀式,然後全家 圍坐一起吃團圓飯。大年初一,親戚好友會互相走訪拜年。受 24

華街」在春節期間的每天都會上演一輪春節遊行。聲聲爆竹、 喧天鑼鼓,以舞獅舞龍為主,配合舞蹈以及中國傳統文藝表演 等,渲染出濃濃的節日氣氛。在大年初一當天,會有五頭舞獅


中華料理店大多會在店門口掛上幾包「利是」,等待獅頭叼走, 寓意生意能夠在來年紅紅火火。舞獅結束後,便會開始舞龍表


MOUTAI Magazine


處都掛滿的大紅燈籠,還有辦年貨的集市,更有精心裝飾的花 車、熱鬧的廟會和生龍活虎的舞龍舞獅。四處鞭炮聲聲、人山 人海,熱烈的歡慶場面也會吸引不少當地人圍觀。



麗國度。面積雖小,卻擁有著極為多元的種族文化。其中,華 人人口已經佔據整個蘇裡南的十分之一。大家都說蘇裡南是個 有「中國味」的國家,不僅因為其法定語言中包含中國的客家 方言,還因為它將中國春節定為其永久性節假日,讓當地華人 能夠像中國人一樣盡情慶祝新春佳節。







大民族。在建設毛里求斯時,華人做出了不可忽視的貢獻,所 以這個國家不僅過中國春節,還為中國年設定了法定假期。打 掃房間、祭祖、貼春聯、掛燈籠、吃年夜飯和看春節聯歡晚會 是當地華人華僑的過年的常態,當然也少不了到唐人街欣賞舞 龍舞獅,討得新一年的好兆頭。

口總數的 5%。十二生肖早已經深入澳洲華人的心。每年的生




歷史。自 2016 年起,澳大利亞賽馬會每年都會在春節期間舉


肖動物都成為澳洲華人發揮創意的大好機會。中國年期間,唐 生動的生肖形象藝術裝置。澳大利亞也有著 200 多年的賽馬 辦大型華人賽馬節,將遠離故土的同胞們聚集在一起。


較著名的有三區和四區的「溫州街」以及十九區的「美麗城」。 在英國倫敦,新春慶祝節目也遍地開花。倫敦港區博物館




自 2015 年起,Bent Cross 會在每年春節舉行歡慶活動,現場

人街的新春慶典都格外盛大。除了傳統的舞獅表演,大大小小 華人聚居地。「布里斯班中國節」便成為布里斯班華僑華人和 當地各界共同慶祝中國春節的重要文化品牌活動,迄今已舉辦 了八屆。不僅有慶祝巡遊、街頭路演、新春廟會,還有大型的 文藝演出。





三藩市是華人漂洋過海頓陸美國的第一站,也是美洲大陸上中 國元素最集中的地區之一。其中,三藩市唐人街是北美地區最


潑週報(Harper's Weekly)》1871 年版畫上,便已登載三藩 市華裔慶祝新年的熱鬧場面。如今,三藩市的唐人街已經相當

樂器欣賞、書法欣賞和品茶等傳遞著中國傳統文化的豐富活動。 有免費的表演、國樂和書法展示。最熱鬧的還要數倫敦春節慶 典——慶典當天,會有超過 50 支舞龍舞獅和手工花車的遊行

隊伍熱熱鬧鬧地走向唐人街,并有新年致辭、放鞭炮、點睛儀 式和雜技表演等活動為當地華人一解鄉愁。














個活動始於 1858 年,距今已有 161 年的歷史,被認為是亞洲





JAN 2020

The Brand New Launch of

"Moutai for the Year of the Rat" 茅台庚子鼠年生肖酒 「新」登場



MOUTAI Magazine

T debut.

he year of the rat is the beginning of a new cycle

of twelve years. Under great expectation, "Moutai for the Year of the Rat" finally made its official

Influenced by the traditional culture, sayings and idioms

related to rats contain the meaning of fertility and longevity, which are important components in the folk culture. Many Chinese painters have portrayed rats in their paintings,

including Qian Xuan from the Yuan dynasty, Zhu Da from

the late Ming dynasty and Qi Baishi from the modern times. Their works all reflected the smartness, playfulness and

permanency make it more valuable for preservation and collection.

The new cycle indicates a new journey. With the release

of "Moutai for the Year of the Rat" and the realization of

"100-billion target", Moutai will lead Chinese baijiu into a new development stage.

是十二生肖之首,是十二年新輪回的開始。萬眾 期待下,茅台庚子鼠年生肖酒終於在「戎子日」 正式亮相。


fertility of rats.


all happiness will reach your spirit", the bottle of "Moutai


Based on the theme of "celebrate the year of the rat and

for the Year of the Rat" is designed to be in azure blue. Fang Chuxiong, the famous flower and bird painter, was invited

畫中,也不乏描繪老鼠的內容,元代的錢選、明末的八大山人、 意的作品。


to paint for the main image on the bottle with two lines


unawakened world with their coal-black eyes" and the


of inscriptions. The first line means "they see through the second line jokes that "wealth, honor or fortune are no

better than the country vegetables for rats", which are very thought-provoking.

The art of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting

as well as the culture of zodiac animals and Chinese liquor merge perfectly on the bottle of this special edition. Its

historical significance, traditional feature, connotation and

《富貴香色空無味》為主畫面,並有兩款題字:一為「笑它兩 空無味,不若農家蔬菜甜,楚雄又題。」


為一體,其歷史性、傳統性、內涵性和永久性,使其具有更強 的保存和收藏價值。


「千億茅台、百億醬香」圓夢,也預示著茅台將引領中國白酒 邁入新的發展階段。


JAN 2020

Memorable Events of Moutai in 2019 2019 茅台成就大事記 Moutai Became the First "100-Billion" Liquor Enterprise 提前突破「千億」大 關,茅台成為國內首 家千億酒企

On December 16, 2019, Li

Baofang (Chairman of Moutai

Group) announced at the Kweichow Moutai Jiang-Flavor Liquor National Distributors Convention 2019 that the total sales of Moutai in 2019

was 100.3 billion yuan, becoming the first "100-billion" liquor

enterprise in China, which indicates that the Moutai Group officially

entered the "post-100-billion" era

and completed the "13th Five-Year

Plan" one year in advance, marking a historic moment.

2019 年 12 月 16 日,茅台集團

董 事 長 李 保 芳 在 2019 年 茅 台 醬 香

酒全國經銷商聯誼會上宣佈,茅台 2019 年的銷售總量是 1003 億,成為 國內首家千億酒企。這意味著,茅台 集團正式進入「後千億」時代,提前 一年完成「十三五」規劃目標,標誌 著一個具有歷史意義的時刻。


The Market Value of Moutai Broke the "Trillion" Mark 茅台市值破萬億

In March, 2019, the market

Moutai Was the No.1 Liquor Brand in "2019 BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands" 茅台位居 BrandZTM 全球最具價值品牌 酒類版塊第一

On the list of "2019 BrandZTM

capitalization of Kweichow Moutai

Top 100 Most Valuable Global

was the fourth time Moutai reached

market value among global liquor

broke the "trillion" mark, which the market value of over trillion

yuan since 2018. The optimistic

anticipation from the market to

the company is the primary cause of the stable growth of Moutai’s

market value, implying that Moutai will reach to the next level in the coming year.

Brands", Moutai, with the highest

enterprises, ranked the 35th place among the top 100 and the first

among all the shortlisted liquor

brands. Also, Moutai entered top

5 of "2019 BrandZTM Top 100 Most

Valuable Chinese Brands" with 58% growth in value.

「2019 年 BrandZTM 全球最具價

2019 年 3 月,貴州茅台衝破萬

值品牌 100 強排行榜」榜單公佈,



億市值。這也是貴州茅台繼 2018 年

關,其背後的根本原因是市場對公司 發展再上新台階的樂觀預期。

茅台在百強中排名 35 位,并居酒類

名第一。除此之外,茅台以 58% 的

增長,首進「2019 年 BrandZTM 最具 價值中國品牌 100 強排行榜」前五。


MOUTAI Magazine

Moutai Was Awarded "The Most Socially Responsible Listed Company" 茅台獲 2019 中國上市公 司口碑榜「最具社會責 任上市公司」 In November 2019, Kweichow

Moutai Co.,Ltd. was awarded

"the Most Socially Responsible Listed Company" by "the

Reputation List of China Listed

Companies 2019" for its important contribution to the construction

of corporate social responsibility. For a long time, Moutai insisted on the organic integration of

sustainable development and social responsibility, adopted

a number of measures such as "public welfare assistance to

impoverished students", "targeted poverty alleviation" and "industry nurturing agriculture" to strive

to fulfill its social responsibilities

and give back to the society. The

honor is the proof that Moutai was in response to national policies by implementing "taking from

the society and giving back to the society", kept a foothold in the

society with a responsible attitude and repaid the society with actual practices.

2019 年 11 月,茅台酒股份有限

公司因在企業社會責任構建方面的重 要貢獻榮獲 2019 中國上市公司口碑

榜「最具社會責任上市公司」。一直 以來,茅台堅持可持續發展與承擔社 會責任有機融合,採取「公益助學」 「精准扶貧」「工業反哺農業」等多 項措施,盡最大能力履行社會責任, 努力回饋社會。獲此殊榮是茅台用實 際行動踐行「取之於社會,回饋於社

Kweichow Moutai Entered South America and Africa

貴州茅台走進南美和非洲 In April, 2019, Li Baofang

(Chairman of Moutai Group)

led a delegation to the South

American continent, visited Chile, Argentina and Peru and carried out the branding activity of

"Cultural Moutai’s Trip in South

America", which was the first time for Moutai delegation to enter

South America to host a largescale event, and also another

"stride" in the internationalization of Moutai. In May, Moutai once

again met with the "golden" Africa. Led by Wang Yan (Deputy Party

Secretary of Moutai Group), this

trip to Africa carried out a series

of cultural exchange activities in Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia,

comprehensively enhancing the

reputation of cultural Moutai and colourful Guizhou in Africa.

2019 年 4 月,茅台集團董事長


阿根廷和秘魯,開啟 2019「文化茅 台 · 多彩貴州『一帶一路行』走進南

美」品牌推介活動。本次是茅台代表 團首次走進南美洲舉辦大型活動,是 茅台國際化的又一次「大跨步」。同 年 5 月,茅台再度與金色非洲相遇。

Moutai Group Entered the First Year of "Cultural Moutai" 茅台集團進入 「文化茅台」元年

In January 2019, Li Baofang

(Chairman of Moutai Group) published a signed article

"Thoughts on the Construction

of 'Cultural Moutai'". This marks

that Moutai Group has entered the first year of "Cultural Moutai", and plans to lay a solid foundation for its global brand strategy through

cultural output and quality service. This also predicts that "cultural

Moutai" will become an important strategy to lead Moutai from highspeed development to high-

quality development and achieve

sustainable development. It will be a new direction and new impetus

for Moutai to enter the "100-billion era" as well.

2019 年 1 月,茅台集團董事長

李保芳發表署名文章《關於「文化茅 台」建設的一些思考》,標誌著茅台 集團進入「文化茅台」元年,計畫以 文化輸出和優質服務,為其全球品牌

戰略夯實基礎,也預示著「文化茅台」 將成為引領茅台從高速發展轉向高質

量發展,實現可持續發展的重要戰略, 是茅台進入「千億時代」的新方向和 新動力。

茅台集團黨委副書記王焱帶隊前往坦 桑尼亞、肯尼亞和埃塞俄比亞,開展 一系列文化交流活動,全面提升文化 茅台和多彩貴州在非洲的曉譽度。

會」,響應國家政策,以負責任的態 度立足於社會,用實際行動回報社會 的印證。


JAN 2020

Kweichow Moutai is Listed in Fortune Future 50 in 2019 茅台上榜《財富》 2019 全球未來 50 強



MOUTAI Magazine


n October, Fortune released its third annual

Future 50 list. In total, there are 16 corporations from China on the list, including Xiaomi, Ctrip

International, Alibaba and Tencent Holdings, among which Kweichow Moutai ranks 39th with the vitality score of 1.3. Developed with Martin Reeves of the BCG Henderson

Institute, Fortune Future 50 is not based on measures of past performance, but rather attempts to measure commitment

to the future. Half of it is based on the market's assessment of a company's future potential beyond the existing stream

growth while enhancing the potential and momentum of the development.

By report, more than 80% of the companies on the Future

50 list are from the United States or Greater China, and more than half of them are specialized in the field of technology or communications.


月,美國《財富》雜誌 2019 年全球未來 50 強排

行榜新鮮出爐,共有 16 家中國企業上榜。其中, 貴州茅台以 1.3 的活力得分排名 39 位。小米、攜

of profits; the other half reflects a sophisticated assessment,


strategy, technology, people and structure.

球未來 50 強」榜單,以計算大型上市公司的長期增長前景為

"Kweichow Moutai is the most popular baijiu among

的 30% 取決於該企業的市場潛力,簡單來說就是其在金融市

using natural language processing among other tools, of Here is the reason for listing according to Fortune:

Chinese consumers, named after the village that is home to

its distillery. It is a clear, colorless spirit made from sorghum, which is usually served for toasts at banquets, offered as



場的增長預期;另外的 70% 則是基於公司實現潛力的能力, 具體分為戰略、技術和投資、人、架構等。


a gift to guests, or simply knocked back over dinner. In


Shanghai's new Costco bought out 10,000 bottles with


testament to the brand's enduring appeal, shoppers at each one retailed for $223 in just two days. The popularity

made Moutai the world's most valuable liquor company in

2017, with a market cap of $69.2 billion (surpassing Diageo).

Revenues for the first half of 2019 rose 17% year over year to $6.1 billion."

At present, Moutai has reached the "100-billion-yuan"

當地的糯高粱製成,無色透明,常用於宴會祝酒,或作為禮物 銷量就高達 1 萬瓶,其品牌吸引力可見一斑。開市客超市每瓶

茅台酒零售價為 223 美元。隨著該酒的不斷流行,茅台也成 為 2017 年全球市值最高的白酒公司,市值達 692 億美元(超

過了帝亞吉歐)。2019 年上半年公司收入同比增長 17%,達 到 61 億美元。」

目前,茅台已實現千億銷售目標。2020 年,茅台進入後

sales target. In 2020, Moutai officially enters the “post-100-

千億時代,高層明確 2020 年為茅台集團「基礎建設年」,通

2020 would be the "Year of Infrastructure Construction",


billion” era. Moutai executives clearly pointed out that hoped to gradually form a management standard in

accordance with the branding of Moutai and carry out the transformation from high-speed development to highquality development by consolidating the foundation,

reinforcing the management, stabilizing and facilitating the


確保通過明年的努力,解決好管理跟不上、發展不平衡的問題, 增強發展的後勁和動力,逐步形成與茅台品牌相適應的管理水 準,實現從高速發展向高品質發展的轉變。

據悉,在 50 強榜單里,超過 80% 的公司來自美國或大中

華區,超過一半的「全球未來 50 強」來自技術或者通訊領域。 31

JAN 2020

The Supply Shortage of Moutai Liquor Extends to Global Markets 茅台一瓶難求延伸至全球

——The Grand Occasion of Kweichow Moutai Overseas Distributors Convention 2019 —— 2019 貴州茅台酒海外經銷商大會盛況 TRANSLATION/ 譯 Yung



MOUTAI Magazine


he Kweichow Moutai Overseas Distributors

Convention 2019 concluded on November 10 in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, was another

review of Moutai's international distribution system. With

the theme of "Let Moutai Prosper Together with China, Let

Moutai's Flavor Spread All over the World", this convention

this convention released a series of heavyweight information and opinions from Moutai executives.

"The Belt and Road" + "Mr. Moutai" "Last year, there was a tendency that supply fell short of

summarized Moutai's achievements in the overseas

demand in overseas markets. This year, the 'contradiction

marketing work for the next year. A total of 107 overseas

completely, manifested by the phenomenon in short

promotion process in 2019, and deployed the overseas

distributors from five continents gathered at the scene to

jointly plan the future blueprint of Moutai's overseas market. At the meeting, Moutai Group Chairman Li Baofang

expressed his gratitude to the distributors who came from afar and gave a warm response, "I hope that everyone will

between supply and demand' has come to the surface supply," Li Baofang said, "In terms of supply-demand

relationship, unlike previous years, distributors this year

urged delivery one after another, and our liquor was too scarce for consumers to get in the market."

"This situation is the most obvious change in the overseas

join us to shape our new international market landscape

market since 2016 when the domestic market was in short

the globe, striving to become a successful model of 'Made in

can see that in recent years, the promotion in the overseas

based on quality and by promoting Moutai culture across China' as soon as possible."

In contrast to the previous years, the supply shortage

of Moutai liquor has begun to extend from the domestic market to the overseas market. As the first important

meeting involving the work deployment of Moutai in 2020,

supply," Li Baofang said, "Through this phenomenon, we market has been effective, and the efforts of many years

have come to fruition. The overseas market is even bigger, and the world is fonder of Moutai liquor."

According to accounts, Moutai has set foot on Hong

Kong, the United States, Russia, Italy, Germany, South 33

JAN 2020

Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Australia since 2015,

Moutai' with the most stable income."

well as Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia in East Africa in 2019.

Stable Scale + Moutai Quality

and entered Chile, Argentina and Peru in South America as Centering on its history, development, quality and services, Moutai has told its story and spread its voice well. "Moutai

According to the meeting, as of the end of October in

Craze" has spread from China to the world.

2019, Moutai Group had exported 1564.94 tons of Moutai

"Moutai Craze" abroad, Moutai would unswervingly follow

million USD. In the same period in 2018, as of September

Moutai executives made it clear that with the rise of the

the "Belt and Road" initiative and keep with the overall

situation of development. In 2020, Moutai is expected to

hold brand promotion activities in Dubai, Hong Kong, and Macau, especially an appreciation promotion activity in

Hong Kong, "the most important region outside Chinese mainland".

Moutai's global popularity is inseparable from the market

liquor and Moutai series liquor, with a turnover of 366

2018, Moutai Group had totally exported 1558.66 tons of

Moutai liquor and Moutai series liquor, earning 334 million USD.

The comparison of these two sets of data shows that the

export volume of Moutai declined slightly on the basis of the previous year's scale.

At the meeting, Moutai quality became the first key

development of overseas distributors. After listening to

word. "From material feeding to delivery, Moutai liquor is

of eight overseas distributors, Li Baofang said that their

and five years. Moutai will not work against the clock or

the market development sharing from the representatives experience was worth learning for domestic distributors.

Li Baofang borrowed the words "Mr. Moutai" from Mr. Vlad

Gitsoaika, the representative of J&M Bulgaria LLC, "I think we should keep working hard to make the overseas distributors here today the salesman with the most pride and the 'Mr. 34

made through 30 processes, 165 processing procedures,

cut off a corner. This marks the very foundation of quality on which Moutai always insists and must insist, that is, to

ensure the high quality of Moutai liquor," Li Baofang said,

"Fundamentally, we are accountable to all distributors, and

more importantly, honest to our consumers. In other words,


MOUTAI Magazine

products without meeting quality standard are forbidden to

64 countries and regions around the world, including 44

shortage. Moutai is unlikely to expand production capacity

countries accounted for 10% of global sales. Moutai's

leave factory, and the price will not soar up due to market

without limit, but only to address limited market demands." "There are still 50 days until 2020. At present, achieving

countries along the "Belt and Road"; the sales in these overseas market layout is increasingly improved.

Li Baofang felt that it was not easy for the growing of

our '100-billion-yuan' sales target is not a big problem. At

distributors from scratch, the gradual improvement of

mark, so that our '13th Five-Year Plan' goal can be achieved

"For Moutai, 'Going global' is not an easy thing."

that time, we will be able to successfully hit the '100 billion' one year ahead of schedule. Following that, our '14th Five-

marketing network, and the stepwise progress in branding. With constantly prominent results of its "going global"

Year plan' goal should be put on agenda in advance. Next

strategy, Moutai also placed equal focus on "bringing in"

however, only the solid foundation and strong momentum

government agencies, leading enterprises, groups, and

year, Moutai is well-positioned to sustain high growth;

is the key to Moutai's sound and sustainable development." Li Baofang clearly pointed out that 2020 was the "Year of

Infrastructure Construction". As for overseas markets, the

scale of the plan for next year would remain stable. Moutai would adhere to the "culture first" strategy and continue

to consolidate the market foundation, striving to provide

to create a new landscape of opening up. More and more people from all walks of life from many countries visited Moutai, explored the making technique and culture of the mysterious Moutai liquor, and discussed overseas cooperation with Moutai, contributing to Moutai's increasingly expanded "friend circle".

"Objectively speaking, it is a difficult and heavy task for

overseas consumers with premium products and services.

us to cultivate consumers in overseas markets at the present

collection of data. In 2018, China exported 17,200 kiloliters

Chinese, with a slower increase of proportion in terms of

At the meeting, Li Baofang also specifically mentioned a

of baijiu (Chinese liquor), accounting for 1.9% of total baijiu output, with the export turnover of 656 million USD, only

48% of the import turnover. Among them, Moutai's export

turnover was 430 million USD, accounting for 65% of China's baijiu export.

"According to the actual situation of overseas markets,

there is room for our liquor in the market, and the market outlook is also optimistic. The purpose of sharing this set of data is to inspire everyone to think about a common

problem: China is a major country in liquor production,

stage. Our consumer groups are mainly dominated by ethnic mainstream consumers; moreover, there also exists the

imbalance of market development as well as the imbalance of product structure." Li Baofang pointed out after calm analysis that Moutai should attach great importance to

these issues and shortcomings through careful analysis and research, come up with effective measures and approaches to expand the market and cultivate international followers of Moutai liquor, and accelerate the progress of Moutai's internationalization.

In Li Baofang's view, to achieve true internationalization,

consumption, and culture, but it is far from the level of

Moutai should not only go abroad, but also engage with

considering," Li Baofang said.

only "going global", but also "being integrated". Through

internationalization. The reason behind this is worth

"Going Global" + "Being Integrated" Kweichow Moutai Overseas Distributors Convention

was held in Shenzhen in 2018 and Zhuhai in 2019. From the

"bridgehead" of reform and opening up to one of the earliest

foreign consumers. Therefore, Moutai should adhere to not gradually covering the "blank areas", accelerating efforts

to improve the "weak points", as well as strengthening and consolidating the "stable fields", Moutai should make hay while the sun shines to be dedicated to overseas markets with intensive care.

The meeting had put forward a series of targeted, guiding

Special Economic Zones that implemented China's policy of

and operational measures: In terms of market, Moutai

past two years imply that Moutai's concept of opening up

keep a close eye on the blank areas along the "Belt and

opening to the outside world, the convention venues in the and "going global" remains unchanged.

Moutai's export sales started from the 1950s. It has been

27 years since it obtained the right to import and export in 1993. Currently, there are 107 overseas distributors across

should first jump out of the cultural circle of East Asia and Road", particularly focus on developing local distributors with advantages in channel, public relations and market

experience. Secondly, Moutai should pool together resources

to create models, strengthen exchanges and interaction with 35

JAN 2020

institutions functioning abroad, Chinese-funded enterprises, Chinese communities and alike, keep a close eye on local

hotels, restaurants, and key accounts, as well as the upper

class and mainstream market. Moutai should take positive measures to tap into the market and bring Moutai liquor

to foreign markets. In terms of marketing, Moutai should

adhere to the concept of "Marketing can do nothing without experience, and transmission cannot be separated from

interaction", and focus more efforts on tasting activities. 36


MOUTAI Magazine

In addition to selling liquor, Moutai should also keep deep interaction and exchanges with consumers.

Culture First + Combining Chinese and Western Why does Moutai still intensify its efforts to expand the

international market now that Moutai liquor is in short

would actively act and plan to promote the sustainable, healthy and stable development of Moutai's overseas

market through a more impressive consumption experience and more international expression.

Series Liquor + Initiative to Innovate After Moutai officially announced to "attach the same

supply in China? Li Baofang replied at the meeting, "Moutai's

importance as Moutai liquor to the development of series

business, but in the hope that more people can understand

at the important meeting.

intention to open up overseas markets is not just for

China and Chinese culture through Moutai. So, although the

liquor" five days ago, Moutai again mentioned "series liquor" "Other than Moutai liquor, everyone should pay attention

domestic market for Moutai liquor is continuously thriving,

to the overseas markets for our series liquor. The promotion

state, yet we will continue to deepen the overseas market

form a Moutai brand cluster, increase market share and

and supply falling short of demand has become a normal construction and promote our global branding with the 'Cultural Moutai' strategy."

Moutai executives used the words "higher frequency,

larger scale and higher level" to evaluate the overseas

cultural promotion work of Moutai in 2019, saying that

Moutai had insisted on taking culture as the entry point,

strived to promote deep integration between Moutai culture and local cultures through a series of cultural exchanges, tasting experience, and theme exhibitions, and achieved fruitful development results in 2019.

To achieve a success in overseas markets, culture must

be put first. In Li Baofang's view, for "Cultural Moutai" to take roots abroad, Moutai should do a good job in

of series liquor should be the priority task, with a view to expand brand advantage."

Li Baofang gives specific ideas: Ride on the momentum to

balance the product structure. Moutai's production capacity and supply are restricted. So, the series liquor should

take the opportunity of the "Moutai Craze" to leverage the brand advantage of "Moutai" and the price advantage of "secondary high-end", and make full use of the product

characteristics of "getting better with age" and the quality

attribute of "high cost-effectiveness". Moutai would ramp up efforts to expand the Blue Ocean Market for the series liquor in countries and regions with good market foundation and strong growth momentum.

"Take the initiative to innovate and adapt to the needs

cultural dissemination and output, and tell its stories well

of overseas markets." Moutai executives mentioned an

integrations". That is, integrating with the mainstream:

on the packages of Prince liquor and Ying Bin liquor. "In this

with the backing of Chinese culture. The key lied in "four

Moutai should actively participate in official international

competitions, large-scale public service activities, high-end cultural performances and various activities, and further

expand the influence of its culture and brand; integrating with art: Moutai should integrate Moutai elements with

art forms, build the image of exclusive store highlighting cultural connotation and brand charm, and bring visual

enjoyment; integrating with flavor: Moutai should combine

its liquor with local cuisine, enabling people to get the taste;

example. Last year, there was even no English description

case, how could we adapt to the needs? The packaging and

design should be comprehensible and acceptable to foreign consumers; for the taste, we must have an open vision. For example, we can consider developing a high value-added product with alcohol content that is more in line with the habits of mainstream consumers to further expand the

market, so as to ensure the continuous consolidation of overseas markets."

For how to properly connect with overseas distributors

integrating with fashion: Moutai should blend its brand with

and consumers, Li Baofang said that Moutai should

traditional liquor culture with the global mainstream culture

conduct good management and deliver quality services. The

the world's popular elements, allowing the intersection of to get attention.

"Impress consumers with quality, attract consumers

with culture, and keep consumers with services." Li Jingren, General Manager of Moutai Group, hoped that everyone

strengthen overall coordination in efficient services to

first was to strictly control the behavior of liquor reflux, and

maintain the normal market order; the second is to provide

quality services, assist distributors in terminal construction, and deliver excellent consumer experience and services. 37

JAN 2020

芳稱,「從供求關係上看,和往年不同的是,經銷商紛紛催貨, 消費者在市場上一瓶難求。」

「這個情況是自 2016 年國內市場出現供不應求現象後,

在海外市場發生的最明顯的變化。」李保芳稱,「透過這個現 象,讓我們看到,最近這幾年,在海外市場的推介見效了,大 家多年的努力有結果了,海外市場更大了,世界對茅台酒更加 喜愛了。」

據瞭解,自 2015 年以來,茅台歷經香港、美國、俄羅


2019 走進南美智利、阿根廷、秘魯和東非坦桑尼亞、肯尼亞、 埃塞爾比亞,圍繞茅台的歷史、發展、品質和服務,講好茅台 故事,傳播茅台聲音。「茅台熱」已由國內向全球蔓延。


定不移沿著「一帶一路」走,跟著發展大局做。2020 年,茅

台品牌推介有望走進迪拜、香港和澳門,特別是在「海外市場 最重要的區域」香港舉辦答謝性質的推介會。

茅台全球熱離不開海外經銷商的市場開拓,聽完 8 家海外

經銷商代表的市場開拓分享,李保芳稱,值得國內經銷商借鑒 和學習。李保芳借用了保加利亞 J&M 公司代表瓦德 · 基索埃

卡先生的一個詞「茅台先生」,「我想我們還要繼續努力,讓 今天在座的海外經銷商能夠成為最有自豪感的推銷員,也要成 為收入最為穩定的『茅台先生』」。

規模穩定 + 茅台品質 大會透露,截至去年 10 月底,茅台出口茅台酒及系列酒


1564.94 噸,創匯 3.66 億美元。再看 2018 年同期資料,截至 月 10 日在廣東珠海閉幕的 2019 貴州茅台酒海外 經銷商大會,是茅台國際經銷體系的又一次檢閱。


香」,總結了 2019 年茅台酒在海外推廣過程中取得的成就,

2018 年 9 月,茅台集團共完成出口茅台酒及系列酒 1558.66 噸, 出口創匯 3.34 億美元。





從投料到出廠經過 30 道工序、165 個工藝環節,需要五年時間,



洲的 107 家茅台海外經銷商雲集現場,共同謀劃茅台酒海外 茅台集團董事長李保芳在會上對遠道而來的經銷商表示感

謝,並給予熱切回應:「希望大家與我們一道,以品質為基、 攜文化出海,共同打造海外市場新格局,爭取早日成為『中國 製造』輸出的成功案例。」


延伸至海外。作為涉及 2020 年茅台工作部署的第一個重要會 議,茅台高層釋放了一系列重磅資訊與觀點。

「一帶一路」+「茅台先生」 「去年,海外市場出現了供給不足的勢頭。今年,『供需

矛盾』愈加明顯,出現供不應求狀態。」茅台集團董事長李保 38

茅台無法趕時間、繞近路,這是茅台始終堅持、必須堅持的品 根本上講,我們是對各位經銷商負責,更是對消費者誠信。達 不到品質標準的產品絕不允許出廠,也絕不因為市場短缺而瘋 狂漲價。茅台酒滿足市場需求是有限的,不可能無限制地擴大 產能。」

「距 2020 年還有 50 天,目前來看,茅台銷售收入實現


前一年實現『十三五』目標。緊接著,就是提前謀劃『十四五』。 明年,茅台有能力延續高增長,但牢根基、強後勁,才是茅台 健康持續發展的關鍵。」李保芳明確指出,2020 年是「基礎

建設年」,就海外市場來說,明年的計畫規模將維持穩定。茅 台堅持文化先行,持續夯實市場基礎,致力於為海外消費者提 供過硬品質和優質服務的產品。


MOUTAI Magazine

會上,李保芳還專門提到一組資料,2018 年,中國出口

白酒 1.72 萬千升,占白酒總產量 1.9%;出口額 6.56 億美元, 出口額僅為進口額的 48%。其中,茅台的出口創匯是 4.3 億美 元,占白酒出口比例達 65%,比半壁江山還多。


觀的。我講這組資料的目的,是想大家共同思考一個問題,中 國是酒生產大國、酒消費大國、酒文化大國,但卻遠未達到國 際化的程度,這背後的原因值得思考。」李保芳說。

「走出去」+「走進去」 2018 年深圳、2019 年珠海,近兩年茅台海外經銷商大會



茅台從上世紀 50 年代開始外銷,到 1993 年獲得進出口權,

至今已 27 年。目前,共有分佈於全球 64 個國家和地區的 107

家海外經銷商。其中,「一帶一路」沿線國家 44 個,沿線銷 量占比達到了全球總銷量的 10%,海外市場佈局日趨完善。




在大會上回答,「茅台開拓海外市場,不僅僅只是為了做生意, 也是希望通過茅台,讓更多人瞭解中國、瞭解中華文化。所以, 儘管茅台酒國內市場持續火熱,供不應求已是常態,但我們仍 將堅持深化海外市場建設,以『文化茅台』戰略推動品牌全球 化。」


「更」評價 2019 茅台海外文化推廣工作,稱茅台堅持以文化


動茅台文化與當地文化的深度融合,在 2019 年取得了卓有成 效的發展成果。


台」要想漂洋過海「紮下根」,做好文化的傳播和輸出,除了 以中華文化為背書,講好茅台故事,關鍵在於「四個融合」: 與主流融合,積極參與各類官方國際賽事、大型公益、高端文 藝演出等活動,進一步擴大茅台文化和品牌的影響力;與藝術 融合,將茅台元素與藝術形式相融合,建設彰顯文化內涵和品 牌魅力的專賣店形象,給大家帶去視覺享受;與風味融合,把 茅台酒與當地美食結合起來,讓大家在舌尖上得到品味;與時 尚融合,將茅台品牌與世界流行元素相融合,讓傳統酒文化在 與世界主流文化的交匯中得到關注。






人士,到訪茅台探尋神秘茅台的釀造工藝與文化和商討海外合 「客觀地看,現階段海外市場消費培育難度大、任務重,

消費群體以華人為主,主流消費的比例增長過慢;市場發展不 均衡、產品結構失衡問題仍然存在。」李保芳在冷靜分析後指 出,針對這些問題和短板,茅台要高度重視,認真分析研究, 拿出拓展市場、培育國際茅粉的有效措施和辦法,加快推進茅 台國際化進程。





系列酒 + 主動求變 時隔五天,茅台官宣「像重視茅台酒一樣重視系列酒發展」



把系列酒推廣作為重點工作來抓,形成茅台品牌集群,提高市 場佔有份額,擴大品牌優勢。」







白點,尤其是重點開發當地具有管道優勢、公關優勢、市場經 驗優勢的經銷商,其次要聚焦資源、打造樣板,加強與駐外機

「茅台」的品牌優勢和「次高端」的價格優勢,用足用好「越 好、發展後勁足的國家和區域,大力拓展系列酒藍海市場。






餐廳、大客戶,瞄準上層社會、主流市場,積極拓展市場,把 無互動不傳播」的理念,加大開展品鑒活動力度,不能光賣酒, 要與消費者保持深度互動交流。

文化先行 + 中西結合 茅台在中國供不應求,為何還大力拓展國際市場?李保芳

種情況,如何談適應需求?從包裝、設計上,我們要讓外國人 一款酒精度更符合主流消費群體習慣的高附加值產品,以進一 步打開市場,確保海外市場得到持續鞏固。」


要通過強化統籌協調,協同高效服務,確保管理到位、服務優 質。一是管到底,嚴控回流酒行為,維護正常市場秩序;二是 服好務,説明經銷商終端建設,做好消費體驗和服務。 39

JAN 2020

Camus: May the Spirit of Moutai be Recognized by the World

卡慕: 讓茅台的靈魂得到世界的認可 EDIT/ 文 Jocelyn TRANSLATION/ 譯 Billy, Olivia 40


MOUTAI Magazine

The "China Complex" of the Head of Camus As the fifth generation of the Camus family, the biggest

family business of cognac, Mr. Cyril Camus formed his ties to China at early 1990s, when he studied Chinese in the

University of International Business and Economics. At that

time, he has already tasted different types of Chinese liquor,

among which Moutai has left him a deep impression. After

knowing the background story of Moutai, he was touched by the close connection between the liquor and the national

development as well as fate. He believed it would be a pity if the story behind was not known to the world.

In 2003, Mr. Cyril Camus visited Moutai Group less than

of duty-free stores. The third generation of the Camus family grabbed this opportunity and immediately dominated the huge network of duty-free sales across over 4000 stores

around the world. You can see Camus' brand in almost every country. Duty-free stores have become the best platform for brands to portrait their image in other countries. Kweichow

Moutai also became the first Chinese liquor brand entering the global duty-free market.

The Family's Bearing: Stick to the Promotion of Moutai When the best baijiu meets the best cognac, it is

unstoppable. At present, Camus Group is the biggest

a month after he took over Camus Wines & Spirits Group

overseas distributor of Kweichow Moutai, and Moutai is also

officially confirmed their partnership after negotiating for

partnership between two parties is stepping into the 15th

as the president. In 2005, Moutai Group and Camus Group over a year, starting Moutai's journey of "going global" in the new century.

As the means of transportation evolved in 1970s,

the biggest non-private brand under Camus Group. The


Looking back to the early phase of the cooperation,

Camus Group went through hardship in the process

especially the development of aircraft industry, the

of promoting Moutai liquor. Mr. Feng Liming, the chief

leisure travel highly increased. When people shuttled

of Camus Yuanliu, recalled that there was a time when

for commodities, which created an opportunity for the raise

present days. Sometimes, it would take two or three years

frequency of cross-region commercial transactions and

between different countries, they would have a huge need

representative of Camus Group in China and the president Chinese baijiu was not as renowned in the world as in


JAN 2020

to sell out only one container of Moutai. They even came

across the situation where only one bottle of Moutai was

sold per month in one country. Mr. Feng pointed out that there were three steps to successfully access to duty-free

stores: the first was to enter the stores, the second was

to consolidate its place in the stores and the third was to

become an indispensable brand on the market, among

which the first step was the hardest. Faced with the poor

sales performance, questioning voices also emerged

inside of the Camus family, but Mr. Cyril Camus insisted on

promoting Moutai without hesitation, showing the strong

spirit passing down by the family with more than 150 years

of history. It is rare for a family to adhere strictly to their own brand from day one of the establishment to today, and the

Camus family can definitely be counted as one of them. To be specific, Camus is the first cognac brand exported into

Russia, which was once favored by the tsar. However, with

the change of society and history development, the Camus

family has gone through both the insuperable peak and the

worst time of their business. According to Mr. Feng, Camus

"has witnessed great things", which fostered the toughness in the spirit of each generation. It is the same for Mr. Cyril

Camus. He never doubted his love for Moutai. As long as

he set his mind on the business, he would not give up no

matter what happened.

In 2005, Camus supported Moutai to enter the duty-

free stores in Paris, Rome, Frankfurt, Armstrong and Asian

regions. However, the sales in the first year were lower than

expected. The counters of Moutai were gradually withdrawn from every store in Europe but the one at Charles de Gaulle. Instead of giving up, Camus adjusted their strategies by

focusing only on Asian markets, mainly promoting Moutai in

Japan and South Korea. Camus began to run the business

of Moutai from the perspective of branding. They did not cut

costs during hard times, but improved the product display in

all the duty-free stores selling Moutai and did lots of targeted trainings for local salespeople so they could understand

more about Chinese culture and the connotation embedded in Moutai liquor.

Camus' efforts on promoting Moutai eventually paid off

after 5 years' persistence. Moutai began to turn into a "hot

to selling among overseas Chinese. They had a bigger plan,

which was to promote Moutai to the western mainstream

cake" in some stores in South Korea, Japan, France and


Singapore. Thanks to the supports from overseas Chinese,

participate in international spirits competitions. It was when

the United States, especially popular in Changi Airport of

Camus proceeded to the third step – signed Moutai up to

the first step "entering the stores" and the second step

difficulties appeared again. Apart from the fact that many

However, Camus' promise to Moutai was not only limited

Moutai did not contain the standardized fragrance that they

"consolidation" of Moutai went smoothly and efficiently.


western judges were unfamiliar with Moutai's fragrance,


MOUTAI Magazine

usually evaluated. Therefore, Camus spent lots of time and

resources to train all the judges, including inviting them and

Camus promotes Moutai's unique products according to

the requirements of international luxuries, which not only

famous journalists to visit Maotai town to find out about

captures the high-end elements of the international market


Moutai unusual in the international market.

western mainstream society by winning the golden prize

become hot words and showing "I know China better" in

Awards" in the world of spirits.

Camus also encouraged Chinese people to buy Moutai

Jiang-Fragrance Liquor, a Toast to the World

can build a bridge between Chinese people and foreigners,

Moutai liquor's producing techniques, which have been In 2012, Moutai liquor won the attention from the

of World Spirits Competitions held in Austria, the "Oscar

With the theme of recognizing fine liquor through its

aroma and experiencing the art of toasting, Camus focuses on promoting Moutai from the perspective of Chinese

culture. Recently, a Moutai advertising banner with the

words "A Toast to the World with Chinese Liquor" appeared

but also maintains the unique DNA of Moutai, making

In the world's current affairs news, "China's Rise" has

front of others has become a fashion. In the promotion,

from duty-free stores for foreigners. Through Moutai, they

making Moutai an attractive conversation resource. Through the event, Camus has spread Chinese culture, shortened

people's time of understanding Moutai, thereby improving

the popularity of Moutai in the mainstream western society.

Li Baofang, chairman of Moutai Group, spoke highly of

Camus' contribution to the internationalization of Moutai,

saying that Camus had made a useful contribution to the

over Hollywood, kicking off Camus' "Art of Toasting" Moutai

development of Moutai's international market, improved

musician Kenny G (whose saxophone work "Going Home" is

cooperation between the two sides to a better development

party in Los Angeles. Many local celebrities including

widely spread in China), Chinese-American actor Archie Kao,

screenwriter and director Nicolas Meyer, director Chuck

Russell, "Variety" executive editor Steven Gaydos as well as

the popularity of Moutai overseas, and brought the


During the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between

Camus and Moutai, when Cyril Camus gave the collector's

representatives of the Los Angeles business and overseas

edition Moutai to the then French President Hollande,

two Moutai cocktails of "Jade Dragon" and "Forbidden City"

strengthen the French-Chinese relations." Let's look forward

due to their amazing shape and rich taste.

of Moutai be recognized by the world.

Chinese circles attended the party. The bartender presented to the guests, which aroused great interest from the guests

Hollande said, "I will definitely use this bottle of liquor to

to a better future for Moutai and Camus, and may the spirit


JAN 2020



MOUTAI Magazine



西里爾 · 卡慕與中國結緣於上世紀 90 年代初,學生時代的西



里爾 · 卡慕在北京經濟貿易大學學習中文,那時已經品嘗過不

好每一家銷售茅台酒免稅店的陳列,并對當地茅台酒的銷售人 員進行了大量針對性的培訓,讓他們了解中國文化,懂得茅台 堅持了 5 年,卡慕推廣茅台的策略終於初見成效,韓國、





深深感到世界上極少有酒能與國家發展和民族命運如此密切相 2003 年,西里爾 · 卡慕先生接過卡慕集團總裁職務不到

一個月,旋即拜訪茅台集團。經過一年多的談判,2005 年,


其是新加坡樟宜機場特別成功。這其中,海外華人的支持,讓 成效。但卡慕對茅台的承諾不僅僅是銷售給海外的華人,更遠 大的目標是推向西方主流社會。






上世紀 70 年代,隨著交通工具的變革,尤其是航空業的

們在各國穿梭之間,需要大量的商品,為免稅店的興起提供了 機遇。卡慕家族第三代傳人抓住了這樣的契機,一躍掌握了龐

大的免稅經營銷售網絡、渠道遍及全球 4000 多家免稅店,幾 乎每到達一個地方,你都能看見卡慕的品牌身影。免稅店成為 了各國品牌塑造在別國形象的最佳場合,貴州茅台也成為了第 一個進入世界免稅市場的中國酒品牌。

傳統評價的香味,茅台又沒有。卡慕花費了大量的時間和資源 得了大量的好評。2012 年,茅台一舉斬獲奧地利舉辦的世界

烈酒大賽金獎,相當於烈酒界的奧斯卡,西方主流社會開始推 薦茅台。








品牌,雙方的合作邁向第 15 個年頭。


辛。卡慕中國首席代表、卡慕遠流董事長馮黎明先生回憶到, 當時,中國的白酒并不如現在在世界上擁有高的知名度,一貨 櫃的茅台銷售了兩、三年才清空,甚至出現過一個國家一個月 只賣出一瓶茅台酒的逆境。成功打入免稅店有三部曲,第一步 是進店,第二是鞏固進店,第三步是成為必須品牌,其中最難

杯」字樣的茅台酒廣告條幅。卡慕在洛杉磯舉行《乾杯的藝術》 茅台酒晚會。吸引了眾多當地名流。他們有音樂家 Kenny G,

美劇的美籍華裔演員高聖遠 (Archie Kao),有電影《致命誘惑》 及《星際迷航》的編劇與導演 Nicolas Meyer,電影《變臉》

及《蠍子王》的導演 Chuck Russell,美國著名娛樂媒體《Variety》 的主編 Steven Gaydos…以及洛杉磯商界、僑界的代表出席了 晚會。調酒師為賓客獻上了「玉龍」和「紫禁城」兩款茅台雞 尾酒,造型驚豔,口味馥鬱,引起了來賓的極大興趣。



準了國際市場的高端元素也保持了茅台特有的 DNA,讓茅台



音,但西里爾 · 卡慕先生一直堅持推廣茅台,從未動搖。這體






起起伏伏。例如,卡慕是第一個銷售到俄羅斯的干邑,當時極 意極其興隆的時期,也經歷過低潮,用馮黎明的話是「見過大 陣仗」。這也磨礪了卡慕每一代傳人的堅韌,西里爾 · 卡慕先 生同樣如此,對於茅台的喜愛,他從未動搖,認準了,就得耐 得住寂寞,堅持走下去。

2005 年,卡慕助力茅台進入了巴黎、羅馬、法蘭克福、

阿姆斯特丹以及亞洲地區的免稅店,一年以後銷售不如預期, 清場只剩下巴黎戴高樂機場的免稅店,卡慕持續堅守,調整策 略,從亞洲市場著力,在日本、韓國的市場大力行銷。卡慕開

也鼓勵中國人在免稅店買茅台送給外國人,通過茅台,搭建起 方寸之間把中國文化傳遞出去,縮短認知茅台的時間,從而在 西方主流社會提高茅台的知名度。茅台集團董事長李保芳高度 評價卡慕為茅台國際化做出的貢獻,卡慕為茅台開拓國際市場 做了有益貢獻,也提高了茅台在海外的知名度,雙方合作已進

入更好的發展時期。卡慕與茅台合作十年慶的時候,西里爾 · 卡慕把珍藏版的茅台送给了時任法國總統奥朗德,奧朗德說: 「我一定會拿这瓶酒去加强法中關係。」讓我們翹首企盼茅台 與卡慕更美好的未來,讓茅台的靈魂得到世界的認可。 45

JAN 2020

TEXT/ 文 Lin TRANSLATION/ 譯 Billy Yung



MOUTAI Magazine


JAN 2020


packaging of Moutai has been changed many times, which

is very complex. From the auction we can often see the rare

Moutai liquor with a long history and special packaging, for

example, Feitian of the 1970s, iron-lid Moutai of the 1990s,

exclusively supplied liquor, commemorative liquor, and blue Moutai. It is believed that the older the Moutai is, the better its taste is; and the limited edition Moutai is also popular in the market because it is hard to find.

In the Guardian 2018 Spring and Autumn Auctions

for Fine and Rare Moutai Liquor, a jar of original liquor

produced in the Moutai area during the 1960s was sold at a

high price of more than 4.94 million RMB. With a long history, this kind of original liquor is very rare and is warmly sought


Another original carton of brown-bottle Feitian Moutai

produced in 1984 and exclusively supplied for national

banquet was sold at a high price of more than 2.47 million

RMB, 12 bottles in a carton, with an average price of

more than 200,000 RMB per bottle. "Original carton" is an

1977 年產原箱飛天牌茅台酒

An original carton of Feitian Moutai produced in 1977


s a model of China's Jiang-fragrance baijiu, Kweichow Moutai liquor features mellow

taste, clean and long aftertaste, long history of

inheritance as well as the essence of strong Jiang fragrance,

becoming a well-deserved Chinese representative on the liquor table. Moutai liquor often serves as hospitality for

distinguished guests at state banquets or gift to diplomats. In the Chinese liquor auction market, Moutai has been

continuously concerned in recent years for its strong

potential of value growth and has become a high-grade

additional element for value growth of Moutai liquor. If there is "original carton" packaging, it will provide a reference

for judging the year and quality, which is more valuable for

collection than the same type of bulk (unpackaged) Moutai liquor. The "exclusively supplied" Moutai liquor is also rare


collection pursued by collectors. In the field of collection, Moutai liquor collection is unique and outshines others.

According to statistics, the annual auction amount of Moutai liquor at major domestic sales fairs totals several hundred

million RMB, accounting for more than 90% of the total

amount of liquor auction in China. In the auction, some special varieties of Moutai are often auctioned at high

prices after fierce bidding. Then, what kind of Moutai is

more popular with collectors? What is the trend of Moutai

collection and value growth?

When it comes to Moutai, perhaps the most impressive

image is the white bottle with red lid, the most common

and ordinary packaging in the market. After many years, the 48

1984 年產飛天牌原箱國宴特供黃醬茅台酒

An original carton of brown-bottle Feitian Moutai produced in 1984 and exclusively supplied for national banquet


MOUTAI Magazine

in the market and belongs to the collection level, including the exclusive supply for the Great Hall of the People and

for the state banquet. When appearing in the auction, the

"exclusively supplied" Moutai often causes the buyers to

Film Great Feitian" and "Translucent Great Feitian" in the

collection field of Moutai liquor, which is very rare and precious.

Commemorative liquor is also a kind of Moutai liquor

compete for it. Because its formula is different from that of

with great potential for collection value growth. One reason

is completely confidential.

Moutai for Hong Kong's Return to China in 1997 and the

the common Moutai liquor, its taste is better, and its formula

is that such commemorative liquors as the Commemorative

Last year, in Guardian's Spring Auction exclusive for

Commemorative Moutai for China's 50th Anniversary are

(the 1977 Moutai) was sold at a price of 1.15 million RMB.

is very rare. Another reason is that commemorative liquor

Moutai, an original carton of Feitian Moutai produced in 1977


limited edition with specially customized packaging, which has been specially blended and thus tastes better.

Commemorative Moutai (produced in 2012) for the

Centennial Master Zhang Daqian includes one bottle

(500 ml) of liquor and was sold at a price of 45,600 RMB in Christie's Shanghai Autumn Auction in September 2019.

Zhang Daqian is the most legendary master of traditional

Chinese painting in the 20th century. He is a versatile great

master of painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, and poetry in the history of Chinese modern culture and art. The

"Centennial Master Zhang Daqian" Commemorative Moutai is a perfect combination of art and famous liquor, which is

rare in the market. It is worth mentioning that this liquor


It is also sold at a high price of 960,000 RMB in Christie's

Shanghai Auction for Moutai last September. The 1977

Moutai was the earliest Moutai packed in paper box. Unlike the previous Moutai liquor, the 1977 Moutai was marked

with the Chinese characters of "Kweichow Moutai China" on

its outer packing carton; the characters representing "China"

were added to the previous label. This auctioned item is

not only collected in original carton, but also attached with the original carton packing list marked with date. The 1977

Moutai used a light red translucent plastic sleeve for sealing.

This kind of liquor was the earliest to be named the "Purple-


JAN 2020

2003 2003 年產劉劍鋒升學定制原箱鐵蓋茅台酒

An original carton of iron-lid Moutai produced in 2003 and customized for Liu Jianfeng's entry to university

was specially blended by using the 50-year aged liquor and thus has a more unique taste. With a limited production of

10,000 bottles, this liquor adopts the celadon bottle. The

liquor box is unique in design, with a landscape painting

as background, an upper cover, a lower base, and a middle screen. The upper and lower parts can be combined into a storage box, and the middle screen can be unfolded.

The Commemorative Moutai for Hong Kong's Return

to China was produced in 1997 upon Hong Kong's Return

the autographs of China's baijiu master Mr. Ji Keliang. Each

bottle of liquor has two autographs of Ji Keliang, which is very precious.

There is the Commemorative Moutai specially produced

for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's

Republic of China. Both the packaging box and the bottle label are printed with the patterns of 56 ethnic groups. It

adopts a bottle made of frosted glass, which is the only

frosted-glass-bottle Moutai produced by Moutai distillery.

to China. It was carefully blended by using aged Moutai,

The design of the bottle is very particular. The bottle cap

packaging box, bottle, and label are quite different from

a trademark of Moutai liquor. If you look at the bottle cap

box, label, and exclusive edition instruction are all printed

liquor is the crown of nectar. If you overlook the bottle

both the back label and exclusive edition instruction have

enhance the aesthetic feeling of the bottle body, the lower

with a limited production of only 1997 bottles. Its outer

the ordinary Moutai liquor produced in that year. Its liquor

with independent numbers. It is worth mentioning that


is a two-layer three-dimensional pentagram, which is also

from the side, it is also like a crown, symbolizing that Moutai

body, the entire bottle body is five-star shaped. In order to


MOUTAI Magazine

2012 The specially customized liquor also

includes the "Jianfeng Iron Lid" Moutai

liquor specially designed for Liu Jianfeng, the greatest Moutai collector. With the

part of the bottle side is decorated with a circular dragon

pattern, which is full of Chinese traditional charm, and when you hold the bottle, it is more like "holding a dragon by hand".

"Jackie Chan Moutai" is a high-end Jiang fragrance liquor

jointly produced by Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. and the

rarity of only 3,000 bottles, unique liquor

quality, elaborate and special design, clear inheritance data,

and excellent preservation state, this liquor was sold at an

average price of 27,000 RMB per bottle in the spring auction last year. From 230 RMB per bottle 16 years ago to 27,000

RMB per bottle, the value growth of 100 times has confirmed the collection potential as well as the value maintenance

international famous star Jackie Chan. It aims to promote

and growth function of Kweichow Moutai liquor.

Jackie Chan ranked first in the "20 Greatest Action Stars in

much collection value and value growth potential, yet the

the Oscar Honorary Award for his lifetime achievement.

Air Force of the CPLA" is also very special and has great

the profound culture of Moutai liquor to the world. In 2012,

History" selected by the New York Times; in 2016, he won

This liquor is also the first Moutai liquor named after

an entertainment superstar in history, boasting special

collection value. The design of its box is also exquisite. Each carton has 12 bottles, and the boxes of every 3 bottles can be combined to form a dragon shape.

Although the newly produced common Moutai has not

newly produced blue Moutai "exclusively supplied for the

collection potential. Blue Moutai was blended by using

the 10-year to 20-year aged liquor. It is a semi-customized

Moutai liquor whose taste is better and stronger than

common Moutai liquor. Therefore, it is also warmly sought

after by buyers in the market.


JAN 2020

州茅台酒作為中國醬香型白酒之典範,厚馥幽鬱、 味淨餘長,以其源遠流長的傳承歷史和馥鬱醬香



國酒拍賣市場中,茅台的強勁升值潛力在近年來持續受到關注, 成為藏家們競相追逐的高級藏品。在收藏界,茅台酒的收藏可 謂一枝獨秀,傲視群雄,據統計,每年茅台酒在國內各大拍賣 會上的拍賣金額達數億元人民幣,佔據全國白酒拍賣總金額的 90% 以上。拍場上常有特殊品種茅台經過激烈競投高價拍出

的場面,什麼樣的茅台酒更受藏家的歡迎?茅台收藏、增值的 趨勢又是如何?


上最常見的普通包裝。歷經多年,茅台的包裝也經過多次變化, 錯綜複雜,在拍賣場上常常能見到年份較久遠,包裝特別的珍

稀茅台酒。70 年代的飛天,90 年代的鐵蓋,特供酒,紀念酒, 藍茅等等。越陳年的茅台被認為味道越佳,而限量版的茅台因 為珍惜難求也備受市場歡迎。

2018 年嘉德兩季茅台酒臻品拍賣上,一壇二十世紀六十

年代國營時期茅台地區產原酒拍出了 494 萬多的高價,此種 原壇酒非常少見,年份也足夠久遠,受到了熱烈追捧。

另一款 1984 年飛天牌原箱國宴特供黃醬茅台酒拍出了

247 萬多的高價,一箱 12 瓶,每瓶均價 20 余萬人民幣。「原

箱」是茅台酒增值的一個附加要素,如有「原箱」包裝,便為 斷定年份、品質等提供參考,比起同樣類型但散裝的茅台酒更 有收藏價值。而「特供」酒也是市場稀有、屬於收藏級別的茅 台酒,包括人民大會堂特供、國宴特供等。「特供」酒出現在 拍場,往往會引起買家爭搶,因為「特供」酒的配方與一般茅 台不同,味道更好,配方也完全保密。

去年嘉德春季拍賣茅台專場上,1977 年產原箱飛天牌茅

台拍出 115 萬人民幣價格。九月的佳士得上海拍賣茅台專場中, 也拍出 96 萬的高價。1977 年產的飛天牌茅台酒是最早使用紙 盒包裝的茅台酒,與之前的茅台酒不一樣的是,1977 年飛天

牌茅台酒在其外包裝箱上標示了「中國貴州茅台酒」字樣,比 之前多了「中國」二字。這一拍品不僅為原箱珍藏,更附有標

明日期的原箱裝箱單。1977 年飛天牌茅台酒的封口採用了淡 紅色透亮膠套,此類酒為茅台酒收藏界最早定稱的

「紫皮大飛天」和 「透亮膜大飛天」,均十分罕見,份



其為限量版紀念酒,如紀念 1997 年香港回歸,五十周年國慶 盛典等,包裝經過特別定制,非常稀有。另一方面則是因為紀 念酒的酒質經過特殊勾兌,味道更好。

2012 年 產 紀 念 百 年 巨 匠 張 大 千 茅 台 酒, 一 組 1 瓶

(500 毫升),在 2019 年 9 月佳士得上海秋拍中拍出 4 萬 5 千六百一瓶的價錢。張大千是二十世紀中國畫壇最具傳奇色彩 的國畫大師,繪畫、書法、篆刻、詩詞無所不通,為中國現代

文化藝術史上堪稱博學通才的偉大巨匠。2012 年產特別版「百 52



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選為「史上 20 位最偉大的動作影星」第一位;2016 年,他更

場上難得一見。值得一提的是,此酒採用 50 年陳釀酒質, 即 生產 1 萬瓶。酒盒設計獨特,以山水畫為背景,上蓋下底座中 1997 年產香港回歸紀念茅台酒誕生於香港回歸之際,由

陳釀茅台精心勾兌而成,限量生產 1997 瓶,絕版發行。此酒

外包裝盒、酒瓶、酒標與當年生產的普通包裝茅台酒大為不同, 而且酒盒、酒標、絕版說明書都印有獨立編號,尤其值得一提


的文化底蘊推向世界。2012 年,成龍被美國《紐約時報》評 獲得奧斯卡終身成就獎。此酒也是史上首款以娛樂巨星名字命 名的茅台酒,別具收藏價值。盒子的設計同樣考究,一箱共有 12 瓶,而每 3 瓶盒子組合在一起就能拼成一條龍的形狀。



的「劍鋒鐵蓋」茅台酒。僅有 3000 瓶的稀有性,獨特的酒質,


款酒在去年春季拍賣中拍出了均價 2.7 萬一瓶的佳績。從十六

先生的親筆簽名。一瓶酒有兩個季克良的親筆簽名,可謂珍貴 為中華人民共和國成立 50 周年慶典而特製的一款紀念茅

台酒,包裝盒及瓶身酒標上均印有 56 個民族的圖案。酒瓶採



年前的 230 元一瓶到 2.7 萬一瓶,百倍的增值印證了貴州茅台 酒的收藏潛力和保值增值功能。







為了增加瓶身的美感,瓶身側面下部 更綴以圓形龍飾圖案,

小收藏潛力。藍茅採用 10-20 年陳釀勾兌,屬於半定制款茅台 們的熱烈追捧。


JAN 2020

A Legend in the World of Collecting:

Zhang Zongxian's "Young Heart" 收藏界傳奇:





MOUTAI Magazine


s a super experienced master in the world

Falangcai works. Falangcai was first originated from Kangxi

Zongxian, who was also the main force facilitating

unglazed porcelain to the imperial palace for enameling and

of antique collection, the 90-year-old Zhang

the establishment of Christie's Hong Kong and Sotheby's Hong Kong, still feels wild and young despite of his age,

joking around that he is a "millennial". When taking photo-

shoots during interviews, people always complimented that

he was handsome, and he would add: "You missed the word 'boy'. Please call me 'handsome boy'!" With a good sense of

humor, Zhang Zongxian always has surprising "golden lines" whether it is during a private interview or a public speech.

We can say that his mental state is even more energetic and fulfilling than the real millennials.

Zhang Zongxian never puts on airs in spite of his high-

profile personality. He always appears in the auction house of Christie's Hong Kong and Sotheby's Hong Kong in his

classic "Shanghai Old Money" look with the precious Jack

Rabbit walking stick, wearing an exquisite hat and matching suits with his hair slicked back, hardly ever absent from the auctions. People attending the auctions can always catch

Dynasty. At that time, Jingde Town would send perfected

baking. The finished works would be glamorous with sharp colors and fine paintings, just like the beautiful "Double

Lotus" Bowl. The lotus leaves and flowers painted on the surface were as vivid as though they were living. Apart

from its delicate appearance, the bowl has a rich history of inheritance which has been officially recorded and can be traced back. According to the currently existing historical

record, the first collector of the bowl was a British captain named Alfred Trapnell (1838-1917). In 1955, this bowl

appeared in the auction of Christie's London for the first

time. After passing the hands of Bluett & Sons, an antique dealer from London, Zhang Zongxian acquired the bowl in the Christie's Hong Kong Auction on November 15th,

1983 and had it back again after several auctions later. But for Zhang Zongxian, this piece was just one of the many treasures in his life of collecting.

Zhang Zongxian was born in 1924. His grandfather Zhang

a glimpse of him with the No. 1 auction bid card. In the

Yiru was a bamboo carving master in the late Qing Dynasty

"Kangxi's Ultimate Falangcai 'Double Lotus' Bowl" from

important politician, general and diplomat at that time, had

Christie's Hong Kong Autumn Auctions 2019 just ended, Zhang Zongxian's collection was presented as an auction item and eventually fetched over 87 million Hong Kong

dollars. This piece of Kangxi's Ultimate Falangcai Bowl is so rare that it can be regarded as the top among all Kangxi's

and early Republican Era that even Li Hongzhang, an

gifted a lacquer ware carved by Zhang Yiru to the Empress

Dowager Cixi for her 60th birthday. Zhang Zongxian's father, Zhang Zhongying, was also an outstanding person in the

Shanghai antique circle. He opened an antique shop named 55

JAN 2020

"Treasure House", specialized in Kuan Yao porcelain from

in antiques appreciation, beginning his journey to auctions

Kingdom and Yamanaka & Company from Japan were both

Chennan, Chen Qibin and Zhang Tiangen. Zhang Zongxian

the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Sir David Perival from the United his frequent customers. The young Zhang Zongxian with a

regent-style haircut was passionate in dancing. He assisted his father to operate the department store, but lost all the earnings in his dance hall business while being obsessed with "Suzhou Pingtan (story-telling and ballad-singing)",

which made his father so furious. Therefore, Zhang Zongxian started his journey to Hong Kong alone carrying only 24 U.S

dollars when he was still a teenager. His father told him that success was his one and only option.

At first, Zhang Zongxian ran the clothing business in Hong

Kong. In 1951, he opened his own antique shop "Yong Yuan

Hang". Through working hard and experiences in buying and selling, Zhang Zongxian enhanced his ability and expertise

in appreciating antiques, gradually gaining a firm foothold in Hong Kong. Later, he developed the concept of "purchasing one collection with the money earned from selling another

from all over the world. He has bid for collectors such as Cai called himself "the owner of the sea of clouds" since he

spent much time travelling in the airplane, up above the

clouds. After 1990s, instead of bidding for other collectors, Zhang Zongxian started to bid at auctions as a collector

himself, becoming the famous "man with No. 1 bid card". He

sat in the front seat in every auction with powerful charisma, barely talking to others even to the prideful Japanese

antique professionals at old times. He would raise his pen

up high without hesitation every time he saw the collection he craved for, showing great confidence. When he came

across fierce competitors in the bidding, he would turn his

head around to look at the opponent bidder. If he made the final bid and closed the deal successfully, he would speak

up his English name "Robert". Therefore, he was also known as "Robert Zhang".

For all these years, Zhang Zongxian kept obtaining many

collection with small value-added space or less interest".

good returned pieces from antique dealers and auctions in

Auction with his sister Zhang Yongzhen. At that time, he was

of Kuan Yao antiques reached the peak of his collecting

In 1968, Zhang Zongxian attended the Sotheby's London

only an audience who had no ideas about auction, including how to get a bid card, how to raise the card or what was the definition of "starting price", "reserve price" and "hammer price". However, he soon mastered the trading rules in

those auction houses and turned into an expert of antiques

among Taiwan and Hong Kong thanks to his rich experience


London and New York. After 1985, his collection and trading business. He once owned thousands of porcelain pieces at

the peak period, almost holding the entire Kuan Yao market in his hand. That was when his name started to fame in

the world of antiques auction. The top two international auction houses sought for his help successively. In 1971,

Julian Thompson, the president of Sotheby's, found Zhang


MOUTAI Magazine

Zongxian with the help of an acquaintance and directly

collecting is "one in a million". In Christie's "Imperial

Kong. In 1973, more than 50 out of 100 pieces of items at

Shears and Shimmering Feather" Auction in November,

asked him to help with the establishment of Sotheby's Hong Sotheby's first auction specializing porcelain were from

Zhang Zongxian's own collection. More than ten years later, Zhang Zongxian suggested James Spencer from Christie's

London to set up a branch in Hong Kong. He told James: "If you have difficulties finding auction items or bidders, just tell me. I have resources on both sides." Zhang Zongxian authorized Christie's Hong Kong to hold two porcelain

auctions respectively in 1999 and 2000 with the turnover more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, among which

the blue and white porcelain vase from Yongzheng's period was sold at 11.045 million Hong Kong dollars, breaking the action record of blue and white porcelain from the Qing

Dynasty then. At that time, Lin Huatian from Christie's and

Julian Thompson from Sotheby's were all grateful for Zhang Zongxian's assistance and support. Zhang Zongxian was committed to promoting the auction market of Chinese

cultural relics. Without the support from him, "the god father of auction", Hong Kong might not able to develop into the

Chinese Ceramics from the Robert Zhang Collection – Jade 2006, the Qianlong's Falangcai "Spring Swallow Painting"

Bowl got the final bidding at 135 million Hong Kong dollars and sold at 151.23 million Hong Kong dollars including

commission, hitting the record of the highest trading price of Asian art auction items at that time. This bowl was

bought at 1.1 million Hong Kong dollars by Zhang Zongxian, whose value has been added up more 136 times over 21 years. In Sotheby's "Imperial Chinese Paintings from the

Robert Zhang Collection" Auctions held in 2006, 2007 and

2010, the turnovers also ranged from over 10 million to 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Zhang Zongxian once said, "I

dared to purchase all those antiques and art pieces at a high price which others are not willing to pay, and also dared to sell them at an unexpected high price". The capability to

appreciate, to purchase, to hold and to sell is his philosophy of collecting. Let's await the "millennial"'s next moment of glory.

trading center of Chinese arts and antiques. Later, Zhang

Zongxian also supported many domestic auction houses

such as Shanghai Duo Yun Xuan, China Guardian and Beijing Hanhai to grow by means of training and referring staffs to the overseas auction houses to bring back advanced international auction mode to China.

Zhang Zongxian's taste for antiques appreciation and


JAN 2020



卻笑稱自己是「90 後」,覺得自己仍然非常年輕。

身上僅帶了 24 美金他父親叮囑兒子香港遠行「只許成功,不

比拍賣行成立的主要推手,已 90 歲高齡的張宗憲

在訪談中合影,被稱讚「好帥」時,總會補加一句「要加上個 『哥』,應該是『帥哥』!」。無論是私下的採訪,或是在公

彈,讓父親氣急敗壞。十幾歲時張便獨自一人前往香港打拼, 許失敗」。

張宗憲在香港先經營服裝,1951 年開設古董店「永元




藏」收藏理念。1968 年,張宗憲在妹妹張永珍的陪同下去看

態,都要比真正的 90 後年輕人更飽滿,精力充沛。


拐杖,典型的上海老錢(Old Money)裝扮,拿著 1 號牌出現 在香港佳士得和蘇富比的拍賣場上,幾乎從不缺席。最近剛結 束的香港佳士得秋季拍賣會上,一件頂級拍品清康熙琺瑯彩千

葉蓮盌,便是來自張宗憲收藏,最終以 8700 多萬港元成交。 此件康熙頂級琺瑯彩盌,稀有難得,可以說是康熙琺瑯彩中的 精品。琺瑯彩為康熙朝時首創,景德鎮造好完美的素胎後送入 皇宮,在皇宮中再進行琺瑯上色燒製。顏色豐富靚麗,畫工非 凡,荷葉和花卉被刻畫得栩栩如生。並且此盌來源有序,傳承 歷史豐富傳奇。目前最早可追溯到的第一位藏家為一名英國的

船長阿爾弗雷德.捷本諾爾(1838- 1917),後 1955 年,此

盌首次出現於倫敦佳士得拍場。再後來經手倫敦古董商 Bluett and Sons,在 1983 年 11 月 15 日於香港蘇富比拍賣,傳奇人 物張宗憲先生投得。後又經幾次拍賣,回到張先生手中。但像


了倫敦蘇富比拍賣,那時他還不知道怎麼辦號牌,怎麼舉牌, 什麼是起拍價、底價、成交價,只是跟著看熱鬧。不久後,他 便熟練掌握了拍賣行的交易規則,加上多年的看貨經驗,很快 便作為台港兩地的古董行家,穿梭于世界各地的拍賣會,幫如 蔡辰男、陳啟斌、張添根等藏家拍購文物,很多時間在飛機上

雲海間度過,自稱「雲海閣主」。 90 年代以後,張宗憲便鮮 少為他人競標,自己以收藏家身份馳騁在拍賣場上,成為大名

鼎鼎的 1 號牌先生。他在拍場的氣勢強大,每場拍賣都坐最前 面,幾乎不理別人,包括當時很牛氣的日本行家。只要他遇到 想要的藏品,便把手裡的筆舉得很高,一副氣勢十足的樣子。 若拍到最後兩方撕咬不下時,他會轉過頭來看一眼對手。如果

拍到了,他會大聲響亮地報出自己的英文名 Robert,因此也 被江湖人稱「蘿蔔張」(Robert Zhang)。



了不少回流的好東西。1985 年後,張宗憲的官窯收藏和買賣



張宗憲出生於 1924 年,其祖父張揖如是晚清民初的竹刻


開設古玩店「聚珍齋」,專營明清官窯瓷器,英國大維德爵士、 日本山中商會都是座上賓。年少時的張宗憲梳飛機頭愛跳舞,


達到了個人古董生涯的鼎盛時期,最高峰時有幾千件瓷器在他 在國際古董拍賣圈子叫響。兩家國際最大的拍賣行都先後找他 尋求幫助。1971 年,蘇富比的總裁朱湯生在熟人幫助下找到



MOUTAI Magazine

幫忙。1973 年,在蘇富比第一場瓷器專拍 100 多件拍品中, 張宗憲就送拍了 50 多件官窯瓷器。十多年後,張又向倫敦佳

士得詹姆斯 · 史彬士建議到香港開設分行,他說:「你們來, 沒 貨 找 我, 沒 人 買, 找 我, 我 是 有 賣 有 買 的。」 張 宗 憲 在

1999 年和 2000 年委託香港佳士得做了兩次瓷器專場,成交 金額達上億港元,例如雍正青花五蝠九桃紋橄欖瓶以 1104.5


林華田、蘇富比的朱湯生都十分感謝張宗憲的支援與 鼎力協助。張宗憲致力於推動中國文物拍賣市場,

可以說因為這位「拍場教父」的支持,香港才 能發展成中國文物藝術交易中心。後來,張宗


等國內拍賣行逐步成型,從培訓、引薦到海 外拍行學習等等,將國際化的拍賣模式帶 到中國。

高價紀錄,而此碗是張宗憲於 1985 年以 110 萬港元購得的,

一,2006 年 11 月,佳士得「玉剪霓裳――




藏的清乾隆禦制琺瑯彩杏林春燕圖碗以 1.35

億港元落槌,加傭金成交價為 1.5123 億港


21 年中增值 136 倍多。2006、2007、2010 年在蘇富比的三 過億港元不等。張宗憲曾說「我敢以他人不願出的高價頂下那 些古董與藝術品,也敢以他人意想不到的高價出讓這些古董與 藝術品。」看得懂、買得到、捂得住、賣得掉就是他的收藏哲 學,且看這位童心未泯的「90 後」如何再創輝煌。 59

JAN 2020

Crafted Fragrance, Longlasting Aroma 「醬」心獨「韻」,唇間留芳 The Art of Moutai Liquor Appreciation 茅台酒的品鑒藝術 EDIT/ 編 Kwan



MOUTAI Magazine


JAN 2020


s the catalyst of inspiration, the placebo of

emotions, the foil of atmosphere and the harbor

of souls, fine liquor was praised or used by many

men of letters in their works to express their unspeakable thoughts. Apart from comforting the depth of spirits,

tasting fine liquor can also bring simple joy. Whether it is

refreshingly elegant or unforgettably abundant aroma, you

will always feel fulfilling and delightful after a sip and enjoy the fascinating feeling of being slightly drunk.

Known as "the poetic genius", Li Bai once said: "The fine

liquor of Lanling is full of fragrance of tulips. The liquor in

the jade bowl reflects the color of amber." Only two short

sentences vividly presented the richness and clearness of

liquor on paper. No wonder he could not help falling in love with it.

As the originator of Jiang-fragrance liquor, Kweichow

Moutai has the characteristics of "outstanding Jiang

fragrance, elegant and delicate mouthfeel, mellow taste as well as long-lasting aftertaste and empty-cup fragrance", which came from the unique traditional producing

techniques evolved over decades. Integrated with the

agriculture in Chishui River region, the producing method was influenced by the local environment, retaining some primitive life traces including seasonal production, qu-

making (qu, a necessary medium for making Moutai) during the Dragon Boat Festival and sorghum processing during

the Double Ninth Festival. It is an exquisite craft inherited for thousands of years.

"Open the bottle after the rain, the fragrance can spread 62


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miles away. It is so strong that all neighbors are immersed

in the inebriation." The fragrance of Moutai is strong but not vulgar. Bred in history and polished in time, Moutai is a kind of maturely-developed liquor filled with cultural deposits

and ingenuity. To understand its story, we need to taste its

fragrance and feel it deeply. Appreciating Moutai becomes a form of art.

Oxidize the Liquor Generally, we know that decanting wine is a necessary

procedure before officially tasting the wine, which is to cause the oxidation of the wine so as to make it richer

and mellower. According to the recent research of some

tasting experts, aged Jiang-fragrance liquor also needs to be properly oxidized before drinking. Firstly, make sure the temperature of the liquor the same as the indoor

temperature before opening the bottle. Then, slightly shake the bottle and tighten the cap again after a few minutes'

standing. Repeat the above actions for several times so the liquid will become more fragrant with the oxidation.

Observe the Color Calm down before tasting the liquor. Only when we are

peaceful and concentrated can we feel the real charm of the liquor. Then, raise the cup to the eyebrow level and observe its color. Jiang-fragrance liquor with good quality should be

transparent with slight yellowish color. After that, look down 63

JAN 2020

to the liquid against the light. The liquid should be clear and

Savoring includes tasting and perceiving the aftertaste.

inclusion-free, glittering as the amber.

Let the liquor flow through different parts inside your mouth

wobble the cup, you will see the liquor slowly flow down

Take a sip of the liquor, feel your tongue surrounded by the

It is always said that "good liquor will shed tears". Gently

along the inner side of the cup, smooth like silk. Tilt the cup at a 45-degree angle and the liquid will evenly cover the

inner side. Set the cup upright, it is when a transparent line created by the liquor can be obviously seen, mellow and

abundant. After gravity grabs most of the liquid back to the bottom, the drops of liquor still attached to the cup slowly fall down, like tears from a beautiful lady.

For Moutai, the more aged the liquor is, the richer the

taste is, the thicker the layer left on the cup side while the

slower the liquid drops down, which bring out more elegant

and throat, you will have a complete experience of tasting.

liquor from the tip to the surface. Slightly open your mouth

and feel the thickness of the liquid running on your tongue. Slowly swallow the liquor, the silky liquid will run through

your throat, carrying out the qu aroma of Moutai. Then, keep your lips closed and let the fragrance expire through your nose, forming a lingering aftereffect.

Sniff at the Empty-Cup Fragrance After the liquor in the cup is finished, put the cup aside

attaching effect.

for 5-10 minutes, you can smell rich aroma left in the empty

Smell the Aroma

which is everlasting and brings out wonderful imagination.

cup, just like a combination of fruity and floristic smells,

Every type of liquor has its particular aroma. Therefore,

appreciating liquor by smelling is one of the most ravishing processes. The aroma of good-quality Moutai is heavy yet

graceful. After 30 procedures and 165 steps in the traditional production, Moutai's aroma is delicate with multiple layers, stable and durable.

At first, you will smell "top aroma". Pour the liquor into

the cup before wobbling it to release the aroma. After

a while's standing, raise the cup before your nose and

It is normal that the aroma of good Jiang-fragrance liquor will stay in the empty cup for a few days long.

Usually, we use "elegance of the aroma", "delicacy of

the flavor", "thickness of the liquid" and "durability of the

empty-cup fragrance" to evaluate the aroma of liquor.

Undoubtedly, Moutai liquor passed on Moutai people's

traditional craftsmanship and spirit of "mastering the skills

regardless of costs, hard-work and passing time" with

its grace, mysteriousness and complexity, conveying the

breathe naturally to smell the light aroma. "Top aroma" is

Chinese wisdom of "nature unity" from Taoism.

traditional and unique craftsmanship and formed by the

crystallization of techniques and arts constitute the most

a comforting Jiang aroma, which was originated from its

microbial metabolism during the production. This aroma is

one of the most important components making up Moutai's identifying characteristics and special aroma.

The next step is to feel the "main aroma", which fully

demonstrates the multilevel of Moutai. Different aromatic constituents accumulated and integrated after years of

The integration of ages and craftsmanship and the

unique part of Moutai's charm.

酒,作為靈感的催化劑、情感的安慰劑、氣氛的 烘托品和心靈的避風港,古今中外的文學創作者


storage, turning into a delicate smell. Slowly savoring the


spirits, flowers and a touch of sourness. The complexity of


liquor, you can make out the aroma of fruits, plants, grains, aroma is the most charming feature of Moutai.

Savor the Flavor

酒亦能帶來簡單的愉悅。淺酌微醺的飄飄醉感讓人著迷,淡雅 淋漓。


二句,便將美酒的濃郁和晶瑩呈現紙上。怪不得李白一醉,便 是千年。 64


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「醬香突出、幽雅細膩、酒體醇厚、回味悠長、空杯留香持 久」,其特殊的風格來自於歷經歲月積澱而形成的獨特傳統釀 造技藝,釀造方法與其赤水河流域的農業生產相結合,受環境 的影響,季節性生產,端午踩曲、重陽投料,保留了當地一些 原始的生活痕跡。可謂是一種工藝,流芳百世,傳承千載。









與空氣相接觸,使之發生氧化反應,從而使紅酒的香氣更加濃 厚,口感更加醇厚。近日,也有專家品鑒研究后認為,陳年醬

香型白酒也需要適當醒酒:開瓶前,要讓酒體靜置恢復到室溫。 打開瓶蓋後,稍微搖晃,靜置幾分鐘,把蓋再擰緊。這樣重複 幾次,酒液在氧化過程中氣味更加香濃。



度,觀其酒色――優質的醬香酒酒色透明而略帶微黃。不光要 看「色」,還要看「澤」。對光俯視杯中酒體,酒液清澈透明 無雜質,閃耀出如蜜臘般的瑩澈光彩。


酒的茅台酒「掛杯」明顯――酒液沿杯壁流下形成酒痕,如絲 綢般綿滑。將酒杯傾斜至呈四十五度角,慢慢轉動,使酒液均 勻沾於杯壁;再豎直酒杯,此時杯壁上的酒線清晰可見,稠潤 不墜。待重力把大多數酒液拉回杯底,掛杯的酒液緩緩墜落,

殊的香氣來源於醬香型白酒特殊的傳統工藝,由茅台酒製作過 達和重要組成部分。


氣的多層次性,是茅台酒在多年貯存的過程中,經由歲月的變 遷,各種香氣組分沉澱融合,變得細膩、豐富、圓潤,向大家 傳遞出來的主體香調。靜下心來慢慢嗅聞,可以逐步感受到水 果香、植物香、糧香、醇香、花香及酸香,是茅台酒香氣中最 具魅力的部分。



的不同部位,方能帶來完整的味覺感受。將酒杯送到唇邊輕抿 一小口,讓酒液流過舌尖,佈滿舌面,而後雙唇微張,充分感 受茅台酒在舌頭上滾動,體會酒液的醇厚。輕咂嘴巴,品味中 緩緩將酒咽下,體會絲滑的酒液經過咽喉。此時,咽喉部便能 體會到茅台酒的曲香。待完全咽下酒液,自然地閉合嘴巴,讓 酒氣從鼻腔中噴香而出,令人回味悠長。


待杯中酒喝盡後,將酒杯空置 5 至 10 分鐘,嗅聞空杯,









之一。優質的茅台酒,酒香濃而不俗,悠遠綿長。30 道工序、 165 個環節的傳統釀造工藝精心醞釀,形成了茅台酒幽雅細 膩、持久穩定的多層次香氣香味特徵。


靜置片刻後舉起酒杯,放離鼻子 1 至 2 釐米處,自然吸氣,


通常我們用「雅」、「細」、 「厚」、 「長」四個字來









JAN 2020

Looking for a New World in Alcohol

酒精中尋找新大陸 EDIT/ 文 Joseph Tsui



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JAN 2020


he road of life may become rich because there are up, down, high, and low. In adversity, it is

important for us to persist in our mind. I consider

myself to be an optimistic person and I believe that "If

winter comes, can spring be far behind?" But sometimes,

this process requires a little catalyst, and perhaps alcohol is one of the best.

Because of the experience I ever had, I believe that a

slight intoxication will help people better communicate, create, and sleep. Many people may agree with such a

feeling. In the process of creating human culture, I believe that slight intoxication also helps a lot. Whether in the East or West, alcohol plays an important role. Its trace

can be found in various occasions ranging from national negotiation to personal romance.

China's liquor culture has a long history, and countless

literature and art works are embellished with alcohol. The

elements of fine liquor in poetries and songs are even more. This game of recombining ordinary words surprisingly

bursts with such new ideas and passion, and reminds me

but in fact, since the pre-Qin era, we already have poetries related to fine liquor. For example, in "The Bleat of Deer" from "The Book of Songs", "My guests appreciate the

music performance played on lutes. They feel content and laugh together. I have here some good wine, savory and

mellow. Everyone is happy and satisfied." It seems that for thousands of years, it has been a good tradition for us to entertain with fine liquor in our banquets. In the frontier

poems of the Tang Dynasty, alcohol played much more than just the role of embellishment. Imagine that in the frontier

fortress environment and that heroic era, if there is alcohol, the passion of defending the country will be strengthened. Similarly, under the circumstances of life and death, with

alcohol, people will become fearless; however, alcohol may

also set off a sense of desolation, just as the sigh revealed in the "Liangzhou Verse" by Wang Han from the Tang Dynasty, "If we are drunk, crouching on the battlefield, do not laugh; how many soldiers ever return from war?"

Western literary and art creations give people a more

of a saying: "Two kinds of liquids can be squeezed out from

modern feeling. It seems that artists have to drink some

As we all know, Cao Cao and Li Bai are eternal classics,

passion into specific works of art. If piecing the specific

Chinese poetry, one is tear, and the other is fine liquor."


liquor before they are able to transform their endless


MOUTAI Magazine

words together into a wonderful poem can still be seen

by ordinary people, then how to build a palace of music

with abstract notes seems to be a secret known only by the composers themselves. People may think that the music

works of the Romantic period are more related to alcohol, or more in line with the creative feelings of everyone. That may be because this era is closer to our time, and we are more familiar to understand it; the other and important reason is that more works of this era than before are preserved,

which allows us to fully understand the characteristics of

this era. But in fact, from some works of the earlier era, we can experience a more surprising avant-garde style. You

also full of fine liquor, and life in the palace was definitely

inseparable from liquor. Johann Strauss of Austria, with his

own efforts, helped the waltz, a folk genre, to be elegant. His

masterpieces such as "The Blue Danube", "Voices of Spring", and "Tales from the Vienna Woods" are all wonderful music. In his "Wine, Women and Song", he even used fine liquor as the theme. Nowadays, Strauss's waltz has been an

indispensable element in liquor parties and dance parties.

These pieces of music, like graceful wings, allow us to dance more cheerfully. They are just like strong drinks that may

bring us some hallucinations and trigger some notes in our hearts.

"Never drink too much even if it is the best liquor." This

may not believe how radical the music in the Louis XIV era

saying may be old-fashioned, but the truth is still there.

listened to the work of the composer Jean Rebel. If you have

a space to escape. Perhaps I shouldn't use "escape", but

(17th century) of France was. That's because you hadn't

listened to the beginning of his ballet work "The Elements", you will be definitely shocked by its discordant harmony

and strong rhythm. It seems that this kind of similar shock

can be felt only after 1913 from the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. But in fact, we already had such a shock nearly

400 years ago. Behind this shock, I believe that there is the

catalysis of fine liquor. As we know, the era of Louis XIV was

Our lives are hard and we need alcohol to provide us with just an extra space. In this space, we can adjust, appreciate and think. And all this is to help us return to the track and

continue our wonderful journey. Many things are beautiful because there is a degree to measure and keep balance.

Beyond this degree, the original appearance of things will be distorted. Fine liquor does not give us a way of anesthesia, but provides us with a smooth way forward. 69

JAN 2020

Johann Strauss 約翰 · 施特勞斯

Full name: John Baptist Strauss, English: Johann Strauss Jr., German: Johann Baptist Strauß, October 25, 1825—June 3, 1899, a

famous Austrian composer, conductor, violinist and pianist.

John Strauss, commonly known as John Strauss II, was born in Vienna, Austria, on October 25, 1825. His father, John Strauss,

was a self-taught musician. He established a music kingdom in Vienna, created waltz, galop, Polka and Quartet, and published more than 250 works. John Jr. then wrote more than 500 pieces of music, 150 of which were Waltzes, surpassing his father's productivity

and reputation. Works such as "Blue Danube" helped Strauss establish the position of "king of waltz" and made him occupy a seat in the history of music. He died in Vienna on June 3 1899. John Strauss has the same name as his father. Both of them are famous for their waltzes.

全名:約翰 · 巴普蒂斯特 · 施特勞斯,英文:Johann Strauss Jr., 德語:Johann Baptist Strauß,1825 年 10 月 25 日—1899 年 6 月 3 日,


約翰 · 施特勞斯,通常被稱為約翰施特勞斯二世,1825 年 10 月 25 日出生於奧地利維也納。他的父親約翰施特勞斯是一位自學成

才的音樂家,他在維也納建立了一個音樂王朝,創作了華爾茲、伽洛普斯、波爾卡和四重奏,出版了 250 多部作品。小約翰接著寫了

500 多首音樂作品,其中 150 首是華爾茲,他超越了父親的生產力和聲望。諸如《藍色多瑙河》等作品幫助施特勞斯確立了「華爾茲之

王」的地位,並使他在音樂史上占有一席之地。他於 1899 年 6 月 3 日在維也納去世 。約翰 · 施特勞斯與父親同名,兩人都以創作圓舞 曲而聞名於世。



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臨,春天還會遠嗎?」的說辭。不過有時候,這個進程需要些 許催化劑,或許酒精是當中的佼佼者。



同。而微醺在人類文化的創作過程當中,我相信也起到不少作 用。不管東方還是西方,酒精起到的作用不可小覷。大到國家 談判,小到兩情相悅,都可見到酒精的蹤影。


數不勝數。相信詩詞歌賦當中所蘊含的美酒元素,就更多了。 這種把平常文字重新組合的遊戲,竟然能煥發如此的新意與激 情,而讓我想起了一句話,「中國的詩詞,擠出來的是兩種液 體,一種是眼淚,一種是美酒。」曹操、李白,自是永恆的經 典,但從先秦時期開始,我們就有了和美酒有關的詩詞。如《詩

經》當中《鹿鳴》的「鼓瑟鼓琴 , 和樂且湛。我有旨酒 , 以燕 樂嘉賓之心。」看來千年以來,我們的宴席用美酒助興就一直 是種美好的傳統。唐代的邊塞詩當中,酒精起到的,遠遠不止 是潤飾的作用。試想在邊塞的環境當中,在那英雄的年代,如 果有了酒精的作用,保家衛國的激情,將會被強化。同樣,在 那你死我活的境況下,有了酒精,將會變得無懼,同時也襯托

的年代更近,對於它的理解可能更熟;其二,也是重要的,就 分瞭解那時代的特色。但其實,一些更早時期的作品,我們能 從中體會到更加讓我們更加吃驚的前衛風格。試想一下在法國

路易十四的年代(17 世紀),音樂能激進到哪去?那是沒聽 過作曲家雷貝爾(Jean Rebel)的作品,如果聽過其芭蕾舞作 品《元素》的開頭,絕對會被其那不和諧的和聲和強勁的節奏

所震撼。而這種相似的震撼,彷彿要到 1913 年才從俄國組曲 家斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)身上當中所體會到。但其

實是我們遺忘了將近四百年前,我們就有過類似的震撼,而這 種震撼的背後,我相信是有美酒的加持的,切莫忘記路易十四 的年代,也是充滿著美酒的年代,宮廷裡的生活絕對不可能離 開它。奧地利的史特勞斯(Johann Strauss)以一己之力,將 圓舞曲這種來自民間的體裁扶上大雅之堂,其名作《藍色多瑙

河》、《春之聲》、《維也納森林的故事》等,樂聲美妙絕倫, 而《酒、女人和歌》這首曲子,更是將美酒寫入題中。如今, 酒會、舞會當中,史特勞斯的圓舞曲已經是不可或缺的元素。 這些音樂,猶如曼妙的翅膀,讓我們能更加愉悅地翩翩起舞。 正如濃酒之下,我們或許會產生一些幻覺,而同樣,也會讓我 們心中蕩起一些音符。






笑, 古來征戰幾人回?」透露的唏噓。

須要兩杯下肚之後,才能有能力把心中源源不斷的豪情轉換成 具體的藝術作品。如果說具體的文字,如何拼湊出美妙的詩 歌,尚且可被常人窺見,那麼抽象的音符如何搭建音樂的殿

堂,似乎就只是藏在作曲家心中的秘密了。或許人們會覺得浪 漫主義時期的音樂作品會更多地和酒精扯上關係,或者說更符

間,或許不應用「逃避」二字,而只是多一個空間而已。在這 都是為了讓我們能重回軌道上,繼續我們美好的行程。很多事 物的美好,是因為有一個度在當中衡量並且保持平衡,如果這 個度過了的話,事物的原貌將會扭曲。美酒並不是給我們一個 麻醉的途徑,而是給我們提供一個前進的坦路。


JAN 2020

Cava 卡瓦

The Champagne in Spain

西班牙的香檳 EDIT/ 文 Hot Rabbit

TRANSLATION/ 譯 Olivia Kwan



MOUTAI Magazine


he northeast of Spain is quite unique. They have

city by burning, killing and pillaging. It was so tragic that all

wine "Cava". Since Cava and Champagne share

When the French soldiers burst into the Collegiate Church

their own language, food culture and their own

the similar producing process, it was once deemed as "the

Champagne in Spain". Later, in order to protect the name of

origin, the word "Champagne" was withdrawn in 1970. Cava

actually means "cave" in Spanish since Spanish people used to preserve wine in the cool caves dating back to the 19th century. People from the northeast of Spain were always

the streets in the old town seemed to sigh and weep along. of St. Felix, they tried to rob Sant Narcís' tomb; however, as

soon as they opened up the grave, tons of flies swarmed out and bit every single one of those invaders, infecting them

with fatal contagious diseases. Helplessly, the French armies could only retreat to the north of the Pyrenees Mountains. Thanks to the successful "defense", Sant Narcís was

aggrieved about the fame of Champagne. Separated by the

regarded as "the Guardian of the City" and attracted

from the other side was world-renowned and expensive

of festive events to memorize the guardians. To appreciate

Pyrenees Mountains, it seemed unfair that only Champaign while few people knew about Cava even though its quality was obviously abreast of that of Champagne. Unwilling to

"concede defeat", the seemingly laid-back Spanish started to get down to serious business. Today, Cava has its own

label of quality certification – Corpinnat. Only nine out of

over one hundred chateaus have received this honor. These northeasterners are stealthily fighting, hoping that one day everyone will show admiration when they think of Cava.

The northeast of Spain exists to be different. For example,

the fly, one of the "least likable" creatures in the world is

worshiped as a mascot in the old town Girona. This creature

believers from many Spanish cities who "created" a series

the deed of Sant Narcís and his "Flies Commando", citizens in Girona will celebrate their peculiar festival "Fires de Sant

Narcís" annually on October 29th. It is said that the number of flies in Girona that day will be more than any other day

in the rest of the year since they also come out to celebrate, and they will disappear on the next day, wait till the next year to be back. But it also brings out a dilemma: I can't

help but wonder if a fly is onto my seafood paella that day, should I just gently wave it away or "pay tribute" to it with gratitude?

This magical story not only touched the travelers from

was designed into various souvenirs for tourists, displayed at

all over the world, but also moved Salvador Dali, the "son"

sculptures as exterior wall decorations for the buildings.

in his paintings. Dali was born and buried in Figueres, a city

the most conspicuous spot in the store, or made into stone Girona is a border city in Spain adjacent to the Pyrenees

Mountains. France is just on the other side. In the old days, tranquility seldom belonged to Girona due to constant

threats from the French armies. In 1285, the French armies surrounded and broke into Girona, trying to conquer the

of Catalonia. From time to time, you will find Girona's flies close to Girona. He left his lifetime legacy there in the Dalí

Theatre and Museum. Someone commented that Dali's life was like a drama with its own red carpet and spotlight as if his life would be wasted without scandals. No one can be sure about the authenticity.


JAN 2020

request, but also see this as a romantic thing in their marriage life.

Years later, Gala aged and deceased in the castle, buried

in the double chambers which Dali prepared for a long time

ago. Compared to the rest of the castle, the chamber looked so unvarnished. Maybe Dali has never been ready for their

separation till the end. Grieving deeply, Dali kneeled before

Gala's grave where she was buried in her favorite Dior gown. The death of his "Muse" was so shocking that Dali lost all his talent and inspiration. After some unsatisfying paintings, he

decided to quit. The odd thing was Dali was not buried with Gala after he died. I figure maybe he did not receive Gala's invitation for multi-burial.

Speaking of Catalonia, Tarragona is another city worth

being mentioned about. It was the first place where ancient However, Dali's love to his wife Gala is without doubt.

Even he himself could not foresee how his first acquaintance with Gala at the beach party would lead to his final

settlement in life - marriage. At the party hosted by Paul Eluard, a surrealistic poet, Dali met Paul's wife Gala, a

Russian woman who was ten years senior to him. After talking overnight, Gala decided to elope with Dali. She

notified her husband and daughter first thing in the morning

Romans chose to settle down on the Iberian Peninsula.

Proficient in architecture, ancient Romans realized many brilliant ideas on city planning, which were also adopted

by other regions. Today, the buildings made of marble of superior quality are still firmly standing, impressing the

world travelers with the Amphitheatre by the Mediterranean Sea, the Colosseo in the city as well as the Ferreres Aqueduct.

To my understanding, Tarragona belongs to Santa

and ran away to be with Dali, becoming his "Muse". Since

Tecla. From September 14th to 24th every year, a ten-day

daughter's forgiveness back.

Santa Tecla, during which the day of September 23rd

divorce was Gala's one-sided decision, she never earned her Dali spoiled Gala with all his love that he would answer

to everything she demanded. Gala wanted to live in a castle, so Dali bought the Castle of PĂşbol (which was close to

Girona) and decorated the ceilings and walls in person. You can see swallows fluttering their wings under his magical brush because "swallow" was a term of endearment that

Dali called his beloved wife. He granted Gala with the throne

and the scepter, worshipping her as a queen like the courtier

celebration will be held in memory of the city guardian

definitely is the highlight of the ceremony. I was honored to witness the celebration on that day when everyone in

the city rushed to the square. The dance of St. Michael and the devils on stage peeled off its veil among the fireworks.

Originated from 14th century, this performance represents

the wrestle between St. Michael and the devil with 22 horns as well as the witch, a fight between kindness and evilness. When the smoke was cleared, the crowds in the square

throwing himself at her feet. Gala was terrified of ghosts,

were automatically divided by the colors of their outfits,

protecting her day and night. This castle was more than just

effects. These "colorful drops" were actually the main

so Dali built a statue of the knight on top of the courtyard, a property, but the most formal love poem composed by this bizarre artist.

The fun fact was that Dali was not allowed to walk in and

out of this castle freely even though he was the one who

bought it. Gala had one condition - Dali could not visit her in the castle without her personal invitation. This kind of term was too much even between close friends, not to mention

that they were intimate married couples. Who would expect Dali did not only agree to comply with this "unreasonable" 74

like splashes of pigment dropping in the sea with blooming roles on September 23rd – "warriors" of today's "Castell"

competition. The members distinguished themselves from the other teams by dressing in purple, striated, blue and

pink since each team had a representative color. They have been trained for months and years, just to give their best shot today in the "Castell" event.

Totally different from the relaxing atmosphere during the

dance performance session, the "castellers"Â were tensely making their final preparation. They wrapped their head


MOUTAI Magazine

with a pink scarf and helped their team members tighten the black sash around their waist. The black sash is more than just a waistband: it can provide protection when they use

the power of their waist while serving as a footrest when the other teammates climb up to the top of the "human tower". Once they pepped each other up, "castellers"Â at the base of the tower would form into layers of concentric circles with their hands extending and pointing to the center. Those

who were closer to the center should hold stiller while the

people in the outer circles half squatted in a lunge position, supporting the back of the ones in the inner circles. Seen

from above, the layers they formed looked so spectacular.

"Pinya ('pineapple' in English)" is the formal term describing the base of the human tower, which is so vivid that the

layers formed by them looked exactly like the leaves on top of the pineapple.

smooth that everyone in the square applauded for their

their base was solid enough for construction to continue by

They kept coming up to kiss her on the cheek and gave her

The coach would thoroughly check and determine if

making sure whether their arm power and the centripetal

force were stronger enough. When the signal to proceed was given, bands began to play the Catalonian wooden flute,

triumph. The proud little girl was lifted up by her teammates. high fives to cheer her up. She definitely was the focus on the field.

David, the host of Catalunya Radio beside me finally had

indicating the official start of the competition. Before the

the chance to take a pause on the live broadcast and talk to

to adjust their "pinya". Once the music started, it became

are the key! They have to go through trainings for one to one

music was played, the "castellers" still had opportunities a moment of "make or break", when the real excitement began. The upper levels of the tower were built as

quickly as possible, forming smaller circles hand in hand. "Castellers"Â at the lower levels of the tower are usually

stocky, while those further up, are generally lighter, agile and younger but still fairly strong.

The warriors building the human tower should move

me. Taking off the sound-proof headset, he said: "The kids and a half years before they are selected as the one to top

the human tower." "But they look like only five or six years

old!" I was amazed. David grinned at my response and said: "Most of those kids began their trainings with their parents

at the age of three. It is common to see three generations of the family all participate in the game."

I knew about more rules of "Castell" thanks to David's

quickly as a flash of lightning. See, the "castellers" at the

introduction. They will use two numbers to represent the

with their blue veins standing out. Some gripped their collar

4 means four people per level and 7 means the tower will

base who were holding great weights were already flushed

with their teeth so as not to loosen up. They had to be very confident about themselves and each other because any hesitation and mistakes might lead to the collapse of the

tower. There was not much time left since the "castellers" on the tower started to shake due to exhaustion. The little girl who was in charge of reaching the top rapidly climbed up

to the highest level like a monkey in the tropical rainforest.

She nimbly strides over the last but one level of "castellers", waving her hand as the signal of successfully peaking.

However, it was only half the battle. The "little monkey"

should immediately slide down the tower before the rest

of the "castellers" disbanded in order from the upper levels to the base of the human tower. The whole process was so

structure of the "human tower". Take "4-7" as an example: be made up of seven levels. The degree of difficulty will be

determined according to the structure. The fewer teams can complete, the harder the structure is. David is familiar with

each group. "They went through hard times in this season," David pointed to the purple team. "Oh! Blue team just

completed the difficult structure they have not succeeded for a very long time. You can see they are so happy." As

for the pink team, the kid just gave up reaching to the top. "That's what I've said. Kids are so important! They have

to be really focused!" David seemed to be all over himself.

Meanwhile, the purple team suddenly collapsed after a thrill of exhausted shaking. The paramedics quickly responded and carried out an injured person. David sighed and 75

JAN 2020

explained: "Injuries are usual in 'Castell'." Watching this, my eyes were surprisingly filled with tears.

Leaving the lively field, I walked into the backstage where

the teams prepared for the game. The kids who were to be the top of the towers might be competitors on the field,

but in here, they were playing LEGO together. When they

raised their heads to look at me, I could see purity in their

eyes, totally different from the fierce look they had during the game a few minutes ago. Without much preaching



的旅行者,也打動了加泰羅尼亞的兒子薩爾瓦多 · 達利。在他 的畫作中,你也能尋寶似地發現赫羅納的蒼蠅。達利,出生在 赫羅納附近的菲格拉斯,他生於斯,葬於斯,並在那留下了自 己一生的巔峰之作――達利戲劇博物館。有人說,達利的人生 就是一場戲,仿佛自帶紅毯與聚光燈,不鬧點新聞便虛度了光 影,不知孰真孰假。


from adults, these kids got to learn about the importance


themselves through practice at a very young age. Only when


of "team-work, courage, determination and trust" by

all these key words are fulfilled can they build up the tower and achieve greatness.




實主義詩人保羅 · 艾呂雅(Paul Eluard)舉辦的聚會上,達 子加拉,在經過了一晚的詳談,加拉便決議要隨達利而去,次 日一早便知會了丈夫與女兒,從此與達利雙宿雙飛,成為了他 的絕對繆斯。也正因為加拉的單方面「違約」,至死她也沒有 得到親生女兒的原諒。



利便買下赫羅納附近的普博爾城堡(Castle of Púbol),並親

字被收回。卡瓦,在西班牙語中意為「洞穴」,在 19 世紀,


牙香檳」,後來因為原產地名稱保護,1970 年,「香檳」二

西班牙人就把酒放在陰涼洞穴中保存。對於香檳,西班牙東北 人忿忿不平,卡瓦明明品質可以比肩香檳,但是比利牛斯山的 那一邊的酒舉世聞名,價格高企,卡瓦卻連名字都鮮少人知。 看似閒散的西班牙人也開始較真兒起來。如今,卡瓦酒有了品

手裝飾天花牆面,方寸之間,你可以找尋到他描畫的振翅的燕 女王,他是伏在她裙底的臣;她害怕鬼怪,他就在天井最高處 給她一個騎士的雕塑,為她日夜守候。這哪是城堡,簡直就是 「怪誕」藝術家最正經的一首情詩。


質認證的標籤――Corpinnat,100 多個酒莊,只有 9 個酒莊







擅自造訪。這樣的條件就算放在摯友之間都算過分,何況是本 間的小情趣。






品店最顯眼的位置,又或者是做成石雕,裝飾建築外牆。赫羅 不斷有法國軍隊前來挑釁騷擾。1285 年,赫羅納被法國軍隊


道都在歎息落淚。他們沖進聖菲利克斯教堂,企圖打開 Sant Narcís 的墳墓,帶走陪葬的金銀財寶。當他們掀開石頭墓穴


白得不值一提,也許直到最後一刻,達利都沒有對分離做好準 子墓前長跪不起。繆斯已逝,達利那被上帝親吻過的手靈氣盡 失,在城堡的工作室塗抹了不盡如人意的幾抹顏色過後,就此 封筆。吊詭的是,達利死後,並未和加拉合葬。我想,也許, 他沒有收到加拉親筆發出的合葬邀請吧。




由於護城有奇功,Sant Narcís 被封為城市守護者,西班




些城市守護者的諸多節日。為了感謝 Sant Narcís 和他的「蒼 蠅突擊隊」,赫羅納在每年的 10 月 29 日都會慶祝他們的獨

精于建築的古羅馬人在這裡實現了許多神乎其神的城市規劃想 經歷了千年風霜後仍然堅挺,給了世界遊客佇立于地中海旁的 海濱圓形劇場、城市中的競技場、及水道橋。

我的塔拉戈納是屬於聖特克拉(Santa Tecla)的,每年

有節日 Fires de Sant Narcís,據說每年那天,蒼蠅就會傾巢

9 月 14 日到 24 日,這裡會舉行為期十天的慶典以紀念城市的



出動過節,那天出沒於赫羅納的蒼蠅數量,多於當年其他任何 來一個兩難局面,如果那天蒼蠅盯上了我的海鮮飯,我是拂袖 76

保護神聖塔克拉。而高潮絕對是 9 月 23 日,一大早,塔拉戈 勒與眾魔鬼之舞在煙火四射中拉開帷幕,這個源於 14 世紀的


MOUTAI Magazine

表演表現了聖米迦勒與頭長 22 個角的魔鬼與女巫的角力,是 場善與惡的對抗。



「塔」順利散開,廣場才響起雷鳴般的掌聲。登頂的小女孩 面帶驕傲神情,由其他隊友扛著,不斷有隊友上前親吻她的 面頰,和她擊掌,她顯然成為了場上焦點。

我身邊加泰羅尼亞電臺的主持人 David 終於停止了現場




的訓練。」「他們看起來也才 5、6 歲而已啊!」我震驚了!



準備,包上粉紅色頭巾,隊友之前互相協助把腰間的黑色寬 帶綁得奇緊無比,可別小看這腰帶,一是可以保護腰部更好

子!是關鍵!在成為塔尖之前,他們都必須接受 1 到 1.5 年 David 笑笑:「很多孩子都是 3 歲就隨著父母參加疊人塔俱樂 部了,在這個比賽中,祖孫三代一起上陣再正常不過了。」

在 David 的介紹下,我知道了更多規則,他們會用兩個






圓心人站得越直,外層弓箭步半蹲,緊緊推著內圈的隊友的 脊背,這幾層同心圓從高空看去蔚為壯觀,這樣讓人動容的

聚合根基有一個專業的名字――鳳梨,想想看到也形象,疊 起來的人塔,不就是像鳳梨頭頂的枝葉嗎?



由 4 人組成,後面則是代表 7 層,不同的人塔結構還有難度 伍可以完成,當然證明難度係數越高。對於各個隊伍,David 如數家珍,「他們在這個賽季經歷了艱難時光。」他指著紫 色隊伍說。「啊!藍色

就是輸,贏就是贏,再無後悔二字。激動人心的 時刻到了,上層的人塔勇士們快速攀登,手把手

圍成小圈,高壯的男子漢在下,越往上越年輕, 身材越嬌小。


的勇士已經青筋凸起,臉漲通紅,有的用牙緊緊咬住 衣領,生怕一放鬆就泄了氣;他們也必須非常自信,


了 ! 」



是疊人塔的衝鋒號,同時也是孤注一擲的決心,音樂響 起前,主將可以修正「鳳梨」,一旦音樂奏響,輸





要!專注!必須要專注!」David 簡直有點手



塌,醫生擔著擔架進場,快速抬出一名隊員。「受傷, 在疊人塔比賽中是常見的。」David 歎息道,我竟然濕 了眼眶。






塔開始顫抖,時間無多,登頂的小女孩如同在亞馬遜 層的頭頂,迅速揮一下手,代表登頂成功。這還只算 勝利了一半,小猴子再原路滑下,人塔一層、兩層、 都紛紛散開,欠身爬到「鳳梨」外沿,直達最後一層

現在,卻成了玩伴,其樂融融地一起疊著樂高,抬眼 的殺氣。不用大人說教,他們從小就通過實踐明白了


實現的時候,才可以聚人成塔,書寫偉大呀! 77


JAN 2020

on the world map

茅 台 在 全 球

on the World Map

Li Baofang Met with Lei Jun, the Founder of Xiaomi Lei Jun, the founder, president and CEO of Xiaomi Corporation,

arrived at Maotai Town in the afternoon and met with Li Baofang

(Chairman of Moutai Group), Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) and other Moutai executives at Moutai International Hotel. The two parties exchanged in-depth opinions about deepening

partnership in the future, respectively expressed their intention to proceed with further strategic cooperation.

During the meeting, both parties shared agreements on several

parties would help Moutai regulate and control the market as well

as facilitate the integration of informatization and industrialization. Accompanied by Li Baofang and Moutai executives, Lei Jun also visited the Naturally Distilled Moutai Show Park, Chinese Liquor Culture City and Moutai Liquor Storeroom.


小米公司創始人、董事長兼 CEO 雷軍到訪茅台,與茅台集團

topics including the new retail mode and user cultivation of Xiaomi


the importance of enhancing the trustworthy friendship and


Youpin as well as the construction of "Smart Moutai", emphasizing speeding up, deepening and expanding the collaborative areas so

雙方就深化未來合作進行了深度交流,相繼表達了推動進一步戰略 座談中,雙方就小米有品新零售、用戶培育、「智慧茅台」建

as to make the partnership between Moutai and Xiaomi the model




of perfect integration of traditional craftsmanship and modern Li Baofang said that Moutai would be very willing to keep

領域,把茅台與小米的合作,打造成為傳統工藝與現代科技完美融 李保芳表示,小米成立不到 10 年,就已取得舉世矚目的成績,

having in-depth exchanges with Xiaomi regarding the cooperation


Xiaomi's remarkable achievements in less than 10 years since


in the future and see Xiaomi as a strategic partner by witnessing its establishment and its positive image as well as reputation in

the society. Li Baofang hoped that the partnership between two 78

作問題進行深度交流,並將小米視作未來的戰略合作夥伴,雙方的 在李保芳等茅台高管的陪同下參觀了茅台天釀景區、中國酒文化城 和茅台老酒庫。


MOUTAI Magazine

Li Baofang's Exclusive Interview by Itar-Tass News Agency Li Baofang, the Chairman of Kweichow Moutai Group, accepted

an exclusive interview by Zioa Rusinova from Itar-Tass News Agency in the meeting room of Moutai Office Building.

Early last month, People's Daily quoted Sergey Mikhaylov's

(the Director General of the Itar-Tass News Agency) words when reporting the 5th Russia-China Media Forum: "We have a long

history of exchange and cooperation with Chinese media and our friendship is pure and mellow as Moutai." To greet and express

gratitude to Mr. Mikhaylov, Li Baofang gave Zioa a copy of Moutai News with the exact piece of news as a gift. He said it was very

kind of Mr. Mikhaylov to use Moutai liquor as a metaphor when

describing the friendship between China and Russia, which was

accurate, appropriate and touching.

According to Li Baofang, the huge opportunity brought by

economic globalization and the reform and opening up policy

in China have created a better environment for the expansion of

high-quality products of notable brands like Kweichow Moutai

in the global market. For over forty years, Kweichow Moutai has

evolved from a small-scale factory to the world-renowned liquor

enterprise with the highest profitability and market value. However, the fact that Moutai's pattern of corporate governance, ways of

marketing and brand building were all inspired by the business wisdom from many other successful brands was unforgettable.

By learning from other countries including Russia, Moutai people

enriched their horizons and created a bigger blueprint.

"Moutai liquor has become a pretty good medium for the

exchange between China and foreign countries." When mentioning Moutai's performance in the overseas markets, Li Baofang pointed

out that Moutai was not only a liquor enterprise from China, but

also a world brand regarding its reputation. Therefore, no matter it

of craftsmanship" as core values, becoming the best medium

promoting the friendly communication between Chinese and foreign people.

(Wu Lin)





哈伊洛夫原話:「我們與中國媒體的交流合作歷史悠久,友誼就像 茅台酒一樣醇香。」李保芳現場將登載這一消息的《茅台時訊》轉 送給佐婭作紀念,並表達了對米哈伊洛夫的問候和感謝。他說,用 茅台酒來比喻中俄友誼,非常準確和恰當,也令茅台人感動。


茅台這種具有品牌影響力的高品質產品在全球市場的拓展,創造了 更好的條件。四十多年來,茅台從一家小工廠變成全球盈利能力最 強、市值最高的知名烈酒企業,但茅台不會忘記,茅台的企業治理 模式、市場行銷手段、品牌塑造等有很多來源於全球知名品牌所貢 獻的商業智慧。茅台人向包括俄羅斯在內的世界各國學習,也因此 獲得了更好的視野、營造了更大的格局。


及茅台在海外市場的表現時表示,茅台就它的知名度來講已經不僅 僅是一個中國的白酒企業,而是一個非常著名的世界品牌。不論是 官方、還是民間交流,一提到茅台酒,距離自然地就拉近了。


未來茅台的發展是一個向好的趨勢,這其中有兩個重要的因素,一 是保證品質,二是做好服務。經過多年的傳承和積澱,茅台人從精 益求精的「品質時代」、名揚四海的「品牌時代」,邁入「文化時

代」。「文化茅台」以友好使者、卓越品質、工匠精神為核心價值, 代表中國品牌走向世界,成為推動中國人民與各國人民之間友好往 來的最好介質。


is an official or a people-to-people communication, "Moutai" can

be a keyword closing the gap.

Moutai's strategy of "going global" is more about cultural

exchanges rather than selling the liquor. In general, the

development of Moutai in the future will continue in a good

direction by guaranteeing the quality of products and services.

Through the inheritance and accumulation for so many years, Moutai people have gone through the evolvement from the

excelsior "era of quality", to the world-renowned "era of brand",

and then to the current "era of culture".

On behalf of all Chinese brands, "cultural Moutai" goes global

with "the envoy of friendship", "remarkable quality" and "the spirit

Li Jingren Received the Council for the Development of Cambodia H.E. Mr. Sok Chenda Sophea, Minister attached to the Prime

Minister and Secretary General of the Council for the Development

of Cambodia led a delegation to visit Moutai for investigation

and exchange. Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group)

and Yang Jianjun (Deputy General Manager of Moutai Group)

warmly received the delegation and sat down together for a panel




JAN 2020

on the world map

Li Jingren introduced some basic information about the

company including the construction of factories, composition of

trained personnel, line operation and industrial distribution to the

delegation. In 2018, the company's operating revenue reached

over 80 billion yuan, implementing tax revenue of around 40 billion yuan. By the end of 2019, Moutai has already broken through

the “100-billion-yuan” target. According to Li Jingren, Moutai is

steadily promoting the domestic market while actively expanding overseas markets. In 2018, the export of Moutai liquor exceeded

2000 tons. At present, by further learning about carrying out the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of

China and following the provincial committee and government's

instruction of "telling a good story of liquor, expanding the world

of liquor", Moutai people insist on keeping up the product quality

and making more contribution for the society under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

for a New Era. The relationship between China and Cambodia has

always been friendly. Li Jingren believed that the friendship will get deeper after the meeting this time.


(Zhang Xiaoshan)


察交流,與集團公司總經理李靜仁,集團公司副總經理楊建軍座談 交流。


經營、產業佈局等基本情況。前年,集團公司營業收入達到八百多 億,實現稅收近四百億。今年,茅台營業收入已破千億。李靜仁指 出,茅台酒在穩健推進國內市場的同時,也在積極擴展海外市場。

life across the world to discuss and seek for development together, providing advices for the world economy in the new era. Wang Yan attended one of the parallel sessions on "Opening-up, Regulation and Business Environment", closely exchanging opinions with elites from political and commercial circles.

As a notable brand in China, Moutai was invited to set up a

booth for product display in the exhibition, presenting products including Kweichow Moutai liquor, Moutai Prince and Moutai

Yingbin. Led by Wang Yan, the delegation gained a huge number of "Moutai fans" after their communication with other exhibitors from Russia, Korea and Japan, etc. They were all interested in tasting

the famous Moutai liquor and hoped to have further cooperation with Moutai.

There were over 3800 operations from 181 countries, regions

and international organizations participating in the exhibition.

2018 年茅台酒出口超兩千噸。當前,茅台深入學習貫徹十九大精神,





舉行,4000 多名來自全球政商學研各界嘉賓出席,共商共議、共

以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指引,按照省委省政府「做 貢獻。中國和柬埔寨關係一直非常友好,相信通過此次交流,茅台

Wang Yan Attended the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd CIIE

第二屆中國國際進口博覽會在上海國家會展中心開幕,集團黨 當日下午,主題為「開放創新,合作共贏」虹橋國際經濟論壇

解難題、共謀發展,為新時期世界經濟建言獻策。王焱參加了主題 為「開放、規制與營商環境」的分論壇,與全球政商精英進行了密 切交流。


The 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) kicked off at


(Deputy Party Secretary of Moutai Group) attended the opening


National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) . Wang Yan ceremony on behalf of the company.

The 2nd Hongqiao International Economic Forum themed

"Opening-up and Innovation for Win-win Cooperation" was held in the afternoon, accommodating over 4000 guests from all walks of 80

繹不絕。王焱一行在進博會各大展區與各國展商交流時,收穫了一 示一定要到茅台展位品嘗天下聞名的茅台酒,並希望與茅台酒有更 進一步的接洽與合作。

本屆中國國際進口博覽會共有 181 個國家、地區、國際組織

與會,3800 多家企業參展。


MOUTAI Magazine


「2019 年『多彩貴州風 · 黔酒中國行』品牌推介」活動首站

在上海舉行,茅台等國內知名黔酒企業再度聚首,以「黔酒」為品 牌標識向外界推介多彩貴州和黔酒文化,為將貴州打造為世界級醬 香酒產業核心區積蓄動能和後勁。


共同啟動「2019 年『多彩貴州風 · 黔酒中國行』品牌推介」活動, 並在活動中致辭。

Yang Jianjun Addressed the "China Tour of Kweichow Liquor" Event




The first stop "2019 'Colorful Guizhou · China Tour of


the aims of accumulating energy and reserving strengths for


Kweichow Liquor" Promotion Event was held in Shanghai. With making Guizhou province the core zone of world-class Jiang fragrance baijiu industry, renowned liquor enterprises from

Guizhou including Kweichow Moutai gathered again in the event, promoting Guizhou culture and liquor culture with the label "Kweichow liquor" to the outside world.

Yang Jianjun (Deputy General Manager of Moutai group)

kicked off the event together with Ji Keliang (the liquor master in

動力;二要從五個維度增強產區自信,推動貴州白酒走向更廣闊市 生動實踐;三要堅持優質、創新與包容,全力推動黔酒高品質發展。 在全國白酒行業向好發展的大環境下,貴州酒企也迎來「發展的春 天」。


貴州白酒產業發展緊密聯系在一起,攜手省內兄弟酒企共促貴州白 酒產區化、品牌化、集群化發展。(王柱)

China) and gave a speech at the event.

During the speech, Yang Jianjun elaborated the significance

of "Moutai experience" towards the development of "Kweichow liquor" from three aspects. The first is the potential of Jiang

fragrance baijiu is huge with the exposure of regional advantages. It is reported that Jiang fragrance baijiu is occupying the main position in the whole baijiu industry of Guizhou province,

becoming an important force stimulating the economic growth in Guizhou. The second is to enhance the region's confidence from

five dimensions, pushing the baijiu industry from the province to a

wider-open market. The construction of "cultural Moutai" is exactly a typical representative and a vivid practical example for the

building of "Kweichow liquor" and brand culture. The third aspect

Moutai was Awarded the Honor of "the Outstanding Contributor of Project Hope in 30 Years" "Lift Up the Sun of Tomorrow – the 30th Anniversary

is to maintain good product quality, innovation and inclusiveness

Report Meeting of Project Hope" was held in Beijing by the

efforts. In the context of the positive development of the liquor

Youth Development Foundation. As an honorable witness and

while facilitating the development of "Kweichow liquor" with all

industry in China, liquor companies in Guizhou are also faced with a perfect timing to grow.

As the leading company of local Jiang fragrance baijiu in

Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China participant of "Project Hope", Kweichow Moutai was awarded as "the Outstanding Contributor of Project Hope in 30 Years".

It is said that hope brings possibilities and love makes dreams

Guizhou province, Kweichow Moutai has always been tightly

come true. Since 2012, Kweichow Moutai Group's donations in

Guizhou, so as to motivate the development of companion

Action" has added up to 814 million yuan, realizing over 160000

connecting its own growth to the growth of baijiu industry of companies in Guizhou in terms of regionalization, branding and aggregation. (Wang Zhu)

the "2019 Moutai · National Pillar Hope Project Dream Realizing impoverished students' dream of attending university, which has become a public welfare project with the largest accumulated 81


JAN 2020

on the world map

donation amount, the most beneficial students and the widest coverage in regions.

On behalf of all the cooperate contributors, Li Jingren (General

Manager of Moutai Group) made a speech titled "Contributing in Poverty Alleviation is Our Common Responsibility". Li

Jingren pointed out that as a national brand growing with the

development of the People's Republic of China, Moutai people will always be grateful for the motherland, the people and the times. Therefore, it is Moutai's bounden duty and mission to commit

to public welfare and education development, contributing to poverty alleviation.

茅台獲頒「希望工程 30 年突出貢獻者」榮譽


工程 30 周年報告會」在京舉行。作為「希望工程」的見證者與參與者, 茅台獲頒「希望工程 30 年突出貢獻者」榮譽。

希望帶來可能,愛心成就夢想。自 2012 年起,茅台集團在「中

國茅台 · 國之棟樑」公益助學行動中已累計捐款 8.14 億元,資助

超過 16 萬名寒門學子圓夢大學,成為「希望工程」中累計捐款最多、 資助貧困學子最多、覆蓋地區最廣的公益專案。


責任》的致辭。他指出,茅台是伴隨共和國的發展而成長起來的民 族品牌,茅台始終感恩祖國、感恩人民、感恩時代,投身公益事業

tion of Chinese liquor culture with a long history and the strong


only facilitate the cultural exchange between China and Italy,


The 4th Moutai Cup Horse Racing in Pisa, Italy The 4th Moutai Cup Horse Racing, which was initiated and

sponsored by Kweichow Moutai, was successfully held in San

Rossore Racecourse in Pisa, Italy. There were eleven horses in total

and traditional culture of horse racing from Italy, which can not but also promote the long-standing culture of Moutai and rich

liquor culture of China to the whole world, showing them Moutai's unique charm.

第四屆「茅台杯」賽馬大賽 在意大利比薩成功舉辦


from Italy and other European countries participating in the race.

意大利比薩賽馬場 San Rossore 成功舉辦。來自意大利及歐洲各國

Cup is gradually becoming one of the most important horse


With the growing internationalization of the racing teams, Moutai racings in Italy and the whole Europe.

The race distance was two kilometers. All racing horses were

purebred Arabian horses, a world-renowned good breed. Attached on the "armor" of the horses and racers was the outstanding logo

的 11 匹馬參加了比賽。隨著參賽隊伍的日益國際化,「茅台杯」 此次無障礙賽馬比賽的賽程為 2 公里,所有參賽的馬匹均為世

界著名優良馬匹――純種阿拉伯馬。貴州茅台醒目的標徽被縫在馬 匹和參賽選手的戰袍上,在賽場上形成了一道別緻的風景線。

作 為 貴 州 茅 台 海 外 經 銷 商 大 家 庭 的 一 員, 意 大 利 經 銷 商

of Moutai, which became a unique scenery on the racecourse.

Gianluca Scalfi 也來到了現場為選手們加油助威。寒冬雖至,但賽

General Director of Moutai's Italian Distributor Otto Otto Baijiu


As one of the members in Moutai family, Gianluca Scalfi, the

S.R.L., also arrived at the scene to cheer the racers up. The on-site atmosphere was warm despite of the severe winter.

Moutai Cup Horse Racing can be seen as a dynamic combina82


郁的傳統賽馬文化的一次有機結合,促進了中意之間的文化交流, 更把貴州茅台悠久的歷史文化和底蘊豐富的酒文化推向全球,讓全 世界看到茅台獨一無二的魅力。

香飄世界百年 相伴民族復興 The Aroma of a Century The Revival of a Nation

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