MOUTAI Magazine - International Edition Issue 31 (SPRING 2021)

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31 SPRING 2021

Dawn of New Hopes 「牛」轉乾坤 Gao Weidong: Build Moutai into a "Fortune Global 500" Enterprise 高衛東:承擔打造「世界 500 強」新使命

The Surprising Unveiling of “Moutai for the Year of the Ox” 辛丑牛年茅台生肖酒驚喜上線

An Intoxicated Dream: The Poetic Life of Dylan Thomas 狄蘭·湯瑪斯的詩酒歲月




Axi KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501

Production & Advertising Sales Agent: A renowned cultural blogger. A fan of David Bowie, hats and whisky. His cooperation brands and organizations include Cadillac, Chanel, Montblanc, Visa, Adidas, SK II, Martel, Absolut, Oppo etc.


ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2501, 25/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588 Publisher Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer Christine Yin

Johnny is experienced in brand and marketing promotion. His clients include Forbes Global 500. As a diving enthusiast, he is keen on generating marine conservation and sustainable development knowledge.

Ka Hin

Chief Executive Editor Jocelyn Chenlin Liao Art Director Johnny Woo Senior Project Editor Laura Su, Olivia Kwan Photographer Han Xingxi, Li Lewei Translator Billy Yung, Olivia Kwan Project PR Meng Yuan, Mocha Du

Ka Hin is a specialist in investor relations. He is also the host of many financial press conferences as well as a financial news reporter.

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Marketing Executive Nikita Wan, Candy Yeung Advertising Enquiry Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email:

Moutai Magazine (International Edition)

is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD.

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Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

Spring Breeze


The golden age is before us, not behind us. -- Mark Twain, American Writer With steady pace, we are marching towards new opportunities. In Moutai Magazine issue 31, we will: Explore the “Ox” Culture in China; Look at the Limited Editions by Major Luxury Brands; Spotlight the Surprising Unveiling of “Moutai for the Year of the Ox”; Welcome the Spring Breeze with a Toast of Mellow Liquor; Focus on the Stable High-Quality Development of Moutai; Witness Gao Weidong Undertaking the New Mission of Building Moutai into a "Fortune Global 500" Enterprise; Be in Retrospect of the Poetic Life of Dylan Thomas; Uncover the New Birth of a Bottle of Moutai Liquor; And Have Fun Learning about Various Nicknames of Liquor.

「黃金時代在我們面前,而不在我們背後。」 — — 馬 克·吐 溫 (美 國 作 家) 步伐穩健,邁向新的機遇。

本期 Moutai Magazine,我們將 : 探尋中國「牛」文化 ;

看各大品牌如何豐富「牛年」新衣櫥 ;

聚焦辛丑牛年茅台生肖酒的驚喜上線 ; 與世界共同舉杯迎春風 ;

見證茅台穩中有進的高品質發展 ; 關注高衛東如何承擔

打造茅台為「世界 500 強」的新使命 ; 追憶狄蘭 · 湯瑪斯的詩酒歲月 ;

揭秘一瓶茅台酒的新年與出生 ; 玩轉「酒」的多種花名。




ISSUE #31 2021



2021 is the year of the ox. The artistic cover of issue 31 implies the good vision of opening a colorful new chapter in a brand new year.

2021 年,辛丑牛年。本期封面極具藝術氣息,蘊涵著牛年萬象更新,開啟多彩新篇章的美 好願景。 8

MAR 2021



Usher in the Year of the Ox: Explore the "Ox" Culture in China 金牛賀歲迎春來——探尋中國「牛」文化 The Surprising Unveiling of "Moutai for the Year of the Ox" 「喜牛耕幸福、生肖醉醬香」: 辛丑牛年茅台生肖酒驚喜上線


Welcome the Spring Breeze with a Toast 世界舉杯迎春風





Moutai is "Stable" 茅台「穩」了

Gao Weidong: Undertake the New Mission of Building Moutai into a "Fortune Global 500" Enterprise 高衛東:承擔打造「世界 500 強」新使命 An Intoxicated Dream: The Poetic Life of Dylan Thomas 狄蘭·湯瑪斯的詩酒歲月





ETIQUETTE 禮 The Charming 53° : the New Year and the New Birth of a Bottle of Moutai Liquor 迷人的 53° —— 茅台,一瓶酒的新年與出生


Limited Editions for the Year of the Ox 各大品牌迎「牛年」


How Many Nicknames Does Liquor Have? 酒到底有多少個花名?

72 78

Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球



Usher in the Year of the Ox: 金牛賀歲迎春來

Explore the "Ox" Culture in China ——探尋中國「牛」文化 Text/ 文 Olivia Kwan

"Out with the old, in with the new." Amidst the sound of firecrackers, the "jade rat" quietly left the field with the relatively turbulent 2020, and the "golden ox" stepped in steadily. Chinese culture is rooted in agricultural cultivation, and cattle have always been one of the most important livestock closely related to many Chinese people's life. With docile and diligent nature, they have been given more positive symbolic meanings. Therefore, the arrival of the year of the ox has swept away the haze from the previous year and filled everyone with good hopes and visions for the future.

在 2021 年的炮仗聲中, 「玉鼠」帶著稍顯動蕩的 2020 年悄然離場, 「金牛」邁著穩重的步伐徐徐走來。 中華文化以農耕文明為根,牛是重要的家畜之一,與中國眾多勞動人民的生活息息相關,本性溫順、 勤勞耕種的牛被人們賦予了更多正面積極的象征意義。因此,牛年的到來也一掃之前的陰霾,讓人 們對接下來的一年充滿了美好的希冀與願景。


MAR 2021





he ox ranks second among twelve Chinese zodiac

only be allowed to have grass as food and you will have to

how could the sly mouse gain the upper hand

to come." After the ox went down to earth, it did work hard

animals, after the rat, which leaves a question:

on the hardworking and dependable ox? There was also an interesting story behind. It is said that the ox was once a

guard of the Jade Emperor Temple often traveling between the Heavenly Palace and the earth. One day, the farmers

on the earth sent a message to the Jade Emperor through the ox, saying that the earth was barren and they would

need some grass seeds to be sent to them. As a result, the Jade Emperor sent the ox to sow seeds on the earth after

assist the farmers in weeding and farm work for generations to help the farmers a lot, and gradually gained unanimous

praise. People believed that the ox would be the first animal in Chinese zodiac if the mouse didn't "adorn itself with

borrowed plumes" by standing on the ox's head. In addition to intriguing stories about how it became a zodiac animal, "ox" is actually an important element throughout Chinese culture.

As the first tribe of the Chinese nation to switch from

repeatedly reminding it, "sow one seed every three steps". In

fishing and hunting to farming, the tribe of Yan Emperor

could not grow crops at all, so they reported it to the Jade

connection between "ox" and Chinese civilization began.

the second year, the weeds grew so wildly that the farmers

Emperor through the God of the Kitchen. The Jade Emperor summoned the ox to ask about the situation, only to realize

that the ox mistook his order as "sow three seeds each step"

("Shennong") created China's agricultural culture. The As the backbone of the agricultural society, cattle are

strong enough to plow, to haul carts, to carry goods and to transport people. According to the Chinese Radicals of

at that time after accidentally fell down at the Heavenly

Yupian by Guyewang from the Liang Dynasty, "the Yellow

good intention. As a punishment, the ox was demoted and

carts", and on the cultural relic "lying ox with jade carving"

Southern Gate, thus ended up doing something bad out of

sent down to earth for good, "you and your descendants will 12

MAR 2021

Emperor ('Huangdi') worked cattle and horses to haul

unearthed from the Shang Dynasty ruins, small holes can


FARMING TOOL be seen between the ox's nostrils, proving that people

good cause, a prince would not kill an ox, nor a senior

it in labor at that time or even earlier, which also shown that

nor a common person eat delicate food" from The Book

already knew how to draw a rope on the ox's nose to engage

officer kill a sheep, nor a general officer kill a dog or a pig,

cattle have already been domesticated since the Xia Dynasty

of Rites · Royal Regulations (Li Ji · Wang Zhi) and "when

the Republic of China era, farming with cattle has always

a pure-breed ox of pure color, the feudal prince should use

(at least over 4000 years ago). From the Zhou Dynasty till been the main way that Chinese people live on. Even in

the current era of agricultural automation, we can still see cattle in farmland.

However, the status and role of cattle in human life

in ancient China was not limited to just a "farming tool".

According to many historical records, cattle had also been seen as sacrificial offerings. The original definition of the term "sacrifice ( 犧牲 )" in Chinese characters was "the

livestock slaughtered for the purpose of sacrificing", and

the radical of both characters is the Chinese character "ox

conducting sacrificial ceremonies, the emperor should use a fatted ox, the senior officer should use a selected ox for

the specific occasion and the general officer could only use a sheep or a pig" from Summary of the Rules of Propriety

Part 2 (Qu Li Ⅱ ) both showed that among all livestock used

as sacrifices, the status of oxen was the highest and the most special as only princes and even the emperors could use

them as sacrificial offerings. From the above information, we can see a glimpse of how oxen were worshipped in ancient China.

The worship of oxen in China can be traced back to

( 牛 )". In the Zhou Dynasty, there was an official position

the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. It is

different ages as offerings on various sacrificial occasions,

Kings (Diwang Shiji) that: "Shennong, with a man's body

exclusively responsible for raising cattle. According to The

him upheld a symbol of fire as their tribal totem, thus he

especially in charge of raising and selecting cattle of

which later developed into an administrative position

Book of Rites · Royal Regulations (Li Ji · Wang Zhi), " The

recorded in Genealogical Annals of the Emperors and

and an ox's head, was raised in Jiangshui. The tribe led by was also called 'the Flame Emperor' or 'the Yan Emperor'."

horns of oxen used for sacrificing to Heaven and Earth were

The Book of Rites (Li Ji) also mentioned that the Yan

as offerings in ancestral temples could be grasped with

two huge horns on his head. In the era of Yu the Great (the

not larger than a cocoon or a chestnut, those of the ones

one hand, and those of the ones for feasting should be one foot long." It indicated how people at that time judged the

age of an ox by the size of their horns, and then rated their sacredness accordingly: the less the horn developed, the

younger the ox was, and the more sacred it was. "Without

Emperor was born with a strange appearance, who had

descendant of the Yellow Emperor and a legendary king who was famed for his introduction of flood control), it

is said that every time he solved a flood, he would cast an

iron ox into the river as a spell to prevent future disasters. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the ox was a



common pattern decorated on the holy bronze ware. The

Book of Changes (Yi Jing) also considered oxen as the

symbol of the Kun Diagram representing the fundamental principles of reality in Chinese culture. In addition, oxen stand for the earth, the belly and the mother as they are

mild, gentle, tolerating and amiable. Myths believed that the ox, who plowed and dug up wasteland, was the God

of the Land who had stolen the grain from the Heavenly

Palace to save people on earth suffering from famine before being punished by the Emperor of Heaven to do hard labor for generations. It was given a mythological flavor like "Prometheus" from the ancient Greek mythology.

Since ancient times, there has been no lack of litterateurs

expressing their praise and love for oxen's diligent and

persistent nature through their works. Comparing oxen to other people or themselves was also the main theme

of odes to oxen in the past. Wang Anshi, a politician and

man of letters of the Northern Song Dynasty, once wrote a poem named Farm Cattle which not only illustrated 14

MAR 2021


how hard-working cattle were when they plowed around

the clock every day, but also praised the great and selfless

contribution of them to all living beings. Lu Xun, a leading figure of modern Chinese literature, also expressed his

willingness to serve the people by two powerful lines from his modern poem Self-Mockery: "Coolly I face a thousand

pointing fingers, and then bow to be a willing ox to serve the people."

In addition to words, there were painters praising

oxen with their paintings. The painting Five Oxen by Han

Huang, a painter of the Tang Dynasty, is the earliest extant paper painting in China with oxen as the main subject,

which has been regarded as one of the ten masterpieces in the country's art history and once collected by the

Emperor Gaozong of Song and the Qianlong Emperor. In

the painting, five oxen are horizontally lined up and vividly rendered in different postures. For instance, the first one

on the left is looking forward and the second looking back

while the fourth one is looking up and staring at the sky. Li MOUTAI MAGAZINE



MAR 2021


NATURE 天 Keran, an outstanding contemporary Chinese painter, was especially fond of and adept at painting water buffalo. He

even named his studio "Hut Where I Learn from the Water

Buffalo (Shi Niu Tang)". His paintings were full of life-loving and idyllic temperament, perfectly combining the form

and spirit of water buffalo. In addition, we can usually see a playful shepherd boy by the buffalo's side in his paintings.

Together, they form a cozy and sweet scene of pastoral life. People say that he is well-known for his "water buffalo"

paintings, and at the same time, his painstaking spirit as

oxen has moved many peer painters in the painting circle. Li Keran once wrote an inscription on his own painting

Depiction of Five Bulls, "Although bulls are of super

strength, they are humble enough to be willing to bow to

their people. Although they have been hard-working for a

life time, they don't take credit for their contribution. Bulls are kind, gentle, strong, steady, earnest and dignified. I

appreciate their nature and love their appearance so much

that I will never be tired of writing good things about them." His love for oxen is beyond words.

The "ox" culture has been continuously created and re-

written in the long history of China, deriving a series of

folk customs related to this element. In the Western Zhou

Dynasty, there was a custom known as "beating the spring

ox": before the solar term "Li Chun (meaning 'the beginning of spring')", people would welcome the God of Spring to pray for good harvest in the coming year. According to

Guochao Huiyao, five days before "Li Chun", a clay ox

would be built and displayed in the east outside of the city gate with farming tools such as plows. At the dawn of the

next day, the official of the Ministry of Rites set up an altar

to pay tribute to antecedent farmers while general officials

walked in circle around the clay ox and beat it with colorful

clubs. This ceremony was to encourage people to farm with

best effort. Later, as this custom was continued by civilians, people would smash the clay ox, quickly take its fragments and place it in their granary at home. In some places, the

clay ox was replaced by the one made by paper filled with grains just like a piñata. Once the paper ox was smashed

open, grains would come out, symbolizing "golden harvest". In Hunan regions, a custom of raising one ox together with multiple households has been popular. They see the ox as a bonding of their relationship: they farm together and support each other like a real family.

Since the beginning of this spring, people have been

expecting a good vision for the flourishing year of the

ox. They wish for "turning things around, grabbing new

opportunities and scoring bumper harvests". Let's say

farewell to the old and welcome the new. Everything will

eventually come to a new page.



二生肖中,牛居次位,排在鼠之後。不禁想,勤懇踏 實的牛怎麼會被古靈精怪的老鼠在生肖的排位上佔了


是玉帝殿前的差役,經常往返於天宮和大地之間。一日,農夫托牛 給玉帝傳口信,說人間寸草不生,請玉帝帶點草籽到人間。玉帝派 牛到人間撒草籽,並千叮嚀萬囑咐道:「走三步撒一把草籽。」但 牛在跨出南天門時,不小心跌了一跤,腦袋暈乎乎地誤以為玉帝的 旨意是「走一步撒三把草籽」。第二年,野草叢生,農夫沒辦法種 莊稼,便又托灶神把這個情況告訴玉帝。玉帝召來牛一問,才知道 是牛粗心把旨意記錯了,不小心辦了件壞事。於是,他懲罰牛到人 間,「你和你的子子孫孫都只准吃草,幫助農夫除草,祖祖輩輩也 要幫助農夫幹農活兒」。牛下凡後,果真任勞任怨,幫了農夫不少 忙,獲得一致看好。人們都說,如果在排生肖的時候,牛沒有被投 機的老鼠藏在牛角尖,「狐假虎威」,搶先一步的話,牠就是生肖 之首了。然而,除了生肖故事,「牛」其實是組成中國文化的一個 重要元素。







源從此種下。牛是農業社會的支柱,牠們力大,能耕田、拉車、載 在商朝遺址中出土的文物「玉雕臥牛」上,可以看到牛的鼻孔間有 小孔相通,可見在當時,甚至更早前,人們已經懂得在牛鼻上引繩 使其從事勞役,也說明至少在四千多年前的夏朝,牛已經是受人役 使、馴養的家畜了。從周朝起,一直到民國以後,用牛農耕始終是 中國人賴以維生的主要方式,甚至在當今農業自動化的時代,也還 是能在農田中看到牛的身影。




得王,故號炎帝。」《禮記》也提及,炎帝天生異相,頭上長有兩 禹治水時期,也相傳他每治好一處水,便要鑄鐵牛投入水底以鎮住 水患。商周時期,在那些崇高的青銅器上,牛是顯著位置上常見的

圖騰紋飾。《易經》中,則以牛為坤卦的象徵。牛象徵地,象徵腹, 象徵母,表示柔順溫和,能包藏儲存萬物,像溫順慈祥的母親。神 話故事中,終生耕田犁地、開墾荒原的牛被認為是盜取天倉谷種下 凡,拯救黎民百姓而被天帝懲罰世代受勞作之苦的「社稷神」,被 賦予了如同古希臘「普羅米修斯」般的神話色彩。






作為偏旁。周代設有「牛人」一官職,其職責是飼養及選擇不同歲 政設置。據《禮記·王制》記載:「祭天地之牛,角繭栗;宗廟之牛, 角握;賓客之牛,角尺。」這是當時人們根據牛角的發育程度判斷


牠在祭祀中的等級也就越高。從《禮記·王制》中「諸侯無故不殺牛, 大夫無故不殺羊,士無故不殺犬豕,庶人無故不食珍」及《曲禮下》 中「凡祭……天子以犧牛,諸侯以肥牛,大夫以索牛,士以羊豕」

可以看出,在所有作為祭品的家畜當中,牛與諸侯甚至天子相對應, 18

MAR 2021

的主調。北宋政治家、文學家王安石便曾寫下《耕牛》:「朝耕草 千箱實。睆彼天上星,空名豈餘匹。」不僅描寫了牛在耕作時「日 出而作,日落仍不息」的辛勞與堅持,更讚揚牛對眾生貢獻許多, 自己卻一毛不取的無私。現代偉大文學家魯迅也用「橫眉冷對千夫 指,俯首甘為孺子牛」來表達對人民大眾甘願服務的精神。「孺子 牛」一詞是出自《左傳·哀公六年》的典故「汝忘君之為孺子牛而

折其齒乎?而背之也!」,原意是表示父母對子女的過分疼愛,而 魯迅在《自嘲》中對這一詞的引用使其精神得到升華。




傳世名畫之一,被譽為「鎮國之寶」,曾被宋高宗和乾隆皇帝收藏。 畫卷從右到左一字排開,畫中的五牛,或行或駐,或俯首,或昂頭, 姿態各異,生動的形象躍然紙上。近代傑出畫家李可染尤其擅長及 鐘愛畫牛,甚至還把自己的畫室命名為「師牛堂」。他筆下的牛形 神兼備,極具生活情趣和田園詩意,畫中往往都有稚氣的牧童與牛 一起,構成一幅溫馨的田園小景。人們都說,他以「牛畫」蜚聲畫 壇,更以牛的吃苦精神感動同行。李可染也曾在他的《五牛圖》畫 作上題字道:「牛也,力大無窮,俯首孺子而不逞強。終生勞瘁, 事人而安不居功。純良溫馴,時亦強強,穩步向前,足不踏空,形 容無華,氣宇軒昂,吾崇其性,愛其形,故屢屢不厭寫之。」字裡 行間,文人墨客對牛的喜愛之情溢於言表。


間也衍生出一系列與之有關的民俗。西周時,民間出現「打春牛」 的習俗——在立春前,人們要迎接春神,祈祝豐收。《國朝會要》

記載:「令立春前五日,都邑並造土牛耕夫犁具於大門外之東,是 日黎明,有司為壇以祭先農,官吏各具彩杖,環擊牛者三,所以示 勸耕之意。」意思是說,立春前五日,掌管農事的官員會把耕種用 的工具搬出來,祭祀先人,再拿著彩杖圍繞土牛轉圈並擊打三下,

以鼓勵民眾要勤耕。後來,平民繼續沿襲這一習俗,人們將它打碎, 並迅速搶走牛身部分的碎片,放在家裡的糧倉內;有些地方也演變

成用紙糊起來的牛,裡面裝上五穀,當紙被打爛的時候,五穀流出, 寓意來年「五穀豐登」。在湖南一帶的交際風俗中,還有「結牛財 親」一說:即多戶共養一頭牛,以牛為紐帶,大家視作親戚,相互 扶持,一同耕種。







MAR 2021


The Surprising Unveiling of

"Moutai for the Year of the Ox" 「喜牛耕幸福、生肖醉醬香」 辛丑牛年茅台生肖酒驚喜上線




MAR 2021



ith the coming of 2021, "Moutai for the Year

of the Ox" that many Moutai fans have been looking forward to has finally launched on on February 4th. Four brands under Kweichow

Moutai Company Limited released in total five products to celebrate the year of the ox, once again unveiling the

mystery in the form of a product family matrix. This was

also the first time that the matrix of Moutai Chinese zodiac liquor has been released online.

Often endowed with the nature of enduring hardship,

Since the launch of "Moutai for the Year of the Horse" in

2014, the annually released Moutai Chinese zodiac liquor has always integrated the art of painting, calligraphy, the

culture of Chinese zodiac, five elements and Moutai liquor, which has been regarded by the industry as a popular

commemorative liquor suitable for both drinking and

collecting. Launched every year before the Chinese New

Year, Moutai Chinese zodiac liquor has already become the best gift for the celebration of the Spring Festival.

From the perspective of the industry, the matrix of

diligence and selflessness, oxen are also regarded as the

Moutai Chinese zodiac liquor has become a cultural identity

meaning, the market of liquor celebrating the year of the ox

experience, liquor bottle design, high appreciation and

symbol of wealth and power. With such great implied

has become a "hotly contested area" among multiple liquor

companies. Therefore, the release of "Moutai for the Year of the Ox" has become the most concerned matter to Moutai fans and the industry.

The theme of "Moutai for the Year of the Ox" is "the

ox gathers good fortune, and harmony invites propitious omen". According to the "stems and branches", a system

with Moutai's characteristics. With its outstanding brand collection value, Moutai Chinese zodiac liquor enriches a more diversified scene of consumption for Moutai,

becoming a leading representative in Chinese zodiac liquor market.


肖酒於今年 2 月 4 日在京東線上首發。茅台酒股份公 司 4 個品牌共 5 款辛丑牛年生肖酒再次以矩陣的形式

used for reckoning time in ancient China, the heavenly stem


is also called "the year of Xin-chou". "Xin-chou" coincides


of 2021 is "Xin" and the earthly branch is "Chou". Thus 2021 with the element of "earth", which symbolizes well-being

and felicity. The saying "harmony invites propitious omen"



辛丑牛年貴州茅台酒主題詞為「辛丑福聚 和氣致祥」。2021

is originated from Book of Han · Volume 36 · Prince Yuan


propitiousness while dispute leads to inauspiciousness. It is


of Chu: "Judging from this perspective, harmony leads to

universally agreed that propitiousness brings stability to the nation, and inauspiciousness jeopardizes the nation."

The bottle of "Moutai for the Year of the Ox" is in red iron

brown, whose design adopted the Chinese painting Yak, the

Boat on the Plateau created by Nima Zeren, a well-known

Tibetan painter. A famous calligrapher Long Kaisheng was also invited to compose an inscription for the liquor. The

之土;「和氣致祥」出自《漢書.卷三十六.楚元王劉交傳》:「由 地之常經,古今之通義也。」意為「和睦融洽就可帶來祥瑞之氣」。 辛丑牛年貴州茅台酒瓶身為赤鐵棕,採用了著名畫家尼瑪澤仁

先生創作的《高原之舟犛牛》牛年生肖國畫,還邀請著名書法家創 作書法作品《辛丑牛年生肖酒銘》,再次將茅台文化與書畫藝術巧

妙融合。值得一提的是,貴州茅台股價在年初便一度站上 2,600 元 大關。乘著牛年大勢,茅台股票將會更牛。

自 2014 年推出甲午馬年生肖酒以來,茅台生肖酒集名家國畫、

art of painting and calligraphy and Moutai culture were


mentioning that the stock price of Kweichow Moutai once


once again cleverly integrated with each other. It is worth stood at the mark of 2,600 yuan early this year. Riding on

the trend of the year of the ox, Moutai stock is believed to expect more upside.

飲用收藏兩相宜的大眾紀念酒。每年春節前發佈,茅台生肖酒已成 在業內看來,茅台生肖酒矩陣已成為極具茅台特色的文化標識,

憑藉突出的品牌體驗、酒體設計、可鑒賞性、高收藏價值,為茅台 豐滿更多元化的消費場景,成為生肖酒市場的領軍代表。



Welcome the Spring Breeze with a Toast 世界舉杯迎春風

As the spring of the year of the ox began, the rich Moutai aroma with an oriental flavor could not wait to drift to the distant land, blooming with diverse charms in Australia, Asia and Europe. 牛年開春,帶著東方韻味的濃厚茅台醬香便已迫不及待飄向遙遠的海外,在澳洲、亞洲和歐洲綻放著多樣的獨特魅力。


MAR 2021




Australia: The Moutai Racing Team Gained Success in the TCR Australia Touring Car Series During Australia's National Day, the 2021 TCR Australia

Touring Car Series was held at the Symmons Plains Raceway in Launceston, the second largest city in Tasmania. The

Moutai Racing Team made its first debut in this game and

attracted much attention. Led by Luke King, a well-known Australian racer, the Moutai Team set off on the raceway. King was driving a customized Audi RS 3 racing car with

Moutai branding, showing the racing spirit of fearlessness

and limitless courage to face challenges, also demonstrating Moutai's determination to march forward on the road to internalization.

It was Luke King's first time competing in the TCR,

racing against 20 top racers from Audi, Renault, Alfa

Romeo, Honda and other brand teams, conveying the carracing culture and sportsmanship to racing enthusiasts. Representing Oriental aesthetics, the exotic Moutai

elements injected a strong sense of exotic Chinese charm into the field, creating an eye-catching view.

Winning 7th in the first round, 4th in the second and

third round, Luke King's performance was undoubtedly impressive. In the end, he finished 4th in the individual competition with his best time of 23'46'', 1st in the team

qualifier and 1st in the rookie championship. King said after the race, "The stages of the TCR Touring Car Series are more difficult than imagined, especially with the many back-

turns. Although more dangerous, they can better reflect a

racer's car-racing skill. As the race proceeds, I will be more

familiar with the track and surely will achieve better results in the following competitions coupled with the support from Audi and Moutai."

Representing Moutai's distributor throughout Australia

and New Zealand, Mr. Dong Weinan immediately

congratulated King after the game, "We are very proud of the results that Mr. Luke King and the Moutai team

achieved, and we will always have confidence in the team. In the following games, we will achieve better results. Our

game. In the meantime, Moutai has also received high

attention from these media with its noticeable appearance throughout the game that is loved by so many western

people, leaving an unforgettable impression to people from

Australia and New Zealand and other countries in the world. The sponsorship from Moutai to Luke King and his

goal is the championship trophy!" To celebrate the success

racing team brought out a deep understanding and a sense

tasting event after the game. All the racers, spectators and

a series of cooperation on TCR events, both sides will also

of the team, the distributor especially hosted a Moutai

Moutai fans participating in the event were fascinated by

the mellow aroma of Moutai. With the rich Moutai liquor,

they toasted to the outstanding performance of the Moutai

team and celebrated together, at the same time experiencing the wonderful mouth-feel and exploring the cultural appeal hidden in the liquor.

Multiple media, including Channel 7 (one of the largest

TV station in Australia), many automobile magazines and online platforms, have followed up and reported on the 26

MAR 2021

of acknowledgement between the two parties. In addition to cooperate on Moutai's offline brand experience activities, hoping to show more people the brilliant sparks between profound "cultural Moutai" and passionate racing spirit.

澳洲:「茅台車隊」首戰澳大利亞 TCR 汽車拉力賽斬獲佳績

在 澳 大 利 亞 國 慶 期 間,2021 澳 大 利 亞 TCR 汽 車 拉 力 賽

在 塔 斯 馬 尼 亞 州 第 二 大 城 市 朗 塞 斯 頓 的 Symmons Plains


Raceway 賽道集結發車、激情開賽。茅台車隊首次出戰,獲萬

的成績讓我們倍感驕傲,我們始終對車隊和 Luke King 先生充

燃 擎 啟 動, 駕 駛 著 車 身 印 有 茅 台 品 牌 logo 的 定 制 奧 迪 RS3 跑


眾矚目。賽場上,由澳洲知名車手 Luke King 領銜的茅台車隊 車 飛 馳 於 TCR 賽 道 上, 貫 徹 著 勇 者 無 畏、 挑 戰 無 限 的 賽 車 精 神, 詮 釋 著 茅 台 品 牌 在 國 際 化 之 路 上 勇 往 直 前 的 毅 然 風 姿。

車手 Luke King 駕駛「茅台賽車」,首次征戰 TCR 汽車拉 力賽,同來自奧迪、雷諾、阿爾法羅密歐、本田等品牌車隊的 20


神。代表著東方美學的茅台元素在賽場上的高頻次曝光,也為此 次比賽注入了濃郁的中國風韻,成為現場一道亮麗的風景線。

比賽中,Luke King 的表現十分搶眼,分別獲得第一場 7 名,

第二場 4 名,第三場 4 名的傲人成績。最終,他以最佳成績 23 分 46 秒,取得個人賽第四名,團隊排位賽第一名,TCR 新秀賽第 一名。Luke King 賽後表示:「TCR 汽車拉力賽的賽段比想像的

更複雜,特別是很多坡後彎,雖然危險,但更能體現賽車的技巧 性。隨著比賽的進行,自己對賽道會更加熟悉,加之奧迪、茅台

等各方的支持,在隨後的比賽中一定會取得更加優異的成績。」 茅台澳新經銷商明耀公司董事長董威萳先生也在賽後第一時 間向 Luke King 表示祝賀:「茅台車隊和 Luke King 先生取得

滿信心,在接下來的比賽中,還會取得更好的成績。我們的目標 司特於賽事結束後,舉辦了一場茅台品鑒會。參賽選手、觀眾,


台的醇厚酒香所吸引。他們體驗著茅台酒帶給味蕾的絕妙體驗, 探索著醇厚酒液中所蘊藏的文化韻味,以馥鬱醇厚的茅台美酒,

與「茅台車隊」一同乾杯慶祝,為他們的卓越表現舉杯喝彩。 澳 大 利 亞 最 大 電 視 臺 之 一 的 7 號 台, 以 及 眾 多 汽 車 雜 誌、 網 路 平 臺 紛 紛 對 賽 事 進 行 了 跟 蹤 報 導。 茅 台 品 牌 也 因 在

賽 事 中 的 活 躍 表 現, 獲 得 了 各 媒 體、 電 視 臺 的 高 度 矚 目,

憑 藉 這 一 備 受 西 方 友 人 喜 愛 的 運 動 形 式, 與 電 視、 媒 體 的 廣 泛 曝 光, 成 功 走 進 了 澳 新 地 區 乃 至 全 球 主 流 人 群 心 中。 經過此次茅台對 Luke King 車隊的贊助,雙方達成了深度的 瞭解與認同。除了就 TCR 賽事所展開的一系列合作之外,雙方還

將圍繞茅台的線下品牌體驗活動展開合作,希望借此讓更多人看到 「文化茅台」與賽車精神碰撞出的絢麗火花。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Moutai Australia NZ)



Europe: Moutai and Friends from Finland Gathered Together to Welcome the Warmth of Spring As the old saying goes, "People's conditions will change

for the better with the approach of spring." Outside the

window, when branches have gradually been dyed green,

the first breeze of spring arrived as scheduled surrounded

together carrying forward the banquet open up to local friends and overseas compatriots. Timo, the owner of

Winebridge, is a professional sommelier and a successful wine merchant. He has imported over 100 wine brands

into Finland and established his own themed restaurant

Winebridge. This time, he hopes to know more about the

Oriental liquor culture through cooperating with Moutai.

Timo mentioned at the banquet, "Every year I would host

by the pleasant chirps of warbles and swallows. Everything

dozens of parties and banquets of different themes with

people from all walks of life in Tampere, Finland, came

been interested in Chinese culture, knowing that the Spring

is entering a brand new cycle. Upon this beautiful season, together for the fragrance of Moutai liquor to usher in the new year.

Since many people travelling or residing in Finland far

away from home were still not able to return to China to

spend the Chinese New Year with their own family, Moutai's distributor in Finland organized a New Year banquet for

them, hoping to relieve their nostalgia to some extent with

performances reflecting different cultures. I have always

Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people.

Therefore, when I found out that Moutai liquor is available in Finland, I contacted our local distributor as soon as

possible, hoping to organize an event with them so as to

alter European people's stereotype of Chinese baijiu, arouse their curiosity and deepen their understanding."

Although the number of guests was limited to less than

the familiar Jiang fragrance from their home country.

20 people in response to the local epidemic prevention call,

and seasonality, emphasizing aesthetics, tastes and the

paper-cutting window decorations were festive and so full

The food culture in China is famous for its diversity

importance of liquor. It is widely agreed that "a banquet without liquor is no banquet at all", which leads to the

unique status of Moutai liquor on Chinese people's dining

table. In order to present Chinese food culture more vividly to Finnish people, Moutai was invited by a local restaurant Winebridge to host the special "Spring Festival Banquet". At the restaurant host's invitation, Moutai's Finnish

distributor also went to Tampere to show their support, 28

MAR 2021

the atmosphere was still warm. Red Moutai lanterns and

of "New Year" vibe. Before dinner, the bartender specially prepared two different Moutai cocktails for the guests to

taste. Timo also turned into a Moutai instructor, introducing history and culture behind this mellow liquor originated from China. Also, the beverage list was illustrated with

graphics of Chinese zodiac animals, so the guests could

better understand Chinese culture through the great tasting experience.



廳的主人 Timo 是一位專業的侍酒師,也是一位成功的紅酒商。他


Timo 在 此 次 酒 會 中 提 到:「 我 每 年 會 舉 辦 幾 十 個 場 次


更新,萬物又迎來了一個嶄新的輪回。值此時節,芬蘭坦佩雷的 各界民眾,也因茅台酒香相聚一堂,共同迎接全新一年的到來。

由於今年的特殊原因,很多海外遊子都難以返鄉過節。儘管 他們與家人所隔山海,但遙遠的距離也擋不住他們對家鄉的嚮

往。因此,芬蘭茅台經銷商特為來自坦佩雷的新朋友們,舉辦了 一場新春盛會,以酒香迎接即將到來的春日,撫慰他們的鄉愁。 中國的飲食文化風味多樣、四季有別、講究美感、注重情趣, 加以「無酒不成席」的文化,使茅台酒在中國人的餐桌上有著獨特 的位置。為了更生動地將中國飲食文化詮釋給芬蘭民眾,茅台受芬

蘭坦佩雷市的 Winebridge 餐廳邀請,舉辦了一場特別的「迎春宴」。

在接到餐廳主辦人的邀請後,茅台芬蘭經銷商懷著激動的心情, 於中國農曆除夕當天,前往芬蘭第三大城市坦佩雷市,以「迎春宴」 的舉辦,廣邀當地民眾、海外同胞共度春節,用味道守住回憶。餐

將 100 多個紅酒品牌進口到芬蘭,同時也在坦佩雷成立了自己的主

題餐廳 Winebridge,此次期望與茅台合作,瞭解更多東方酒文化。 的 主 題 晚 宴 活 動, 也 會 帶 來 不 同 的 文 化 表 演。 我 一 直 對 中 國

文 化 非 常 感 興 趣, 春 節 是 中 國 人 最 重 要 的 節 日, 當 然 少 不 了 美 食 和 美 酒。 當 我 發 現 在 芬 蘭 能 買 到 茅 台 酒 時, 便 第 一 時 間 聯 繫 你 們, 希 望 你 們 能 來 參 加 這 場 活 動, 以 此 改 變 歐 洲 人 對 白 酒 的 刻 板 印 象, 讓 人 們 多 一 些 好 奇 心 和 瞭 解。」

為響應當地防疫號召,此次活動把參與人數限制在了 20 人以 內。雖然到場人數較少,但是氛圍依舊熱烈。現場張燈結綵,茅台 燈籠高高掛起,春節窗花彰顯喜慶,年味十足。調酒師特意準備了 兩款茅台雞尾酒以供到場的嘉賓們品嘗。晚餐開始前,Timo 還化

身茅台講解員,為來賓介紹來自中國的美酒和其背後的文化。此外, 酒單上還配了生肖圖,以便讓來賓們可以更好瞭解中國文化。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Moutai Finland)



Asia: Moutai Supported Charity in Thailand, with Lingering Fragrance Remained

liquor culture as well as tasting etiquette to the visitors on

Thai Red Cross Society recently at Royal Paragon Hall.

displays and wonderful performances with national

The 54th Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar was held by the

Moutai's local distributor joined the fair with the mellow liquor and got widely acclaimed by the Thai people.

The event was organized under the concept of "Shop the

World at the Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar". Well-known

international brands from over 50 countries were invited to participate. An online purchasing channel was also opened up for people who could not visit in person so they won't miss any specialty products from all over the world.

It was reported that all proceeds from this event will be

donated to the Thai Red Cross Society to support the local

poor people. As the initiator of the Thai Red Cross Society, HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn who is beloved by the Thai people also made a personal appearance at the

event. She came to the Moutai booth to learn more about Moutai products as well as Chinese traditional liquor

making techniques and culture while tasting some special

refreshments from China. Before leaving, she expressed her gratitude to Moutai for doing kind deeds to the people in need.

Attracted by the booth exquisitely arranged by Moutai's

Thai distributor, visitors came in an endless stream to taste the mellow liquor. The staff on site patiently elaborated on

the unique making techniques of Moutai liquor and Chinese 30

MAR 2021

site in vivid language.

In addition to the vast arrays of exhibits, there were

multiple activities in the fair, including national costume characteristics showcased by exhibitors from various

countries. Among them, the ethnic costumes from China's Guangxi province and Yunnan province showed the

diversity of Chinese national culture, bringing a visual enjoyment of Chinese aesthetics to the audience. The

spectacular performances ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

As an indispensable figure in the Red Cross Bazaar in

Thailand every year, Moutai has always paid close attention to this world-influential charity event and supported

the development of local public welfare undertakings with practical actions. Through bringing distinct

tasting experience to the local people, Moutai serves

as a "friendship ambassador" promoting the friendship between people from Thailand and China. Moutai also

deeply grasps the local market situation through learning about the local culture and penetrating into various local

consumer groups more extensively. Moutai builds itself into a messenger of Chinese culture, which not only enhances

the local popularity of Moutai as a brand, but also expands

consumption market and brand influence, bringing Chinese baijiu culture into Thailand.






近 日, 由 泰 國 紅 十 字 會 主 辦 的 第 54 屆 紅 十 字 會 —— 駐

行, 茅 台 泰 國 經 銷 商 將 醇 香 茅 台 帶 去 義 賣 會 現 場, 得 到 了 泰 國 民 眾 的 廣 泛 好 評。 今 年 的 外 交 慈 善 義 賣 會 主 題 是「 體 驗 世 界 購 物 精 彩」, 現 場 共 邀 請 了 來 自 50 多 個 國 家 的 知 名

品 牌 參 與。 活 動 還 特 別 開 闢 了 線 上 購 物 通 道, 讓 無 法 親 臨 現 場 的 遊 客 們 足 不 出 戶 就 能 購 買 到 世 界 各 地 的 特 色 商 品。

據悉,此次義賣活動所得善款均會無償贈予泰國紅十字會, 為當地的貧困人群提供幫助。作為紅十字公益活動發起人,深


台展臺前,詳細瞭解了茅台的展品情況,品嘗特色茶點,瞭解中 國的傳統釀酒工藝與文化,並向做出善舉的茅台表示了謝意。 在茅台經銷商精心佈置的展位前,被茅台吸引駐足的遊客 絡繹不絕。他們品鑒美酒的同時,還紛紛拿出手機等數碼設備


除 了 琳 琅 滿 目 的 展 品 之 外, 此 次 展 覽 還 包 含 眾 多 活 動 環

節,如各國民族服飾展示和表演,以及各國參展商帶來的富有 少數民族服飾展示舞臺,更讓在場觀眾體會到了中國民族文化 的 多 樣 性, 令 他 們 感 受 到 了 中 式 美 學 帶 來 的 視 覺 享 受。 精 彩

的表演點燃現場氣氛,現場嘉賓及民眾興致勃勃、反響熱烈。 作為泰國外交慈善義賣活動中每年都必不可少的身影,茅台始 終緊密關注這一極具世界影響力的慈善盛會,以實際行動支持當地 公益事業發展,在為到場的當地民眾帶去了不一樣的美酒體驗的同 時,也助推兩國民眾友誼不斷升溫。此外,茅台還深刻把握泰國市 場形勢,瞭解當地文化,通過多種管道更廣泛地深入到當地各個消 費群體中,將自身打造成為中華文化傳播使者,不僅提升了茅台酒 在泰國當地的知名度、擴大消費市場和品牌影響力,也讓中國白酒 文化深度走進泰國。

(Special thanks to 特別鳴謝:Kweichow Moutai Thailand)

Fine liquor is not only meant for tasting and drinking. It also brings us "experience on the tip of the tongue",

sentimental comfort and the unique cultural charm behind the liquor fragrance. Today, Moutai is stepping on the

world stage with the purpose of closing the distance between overseas Chinese compatriots and friends from all

over the world by demonstrating the profound connotation of "cultural Moutai". Through vivid interpretation of the

cultural appeal of Moutai liquor, people from the world will understand more about the influence and significance

of Chinese liquor culture to the world liquor culture, and witness the elegant demeanor of this Chinese national

brand sailing to the world.




Source of information 資料來源:Moutai Global 茅台國際



Moutai is "Stable" 茅台「穩」了 Edit/ 文 雲酒團隊 Translation/ 譯 Billy Yung


MAR 2021



n March 30th, Kweichow Moutai released

this linking stage between the past and future, what kind of

period, it realized revenue of 94.915 billion

the present and future? How to clarify the outside world's

its 2020 annual report. During the reporting

yuan, an increase of 11.1% year-on-year, and the net

profit attributable to shareholders of listed company

was 46.697 billion yuan, an increase of 13.33% year-on-

systematic thinking and judgment should Moutai have for speculation about its large-scale personnel adjustment in the second half of 2018?

"Stability" is the most reasonable and effective choice

year. This report has special significance. This is the first

for Moutai. Starting from the improvement of production

reached the 100-billion level in 2019. In the light of the

rectification and discussions about "looking for problems,

"post-100-billion" performance report of Moutai since it

complex environment in 2020, it proves that Moutai has the "resilience" to achieve stable growth.

Back to March 3rd, 2020, the media spotlight almost


quality and production capacity, Moutai took the

measures and goals" as the starting point, and quickly

identified three lifelines of development: quality, safety,

and environmental protection. Moutai clarified that firmly

focused on a name that was rarely

heard in the liquor

industry before——

Gao Weidong. From that day on, he

officially took over

from Li Baofang as

Chairman of Moutai Group. At that time, it was only two

holding on to these three lifelines was the reason why

revenue of 100 billion yuan. At this special time node when

"Safety" and "environmental protection" ultimately serve for

and a half months since Moutai announced that it achieved pipeline transformation, Cultural Moutai, and the "post-

100-billion" era were coupled with the continuing impact of

Moutai could achieve stable and long-term development.

"quality". Any work without quality will result in invalidity. When Moutai pays so much attention to quality, few

the epidemic, "the change of leadership" has undoubtedly

people realize the importance of quality to Moutai——

and outside the industry. Most people's question is: Where

designed production capacity of Moutai liquor-making

led to many conjectures about Moutai's future both inside

will the 48-year-old Gao Weidong lead the "post-100-billion" Moutai?

Now, looking back at this question, the answer is

becoming clearer. People have found that this "post-70s" Moutai leader has shown impressive persistence and

calmness since taking office. He always adheres to the goal and strives to make Moutai a world-class enterprise; he

always adheres to innovation, development, and making steady progress, so as to continuously standardize and optimize corporate governance; he always adheres to

quality, and spares no effort to ensure stable production

Kweichow Moutai's 2020 annual report shows that the

workshop is 42,560 tons, and the actual production capacity is 50,235 tons. The designed production capacity of series liquor is 25,260 tons, and the actual production capacity

is 24,925 tons. This reflects the severe imbalance between supply and demand in the current market for Moutai

liquor and its series liquor, and also puts forward higher

requirements on the "stable" production of Moutai liquor

and its series liquor. With the planned production capacity of "50,000 tons", Moutai will surely maintain stable and long-term development.

In Moutai, "stability" is embodied in all aspects, such as

quality, making the enterprise and market better and better.

operation, management, and market. This also causes many

has become not only its most vivid portrayal but also the

why does Moutai still insist on "stability" when it has the

In 2020, Moutai was making great strides. "Stability"

"guarantee" for its leap forward to a higher goal.

people to criticize Moutai's strategy to maintain "stability": ability to "speed up".

Looking back at the work deployment of the Central

Moutai is Stable

Economic Work Conference in 2020, it also adheres to

2020 can be described as the "year of fate" for Moutai's

runs through the economic work throughout the year,

development. At the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan" and

the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", how can Moutai make strides forward while maintaining a high level after

100 billion in revenue and one trillion in market value? At

the general tone of "making steady progress". "Stability" reflecting the efforts to deepen supply-side reform as

well as scientifically and steadily grasp the counter-cyclic

adjustment of macro policies when facing the complicated situation of mounting risks and challenges at home and MOUTAI MAGAZINE


abroad. Relying on the policy of "stability", China's economy

focused on key areas and key links, and achieved solid

performance report also proves everything. In 2020, under

the shortcomings; fourth, Moutai dug deep into its cultural

has successfully maintained healthy growth, and Moutai's

the impact of the epidemic, Kweichow Moutai's revenue and net profit respectively increased by 11% and 13% year-on-

results in consolidating the foundation and complementing connotation and gathered support through culture.

Kweichow Moutai's 2020 annual report shows that the

year. Among them, the fourth quarter achieved revenue of

company's wholesale pipeline sales in 2020 were 81.582


sale pipeline sales were 13.24 billion yuan, a year-on-year

27.7 billion yuan and net profit of 12.8 billion yuan, a record

billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.46%, and directincrease of

82.66%. Both pipelines achieved

growth in

sales. At the same time, the directIn the same year, Moutai's brand value reached 53.7

billion U.S. dollars. The global ranking of the brand rose

from the 93rd in 2016 to the current 18th, ranking first in

the global spirits list. Its share price and market value have

sale pipeline

developed rapidly, achieving multiple goals of price

stability as well as consumer service and profit margin improvement.

It's not just the Moutai liquor market that is improving.

repeatedly reached new highs, and the market value once

Under the current "Jiang-fragrance liquor craze" and "high-

Five-Year Plan' one year ahead of schedule, but also formed

continuously. Moutai's firm price control at 1,499 yuan per

exceeded 3 trillion yuan. "We not only completed the '13th

a good situation of stable popularity, stable production, and stable market," Gao Weidong said. Obviously, Moutai has

not only "stabilized" its development momentum, but also created a pattern of high-quality development.

"Seeking Progress in Stability" Under Moutai's "stable" development pattern, "progress"

is the inevitable result.

In 2020, Moutai implemented the core strategy of

"stabilizing the market and price". Moutai's price system

for both ex-factory price and market retail price has been

end liquor craze", the price of famous baijiu has been rising bottle has greatly buffered the social impact of the price and has also avoided the rapid rise of the baijiu value index. At the same time, Moutai has also led the majority of liquor

brands, especially the Jiang-fragrance baijiu brands to carry out service and consumption upgrade. Even within Moutai, price stabilization has also greatly mobilized distributors'

subjective initiative, stricken some distributors' mentality of "earning passive money", motivating them to transform into brand service providers, actively go out and spread Moutai culture, constantly revitalize the market, and lay a solid foundation for the group's "Convergence Marketing".

For Moutai, the status of "baijiu leader" means that there

successfully "stabilized". "Moutai liquor is available for

is no "pacemaker" in front. The only way is to build a better

level as well, avoiding the situation that the collection and

development together with adjustment, and thoroughly

consumers" and the pipeline inventory maintained at a low speculation attributes are greater than the consumption

attribute. More importantly, the pipeline, service, reform, and culture have all been greatly improved.

The Moutai liquor market is steadily improving, and the

biggest gains achieved are mainly reflected in four aspects: First, the market layout is more hierarchical. Moutai

self and a pattern of "seeking progress in stability", achieve open up the channel for medium- and long-term higher quality development.

Sticking to "Stability" in 2021 Kweichow Moutai's annual report shows that one of

implemented non-balanced centralized delivery throughout

the business goals for 2021 is to increase revenue by about

of social pipeline management and control, delivered

production quality and marketing were clarified. The

the year, continued making efforts in the overall planning precisely, and successfully controlled the pace of sales;

second, marketing services became warmer, and Moutai

continued to implement the principle of "consumer first";

third, reform and development were more effective. Moutai 34

MAR 2021

10.5% year-on-year, and nine tasks including improving

growth target of 10.5% shows that Moutai will continue to stick to "stability" in 2021.

According to Moutai's plan, in 2021, Moutai will keep

a close eye on the annual goals and tasks, and stick to


"stability" and "practicalness". To be specific, for Moutai's

and price as well as balancing supply and demand, so as to

put forward a series of measures about "stability": It is

with social pipelines and self-operating system.

marketing work in 2021, Gao Weidong even successively necessary to unswervingly ensure stability and promote

form a good situation that complemented and cooperated At this meeting, Gao Weidong also particularly

development, achieving stable market, stable price and

emphasized the current key work: The first is to normalize

quality and stable policy. Together with "stability",

second is to do well in sales on New Year's Day and the

stable development through stable foundation, stable "progress" is still going on. For example, in pipeline

adjustments, Gao Weidong revealed at Kweichow Moutai

National Distributors' Convention 2020 that Moutai would

promote supermarket and e-commerce pipelines to become an important part of selling precisely, stabilizing market

the work of price control and market stabilization; the

Spring Festival, serve consumers accurately, and ensure a "good start" in the first quarter of the new year. Stable growth does not mean slow growth or no growth. For

Guizhou Province, Moutai is not just an enterprise, but

an important economic pillar. Previous work experience MOUTAI MAGAZINE


has determined that when Gao Weidong leads Moutai to

to a "bedrock" and "benchmark". The industry has reached

think more about the macro effects of greater economy and

entire industry. In terms of industry, in July last year,

make greater contributions to the local economy, he will

greater infrastructure, and will see the value of this bottle of liquor from higher standing and perspective as well.

Moutai's "Stability" is the Industry's "Bedrock" and "Benchmark" Moutai's steady development not only ensures the

stable and long-term development of the enterprise itself, but also brings more benefits to the local economy. More

importantly, it actually provides confidence and space for the smooth operation of the entire industry, and brings many benefits to the industry.

As the leading enterprise in the industry and a

prestigious star enterprise with a scale of hundreds of

billions and a market value of trillions, Moutai's stability

and progress, to some extent, determines the trend of the

industry. For the entire baijiu industry, Moutai is equivalent 36

MAR 2021

a consensus that Moutai's prosperity is beneficial for the Moutai, together with Langjiu, Xijiu, Guotai, Zhenjiu,

Jing Brand, and Diaoyutai jointly signed the Declaration

of Shared Development of Manufacturers of Jiang-Flavor

Liquor in the Core Production Areas to jointly promote the

aggregation development of Jiang-fragrance baijiu, making the "Jiang-fragrance liquor craze" a consensus for the

development of China's baijiu industry. In terms of social

responsibility, in addition to investing heavily in donations to education and environmental protection, Moutai has

also won the 2020 National Poverty Alleviation Organization Innovation Award, National Poverty Alleviation Advanced Group and other honorary titles for its effective poverty alleviation practice. It also continuously contributes to

the rural revitalization, serving as a "pacemaker" for the

industry. In terms of the stock market, Moutai's phenomenal growth is the underlying logic for many industry insiders to be rightly optimistic about baijiu stocks. Since its listing in


2001, Kweichow Moutai has been continuously refreshing

industry. Although "whether the essence of Jiang-fragrance

In 2007, Kweichow Moutai became the first 100-yuan

no one will deny that Moutai has played a great leading role

its history in the past 20 years.

stock in the two Stock Exchanges after the stock reform;

in 2017, Kweichow Moutai's total market value surpassed Diageo and became the world's most valuable spirits

company; in 2018, it became the first baijiu stock with a

market value of more than one trillion yuan; in June 2019, its intraday stock price exceeded 1,000 yuan, becoming the first 1000-yuan stock in A-share market in the new

century after the stock reform; in 2020, its highest stock

price soared to 1,875 yuan per share, with a total market

value of more than 2 trillion yuan; on February 9, 2021, its market value officially exceeded the threshold of 3 trillion

yuan. In this regard, it has played a leading role in driving the rise of baijiu stocks, consumption stocks and even the entire market, and has brought great benefits to Moutai shareholders and baijiu stocks.

2020 is also a stage for Moutai to achieve high-speed

growth in performance, which has brought benefit to the

liquor craze is Moutai craze or not" is still under discussion, in it. As countless entrants poured into the Jiang-fragrance

liquor market, the Jiang-fragrance liquor enterprises around Maotai Town took advantage of the rise, forming the core

production area of ​​Jiang-fragrance liquor, and the favorable situation of the industry is clearly visible. At the investment level, when the "ceiling effect" of Moutai's production capacity is already obvious and investors are very

concerned about how will Moutai seek more development after breaking through 100 billion yuan, Moutai's steady

performance has given investors a "reassurance". It can be seen that in 2020, Moutai's performance growth has been

steady and progressing, and the market is stable, which is

of great significance to the industry. 2021 is the first year of

the national "14th Five-Year Plan", and all liquor enterprises have been aiming at high-quality development. Moutai's

stability will undoubtedly bring greater imagination to itself and the entire industry.




月 30 日,貴州茅台發佈 2020 年度報告,報告期內


於上市公司股東的淨利潤為 466.97 億元,同比增長


實現營業收入 949.15 億元,同比增長 11.1%,歸屬


13.33%。這份「成績單」擁有特殊意義。這是茅台自 2019 年跨

何釋疑外界對於它 2018 年下

越千億之後的第一份「後千億」成績單,綜合考慮 2020 年的複雜




時間回到 2020 年 3 月 3 日,媒體的聚光燈幾乎同時打向了一


個此前酒業鮮有耳聞的名字——高衛東。他從那一天起正式接棒李 保芳,出任茅台集團董事長。彼時,距茅台宣佈實現千億營收僅過

合理最有效的選擇。從生產 品質和產能提升開始,茅台



未來無疑令業內外產生了諸多猜想。大多數人的疑問是:48 歲的


續的疫情影響——在此特殊時間節點上的「掌門人換帥」,茅台的 高衛東,將帶領「後千億」的茅台走向何方?


環保,並明確:茅台之所以行穩致遠,就在於守住了「品質、安全、 質」服務,離開品質談任何工作,結果都是無效的。


這位「70 後」茅台一把手,在上任以來表現出令人印象深刻的執

的「重要性」——貴州茅台 2020 年報顯示,茅台酒制酒車間設計


萬噸,實際產能 2.4925 萬噸。反映了茅台及系列酒當前市場供求

著與沉穩。其始終執著於目標,努力把茅台打造成世界一流企業; 終執著於品質,不遺餘力地讓生產品質穩定,讓企業和市場更好。

2020 年,大踏步前進中的茅台,「穩」字都成了最鮮明的寫照,


茅台,穩了 2020 年,可謂茅台發展的「本命年」。 「十三五」收官、 「十四五」

謀篇之際,千億營收、萬億市值之後茅台怎樣在保持高位的同時, 38

MAR 2021

產能 4.256 萬噸,實際產能 5.0235 萬噸,系列酒設計產能 2.526 嚴重失衡的狀態,更對茅台及系列酒生產「穩」提出了更高要求, 佈局「5 萬噸級」年產量的茅台行穩致遠。


這也讓很多人對茅台「穩」的策略表示苛責:明明有「飆車」的能 力,為何要堅持「穩」字當頭。

回顧 2020 年中央經濟會議的工作部署可以發現,同樣堅持「穩

中求進」的總基調。「穩」字貫穿全年經濟工作的背後,體現了對 中央政府國內外風險挑戰上升、深化供給側改革、科學穩健把握宏

NATURE 天 觀政策逆週期調節力度的努力。憑藉「穩字當頭」,中國經濟成功

按照茅台計畫,2021 年要緊盯年度目標任務,堅持「穩」字當

保持健康增長,而茅台的成績單也證明了一切。2020 年,在疫情

頭、「實」字托底。具體到 2021 年茅台酒行銷工作,他更是一口

中第四季度實現營收 277 億元,實現淨利潤 128 億元,創下歷史


衝擊之下,貴州茅台營收、淨利潤分別同比增長 11%、13%,其 新高。

同年,茅台品牌價值達到 537 億美元,品牌全球排名由 2016

年的第 93 位升至目前的第 18 位,居全球烈酒榜首,股價、市值

也屢創新高,市值也一度突破三萬億元。「我們不僅提前一年完成 了『十三五』目標任務,還形成了人心穩、生產穩、市場穩的良好 局面。」高衛東表示。顯然,茅台不僅「穩」住了發展勢頭,更開 創了的高品質發展格局。

「穩中有進」 茅台「穩健」發展格局之下,


2020 年,茅台貫徹落實「穩

市穩價」的核心策略,無論是 出廠價還是市場零售價,茅台


「消費者能夠買到酒、喝上酒」, 管道庫存也保持低位水準,避 免了收藏、投機屬性大於消費

屬性的情況,更重要的是管道、服務、改革、文化均有了極大的提升。 茅台酒市場穩中趨優,取得的最大收穫主要體現在四個方面:

一是市場佈局更具層次,全年實施非均衡集中投放,在社會管道管 控統籌上持續發力,精准投放,把控銷售節奏;二是行銷服務更有

溫度,繼續把服務消費者至上落到了實處;三是改革發展更富成效, 緊盯重點領域,關鍵環節,在夯實基礎、補齊短板上取得扎實成效; 四是深挖茅台文化內涵,以文化凝聚人心。

貴州茅台 2020 年報顯示,公司 2020 年批發管道銷售 815.82

億 元, 同 比 增 長 4.46%, 直 銷 管 道 銷 售 132.4 億, 同 比 增 長

82.66%,雙雙錄得增長的同時,直銷管道快速發力,兼顧了穩價、 消費者服務與利潤率提升的多重目標。


氣說了 7 個「穩」:要堅定不移保穩定促發展,以基礎穩、品質穩、 在進行。例如管道調整,高衛東在貴州茅台酒 2020 年度全國經銷

商聯誼會上透露,推動商超電商管道成為精准銷售、穩市穩價、平 衡供需的重要組成部分,形成與社會管道、自營體系相輔相成、協 同發展的良好局面。


穩市工作常態化;二是做好元旦、春節的銷售工作,精准服務好消 費者,確保新年一季度「開門紅」。穩增長,不代表慢增長,更不 代表不增長。茅台對於貴州省而言,已經不單單是一家企業,而是 一項重要的經濟支柱。此前的工作經驗,決定了高衛東在帶領茅台 為地方經濟做更大貢獻時,其思考維度將更加著眼於大經濟、大基 建的宏觀效果,也將以更大的站位和視野,來看一瓶酒的價值。

茅台之「穩」,行業的「壓艙石」和「定盤星」 茅台的穩健發展,除了保證企業本身的行穩致遠,給地方經濟

帶來更多的效益貢獻之外,更重要的是,其實則為整個行業的平穩 運行,撐起了一片信心與空間,給行業帶來諸多利好。


台的穩健與進取,一定程度上關乎行業走向趨勢。其對整個白酒行 業而言,無異於「壓艙石」和「定盤星」。茅台好才能大家好,已 經成為行業共識。在行業方面,去年 7 月,茅台聯合郎酒、習酒、 國台、珍酒、勁牌、釣魚臺共同簽署《世界醬香型白酒核心產區企 業共同發展宣言》,共同推動醬香型白酒聚合發展,讓「醬酒熱」 成為了中國白酒產業發展共識。在社會責任層面,茅台在每年鉅資 投入捐資助學、環境保護等之外,更以卓有成效的脫貧攻堅實踐,

榮獲了 2020 年全國脫貧攻堅組織創新獎、全國脫貧攻堅先進集體 等榮譽稱號,並持續在鄉村振興層面貢獻力量,為行業樹立了「標 兵」。在股市方面,茅台的現象級增長,是很多業內人士理直氣壯

看好白酒股的底層邏輯。從 2001 年上市至今,20 年來,貴州茅台 不斷刷新歷史。

2007 年成為股改後兩市首隻百元股;2017 年總市值超過全球

白酒價格持續上漲,在茅台酒牢牢「錨定」1499 元 / 瓶的背景下,

酒王帝亞顯示吉歐成為全球市值最高的烈性酒公司;2018 年成為


為新世紀以來股改後 A 股首隻千元股;2020 年,每股最高飆至

對價格背後的社會影響形成了巨大緩衝,白酒價值指數也避免了過 務消費升級。即便在茅台內部,穩價極大調動了經銷商的主觀能動 性,打擊了部分經銷商「躺著賺錢」的心理,促使其向品牌服務商 轉變,主動走出去,傳播茅台酒文化,不斷盤活市場,同時為集團 「聚合行銷」打下了堅實的基礎。


只有打造更好的自己,構建「穩中有進」的格局,實現了邊調整邊 發展,徹底為中長期的更高品質發展打開通道。

2021,依然「穩」字當頭 貴州茅台年報顯示,2021 年經營目標之一是營業總收入同比增

長 10.5% 左右,並明確了包括抓好生產品質、做好市場行銷等九

項工作。10.5% 的增長目標,顯示了茅台 2021 年仍堅持「穩」字 當頭。

白酒第一隻市值破萬億的股票;2019 年 6 月盤中股價破千元,成 1875.00 元 / 股,總市值超過 2 萬億;2021 年 2 月 9 日,市值正 式突破 3 萬億元大關。在這其中,其對白酒、消費股甚至大盤均起

到帶動拉升作用,對茅台股東和整個白酒股來說,帶來了極大利好。 2020 年,也是茅台實現業績高速增長的階段,給行業帶來了助

益。儘管「醬酒熱的本質到底是不是茅台熱」仍處於探討之中,但 沒有人會否認,茅台在其中起到的巨大的帶動作用。無數入局者湧 入醬酒市場,茅台鎮周邊的醬酒企業借勢崛起,醬香酒核心產區形 成,產業利好局面清晰可見。在投資層面,對於產能「天花板」效 應已經明顯的茅台來講,投資者十分關心在突破千億之後如何尋求 更多的發展,而茅台穩健的業績表現也給投資者們吃下了一顆「定 心丸」。可以看到,過去的 2020 年,茅台業績增長穩中有進、市

場盤面穩定,對行業意義重大。2021 年,是國家「十四五」規劃

開局之年,酒企都已瞄準高品質發展。而茅台的穩,無疑將帶給茅 台和整個行業更大的想像空間。




MAR 2021


Gao Weidong 高衛東:

Undertake the New Mission of Building Moutai into A "Fortune Global 500" Enterprise 承擔打造「世界 500 強」新使命

Translation/ 譯 Weng Jinqiang




s a leading enterprise in the Guizhou baijiu

industry, Moutai has successively achieved the goals of "exceeding 100 billion in revenue",

"exceeding 1,000 yuan in stock price" and "exceeding one trillion in market value" during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. In the "14th Five-Year Plan" proposal, Guizhou

Province proposed to strive to build Moutai into the first "Fortune Global 500" enterprise in Guizhou. Facing the new goal, how will Moutai accelerate and improve its development?

Gao Weidong, Chairman of Moutai Group, said, "Building

Moutai into the first 'Fortune Global 500' enterprise in

the province is a major strategic arrangement made by the Guizhou baijiu industry during the '14th Five-Year

Plan' period. This also means that Moutai plays a more

important role in the economic and social development of

the entire province and undertakes the mission of the times as strategy support for Guizhou's industrial development during the '14th Five-Year Plan' period. Closely focusing on the main development goal, Moutai will adopt the

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Moutai achieved

steady and rapid development, which, according to Gao

Weidong, had laid a good foundation for Moutai to further accelerate its development and strive to achieve its work goals. "During the '13th Five-Year Plan' period, Moutai's

total industrial output value, revenue, profit and tax were all doubled. Both Moutai's Jiang-fragrance series liquor and Xijiu achieved annual revenue of over 10 billion

yuan, initially forming the product pattern of 'one main

product and two powerful series'. Moutai's brand value has reached 53.7 billion US dollars, rising from 93rd in 2016

to the current 18th in the global brand ranking, ranking

first among global spirits. Its stock price and market value

have also repeatedly reached new highs. On July 6th, 2020, Moutai's market value exceeded 2 trillion yuan for the first time. We have not only completed the '13th Five-Year Plan' target one year ahead of schedule, but also formed a good

situation of stable popularity, stable production and stable market."

Moutai proposed that during the "14th Five-Year Plan"

development ideas of focusing on the main industry,

period, "high quality" should run through all aspects of

constructing ecology, and consolidate the foundation of

restructuring, cultural Moutai construction, green

adjusting structure, strengthening supporting facilities and 'quality, safety and environmental protection'. At the same time, Moutai will optimize the main industry, strengthen supporting facilities, expand the industry, and promote

the concept of 'implementing high-quality development and marching toward a brighter future', so as to make

greater contributions to the province's economic and social development during the '14th Five-Year Plan' period." 42

MAR 2021

production and operation; Moutai would focus on industrial development and other aspects, so as to further enhance the market value and brand value of the enterprise, and continuously promote the modernization and transformation development of the enterprise.

Gao Weidong said, "Moutai will continue to reform

and innovate, accelerate transformation and upgrading,

continuously improve corporate governance capacity, and


realize the improvement of both quality and efficiency. We


as life', take safety production as the key of development,


will always stick to Moutai's main value of 'regarding quality take ecological environment protection as the foundation

of survival, and unswervingly adhere to green, healthy and sustainable development. We will construct 'Intelligent Moutai' to promote the modernization transformation

緊緊圍繞『雙鞏固、雙打造、三翻番』的發展目標,以聚主業、調 條生命線,做優主業、做強配套、做大產業,推動『高品質發展, 大踏步前進』,努力為全省『十四五』時期經濟社會發展作出茅台 更大的貢獻。」


of traditional enterprise, practice ecological civilization,


to build the core gathering area of the province's baijiu


create a model for industrial ecological enterprise, strive industry, accelerate the supporting facilities of upstream

and downstream industries as well as the layout of related industries, and actively play a good role in promoting and leading, so as to make greater contributions to the highquality development and new industrialization of the province's baijiu industry."

He emphasized that Moutai was undertaking a new

mission of building itself into a "Fortune Global 500"

enterprise and should stride forward with high quality.

「『十三五』期間,茅台工業總產值、營業收入、利稅均實現了翻 雙強』的產品格局。品牌價值達到了 537 億美元,品牌全球排名

由 2016 年的第 93 位升至目前的第 18 位,居全球烈酒榜首。股價、 市值也屢創新高,2020 年 7 月 6 日市值首次突破兩萬億元。我們 不僅提前一年完成了『十三五』目標任務,還形成了人心穩、生產 穩、市場穩的良好局面。」


重點圍繞產業結構調整、文化茅台建設、綠色發展等方面,進一步 提升企業的市場價值、 品牌價值,不斷推動企業的現代化轉型發 展」。








州首家「世界 500 強企業」。面對新目標,茅台將如何加快發展, 提高發展品質?


界 500 強』,是貴州『十四五』期間貴州白酒工業作出的重大戰


茅台至高的品質觀,把安全生產作為發展之要,把生態環境保護作 慧茅台』推動傳統企業現代化轉型,踐行生態文明,打造產業生態 化企業樣板,全力打造全省白酒產業核心聚集區,加快上下游配套 及關聯產業佈局,積極發揮好帶動引領作用,為全省白酒產業高品 質發展和新型工業化作出更大貢獻。」

他強調:茅台承擔打造「世界 500 強」新使命,要高品質大踏




Text/ 文 X.J. Translation/ 譯 littlekwan

The Poetic Life of Dylan Thomas


詩酒歲月 44

MAR 2021


Hulton Archive/ Getty Image


t seemed not surprising

that this rebellious poet

drank himself to the end

of his life and forever stayed at the age of 39. Rumors said, just before

he was sent to the hospital, he claimed that he had had 18 glasses of whisky, one after another……

He once predicted his future in a joking way. On a

postcard written to a friend, he said he and his wife were

in America, and his wife was shot by a man called "Double Rye" while he himself was skinned by "Bourbon". Rye and bourbon were his favorite whiskies.

To those who were familiar with Dylan Thomas, his

passing was as ridiculous as a black joke, because he was so full of life. Like a mixture of contradictions, he could make people strongly feel healthy and unhealthy at the same time.

Dylan Thomas was already a blockbuster when he was

only 19 years old. That year, he shot to fame with his newly

of romantic fearlessness, standing out like the rebirth of

Drives the Flower, officially starting a new life as a young

focused on the style of hard-headed realism.

published poem The Force that through the Green Fuse

poet. People called him "Mad Dylan". His poem And Death

Shall Have No Dominion fascinated everyone with a sense

Bacchus especially when the poetry world at that time only Many years later, he wrote Do Not Go Gentle into that

Good Night for his father who was ill in bed, hoping to MOUTAI MAGAZINE


rouse his fighting spirit to overcome the disease instead of giving up the hope of living.

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." In the world-famous movie Interstellar, Director

Christopher Nolan paid homage to Dylan Thomas by

making this poem run through the whole movie. Nolan is not the only famous fan of this poet. Dylan Thomas was

also the reason why Bob Dylan, the rock star and winner of Nobel Prize in Literature, changed his surname.

As a poet, Dylan was like a fighter. He used his words to

urge people to fight and roar instead of quietly walking into the darkness. But this upbeat posture only stopped there in his poems. Various signs indicated that Dylan was not

invincible in real life, who even became a little bit damaged

Dylan Thomas, digital image, Encyclopædia Britannica, accessed 6th May, 2021

in his last days. He seemed to be avoiding and escaping all

the time. His marriage to his wife Caitlin was like an escape from being alone. They got married shortly after their brief acquaintance. Caitlin described their relationship as "a bloody piece of raw meat".

Knowing early that writing poems alone could not

support his life, he began touring and broadcasting shows, which made him even more famous. He was already

popular in the UK, but in America, he was worshipped by the fans there.

Dylan Thomas had been to the United States for four

times. At first, he saw this country as a breathing space. His schedule in America was so tight and overwhelming. The feeling of being exhausted and excited at the same time

made Thomas addicted. Later, he realized that immersing himself in his work was another escape. In his words, "he buried his head in the desert of America." The situation at home was bad, but he chose to keep himself busy far away from home, always carrying unfinished letters

and powerlessly holding on to self-justification and selfaccusation.

His touring performances had also changed with time.

In those early tours, he would read his own poems, but in

the later one, he would rather read poems written by other

poets: Yeats, Auden, Roethke…… He found more and more reluctant to read his own poems because those poems 46

MAR 2021

Photo by John Gay © National Portrait Gallery, London

PEOPLE 人 would remind him that it was time to write something new. However, he only wrote six new poems in the last six years of his life.

Dylan Thomas thought he could never go back. He could

no longer found his innocent self to touch the words again. Suffering from anxiety, he could only soothe his emotions with alcohol.

Thomas looked strong, but it was

merely an illusion. He had romantic

imaginations about the fragility of his body, believing vulnerability was

in line with his characteristics as a poet. When he was a child, he told his mother that he

could do better than Keats. He even showed people the bloodstain on

his handkerchief, claiming it

was a sign of

tuberculosis, the disease

that ended

Keats' life. He




had a


with alcohol,

so did his family.

Thomas' father

was an alcoholic,

too. For many years,

his father would force

himself to drink more

slowly. He told Thomas that

he might not live past 40 if he

continued drinking at this rate. Dylan's health deteriorated

gradually, but actually his body

had already been sending warning

signs earlier. He once fell off the stairs,

fainted in the theater, broke his ribs and

Dylan Thomas at the White Horse Tavern (Bunny Adler)

arms, fell asleep after getting drunk and didn't wake up

until his hand was burned by his cigarette, and all these

accidents and injuries became quite common for him. He didn't trust doctors. He would ask the doctor to give him

cortisone injections and consult about ventilation as well as gastritis only when he had to. However, he had never stopped drinking.



He spent his time at the terminal before his last

trip to America this way, "I found myself drinking

madly and eagerly like a fool. Oh my god, I kept

drinking one glass of whisky after another like someone

was chasing me, but I was in no rush at all. I had plenty of

time before taking off, but I drank as if there was not much time left."

The last date Dylan Thomas went to the United States

was October 20th, 1953. Before going, he complained of

chest pains and dizziness. Sometimes he even needed to

breathe with the help of an inhaler, but he didn't receive 48

MAR 2021


any medical treatments in the UK. After arriving in the

was his favorite spot in New York, the closest place to home.

had rehearsed for the poetry recitation, he still cancelled

and returned again around 2 a.m. When he returned to the

United States, his condition got worse. Even though he

the final performance due to his poor state. On October

27th, the day of Dylan Thomas' birthday, his friends threw a birthday party for him. Unable to eat anything, he told

After staying there for a while, he went back to the hotel,

hotel this time, he brought out the famous line, "I have had 18 glasses of whisky. I think I broke the record."

On the following day, Thomas went back and forth from

the host that he didn't feel well and was sent back to hotel

vomiting to falling asleep. Shortly after midnight, he got

2nd. This day, the air pollution in New York suddenly got

was taken to Saint Vincent's Hospital by an ambulance.

right after. Things took a turn for the worse on November

more serious, which aggravated Thomas' chest pain. In the following two days, the only thing he did was lying on the hotel bed and drinking.

On the evening of November 3rd, he went to White Horse

Tavern to drink and meet with friends as usual. He said it

short of breath, and his skin began to turn blue. Thomas Physical signs indicated that his brain was severely damaged. He got into coma since then.

On November 9th, he was found stop breathing when the

nurse was wiping him in a bath.

He left in total silence, gently walking into the darkness. MOUTAI MAGAZINE



個 39 歲的詩人,平生桀驁不馴,喝酒喝到生命終點, 似乎也沒什麽意外。何況,他在被送往醫院之前, 曾宣稱自己是喝了十八杯威士忌的,一杯接著一


寫的明信片上,他說自己和妻子都在美國,妻子是被一 個叫雙份黑麥的人射殺,而他則是被波本剝了一層皮。 黑麥和波本,都是他喜歡的威士忌。



像是一個矛盾混合體,能讓人同時感到強烈的健康和不健 康。

狄蘭·湯瑪斯在 19 歲時就一鳴驚人,十九歲的托馬斯因為

發表《穿過綠索驅動花朵的力量》(The Force that through

the Green Drives the Flower)一詩一舉成名,開始了年輕的詩 人生涯,人稱「瘋狂的狄蘭」。那首《而死亡也並非所向披靡》, 以一種浪漫主義的無畏迷倒眾人。當時的詩歌界注重的是現實主義 的冷靜,湯瑪斯如同酒神再生。

「不要溫和地走進那個 良夜 , 白晝將盡 , 暮年仍應燃燒咆哮 ; 怒斥吧 , 怒斥光的消逝。」 多年之後,他還寫過那首《不要溫和地走進那個良夜》。那是

為他臥病在床的父親所作,希望能喚起父親戰勝病魔的鬥志,不要 放棄活下去的希望。


裏回響,這是諾蘭向狄倫致敬。狄蘭的著名粉絲不止諾蘭一個人, 他也是搖滾巨星、諾貝爾文學獎得主鮑勃·狄蘭改姓的原因。


去怒吼,而不是靜靜地走入黑暗之中——但這種姿態也止步在了詩 作。種種跡象表明,現實生活中,狄蘭·湯瑪斯並非無堅不摧,在

他最後的歲月裏,甚至有些千瘡百孔。他似乎一直都在逃離和躲避。 他跟妻子凱特琳的婚姻像是對獨自生活的逃離。迅速結識,迅速成 婚。凱特琳形容他們的關係是「一塊血淋淋的生肉」。


節目,由此也使得他的名氣大增。如果說在英國他只是受到歡迎的 話,在美國,他則是受到了人們的崇拜。


行程,應接不暇,既疲倦又振奮,這讓湯瑪斯很上癮。但後來他也 意識到這是一種逃離,用他的話說,他是把頭埋進了美國的沙裏, 家裏著火了,卻在這裏喧鬧,總是帶著尚未寫完的信件,和奄奄一 息的自我辯解與控訴。


但在後來,他寧可讀其他人的——葉慈、奧登、羅特克……他越來 50

MAR 2021


越覺得讀自己的詩沒了樂趣,因為那些詩會告訴他,該去寫點新東 西了,而他在最後的六年時間裏,只寫出了六首。


狀態去碰觸文字。他始終處於焦慮之中,只能通過不斷攝取酒精來 安撫情緒。


著浪漫的想象,認為這樣才符合他詩人的特質。在小時候,他曾告 訴母親,他將來會比詩人濟慈還厲害,他會給人展示手帕上的一點 血跡,說這是肺癆的跡象。濟慈,就是死於肺癆。


的父親也酗酒,多年來,父親會強迫自己喝慢一點,他跟自己的兒 子說,如果繼續這樣的速度喝下去,他會活不過四十歲。


曾從樓梯上摔了下去;曾在電影院裏昏倒;曾摔斷了肋骨,摔斷了 手臂;喝醉之後睡著,直到香煙燙到手了才醒過來,則是常事……

更 糟。 他 排 練 了

詩 歌 朗 誦, 但 感 到



月 27 日,狄蘭·湯瑪斯的

39 歲生日。友人為他舉辦了一




態在 11 月 2 日急轉直下。這一天紐約的空氣污染突然變得嚴重,

這加劇了湯瑪斯的胸痛。這兩天時間裏,他都是躺在酒店的床上喝 酒。

11 月 3 日的晚上,他像往常一樣去白馬酒館喝酒,跟朋友會





注射可的松,並且咨詢一下關於通風和胃炎的狀況。酒,他一直沒 在最後一趟美國之行的候機廳裏,他是這樣度過的。「我發現

我瘋狂而急切地喝酒,像個傻瓜,天啊,威士忌一杯接一杯,但其 實一點不趕……等待的時間完全足夠,但我喝酒喝得卻好像時間所 剩不多……」

狄蘭·湯瑪斯最後一次去美國的時間,是 1953 年 10 月 20 日。

在去之前,他就抱怨自己胸口疼、眩暈,有時還需借助吸入器幫助 呼吸,但他在英國沒有接受任何醫治。到美國之後,他的狀況變得

陣後,湯瑪斯回了酒店。但在夜裏 2 點的時候,他又去了白馬酒館。 忌,我想我破了紀錄。」


後又睡著,如此反復。午夜過後不久,他的呼吸不順,皮膚開始發 青。救護車接走了湯瑪斯,他被送往了聖文森特醫院。生理跡象顯 示,他的大腦嚴重受損。他就此昏迷不醒。

11 月 9 日,護士在給湯瑪斯沐浴擦身時,發現他停止了呼吸。 他全然安靜地離去,靜靜地走入了黑暗之中。



The Charming 迷人的 53°

The New Year and the New Birth of a Bottle of Moutai Liquor 茅台,一瓶酒的新年與出生

Text/ 文 Li Tie, Li Huichao Image/ 圖 Huang Zhen, Xing Le, Zhang Zhihong, Li Feng Translation/ 譯 Ziyang 52

MAR 2021



t the beginning of the new year, Moutai liquor


exchanges in important ceremonial gatherings of

climate in the Chishui Valley has been maintained for over

has once again become a witness of emotional

countless Chinese people, whether it is in Beijing, Shanghai, or in Guangzhou, Shenzhen or Hangzhou. Meanwhile,

in Maotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, we are

ushering in the birth of another first round of Moutai's base liquor.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, when the outdoor

According to studies of some geographers, the stable

1000 years, which provides a natural scene for microbes

essential in the production of liquor to grow. People living

here have been abiding by ancient experiences and passed on the liquor-making techniques from generation to generation. Today, the inheritance still continues.

When the first round of liquor being poured into jars

temperature was only around 0℃ , staffs in Moutai liquor-

from liquor steamers, the mellow fragrance lingered with

sounds including the hiss of steam from liquor steamers,

Yuanpeng loved to see in winter. However, the liquor's

making workshops were already busy. All kinds of mixing the babble of base liquor being poured into the jars, the shovel turning sound of workers stirring and mixing

fermented grains and the rumble of cranes on site broke the dawn.

For Liu Yuanpeng, director of liquor-making workshop

15, these sounds were all too familiar. Those were the most common sounds in the work of liquor-making, and the

sounds of microbes in Maotai Town. At longitude 162° 22'E and latitude 27° 51'N, the air in the protected geographical

indication zone in the Chishui River Valley with 15.03 square kilometers was filled with the aroma of Moutai liquor. The first round of liquor-collecting, a technique passed down through generations, also started from here.

In the Xiayuan Artist Village in Beijing, thousands of

miles away from where Liu Yuanpeng was at, Liu Yuan, a designer wearing a mask, fetched a bottle of Moutai

warmth —— this was one of the favorite scenes that Liu

alcohol content at this moment was about 57° , which was still far from the standard of finished liquor. Later on, the liquor would go through another six rounds of collecting.

The process of collecting liquor involves constantly fighting against the temperature since the unique microbes in

Maotai Town are really sensitive to temperature change

which need special care. It was already winter during the first and second rounds of collecting, therefore liquor

makers needed to prevent low temperature to ensure a good condition for microbes to grow and multiply. Then, in the third, fourth and fifth rounds, liquor makers would have

to keep microbes from high temperature. "The growth and

reproduction of microbes require stable temperature range. It will not work when the temperature is either too high or too low." said Liu Yuanpeng.

The liquor makers at Moutai Distillery describe the seven

released in 2020 from his car. He was planning to invite

rounds of liquor-collecting with vivid metaphor: the first

farewell to the year of 2020.

and active child; the second round is with a slightly sour and

his friends to have dumplings at home, together bidding

Life Philosophy of Seven Rounds of LiquorCollecting With an average elevation of 880 meters, Maotai Town is

surrounded by mountains. With the Chishui River running through, the valley topography here has generated a

relatively closed environment, while the humid subtropical climate provides suitable temperature and humidity for

round of liquor tastes a little bit spicy, which is like a lively puckery taste, unripe as a youngster in his early twenties;

the third round is like a person entering his thirties, whose

fragrance and taste are more coordinated and rich but with a relatively thin and short-lasting aftertaste; the fourth

round is mellow and stable, like a man in his forties who is both vigorous and steady; the fifth round of liquor is with

a more abundant flavor, just like a person in his fifties with a peaceful mind; the sixth round is known for its mature taste, like one turning sixty, a point when he accepts the MOUTAI MAGAZINE


truth of life; with less and less production output, the

processing' during the Double Ninth Festival is the start

empty cup, just like someone attaining the age of seventy,

do it well to ensure good quality of Moutai liquor." Since

seventh round of liquor will leave its scorched aroma in the leaving his legacy to descendants.

These seven rounds of liquor production outline a

complete life cycle. Among them, the third, fourth and fifth rounds are regarded as "the golden rounds", which account for the majority of the year's total output and are used a

great amount in the blending process of finished Moutai liquor. The style and characteristics of liquor from these

three rounds are the closest to the finished liquor as well.

Taoist Nature in Sorghum Processing during the Double Ninth Festival Liquor-collecting is actually not the first thing to do in

Moutai liquor's production. Before that, the first two steps are "sorghum processing" and "material feeding". In the

Double Ninth Festival, red sorghum dances in the air on

the airing field, where steam is rising and the air is heavy with grain aroma. The heart-shaking work songs sung by

the workers perfectly coordinated with the shovel turning

sound. "At that time, the Chishui River will be shrouded in

heating steam, like being covered by the mist, which is very beautiful." said Mu Xianjun.

Mu Xianjun, a Moutai liquor maker in team 9 of liquor-

making workshop 24, has been working at the liquor

production front line for 14 years. He said, "the 'sorghum


MAR 2021

and foundation of a year's production cycle, so we must

"Hong Yingzi" sorghum, the main raw material for making Moutai liquor, has smaller yet fuller grains with thicker

skin and higher amylopectin contents, it is tough enough to go through several rounds of boiling, steaming and fermentation.

The Renhuai County Chronicles once recorded, "In the

20th year of the Daoguang Emperor in the Qing Dynasty,

people in Renhuai planted over 8000 mu of sorghum. With constant growth year by year, the

sorghum output increased to 10100 mu in the Republic of China era and finally reached 31000 mu to the early post-liberation era."

Till today, the history of planting sorghum in Renhuai County

has been more than

two thousands years.

"Moutai liquor is made

with sorghum locally grown in Maotai Town." The

ETIQUETTE 禮 older generations of liquor

makers in Maotai have been

carrying water by river to make liquor over years, so they have

a deep affection for the Chishui River and the local sorghum. With the color of dark garnet red, grains of the local sorghum

This is

the process of

"material feeding".

For the rest of the

production cycle, raw materials

and the liquor will no longer be in

direct contact with water.

The techniques of "sorghum processing" and

"material feeding" are similar, but they are the longest

and the most labor-intensive work in the liquor making

process. By this time, Mu Xianjun would always think of resemble

the sand from

the river, therefore,

"sorghum processing (the

first step of making Moutai

liquor)" is also referred to as "sand

processing ('Xia Sha' in Chinese)".

Processing sorghum during the Double Ninth

Festival is a tradition of making Jiang-fragrance liquor

lasting for hundreds of years. Every year at this time, liquor makers will moisture half of the sorghum used for making liquor throughout the year with boiling water, steam them

in a caldron, then cool them down and mix them with yeast for the "open fermentation" later.

After one month, workers will take out the fermented

grains and mix them with the other half of newly soaked sorghum to proceed the whole steaming and cooling

process again. Mixed with an appropriate amount of yeast,

grains will be piled up for further fermentation and then be sealed and stored in cellar pits for "closed fermentation".

one dish: mutton soup hotpot. "This dish is a standard dish at the beginning of the new year's production. We have a

long history of tradition to have this dish during the Double Ninth Festival, and it is really delicious."

Inheriting Traditional Customs of YeastMaking during the Dragon Boat Festival When staffs in liquor-making workshops are collecting

liquor in full swing, yeast-making workshops are also ablaze with lights. The humming sounds of spiral conveyors and

blanking machines mix with the sound of metal hitting the ground as staffs collect materials with carts, making them unaware of the winter cold.

Ren Yunhui, leader of team 6 of yeast-making workshop

6, was guiding his colleagues to stamp yeast. Based on

the requirements of "tight on four sides but loose in the

middle", female workers stamped the yeast materials into a

"turtle-back-shaped" yeast block. It only took them less than one minute to make a yeast block from a pile of yeast. "By

manually stamping yeast instead of pressing with machines, MOUTAI MAGAZINE


the shape of yeast blocks will be plumper with appropriate

After the fermented grains are cooled down to a suitable

solidity. Also this process is in favor of collecting more

temperature, the piled-up fermentation begins. This is

materials so as to make liquor with better flavor." While

represented by Moutai liquor among all making techniques

microbes from the air, improving the quality of yeast

busy with supervising, Ren Yunhui kept reminding the

workers to pay attention to the standard of stamping yeast

a unique technique of making Jiang-fragrance baijiu of baijiu in the country.

Liquor makers add yeast into fermented grains, piling

and avoid being careless.

them up to about the height of a person and leaving them

Dragon Boat Festival, when the temperature and humidity

the pile will reach 50℃ . Since the sorghum still maintains

Yeast-making of Moutai liquor is proceeded after the

are high. At the same time, microbes in the air are diverse, numerous and active, which guarantees the quality of liquor.

Making Jiang-fragrance liquor with yeast fermented

under the high temperature above 60℃ is a traditional

approach in Renhuai County with a history of over hundreds of years, and Moutai is the most outstanding in complying

with this approach. In addition to stamping, yeast-making is made up of multiple steps including moisturizing, mixing, drying, loading, turning over, dismantling and storing.

The pure yeast aroma generated under high temperature is the main source of Jiang fragrance. After all the above procedures have completed, the yeast materials will

have to be stored for six months before being ground for production.

The stamped yeast blocks will be piled up and fermented

in the fermentation storehouse. According to Ren Yunhui,

there are very strict technical requirements for storing: the thickness of bottom hay should not be less than 17 cm, the thickness of the bedding must reach 5 cm, and the hay in between must be placed in fan shape to ensure a proper

distance between blocks so the microbes can fully grow and

to ferment for a week. As time passes, the temperature of

the shape of the whole grain, microbes in the air will keep

entering the pile and generate the aroma of Moutai liquor.

After the piled-up fermentation, the closed fermentation

in cellar pits begins. When the temperature at the edge of the yeast pile warms up as well, liquor makers will fill the

pits with fermented grains, isolate them from the air with chaff and then cover the pits tightly with mud made from the unique local purple soil.

The Aesthetics of Blending Tempered by Time Compared with the lively workshops for liquor and

yeast making, the blending and storing workshops and the blending center were much quieter. One could only hear

the clinking sound of measuring cups occasionally. Zhang Li, a liquor blender responsible for small-scale blending

in the blending and storing workshop who was dressed in

white overalls, was focusing on tasting more than 100 cups

of base liquor and carefully thinking about how to design a

blending plan that meets the standards of Moutai products. According to the confirmed

multiply during fermentation to provide a source of bacteria

proposal, Zhang Li used a stainless

will turn over the yeast twice to vent out excess waste gas,

capacity of 15ml to measure

for liquor production. During the storing process, workers moisture and water, which will facilitate the circulation of air and make fermentation more even.

The Natural Mystery of Piled-Up Fermentation In liquor-making workshops on the other side, liquor

makers were busy with airing the freshly distilled fermented grains on the airing field to lower the grains' temperature

from 100℃ to the required temperature. Then, they would add fermenting powder evenly on the fermented grains.

When would the airing process end? Liquor makers said

that it depended on the weather of the day. "If the weather is cool, the fermented grains can be collected when they get a little bit warmer; if the weather is hot, they need to be cooler before being collected." Therefore, even in the same workshop, liquor makers will adopt different pace and procedures according to the actual conditions. 56

MAR 2021

steel measuring cup with a

out a certain amount of base liquor respectively, poured them into a beaker and

ETIQUETTE 禮 mixed thoroughly. Then, she gently picked up the tasting

cup and sniffed the aroma before tasting the flavor of the blended liquor sample. During the tasting process, she

recorded every detail discreetly so as to adjust the blending plan accordingly. This is the blending of Moutai liquor. The flavor of Moutai liquor is basically composed of

three typical types: Jiang fragrance, alcohol sweetness and

cellar-bottom aroma. Each type has its own characteristics

different from the others. There is no absolutely fixed ratio

liquor can react properly and subtly with the air outside, which is conducive to Moutai liquor's maturation.

Zhang Li elaborated that in the process of storing, liquor

will undergo some magical chemical reactions over time, which can effectively reduce substances with low boiling

point such as sulfides and aldehydes. In the meantime, fatty acids which are beneficial to the human body will generate naturally.

Packaging is the final step before Moutai liquor comes

for the amount and the proportion of each liquor sample.

on the market. Staffs in the packaging workshop can tie the

blender's individual skill, which is not only a technique, but

only takes them one minute and a half to pack and seal six

The blending of Moutai liquor is largely depending on the also a kind of aesthetics.

In addition to the blending technique, the three-year

storage of base liquor also contributes to the mellow

taste of Moutai. Base liquor is stored in pottery jars at

room temperature in the liquor storehouse. Thanks to the microporous structure of the jars, microbes in the stored

red ribbon onto the Moutai bottle within six seconds, and it bottles of Moutai liquor in a carton. The staff in charge of

labeling will check whether every bottle is properly labeled by standard every two minutes.

Chen Yan, a staff in team 5 of the packaging workshop,

will arrive at the workshop at 7 o'clock every morning and prepare the packaging materials including anti-

counterfeiting labels, carton labels, certifications, etc. At

present, she will pack about 210 cartons of liquor by average every day. The long-term stacking of liquor bottles has left one after another circular pressing marks on the floor of her working area.

Behind the complex logic of making traditional Jiang-

fragrance baijiu lies Moutai people's respect for time and

nature. Today, this respect has become a good tale among

people who love Moutai liquor. With the sound of the New Year's bell, this respect will continue to be passed on and guarded by generations.



年伊始,在北京、在上海、在廣州、在深圳、在杭州, 在無數中國人重要的聚會上,茅台酒已經是具有儀式 感的情感見證。與此同時,在貴州仁懷市茅台鎮,我


清晨 6 點,室外溫度 0℃左右,在茅台制酒車間,工人們已經

開始忙碌,酒甑蒸汽的嘶嘶聲、基酒入壇的潺潺聲、翻拌糟醅的鐵 鍁聲、行車運行的轟轟聲——種種聲音混合起來,打破了夜色尚未






聲音。東經 106° 22′,北緯 27° 51′,赤水河谷 15.03 平方公里地






元從車裡取出一瓶 2020 年出廠的茅台酒,他打算請朋友來家裡吃 頓餃子,一起告別 2020 年的離去。


茅台鎮平均海拔 880 米,四面環山,赤水河在這裡穿鎮而過,

河谷地勢讓這裡形成了一個相對封閉的環境;亞熱帶濕潤性高原氣 候則給予了釀酒適宜的溫度與濕度。

有地理學者研究過,赤水河谷的穩定氣候保持了已有 1000 多

年,這為酒類微生物的生長提供了天然的場景。生活在這裡的人們 恪守古法,將釀酒手藝代代相傳。如今,傳承仍在繼續。


號子聲響配合著跌宕起伏的鐵鍁聲。「那個時候,赤水河上都會被 制酒二十四車間制酒 9 班酒師母先均在制酒生產一線已經幹了

14 年,他說:「重陽下沙,是一年生產週期的起始和基礎,要做 好茅台,首先就要造好沙。」口中的「沙」,便是茅台酒釀制的主

要原料——紅纓子糯高粱。這種糯高粱顆粒小、皮厚、堅實、飽滿, 支鏈澱粉含量高,最適宜茅台酒多輪次蒸煮的工藝特點。

《仁懷縣誌》載:「清道光二十年,仁懷種植高粱 8000 餘畝,

至民國種植 10100 畝,解放初期為 31000 畝,逐年增長。」如今, 仁懷種植高粱已有兩千多年的歷史。


酒,對河水和高粱都有深厚感情,而本地的高粱又像極了赤水河裡 的河沙,時間長了,釀酒師們就乾脆把下河挑水釀酒的第一道程式 稱為「下沙」。


裡劉元棚最喜歡看見的一個場景。不過此時的酒液酒精度約在 57










防止低溫,以保證微生物有一個良好的生長和繁殖的條件;到了第 繁殖需要有穩定的溫度區間,過高和過低都不行。」劉元棚說。


酒就像小孩,活潑好動,酒體略微辛辣;二輪次酒則似二十出頭的 年輕人,略帶青澀,酒體表現出些許酸澀;三輪次酒則似進入而立 之年,香和味較為協調,朝氣蓬發但後味還稍顯單薄;四輪次酒如 同不惑之年,酒體醇厚平和,既富有朝氣又兼具穩重;五輪次酒好 比知天命的年紀,酒體顯得從容淡定,香和味更加平和豐滿;六輪 次酒,人生耳順之年,以味道見長;七輪次酒猶如古稀之年,產量 越來越少,酒體的焦香味利於空杯留香。


次,被稱為「黃金輪次」,占了全年總產量的大頭,勾調時占到茅 台成品酒的大部分,風格和特徵與成品茅台酒最為接近。 58

MAR 2021

的大曲,堆積發酵,再入池封窖發酵,這便是「造沙」。剩下的整 下造沙工藝大同小異,卻是釀酒過程中工作時間最長、勞動量

最大的工作。每到這個時候,母先均就會特別想念一道硬菜——湯 鍋羊肉,「這道菜是新一年度生產開始的標配,也是茅台很多年來 的傳統了,重陽節吃起,得勁。」



螺旋輸送機、下料機發出的轟鳴聲,推車接料的金屬碰地聲混雜在 一起,讓人忘記冬日的寒冷。

制曲六車間制曲 6 班班長任雲會正在帶領著同事們踩曲,從一

堆曲料到一塊成型的曲塊,不到 1 分鐘的時間,女工們就將曲塊踩


成了四邊緊、中間松、鬆緊適宜的龜背形曲塊。「用人工踩曲,放 棄機器的壓制,可以讓曲塊更加飽滿,鬆緊適宜,還能網羅空氣中 更多的微生物,這樣的大曲釀出的酒才香。」任雲會一邊忙一邊叮

釀酒師就會開挖小山丘,填滿發酵池,用穀殼隔離,用封窖黏土將 其蓋嚴實。




通過 60℃以上的高溫製作的大曲釀制醬酒,是仁懷數百年來

的歷史,而茅台則是這一古法守循中的佼佼者。制曲的工序不僅只 有踩曲,還有潤料、拌曲、攤晾、裝倉、翻倉、拆曲、儲存等眾多 工藝環節。高溫製成的大曲散發出純正的曲香,這正是醬香的主要 來源之一,隨後,這些大曲還要經過 6 個月的儲存,才能磨成粉進 入制酒生產。



嚴格的工藝要求:底草厚度不能低於 17 釐米,墊草厚度要達到 5 釐米,卡草必須要呈扇形,以此保障曲塊之間合理的距離,能讓大 曲微生物在發酵過程得到充分生長繁殖,為制酒生產提供菌源等作 用。工人們還會對大曲進行兩次翻倉,排除發酵過程中產生的多餘 的廢氣、濕氣和水分,利於空氣交換流通,讓發酵更均勻。



晾在晾堂上,讓 100℃的糟醅溫度降至工藝要求,隨後把曲藥均勻 撒在糟醅上。


「天氣涼,糟醅溫度暖一點就可收;天氣熱,就要涼一點才能收。」 正因如此,即便是在一個廠房裡,釀酒師們也會因地制宜、因時制 宜,採取不同的工序節奏。


前在全國白酒工藝中,以茅台酒為代表的醬香型白酒所獨有的工藝。 在糟醅中加入大曲,堆積成一人高左右,堆積發酵一個星期,

在時間的推移中,酒堆溫度會達到 50℃。由於高粱依舊保持了整 粒的形狀,空氣中的微生物還會持續進入,產生茅台酒的香氣。




偶有量杯碰撞後發出的輕微叮噹聲。勾貯車間小型勾兌師張麗身著 白色工作服,專注地逐一品評完 100 餘個基酒,仔細思考著如何 設計出符合茅台酒產品標準的勾兌方案。

按照確認的方案,張麗用 15 毫升容量的不銹鋼量杯,分別量

取確定量的基酒,匯入燒杯中調勻後,對勾兌酒樣進行嘗評,她輕 輕端起品酒杯,嗅聞酒香後細品其味,認真記錄,不斷調試。這就 是茅台酒勾兌。


同特點,每種酒樣用量、占比,沒有絕對固定的比例,全憑勾兌師 技藝決定。茅台酒勾兌是一門技術,也是一門美學。

茅台酒好喝,除了勾兌技藝,還在於勾兌用的基酒已經歷 3 年

的歲月沉澱。在勾貯車間酒庫,茅台基酒在常溫環境下貯存於具有 微孔結構的土陶壇中,其透氣好的特點更有利於酒的老熟。


慢發生一系列神奇變化,可以有效降低硫化物、醛類等低沸點物質, 對人體有益的脂肪酸也是在儲存中自然形成。

包裝車間是茅台酒面市前的最後一道工序。6 秒的時間裡,這

裡的包裝姑娘就可以為 1 瓶茅台酒系上紅絲帶;6 瓶茅台酒裝箱封

箱,只需要 1 分 30 秒;每隔兩分鐘,貼標員會查看瓶標是否標準。 包裝車間 5 班員工陳妍每天 7 點過到車間,準備好裝箱材料,

包括防偽、箱標、合格證等,現在她平均每天要裝 210 箱左右的

茅台酒。陳妍的工作區域,由於長期堆放酒瓶,已被瓶底壓出了一 個接一個的環狀痕跡。


然的尊重。如今這份尊重已經成為茅台酒愛好者口中的美談。在新 年的鐘聲中,這份尊重將繼續傳承並得以守護。

Source of Information: All about Moutai

Originally Published in Chinese National Geography 資料來源:茅台時空 原載於《中國國家地理》





MAR 2021





he influence of "ox" culture on Chinese culture

nobleness while generating a strong New Year atmosphere.

of the year of the ox has also become the focus

a new limited edition collection under the leading of its

is reflected in various aspects, and the arrival

of attention. In order to usher in the prosperous year of the

ox, major luxury brands successively launched design items featuring the element "ox".

One of the most eye-catching series is the new year

series of Doraemon × Gucci. The culture of five elements

(Wu Xing) in ancient China indicated that the color of this

year is gold; therefore, the color of Doraemon in this series has been "upgraded" accordingly from blue to gold with

little horns. The main color tones of this series are white,

red and golden brown, integrating a sense of cuteness and 62

MAR 2021

To celebrate the year of the ox, Moschino launched

Creative Director Jeremy Scott, including 16 items ranging from dresses, T-shirts, hoodies to handbags, scarves and phone cases with red and gold as theme colors. In order

to echo the "ox" element, Moschino specially replaced its

iconic teddy bear pattern with a cartoon ox. Both sides of

the newly released handbag are attached with gold nappa ox horns that symbolize "good luck", and its front is also decorated with a gold ring just like a nose ring through an ox's nostrils. The design is bold and playful while corresponding to the festive occasion.


On the other hand, Saint Laurent greets the New Year

with a tougher buffalo totem. The unique buffalo-engraved

lock is the finishing touch to its classic red leather handbag;

the all-over golden buffalo pattern on the card holder makes it livelier. The one item with the strongest sense of design

is the Saint Laurent Buffalo Horn Pendant Necklace, which keeps a low profile with its clear-cut line design and retro metallic texture without being dull.

Dior greets the year of the ox in a special way by

simultaneously launching two totally different capsule

collections: featuring hibiscus flower motifs and wheat

patterns symbolizing "good harvest", the women's capsule collection creates a poetic and idyllic style; in contrast,

the men's capsule directly incorporates the "ox" pattern

in its design. Dior and the artist Shawn Stussy once again joined hands to initiate a powerful creative dialogue

between the brand's own elegant style and Stussy's street

style, showcasing an array of clothing including hoodies, button-up shirts, sweaters and a navy jacket in red, each

incorporated with an ox head silhouette. The red ox head pattern on the back of the white button-up shirt is very eye-catching, not only retaining the logo graffiti full of Stussy's style, but also reminding us of the traditional

Chinese paper-cutting art. The collection also includes

high-top sneakers and three different-function backpacks.

Alternating white, red and navy blue tones, this collection is MOUTAI MAGAZINE


all about passionate and unrestrained masculine charm. New year, new look. In addition to new clothes, new

shoes and bags, we need one final touch – a new watch. As one of the first brands to make Chinese zodiac watches in honor of the Chinese New Year, Vacheron Constantin

specially presents a new masterpiece of Métiers d'Art "The

Legend of the Chinese Zodiac" for timepiece collectors and enthusiasts: the stunning "Year of the Ox" watch, available in rose gold and platinum and limited to 12 pieces each.

The former one looks noble and at the same time in line with the festive vibe of the Chinese New Year; the latter

one is luxurious yet low-key. In the center of the dial made via masterful engraving and Grand Feu enamel work, a

three-dimensional sculpted ox is perfectly etched and lively

presented amidst a background of beautiful foliage inspired by the ancient art of Chinese paper-cutting.

Blancpain celebrates the year of the ox with a limited

series of 50 watches. The Grand Feu enamel dial of this

exceptional timepiece reveals the complexity of a display combining Chinese calendar indications based on the

lunar cycle, including double hours, days, months and 64

MAR 2021





MAR 2021


leap months, five elements, ten heavenly stems and twelve

vividly engraved on the dial. Limited to just eight pieces,

in an aperture at 12 o'clock above the double-hour counter.

oval-shaped case made from rose gold and its intricate dial

earthly branches. The ox, the animal of this year, appears Without losing any details, the back of the watch is also

engraved with an ox pattern and two Chinese characters " 辛 丑 " indicating this year's heavenly stem and earthly branch. Of great cultural connotation, the design of Blancpain is undoubtedly exquisite.

Breguet used the Classique wristwatch and the Reine

Breguet's special Reine de Naples 8955 is stunning with its carved from natural shell, portraying a gentle ox full of

artistic beauty. With white and brown as main color tones,

it highlights the elegant and feminine temperament, which is a great accessory that can bring out a woman's charisma and self-confidence.

Other big brands including Tory Burch and Longchamp

de Naples Cameo wristwatch as gifts for the year of the

have also joined the lineup, launching a variety of stylish

trust, the Classique 7145 "Year of the Ox" has a strong sense

ox patterns, which can definitely enrich your New Year's

ox. In honor of the ox that symbolizes perseverance and

of masculine and sturdiness with two fierce-looking oxen

items all decorated in auspicious colors and exquisite wardrobe.




亦成為萬眾矚目的焦點。為迎接「牛氣沖天」的新春, 」 各大奢侈品牌的「牛年限定」設計單品相繼熱鬧登場。

最吸引眼球的莫過於 Doraemon x Gucci 的新年系列。2021

年是辛丑年,天干辛金,因此哆啦 A 夢從可愛的「藍胖子」形象 升級成戴著牛角的金棕色機器貓。從鞋子,服飾,到手錶和手包, 整個系列單品的主色調都以白色、紅色和金棕色為主,集可愛與高 貴於一身,散發出濃厚的新年氣息。

為慶賀牛年的到來,Moschino 在創意總監 Jeremy Scott 的

主導下推出全新限量系列,涵蓋包括連衣裙、T 恤、連帽衫、手袋、 絲巾和手機殼等單品,顏色以喜慶的紅色和金色為主。為了與生肖

「牛」這一元素相呼應,Moschino 特別把產品中標誌性的泰迪熊 換成了一隻卡通小牛。新款手袋的兩側還被裝上象征「好運」的牛 角,化身真正意義上的「牛角包」,手袋正面也裝飾了如同戴在牛 鼻上的圓環,設計大膽,應景之餘還充滿童趣。

Saint Laurent 則用線條更硬朗的水牛圖騰迎接新年。獨一無

二的金色水牛刻飾鎖頭是經典正紅色手袋的點睛之筆,卡夾上的平 鋪金色水牛圖案更顯生動,最有設計感的是牛角項鏈,簡潔的線條

和復古的金屬質感,低調卻低沉,絕對是一件錦上添花的時尚單品。 Dior 迎接牛年的形式比較特別。他們雙線並行:女裝用扶桑

花和象征豐收的麥穗元素來打造隨性的新年田園詩意,僅在男裝系 列中直白地搭載「牛」的圖案元素。Dior 與 Shawn Stussy 再次 68

MAR 2021




攜手,融合品牌自身的優雅性及設計師獨特的街頭風格,推出帶有 牛頭輪廓的連帽衫、襯衫、海軍夾克等。其中,白色襯衫背後的紅 色鏤空牛頭圖案十分搶眼,不僅保留 Stussy 標誌性的 logo 塗鴉,

又令人聯想到中國傳統的剪紙藝術。該系列還配有高幫運動鞋和三 款海軍藍背包,背包上都帶有可拆卸的牛剪影圖案。純淨的白色、 沉穩的海軍藍與大膽的紅色相映成趣,盡顯熱情奔放的雄性光芒。 新年新氣象,有了新衣、新鞋和新包,又怎麼能少了點睛之

筆的手錶呢。瑞士奢華腕錶品牌江詩丹頓是最早開始做生肖表的 腕錶品牌之一,今年,它為鐘錶收藏家及高級製表愛好者特別

呈 獻 Métiers d'Art 藝 術 大 師 系 列 The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac 中國十二生肖傳奇中的新傑作——牛年腕錶,分別為玫瑰

金和鉑金兩款,限量發行各 12 枚——前者在尊貴之餘,又很符合 中國人眼中吉祥喜慶的好意頭;後者則低調不失奢華。錶盤結合「大 明火」琺瑯工藝和手工精雕,精細地將一頭雄壯的牛以浮雕形式呈 現,映襯著猶如剪紙藝術般的葉子圖騰,顯得栩栩如生。



MAR 2021


大明火琺瑯錶盤,全球限量發行 50 枚。它最具特色的就是在錶盤 上融入了十二時辰、農曆月份、生肖、幹支及五行等中國傳統曆法

相關的計時元素,生肖牛則出現在 12 點鐘位置的視窗中。錶的背

面同樣也雕刻著牛的圖案,並用中文刻著「辛丑」二字,不失細節。 設計精美又極具文化內涵。

寶璣分別用 Classique 經典系列和 Reine de Naples 那不勒

斯王后系列兩款腕表為牛年獻禮:Classique 經典系列 7145 牛年


兩頭牛造型靈動,呼之欲出;Reine de Naples 那不勒斯王后系列

8955 牛年生肖腕錶採用玫瑰金錶殼,線條柔美的鵝蛋形錶盤上以 白、棕為單色呈現的貝殼浮雕工藝刻畫出了一隻充滿藝術美感的溫 順的牛,突顯出濃郁的典雅氣質,更具女性的獨特魅力與自信。

Tory Burch、Longchamp 等大牌也紛紛加入「牛年限定」

陣容,推出風格多樣的單品,都以吉祥的色彩裝飾,並飾有精美的 牛圖案,絕對可以豐富新年的衣櫃。



How Many Nicknames Does Liquor Have? 酒到底有多少個花名?

Text/ 文 Christ G Translation/ 譯 Guan


MAR 2021



here were always depictions of drunk heroes in

slowly savor the fine liquor and chat about everything".

Qiao Feng from Demi Gods and Semi-Devils,

each other", they don't mean to provoke a street fight

"wuxia (Chinese martial arts)" fictions, such as

Hong Qigong from The Legend of the Condor Heroes,

Linghu Chong from The Smiling, Proud Wanderer and

Hu Tieh Hua from Chu Liuxiang Series, etc. It is always a great satisfaction reading about their righteous chivalric actions. However, when these heroes had a craving for

liquor, their pride disappeared, and in turn their cute side

was revealed. They would say, "the liquor bug is biting me."

We all know that there is no such thing as a liquor bug that

bites, so the term "liquor bug" actually refers to liquor itself.

Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem

The next one is a bit scary. When people say "let's hack

Different ways of drinking can also be the inspiration for picking nicknames for liquor. 飲酒方式也可以作為酒的花名。

Inviting Liu Shijiu, "Green ants are floating on my fresh,

with you. What this phrase refers to in Chinese is to have

stove. It is getting late and it looks like it is going to snow.

similar to "let's get hammered". A more outrageous one is

unfiltered rice wine, and I keep it warm on a little terracotta Would you like to have a drink with me?" At first glance it was a simple and elegant poem used as an invitation, but

wait a minute, what did he invite his friend to drink, "fresh,

unfiltered rice wine with green ants floating on the surface"? If you invite people to have a drink today, no one will

a drinking contest, and get super drunk at the end. It is

"pouring soup". Obviously, "soup" here refers to "liquor". You and your friends can ply each other with countless

drink, or you can just fill yourself with alcohol alone. For me, "pouring" is definitely an uninteresting way to drink.

As Li Bai said in his poem Drinking Alone by Moonlight,

come when you say what you have prepared is "fresh

"Among the flowery bush, I was holding a pot of liquor,

a high-ranking officer in the imperial court who was

much he could drink, but still, he used "sip" instead of

rice wine with ants floating". But after all, Bai Juyi was highly educated and stepped in propriety, he certainly

would not invite his friend to drink some weird drink with "green ants" as an ingredient, not to mention it was not

hygienic either. So what exactly does "green ants" mean?

It turns out that due to the immaturity of liquor-making

and take a sip alone without a friend." We all know how "hack" or "pour", revealing how reserved he was as a

man of letters. I think he also agreed that no matter how much one can drink, they still have to pay attention to

their own image and don't see banquets as battle fields. In fact, liquor was not originally meant for binge

technique in ancient times, fermented liquor could not be

drinking. During the Zhou Dynasty in ancient China when

the surface, which looked like little bugs. Therefore, "green

rituals, representing the nation's majesty and social order.

completely filtered, so the fermented grains would float on ants" referred to the fermented grains and sometimes the liquor itself. The slang term "liquor bug" correspondingly emerged. In addition to "green ants", people gave liquor

liquor first appeared, it was used in important sacrificial

Precisely because liquor was so valued at that time, people have generated a sophisticated system of nicknames for it. In ancient China, different kinds of liquor were

many other nicknames such as "spring ants", "cured ants",

collectively referred to as the Chinese character " 酋 ",

a way of people being modest about their liquor-making

Writing and Explaining Characters (Shuowen Jiezi), an

distilled grains and foams still floating on the surface."

all Chinese characters with " 酋 " as the radical are related to

"floating maggots", "jade maggots" and so on. It was also

skill, as if to say, "My liquor is not very good. You can see There were many sayings about liquor's nicknames

in history, and plenty of them were quite interesting. The advantage of giving liquor a nickname is that

when you call it, it is attached to your own feelings and insights. No matter it is euphemistic or direct, refined

or vulgar; this nickname is a unique code only you and

a certain group of people can understand. The insiders will immediately be aware that you are talking about

which means "aged wine" according to Discussing

ancient Chinese dictionary from the Han Dynasty. Almost

liquor in meaning. To be specific, the character " 醇 " refers to mellow wine with high alcohol content, " 醪 " refers to thick wine with high turbidity, " 醝 " refers to sour liquor

and " 酢 " refers to thin and bitter liquor. There are much

more characters with the same radical representing liquor, which can mostly be found in ancient Chinese poetry

because they are too difficult for daily communication.

The most unexpected character with the radical " 酋 "

liquor even you do not mention a word related to it.

is " 醒 (to wake up)", whose original meaning was "to get

picking nicknames for liquor. For example, when people

Chinese character " 醒 (to wake up)" has the same radical

Different ways of drinking can also be the inspiration for invite you to "take a sip", they mean "to have a drink", "to

sober from drunkenness". The funny point is that the as " 醉 (to be drunk)", but they are actually antonyms.



Technically speaking, the state of "awake" or "sober" is the normal state of a human, so it is only reasonable

to derive the definition of "drunk" from the character

related to "sober". However, the formation of Chinese

characters proved quite the opposite. It is another way

around: the character " 醒 (to wake up)" was formed from the radical related to "liquor". We use this character to form words meaning "to realize something" or "to be

aware of something". It gives us a feeling that we have

always been drunk, lost or asleep before ultimately waking up and knowing about the truth, as if "being drunk" is our normal state and "waking up" is the end result.

In addition to all similar-looking nicknames above which

might lead to confusion, there is also a well-known one, "Du Kang". It was directly adopted from the name of one of the

figures credited with the invention of alcoholic beverages in Chinese legend. Since the famous line "How do I relieve my

sorrow? The only way is through the liquor called 'Du Kang'" by Cao Cao, a Chinese warlord, statesman and poet, came out, people have been starting to use "Du Kang" to refer

to liquor for thousands of years. Cao Cao was famous for

having double standards when it came to liquor. On the one

hand, he liked to drink, and he did not only drink alone, but often gathered his celebrity friends to feast with him. The list of his drinking buddies was so long that it itself could

make an entire book of biography. On the other hand, Cao Cao hated those who made troubles and disturbed social

order after getting drunk, so he simply issued a prohibition. Kong Rong, a famous official, scholar and minor warlord at that time, spoke out against Cao Cao's prohibition and

eventually put to death on various charges. During the same period, Cao Cao's subordinate Xu Miao was much better-

behaved. One day, after the prohibition was issued, he drank at home and forgot to go to work. Cao Cao sent someone

to check on him about why he was not at work, he said, "I

was too busy having discussions with the sage." It was hard to tell whether it was the liquor that emboldened him, or it was just him handling it inappropriately. However, instead of being mad, Cao Cao surprisingly cut him some slack.

Maybe he found some sense of humor in Xu Miao's answer. From Xu Miao, liquor was given another nickname, "sage". When the Tang poet Li Bai wrote Send as a Gift to Meng

Haoran, he also mentioned the word "sage". People

have different interpretations. Some think Li Bai was

describing how he became more alert and wiser after

drinking, some think he met a sage after getting drunk, and some agree "sage" actually referred to what Li Bai was drinking – liquor. Later on, he might think that

comparing liquor to a sage was not enough to express

his attitude, so he wrote in another poem of him, "sages 74

MAR 2021


and men of virtue have always been unknown, only a drinker will leave his name behind." Good gracious!

From our perspective, "Du Kang" and "sage" are elegant

names for liquor, but in ancient China, people actually used them as code words during the prohibition. For

most drinkers, they could continue drinking after the

prohibition was withdrawn; however, some people were

not allowed to drink because of their identity, and it was more subtle and interesting for them to use code words to refer to liquor, a taboo for them. By "some people", I

especially meant monks, who must abide by the sacred

rules of the religious order and were not allowed to drink, but there would always be individuals who wanted to

"have a taste of forbidden fruit", to experience the feeling of liquor passing through their gut. As they could not

say the word "liquor" out loud, they granted liquor the

nickname "Prajna soup". In Sanskrit, the original meaning of "prajna" was "the highest wisdom", so "Prajna soup"

was actually "the soup of wisdom". They were not wrong,

because some people would be enlightened after drinking. Since the population of monks was huge when Buddhism prevailed during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was

inevitable that more monks who drank would appear,

and their behaviors were so much despised by the Taoist

priests. They often took out the famous painting of Zhang

Sengyou The Drunken Monk to make fun of those drinking

monks. Not to be outdone, the monks collected a serious

amount of money to invite the great painter Yan Liben to

paint a painting named The Drunken Taoist Priest. These

two paintings created an interesting contrast between

each other, and both paintings were passed down to later

generations. Among Taoist priests, liquor had nicknames too, such as "the priest of qu (fermented grains)", "the

scholar of qu", etc. Lu You, a prominent poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote in his poem Reclusion in Early

Summer, " The bottle is empty, so I call in the priest of qu to keep me company. I am alone in my bed, but luckily I still

have a bamboo lady to cool off the heat", excitedly "showing off" the liquor and the bamboo mat he newly bought.

Generally speaking, liquor is something with multiple

facets. Some regard it as a "sage", a "saint" or "the soup

of highest wisdom" that inspires people; some see it as a

friend, amiably calling it "the householder of qu (fermented grains)"; some drink it as a "mad drug" to boost their

courage… Each nickname is an expression of liquor with

the drinker's mood hidden behind. As the old saying goes,

"only the drinker knows how to dispel the effects of alcohol", you might find out new charm and new taste of liquor when you know about more nicknames and stories behind it. Isn't it the same for relationship between people?




公、令狐沖、胡鐵花等等。他們行俠仗義就像飲酒吃 菜一樣快意。而當這些大俠饞酒時,即豪氣頓消,反

醒覺、醒悟,醒了之後才會知道,原來從前都是醉,是迷,是在睡 覺。






世間並沒有酒蟲這種動物,也不會咬人。因為酒蟲這種說法, 唐代大詩人白居易有首詩《問劉十九》說:「綠蟻新醅酒,紅

泥小火爐。晚來天欲雪,能飲一杯無?」天寒地凍,生了爐子,溫 著酒,問劉十九你來不來飲杯。就是這麽簡單的一首詩,很文雅。 但白居易請人飲的是什麽——「綠蟻新醅酒」?


別人來才怪。但想來白居易畢竟當過朝廷大官,為人知書達禮,肯 定不至於請朋友飲綠蟻泡的「加料」酒吧。那麽,「綠蟻新醅酒」 到底說的是什麽?



那樣叫酒就叫了幾千年。曹操對酒是個知名的雙標黨。一方面他喜 捋一遍,都可以編一本「三國群飲傳」了。另一方面,他又討厭人 飲酒鬧事破壞社會秩序。於是曹操鐵腕下了禁酒令。當時的世家名 士孔融高調反對禁酒,被曹操大手一揮殺害了,也算是血的教訓。



不知是酒壯膽還是壞品味,就說:「我正和聖賢議事,沒空上班。」 曹操聽後,也頗有幽默感,放過他了。








「素蟻」「浮蛆」「玉蛆」其實都是酒的代名詞。而且是謙虛的代 酒的代名詞,或者說「花名」,歷史上有很多,不少挺有意思。

聖人還夠勁,他就說「古來聖賢皆寂寞,惟有飲者留其名」,飲到 「杜康」、「聖人」這種花名現在是個高雅的說法,但在古時





識,或文或白,或雅或俗,與對話者有種暗號式的默契。往往在對 飲酒方式也可以作為酒的花名。比如有人邀請你「小酌」一番,

酌,就是慢慢飲細細嘗,天南地北,輕輕松松聊聊天。如果邀你「互 劈」一番,那就是擺明車馬互相傷害,不求飲而求醉。更加離譜的 是連互動也不需要的「灌湯」,可以互灌,可以獨灌,那就完全索 然無味了。李白詩雲「花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親」,他獨酌而不是

酒。但有一類人,因為身份關係要禁酒的,他們用起隱語來,就更 個別不爭氣的想嘗嘗「酒肉穿腸過」,他們不能明著說酒,於是發 明了一個花名叫酒做「般若湯」。般若梵文原意是智慧,般若湯就

是智慧湯,飲了也許能得個「醍醐灌頂」。「醍醐」也是酒的花名, 專指美酒。







期,酒是一種重要的祭祀禮儀,代表著國家威嚴,社會秩序。也由 於酒在古時備受重視,其花名也衍生出一套精細化的系統。


酉,水半見於上」。漢字裏凡是帶酋字旁的,幾乎都與酒有關。比 如:醇,指厚酒,高度數酒;醪,也是厚酒,但渾濁一些;醝,發

和尚。和尚們不甘示弱,居然湊了幾十萬錢,請來當朝大畫家閻立 士口中當然也有酒的隱語稱呼,叫做「曲(麯)道士」、「曲居士」、 「曲生」。陸游《初夏幽居》詩雲:「瓶竭重招道士,牀空新聘竹 夫人」,就是興沖沖說他買來了新酒和新竹席,讀者讀來很是替他 高興。






各樣的花名,多見於詩詞文字。平常聊天如果用這些字,溝通太難。 醒過來。有趣點在於,「醒」與「醉」原本代表著兩種對立狀態, 卻都是酋字旁,都與酒有關。按常理想,清醒狀態應該是人的一種

常態,酒醉是非常態,因此,人們應該從清醒狀態出發去定義「醉」 才合理。但造字法卻告訴我們,恰好相反。關於「醒」,我們常說 76

MAR 2021

養生主;當它行氣壯膽,叫做狂藥、酒兵。每個花名,都是酒的一 飲酒人」,多知道些酒的花名,了解它的故事,你可能就對它有新 的觀點,新的認識,新的心得,就連飲起來也有新的滋味。 人對人不也是這樣嗎?

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MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2021

Gao Weidong: Moutai Research Institute Should Play a More Important Role in the Formulation of Moutai's Development Strategy

In March, an expert symposium of Moutai Research Institute was

held in Beijing Moutai Building. The participating experts frankly

communicated with each other and actively offered advices to

jointly discuss and plan Moutai's development. "The construction

of Moutai brand must be infused with cultural connotations." "The

Youshun, Gao Song, and Li Weining attended the symposium. "Moutai Research Institute must become an independent,

neutral, objective, professional and open team," Gao Weidong

put forward more specific requirements for the construction of

Moutai Research Institute from the very beginning. He pointed out that since the establishment of Moutai Research Institute, it had

focused on promoting a number of research topics, some of which

had achieved phased research results. These achievements were

the results of various experts' painstaking efforts and wisdom, and

reflected the strength and level of professionalism. For Moutai, they are rare and valuable wealth.

For the next step, Gao Weidong emphasized that Moutai

research on the environmental bearing capacity of Moutai is

Research Institute should play a more important role in the

be global." "It is necessary to strengthen the research on the power

put forward different opinions and voices on the direction and

urgent." "To become an influential brand in the world, the key is to

source of Moutai's sustainable development"…

Gao Weidong (Chairman of Moutai Group), Li Jingren (General

Manager of Moutai Group), Duan Jianhua (General Counsel of

Moutai Group), Ji Xiaonan (Dean of Moutai Research Institute)


as well as specially invited experts of Moutai Research Institute including Ye Xiaowen, Hou Yunchun, Xia Lin, Hua Sheng, Wang

Yancai, Ma Weidu, Li Xunlei, Ren Zeping, Chen Qiguang, Xie 78

MAR 2021

formulation of Moutai's development strategy. It should dare to

strategic issues of Moutai. It should not only study Moutai, but

also understand Moutai and tell the story of Moutai well. It should

base itself on reality and form a reasonable, effective and practical

system and mechanism. It should take the "Five-Star Moutai" as thinking, grasp the main points of the industry, current sore

points, and long-term key points, turn passive responses into

active guidance, and give full play to its function of Moutai's think

tank. It is necessary to make full use of the wisdom of the "super

brain", carry out topic research practically, concentrate on solving

strategic and fundamental problems, provide a value reference for Moutai's development, and comprehensively facilitate the high-

quality development of Moutai and the entire province's baijiu industry.

高衛東 :茅台研究院要在茅台制定發展戰 略中扮演更重要的角色

3 月,茅台研究院專家座談會在北京茅台大廈舉行,與會專家坦

誠相交、積極諫言,共商共謀茅台發展大計。「茅台品牌建設一定要 注入文化的內涵。」「茅台環境承載力的研究刻不容緩。」「要成為 在世界有影響力品牌,關鍵是要具有全球性。」「要加強對茅台持續 發展動力源的研究。」……


律顧問段建樺,茅台研究院院長季曉南,茅台研究院特聘專家葉小文、 侯雲春、夏林、華生、王延才、馬未都、李迅雷、任澤平、陳其廣、 謝有順、高嵩、李未寧等出席座談會。


高衛東一開始就對茅台研究院的建設提出了更具體的要求。高衛東指 出,茅台研究院成立以來,重點推進了一批研究課題,部分課題已取 得了階段性研究成果,這些成果的取得,凝聚了各位專家的心血和智 慧,體現了專業的力量和水準,對茅台來說,是難得的寶貴財富。



learn more about the situation as well as existing problems and difficulties of each department, and deploy related work.

Li Jingren pointed out that Moutai had always attached great

importance to safety in production. "Safety" was one of Moutai's "three lifelines". Its importance was self-evident; it was also the bottom line that Moutai should firmly adhere to. The logistics

support department played a vital role in production. Whether

the production safety work was solid or not directly affected the

stability and development of Moutai. Today's inspection showed

that all work was carried out orderly and managed under control, which provided a strong guarantee for production.

Regarding how to proceed the next step of production safety,


Li Jingren emphasized that all logistics support departments


awareness and bottom line thinking, solidly promote the 3-year

茅台故事。要立足實際,形成合理有效、實操性強的體制機制,要以 應對變成主動引導,充分發揮茅台的智庫功能。要充分借助「最強大 腦」智慧力量,切實開展課題研究,集中精力解決戰略性和基礎性問 題,為茅台的發展提供價值參考,全方位助力茅台和全省白酒產業高 品質發展。

Li Jingren Inspected the Production Safety of Moutai's Logistics Support Departments

the life service support center, production material distribution support workshop and transportation support center to carry

out production safety inspections and hold a report meeting to

special rectification action for production safety, and rectify the

problems in place one by one in strict accordance with the list of

hidden danger troubleshooting and problem rectification. It was necessary to make unremitting efforts, take production safety as a long-term task, and make precise efforts in strict investigation,

strengthening rectification, and tackling points of weakness, so as to check erroneous ideas at the outset and draw inferences about

other cases from existing instances. It was necessary to base on the current situation, focus on safety, take the prevention and control of epidemic as an important work of production safety, strictly

fulfill the primary responsibilities, and implement the prevention and control of epidemic resolutely and properly.

Li Jingren required all departments to strictly implement

various measures for epidemic prevention and control in detail MOUTAI MAGAZINE



Li Jingren (General Manager of Moutai Group) led a team to

must always keep a clear mind, continuously strengthen red line

MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2021 with higher awareness, stricter standards, and harder measures to ensure the safety and health of employees. The life service

support center must strengthen the management and control of procurement quality, and the production material distribution

support workshop as well as the transportation support center

must ensure transportation safety. All departments must be based on actual work to guarantee the most solid life, material and

transportation support for the development of Moutai's "14th FiveYear Plan" with serious thinking, cautious research, appropriate measures, strict control of time schedule and acceleration of implementation.

Zhong Zhengqiang (Deputy General Manager of Moutai Co.,

Ltd.) accompanied the inspection and presided over the report

meeting. The main directors of the company's office, production management department, safety supervision department and other relevant departments participated in the inspection and report meeting..

李靜仁到茅台各後勤保障部門開展安全生產檢 查 茅台集團總經理李靜仁率隊到生活服務保障中心、生產物資配送

保障車間和運輸保障中心開展安全生產檢查並召開匯報會,詳細了解 各部門安全生產工作開展情況及存在的問題和困難,安排部署相關工 作。


Moutai Ranked as One of World's Top 100 Companies

At the beginning of the year, the Financial Times UK released

the list of "Prospering in the pandemic: 2020's top 100 companies".

Kweichow Moutai entered the world's top 100 with a growth rate of 80% in market value.

According to the article, Kweichow Moutai is "the maker of

China's best-known distilled spirit, which is often used to seal

business deals, maintained its status as an investor favourite". In

the article Prospering in the Pandemic: the Top 100 Companies

published by the Financial Times UK in June last year, Kweichow

Moutai ranked 20th, being not only the only food enterprise in the

world that entered the top 20, but also the representative of entity


enterprises rarely seen in the top 20.


renowned international financial media founded in 1888. The


York, Paris, Los Angeles, Madrid, Hong Kong and other places,


are distributed in more than 140 countries outside the UK. As


global economic and commercial information as well as economic


market created by the newspaper is well-known.

好的底線。後勤保障部門在生產中起著至關重要的作用,安全生產工 項工作開展有序、管理可控,為生產工作提供了有力保障。


到位。要久久為功,把安全生產作為一項長期工作來抓,在嚴格排查、 立足當前,突出重點抓安全,把抓好疫情防控工作作為安全生產的一 李靜仁要求,各部門要以更高認識、更嚴標準、更硬舉措,抓緊

The Financial Times, based in London, England, is a world-

newspaper is simultaneously published in London, Frankfurt, New with a daily circulation of about 450,000 copies, 70% of which

a leading global financial newspaper, it provides readers with

analysis and commentary. The financial index of the London stock

(Source of Information: All about Moutai)




業》,貴州茅台以 80% 的市值增長率,進入全球排行百強。


心要保障好運輸安全。各部門要立足工作實際,認真思考、謹慎研究、 發展提供最堅實的生活、物資和運輸保障。



公室、生產管理部、安全監管處等相關部門主要負責人參加檢查和匯 報會。 80

MAR 2021

年初,英國《金融時報》發佈了《在大流行中繁榮的全球百強企 文章說,作為中國最著名的蒸餾酒製造商,茅台經常被用來達成

商務交易,維持了投資者最愛的地位。去年 6 月,英國《金融時報》

也曾發佈文章《在疫情期間全球表現最優的 100 家公司》,貴州茅 台名列第 20,不僅是全球唯一一家進入前 20 名的食品企業,也是前

20 名少有的實體企業代表。

英國金融時報(Financial Times)是於 1888 年創辦的世界著名


馬德里、香港等地同時出版,日發行量 45 萬份左右,其中 70% 發行

於英國之外的 140 多個國家。該報為讀者提供全球性的經濟商業資訊、 經濟分析和評論,由該報創立的倫敦股票市場的金融指數更是聞名遐 邇,是一家領先的全球性財經報紙。


Moutai was Again Listed in Brand Finance "Global 500 2021"

According to Global 500 2021, an annual report on the most

valuable and strongest global brands released by the British brand

evaluation agency Brand Finance, Moutai ranked 27th with a brand value of 45.333 billion U.S. dollars, 4 spots higher than last year.

The report shows that Moutai's brand rating continues to maintain AAA (the highest level). It is also the highest-ranked food company,

Moutai Participated in the 104th China Food and Drinks (Spring) Fair

The 104th China Food and Drinks (Spring) Fair was held

ranking 12th among the selected Chinese brands.

from April 7 to 9 at the Western China International Expo City in

agency in the UK, whose evaluation methods and qualifications

drinks industry in the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and one

Brand Finance is a well-known independent brand evaluation

have passed the ISO certification of the International Organization for Standardization. Its report Global 500 determines brand

value through quantitative evaluation of brand equity, brand

performance, corporate revenue and other data. Its professionalism and independence have always been widely recognized.

茅台再上 BrandFinance「2021 年全球品牌 價值 500 強」 英國品牌評估機構 Brand Finance 發佈了《2021 年全球品牌價值

500 強報告》,茅台以 453.33 億美元的品牌價值位列第 27 名,排名 較去年上升 4 位。報告顯示,茅台品牌評級繼續保持 AAA 級(最高

級),也是排名最高的食品企業,在入選的中國品牌中排名第 12。 資格通過了國際標準委員會 ISO 認證。由其發佈的《全球品牌價值

500 強報告》通過量化評估品牌資產、品牌績效、企業營業收入等資 料確定品牌價值,專業性和獨立性歷來受到廣泛認可。

of the largest and most influential drinks exhibitions in the country, this spring fair will surely inject strong impetus to the promotion of circulation and new situation in the industry.

Since April 4, Moutai had brought Moutai Co., Ltd. and other

subsidiaries to participate in this spring fair, and held a 3-day brand exhibition and exchange event in Wang Jiang Hotel of Chengdu. In the exhibition hall, various subsidiaries brought their

own flagship products and new products, attracting many

visiting merchants to stay, take pictures and taste. Through the

introduction from the staff of the exhibition hall, they felt amazed

about the diversity and innovation of Moutai products. After tasting

the mellow Jiang-fragrance liquor, they were also very interested in the series products of Moutai family.

In addition to the exhibition and display of a full range of


Brand Finance 是英國知名的獨立品牌評估機構,其評估方法及

Chengdu. As the first comprehensive exhibition of China's food and

products, the "Moutai Family" liquor products also made their stunning debut.



MOUTAI On The World Map 茅 台 在 全 球 2021

Members of the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum Visited Moutai

On March 18, members of the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs

Forum visited Moutai to have exchanges and discussions on brand management and deepening cooperation.

The visiting members included Zhang Wenzhong (Rotating

Chairman of the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, Chairman of

DMall and founder of Wumart Group), Chen Dongsheng (Founder, Chairman and CEO of Taikang Insurance Group, and Director

茅台参加第 104 届中國糖酒商品春季交易會

4 月 7 日至 9 日,第 104 屆中國糖酒商品春季交易會在成都市中

國西部國際博覽城舉行。作為「十四五」開局之年中國食品和酒類行 業首個綜合大展,以及全國規模最大、極具行業影響力的酒類展會之

General of the forum), Wang Yusuo (Chairman of ENN Group), Ding Liguo (Chairman of Delong Steel Group and New Tianjin

Steel Group), Yu Minhong (Chairman of New Oriental Education &

Technology Group), Li Dongsheng (founder and Chairman of TCL), and Feng Lun (Chairman of Yufeng Group).






DMALL 董事長、物美集團創始人張文中,泰康保險集團股份有限公



自 4 月 4 日起,茅台攜旗下茅台酒股份公司等子公司參加本屆 展廳裏,各子公司帶來自己的主打產品和新產品,吸引各地客商


樣性與創新性,在品嘗了醇美的醬香酒後,對茅台家族系列產品產生 除了設展展示全系列產品,「茅台家族」酒類產品還以不同的靚

眼形象亮相。 82

MAR 2021

3 月 18 日,亞布力中國企業家論壇成員到訪茅台,就品牌管理、 此次到訪的成員有亞布力中國企業家論壇成員輪值主席、多點

司創始人、董事長兼 CEO、論壇理事長陳東升,新奧集團董事局主 教育科技集團董事長俞敏洪,TCL 創始人、董事長李東生,禦風集團 董事長馮侖。

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