Moutai Magazine - International Edition Issue 6 Winter 2014

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06 WINTER 2014

Borderless Civilization Enjoyments 無國界的文明享受 專訪胡一虎:真情方品味 無處不禪機 Interview With Tiger Hu : Savoring With True Feeling, Zen Is Everywhere

珍饈 8 味 The 8

對話香港皇冠酒窖創始人 Gregory De'Eb——酒所承載的是故事和思想 Dialogue With CWC Founder Gregory De'Eb——Wine Carries Story and Message

吳松:酒瓶裡的黃金時代 NG Chung: A Golden Era in Liquor Bottle





Liquor: New Feitian 53% Kweichow Moutai Chess / cup: Baccarat

酒:53 度飛天貴州茅台酒 / 國際象棋、酒杯:Baccarat

Purest Mellowness, China Moutai

純凈之醇 中國茅台


CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501


Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 Production & Advertising Sales Agent: ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2103, 21/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588

Yu Yat Yiu A talented well-known music producer. Music creations included pop music, musicals, dance music, movie and TV soundtracks. In 1997, Yu, Anthony Wong, and a team of musicians and artists established an independent music production company "People Mountain People Sea".

Consultants : Yuan Renguo, Chen Min, Liu Zili, Zhao Shuyue

Publisher |  Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer |  Christine Yin Creative Director |  Dora Lu

Managing Editor |  Konzen Hou Project Manager |  Grace Liu Art Director |  Johnny Woo

Senior Project Editor |  Laura Su, Cher Chen

Photographers |  OldHou&Kangsheng, Han Xingxi Translators |  Billy Yung, Grace Liu, Meng Yuan Project PR |  Meng Yuan

Dora Lu As a holder of Bachelor's degree in Communication and Master's degree in Fine Arts, and a tenured researcher of the Visual Culture Institute, Dora Lu keeps focusing on traditional arts and Chinese liquor culture, and becomes a creative columnist for various newspapers and magazines.

Marketing Executive |  Nikita Wan, Denise Chan Advertising Enquires |  Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email |


Moutai Magazine (international edition) is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD.

No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher,

Penny Zhou An art and culture aficionado, and the Arts Editor at "HK Magazine", where she also had a film review column. Currently she is a freelance journalist and translator, writing and translating for a number of publications in Hong Kong, China and overseas.

editors or the license holder.

All contents in this magazine have been complied with the best of our knowledge,

but no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness or otherwise. Moutai Magazine (international edition) appears quarterly with

editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

Dong Tiezhu Special Thanks :

Dong Tiezhu is a holder of Ph.D in Chinese culture at the University of California, Berkeley. Familiar with both Chinese and Western culture, Dong has been teaching Chinese culture at Wofford College (USA) and United International College (Zhuhai).

"Any cultural profile, in different people's eyes, can be a different story." ——Jacob Burckhardt Culture is invisible, but determines the origin and destination of our civilization. This issue of "MOUTAI Magazine" will focus on the spreading of culture and dialogue of civilization, interview with elites from different fields, listen to the emotional journey of a presenter, diplomat, artist, musician, and creator...and feel the vividness and hope of civilizations through a cup of fine liquor and half a cigar at Confucius Institutes around the world, a hotel of Paris, a restaurant of Macau, and a palace of Laos. As culture is flowing with mellowness and fragrance, civilization is borderless.

「任何一個文化的輪廓,在不同的人的眼裏看 來 都 可 能 是 一 幅 不 同 的 圖 景 。」 —雅各布·布克哈特 文化無形,卻決定了我們的文明從何處來,往哪裏去。 本期《MOUTAI Magazine》聚焦文化的傳播與文明的對話, 我們探訪不同領域的精英, 傾聽男主播、外交官、藝術家、音樂家、創意者的心路歷程; 在世界各地的孔子學院、巴黎的酒店、澳門的餐廳、老檛的皇宮, 以及一杯美酒與半支雪茄中感知文明的生動和希望。 因為文化流淌醇香,文明沒有國界。


MOUTAI Magazine



Borderless Civilization Enjoyments 無國界的文明享受



Interview With Tiger Hu Savoring With True Feeling, Zen Is Everywhere 專訪胡一虎:真情方品味 無處不禪機

Dialogue: Wine Carries Story and Message 對話 : 酒所承載的是故事和思想

This issue's cover is inspired by artist Ng Chung's "Two Bottles of Moutai". "I love wine, but I love Moutai better because it makes my life fuller and happier." For this simple and profound white glass bottle, the desire of creation came from an unexpected tasting. Moutai's complex and multilayered aroma gave him an unutterable experience. With an artist's intuition, he transformed this experience into a wonderful visual language and presented it on canvas. 本期封面創意來源於藝術家吳松的《二瓶茅台》 「我喜歡紅酒,更愛茅台,它讓我的生命更充實,更快感。」面對這個 簡潔而厚重的白色玻璃瓶,創作欲望來源於一次意外的試飲,茅台複 雜而充滿層次的香味帶給他難以言行的體驗,憑藉藝術家的直覺,他 將此轉化為美妙的視覺語言並呈現於畫布。

Ng Chung, "Two Bottles of Moutai", Oil Paintings, 130 x 110, 2014 吳松《二瓶茅台》布面油畫 130×110 2014 年


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The 8

Exclusive Coverage: Give-and-Take in the Name of Jazz

珍饈 8 味


CONTENT 目錄 06  Introduction     導語

10  Borderless Civilization Enjoyments     無國界的文明享受 18   Sparks of Peninsula Paris    ——Moutai Cocktail Media Tasting Activity     巴黎半島酒店的火花    ——茅台雞尾酒媒體品鑒會

22   Interview With Tiger Hu:     Savoring With True Feeling, Zen Is Everywhere    專訪胡一虎:真情方品味 無處不禪機 28   Dialogue With CWC Founder Gregory De'Eb     ——Wine Carries Story and Message    對話香港皇冠酒窖創始人 Gregory De'Eb    ——酒所承載的是故事和思想

34   Seeking Wisdom From Confucius     到中國孔子那尋找智慧 40  The 8     珍饈 8 味

52  Exclusive Coverage :     Give-and-Take in the Name of Jazz    獨家報道:以爵士樂的名義給予和獲取 58   Oriental Fine Liquor, a Superior Choice    東方佳釀 卓越之選 62   A Happier Journey Than a King    比國王還幸福的旅程

64   Cheng Jing: Chinese Culture Is Very Beautiful       程靜:中國文化很美 70

Excavating and Sharing ——Interview With Poly's "Chinese and Western Wine Department" 發掘與分享 ——專訪保利香港拍賣「中西名酒珍釀部」

74   Savoring Column: Moutai's Unique Technique Among the     World's Fine Spirits       尋味專欄:中外佳釀各異 茅台工藝獨芳 76   Drinking Intellectually Column: "Sinology Policeman"     Pelliot       文字飲專欄:「漢學警察」伯希和 78   Moutai on the World Map       茅台在全球

46   Ng Chung: A Golden Era in Liquor Bottle     吳松 : 酒瓶裡的黃金時代

78   Seasonal and Comforting Specialties       秋冬滋補 養生菜譜

MOUTAI Magazine


Border less Civilization Enjoyments 無國界的文明享受

PLANNING/ 策劃:Dora Lu, OldHou&Kangsheng  PHOTO / 攝:Lydia  IMAGE / 圖:東方 IC  TRANSLATION / 譯:Grace Liu

Like being chosen by God, many wonderful things are used to demonstrating their prominence only in a particular place. Perhaps, they are not necessities of human life, but they are more than commodities. Without them, life will be very boring. In the Era of Globalization, they use their countries as their surnames and become a cultural symbol that represents the character of a nation. They transcend material. As part of human civilization, they cross borders and are shared by those who pursue a better life.

總有一些美好的事物,像是被上天的選擇,只有在某一個特定地方才能成就其卓越。它們只是眾多商品中的一種, 但又不僅僅如此,很難說它們是人類生活的必需品,但你無法想象,沒有它們,生活將會在怎樣的乏味中前行。 在全球化的背景下,它們的名字以國家為姓氏,代表著一個民族的性格,成為一種文化象征;它們超越物質, 作為人類文明的一部分,跨越國界,被所有追求美好的人所共享。


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Flowing History 流淌的歷史 If counting from the 10th year (A.D. 1745) of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, when Moutai applied 100% wheat to produce Baishui Qu (a kind of koji), Moutai has over 200 years of history. If counting from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, when liquor workshops emerged in Moutai Town according to the related official records, Moutai has over 400 years of history. If counting from 135 BC according to the "Records of the Grand Historian", when Emperor Wu of Han drank the Jujiang liquor (predecessor of Moutai) from the Yelang state in northern Guizhou Province, highly praised it as "mellow and perfect", and the liquor became well-known, Moutai has a long history of over 2,000 years... Moutai's mellowness and aroma come from its unique geographical and ecological environment. Curious people had once taken the soil and brewing materials from Moutai Town to experimentally produce Moutai out of Moutai Town. Their efforts, however, were not rewarded. Perhaps they may also succeed, but God needs to help them duplicate Moutai Town's water, airborne microorganisms, and brewing tradition that has been inherited for thousands of years. 如果從清乾隆 10 年(公元 1745 年)以後,茅台釀酒始用純小麥製作的白水曲算起, 距今已有 200 多年歷史;如果從明萬曆年間,茅台鎮有正式記載的釀酒作坊算起,距今已 有 400 餘年歷史;如果從司馬遷在《史記》中記載的公元前 135 年,來自黔北古夜郎國的 枸醬酒令漢武帝飲後盛讚「甘美之」,並由此名揚天下算起——那麼,茅台的釀酒史已傳 承了 2,000 多年…… 茅台酒的醇香來源於獨特的地域生態環境。好奇的人們曾帶走茅台鎮的土壤和釀造原 料嘗試異地仿制,但付出的努力並沒有得到回報。也許它們也可以成功,但需要上帝來協 助複製這裏的水與空氣裏的微生物,以及綿延千年的釀酒傳統。

MOUTAI Magazine


美國作家馬克 吐溫(Mark Twain) American writer Mark Twain


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Nature's Gift 自然的禮物 Kennedy could refuse Cuba but could not refuse cigar. Before Columbus discovered America, the Indians in Cuba had already known how to enjoy tobacco in daily life. It is undoubted that the red clay and the tropical climate for growing cigar tobacco are nature's gifts given to Cuba. Cuban cigars are made of five different hand-rolled tobacco leaves. All their raw materials must be originally produced in Cuba. The handmade items always retain human temperature. Like an artwork, it is sparkling and emanating charming smell the moment you light it. The critical raw materials of origin and the unique culture define the elegant temperament of Cuban cigars. "Cigar brings inspiration for writing." Mark Twain talked about his favor upon cigar in his articles from time to time. A high-quality cigar is a temptation and a dream. It endows cigar lovers all over the world with the characters of elegant, gentleman-like, mature, and profound after departing from the port of Havana. 甘迺迪拒絕得了古巴,卻無法拒絕雪茄。在哥倫布發現美洲之前,古巴的印第安人就 在與自然的共存中認識了煙草並學會了如何想享用它們。毫無疑問,這是大自然送給古巴 的禮物:適合種植雪茄煙葉的紅土和熱帶氣候。 它們的原料必需全部產自古巴本土。手工打造的物件,往往會被賦予手的溫度。點燃 它的那一刻你會發現,它像藝術品一樣散發出迷人的味道和光暈。挑剔的原料產地以及獨 特的文化淵源,註定了古巴雪茄與生俱來的高貴氣質。「雪茄帶來寫作靈感。」馬克·吐 溫在一些文章裏不時談到自己對雪茄的喜愛。一支品質上乘的雪茄,是一種誘惑,是一種 夢想,它從哈瓦那的港口出發,賦予全世界雪茄客儒雅、紳士、成熟、深沈的特質。

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GP 芝柏表三軸陀飞轮系列 Girard-Perregaux Tri-Axial Tourbillon Series


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Art of Time 時間的藝術

With a long history, Swiss watch is the benchmark of watchmaking. It represents human's spiritual realm of pursuing perfection. As the embodiment of time, these watches are also experiencing the test of time. Each well-known brand has experienced two world wars, survived the quartz crisis of the 1970s, and finally walks into the constantly changing electronic age. As a perfect conjunction of different art categories, Swiss watch never stops improving its watchmaking technologies. Inheriting extraordinary skills, watchmakers insist on handmade technique rather than machine. They are demonstrating the unlimited creativity in the art of time. Even during the declining and disappearing period of the watch industry, due to its precision, "Swiss Made" is still the most convincing word that represents time and eternality. 瑞士手表歷史悠久,是制表業的標桿,代表著人類追求極致的精神境界。它們作為時 間的化身,也經歷著時間的考驗。每一個耳熟能詳的品牌都經歷過兩次世界大戰,從上世 紀 70 年代的石英風暴中頑強地走過,躋身如今瞬息萬變的電子時代。 作為與不同藝術門類完美相融的匯合點,瑞士手表從未停止過在鐘表技藝上的不斷精 進,傳承非凡技藝的制表大師,用手工抵抗著機械的冰冷,展現出計時藝術無限的創造力。 即使是在鐘表落寞期間,甚至被人預言將要消失的時代,「瑞士制造」依然是一個最具信 服力的詞匯,它本身就是時間,並以它的準確象征著永恒。

MOUTAI Magazine


Sparks of


From a pot of liquor among the flowers, I drank alone. There was no one with me. Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three. Alien land, strange city, encounter, stay... A poem, a barrel of liquor, and an encounter, start this Moutai taste bud journey across mountains, rivers, and oceans... 花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 異國,他鄉,遇見,駐留。 一首詩,一斛酒,一場邂逅,開啟了這一次屬於茅台的跨越山河海洋的味蕾之旅……


MOUTAI Magazine


半島酒店的火花 —茅台雞尾酒媒體品鑒會 TEXT/ 文:Bi Luxin IMAGE/ 圖:Cammy France / Kweichow Moutai TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

——Moutai Cocktail Media Tasting Activity


n China, when mentioning Kweichow Moutai, everyone is quite familiar with this national liquor and national quintessence. On various occasions, as long as there is China Moutai, there will be a feast of savoring fine liquor. On October 23, 2014, in the Moutai cocktail media tasting activity held at Peninsula Paris, Moutai once again brought such an atmosphere to Paris, the capital of flower. Perfectly situated at 19, avenue Kléber in the heart of Paris, just steps from Paris' most famous monument the Arc de Triomphe, the Peninsula, a six-star flagship hotel of the Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Group, is a late 19th century classic Haussmanian building. Originally serving as the international conference center of the French Foreign Ministry, this building has been meticulously restored and discreetly modernized for four years into another sixstar Asian-styled hotel in Paris. Opened in August this year, the hotel is a perfect blend of Eastern and Western cultures. Between the hotel and Moutai, a quintessence for promoting Chinese culture, what kind of spark can be produced? The representatives attending this tasting activity mainly came from the influential media of the French spirits industry such as Le Figaro, l'Express, and Le Point as well as the famous Chinese media such as China News Agency, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and Phoenix Satellite TV. In a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, manager of Moutai France invited all guests to taste two choice Moutai cocktails, and introduced the culture, history, brewing characteristics, and

production processes of Moutai as well as the features of the Moutai cocktail. Unfamiliar and puzzled to Moutai at the beginning, representatives of the French professional tasting media gradually knew and appreciated Moutai. Many of them expressed their great interest in the future development of Moutai in France and indicated that they would continue to focus on the future trends of Moutai. This activity also specially presented the "Rose d'Occident" cocktail. With sweet cucumber pieces, this fresh and elegant Moutai cocktail was personally designed by the chief sommelier of the Peninsula. Professionally paired by the sommelier, a little cucumber juice was integrated with the Moutai liquor and its unique aroma to lighten Moutai's strong taste and retain Moutai's original Jiang fragrance in the "Rose d'Occident". Accompanied by Paris' elegant moonlight, leaning against the window sill with breeze, have a glass of Moutai cocktail to slowly get the lips burning. This is the most relaxed enjoyment after a busy day of work or study. As good time was always short, this cocktail media tasting activity ended successfully at 6 pm that day. This activity was a good opportunity for the Frenchmen well versed in fine spirits to better understand Moutai and was a successful step towards the world for Moutai. It is believed that in the near future, more and more people around the world will savor the wonderful taste and distinctive mellowness of this classical fine liquor from the Orient.

MOUTAI Magazine




出 席 這 次 品 鑒 會 的 媒 體 代 表, 主 要 來



自法國著名酒業類媒體評論,如 FIGARO、


2014 年 10 月 23 日,在巴黎半島酒店舉行的

L ’EXPRESS、LE POINT 等,同時還有中新社、

ROSE D’OCCIDENT 中略顯清香與淡雅又不













街 19 號 (Avenue Kléber),是一座 19 世紀末















星級酒店,同時與西方文化完美的融合與接洽。 而茅台作為弘揚中國文化的國粹,與半島酒店




MOUTAI Magazine

這次還重點推出了由半島酒店首席 調 酒 師 親 自 設 計 的 一 款 清 爽 淡 雅 的 ROSE

來自東方的經典佳釀,將讓更多的人體會到美 好的滋味,感受不一樣的美酒醇香。

  A little cucumber juice was integrated with the Moutai liquor and its unique aroma to lighten Moutai's strong taste and retain Moutai's original Jiang fragrance in the "Rose d'Occident". 

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MOUTAI Magazine

Interview With Tiger Hu:

Savoring With True Feeling Zen Is

Everywhere 專訪胡一虎:真情方品味 無處不禪機 TEXT/ 文:盧川 Dora Lu PHOTO/ 攝:Han Xingxi VISUAL GUIDE/ 視覺指導:OldHou&Kangsheng  OVERALL PLANNING/ 統籌:Meng Yuan INTERVIEW ASSISTANT/ 采訪助理:Laura Su, Denise Chan INTERVIEW LOCATION/ 采訪地點:Sha Tin 18 TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

"My family has a very sacred liquor cabinet that stores the cherished Moutai liquor and medals of my father; his liquors are so precious that we can have small sips only on happy and great occasions." Tiger Hu raises a cup and says, "This is the liquor savoring culture I want to advocate in China. Liquor makes people drunk. It can also make people awake, happy, and allow people to see another side of themselves that they are usually reluctant to admit. Your magazine is re-establishing China's liquor savoring culture, which is why I am willing to be interviewed." 「我家的酒櫃很神聖,裡面放了爸爸珍藏的茅台和勛章,但他的酒是不能輕易喝的,有了喜事、大事的時候才 喝,而且只是小口品酌。」胡一虎端起酒杯說,「這是我很想在中國推行的品酒文化,酒讓人醉,也能讓人醒, 能夠讓你開心,也讓人看到平時不願意承認的自己。你們的雜誌在重新打造中國的品酒文化,這也是我之所以 願意接受采訪的原因。」

MOUTAI Magazine


"Savoring is a preciousness, a feeling, and is completely different from drinking." 品,是一種珍貴,是一種體會,跟喝完全不一樣。


e says that our conversation at the moment is like a fantasy. He would feel more real only when on the plane where there is a certain distance from reality. As one of the most popular TV presenters in a country of 1.3 billion people, he spends half of his time on the plane every week. He is Tiger Hu (Hu Yihu). His personality is like the Chinese definition of tiger: warm, fearless of challenge, and full of strength. Maybe only at an altitude of 10,000 meters can he temporarily exit from the hustle and bustle of the world as well as the fiercely debating crowd, empty himself, and save new energy.


MOUTAI Magazine

Drinking afternoon tea and talking about fine liquor, life, "New Chinese"...with a top presenter of the Chinese community is as if the screen suddenly enlarged. This seems to be a rather unreal thing. In fact, as interviewers, we feel far more pressure than expected because he thinks faster and have better eloquence, profounder insight, and more knowledge than us. Besides, his voice is stentorian, hard-hitting, and full of positive energy. Tiger Hu was born in 1967 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. His youth ideal was to be a reporter who was able to freely travel around the world while learn new knowledge. After

graduation from university, with the first place in exams, he was admitted to the Taiwan CTS (Chinese Television System), and was selected as one of the "Ten Most Popular Presenters in Taiwan" for five consecutive years as well as the "Sexiest Male Presenter in Taiwan". 13 years ago, he entered Phoenix Satellite TV, a global Chinese language satellite TV channel to anchor programs on news and current affairs of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, narrowing the distance among Chinese around the world. In an afternoon, from liquor savoring to life, from religion to talent, he is good at expressing the genteel written language

"My program is an encounter of opinions. Encounter happens in the current segment and everything appears in the moment of encounter. Drinking with a confidant, a thousand shots are too few. When you meet your confidant, the channel is right. When readers read this story, they are encountering us as well." 「我的節目是觀點的相遇,相遇的當下就是這個片段,所有的東西都在相遇的瞬間出現。酒逢知己 千杯少,當你碰到知己的時候,頻道就對了。當讀者看到這篇報道的時候,跟我們也是再次的相遇。」

clearly, fully demonstrating the beauty of Chinese language. During the interview, he is invited to drink a small cup of Feitian Moutai. Surprisingly, he has deep connections with Moutai. When talking about Moutai, he is as if talking about the memories of a teenage and an old friend of his hometown. The agreed interview time is really not enough. Just as his programs, every minute of each program is fully used and filled with contents. The program is so wonderful and fast-paced that its audience can obtain the truth only after carefully considering the enlightenment and inspiration it leaves.

Savoring Because of Preciousness "My true connection with Moutai is derived from my father's collection," Tiger Hu tells us as soon as he sits down. Unexpectedly, the prize in Tiger Hu's youth was Moutai. Whenever he won one of the top places in the school exam or the champion of speech contest, his father would allow him to drink mouthfuls of cherished Moutai. "That's really an unforgettable taste! For me, Moutai is a totem and something that can be enjoyed only after completing an achievement. A small sip can give me more power." His father was once a soldier. Besides Moutai, his father's medals were also stored in the liquor cabinet. Therefore, this cabinet would not be opened on ordinary occasions. In order to take the opportunity to drink Moutai, he often urged his father, "Come on, dad, let's have a heart-to-heart talk." Tiger Hu tells us frankly that he drinks only with sincere, loyal, and intelligent people. He has the "three NOs" principle. First, he does not drink with any one who thinks "no drinking (up), no brother". Growing up in the military dependants' village of Taiwan, he once saw a brother killed by liquor due to such a thought. Second, on social occasions, he just drinks tea but not liquor. Third, he does not drink before driving. While yearning

for the carefree lifestyle of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove (a group of Chinese scholars, writers, and musicians in ancient China who often drank together), but as modern people, complying with regulations is compulsory. Often traveling among Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, he finds that the liquor customs, etiquettes, and cultures in Taiwan and Beijing are very similar. That is, drinking up is a must. The truest and purist way of drinking, however, is to savor slowly and feel the burning sensation and aftertaste move among the mouth, the tip of the tongue, and the body. Only with ownership and respect for a preciousness can people truly enjoy it. "Savoring is a preciousness, a feeling, and is completely different from drinking." At home, today's Tiger Hu inherits the tradition of his father and stores all fine liquors in the liquor cabinet for remembrance and appreciation. These liquors can be drunk only on special and great occasions. "My Moutai must not be used in any social intercourse. In my inner world, Moutai has an extraordinary weight. I will be 50 a few years later. At that time I will invite my friends in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to savor Moutai at my home. Savoring is the only way for cherishing preciousness, and enjoying the aftertaste."

Zen in One Talk The program "Tiger Talk" anchored and named after Tiger Hu is considered a public forum that is created for the transitional China to achieve the universal right to speak. "In this forum, everybody's words count and all opinions are respected." In the form of discussion, this program selects weekly a focused topic of the society and invites people from all walks of life to express their opinions. In this fast-paced program, Tiger Hu is like a matador. With the fastest speech velocity, he elaborates the topic for the

involved parties, scholars, experts, celebrities, and ordinary people to start their discussions. On the stage, he is like a capable conductor for controlling the rhythm, so that various opposite opinions meet here and are united as a harmonious whole; he is also like a traffic policeman. He gives hints and such instructions as stop and go. He is preparing to respond to any unexpected conditions and makes judgments in the fastest time. His quick and accurate responses and wit amaze many people; however, he admits, "I often fail to control myself, guests, and spectators. Gradually I realize that the entire process of the program is a meaningful conversation mentioned in Zen, and what Zen emphasizes most is quick response." Therefore, he learns to let go all preparations once he enters the program. He is also good at balancing as well as provoking in the program, and reaches a tacit understanding with the debaters. He calls this "Buddha mouth but viper heart". Without any intention of "honey tongue but wicked heart", the purpose is to activate the impulse of debate and stimulate intellectual spark. "One Talk is a combination of social attitudes, containing various opinions from all walks of life and tolerating the ignorance of others. Sometimes experts also admit that what they talk for a long time is actually equivalent to a straightforward sentence of the general audience. In the program, Zen is everywhere, and meaningful conversation is always with us." He says, "The reason I like this program is that everyone is equal here, because I am a Buddhist." More than 10 years' anchoring make him realize that the "one" (One Talk) in "Tiger Talk" is "united as one" in Zen. We are all the same, and use debate as self-cultivation to discover the essence. The value of this program is not at the moment of watching, but after the broadcast. It leads people to listen to different opinions, speak cautiously, find out truth for the fact, and treat the fact fairly.

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Pure Heart, Correct Attitude

he swims almost every day. Specially, he likes to swim in raging water. This hobby, he says, is similar to his father, that is, to challenge oneself. Besides, he will definitely choose the midday hours because he loves sunshine.

From Taiwan to Hong Kong and from Hong Kong to Beijing, he feels very lucky to travel among Chinese communities around the world and make lots of friends, which enables him to see problems considerately. Seven years ago, Tiger Hu had mentioned the concept of "New Chinese". With "pure heart and correct attitude", "New Chinese" treat history and life tragedy inclusively and tolerantly. "New Chinese" are no longer divided by region, no longer fight with each other for ideology, and no longer separate from each other due to historical disputes. Today, facing many contradictions occurred within the Greater China region, this attitude seems more important. Therefore, he adds two points: First, the hostile attitudes of people among Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are particularly evident. People can have a voice in a place only after they have an in-depth understanding of the local culture. "If you have never been to the other side or made friends there, you'd better keep silent. Otherwise, you are treating the other side with prejudice. Without thinking through the other side's eyes, Mainland China's policies for Hong Kong and Taiwan will never won the favor from people; without considering the complexity of Mainland China, how can the experience of Hong Kong and Taiwan be copied to Mainland China?" Second, in the current network culture, many netizens do not purify their minds or realize that the network is a public resource. Therefore, they express all their thoughts at will. "For some doubts, I have learned 'smile without replying' from Zen and time

Tiger Hu loves playing the piano, listening to opera, and playing the erhu (or nanhu). His personality of balance and integration is fully reflected in his music talent. "I had known since I was four years old that the best gift God gave me was not languages but musical notes. I can play any music as long as I hear it. Many people say I control the rhythm very well in my shows. This is in fact related to music." He says that talents are not indispensable, but they are the spice of life. "Without piano, I cannot be away from home and sustain in Hong Kong for so many years. In my house, even if the furniture is simple, but there must be a piano. When friends and classmates come to my gathering, they cook and I play the piano. This is a very special time and at the moment you will find the value of talent." For the problem of balancing career and family, Tiger Hu's answer is "three forces": values, friends and family. So he would not spend time in social intercourse, but spends most of his time with relatives and friends. In this sense, Tiger Hu obviously is a model of traditional Chinese men. With handsome look and upright moral, he is versatile and loyal, and loves his family very much. Swimming is his key to release pressure and keep his figure. As long as in Hong Kong,

Today, nongovernmental interactions between Mainland China and Taiwan are more and more frequent, and a gradually increasing number of Mainland cities are granted by the Individual Visit Scheme of traveling to Taiwan. At the end of the interview, he, as a host, enthusiastically recommends Taiwan's four greatest "aromas" that cannot be missed: book aroma, Brahma aroma, woman aroma, and natural aroma. Book aroma refers to a Taiwan bookstore — Eslite Bookstore. Once kids enter there, they will keep quiet and obediently sit on the floor to read books; Brahma aroma refers to Buddhist culture. The Buddha Memorial Center founded by Master Hsing Yun provides the best life education. Such technologies as 4D make Buddhist culture dynamic and create a pleasant atmosphere for people to understand what faith is. Woman aroma is available in streets. There are far more "Lin Chi-ling". You can find that kind of soft and gentle speaking manner almost anywhere in Taiwan. Natural aroma refers to Taiwan's landscape, especially in the East Rift Valley of eastern Taiwan. The beautiful mountains facing the Pacific Ocean will surely amaze you. The four aromas summarized by this "New Chinese" really arouse our impulse of going to Taiwan to smell them immediately.









他是擁有 13 億人口的國家裡最受歡迎的

Balance and Integration

Encountering Taiwan Aromas


1967 年出生於台灣高雄的胡一虎,年少









考入台灣華視,連續 5 年成為「台灣最受歡迎







與一位華語界的大牌主持人喝著下午茶, 暢談美酒、生活、新「華人」……就好似屏幕


will prove everything. Buddha gives me lots of strength and lets me calm down to look around, which is a self-cultivation as well. I would like to question people who curse on the Internet. Has the problem solved in this way? It would be more effective if you provide your opinions and suggestions."

星電視頻道鳳凰衛視,主持兩岸三地新聞時事 節目,拉近了全世界華人的距離。





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因珍貴而品味 「真正與茅台的緣分源於爸爸的珍藏」剛 一落座,胡一虎便告訴我們。















平衡與融合 胡一虎愛彈鋼琴、愛聽歌劇,愛拉南胡, 平衡與融合的個性在他的音樂才藝中充分體現 出來。 「我從四歲的時候就知道,老天爺送我最 好的禮物不是語言,而是音符。我只要聽到任
















子,為了能借機喝茅台,他常常慫恿父親, 「來, 老爸,我們父子交心一下。」 胡一虎直言自己只跟真心的、有義氣的、













在遊走於兩岸三地的他看來,台灣與北京 的酒俗、酒禮文化非常相像,喝酒要 drink up (一飲而盡)。  但真正意義的飲酒是慢慢品味, 從入口到舌尖、到身體,那種灼熱感與回味, 對珍物的擁有與尊重才是享受。品,是一種珍 貴,是一種體會,跟喝完全不一樣。




國男人楷模,長相俊朗,德行端正、多才多藝、 重情重義、愛妻護女。















的份量。我還有幾年就到 50 歲了,到時候我






























佛陀紀念館裡有最棒的生命教育,4D 等科技






















他快速準確的應變與機智令人們讚歎不 已,然而他坦言,「我時常沒辦法掌握自己、


這位新「華人」總結的四香,還真讓人想 立即前往寶島一聞為快。



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Dialogue With CWC Founder Gregory De'Eb


故事 思想

對話香港皇冠酒窖創始人 Gregory De'Eb PLANNING/ 策劃: Dora Lu INTERVIEW/ 采訪:Penny Zhou PHOTO/ 攝:OldHou&Kangsheng INTERVIEW LOCATION/ 采訪地點:Crown Wine Cellars


lasshouse, leather sofa, luxurious décor and shelves of rare and fine wine—if it wasn't for the historic photos on the walls depicting the unglamorous previous life of the place now known as Crown Wine Cellars (CWC), one would have had a hard time imagining that this elegant private club was a former WWII bunker that'd been overgrown and forgotten for half a century. Nestled in Shouson Hill, an exclusive suburb on Hong Kong Island, Crown Wine Cellars was initiated in 2001 and stands today not only as one of world's finest wine storage facilities, but also a UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Site. The man responsible for this dramatic transformation is Gregory De'Eb, an ex-career diplomat from South Africa who has spent over two decades in China and made Hong Kong his permanent home.


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The Accidental Sinophile However, living halfway around the world from his motherland and running an ultrasuccessful wine-related business wasn't exactly a young De'Eb had envisioned for himself. Growing up on a rural farm in Africa, De'Eb had extremely limited connection with the outside world as a youngster. Upon graduation, he joined Mercedes-Benz as a labor lawyer, only to receive a message two days into his new job from the Foreign Ministry of South Africa saying that he'd been accepted as a young diplomat, which came as a total surprise. "I never ever thought that I would get in because you had thousands of people applying for five positions. It's so competitive," he recalls. "And I certainly wasn't the valedictorian of the class. Even

the university I went to was a tiny rural one with only 3,000 people there. Anyway, of course once I got the opportunity, I dropped everything else." In the late 1980s, Asia wasn't an attractive destination for aspiring diplomats, so when De'Eb expressed his desire to go to Taiwan, he had no opposition. He arrived in Taiwan in his mid-20s, and worked there for a short time until the foreign service opened a diplomatic office in Beijing, where he served for four years. His career eventually brought him to Hong Kong in 1998, a place he always wanted to live in. And in order to continue staying here, he eventually made the decision to retire as a diplomat. "I've lived half of my life in China—it's the only place I know and it's my reference point for everything," he says. "Africa is my place of birth but China is

For Gregory De'Eb, no matter it's turning a heritage site into a top-notch wine cellar or sharing a fine bottle with friends at dinner table, alcohol has been a crucial part in his efforts to keep the cultural legacies and human stories alive. my home. In many ways I'm totally Chinese. My children go to local Chinese schools and their first language is Cantonese." For De'Eb, being able to spend the past 20 years in China and witness its enormous changes is a great experience that he'll always treasure, and there is one aspect of the new Chinese society that he particularly resonates with: "I've never enjoyed the benefits of having a rich family or the best education. So I think my own story shows that if you have the right approach to life, you can do anything. And that's maybe why I feel so close to China and Hong Kong than I do to Africa." He adds that although Hong Kong has a much longer history of people having a fair-play environment, it's only since the early 1990s that people in China have had the same chance. "There're so many

stories in China now, where young people are able to use their abilities to the maximum and achieve great things by themselves. It's quite remarkable to see how things are changing with one generation of people. For the first time, the real potential of China has just been unleashed. It's an exciting time to be here," he says with enthusiasm.

The Unconventional Connoisseur It was through his diplomatic career that De'Eb developed an affinity with wine, for it was involved in almost every formal event he went to. However, he never allowed himself to become too academic about wine, even by the time when he started Crown Wine Cellars and had to suddenly take a professional interest, wine pedantry was something that

對於 Gregory De’Eb 來說, 不論是打 造一流的酒窖還是和朋友們舉杯共飲, 酒都是傳承人類文化和書寫人間故事的 最好夥伴。

he cautiously avoided. As a result, he has never read a book about wine or attended a wine training course; all his experiences and knowledge about wine come from drinking with people with expertise, and spending a lot of time with winemakers and wine owners. With his own humble background, De'Eb finds it natural to have an emotional connection to winemakers. "If you listen to them, you'll see that they're just farmers. So it became really close to my heart because my dad was a farmer," he says. "Then you see it in a completely different way: it's more about the beauty, the family, the tradition, and less about this endless technical breakdown of wine which I really don't like." For him, overanalyzing a wine is like measuring the facial features of a beautiful woman with a ruler. "That's horrible!" he laughs. "Saying

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'I can taste 3% of this and 2% of that' is no different than saying 'her nose is great but her eyes are 3 cm too close to each other', it ruins everything. Like people, wine has mother and father too, who worked incredibly hard to make the best product they could possibly make, no matter how humble it is. You don't call certain wine awful just because it's not to your taste. You don't have to like it, but you can appreciate it. Understand that nothing is perfect and always be respectful." De'Eb admits that though he is also a fan of fine spirits such as whisky, cognac and Chinese liquor, wine is his drink of choice, for a large part because of its soft taste and wide diversity—"You can have an amazingly light and delicate wine over here, and an extremely strong young wine over there, and everything in between. So depending on your mood or the food you're eating, you have all the options in the world." Compared to wine appreciation, however, wine storage allows much less flexibility, especially when it comes to preserving the fine and rare. De'Eb explains that it's because wine is a living being inside a bottle, with all its molecules and cells still alive and going through evolution. And to protect it perfectly, we need to keep it relatively stable and in a consistently cool temperature, so it can blossom the way it should. For red wine, the ideal temperature is between 14 and 16 degrees, while for white, it's 11 to 13. Too hot, the content will mature too quickly; too cold, it retards the process. Humidity is another critical area. If the air is overly moist, mold may start to develop around the cork, which can breathe through the wood and get taken into the wine. If the bottle is placed in a very dry climate, too much wine would be sucked out. So when you buy a bottle of wine, pay attention to the obvious indicators: the color, the level of the neck, the condition of the cork and foil. But if you really don't want to take the chance, keep your fine wine in a professionally designed cellar. "It's the best way to store wine," De'Eb swears by it.

The Heritage-Conscious Businessman De'Eb's idea of getting into the winestorage business actually came from the Hong Kong government. In June 2000, eight years before the city became world's first major economy to impose no tax on imported wines, the government held a seminar themed "Can


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Hong Kong be the wine trading center of Asia?". De'Eb was among the approximately 400 people that attended it, and likely the only one who took the question seriously. "Right at the end of the seminar they spoke of all these historical places and said you could do wine storage in them, and people started laughing and walking out because they thought it's a stupid idea," he remembers. "And it hit me: you've got government support, no competition; all you need to do is to figure out a viable business model." With that vision in mind, he started doing extensive research. He called all the major wine storage companies around the world and asked them approximately how many of their accounts were from Hong Kong. And the number, which he expected to be 1-2%, turned out to be a staggering 17%. In the meantime, Hong Kong-based American businessman Jim Thompson, the owner of the famous Crown Worldwide Group, happened to be contemplating on storing wine in his large number of warehouses. In August 2001, at a fateful dinner party at Thompson's house, his wife brought the two like-minded men together and told them to talk to each other and maybe figure something out. The rest, as they say, is history. That year, De'Eb visited the site of the current cellars for the first time, and saw literally just eight concrete holes on the ground, once used as an ammunition and weapons depot by the British army. Nobody knew anything about its history, including the fact that it was the last place during the WWII to surrender to the Japanese in 1941. And the site's only remaining above-ground structure was untimely destroyed eight months before his visit. But he knew that the place, located 60 feet under a mountain, with 1-meter-wide walls and 2.5-meter-thick ceilings all made with reinforced concrete, would make an outstanding wine cellar. "A wine cellar, by definition, needs to be an underground facility, which Hong Kong has few of," he says. "Our site's cave-like structure keeps it very cool, white its long passage only lets in a very small amount of hot air, and you can capture it and get it out through another door." Committed to making it the best wine cellar in the world, De'Eb and Thompson assembled a team of renowned engineers, and asked them to come to Hong Kong and draw up a flawless engineering report on the

site. The result was an 80-page document with myriad of technical specifications. Executing this plan, as they soon learned, was a million times harder, because on top of the need to create the exact temperature and humidity they wanted, there were countless modern rules and regulations that they struggled to comply with in the course of revamping a historical structure. "Those rules were made for new buildings, not a 1937 concrete hole in the ground. So simple things like fire escapes, slope structural stability and the width of the doorway, could all become nightmares," De'Eb sighs. It was an uphill battle against technical difficulties and bureaucracy, but the team eventually fought through all of them and preserved the heritage site as much as they could. Interestingly, although all the historic records on the site has been lost, after De'Eb and his team's involvement, a lot of people started to come forward and provide information about it. Among them are several photo historians and author Tony Banham. By 2006, De'Eb had assembled a coherent story about the site. He applied it to UNESCO the following year, and it was declared an Asia Pacific Heritage Site. This was the first publicprivate heritage preservation project in Hong Kong that led to many other similar efforts in the following years. "It's important to me to know that this site is recognized by the public and will stand for future generations, because heritage conservation is something I'm very passionate about," De'Eb says. "Using it as wine cellars is just one of its past and present functions, and one that's helping this living heritage survive. These are the things that define a society and a great city in future times. If we don't protect our shared heritage, we lose our history."

The Cultural Ambassador Hearing De'Eb speak fluent Mandarin about all things Chinese, one must marvel at his devotion to learning and living the culture that he lovingly inhabits and preserves. As a diplomat and a businessman, he has been an integral part of the cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world, but tracing back to the very beginning, as a young man trying to find his place in a strange country some 20 years ago, it was alcohol that served the role of a cultural ambassador. "I arrived in China very young and could

stay up late. I made some good friends who loved to drink, and we drank a lot of Moutai not just because it's a popular choice, but because I truly liked it," he reminisces. "We used to hang out in darts bars, because in the early 1990s, it's one of those few places where local Chinese and foreigners would mix and have fun together. All of my fondest late-night memories in China have involved Moutai." That memory also extended to his professional life, as every time he went to formal functions, it'd be almost required that Moutai would be on the dinner table. "I completely get it. It's a national drink, and represents a national culture and pastime. I have very warm feelings for it because it's intrinsic in me becoming Chinese," he adds. However, the dark side of that, he warns, is that Moutai's revered reputation and status may create a tendency for people to put it on a pedestal, to respect it too much to innovate and improve them. "All of us change as day goes on, and our tastes change. If a drink can't move forward, then it doesn't allow the fact that people evolve," he shares his insights, with suggestions for this national treasure to further expand its international market. "Diversifying the products and rebranding the image are two great ways to do it. I can easily

see Moutai develop a young person's drink, a party drink, a female-friendly drink, and cocktail recipes." De'Eb firmly believes that alcohol plays an incredibly significant part in the cultural communication between nations. "For some magical reason, drinking is acceptable across all cultures. If you're asked where tequila comes from, nobody is going to answer anything else other than Mexico. If you think of vodka, you think of Russia, even though there are famous American brands out there. Even wine, although it's first made in Italy, people will always associate it with France. Sake can only be Japanese. You have these national associations with drinks. "Plus, on a more intimate level, alcohol can be enjoyed with all kinds of food, and different grades of alcohol fit in different stages of the evening in a very nice way," he continues. "It's also something that a host can be very proud of, so it becomes one of those special and universal topics like art. It's personal, but it can be enjoyed by the people you cherish." There is no doubt that his vision is shared by many others, for his cellars are currently looking after around two billion dollars' worth of wine. Following the success of the

De’Eb 時常在酒窖舉行晚餐派對,每每有聚會超過淩晨三點,他就會邀請留下的客 人們在酒瓶上簽名,以作紀念。

original Crown Wine Cellars, a new major wine storage was built in New Territories. Fully equipped with a state-of-the-art security system, it is, in De'Eb's own words, the "Alcatraz of wine". His growing business is a testimony of Hong Kong's wine market boom, which, in his opinion, isn't exactly a miracle: "It's really built on the foundation that had been developed in the past 40 years: getting the right collectors, wines and merchants. The zero tax only acted a final ingredient to the cake mix, the catalyst." In other words, it's the history that shapes the presence and the future. "The moment you know a drink's historic origins and why it's important, you begin to associate it with its cultural background, and they become harmonious and inseparable with each other. That's the essence I keep on coming back to: the story and the message that's carried by the bottle," De'Eb concludes. Crown Wine Cellars is the perfect embodiment of his belief—boasting a history spanning nearly 80 years, it is a fascinating old tale that has welcomed some new chapters, and with the countless bottles of wine housed in here, it's destined to create many, many more stories.

De’Eb constantly hosts wine parties at the cellars, and when they last beyond 3 am, remaining guests are invited to sign the bottles they’re drinking, which are displayed as memorabilia.

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後,Gregory 被調到了部門在北京新開設的外



交辦公室,在那兒生活了四年。在 1998 年,




那一年,Gregory 第一次拜訪了酒窖的










窖始於 2001 年,如今,它不僅是全球頂級藏





Gregory 到訪前八個月被鏟平了。但當他得知

區文物古跡。 如此巨大的轉變要歸功於一個


這個地方頭上有 60 尺的山體,墻和天花板都

人:Gregory De’Eb,這位來自南非的前外



交官已在中國居住了 20 多年,並將香港定為 了他永久的家。


「酒窖的定義決定了它必須建於地下,而 香港的地下設施少之又少,」他說道,「我們

至於做葡萄酒貯藏的生意,Gregory 告


訴我們這個念頭最初來自香港政府。2000 年


兒時的 Gregory 一定做夢也想不到今後

6 月的一天,政府舉辦了一個研討會,主題為




決心打造一個世界一流酒窖的 Gregory 和 Jim


約 400 名與會者中,Gregory 大概是唯一一個









「要知道八年後的 2008 年,港府才取消






在 80 年代末,亞洲對於大多年輕外交人


Gregory 和團隊開始參與進它的保護工作後,

員來說無甚吸引力,所以當 Gregory 提出想駐


包括作家 Tony Banham 在內的許多歷史學家




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團隊戰勝了種種技術難題和官僚主義,在建成 酒窖的同時也盡可能地保存了遺址的原貌。

到了 2006 年,Gregory 收集到的資料已能夠








是故事和思想,」Gregory 總結道。Gregory





Gregory 堅信酒對民族文化的交融影響深

目前的藏酒價值高達 20 億美元。緊隨著第一












這種理念的完美化身——這個擁有近 80 年歷















最好的文化使節 聽著 Gregory 操著流利的普通話,談論 著各種關於中國的話題,不難想見他為了學習 和保護中國文化下足了功夫。作為一名外交官 和商人,他對中國和世界之間的文化交流做出 了很大的貢獻。不過,遙想 20 多年前,當他 剛剛來到中國時,酒才是這個在陌生國度摸索 方位的小夥子最好的文化使節。 「我最初到中國時非常年輕,因此喜歡晚 上出去玩。我結交了一些愛喝酒的朋友,而我 們聚在一起經常會喝茅台。這不僅是因為茅台 很流行,更重要的是我的確喜歡它的味道」他 笑著回憶,「我們會去一些玩飛鏢的酒吧聚會, 因為在 90 年代初,那些酒吧是中國極少的本 地人和外國人能玩在一起的地方。想起那些和 中國朋友們度過的愉快時光,就會想起茅台酒 的助陣!」如此的回憶同樣延伸到了他的工作 環境,每次去正式宴會,幾乎都能在餐桌上看 見茅台。「我一點也不驚奇。茅台是國酒,代 表了一個民族的文化。我對它有著非常溫暖的 回憶,因為從一定程度上說,茅台幫助了我成 為一個中國人。」他說。 然而,他警覺地表示茅台的顯赫地位也可 能造成負面的效應,使得人們過於尊重它,而


Moutai is intrinsic in me becoming Chinese.


不敢將茅台進行創新和改造。「隨著一個人的 成熟,他的口味也會發生變化。如果一種酒裹 足不前,那就難以適應喝酒者的成長。」他分 享了自己的見解,同時也提出了一些好的建議, 讓國酒茅台更好地拓展國際市場。「產品多樣

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Seeking Wisdom From

Confucius 到中國孔子那尋找智慧 INTERVIEW, EDITING / 采訪、編輯:Laura Su TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

西班牙瓦倫西亞大學孔子學院在古城堡前組織新春舞龍表演。 Spain, Confucius Institute at the University of Valencia: A Chinese New Year Dragon Dance performance is held in front of the old gate of Valencia.


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In Germany, during recent years, the number of Chinese language learners has increased for more than five times and Chinese has become a secondary-school exam subject in many states of Germany. The once little-known Sinology Department in universities has also become a popular major now. In South Korea, the Chinese Proficiency Test scores have become one of the criteria for employment and promotion in many large enterprises. Now 61 countries worldwide and the EU have included Chinese language courses into their national education systems, and more than 100 countries have set up Chinese courses or Chinese majors. Unawares, the Chinese that was once considered as "a sealed book" is getting very popular around the world. As a result, helping people around the world to learn Chinese and understand Chinese civilization, has become the dutybound global mission of "Confucius Institute". 在德國,幾年間,學漢語的人數增加了 5 倍以上,中文已經是德國許多州的中學會考科目,曾經門可羅雀的大學漢學系 也已成為熱門科系。 在韓國,漢語水平考試成績已經成為許多大企業用人、升職的標準之一。 現在全球已有 61 個國家和歐盟將漢語教學納入本國國民教育體系,100 多個國家開設了漢語課或漢語專業。 不知具體何時起,曾被視為「天書」的漢語受到了全世界的熱捧。讓全球的人們學漢語、了解中華文明,也成為了「孔子學院」 責無旁貸的全球使命。

China's Most Wonderful Exported Product What is "Confucius Institute"? On November 21, 2004, the first Confucius Institute was established in Seoul, Korea. Confucius Institute is a nonprofit public institution established by the Chinese government to promote Chinese language, spread Chinese culture as well as traditional Sinology education, and promote cultural exchanges. Over 10 years, China Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) has cooperatively opened 465 Confucius Institutes and 713 Confucius Classrooms in 123 countries worldwide. Thanks to the active promotion of Confucius Institutes, this ancient Oriental language and civilization are no longer mysterious, and are bursting with new vitality. In addition to China, how many people in the world are learning Chinese as well? Mr. Xia Jianhui, Deputy Chief Executive of Confucius Institute Headquarters and Deputy Director-General of Hanban, tells us that the current number of global Chinese learners outside China is up to 100 million, which is the official data released by the Chinese

authority. Confucius Institutes all over the world hold annually more than 20,000 events such as cultural and academic lectures, performances, cultural exhibitions, and various cultural experiences, with an audience of over 10 million. Every year Confucius Institutes hold the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competitions for foreign college and secondary school students, with over 500,000 participants from more than 90 countries. On September 27 this year alone, about 1,200 Confucius Institutes and Classrooms in 123 countries held a total of over 3,000 activities to celebrate the first global "Confucius Institute Day", involving up to 10 million participants. "Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning." Some foreign media even commented that Confucius Institute is by far the best and most wonderful exported product of China.

Civilization Belongs to the Whole World As early as 2,500 years ago, Confucius traveled through various kingdoms in ancient

China to spread Confucianism and was followed by 3,000 students. Today, Confucius Institutes inherit and carry forward the concepts of "harmony is most precious" and "harmony without uniformity", cross seas and oceans, and become a messenger of cultural exchanges as well as a global education brand. Is the booming development of "Confucius Institute" a manifestation of borderless culture or a "new China-craze" along with China's rise in recent years? Xia Jianhui believes that this in fact is due to the comprehensive attraction of Chinese culture to foreigners. They are not only fascinated by the traditional Chinese culture that has been inherited for 5,000 years, but also very interested in the ever-changing but uniquely charming contemporary Chinese culture and the Chinese road. In other words, cultural differences become a source of interest. Nowadays, information technology has shortened the distance of time and space. In this era with accelerated exchange and integration of diversified civilizations, many famous scholars of foresight recognize that the concept of civilization conflict will cause more turbulent world situation and

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lead mankind to the brink of war. Only the concepts of "harmony is most precious", "inclusiveness is prized", and "universal harmony" advocated by Chinese civilization can lead mankind to the peace process. Therefore, when discussing the future of the new century in 1988, 75 Nobel Prize winners made the assertion in Paris that if human beings want to live in peace and prosperity in the 21st century, they must look back 2,540 years and seek the wisdom from Confucius. Along with the spreading of Chinese culture, China's liquor culture is gradually accepted and understood by the world. While the Chinese culture is sweeping the world, as the initiator of "cultural liquor", Moutai also becomes a treasure of Chinese liquor culture

thanks to its splendid national liquor culture, and is favored by many people around the world.

Spreading Chinese Culture Together With Moutai Xia Jianhui tells us a true story. In June 2014, Dr. Sidney McPhee, President of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) visited China. Due to excessive fatigue, he was suffering from intervertebral disc protrusion caused by muscle spasms. He was in great pain and cannot move his upper body. Neither injections nor medicine took effect. When meeting Sidney McPhee, Xia Jianhui advised him to drink some cups of Moutai to relieve

Spreading Chinese Culture Together With Moutai


比利時魯汶工程聯合大學孔子學院小學員們在孔子學院舉辦的 2010 年春 節晚會上表演節目。 Belgium, Confucius Institute at Group T: Elementary school children give a

performance at the 2010 Spring Festival Gala held by the Confucius Institute.


英國倫敦中醫孔子學院 Crawley 功夫學校孔子課堂精神抖擻的小學員們。 UK, Confucius Classroom at Grawley Kongfu School, established under the

Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine, London: Energetic Pupils.


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symptoms. He was somewhat skeptical. Xia Jianhui then used the traditional Chinese medicine theory to explain to him: Chinese liquor can stimulate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, promote blood flow, and relax muscles; besides, Moutai is made of organic grains and has good unblocking effect. After a try, Sidney McPhee's pain was greatly reduced and he felt very amazing. Then, Xia Jianhui took him to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. After taking some traditional Chinese medicine, on the next day, he almost recovered and could move freely, which surprised him very much. On this basis, with a sketchy understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese liquor culture, and Chinese diet, Xia Jianhui introduced to him

the concepts of unity and interconnection in Chinese philosophy as well as the theories of Five Elements and Health Preservation. Since then, Sidney McPhee had become a loyal follower and messenger of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese health preservation science. In fact, as pioneers of promoting Chinese culture, as early as in March 2011, Moutai Group and Hanban had jointly signed a "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Culture Promotion" in the Confucius Institute Headquarters of Beijing to jointly set up the Confucius Institute development fund for rewarding outstanding Chinese learners from different countries and subsidizing activities of promoting Chinese internationally. The two

parties also agreed to cooperate in such fields as developing Chinese liquor culture teaching materials suitable to be spread overseas. For the cooperation between Hanban and Moutai Group, Xia Jianhui considers it a model of positive interaction and winwin cooperation between a culture media organization and a national enterprise. As one of the most famous national enterprises, Moutai also shoulders the mission of spreading Chinese liquor culture, demonstrating the image of Chinese national enterprise, and telling Chinese stories. Meanwhile, Xia Jianhui also suggests that Moutai Group in the future can also support constructions of Confucius Institutes in such ways as donating to schools, participating

in the establishment of Confucius Institutes, and carrying out Moutai themed activities. Confucius Institutes in different countries can also help people all over the world to better understand Moutai's brand in such ways as setting up exhibiting and experiencing areas of Moutai liquor culture, inviting Moutai Group to participate in culture promotion activities, and holding high-end promotion events for Moutai. In these ways, both parties will benefit from the real win-win cooperation and better demonstrate China's image together.

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英國布萊頓中學孔子課堂書法課。 UK, Confucius Classroom at Brighton College: a Chinese calligraphy class.


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中國國家主席習近平曾於 2009 年 12 月 22 日與柬埔寨副首相索安共同

茅台集團公司黨委副書記、紀委書記趙書躍(右)簽署《文化推廣戰略合作協議》 (王靜 攝)


Mr. Zhao Shuyue (right), Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Moutai Group, signed

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An jointly

inaugurated the Confucius Institute of Royal Academy of Cambodia on December

the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Culture Promotion" (Photographed by Wang Jing)

22, 2009.

中國出口的最妙產品 「孔子學院」是什麼?

類和平進程,也才有了 1988 年 75 位諾貝爾獎獲得者在巴黎討論新世 紀的前途時說的一句話:21 世紀人類如果要過和平幸福的生活,就應 該回到 2540 年前的中國孔子那裡尋找智慧。

2004 年 11 月 21 日在韓國首爾成立了第一家孔子學院,這是中 國官方設立的推廣漢語和傳播中國文化與國學教育的文化交流機構, 同時她是一個非盈利性的社會公益機構。十年後,中國國家漢辦已在


全球 123 國合作開辦了 465 所孔子學院和 713 個孔子課堂,在孔子學

在這個過程中, 中國的酒文化也在中華文化的傳播過程中逐步被





除了中國,到底世界上還有多少人在學習漢語?孔子學院總部副 總幹事、中國國家漢辦副主任夏建輝告訴我們,中國以外的全球漢語 學習人數目前有 1 億人之多。這是中國官方給出的權威數據。

被各國的人民所喜愛。 夏建輝與我們講述了一個真實故事。2014 年 6 月,美國中田納西 大學校長 Sidney McPhee 博士在華訪問期間,因過度勞累,肌肉痙攣



類文化體驗活動 2 萬多場,受眾 1000 萬多人。每年舉辦世界大、中學


生「漢語橋」中文比賽,90 多個國家參賽人數超過 50 萬。僅今年 9


月 27 日,123 國的 1200 多個孔子學院和課堂共計舉辦 3000 多場活動,



疼痛立減,Sidney McPhee 感覺非常神奇。二是帶他看了中醫,服用

文明因交流而多彩,文明因互鑒而豐富。有國外媒體評論,孔子 學院是迄今為止中國出口的一個最好、最妙的產品。

湯藥。第二天就好了 90%,能夠自由移動,他驚喜異常。在此基礎上, 夏建輝用自己對中醫、中國酒文化和中國飲食的粗淺理解,為介紹了 中國哲學的整體觀、相互聯繫的觀念和五行節氣、養生的理論。從此,


Sidney McPhee 成為中醫和中國養生學的堅定追隨者和傳播者。 實際上,作為致力於推行中華文化的先行者,早在 2011 年 3 月,

早在 2500 多年前,孔子周遊列國、傳播儒家思想,吸引了門客










緣於中國文化對國外人們的全方位吸引力,既對悠久的綿延 5 千年一














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珍饈 8 味 TEXT/ 文 : Yu Yat Yiu PHOTO/ 攝 : Han Xingxi

Despite being invented and perfected in the land of ancient China, what exactly is "Chinese Cuisine"? This particular question wouldn't be something too many will ask, for eating is just too much an ordinary part of our daily lives for as long as history remembers. 中國菜除了生於中國長於中國,它其實究竟是甚麼?這個「它是 甚麼」的問題,我想會去問的人應該不會太多。不去提問的原因 相信也不少,而且也不容易找到絕對的答案。


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espite being invented and perfected in the land of ancient China, what exactly is "Chinese Cuisine"? This particular question wouldn't be something too many will ask, for eating is just too much an ordinary part of our daily lives for as long as history remembers. When something so routine and trivial is actually an important part of our culture, it's not surprising that people tend to ignore its existence once and for all, not because they don't think that it's important, but because everybody indeed embraces their food culture without much noticing it. There are so many things in life that we take them for granted just too casually. It's not until those things suddenly become scarce, we will then realize how important to us they actually are. I've been living in a foreign country for some years. During that time, the food that I grew up with and took it for granted, which is Hong Kong Cantonese

food, inevitably became my ultimate comfort. However, no matter how hard I've tried, how many different Chinese restaurants I went to, even most of them are owned and run by fellow Chinese, the taste of food was just not the same as those from home. Over times, this mystery of "not the same" taste from supposedly the same food made me start wondering what "Cantonese Cuisine" actually is; is it just a list of names of some commonly famous dishes? Is it just a particular way of cooking? Is it an art of seasoning, plating, or is it defined by its distinctive use of ingredient, or even a peculiar way of food cutting and preparation? Obviously there won't be a 'right' answer to the question. Nevertheless, in this rapidly changing world of today, I bet most Chinese cooks and chefs would have never dreamt of their authentic cuisine being finally followed and given attention by some serious foodies

from around the world, breaking the clichĂŠ of Chinese food being just "Chopsuey", "Kungpao", or greasy "Chinese Takeaway" in a box ending with "fortune cookies". This might have something to do with the economic uprising of China. On the other hand, in this modern world of ultra consumerism, food and drink has already become the hippest and hottest commodity. In search of tricks to stimulate the market's interest, restauranteurs and chefs have to look for new inspiration from time to time. Chinese Cuisine as the "oldest new thing" out there, might just be something they can put on a good use. That day I was visiting one of the only two 3 Michelin starred Chinese restaurants in the world (excluding "Bo Innovation" from Hong Kong, as it's more a modern fusion Chinese restaurant), "The Eight" Restaurant at Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau, and had a chat with head chef Mr. AU Kwok Keung, on

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The wine cellar of "The Eight" is very impressive. Despite its extensive collection of precious Western wines, the very rare aged Moutai liquor is another highlight. When Chef Au was working at "Beijing Hotel", he already noticed that Moutai liquor as a good match to Cantonese dishes. This might be the reason why we see such an elaborated collection of this national liquor of China at "The Eight". 「8 餐廳」的名貴藏酒非比尋常。洋酒方面不在話下,難得陳年茅台的藏量亦非常有瞄頭。歐師傅在「北京飯店」工作時,已 經發現茅台配粵菜的效果優良。因此在「8 餐廳」裏找到如此佳釀,其實一點也不足為奇。

today's Cantonese cuisine and the idea behind some of his creations at "The Eight". For those lucky few who've had the privilege to secure a table and to try Chef Au's exquisite work of food art, you must agree with me that the fineness from his cooking skill, his selection and combination of ingredient, as well as his creativity is just extraordinary. Modern Cantonese cookery by Chef Au is complex and composite technique-wise, but never intimidating like some of the Avantgarde cuisines found at overly aggressive


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restaurants. Chef Au's dishes are perfect exhibition of the finest quality of Cantonese Cuisine, refined and elegant, yet at the same time easy and enjoyable to the palate. There is one captivating characteristic of Chef Au's creations that makes his cuisine stand out; he is obviously pretty much fond of doing stack up layering with his food, and to me this is just as playful, amusing and stimulating as playing blocks for children. There is a dish called "Deep-fried Duck Fillet with Cristal Blue Shrimp Mousse" from the

menu of "The Eight". Just by looking at the name, one can only recognize two ingredients; but in fact it's built with five different layers of goodies. First, a crisped goose skin is being laid at the bottom (Chef uses goose skin instead of duck skin here for its much gamy aroma), then a layer of Cristal Blue Shrimp mousse on top of it, before layering the meat from duck fillet. Another layer of a mixture similar to tofu is being applied, right before the final deep-fried batter covering the top of the whole trunk. The result is an

言笑晏晏的歐國強師傅 The very articulate and sharp Chef AU Kwok Keung, Head Chef of "The Eight" Restaurant at Grand Lisboa Hotel, Macau.

The interior design of "The Eight" is themed with some traditional Chinese auspicious motifs. Chef Au's vision on modern Cantonese Cuisine isn't just confined to things on the dining table, a comfortable and elegant environment is just as important to a complete dining experience. Hong Kong based designer Mr. Alan Chan did a great job by making "The Eight" a classy and pleasant place to dine in, one of the motifs he used extensively is "goldfish", which you can see not only from the interior design, but also in some of the dishes. In fact, when looking close enough, you will discover a small goldfish embroidered on Chef AU's uniform.

歐師傅高瞻遠矚,他認為要令粵菜登上國際高端美食的舞台,除了食物本 身質量上的水準,用餐環境也相當重要。 「8 餐廳」的設計概念,由香港知 名設計師陳幼堅先生操刀,當中用了許多傳統中國文化中代表祥瑞的意象, 作為室內裝飾的主題;而「金魚」就是其中之一。

impeccable balance of different ingredients in terms of taste and texture, plus quite a mouthful of surprise to the diners. Just from this single dish, one can already observe Chef Au's meticulous and precise calculation on composing a complex dish, which is in fact achieved by countless trail and error in the kitchen. It might as well be this proficient and diligent calculation of his, eventually earns him the ever hard to get Michelin three star status. Chef Au had once worked at "The Beijing Hotel" in Beijing, China. From this working experience, he had his eyes opened to the most prestigious "National Banquet" standard Chinese Haute Cuisine, which is largely based

on Cantonese Cuisine and Huaiyang Cuisine. This might explain why you will find hints of Huaiyang cooking tripping through some of his Cantonese dishes, and the reason behind according to Chef Au, is to take Classic Cantonese Cuisine up a notch with delicate and sophisticated food cutting technique from Huaiyang Cuisine tradition. The outcome is new ideas regarding food styling and presentation, together with enhancement on food texture, which makes the already fine Cantonese dishes even finer. Another secret to Chef Au's success is the immense support from restaurant owner. This allows him to source his raw materials pretty much in a global scale, picking not only the best, but

the most suitable and interesting ingredient around the world, as building blocks for his never ending kitchen experiment. At the time when miso, lemongrass, Sichuan peppercorn and sake are being widely used in various modern European Cuisines, it makes good sense to introduce Cristal Blue Shrimp from Australia, Wagyu beef from Japan or foie gras from France to Cantonese cooking. If they are being used properly, but not just as a gimmick to draw in middling customers who could only follow trends rather then their own tastebuds, this international vision would sure be doing more good than harm to the development of modern Cantonese Cuisine.

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「原隻乳豬焗飯」 "Suckling Pig filled with Fried Rice and Preserved Meat"

「廣東式炒澳洲龍蝦」 "Stir-fried Australian lobster with egg, minced pork and black bean"













「chopsuey」和「Chinese takeaway」的概念,






















三 星 中 菜 廳 之 一( 不 包 括 創 新 風 格 的「 B o


Innovation」),澳門新葡京酒店的「8 餐廳」主





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「羅漢布袋」 "Steamed Japanese Bean Curd Pocket filled with Imperial Fungus and Sea Mosses"

「藍天使蝦金魚餃」 "Steamed Cristal Blue Shrimp Dumplings in Goldfish Shape"

過歐師傅掌廚的 8 餐廳名菜的朋友,相信都會























菜的一些菁華,譬如刀功,加入 8 餐廳的粵菜



























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A Golden Era in Liquor Bottle


酒瓶 裡的

Text / 文:OldHou&Kangsheng TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

When Ng Chung (Wu Song) painted for Moutai for the first time in 2008, he did not have much confidence of success. For this simple and profound white glass bottle, the desire of creation came from an unexpected tasting. Moutai's complex and multilayered aroma gave him an unutterable experience. With an artist's intuition, he transformed this experience into a wonderful visual language and presented it on canvas. Ng Chung never considers himself a still life painter. When he breaks through tradition and presents the liquor bottles ignored by other people in the perspective of portraits, liquor bottles are destined to become his most vivid portraits. 2008 年第一次畫茅台,吳松並無太大把握。面對這個簡潔而厚重的白色 玻璃瓶,創作欲望來源於一次意外的試飲,茅台酒複雜而充滿層次的香 味帶給他難以言行的體驗,憑藉藝術家的直覺,他將此轉化為美妙的視 覺語言並呈現於畫布。吳松從不認為自己是個靜物畫家,當他突破傳統, 把不為人關注的酒瓶以人物畫的尺度去呈現,酒瓶註定也是他關於自己 的最生動的肖像。


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"Red & Black",Oil Paintings, 90 x 120cm, 2012 《紅與黑》布面油畫 90 × 120cm 2012 年



ooking out of the studio window, all you can see are dense buildings. Through the narrow gap between buildings, the most intuitive view you can see is overlapped giant logos of various commercial banks and multinational enterprises. Artist Ng Chung's studio is hidden in this bustling financial center of Hong Kong — Central. It is not easy to explore one's own artistic world in Central where land is as precious as gold, but nothing seems particular for Ng Chung. He believes that art is inevitably connected to an artist's own mind and he is used to excavating materials from his mind. The best way to understand an artist is to understand his choice of lifestyle.

Chung seems to have mastered another language of communicating with the world. Drinking has become an indispensable lifestyle of Ng Chung. Just like a medium full of inspiration, the flowed liquor is transmitted between the bottle and him. In a dreamy and lonely state, he interacts with the bottle. Naturally, the bottle becomes his creation target and is closely linked with his personal living. "Liquor is indispensable in my sunset life as well as my creation, and has become a habit. As a creator and needing some stimulus, I choose liquor." In the afternoon of his studio, Ng Chung greedily enjoys the comfort brought by fine liquor. For him, liquor is a spiritual home, a language, and a part of the job.

Another Language

Another Portrait

The themes of Ng Chung's creations are mostly related to liquor bottles. The themes of his life are mostly related to spirits as well. Ng Chung chooses Central for his studio only because he likes the bars here and he can find inner peace in such hustle and bustle. Lan Kwai Fong is just several hundred meters away from Ng Chung's studio and he is a frequent visitor there. In Hong Kong, an international and fast-paced city, the only reason for people to visit Lan Kwai Fong is to relax. After resigning from public office, Ng Chung alone, as a newcomer to Hong Kong, threw himself into the crowd of different colors in Lan Kwai Fong. He neither spoke English nor knew these people; however, not too much language was needed here. Alcohol was soft, made exchanges easier, and helped unrelated people become friends. "Liquor, probably is an international language!" Half drunk, Ng

Throughout Ng Chung's works, colors are simple and restrained. They are not wanton graffiti under drunkenness. The colors of black, white, and red are pure and clear, and stably form a carefully arranged mood, demonstrating an inherent order. This reflects an outstanding artist's self-control of striking a perfect balance between sense and sensibility, and extracting the part that captures people's minds from his thoughts. Ng Chung thinks that works are the same with being a man. Simpler is better and complexity exhausts people. A simple picture will be purer and more enjoyable. Due to cultural differences, each kind of bottle in the world has its distinctive shape. In the eyes of a lonely drinker, each of them has its own rich expression. What correspond to these expressions are different moods of the artist at different moments of drunkenness. Each of Ng Chung's works takes about six months. Accompanied

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Moutai bottle in the creation (partial)

with mood swings, each of his works involves affirmations, negations, as well as various modifications and overwriting. The entire process is like a tough self-exploration. The worlds of life and creation always involve creativity and contingency. Perhaps only the artist himself knows when to conclude a long and lasting mood. For over 10 years, Ng Chung has patiently painted various bottles, but what he paints seems much more than a bottle itself. When fine liquors nourish his life just like blood and comfort his loneliness, his body surely becomes the most touching life container dedicated to liquors. Therefore, Ng Chung never considers himself a still life painter. Involved in every aspect of Ng Chung, liquor bottles are his most vivid portraits. In recent years, Moutai's signature white glass bottle appears in Ng Chung's created paintings more and more frequently. When Ng Chung painted for Moutai for the first time in 2008, he did not have much confidence of success. For this simple and profound white glass bottle, the desire of creation came from an unexpected tasting. Moutai's complex and multilayered aroma gave him an unutterable experience. With an artist's intuition, he transformed this experience into a wonderful visual language and presented it on canvas. Ng Chung says: "I love wine, but I love Moutai better because it makes my life fuller and happier." In his subsequent creations, there is a natural tacit understanding between his body and this spirits made of grains, and his inspiration needs to be ignited by it.

Another Kind of Life For most people, the appearances we are becoming are the appearances in the eyes of others, which are all shaped by the social environment. There are always some people, however, trying their best


to get rid of the invisible shackles, and striving to become the people they are willing to be in their minds. Therefore, Ng Chung is shaping himself rather then shaping liquor bottles. For nearly 20 years since Ng Chung came to Hong Kong in 1996, with a military origin and just like a soldier, he has stuck to his spiritual territory, ensured the strong growth of his art in the commercial jungle, and lived a free life of painting and drinking freely. For today's favor from the auction market and appreciation from collectors, Ng Chung seems leisurely and calm. "What I need to do is to create satisfactory paintings." Ng Chung says: "I still decide to focus on the liquor bottle until I entrust all my history to it. I don't know which the ending day is." Everyone has his own life truth. To choose one means to give up another. As a drifter through life, writer Xiao Hong declared, "I can't choose how to be born, or how to die, but I can choose how to love, how to live, and this is my golden era." For all people, life is continuously pushed forwards by one after another choice. For artists, sometimes the choice is often much more decisive and incomprehensible. Ng Chung, in a confused era, chooses to resign from public office and become an artist. In the bustling commercial center, he chooses to stick to the lonely and quiet painting and stick to the pureness of painting in the contemporary art whirlpool whose main theme is stunning and exciting. Some choices may have no alternative and some choices are unintentional; however, it is all these intertwined choices that form Ng Chung's current life and creation. Ng Chung says: "As an individual artist, I live in the best era. Create, stare blankly, drink, create, and stare blankly...Follow my heart and repeat this simple process every day. I am enjoying the freedom of this life very much." For every person who dares to choose his own way of life, this is surely his golden era.

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"Bottle-701",Oil Paintings, 170 × 150cm 2007-2008 《瓶子 -701》布面油畫 170 × 150cm 2007-2008 年








來香港,孤獨的吳松把自己扔在蘭桂坊不同膚色的人群裡。儘管不會英 在寸土寸金的中環開拓屬於自己的藝術疆域並不容易,但這一切在

吳松看來並無特別,他認為藝術跟藝術家自身內在存在必然聯繫,他習 慣向內心挖掘素材。 了解一個藝術家最好的方式,便是去理解他對生活方式的選擇。

語,相互也不認識,但在這裡也無需過多語言,酒精是柔軟的,可以讓 交流變得簡單,讓互不相干的人們成為朋友。 「酒,大概是一種國際語言吧!」半醉半醒間,吳松仿佛掌握了另一 種與世界溝通的語言。 喝酒成為吳松不可或缺的生活方式。流淌的酒液像充滿靈感的媒介,

另一種語言 吳松創作的主題大多與酒瓶有關,而吳松生活的主題,也大都與酒 有關。吳松說,選擇在中環做工作室,只是喜歡這裡街區的酒吧,讓自


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在酒瓶與吳松的身體之間轉換,在迷糊及孤獨的狀態下,吳松與酒瓶產 生了對話,酒瓶自然而然的成為創作對象,並與個人生活緊緊聯繫在一 起。 「酒在我的夕陽生活與創作中是必然的,成為習慣。作為創作者,我

"China Moutai",Oil Paintings, 100 x 80cm, 2010 《國酒 - 茅台》布面油畫 100 × 80cm 2010 年

"China Moutai",Oil Paintings, 180 x 160cm, 2009 《國酒 - 茅台》布面油畫 180 × 160cm 2009 年

需要某種刺激物,我選擇了酒。」在工作室的下午,吳松貪婪的享受著美 酒帶給他的慰籍,對他來說,酒是寄託,是語言,是工作的一部分。

"China Moutai",Oil Paintings, 110 x 80cm, 2008 《國酒 - 茅台》布面油畫 110 × 80cm 2008 年

另一種生活 對大部分人而言,我們現在所成為的自己,不過是環境塑造的別人


眼中的自己;但總有一些人,他們極力的擺脫隱形的束縛,努力成為他 內心想要成為的樣子,與其說吳松是在塑造酒瓶不如說也是在塑造自己。


從 1996 年來香港,近 20 年間,軍人出身的吳松像戰士一樣堅守自









由於文化差異,世界上的每一種酒瓶,都有各自不同的造型,但在 孤獨的飲者眼裡,它們還有各自豐富的表情,對應這種表情的,便是每一 刻醉態下藝術家不同的心情。

束。」 每個人都有自己的生活真理,你選擇了一種,就意味著要放棄另一 種。漂泊一生的作家蕭紅說:「我不能選擇怎麼生怎麼死,但我能選擇怎













他的身體何嘗不是獻給美酒的最動人的生命容器 ? 所以吳松從不認為自己


是個靜物畫家,酒瓶凝聚了他的一切,酒瓶也是他關於自己的最生動的 肖像。 近年來,吳松創作的畫面中,越來越多的出現了茅台標誌性的白色 玻璃瓶。2008 年第一次畫茅台,吳松並無太大把握。面對這個簡潔而厚

吳松說:「作為個體藝術家,我生活在最好的時代。創作、發呆、 飲酒、創作、發呆⋯⋯隨心隨意,每天重複著簡單的過程,我很享受這 種生活的自由。」對每個敢於選擇自己生活方式的人來說,這何嘗不是他 的黃金時代。

重的白色玻璃瓶,創作欲望來源於一次意外的試飲,茅台複雜而充滿層 次的香味帶給他難以言行的體驗,憑藉藝術家的直覺,他將此轉化為美 妙的視覺語言並呈現於畫布。吳松說:「我喜歡紅酒,更愛茅台,它讓我 的生命更充實,更快感。」在之後的創作中,這種谷物釀造的烈酒,自然 而然的與吳松的身體達成某種默契,他的靈感需要用它來點燃。

"Art Gallery on Paper" 「紙上藝廊」 聯系我們的藝術購買顧問  即可擁有屬於你的藝術珍藏 Contact our art purchase consultant to have your own art collection Tel: (852) 3580 2591 Email:

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Exclusive Coverage 獨家報道

Give-andTake in the Name of


——Legendary Bassist Eddie Gomez Touring With Asia's Rising Stars

以爵士樂的名義給予和獲取 傳奇低音大提琴手 Eddie Gomez 與亞洲後起之秀的音樂之旅 TEXT/ 文 : Bojue Hou IMAGE/ 圖:鐵花兒 TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

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e sat down loosening the collar, opened his handbag for some cologne, and took a sip of vodka on the rock. The late October night in Shenzhen was by no means chilly, while for the 70-year-old Puerto Rican double bassist, the tremendous heat from unceasing applause and shouts for encore was still lasting. Edgar "Eddie" Gomez revisited OCT-LOFT with nearly 100 minutes of cutting-edge jazz music along Teriver Cheung, the guitarist, Li Xiaochuan, the trumpeter, and Billy Drummond, the drummer. The performance featured a couple of jazz standards, the quartet's recent interpretation of classics, as well as each of Gomez's, Cheung's and Li's original compositions. In particular, the team experimented with a tango-fused version of the trumpeter's melancholic tunes, adding some light color to what they have played two years ago in the same live house. Gomez's also joked with Li's music title "us", pretending that it referred to everybody on the stage and in the audience as whole. However, the latter explained in Chinese that the old Puerto Rican knew nothing about it at all窶馬o room for a third person in the love


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song. Laughter was shared by the mixed audience at OCT. "It is the second time in three years we've come to this city, and we very enjoy giving performances here," said the two-time Grammy Award winner at Old Heaven Books, a bookstore-cafテゥ that co-harbors artists and performances with the B-10 Live auditorium, "We are happy to work together and bring good jazz music to the world." Gomez was very satisfied with this quintet, if including the Swedish pianist Stefan Karlsson, who was catching up their later performances in Taiwan. Speaking five native languages, varying considerably in ages and races, the group had been touring nevertheless constantly on international stages since 2011, and they had made recordings. Speaking about the genesis of the collaboration, Gomez shifted back to October, 2011, at the University of North Texas. Li and Cheung were pursuing degrees at the world's leading institution for jazz music, while Gomez was giving a master class there. They met at Karlsson's office where Li, native to Shanghai, raised the idea of forming this multi-background quintet and giving tours in Asia. "Li said let's do something, and we got quickly agreed," said

Gomez, who had already conceptualized this kind of project, "For me it's a great opportunity to explore new possibilities and perform for different audiences, and for Teriver and Xiaochuan I think it's good to bring good things you've learned in a foreign country back to your native lands." "Do you agree with it, Teriver?" He pointed to Cheung, who said that it was a "give-and-take", just like the musician's sharing of each other's knowledge, resources and styles. Toasting a glass of Merlot with Drummond the drummer, the guitarist added that the two first met during a group session of a master class, even before the allimportant office meeting. But Gomez only remembered that the Hongkonger (Teriver) was one of the most outstanding students. Although having initiated the program personally, Li wrote on his official website that he was "chosen" by the legendary bassist. Similarly, Cheung mentioned the jazz master and the tours in the first sentence of his bio. However, Gomez seemed fairly neutral on nationalities and cultural backgrounds, but he focused instead on talent and style for professional collaboration. He said, "I see them

only as jazz musicians with great ability." For Gomez, the basis of teaming-up with the two Asian young musicians was also their education. "They know the tradition and history of jazz music, they can use the language of jazz, and they have good skills," he said, "and most importantly, they know to listen." The bassist recalled the time when he was playing along Miles Davies, one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, and to whom he dedicated an interpretation of the latter's "Solar". His ability "to listen" was the key quality that helped him to learn the most from the great figure of jazz music. Several decades later, Gomez now switched to the leader's position, and he was still valuing the effort to balance self-expression and teamwork. "Team sport is my metaphor for a lot of things: For sports, for theater, and for life, you need to pay attention to others and sometimes let new ideas to refresh yourself," said Gomez, "Xiaochuan has a unique sound, Teriver also has his own beautiful style, and it's a nice give-and-take that we work together."

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Gomez 對此次演出感到非常滿意,不過



如果加上瑞典鋼琴家 Stefan Karlsson 構成五



南中國的深圳 10 月下旬的夜晚一點都不 冷,對於這位 70 歲的波多黎各低音大提琴手

Gomez 還 開 玩 笑 說, 李 曉 川 的 唱 片 名

中 Stefan Karlsson 才能加入演出。儘管團隊


「US( 我們 )」說的好像是指台上的每個人和

成員來自不同的國度,說著 5 種不同的母語,

來的巨大熱量還在持續。這次 Eddie Gomez





樂的喜愛,這個團隊自 2011 年以來就不斷地




有吉他手 Teriver Cheung,小號手李曉川,鼓


手 Billy Drummond。


談到組隊的起源,Gomez 回憶起了 2011


年 10 月還在北德州大學讀書的時候。當時,



李曉川和 Cheung 正在這所世界著名的爵士音

經典曲目的最新演繹,二是 Gomez、Cheung

獎 得 主 Gomez 在 書 店 咖 啡 館 Old Heaven

樂大學攻讀學位,而 Gomez 則在給一個碩士


Books 裏說,這家咖啡館和 B-10 現場會堂都

班上課。他們在 Karlsson 的辦公室見面,原







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Davies 這位偉大的爵士音樂家那裏學到了很

們很快就同意了」,Gomez 說。其實,他早

的低音大提琴手「選中 ( 欽點 )」的。同樣,

多東西。他對 Miles Davies 的曲目 Solar 的演


Cheung 也在他的個人簡介的第一句話提到這

繹就是對 Miles Davies 的一種致敬。數十年後,


位爵士大師和他的旅程。然而,Gomez 似乎

如今的 Gomez 已然成為爵士樂的領袖人物,

觀眾演出。而對於 Cheung 和李曉川而言,我






也是極好的。你認同嗎,Cheung ?」他指著


Cheung 說。


對於 Gomez 來說,與這兩個亞洲青年音






Gomez 說,「 李 曉 川 有 一 個 獨 特 的 聲 音,

吉 他 手 Cheung 向 鼓 手 Drummond 敬 了 杯


Cheung 也有自己極好的風格,我們攜手合作

Merlot 酒,補充道:「他們兩個的初次見面是



Cheung 認為,這是一種「給予和獲取」,

在一次課堂上。而 Gomez 則只記得 Cheung 這個香港人是最優秀的學生之一。」 雖然是自己創建了這個樂隊,不過李曉

這位低音大提琴手回憶起和 20 世紀最 有影響力的音樂家之一 Miles Davies 同台演 奏的時光,他的「傾聽」能力幫助他從 Miles

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Oriental Fine Liquor,

A Superior Choice 東方佳釀 卓越之選

TEXT/ 文:盧川 Dora Lu  EDITING/ 編輯:Laura Su  TRANSLATION/ 譯 : Billy Yung


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This is a special distilled liquor using sorghum and wheat as main raw materials. Inheriting the ancient making technique and following the brewing philosophy of learning from nature, the liquor masters make the pure, transparent, and intoxicating nectar that has a strong fragrance and long aftertaste. 這是一種以糧食穀物為主要原料的特殊蒸餾酒,傳承了古老工藝的酒師們,崇尚順應自然的 釀酒哲學,釀造出純淨透明、芳香馥郁、回味悠長的佳釀,令世人為之傾心。


weichow Moutai is the typical representative of Chinese Jiang fragrance liquor, and "China Moutai" has become the synonym of Chinese liquor. Kweichow Moutai presents perfect products in different series. Each type of Moutai shows its unique personality and distinctive style, and waits for the encounter with the people who appreciate them.

Common Moutai Series, a Classic of Classics As a classic of classics, the Common Moutai series have two specifications: 53% Vol and 43% Vol, of which the 53% Vol Feitian Moutai is the leading product of Moutai and a classic of Chinese Jiang fragrance liquor. Featuring slightly yellow, transparent, prominent Jiang fragrance, elegant, delicate, mellow, long aftertaste, and lasting empty-cup fragrance, the 53% Vol Feitian Moutai has garnered many international awards. This liquor has several topmost features: no hangover or dry mouthfeel after drinking; the older, the better aroma; its quality will be more outstanding if further preserved for several years and its aroma gets stronger and stronger over the years.

Millesimes Moutai Series, TopClass and Precious Liquor Aged Moutai liquor of specific years uses a liquor aged at least 15 years as base, which is then blended with liquors made in different

years (strictly selected by liquor-making masters), with different stages, fragrance types, and liquor types to produce different classes of aged Moutai liquor with a rich mouthfeel. Generally speaking, according to age and quality, the aged Moutai liquor can be categorized into four classes: 15-year, 30-year, 50-year, and 80-year. Outstanding Chinese art and craft masters use traditional ethnic crafts such as Chinese wood engraving, purple clay, and ceramics to create gorgeous bottles and boxes with Oriental classical beauty. Each type of Millesimes Moutai shows its distinctive artistic value. 80-Year Millesimes Moutai – distinguished masterpiece derived from time and the best of precious Moutai. This top-class and precious liquor has a light golden hue as well as a shining and clear luster. With subtle notes, you can smell the rich, delicate, subtle, and aged Jiang fragrance together with baking aroma, nutty aroma, and smoky flavor. Carefully savor it and you can feel silky smoothness and mellowness with lingering sweetness full of the mouth. 50-Year Millesimes Moutai – a semicenturial precious liquor with pure and unique taste. This liquor has a light golden hue, a clear luster as well as the fragrant, pleasant and aged Jiang fragrance mixed with baking aroma, nutty aroma, and smoky flavor. With the same alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor is full and smooth, with strong and unique aftertaste. 30-Year Millesimes Moutai – a perfect combination of grains and seasonal flavors to

offer both charms of years and times. With clear layers, the rich, mild, and aged Jiang fragrance is mixed with baking aroma, nutty aroma, and smoky flavor. It has a mellow and smooth mouthfeel as well as a long-lasting, round, and sweet aftertaste. 15-Year Millesimes Moutai – a gorgeous demonstration of classical Oriental style through elegant aroma as well as subtly blended and extraordinary temperament. This liquor has a light golden hue as well as the classical and aged Jiang fragrance mixed with strong baking aroma, nutty aroma, and smoky flavor. With a classical alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor is mellow, smooth, strong, and powerful.

Gift Moutai Series, Small-Batch Blending With individuality, the Gift Moutai series are the result of careful and small-batch blending of strictly selected base liquors with different ages, stages, fragrance types, and liquor types. Packed in different bottles and boxes, each type of Gift Moutai shows its distinctive temperament and unique attitude to life; however, all of them share the common features of Chinese culture and are very suitable for you to collect as well as carefully savor and appreciate with your friends and family. Luxury Gold and Luxury Brown Moutai – selected and blended by maestros, two tastes in one liquor for you to enjoy the exquisite life. Slightly yellow, transparent, and clear,

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this liquor features prominent Jiang fragrance, with delicate and rich aromas of baking, flowers, grass, fruit, sweetness, and koji. With a high alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor still tastes mellow, elegant, mild, and smooth. It is suitable for collecting as well as drinking straightly or being paired with dishes on special occasions. Purple Clay Paper Precious Moutai – a born collection superior to the drinking standard. Slightly yellow, transparent, and clear, this liquor features strong Jiang fragrance, and rich layers of such aromas as flowers, grass, fruit, sweetness, dried plants, and sourness. With a mellow, smooth, delicate, and changeable mouthfeel, this liquor is suitable for collecting and drinking straightly on special occasions. Relievo Wood Precious Moutai – several years' concentration and combination of elegance and strength, a nectar for master collector. Slightly yellow, transparent, and clear, this liquor features strong Jiang fragrance, and rich layers of such aromas as baking, plants, and grains. It tastes mellow, smooth, delicate, and changeable. With a unique shape, the Moutai Collection liquor is slightly yellow, transparent, pure, and clear. Featuring rich Jiang fragrance mixed with such aromas as baking, flowers, fruit, dried plants, and sourness, this liquor has a smooth, mild, elegant, and sweet mouthfeel. Jackie Chan Moutai, Collector's Edition – perfect example of combining the Chinese

The Moutai Flavor series share the same origin with common Moutai liquor, inherit the most traditional and authentic taste and spirit, absorb the fashion inspiration of the times, involve diversified values (concepts), and lead a new lifestyle. They are a series of young products with diversified appearances and consistently excellent quality. To ensure the excellent quality of the brand, quality control is strictly carried out for each type of liquor. Besides the consistently excellence quality of Kweichow Moutai, the entire series also have a distinct personality and rich taste, and provide more savoring choices. The Han Jiang liquor launched in recent years is reputed as "a classic of the Jiang Family". With brand-new alcohol content for distinctive experience, this liquor is slightly yellow, transparent, pure, and clear, and features prominent Jiang fragrance together with such delicate aromas as baking, plants,

and grains. With a comfortable and mild mouthfeel as well as long aftertaste, this liquor can be drunk straightly, paired with dishes, or made into cocktails. Ren (Benevolence) liquor – classical Oriental temperament, mellow liquor style, as well as strong and lingering aroma, for conquering young taste buds. With a slightly yellow, transparent, pure, and clear hue as well as a classical alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor features prominent Jiang fragrance mixed with such aromas as flowers, grass, fruit, and sourness. With an elegant, comfortable, refreshing, and pleasant mouthfeel, this liquor can be drunk straightly, paired with dishes, or made into cocktails. Among Moutai's traditional products, the Moutai Prince liquor is called a prince of liquor. Colorless, transparent, clear, and pure in appearance and with an alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor features rich Jiang fragrance and complex aroma. With a mild, delicate, refreshing, and pleasant mouthfeel, this liquor can be drunk straightly, paired with dishes, or made into cocktails. Moutai Ying Bin liquor is the favorite choice of people for entertaining guests in banquets. This liquor is colorless, transparent, clear, and pure, and features mild Jiang fragrance and elegant complex aroma. Although with a high alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor has a fresh, sweet, refreshing, and pleasant mouthfeel, and can be drunk straightly, paired with dishes, or made into cocktails.


liquor culture with the spirit of worldrenowned Chinese movie star Jackie Chan. With a light golden, pure, and clear hue as well as a alcohol content of 53% Vol, this liquor features natural Jiang fragrance mixed with aromas of flowers, grass, fruit, sweetness, dried plants, and sourness. With a mellow, solid, delicate, and mild mouthfeel, this liquor is suitable for collecting and drinking straightly on special occasions.

Moutai Flavor Series, a Blend of Tradition and Fashion



China Moutai 甚至被等同於中國白酒的代名




一款都具有獨特的個性,擁有不同風格,期待 與最合適的人相遇。

普通茅台酒系列 经典中的经典


80 年陳年茅台酒,尊貴的極品之作,以 時光釀造,是名貴級別茅台中的佼佼者。這款 極品佳釀呈現淺金色,閃耀著晶瑩的光澤;細

陳年茅台酒系列 极品佳釀 特定年份的陳年茅台酒系列,以不低於 15 年酒齡的老酒為基酒,再與釀酒大師嚴選

嗅之下,有著飽滿而極為細膩的含蓄醬香陳 香,並帶有焙烤香、堅果香、煙熏香;細細品 之,如絲綢般柔順,醇厚圓潤,令口腔充滿綿 長的甘甜。



50 年陳年茅台酒可謂半個世紀的珍釀佳

為 53%Vol 及 43%Vol 兩個品種,其中 53%Vol







80 年、50 年、30 年和 15 年四種等級。傑出的




53%Vol 的酒度,依然豐滿潤滑,餘味雄勁而




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30 年陳年茅台酒,完美結合飽滿的穀物















15 年陳年茅台酒,以優雅芬芳、微妙糅


它以全新的 51%Vol 酒精濃度,帶來與眾不同







郁的焙烤香、堅果香、煙熏香;53%Vol 的經




禮盒茅台酒系列 小批量勾調


























53%Vol 的酒度,醬香飽滿,複合香豐富,柔 和細膩,清新怡人,適合淨飲、配餐或調製為

起細心品評、欣賞與收藏。 豪華金、豪華絳茅台酒,以大師級臻選勾 調,一款佳釀,兩味蘊藏,盡享精緻生活。微

茅台醬香系列酒 傳統與時尚的交融

雞尾酒。 而茅台迎賓酒,則是人們宴會的至愛選






和、複合香淡雅,雖為 53%Vol,但清爽甘冽,

53%Vol 的濃烈,但仍然醇厚幽雅,柔和潤滑,





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A Happier Journey Than a

King 比國王還幸福的旅程 TEXT/ 文:Cheung Kam-moon IMAGE/ 圖:Belmond La Residence Phou Vao TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

I have stayed at many luxurious hotels in Europe, the Americas, Japan, China, India, and Egypt, and have forgotten almost all of them, but I will never forget the luxurious hotel I have stayed in Luang Prabang, Laos. 歐美亞日本中國印度埃及奢華酒店我住過不少,但都已忘記九成,只有 在老檛 Luang Prabang(瑯勃拉邦)所住過的奢華酒店,我卻終身難忘。


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he manners of Belmond Group specialized in luxurious travel are completely different and belong to another kind of culture. Belmond Group operates 45 projects in 22 countries, including inland river cruises (12-night Chindwin River tour in Myanmar, 10-night Aveyarwady River tour in Myanmar, and Burgundy tour in France) and legendary Oriental Express trips (luxurious train travels with different routes such as Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America, lasting 2–3 days or some ten days). This may help us to reach a higher level of luxurious travel and understand the tastes of life. With twenty top hotels in unimaginable locations such as Taorimira, Portfino, Amalfi Coast, Sacred Valley, Cusco, St. Martin, St. Michael, Charleston, San Miguel de Allende, and Rivera Maya, Belmond Group also guides customers to strange places. Journeys in the big cities, of course, are full of passion and enjoyment, but it is also time to change a bit. With some adventure or exploration, we can have funnier journeys and a deeper and wider insight into life. Owned by Belmond Group and located in Luang Prabang, Laos, Asia, Belmond La Residence Phou Vao is a luxurious hotel integrated with both French and Laotian architectural features. The Phou Vao hill where the hotel is located is one of the world's cultural heritage sites. The building of Belmond La Residence Phou Vao was originally built for the emperor to live. Due to political changes, however, this building did not really become a palace. After renovation, today's Belmond La Residence Phou Vao is not changed to be modern or fashionable, but retains the original look and maintains the local historical and cultural traditions. The entire hotel is built of dark solid timbers and authentic heavy materials. All 34 suites use parquet flooring. Without any bright colors, the traditional Laotian fabrics in dark green tone are used as curtains and bed sheets to create an atmosphere close to nature. To change this former low-key and hidden "imperial residence" into a hotel was not easy. Located entirely in the tropical garden of a hill and away from residential areas, the hotel is tranquil, elegance, and serene. With no emphasis on grand palace, magnificent decoration, or luxurious equipment, the hotel is endowed with a sense of history as well as a special dignity of emperor. Arrogant, noble, and beyond the reach of ordinary people, the hotel demonstrates a true luxury. Staying at this hotel gives me many life enlightenments: 1. Staying at the imperial home makes me feel happier than the past king in turbulent times; 2. Finally I have the opportunity to visit the poorest country in Asia. After arrival, however, I find that the locals have better living conditions than me, live a carefree life, and are happier than me; 3. Visit the world cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO; 4. Enjoy the most beautiful section of the Mekong River, which boasts clear water and green mountains; 5. Understand Buddhist culture. More than 4,000 Buddha statues protected by civilians against wars will amaze tourists; 6. Closely look at the raging waterfall and show respect to nature; 7. Watch the tropical bears that are properly protected; 8. Get up at 5 a.m. and offer meals at 6 a.m. to the monks who have only one meal a day... The hotel general manager comes from Belgium and used to serve at other Belmond hotels. The restaurant chef was also born in Belgium, once studied in culinary school, and is good at French cooking. Both his parents are Italians. Therefore, he is good at cooking both French food and Italian food. Having worked in Belmond Kao Samui for over ten years, he gains good reputation and becomes a famous local chef. When the Belmond hotel was opened in Luang Prabang, he came to work here. Knowing Thai and familiar with the local language, he came to work in Luang Prabang, just like a duck in water. Now, cooking Laotian food is just a piece of cake for him. I appreciate the Laotian dishes cooked by a European chef good at French and Italian culinary skills. With ethnic characteristics, these dishes are natural delicacies baptized by modern civilization and attract us to return and eat again. As an ancient capital, Luang Prabang was once ruled by the French. So there are many Laotian and French historical relics. With a globally unique value recognized by UNESCO, this area was listed as a world cultural heritage. Equipped with large beds and two uniformed hotel staff, the sightseeing boat we took in the

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Mekong River was very exquisite. During the journey, we came ashore several times to visit various villages that engaged in different crafts; again we entered the Pak Ou Caves to watch the thousandBuddha wonder. Due to the protection against wars or other reasons, the locals transferred Buddha statues from their homes to these caves. As a result, now, a total of about 4,000 Buddha statues are placed in these two caves, which may surprise many international visitors. Originating from Tibet, the Mekong River flows through six countries. Its section in Luang Prabang boasts clear water, green mountains, pleasant breeze, and bright sunshine. I will never forget the time when we ate lunch on the table covered with white tablecloth in such enchanting scenery. Another tourist destination was the Kwang Si Waterfall Park. Here I could closely watch the raging water at different heights and feel the wonders of nature. Next to the waterfall scenery, the uniformed hotel staff covered white cloth on the wooden picnic table of the park for us to have wine and lunch. Different from the Niagara Falls (between USA and Canada) that I have been to but now have no impression, this waterfall park will be always cherished in my memory. The Kwang Si Park has an adoption center for tropical bears. That was my first time to closely look at bears, which enlarged my horizon. A little smaller than Canadian bear, tropical bear looks gentle and tame. Finally, do not miss the offering activities arranged by the Belmond hotel for the hotel customers. In Luang Prabang, at 6 a.m. every day, whether sunny day or rainy day, monks line up along fixed street route to ask for alms and receive food or other alms from warm-hearted believers. I got up at 5 a.m. that day and took a car to the specified location. The hotel staff moved the chairs from the car to the street for us to sit down, and then gave the white cloth strips to be draped on us. Each of us held a bowl of rice. At 6 a.m., with big bowls, the monks passed by me and I gave each person a handful of rice. According to my counting, that day I donated to about 100 monks from various temples. For me, this life experience was so luxurious and perfect.


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專注于奢華旅遊的 Belmond 集團玩法 完全不同,屬另一套文化,他們在 22 個國


Belmond 在 Luang Prabang 開業,他便轉去


開闢天地。他懂泰語,來到 Luang Prabang,

家經營的 45 個項目,包括內河遊船(在緬甸

Belmond La Residence Phou Vao 是


Chindwin 河遊 12 晚、在緬甸 Aveyarwady 河

Belmond 集團旗下亞洲區一家奢華酒店,設


遊 10 晚、在法國 Burgundy 遊幾晚)、乘搭傳

在 老 檛 L a o s( 香 港 台 灣 稱 為 寮 國 )L u a n g


奇 Oriental Express 東方快車(有亞洲歐洲非




撾建築特色的酒店,所位於的 Phou Vao 小山




Luang Prabang 是古都,曾由法國統治,

Belmond La Residence Phou Vao 那座樓


Belmond 集團也引導客人到陌生地方去,




沒有真正成為皇宮。經過整建,今天 Belmond


著頭臚,例如在 Taorimira、Portfino、Amalfi

La Residence Phou Vao 並沒有改為摩登時尚,


Coast、Sacred Valley、Cusco、St. Martin、



St. Michael、Charleston、San Miguel de



Allende、Rivera Maya 等地。在大城市旅遊

重踏實物料,34 間套房均採用鑲木地板,而

Pak Ou Caves 山洞看千佛奇景,當地人為避







這座曾經的帝王住宅,低調而隱蔽,如今 改為酒店,反而更不簡單。整座套房酒店全置

尊佛像,國際遊客看到這樣的景觀,咋舌不 已。




Luang Prabang 那一段,水清山綠,清風艷






另一個遊覽活動在 Kwang Si 瀑布公園,








我們喝酒進午餐,我到過美國加拿大 Niagara


Falls,現已全無印象。Kwang Si 公園內有熱

都比自己更快樂;三、看到 UNESCO(聯合國







Belmond 酒店為客人安排布施活動,一

的 4,000 多尊佛像,會有震撼感受;六、近距

定要參加。在 Luang Prabang,每天早上六





床,六時在街上給每天只吃一餐的和尚布施一 口飯……

那天我五時起床,乘車出發,來到指定位 置,酒店員工搬下椅子,放在街邊,讓我們坐



Belmond 酒店,而餐廳總廚亦出生於比利時,






優良傳統廚藝。他曾在 Belmond Kao Samui 掌廚十多年,口碑載道,成為當地名廚。到

這樣的人生體驗,對我而言,如此奢華而 完美。

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Interview With Founder of North America's First Chinese Children Magazine

Cheng Jing: Chinese Culture Is


Beautiful 專訪北美首本華裔兒童刊物創辦者

程靜:中國文化很美 INTERVIEW/ 采訪:Laura Su

"There are so many beautiful elements in Chinese culture. I hope we can immerse ourselves in it, enjoy it, like tasting Moutai liquor, and then share the beauty with more people around us. Culture is like liquor—it is most valuable when we share it with others. It is more joyful to share the joy than to keep it to oneself." ——Cheng Jing, founder of "PiPa", North America's first nonprofit magazine customized for Chinese heritage children overseas 「中國文化裡有太多美好的東西,希望我們能用輕鬆的姿態進入它、享受它,就像品茅台美 酒一樣,然後把這種美分享給身邊更多的人。文化和美酒一樣,價值在於分享。獨樂樂不如 眾樂樂。」——北美第一本專為海外华裔儿童定做的公益刊物《小枇杷》創辦者程靜


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Feeling the Beauty of Chinese Culture Cheng Jing lives in Long Island, New York, where most residents are European Americans. They are neither familiar with nor have an invested interest in Chinese culture; however, during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, they suddenly developed a keen interest in China and were shocked to find a prosperous China looming large on the horizon. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, amazed his audience at Tsinghua University with his speech in Chinese. He said he learned Chinese to please his grandma-in-law, but in reality, it is quite common now for senior management of multinational organizations and investment banks to learn Chinese. Immersion schools, which teach in both Chinese and English, have become more popular. Many high schools in the U.S. plan to introduce Chineselanguage courses as part of their curriculum. In Cheng Jing's opinion, a large gap exists between Chinese and Western cultures, and it is challenging for a Western audience to understand and embrace Chinese culture; however, business is borderless. "In the past, we used to import Western cultures. Today, thanks to business exchanges, we are also exporting our culture to the world." The Chinese language is a growing market, and it is sure to become more popular in the world, first among the high-income group and then among the broader population. Cheng Jing is a native of China Guizhou. Her father obtained his Master's degree in Tang-Song Dynasty Literature. He told her classical Chinese stories when she was young. Therefore, Cheng Jing naturally thinks "Chinese culture is very beautiful". "I hope we can immerse ourselves in it, enjoy it, like tasting Moutai liquor, and then share the beauty with more people around us. Culture

is like liquor—it is most valuable when we share it with others." She still remembers that she had lived in Guiyang before going to college at 18. Therefore, she is very familiar with Moutai. "It was never absent at our table during holidays. My uncle always asked our kids to taste a little bit. Moutai is sweet, does not irritate the throat, and won't make people dizzy all of a sudden. Our uncles and aunts used to make fun of us when I was at high school. They poured a few glasses of different liquors and asked us to tell which glass was which brand. I couldn't identify all of them, but I could always point out which one was Moutai." In her mind, Moutai is the most distinguished liquor in China. Now, China, especially ancient China, is a faraway concept for Chinese heritage children overseas, given the environment in which they are growing up. Meanwhile, there is so much to learn and to explore in American culture, with which they are much more familiar. So, Chinese culture may become a kind of nostalgia that these children cannot fully understand. But she never let go of any opportunities to teach them how to appreciate Chinese culture. "I believe that every sentence we say, every dish we cook, and every tai chi movement we make will become our children's precious memories."

A Duty-Bound Undertaking PiPa (the Chinese word for loquat) is a fruit native to China as well as the name of North America's first nonprofit magazine customized for overseas children to learn Chinese. According to its founder Cheng Jing, "PiPa is a fruit native to China. It is sweet and juicy and looks cute; also, the name PiPa is easy to pronounce and remember. More importantly, it has yellow skin and yellow pulp. We hope that all children of Chinese heritage will be

able to understand Chinese culture and be proud of their cultural heritage and ethnicity because Chinese culture is very beautiful." Before founding Noble Tree Publishing Inc. and "PiPa" magazine, Cheng Jing did not read children books. But she started to read aloud for her kids after becoming a mother. She read more and more children's books as they grew up, and regretted the fact that there was no children's magazine for Chinese heritage children overseas. Her friend Pan Chanjuan first came up with the idea to publish a children's magazine for overseas Chinese kids. Cheng Jing thought it a great idea. This was how they started to run Noble Tree Publishing Inc. This magazine specifically designed for the North American kids is named "PiPa" because "PiPa" is a fruit native to China. It is sweet and juicy and looks cute; also, the name PiPa is easy to pronounce and remember. More importantly, it has yellow skin and yellow pulp. It is interesting to compare it to the banana which has yellow skin and a white heart. They hope that all children of Chinese heritage will be able to understand Chinese culture and be proud of their cultural heritage and ethnicity. After busy preparations, the first issue of "PiPa" was published in 2013. They started the magazine with pure passion. Over the past two years, they have reached out to hundreds of Chinese schools in more than 20 states and have donated their issues to many of them. In this way, the magazine has gained popularity in North America. Their subscribers include various libraries, such as the Cotsen Children's Library at Princeton University, and they have received subscription inquiries from overseas readers in Germany, Australia and Hong Kong. Today, they are far more influential than everyone had ever expected.

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As a nonprofit magazine, "PiPa" costs a total of about 200,000 USD each year. Under such financial pressure, the ultimate reason why they still insist is that Cheng Jing, her colleagues, and the volunteers know clearly that this is all about "OUR KIDS". They want to give their kids better education; they want to better communicate with them; they want them to know their heritage, to have no difficulty understanding their identity, and to have self-esteem and confidence...As parents, they are very natural and willing to do those things for their own children while as Chinese, they regard it as their responsibility to do so.

Everything for the Children Cheng Jing believes that a number of advances have been made in the American education system. Teaching methods have improved to cultivate the talents of their children. Relatively speaking, Chinese families are paying more attention to their children's education as well as to extracurricular activities such as piano, chess, painting, and sports; however, for firstgeneration immigrant families, there is still a reluctance to accept mainstream American culture. These families tend to not be active in community service and school activities. Speech, performance, and competitive sports


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remain a weakness of most Chinese children. In the U.S. for example, in an Englishlanguage environment with no opportunities to communicate in Chinese, Chinese children prefer to accept the "mainstream society" as they grow up. As a result, they become increasingly reluctant to speak Chinese, let alone to read and write it. Learning Chinese in America is like "riding a boat against the current." According to Teacher Ma Liping, an expert on Chinese language education whom Cheng Jing has interviewed, "It is not unusual that our children do not learn Chinese well. On the contrary, it would be unusual if they did learn it well" due to the difficulties involved. Cheng Jing believed, "If parents are uninvolved, relying only on Chinese school and on the children themselves, it will be almost impossible for our children to learn Chinese well (meaning to be able to speak fluently, read independently, and write simple compositions)." For this reason, "PiPa" magazine often holds some live events such as the New York Long Island local family reading club. Every two weeks, volunteer parents will read to the children. Together, they tell stories, do handicrafts, and play games. It is a very popular event. They hope to have more events like this in the future and provide ABCs (American-born Chinese) more

opportunities to show off their talents. Of course, as a nonprofit organization, they also hold fundraising charity events. Events usually include auctions and performances. These events are an important source of the organization's annual income. Cheng Jing talks about the story when they were preparing for the first fundraising charity event. They were hoping to invite some Chinese writers to sign and donate their books to them, writing "Everything for the children." Cheng Jing did not personally know many of the writers, including Chen Zhongshi, Su Tong, and Yan Geling, but these writers all gave "PiPa" the books in a timely manner after hearing about the request. Wang Anyi even signed a total of 13 books in succession. Another story is about Mr. Ed Young, a gentleman in his 80s, winner of the highest prize that can be awarded to an American children's book, the Caldecott Medal. The first time they met, he donated more than a hundred pieces of his hand-drawn Chinese zodiac animals. Cheng Jing was so surprised that she could hardly believe it, so she asked him: "Are those for us?" He said: "Would you be willing to accept them?" Even today, Cheng Jing is still impressed and moved by that moment.

感受中國文化的美好 程靜居住的紐約長島是個完全由白人主導的地區,他們不瞭解也不 關心中國文化,但是 2008 年奧運會期間,身邊的美國白人突然都對中國 感興趣起來,他們非常吃驚的看到一個這樣繁榮的盛世中國突然「冒」出 來。Facebook 的 CEO Mark Zuckerberg 在清華大學全程說中文又讓大 家吃了一驚(雖然他說主要是為了討好妻子的不會說英文的奶奶),但實 際上,跨國企業、投行中高管學中文已經成為一個趨勢,中英文皆教授 的 immersion school 也越來越多,或者很多中學將中文開成外語。 程靜認為,儘管中西文化差異很大,平時沒有薰陶的國外人們很難 理解和接受中國文化,但是經濟是無國界的,以前中國文化輸入很多, 現在通過經濟的交流也在進行文化輸出。中文在世界流行起來是必然的 趨勢,而且是從高收入人群開始,自上而下的。 作為一個土生土長的中國貴州人,程靜的父親是研究唐宋文學的碩

這一本專為北美孩子設計的雜誌被取名為《小枇杷》。在緊鑼密鼓的 籌備後,第一期《小枇杷》於 2013 年出版了。 在創辦之初,可以說他們完全是憑著一腔熱情。兩年多來,他們聯 繫過全美 20 多個州的幾百所中文學校,向很多學校免費贈送過雜誌,在 北美建立了相當的知名度。《小枇杷》被包括普林斯頓大學 Cotsen 兒童圖 書館在內的多家圖書館訂閱收藏,也有遠在德國、澳洲、香港的讀者詢 問如何在海外訂閱,如今的影響力是所有人當初沒有想到的。 作為一個公益性的期刊, 《小枇杷》每年全部開銷約 20 萬美元,在 如此資金壓力下,他們仍然一如堅持,最根本的原因,程靜和她的同事、 志願者都明白:這是在為「我們的」孩子做事——他們想給自己孩子更好 的教育,希望更好地與他們溝通,希望他們長大後清楚自己的血脈,沒 有身份認知的困境,自尊自強自信……可以說,這是身為父母很自然、 願意去做的事,也是作為中國人責無旁貸的事。

士,從小就給她講志怪故事、三言二拍,自小的文化熏陶讓她自然而然 認為「中國文化很美」,希望大家能用輕鬆的姿態進入這些美好的東西、 并享受它,就像品茅台美酒一樣,然後把這種美好的感受分享給身邊更 多的人。文化和美酒一樣,價值在於分享。她還記得,那時候在貴陽長 到 18 歲讀大學,對茅台酒很熟悉。家裡每年過節都少不了它,舅舅還會 勸孩子們嘗一口。茅台酒很香甜,不辣嗓,也不上頭。高中時大人開玩 笑,倒幾杯白酒讓她嘗,她能喝出哪杯是茅台,其他酒就不一定能猜對。 程靜一直覺得茅台就是中國最有代表性的酒。 現在,對海外華裔孩子成長的環境來說,中國尤其是古代中國太遙 遠了,同時在她自己熟悉的美國本土的環境裡,又有很多值得探索的有 趣事物,所以不自覺的走得遠了,文化會逐漸成為一種兒孫無法理解的 鄉愁。但是不能忽略任何能讓他們感受到中國文化之美的機會,她相信 父母曾經說過的某句話、做過的某一碟菜、品過的某一口美酒,甚至是 練太極的一招一式,都有可能成為孩子長大珍貴的回憶,這,就是文化 的傳承。

一切為了孩子 程靜認為,美國的教育系統和教學方式都有很多先進的地方,相對 而言,華人家庭又是對學習抓得比較緊的,對彈琴、下棋、繪畫等才藝 也比較看重,對體育也越來越重視。但對於第一代移民家庭,多數與美 國主流文化還有距離,比如在社區和學校的活動上不夠活躍,演講、表 演、競技體育等是多數華人孩子的弱項。 以美國為例,大環境就是英文,跟中文沒有任何可通之處,再加上 孩子較大以後想融入「主流社會」的心情,會讓他們越來越不願意說漢 語,更別提讀書、寫字。在美國社會學中文,是「逆水行舟」,引用程靜 採訪過的海外中文教育專家馬立平老師的話:「學得不好不奇怪,學得好 才奇怪」。如果家長不重視,光靠中文學校和孩子,幾乎不可能真正學會 中文——指的是達到流利表達、獨立閱讀和簡單寫作的水平。 基于此, 《小枇杷》会经常舉辦一些線下活動,比如紐約長島本地的 《小枇杷》親子讀書俱樂部,頻率為兩週一次,由志願者爸爸媽媽們給孩 子讀書,一起講故事、做手工,這個活動很受歡迎。他們自己也希望有

責無旁貸的事業 枇杷,這是一種原產自中國的水果,還是北美第一本專為海外說漢 語的學齡前及學齡兒童定做的少兒公益刊物名。依照創辦者程靜的說法: 「枇杷是原產中國的水果,甜美多汁,形象可愛,發音簡單,最重要的 是,它黃皮黃心,我們希望海外的華裔兒童,通過《小枇杷》瞭解中國文 化,對自己的膚色和血統感到驕傲,因為中国文化很美。」 在創辦嘉樹出版社和《小枇杷》之前,程靜並不接觸童書,後來做了 媽媽,開始給自己的孩子讀故事,隨著他們的成長,閱讀的童書越來越 多,發覺這是個很有趣的領域,也很遺憾沒有專門製作給海外華裔兒童 的讀物。正好她的朋友潘嬋娟最先有了創辦專為北美的華裔孩子設計兒 童雜誌的想法,他們於是一拍即合。

更多這樣的活動,並且提供給華裔孩子展現自己才能的機會。 當然,作為一個非營利組織,他們也會舉辦有慈善募捐會。會上有 拍賣、表演等內容,也成為每年組織收入的一個來源。 程靜談起《小枇杷》第一次舉辦慈善拍賣的狀況,當時他們希望請 一些中國作家簽名贈書給《小枇杷》,寫上「一切為了孩子」。很多著名作 家,比如陳忠實、蘇童、嚴歌苓等,都不直接認識,但他們聽說後都很 快把書簽好給了《小枇杷》,王安憶老師還一口氣簽了 13 本。還有一次, 獲得過美國童書最高獎 Caldecott Medal 的 80 多歲的童書畫家 Ed Young 先生,第一次見面就將他手繪的上百張十二生肖圖贈送給他們,程靜 吃驚得不敢相信,問:「這是給我們的嗎?」老先生說:「你願意收下 嗎?」至今,仍令她動容不已。

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保利香港拍賣「中西名酒珍釀部」專家鄭昀曦(左)及業務代表丘雨楓(右) Expert Xixi Cheng (Left) and business representative George Yau (Right) from Poly's "Chinese and Western Wine Department"

Excavating 發掘 分享 Sharing and

——Interview With Poly's "Chinese and Western Wine Department" 專訪保利香港拍賣「中西名酒珍釀部」 TEXT/ 文:Lydia TRANSLATION/ 譯:Meng Yuan


MOUTAI Magazine


oly Auction Hong Kong had successfully completed its 2014 Autumn Auctions with strong results of HK$ 822 million through the 3-day sales of 12 sessions. Among the sales by the seven departments, more than ten works were sold for over HK$ 10 million each, and many works broke artists' personal records at auctions. The results reinforced the pace of Poly Auction Hong Kong to expand the business to the auction markets of the entire Asia and world. There is no doubt that Hong Kong is a paradise of wine consumption, investment and collection for wine lovers around the world. Since the establishment in 2012, Poly Auction Hong Kong had actively prepared for setting up the Chinese and Western Wine Department and regarded it as one of the seven core departments. Following the debut

for people who love wines, the taste cannot deceive them easily. It has a low risk no matter for collection or investment. After all, the collections pricing only a few thousand dollars are very common in the wine auction market. So even if you have only tens of thousands of dollars, you can try your hands at this auction market. With just a little foresight and luck, you may harvest rare wines that can be found only by accident, but not through seeking. Then, sharing the joy of these gains with family and friends will be the most intoxicating thing in the world. In this sense, the Chinese and western wine auction seems more like a mellow feast. For those who know little about auction but want to have a try, it is a perfect choice for feeling its atmosphere. In order to guarantee the quality and value for each auction item, selecting wines is not an easy job. The specialist of the Chinese and

bottle of Karuizawa Black Aqua of Life was auctioned for HK$ 20,000, but in the autumn auctions of October, its price had been increased to HK$ 50,000. In less than a year, the multiplied increase in price convincingly proves the investment potential and bright prospects of the rare and fine wine market. At present, more and more people will consider wines' value for collection instead of drinking. The price of Scotch whisky is also rising gradually. Discerning collectors would buy a few bottles at a time not only for drinking but also for a long-term collection. In the autumn auctions of this year, the performance of Moutai and Kaoliang are still dazzling as usual. The collectors are mainly from Mainland China and Taiwan. As there may still be some misunderstanding about savoring Moutai in the international market, the wine experts specially prepared a wine savoring before the auction. "We would like

Hong Kong is a window and a springboard to promote the splendid Chinese civilization to the world. At the same time, it also brings excellent cultures of the world to China. Thus Poly Auction Hong Kong has its own responsibility and mission. 香港是一個窗口和跳板,把中國的燦爛文明推向世界,把世界的優秀文化帶到中 國,保利香港拍賣有自己的責任和使命。

sales in the spring auctions, the Chinese and Western Wine Department maintained strong results at the autumn auctions with an increase of 35% in total sales of wines and spirits, reflecting the growing demand for this category. In the international auction market, if you have favorite paintings and calligraphy works, antiques or Chinese contemporary art works, you should have at least more than one million funds to support your bid in a fierce auction. For many auction beginners, this is no doubt a daunting hurdle. Compared with other valuable art works, wines have more transparent prices and do not require much time or energy on researching their values. Sometimes, turbulent markets may disturb your aesthetic taste and cause misjudgment on the value of art works. But

Western Wine Department says, "Only those that are in a small production and have long years, or appear only in particular market during particular period, as well as those exquisite vintages whose producers no longer exist due to various reasons will be favored by the auction market." Brand is certainly an important factor, but the wines of auction grade must be extremely rare limited edition. In order to avoid being faked and imitated, sometimes the department will collect some products with unique flavor and taste brewed by little wineries. As time goes by, these waters of life refined through years will be rarer and rarer and their prices will be increasingly higher. As long as they are preserved properly, the future appreciation space will be obvious. In the spring auctions of April this year, a

to teach the overseas consumers to linger over Moutai and understand Moutai better." The wine expert says frankly that she likes Moutai very much. She knows that different years of Moutai have rich and delicate aromas. Besides, as the national liquor of China, Moutai is a kind of flowing cultural liquid. She hopes to guide more consumers in this way to slowly and pleasantly savor Moutai. If the significance of fine wine is to share, then the Chinese and Western Wine Department is taking the advantage of Hong Kong's open market to build a professional auction and communication platform for top wines, as well as discovering and sharing the exquisite and rare vintages from all over the world. Wine is a special cultural product, and sharing it is like a dialogue and communication of civilization.

MOUTAI Magazine


不同年份的茅台酒蘊藏著豐富而細膩的醇香, 作為中國國酒,那是一種流動的文化液體

輕井澤 1960 Karuizawa 1960

麥卡倫 50 年 -1928 The Macallan 50-1928

經過三天激烈的競投,剛剛過去的保利香港 2014 年秋季拍賣以


8.22 億港元的成交額圓滿收槌。在七大部門的 12 個專場中,共有十多


件拍品超過 1,000 萬港元成交,其中多件拍品刷新藝術家個人紀錄。對


於 2012 才將拍賣業務拓展至香港的保利來說,交出這樣傲人的答卷, 無疑更堅定其將業務擴展至全亞洲、向全世界輻射的步伐。 於全世界的美酒愛好者來說,香港,無疑是一個美酒消費、投資 與收藏的天堂。 2012 年,保利香港拍賣成立伊始,便將「中西名酒珍釀部」作為

品牌固然是一個重要的因素,但拍賣級別的名酒,一定是優秀品 牌裏極其罕見的限量之作。為了避免假和仿的問題,有時也會征集一 些具有獨特風味和口感的小酒莊的產品。這些歷經歲月光華的生命之 水,隨著時間流逝,在世界上只會愈來愈少,價格自然會越來越高。 只要有合理的保存,未來的升值空間是顯而易見的。

七大核心部門之一,積極致力於它的籌建。 「中西名酒珍釀部」自今年

4 月份的春拍,一瓶輕井澤黑命之水當時的拍賣價大概是 2 萬港

春季首次開拍成功後,秋拍依然不負眾望,總成交價比春拍高出 35%,

幣,10 月份的秋拍就已躍升到 5 萬港幣,短短不到一年的時間,成倍































民國 97 年百億金門高粱紀念酒 2008 Supreme Kinmen Kaoliang

MOUTAI Magazine


1963 年貴州茅台酒 Kweichow Moutai 1963

MOUTAI Magazine


Savoring Column


Moutai's Unique Technique Amon 中外佳釀各異 茅台工藝獨芳 TEXT/ 文:Wang Li TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung



ach fine spirit has its unique brewing environment, raw materials, distillation method, aging period, and blending technique. Compared with Western distilled liquors, what is the uniqueness of Chinese liquor especially Moutai? The first difference lies in brewing materials. Among other distilled liquors, brandy uses grape as raw materials, whiskey uses malt and grain as raw materials, and rum uses cane molasses as raw materials. Chinese liquors, however, mainly use such grains as sorghum, wheat, and corn as raw materials. Among these grains, sorghum is the most traditional and most important raw material of Chinese liquor. The "Red Tassel" sorghum used for making Moutai is more special. It is a native variety of the Chishui River basin and features small grain, thick husk, hard and full kernel, and high content of amylopectin, which can withstand several rounds of steaming, boiling, and fermentation in Moutai's technique. Besides, such abundant polyphenol substances as tannin contained in the "Red Tassel" sorghum are important precursors of flavor substances in Moutai. The second difference lies in fermentation methods. Western distilled liquors mainly use liquid fermentation. The process is saccharification first and then fermentation, or direct fermentation without saccharification. Whiskey, for example, first uses the enzyme generated by germinated barley for saccharification and then uses yeast for fermentation; a batch of raw materials is usually fermented only once. Chinese liquors, however, use solid-state fermentation, which is a process of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation; a batch of raw materials is fermented twice for the light (or "Fen") fragrance liquor, five times for the thick (or "Lu") fragrance liquor, and up to eight times for Moutai (Jiang fragrance liquor). The third difference lies in microorganism environment. Most Western distilled liquors use pure fermentation in which yeast is the only microorganism. The main purpose is to convert sugar into alcohol. By contrast, Chinese liquors adopt open production. In the fermentation process, different species of microorganisms are gathered from the environment to create sufficient condition for forming liquor styles. Moutai's microorganism environment is even more special. Surrounded by mountains, with the Chishui River flowing through, the Moutai area features mild winters, hot summers, slight wind as well as moderate rainfall and forms a relatively enclosed sub-environment beneficial for the growth of liquor-making microorganisms. Moreover, the liquor brewing activities with a history of over 1,000 years have domesticated and selected special microorganisms to form a unique and unduplicated microorganism environment, which is crucial to form Moutai's unique style. The final difference lies in brewing facilities. Other distilled liquors mainly use casks or stainless steel containers for fermentation, whereas Chinese liquors use cellars for fermentation. Among different Chinese liquors, the thick fragrance liquor uses mud cellars; the Jiang fragrance liquor uses stone cellars; the light fragrance liquor use underground jars. As distillation containers, other distilled liquors use continuous or intermittent pot stills whereas Chinese liquors use steaming buckets — solid-state fermented grains are used as fillers to improve the distillation efficiency. As storage containers, most of other distilled liquors use oak barrels where the barrel ingredients are integrated with the original liquor in the aging process to endow the liquor with aroma and color. By contrast, most Chinese liquors use pottery jars for storage. As the most typical example, Moutai uses the pottery jars that have a porous structure and good breathability, which helps the liquor to


MOUTAI Magazine

王莉 貴州茅台酒股份有限公司總工程師 高級工程師 國家白酒評委 Wang Li

Chief Engineer of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Senior engineer and national liquor tasting committeewoman

Editor's note: In the previous issue, we specially invited Ms. Wang Li, Chief Engineer of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. to share with us the method and beauty of savoring Moutai. In this issue, Ms. Wang Li will detail Moutai's differences from Western distilled liquors in such aspects as brewing materials, fermentation methods, and microorganism environment, and lead us to feel the Oriental characteristics. 編者按: 上期專欄中,本刊特邀貴 州茅台酒股份有限公司總工程師王 莉,為我們解讀茅台酒的品味之法, 剖析其間的種種妙處。本期專欄, 王莉總工程師將向我們解讀茅台酒 在釀造原料、發酵方式、微生物環 境等方面與西方蒸餾酒的不同之處, 感悟東方特色。

ng the

's Fine Spirits mature. Meanwhile, thanks to good breathability, substances in the liquors interact with each other to form the slightly yellow substances, endowing the liquor with color, which is a long process. Through the contrast in such aspects as raw materials, fermentation, environment, and facilities of Western liquors and Chinese liquors, you may have a deeper understanding of Moutai's uniqueness. It is the inheritance of ancient agricultural civilization, unique natural environment, brewing wisdom accumulated for thousands of years, and the modern scientific brewing technique that accomplish this mellow and fragrant national liquor of China. 每一款美酒都有其特有的釀造環境、原












































次發酵如清香型白酒,五次發酵如濃香型白 酒,而醬香型白酒茅台最多達八次發酵。

通過中外美酒從原料、發酵、環境、設備 等方面的對比,相信你已對茅台酒的獨特之處










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Drinking Intellectually Column 文字飲專欄

"Sinology Policeman" Pelliot 「漢學警察」伯希和 Paul Pelliot (1878–1945) was a world-famous French sinologist and explorer. In 1908, he came to China to explore the Dunhuang Grottoes, purchased a large number of cultural Dunhuang relics, and took back to France. These relics are now stored in the National Library of France.


hinese people are used to calling Sinologists friends of the Chinese people. For over a century, only a handful of foreigners with high attainments in Chinese culture have been regarded by Chinese people as traitors, and the Frenchman Pelliot is one of them. Pelliot got this notoriety because he and his British partner Aurel Stein opened the door of Dunhuang treasures and shipped many relics that recorded the Chinese culture of more than one thousand years ago to Europe, becoming the initiators of stealing Dunhuang treasures. Therefore, some people even consider Pelliot a cultural thief whose behaviors were "scandalous and regrettable for all Chinese people". In the West, Pelliot was called the "Sinology policeman" mainly because he often literarily argued with others in academe in his later years. His confidence to criticize others everywhere perhaps came from his close contact with China. Both thief and policeman, a pair of contradictory identities, were used for Pelliot. Pelliot had his first intimate contact with China in 1900. Appointed to buy books by his alma mater College of France, Pelliot arrived in Beijing via Vietnam. In 1900 when Beijing was in a serious social unrest, Pelliot encountered the Boxer Rebellion and was trapped in the Siege of the Legations. He distinguished himself from other terrified foreigners for both bravery and savoir-faire. The Briton Lionel Giles recalled one key incident this way in the book "The Siege of the Peking Legation": "A Frenchman, named Pelliot, went up to the Chinese barricade in Legation Street and had some tea with the soldiers. The Chinese asked him to go


MOUTAI Magazine

TEXT/ 文:Dong Tiezhu TRANSLATION/ 譯:Billy Yung

保羅·伯希和(Paul Pelliot,1878 年 5 月 28 日 -1945 年 10 月 26 日),世界著名的法國 漢學家、探險家。1908 年前往中國敦煌石 窟探險,購買了大批敦煌文物,帶回法國,

over to their barricade and see their Colonel. This he did...There he had a talk with some blue-buttoned officials, who gave him food, and tried to 'pump' him as to the state of our defenses and amount of provisions. He seemed to have lied beautifully, making us out to be in a splendid way altogether." It seemed that Pelliot had never been a scholar who was able to research in the study only, but more like a calm paladin in scared chaos and a "policeman" protecting his compatriots. Surprisingly, newly arrived in China, this Frenchman was able to understand the Shandong accent of the Boxer soldiers. One could not help but marveled at his genius for languages; moreover, communicating freely with these almost uneducated soldiers who regarded foreigners as enemies required not only outstanding linguistic ability but also an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture. This meant that at College of France Pelliot not only learned Chinese but also understood Chinese culture thoroughly. After escaping from the Boxer soldiers, Pelliot returned to France in 1904 and had become a Sinology master. The rare books he brought from China also became the new materials for Sinologists' researches. This also contributed to his second Eastern tour in 1906. That is, two years after he returned to France, he came to Dunhuang. Pelliot's purpose this time was to find more archaeological materials and books so as to have a more in-depth understanding of China's ancient culture. This eastbound journey for scriptures meant that regarding the research on Chinese culture, Pelliot was no longer satisfied with such conventional literature as "Four Books


and Five Classics" or "Twenty-Four Histories". Sinology research mainly has two ways. One is to interpret Chinese classics in the perspective of Westerners. For example, the same sentence "study and constantly review what one has learned" can have dozens of different interpretations; the other is to use the literature materials unattainable for ordinary people to reconstruct the development of China's ancient culture. In the first way, researchers are required to master and freely use Chinese and Western classics, while in the second way, new achievements can be gained as long as there are new materials. Obviously, Pelliot preferred the second way, which accorded with his brave and resourceful character. The reason was that to deal with archaeological discoveries in northwest China at that time was almost at the risk of life. "Last night, at 2° C, it was freezing as well as windy. Gusts of wind would soon blow together with snow and dust. Five of our horses escaped from the ranch at night. After three hours' search, we found two horses only. The horse team went out for further search, leaving me alone at the foot of the Tongmulun mountain and frozen in the yurt." This is a paragraph from the "Western Region Expedition Journal". When he went through hardships and arrived in Dunhuang, the Briton Stein was already there. Stein, however, did not know Chinese and could not bargain with Taoist Wang who guarded the Dunhuang treasures. Pelliot made a deal with Taoist Wang after negotiation and bought thousands of volumes of scripture books at a price of 500 taels. Because Pelliot was an expert in Chinese culture, the scripture books

he took had great academic value, most of which were related to Buddhism – Religion was Pelliot's concern and his eastbound journey for scriptures could be considered as a brave move inspired by religious spirit. This Dunhuang trip became a turning point of Pelliot's Sinology research. Since then he had been active in the Central Asian area and addicted to finding various archaeological materials. This brought a worldwide reputation for him; however, as every coin has two sides, a jack of all trades is master of none. Pelliot involved in various fields but the result was that almost all of his influential papers were the criticisms or responses to the opinions of others, with less and less original research. Therefore, he also won the nickname of "Sinology policeman". Actually, this could not be regarded as reputation. "Sinology policeman" certainly indicated his expertise of finding faults but also indicated his peremptoriness. His students at College of France, under his influence, had a keen interest in Central Asian languages; however, most of his brilliant students, with Cleaves as representative, were self-educated talents and the languages and cultures they researched were Greek to Pelliot. As a teacher, Pelliot was very stubborn. Pelliot's student Denis Sinor recalled his first exposure to Chinese under Pelliot: "In his courses intended for his students, he paid no consideration whatever to the level of knowledge we may have had. I vividly remember the occasion when, in opening a course, he announced that it would be based on the Kirghiz chapter of the T'ang Shu. The fact that some of the handful of auditors (including myself) could not read Chinese did not bother him. By the time of the next lesson I had learned, on my own, how to use a Chinese dictionary..." As a "policeman", Pelliot was so inspiring but also so awesome. The road he explored was a vibrant road as well as a "dead end" – over-reliance on new materials and lack of own analysis. As a result, nothing could be achieved when there were no new materials. Pelliot once said: "The Dunhuang treasures were enough for several generations to study." The question is, what researchers should rely on after several generations...

人伯希和就是其中一個。 伯希和的惡名,是因為他和英國人斯坦因

展。前者需要熟讀中西經典並融會貫通,而後 者則只要有新材料就可以有新成果。伯希和顯








「昨夜,氣溫 2℃,結冰了,也起風了。















1900 年。伯希和受命於母校法蘭西學院,經


法國的屬國越南前往北京購買書籍。1900 年





































以 Cleaves 為代表高足們大多是自學成才,



從義和團手下逃脫的伯希和在 1904 年回



Sinor 在回憶起自己的第一堂課時說:「伯希



料。這也促成了他於 1906 年再次東遊,在兩






文化有更為深入的了解。 這一次東行取經,意味著伯希和對中國

作為一個「警察」,伯希和就是這樣既 具有感召力,卻也令人生畏,而其所開辟的道















MOUTAI Magazine


attended the activity. More than 100 Chinese and foreign media covered this event on the site. At the meeting, Mr. Baudouin Havaux specially awarded medals and certificates for the medalists of the 2015 CMB Spirits Selection, that is, the gold medalist New Feitian Moutai as well as the silver medalists Han Jiang liquor and Xijiu. According to accounts, the theme of the 2015 Spirits Selection will be "the World's Liquor, China's Guiyang" meaning that liquor is not only for China, but also for the world. The Spirits Selection will be held on August 24 to 26, 2015 in Guiyang. After the competition, a series of activities such as the "Gold Medal Avenue" Award Ceremony for the 2015 CMB Spirits Selection and the 2015 Brussels Guiyang International Spirits Exhibition will be held. (Reported by Song Lang and Zhang Liangjun)

2015 年布魯塞爾國際烈酒大賽啟動 近日,2015 年比利時布魯塞爾國際烈酒大獎賽暨中國(貴州)國 際酒類博覽會隆重啟動。 比利時布魯塞爾烈性酒大賽主席卜杜安 哈 Mr. Baudouin Havaux awarded the gold medal and certificate to Mr. Yuan Renguo


卜杜安 哈弗主席給袁仁國董事長頒發金獎獎牌和證書


2015 CMB Spirits Selection Was Started Recently, the 2015 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) Spirits Selection and the China Guizhou International Alcoholic Beverages Expo were grandly started. Baudouin Havaux (Chairman of the CMB Spirits Selection), Gao Weidong (vice-mayor of Guiyang City), Yuan Renguo, Liu Zili, Lv Yunhuai, Zhang Deqin (leaders of Moutai Group), as well as leaders and representatives from related industry associations and alcoholic beverage enterprises home and abroad


MOUTAI Magazine

表出席活動,中外 100 多家媒體到會采訪。 會上,卜杜安 哈弗主席專門為 2014 年比利時布魯塞爾國際烈酒 大獎賽金獎得主茅台酒,銀獎得主漢醬酒和習酒頒發了獎牌和證書。 據瞭解,2015 年的大獎賽將以「世界的白酒,中國的貴陽」為主題, 寓意白酒不僅是中國的,更是世界的。大獎賽將於 2015 年 8 月 24 日 至 26 日在貴陽舉行,賽後將舉辦 2015 年比利時布魯塞爾國際烈性酒 大賽「金牌大道」頒獎典禮、2015 年比利時布魯塞爾 中國貴陽國際 烈性酒展示等系列活動。(宋浪 張靚君)

Liu Yandong (1st from right) cordially met with Zhao Shuyue (1st from left) 劉延東(右一)親切接見趙書躍(左一)

diplomatic relations, the 2014 "China France Brand Forum" was held by Bonjour Shanghai and Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris (CCIP, Paris Chamber of Commerce), and assisted by Paris Developpement and China Association for Quality Promotion (CAQP). About 200 enterprise representatives and 100 media from China and France attended the forum. About 200 renowned Chinese and French brand and association representatives including Moutai, Exception, Huawei, Publicis Group, Hisense, ICICLE, Ganten, Pierre Cardin, Cartier, Montblanc, Bucherer, Printemps Paris, and Google France attended the forum. In such a gathering for various Chinese and French brands as well as fashion experts, as the cocktail sponsor of this event, Moutai presented a wonderful cocktail feast for the Chinese and French people from all walks of life. (Cammy France)

Zhao Shuyue Attended "Confucius Institute Day" on Behalf of Moutai Group On September 27, the launch ceremony of the first global "Confucius Institute Day" was held in Beijing to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of Confucius Institutes. At the ceremony, Madam Liu Yandong, Vice-Premier of the State Council and Chair of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters read the congratulatory letters from Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and delivered a speech. A total of more than 200 people attended the ceremony, including executive council members and council members of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, 43 foreign diplomatic envoys in China and heads of cultural institutions, presidents of 30 universities, as well as students and residents from home and abroad. Mr. Zhao Shuyue, the Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Moutai Group, was invited to attend the ceremony on behalf of Moutai Group. Madam Liu Yandong cordially met with Mr. Zhao Shuyue and other representatives. (Reported by Chen Lulu and Wang Yuan)

趙書躍代表茅台參加「孔子學院日」 為慶祝孔子學院成立 10 周年,9 月 27 日,全球首個「孔子學院日」 啟動儀式在京舉行。中共中央政治局委員、國務院副總理、孔子學院 總部理事會主席劉延東出席活動,宣讀國家主席習近平、國務院總理 李克強賀信並致辭。孔子學院總部常務理事、理事,43 個國家和機構 的駐華使節,30 所高校校長以及中外學生、市民等 200 餘人參加了啟

茅台亮相中法品牌高峰論壇 10 月 2 日, 首 屆「 中 法 品 牌 高 峰 論 壇」(Bonjour Brand) 在


巴黎 Westin 酒店順利落幕。這是一場中法品牌的對話與交流,更是

劉延東親切接見了趙書躍等代表。(陳露露 王媛)

橫貫東西文化的盛宴,為中法兩國有願望建設品牌的企業創造了一個 平等對話與交流的平台。作為中法 50 周年最重要的活動之一,此次

Moutai Attended the China France Brand Forum


On October 2, 2014, the first "China France Brand Forum" (Bonjour Brand) was successfully concluded at the Westin Hotel, Paris. This was a dialogue and exchange among Chinese and French brands as well as a feast involving both Eastern and Western cultures, and created a platform for equal dialogue and exchange among Chinese and French enterprises who wished to promote their brands. As one of the most important events for the 50th anniversary of Sino-French

表 200 人,中法媒體近 100 家。

Shanghai) 和 巴 黎 工 商 會 (CCIP) 主 辦, 巴 黎 經 濟 發 展 局(Paris Developpement)以及中國品質萬裏行促進會協辦。中法參與企業代 茅台、例外、華為、陽獅集團、海信、ICICLE、百歲山、皮爾 卡丹、 卡地亞、萬寶龍、寶齊萊、巴黎春天、法國谷歌等 200 位知名中法品 牌與協會代表均出席了此次論壇。 眾多中法的品牌雲集,時尚達人彙聚,作為這次活動雞尾酒贊助方, 茅台為中法各界人士奉上了一場精彩的雞尾酒盛宴!(嘉美法國)

MOUTAI Magazine


Chinese Ambassador Delegation Approached Moutai On September 18, Ma Canrong (former Ambassador to Germany), Chen Jian (former Ambassador to Japan and former UN Deputy Secretary-General), Zhang Yuanyuan (former Ambassador to Belgium and New Zealand) and other diplomats formed a Chinese delegation to visit Moutai Group. They received warm reception from Du Guangyi and Wan Bo (Deputy General Managers of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.). Accompanied by Wan Bo, the delegation visited the packaging and liquor-making workshops as well Moutai's National Liquor Culture City to learn about the geographical environment, making technique, and culture of Moutai. Immediately after arriving at Moutai Town, Ambassador Ma Canrong was pleased by the bouquet in the air. He said, "I'm a big fan of Moutai. This is my second visit to Moutai Distillery and I feel particularly kind and warm. Thank Moutai for its unique contribution to China's diplomacy. In my career as an ambassador abroad, I used to entertain the most distinguished foreign guests with Moutai. Once we drank Moutai, we had a lot to talk and the atmosphere became very friendly."

This was also the second visit to Moutai for Ambassador Zhang Yuanyuan who had a diplomatic career of nearly four decades. Zhang Yuanyuan said that Moutai was a capable assistant and a very important friend for the diplomatic work. The friendship with many foreigners began with the chat of Moutai, which showed Moutai's high popularity abroad. Moutai is the diplomatic liquor and friendship liquor of China and is closely linked with China's diplomacy. Moutai helps China to open the door of diplomacy while China's diplomacy helps Moutai to walk towards the world. Ambassador Chen Jian said that Premier Zhou Enlai liked to use Moutai for entertaining foreign guests such as Nixon and Tanaka during their visits to China, and was the best mouthpiece for Moutai. All our ambassadors entertained foreign guests with Moutai. All of them were the mouthpiece and propagators for Moutai. Their efforts had established Moutai's status as China's national liquor. Therefore, Moutai people had to maintain this status carefully, maintain the high quality of Moutai, and ensure that the Moutai brand never falls. (Moutai Newspaper)

中國駐外大使考察團到茅台考察 9 月 18 日,前駐德國大使馬燦榮,前駐日本大使、聯合國原副秘書






熱情接待。 在萬波的陪同下,考察團一行深入公司包裝、制酒車間和茅台中國 酒文化城,詳細瞭解茅台的地理環境、釀造工藝和國酒文化。




茅台酒是中國的外交酒和友誼酒,中國外交和茅台有著密切的聯 繫,茅台酒幫助中國打開了外交的大門,中國的外交也幫助茅台酒走 向了世界。陳健大使表示,尼克森訪華、田中角榮訪華,周恩來總理








品質永遠不變,確保國酒的品牌永遠不倒。 (茅台酒報)

MOUTAI Magazine

Moutai Won High Scores From "TASTED" Recently, two best sommeliers from the "TASTED" magazine, Andreas Larsson and Markus del Monego conducted a 100% blind taste for Kweichow Moutai and gave high scores. Mr. Markus del Monego gave Moutai 82 scores. His savoring record for this liquor was as follows: "Limpid and colourless. Strong nose with hints of cocoa and citrus fruit, ethereal and volatile flavour. On the palate aromatic, rustic finish." Mr. Andreas Larsson also gave Moutai 82 scores. His savoring record for this liquor was as follows: "Intense nose of ethanol and sweetness with herbal notes and spices. The palate is sweet, strong and heady with warm alcohol and a rustic finish with hints of dried fruit." "TASTED" is a professional tasting magazine with a blind tasting team formed by Mr. Markus del Monego, "Best Sommelier of the World 1998", and Mr. Andreas Larsson, "Best Sommelier of the World 2007". They use their complementary perspectives, unique insights, rich experience, as well as professional and just methods to recommend quality spirits to the public. Each year they conduct several blind tastings in a professional tasting room of Essen, Germany. The blind tasting process is very strict and standardized and their savoring results serve as very helpful references. (Cammy France)

Kweichow Moutai Listed in "Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands 2014", Ranking First in Food and Beverage Industry "The Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands 2014" by World Brand Lab and World Executive Group was released in Hong Kong on September 24. Kweichow Moutai ranked 81st in the overall ranking and first in the food and beverage industry. The evaluation criteria for "The Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands" are the brands' influences in Asia. The evaluation benchmarks include the brands' share of market, brand loyalty, and Asian leadership. 500 brands from 19 countries and regions this year were listed, with Korea's Samsung, Japan's Sony, and Japan's Toyota ranked as the top three, and with China, Japan, and Korea ranked as the top three countries. (World Brand Lab)

貴州茅台入選 2014 年《亞洲品牌 500 強》位列食品 飲料行業品牌第一位 由世界品牌實驗室和世界經理人集團共同編制和發佈的 2014 年 《亞洲品牌 500 強》排行榜於 9 月 24 日在香港揭曉,貴州茅台位列食品 飲料行業品牌第一位,總榜第八十一位。 《亞洲品牌 500 強》(The Asia's 500 Most Influential Brands) 的評 判標準是品牌的亞洲影響力,世界品牌實驗室 (World Brand Lab) 評價 品牌影響力的基本指標包括市場佔有率 (Share of Market)、品牌忠誠度 (Brand Loyalty ) 和亞洲領導力 (Asian Leadership)。 此次亞洲品牌 500 強共有 19 個國家和地區的 500 個品牌入選,韓 國三星、日本索尼和日本豐田名列前三,中國、日本和韓國是入選品 牌最多的三個國家。 (世界品牌實驗室)

茅台酒獲 TASTED 品鑒高分 近日,來自 TASTED 專業品酒報的兩位重量級人物安德烈亞斯 拉爾森(Andreas Larsson)先生和馬庫斯 德爾蒙戈 (Markus Del Monego) 先生對貴州茅台酒進行專業品鑒,並給予了很高的分數。 馬庫斯 德爾蒙戈先生給予茅台酒 82 分。他在品鑒筆記中這樣評 價此款酒:「酒體清澈,無色透明。馥郁、飄逸、多變的酒香伴隨一絲 可可和柑橘的清香。口感醇香,餘韻淳樸。」 安德烈亞斯 拉爾森先生同樣給予了 82 分,他在品鑒筆記中這樣 描述此款酒:「酒香及甜香濃烈,透露著草本和香料的香氣,口感香 甜、強勁、溫熱、令人陶醉,餘韻淳樸並帶有輕微的乾水果味道。」

Moutai Listed in the "Most Admired Chinese Companies" for Nine Consecutive Years In the "2014 Most Admired Chinese Companies" jointly released by the U.S. "Fortune" magazine and Hay Group on September 25, Kweichow Moutai was listed in both the "All-Star Rankings" and the "Food and Beverage Industry Rankings". Kweichow Moutai has been listed for nine consecutive years since the rankings were released for the first time in 2006. (Moutai Newspaper)

茅台連續 9 年入選「最受讚賞的中國公司」 9 月 25 日,美國《財富》雜誌聯合 Hay(合益)集團發佈了「2014

據悉,TASTED 專業品酒報是一份專業性品酒報刊,由曾在 1998


年榮獲世界最佳品酒師稱號的馬庫斯 德爾蒙戈和曾在 2007 年榮獲世


界最佳品酒師稱號的安德烈亞斯 拉爾森兩位國際品酒大師組成盲品團





自 2006 年該排行榜首次發佈


以來,貴州茅台已連續 9 年

很高的參考價值。 (嘉美法國)

入榜。 (茅台酒報)

MOUTAI Magazine


Seasonal and Comforting Specialties 秋冬滋補 養生菜譜


fter consumption of an entire summer, it is very necessary to nourish the body in autumn and winter. The main nourishment of autumn is to moisten dryness, replenish Qi (energy), invigorate spleen, nourish liver, and clear lung-heat. As autumn approaches, Sha Tin 18, the show-kitchen restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong is combining seasonal ingredients with traditional recipes to create a variety of authentic Dongguan specialties that will nourish the body and help maintain a healthy inner balance, which is the best demonstration for the expertise and care of the restaurant.


MOUTAI Magazine

Dry weather can be harsh on the skin, and even on the body's respiratory and immune systems. The best choice to strengthen one's physical condition and to get prepared for the cooler weather is nutritious soup. The nourishing "Sweetened fish maw" with red dates, brown sugar and ginger helps revitalize the skin and keep the body warm; the "Double-boiled pork consommé with black garlic" is good to health, as black garlic is useful in reducing blood lipid levels and is renowned for its anti-aging abilities; while the "Double-boiled fish maw with sea conch and green olives" offers mild sweetness and is a good source to alleviate sore throat. Historically a rural county, Dongguan

cuisine of south China emphasizes excellent culinary skills with simple ingredients. To exhibit a genuine rural influence and offer guests an authentic Dongguan gastronomic journey, however, is not easy. Only the chef with extremely rich experience can use simple and traditional ingredients to create diversified dishes. The "Braised taro with preserved clam paste" and the "Braised Ceylon spinach with Chinese preserved sausages" are the best seasonal selections; the "Pan-fried beef brisket with pineapple and preserved shrimp paste" is tender and its overall taste is enhanced by a rich and slightly sweetened sauce; the "Pan-fried cow's milk with crispy toasts" is silky smooth and crunchy, with a touch of saltiness that will tempt the taste buds for more. Located in the Pearl River Delta of China, Dongguan is famous for its freshwater catches. To capture their natural flavor, you can taste such seafood dishes as the flavorsome "Steamed red shrimp with rice cracker, Fa Dew wine and egg yolk sauce" and the succulent "Wok-fried garoupa with salted fish and spring onion", both of which offer the prominent scent of freshwater treasures. Those who are fond of sour and spicy food can pick the juicy "Pan-fried chicken with candied kumquat sauce" or the "Wok-fried beef with eggplant and Sichuan pepper". One should not leave without trying one of the delectable desserts. The "Preserved plum Opera with candied ginger" is nicely layered with a balance of sweet and sour flavors; "Apple vinegar and preserved prune sherbet" exudes a refreshing fruity taste, while the luscious "Sweet potato Swiss rolls with preserved prune" are truly satisfying, offering a mouthful of sweet temptation.

Preserved plum opera with candied ginger

Pan-fried beef brisket with pineapple

and preserved shrimp paste

Sweetened fish maw with red dates, brown sugar and ginger

經過整個夏天的消耗,在秋冬季節調補一下身體是非常有必要的。秋季的養生以潤燥益氣為主,以健脾補肝清肺為要旨。 踏入乾燥的季節,精心挑選時令及養生食材,配合傳統家庭式烹調手法,為賓客帶來滋潤補身的特色佳餚最能體現香港沙田 18 的專業及用心。 乾燥天氣容易影響身體狀態,品嘗一碗熱騰騰的湯羹有助提升身心健康。因此,潤澤味蕾,最好的選擇莫過於營養豐富的湯水。滋補暖胃的「薑 茶燉花膠」,含豐富骨膠原的花膠配合黑糖與紅棗,絕對是女士的恩物;「養生黑蒜燉肉汁」中的黑蒜有降血脂與抗養化的作用,有助增強人體 免疫能力;而清甜滋潤的「青橄欖螺頭燉花膠」能舒緩咽喉疼痛,亦有清熱生津之效。 南中國的東莞菜式一向講究烹調功夫,製法簡易。但要體現濃厚的家鄉風味,使賓客有如置身當地體驗其飲食文化也非易事,只有經驗老道 的主廚才能採用簡單傳統的用料炮製出豐富菜式。粉糯入味的「淡菜蜆芥煮芋頭」及「東莞臘腸粒扒豆苗」就是最好的時令之選;鹹甜有致的「馬 拉盞鳳梨煎牛腩」軟稔可口,富有地道特色的「大良牛乳煎窩貼」口感豐富,都會令人一試再試。 位於中國珠江口岸、盡享得天獨厚的地理環境使東莞的海鮮菜式馳名中外。以新鮮水產及創新烹調配搭創作的「花雕雞油蒸牡丹蝦伴米通」 肉質彈牙、脂香醉人;滑溜細膩的「梅香馬友炒龍躉球」以鹹香誘人的馬友為魚脂豐腴的龍躉提味,嫩滑無比。如果你嗜酸或辣,建議品嘗別具 風味的家鄉小菜,如酸香開胃的「蜜餞柑桔煎鮮雞」及辛辣撲鼻的「砵仔麻辣茄瓜炒牛肉」,稍稍刺激一下味蕾也會帶來別樣感受。 為令整頓餐饗更臻完美,又怎能錯過別研製的創意甜品 ? 層層疊疊的「珍珠李糖薑蛋糕」酸甜滋味;獨特新穎的「相思梅蘋果醋雪芭」入口 清新;濃滑細緻的「紫薯嘉應子瑞士卷」則口感豐盈,味道馥郁芳香,讓人再三回味。

Sha Tin 18 Lunch

Monday to Friday: 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM / Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM


Daily 5:30 PM to 10:30 PM


3723 1234 /

Online booking


4/F, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin 18 Chak Cheung Street, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong


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