2022 Progress Report - Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

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Progress Report


A thousand

Everyone comes from somewhere. Our kin from Africville, Cousins from Mi’kma’ki

You may think “what a sweet hobby”

Or “oh, isn’t this cute.”

But you don’t understand what we’ve all been through.

Family from across the oceans and friends from a different sea. We come in a thousand different colours with a thousand favourite foods.

We come with a thousand kinds of knowledge and a thousand different truths.

We come with a thousand kinds of pain and a thousand kinds of wisdom.

We’ve learned a thousand different tricks on how to navigate a system.

Everyone comes from somewhere

From families of blood or ones that are chosen.

When life is laid out for you or you’re just thrown in.

We have youth who will take a thousand different paths to find their own way.

We have Elders keeping generational trauma at bay.

The lanes, streets and avenues of the North End.

Have a thousand different stories written within.

Tales of Pride and tragedy etched into the sidewalk. Of togetherness and culture, jump out like hopscotch.

We’ve got a thousand different rhymes etched into walls over time. Centres of love and friendship keep us alive.

I have found my people in this place.

Access to my history and Nation as we take up our rightful space.

I have spoken a thousand different words, On mics in back rooms just waiting to be heard.

Ideas spring forth from this community, With a thousand different ways to weave together unity. With insight from our children and the deft hands of adults. There are a thousand different ways to reach a result.

We welcome PhDs and degrees. We welcome starlight and the trees.

We know that smartness exists within and beyond the universities. We’ll take your red seals and tickets.

Please share the recipe for your grandmother’s biscuits.

Please show us the best ways to lay down tracks and rhymes. And someone else will show you graphic design.

For so many of us to come together and share what we know. We took on everything that the world could throw.

For language to be shared, Children kept on speaking while scared. Even after Africville was razed bare, Hope still managed to bloom brilliantly in the Square.

There are a thousand different ways to get to where you need to go.

And we invite you to stop by for a tea and to say hello.

For a stitch and bitch.

A jingle dance class.

Get that bike tuned up, Learn that thing you’ve been putting off at last!

This place is so bright and complex. With a thousand different talents, Please let us flex.

We are proud of what we have to offer from our bodies and our hearts.

It’s what keeps these streets strong and from falling apart.

Your neighbour’s smile and your best friend’s tunes. We really do hope that we’ll see you again soon.

To share all of ourselves with each one of us.

With our skills and scars, knowing we’re enough.

We are excited to meet you. So please do come through. We grow love here, in a thousand different ways. Every single one of us, every single day.

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Pjila’si Welcome

The Land We Are On

The Gottingen Street Neighbourhood Shop and Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax (Every One Every Day) exists in Halifax North, which is situated on Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. Oral histories, supported by written evidence and artifacts, tell us that the Mi’kmaq have occupied this territory for over 13,000 years.

Mi’kma’ki is covered by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship, which the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey, and Pesko tomuhkatiyik Peoples first signed with the British in 1726. These treaties did not implicate or affirm the surrender or transfer of lands and resources to the British but recog nized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey title and set the rules for what was to be a long-standing relationship between nations, initially preventing war and facilitating trade.

For the Mi’kmaq, these treaties are revered as legal covenants. These sacred pacts are the foundation of Mi’kmaq—Euro-Canadian government relations and we all, as Treaty people, must recognize and appreciate their legitimacy if we are to truly acknowledge the presence of the Mi’kmaq, both in the past and the present.


A Thousand 2

Pjila’si Welcome

The Ambition

Building Participation Culture

Integrating Learning

Neighbourhood Shop

Circle of Change

Evaluation Approach

This land acknowledgement is a commitment to build upon as we recognize that such statements are inconse quential without meaningful action toward reconciliation.

Through a process of reflection and unlearning, we continue to educate ourselves on the legacies of colo nialism, now and moving forward, with an unbiased and concrete understanding of our shared history and of the culture and traditions of the First Peoples of the stolen lands we are operating on.


Msit no’kmaq is a Mi’kmaw term meaning, “All my rela tions”. It signifies a respect for the interconnectedness that exists among ourselves, with our surrounding envi ronment, and with the sacredness of Mother Earth and all of Creator’s gifts.

We invite all of our partners and contributors to consider Msit no’kmaq as we move forward together in creat ing healthy and sustainable communities that support an ecosystem of participation, and mutual respect and understanding.

2022 Overview 20

Resident Experience & Impact


Truth and Reconciliation 29

Adaptability of the Approach 33

Sustainability and Scale


Closing Statement 40


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The Ambition

Every One Every Day Halifax-Kjipuktuk has a big ambition:

To build a new system of neighbourhood participation that is reconciliation focused and inclusive to all—where a new foundation for civic and social infrastructure is built upon relationships between people, nature, and place, and where residents can actively contribute to a more reconciled future for all.

To measure the value that is co-created by the participa tion ecosystem and to establish its viability as a long-term pathway for building neighbourhoods and cities that are happier, more resilient, and socially connected.

“To rise to the massive global challenges that face us all, we need new models for shifting culture. Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax is one powerful model for deep, place-based transformation. At the scale of neighbourhoods, it represents the world we need to build, collectively. Simply put, it inspires us to re-imagine how we live and work together in the future.”

Placing people at the heart of neighbourhood development.

The relationships we build every day matter; And what we do together every day matters too. Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax creates infrastructure for weaving the diverse threads of our communities together, through spaces designed for bridging—where neighbours can meet based on shared interests and build new relation ships with one another and with place. It puts residents at the heart of decision making, where they have the tools and supports necessary to work together daily on prac tical and creative projects that help to shape the kind of neighbourhoods they wish to live in, and are about thriv ing in a more prosperous future for all.

Weaving Truth & Reconciliation into the design of civic and social infrastructure.

The journey of Reconciliation is rooted in relation ships and honoring processes of truth and healing. So, we must create systems designed for this very thing—relationships between residents, organizations,

and governments—first to build understanding across our ways of being and knowing, and to shift mindsets, systems and structures to not only account for these differences, but also to honor them through the ways we live and learn in society together. Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax creates opportunities to bring reconcili ation to life across neighbourhoods—through enhancing Indigenous identity and belonging in the urban context, and building new relationships that are about learning, and fostering harmonious interactions with each other and the places we call home.

“If reconciliation could be done quickly, or by any one group alone, it would already be done.”

Creating conditions for people and institutions to collaborate.

In partnership with the Participatory City Foundation and Participatory Canada, Every One Every Day is creating robust social infrastructure that has potential to trans form people’s lives and the neighbourhoods in which they live. The urgent challenges of our time require new systems and structures that empower local people to contribute local solutions, as they are uniquely posi tioned to do. And with an ecosystem of local, National and International actors, to nurture new models of stew ardship and shared ownership that make way for cities not designed for populations, but for generations- past present and future. This work can’t be done alone; But rather, it will take the minds and hearts of many—there is no other way.

“We need each other, and with the right opportunities, the right invitation, at the right time, in the right space, we simply can’t resist being together.”

4 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

Initiating The Every One Every Day Platform & Participation Ecosystem

In Kjipuktuk-Halifax, the emerging participation platform consists of five inter-connected elements:

1. A neighbourhood team that supports overlapping functions related to platform development and growth including co-design with residents, communications, and developing systems of operation. The co-design process is a field of practice that is of great importance as it places local residents at the heart of a growing network of participation projects. The starting platform team consist ed of seven team members—two who had been present during early phases of work and deeply immersed in both participatory approaches and the emerging vision for Halifax. Five new team members were hired between Jan-Feb 2022, with roles that were developed based on insights from the Every One Every Day project in East London, UK.

2. A growing network of neighbourhood infrastructure that works to increase inclusivity across spaces and projects. Anchored by the Gottingen St. Neighbourhood Shop, this collection of spaces is emerging based on relationships built throughout the pilot, and continues to grow and deepen based on continued surfacing of mutu ally beneficial activities.

3. A range of open invitations, shared through diverse communication channels including regular cycles of newspapers that get distributed doorto-door. The newspapers play a valuable role in helping to communicate what the plat form is across broad audiences, while also sharing stories and opportunities around the growing participation ecosystem. In particular, the content and visuals within the newspaper have become a useful channel for sharing knowledge, and the emerging vision, for weaving Truth and Reconciliation into our work.

Spring Program

• 6000 newspapers printed

• 5186 delivered door-to-door

• 814 picked up or distributed to local organisations and businesses.

Fall Program

• 9000 newspapers printed

• 7627 delivered door-to-door

• 1373 picked up or distributed to local organisations and businesses.

4. An evolving system of operations to enable the team to streamline complex collaborative processes and maintain high levels of organization and communication across team members and with residents.

5. A growing collection of equipment & supplies that develops based on resident needs and interests and can support a growing collection of projects that vary in scale.


Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 5
neighbourhoodteam n e ighbourhood infrastruct u r e openinvitationssystem of operations eq u ipment & supplies Participation
Icons by Made x Made from the Noun Project d ecolonized learning&practi c e inclusivity principles Circle of Change

Building Participation Culture

Above all, the work to build participation culture centers on shifting mindsets and practice from service-orient ed models, towards participatory and person-centered approaches that work to build collective agency and ownership. This requires a deeper lens and purpose when thinking about the ways in which we draw upon the unique gifts and talents of residents, and nurture new connections between people and across projects. Counter to familiar service delivery models, the approach centers on getting to know the likes and preferences of unique individuals, and finding ways to connect them with others based on shared interests and mutually beneficial project ideas. In the work to date, this nuanced way of working has surfaced important insights into the nature of how residents feel about themselves and their role in the neighbourhood.

Communicating & Connecting with Residents

Finding effective ways to describe the platform and its potential benefits for people and the neighbourhood has proven to be a challenging task for all. This is particu larly true at such an early phase, where an established network of residents and projects has not yet been built. While it is recognized that this will take time to demon strate, it requires on-going practice to illustrate and describe foundational concepts such as co-design with residents, ecosystem building, and embedding princi ples of Truth & Reconciliation.

“People still think they need permission, but are slowly learning that they are free to come in and help themselves.”

–Neighbourhood Project Designer

Stimulating Participation & Co-Creation

Observations from the neighbourhood team have indi cated that while many residents feel an immediate sense of comfort and safety within the Neighbourhood Shop, there is still much hesitation around initiating participation projects and sharing or acting upon new ideas to shape the neighborhood. This reflects the personal nature of a residents’ journey and calls for a greater emphasis to be placed on experimenting with new and varied ways to stimulate and invite different forms of participation.

“The hope is that people will learn that it’s better to do things together. To realize the power in numbers and get in the mindset that transcends individual crisis.”

–Tim Warin, Participatory City Tutor

Cultivating Specialized Support for Skills Development & Training

While an essential function of the platform is to create the conditions for residents to share knowledge and skills, the initial phase of development has illuminated an opportunity to cultivate a network of local people and/or organizations with specialized skills, to support the initi ation and growth of new projects. To date, desired skills that have emerged in conversations with residents relate to different forms of art, building, woodworking, coding, 3-D printing, and podcasting.

Integrating Decolonized Practice

Integrating decolonized practice across structural and programmatic elements of the platform requires more than just incorporating Indigenous worldview and proto cols; It demands a deeper look into the systems we are connected to and an examination of our own individual mindsets. To begin this process, the team participated in sharing circles and conversation with Elders and Knowl edge Keepers connected to the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. This provided insights into the ways in which Every One Every Day could contribute to, and incorporate decolonized learning and practice into our work. In particular it helped us to realize that we are all starting this journey from different places of awareness of the history and culture of Indigenous nations and the impact of colonization.

“Decolonized practice” refers to the ways in which we choose to examine and undo colonizing processes that are woven into our social fabric and institutions, and hold up structures of discrimination, oppression, and power imbalances. Examples of decolonized practices could be centering marginalized voices, recognizing Indige nous sovereignty, and sharing power.

6 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

One of the on-going stim ulation projects at the Shop is our Community Wool Art project. Here, residents can come in to the Shop and work away, while starting new conversation with others in the community, or brainstorming new ideas to co-de sign with our Neighbourhood Project Designers.

Insights and Areas for Growth:

• Practicing new ways to describe what the platform is and creating interactive tools that help to illustrate the potential benefits of participating.

• Bringing participatory experiences out into public spaces and finding exciting ways to capture resident interest and creativity around larger scale projects that build connections across the neighbourhood.

• Activating the power of stimulation within the shop to invite new ideas, spark creativity, and imagine beyond what already exists.

• Cultivating an internal work-style that is creative, generative, and collaborative—harnessing co-production skills that mirror the ways in which residents can work together to design and activate new ideas in the neighbourhood.

• Leveraging local partnerships that help to embed specialized knowledge and skills into the platform as it grows.

• Exploring the potential for “trainers in residence” that could be called upon to support the development of specialized skills as required to initiate or grow projects.

Integrating Learning

An important factor of supporting a participatory ecosys tem, is the need for ongoing learning and unlearning, and adapting our strategy as areas for growth begin to surface. As we move through the work, it is crucial that there are many and varied approaches to team learning and development that cover content as it lands. Once the project team was assembled, we began team learn ing sessions around decolonization and reconciliation, starting with the history of the Mi’kmaq after European contact and the significance of our Living Treaties. This learning will make up a large part of the Reconciliation Framework we are building.

Another key area for team learning and development is around participation culture and how it can be inte grated here, in Kjipuktuk-Halifax. The UK Team helped to develop our understanding of inclusive, and meaningful participation, and helped us to fully realize the potential it has in building social infrastructure that is designed for everyone.

Learning with Participatory City (PC) and Every One Every Day Barking & Dagenham (London, UK)

• Study Trip to the Every One Every Day Project in Barking & Dagenham, East London—A one-week intensive learning experience where we visited four Shop locations and the Warehouse (35,000 sf public access makers space), for in-depth experiential learn ing and sharing across contexts.

• Halifax Learning Camps—The Halifax Learning Camps offer in-depth learning from Participatory City’s set of approaches, but in the local context.

• Coaching from PC City Tutors—Virtual tutoring sessions have been monumental for our team learn ing since day one, and continue to be an essential space for questions and dialogue surrounding both theory and practice.

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Facilitated Learning & Reflection

• Truth and Reconciliation Sessions—Centering Truth and Reconciliation in our work calls for each team member to take a deep dive into the sometimes-un comfortable places in our consciousness to consider the systems and relationships we hold and how they could possibly contribute to furthering the colonial agenda. Once our team was fully formed, we made it a point to begin collaborations with local Elders and community members to engage in decolonial learn ing and practice, and become more knowledgeable about the First Peoples of these lands.

• Health & Safety, First Aid & Crisis Intervention—As Every One Every Day is a mainstay for the commu nity it is important that all of our team members are up to date with First Aid learning, crisis intervention skills, and food safety. Since opening the Shop, we have also surfaced other opportunities for training, especially concerning care and assistance for mental health crisis.

• Development Camps—Development Camps following each program cycle provide structured time for the team to engage in refelction & sense-making while also identifying needed adaptations and future strat egy. Our first Development Camp was generative and productive - allowing space to build a set of values and practices related to team culture, co-creating project frameworks as a team, and engaging in plan ning around partnerships and platform expansion.

Learning with & from Ecosystem Partners

• Informal learning and partner gatherings (emerg ing)—Every One Every Day partner gatherings are an opportunity for contributors, from all reaches of our growing ecosystem, to be together and participate in ceremony and in-depth conversations, from the ground to the strategic level, and gain further insight into our individual contributions and shared vision. Our first partner gathering in late fall is the start of a new approach to systems building that we wish to continue as we grow together in the work.

Personal Learning & Discovery

• Learning and synthesizing evaluative thinking among team members—There is a need to integrate evaluative thinking more fully in our work culture and individual mindsets. Because we are always researching and adapting our strategies, approach ing our interactions and tasks with a critical evaluative lens is of great benefit to our program, and as a deep demonstration campus.

• Monthly team reflections—Starting in April, our team has consistently given their personal insights through a monthly reflections template. These insights are used to address any emerging concerns with the Shop, program, or team processes, and also offer a place for team members to journal their own personal development as a team member and as a contributor to the participatory ecosystem.

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Neighbourhood Shop

Shop 1: Gottingen Street, North End Halifax

The shop on Gottingen St. Is 2270 sqaure meters, located on a busy main street in Halifax North.

This specific location holds significance in several differ ent ways. It is across the street from where the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre ran its core operations for over 30 years, becoming a safe and welcoming space in the neighbouhood for Indigenous community members to access culturally relevant programs and services. This site is also just a few blocks away from where the new Wije’winen Centre will be built - an essential landmark that will become a central hub for cultural collaboration and an important symbol of Indigenous identity and belonging in the urban context.

Main open area: includes kitchen, planting area, sewing area, “mini-makers” area, tool wall, creation zone, relaxed seating area, and open space for modular tables and seating.

Rooms: Resident Office and Workspace, Team Office, Storage Room; Quiet Room.

The shop has large windows facing onto Gottingen Street, which allow people to see the activity inside. There are invitations written on the windows to indicate that people walking by are welcome and encouraged to come in.

“People are having a physical reaction when they come into the shop, they grab their heart and take a deep breath, and are in awe.”

-Neighbourhood Project Designer

The Gottingen St. Shop was secured in March 2022 and opened its doors to local residents in June 2022. The creation of the shop posed the first major design chal lenge for the team and provided in-depth experiential learning around infrastructure that is purpose-built for inclusive participation. While each member of the plat form team contributed to the design and outfit of the space, the overall look and feel of it was deeply informed

10 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

From the very beginning, it was apparent that residents felt the uniqueness and positive energy that filled the Gottingen Street Neighbourhood Shop. On multiple occasions, our team noted the reaction of residents as they walked through the entrance. Many gasped in wonder, put their hand over their heart and stood, if only for a few seconds, in awe.

by the shop spaces in Barking & Dagenham. While resi dents did not take part in the design and set-up of the space, they continue to inform of its use and develop ment as the shop becomes known as a family gathering and co-creation space in the neighbourhood.

Since launching the shop, the team has made several key observations that are helping to inform needed adapta tions as we learn more about how residents interpret and interact with the space and the role that this plays build ing participation culture across the neighbourhood.

“I’m drawn to the Shop because it’s an active space where there’s always things changing and moving”

Resident Workspace Team Office Storage Room “mini-makers” area Sewing and Crafting Quiet Room Washroom Kitchen Planting Seating Tool Wall
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Attracting more residents through new and varied invitations.

The shop itself has proven to be a powerful tool for communicating elements of our intent and vision, and attracting new people to come into the Shop takes on-go ing experimentation. Furthermore, the fact that we are new and unfamiliar requires an element of trust-building, particularly for residents who have lived in the North End for a long time and may or may not be hesitant in the face of new developments.

Welcoming Children as Mini-Makers.

Children and families are welcome and encouraged to use the shop in all its forms, and a central aim of this work is to invite children to become “mini-makers” in their own neighbourhoods. In some cases, this can also turn into a relaxed space for care-givers to let their guard down and rely on team members for ensuring safe practices and stimulating interaction with the space.

Fostering a Sense of Care and Ownership in Public Space.

Set-up of the Shop is designed to invite residents in and as quickly as possible and foster a sense of care and ownership that can easily lend itself to initiating and taking part in a range of co-creation activities. The careful balance, as discovered by the neighbourhood team, is to avoid the feeling of it becoming a neighbourhood “drop-in” space—where residents feel at ease to relax and gather, but where participation and co-creation can easily fall to the wayside.

Maintaining Safe Spaces Where Everyone Can Feel Included.

At times, some residents have needed support outside of the inscribed roles and responsibilities of the project team. While it is important to support residents as they walk through the door, it is most important to ensure the safety of all in the space, including team members. The team gathers each week to discuss issues as they arise, giving opportunites to discern what the boundaries are between being considerate of people’s situations, and when this becomes unsafe or works to exclude others.

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Insights and Areas for Growth:

• Experimenting with new and varied ways to extend invitations onto the street and out into the neighbourhood.

• Enhancing the natural benefit of large open windows by encouraging participatory activities to take place in the front area of the shop, where passersby can view in from the street.

• Identifying trusted leaders and champions in the neighbourhood who can help to promote the vision, build trust, and attract or accompany more residents into the space.

• Deeping relationships with local organizations and businesses to identify specific opportunities for expanding inclusivity across spaces and projects that might currently cater to targeted needs or audiences.

• Finding respectful ways to communicate and model how children must be accompanied and supported as mini-makers within the Neighbourhood shop(s) and across projects.

“I know I can come, see all your faces and know I am safe.”
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Circle of Change

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Why a “Circle of Change”?

The Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax Circle of Change demonstrates the pathways identified to achieve the shared goals of Every One Every Day and provides a high-level description of the interventions that will be used to create an ecosystem of inclusive, and meaning ful participation. The circle represents a cycle that flows continuously and reminds us that if we put out good energy, it will come back to us. Nukumi, the grandmother of Kluscap (a cultural hero of the Mi’kmaq), is placed at the centre of the circle, signifying the Indigenous knowl edge and wisdom needed to surface truth and centre our work in the process of reconciliation and healing.

Sharing the Story

Every One Every Day is rooted in the idea that building an ecosystem of inclusive and meaningful participation in and among neighbourhoods will support co-created, cooperative communities. Everyday practical partici pation projects that allow opportunities for residents to benefit from and contribute to spaces and projects in their community will build social cohesion, and support inclusive circular economies.

Central moving components that make our work possible

Meaningful and Inclusive Participation

When people see themselves reflected in the spaces and activities happening in their community, they feel welcome, comfortable, and included. When people have access to support and resources in their community, they feel a sense of safety and confidence. When people see value in, and positive outcomes from, co-created commu nity initiatives, they feel motivated to participate.

These qualities are at the heart of meaningful and inclu sive participation, which nourishes the Every One Every Day Circle of Change, and renews community spirit.

Co-created System for Citizen-led Life and Learning

Every One Every Day builds co-create systems that strengthen support and structures for community-led decision making, and encourages residents to share knowledge, skills, and talents with others in their commu nity through informal opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve over a lifetime.

These co-created systems establish trusting relation ships among contributors and create the conditions to achieve our shared goals, together, in a good way.

Practicing Netukulimk

The Mi’kmaw teaching of Netukulimk, asks us, as individ uals and as community members, to protect our shared resources and advocate for a prosperous community life that is sustainable for the next seven generations.

This teaching guides our interventions within the circle of change and reminds us to be cognizant of our actions and the impact they will have on Sitqamu’k, “Mother Earth”, and on one another. In Mi’kmaw culture, sweetgrass, the hair of Mother Earth, is a sacred medicine. When used in ceremony, sweetgrass is burned to cleanse one’s spirit and attract positive energy. The sweetgrass braid brings positive energy to the circle of change

Centering Our Work in Truth and Reconciliation

Every One Every Day is committed to centering Truth and Reconciliation in our work by creating opportunities for shared learning around the history and culture of Indig enous Peoples, and adopting decolonized learning and practice, and participating in reconciliatory action.

In Mi’kmaw culture, Nukumi, Kluscap’s grandmother, shares her wisdom around the great Spirit Fire. Being created from ancient rock, she provides Kluscap with infinite knowledge that will sustain life and all the gifts provided by Sitqamu’k (Mother Earth). Centering truth and reconciliation in Every One Every Day supports healing and balance across communities and within the circle of change.

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GOAL: Social Cohesion and Resilience

As people and communities, we are faced with a variety of challenges at any given time, many of which are unpredictable; In co-creating cohesive and resilient communities, we become prepared to weather the storm.

When unexpected bad weather hits, and a community is faced with troubled waters, there must be a collec tive commitment to work and learn together to keep the community boat from capsizing and continue rowing in the direction of our shared goals.

Trust and Belonging Among Neighbours

Every One Every Day creates welcoming and inviting spaces for neighbours to gather, take part, and contrib ute with others in their neighbourhood. As a result, new and strengthened networks of relationships and friend ships are created, increasing a sense of trust, belonging, and togetherness among neighbours.

Self-Sustaining Families and Communities

Every One Every Day generates opportunities for resi dents to learn new skills that support “Do-It-Yourself” culture and help to save money and resources, build confidence and agency, and increase overall capacity for self-sustaining families and communities.

Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellbeing

Every One Every Day activities and projects that enable physical activity with others, opportunities to connect with nature, and emphasize the importance of taking care of Spirit, help to promote physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing for individuals and their fami lies, and the overall community.

Cross-Cultural and Intergenerational Learning

Every One Every Day is building a support platform that can nurture cross-cultural connections and create opportunities for cultural knowledge to be shared and celebrated through culturally infused participation proj ects. These projects also create space for learning and sharing among families and across generations.

What we are striving for, together, in a good way
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GOAL: Inclusive Circular Economies

Every One Every Day explores opportunities to build collaborative business programs that offer supporting infrastructures (workspaces, equipment, technical exper tise, training & supplies) to enable as many residents as possible to collectively design, make, and test products or services in the community.

The community, and its individual members and families, are central to the success and growth of local economic activities, and distribute the strength and stamina needed to keep the gears turning in the circle of change.

Vibrant, Informal Economies

Every One Every Day creates opportunities to increase community members contributing to, and benefiting from informal economic activities, and promote a new narrative that highlights the value of social, informal economies.

Networks of Learning and Mentorship

Every One Every Day connects residents, who are interested in producing and marketing local goods and services, to established networks of peer mentorship and learning, and provides many and varied entry points to participate in collaborative business and marketing activities.

Skills and Resource Sharing

Every One Every Day promotes skills and resource sharing within the community by creating opportunities for accessible skills training, by and for residents, and offering low to no cost equipment, tools, and expertise.

Pathways to Bring Many Businesses and Ideas to Life

Every One Every Day provides low risk opportunities for residents to develop and test products and services through many and varied invitations to explore collabo rative business ideas.

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This is my home, my children's home, my grandchildren's home, my great grandchildren's home. Whatever we give to our children, they give back to us.”

Evaluation Approach

Our evaluation approach is rooted in the Mi’kmaw teach ing of Etuaptmumk, “Two-eyed Seeing”, introduced by Elder Albert Marshall of Eskasoni First Nation. This teaching asks us to take the strengths of both a colo nized world and an Indigenous world, and, through both lenses, build greater capacity and success for all. Our approach to evaluation integrates Indigenous knowl edge systems with methods drawn from developmental evaluation practices. This dualistic approach to evalua tion offers a more inclusive and comprehensive way of thinking about, designing, and conducting research and provides unique contributions to solving important prob lems.

Our aim is to introduce participatory research methods into our evaluation practice because we understand that the process of gaining knowledge is sacred, and commu nity is the holder and owner of this knowledge and their involvement is fundamental to an evaluation plan that is culturally responsive, relevant, and in the spirit of reci procity and good relations. Our research and evaluation strategies are in a continual process of refinement, improvement, and learning towards ever better practice.

Building flexibility into the evaluation process to allow for meaningful community involvement.

Community involvement in research and evaluation occurs along a continuum. This continuum ranges from sharing family stories across generations to engaging in consultation, and collaborating at key stages of the project. Designing places and spaces for meaningful community involvement allows for more accurate knowl edge production and fits into larger participation efforts.

Defining and learning about the community, from the community's perspective.

Learning about experiences such as living through the Covid-19 pandemic and other aspects of life is critical to conducting respectful research and helps to establish evaluation practices that are culturally sensitive, rele vant, and responsive. Prior to the Spring Program, our team facilitated two community gatherings, in February (virtual), and March (hybrid: virtual and in person), and one host gathering (virtual) in early June. Although atten dance numbers were low, 31 residents in total, there was no shortage of resident-led conversations and sharing. Through these positive engagement experiences, our team cultivated a deeper understanding of the residents’ connections to the North End and learned about many aspects of North End culture and the generations of fami lies who live there.

Insights and Areas for Growth:

• Giving greater focus on collaborative evaluation planning with residents.

• Creating a suitable approach to team reflection that is capable of meeting evaluation objectives and is flexible enough to accommodate team member’s varying workloads

• Planning for knowledge sharing and community action.

"Spreading closeness is important, especially for the younger generation."
Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 19
Illustration by Rachel Derrah
“ We are excited to meet you. So please do come through. We grow love here, in a thousand different ways. Every single one of us, every single day.” (from ‘A Thousand’ by Rebecca Thomas)

Resident Experience & Impact

The Every One Every Day platfrom launched in Halifax in June 2022 with the roll-out of our inagural Spring Program. With just one seasonal program cycle complet ed to date, there are limitations to evaluating resident impact so early in our work. However, there are numer ous accounts of rewarding resident expereinces that have been observed and shared since the Shop opened. These early insights indicate the potential to not only impact residents’ lives over the long-term, but influence their experience in the day-to-day, and address some of the current crisis communities may be dealing with.

Rediscovering the Benefits of Togetherness.

Between getting caught up in daily tasks and the fluc tuating nature of Covid-19 restrictions, it’s easy to feel isolated. The participatory activities in the Shop, and during program, encouraged residents to invest time in relationships. Through observations made by the team, and the sharing of experiences by residents, we learned that enjoying time with others does not need to be about big gatherings and celebratory occasions, but rather the little moments (that have big meaning)

Experiencing Other Cultures.

The most attended and sought-after sessions during the Spring Program were the sessions that offered opportu nities for residents to learn about Indigenous culture and take part in Indigenous themed activities. These sessions helped to break down barriers for some residents who were unsure of where to start to learn about local Indig enous culture, and connected others to opportunities to discover their own Indigeneity.

“A family who adopted their daughter from Iqaluit attended the session as they want to ensure she is learning about her culture. It was beautiful to see them there.”

“Because of Covid, we have to relearn how to be and come together again”
–Neighbourhood Project Designer
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Sara and Arsellah

“This place is great! It’s become our second home. It’s now a part of my 2 y/o daughters bedtime routine, to make sure we’re visiting the shop the next day. Needless to say, we wish Every One Every Day was open 7 days a week!”

Building Confidence in One’s Abilities Through Interactions with Others.

One of the impacts Every One Every Day aims to achieve is building resiliency among residents, and in commu nity. Although the long-term impact of social resilience may take some time to realize, we have tracked several instances of residents, who co-designed and hosted sessions, reporting an increase in confidence and decrease in their limiting beliefs about what they are capable of.

“Residents are sharing with us that they never had a space to do this before, or they thought they had to be an expert to share something they like to do, so they are surprised when they’re in our space, it gives them confidence.”

–Neighbourhood Project Designer

A Welcoming Invitation for Newcomers.

It is important that our Shop is welcoming to a variety of different cultures and that our activities are culturally responsive to foster a sense of belonging among new families. Co-designing sessions that offer opportunities for newcomer residents to share their traditions with others has been one form of invitation that shows promise to making newcomers feel a connection to community.

–Sara, Resident
24 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

“This was the first time since moving to Canada, that I thought somebody knew me, that they wanted to be with me.”

Cultivating a Deeper Understanding of Others. How we respond to others can make them feel supported or it can make them feel disconnected. When residents have opportunities to come together to interact and share stories, it helps provide insights into the livelihood of others and helps cultivate a sense of solidarity. Many of the sessions that were held during the Spring Program offered space for deeper conversations and enriching experiences of connection and kinship. Of the 55 partic ipants who offered session feedback, 71% reported that they made a new connection or friendship because of attending the session.

“Because of my conversation with Elders and community members during Tea, I gained a deeper understanding of other’s experiences”


“My voice was unheard, and my identity meant nothing to nobody till I met Julie at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center. She invited me to be a part of Everyone Everyday as a host, to share my culture and cuisine. I never thought there were people in Canada who loved to learn and enjoy Indian culture and cuisine. It was a pleas ant experience to teach and educate people about the spices we use in our cooking and their benefits. Everyone Everyday is a platform where people can come together and share their experiences, knowledge, and culture with the community. It is a place to call home with a diverse community coming together under one roof with love.”

–Veronica, Resident –Resident –Resident
Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 25

Experiencing something new and expanding skillsets. During the Spring Program residents had many and varied opportunities to experience something for the first time. For instance, of the 55 participants who offered session feedback, 96% reported they learned or tried something new. At the heart of building self-sustaining families and communities, is a strong beat of expanding skillsets and “Do It Yourself” culture. Our Spring Program offered opportunities for residents to do just that, leaving them with new skills and knowledge to build upon.

Who is Participating?


Acquiring the Neighbourhood Shop on Gottingen Street really allowed our team to connect with residents more often, and in profound ways. When asking residents to sign up to Every One Every Day, having the Shop as a mainstay really allowed people to better understand what they were signing up for and how the community could benefit. To date we have 261 residents registered, 100 of which occurred during our Spring Program. Of the resi dents who signed up at that time, 44% were between the ages of 21 to 40 years old and 68% identified as female.

38 sessions offered

“The Mobile Planters Build was a great example, no one had worked with tools. Someone said, my dad always dealt with it”
–Neighbourhood Project Designer
“Having choices available, different things to do and different ways to do them is important.”
26 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax
96% rated their experience as excellent 87% said the session was very well organized 71% made a new friend or connection in the community 96% learned or tried something new 209 total participants 115 were new participants

Insights and Areas for Growth:

• Deepening collaboration with community partners to ensure the involvement of diverse members of the community.

• Reaching further, considering the demographic of residents who are not signing up, in future planning, co-design, and invitation efforts.

• Looking for opportunities to encourage and support residents’ transition from participating in projects to leading a new project or co-hosting with others.

• Furthering our understanding of newcomers and their culture through self-education.

• Learning common phrases in a newcomer’s language.

Truth and Reconciliation

To fully realize the decisions, practices, and actions that are necessary to centre Truth and Reconciliation in our work, we need to continue integrating reflective and reflexive practices in the sphere of the Every One Every Day network. Discerning our accountabilities as Treaty people is essential to the journey. It is through this process that we will be best equipped to recognize and dismantle colonizing processes and take reconciliatory action.

Examples of our early thinking about bringing Reconciliation to life through the platform:

• Supporting First Nations, Inuit and Métis community members to develop participation projects that embed cultural teaching, and knowledge around Indigenous history and culture.

• Assessing the ways in which we work to support prac tices of reflection & reciprocity.

• Considering our individual and collective impacts on the natural world, and encouraging projects that support connection to nature.

• Using important communication channels, like the newspaper, to share elements of Indigenous wisdom and worldview.

• Identifying opportunities to work with Indigenous community members to enhance the presence of Indigenous culture across public spaces, including the shop.

Our exploration into the ways in which we could support Truth and Reconciliation learning-into-action has surfaced a set of guideposts which we developed to help align our intentions with concrete actions. These guideposts have been identified through our experiences and team learn ing to date, and are just the beginning of a long-term commitment to advance truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and the urban Indigenous popula tion of Kjipuktuk.


Considering our impact on the First Peoples of this land, and with the same lens, taking care to eliminate the on-going harm and oppression of racialized and marginalized communities.

Halifax North is home to many culturally diverse neigh bourhoods and communities. We understand that not all groups of residents share in the same experiences, many

whose life stories are impacted by the on-going effects of colonized processes that are woven deep within our economic and social infrastructure. This guidepost helps us to prevent further harm by requiring us to consistently examine our decision-making and actions, and become accountable to what we are modeling to community and the influence we have.

Building Indigenous identity and belonging in the urban context.

The reasons for the lack of Indigenous identity in public places and spaces in Kjipuktuk are complex and involve many facets of our shared history and muddled treaty relationship. Still, there is an ever-growing push from urban Indigenous groups and allies to increase the pres ence of Indigenous spirit and experience throughout the city. This guidepost inspires us to be creative and seek out opportunities that contribute to building Indige nous identity and Mi’kmaw story in neighbourhoods and communities, and to ensure these contributions are led by Indigenous people.

Creating space for truth and honouring the process of healing.

We are only beginning to understand the horrific realities of Canada’s dark history and the treatment of the First Peoples of these lands. It is our responsibility as Treaty people to make space for surfacing these uncomfort able truths within ourselves, the communities we are connected to, and the systems we uphold, and to do this in ways that are not extractive or harmful to Indige nous people. This guidepost pushes us to determine and acknowledge our positionality and welcomes spaces for sharing, with consid eration and care, using an Indigenous approach.

Thinking and acting for future generations.

Examples of adapting how we work or what we offer: no more use of plastic water bottles, introducing fresh foods and supporting local growers.

The Mi’kmaw teaching of Netukulimk, asks us, as individuals and as community members, to protect our shared resources and advocate for a prosperous community life that is sustainable for the next seven generations. We acknowledge that this way of being and walking in the world is important, now more than ever. This guidepost influences the decisions we make and requires us to plan for both the near and distant future realities of life on our Earth Mother.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things and being a good relative.

Many First Nations across Turtle Island share in the

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 29

ideology of “all my rela tions” and the embodiment of natural law. Here in Mi’kma’ki (the unceded and ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq), the expres sion “msit no’kmaq” is used, meaning “all my rela tions”. This acknowledges the interdependency of all living and natural things and recognizes the sacredness of people, land, and nature. This guidepost makes us accountable to one another, to our surrounding environment, and all that exists within, and ensures that the actions we take are rooted in love, respect, and reciprocity.

Every One Every Day Team

Creating a process for team learning around the history and culture of the Indigenous People of Turtle Island is a top priority. To move through the work in a way that is just and helps to accelerate the building of awareness and initiation of reconciliatory action, we also need to expand and deepen this learning by examining our current work culture and the relationships we hold with all contribu tors. A Reconciliation Framework is being built that gives structure to these accountabilities and helps us to make tangible our commitment to centering Truth and Recon ciliation in Evey One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax.


Central to our work in Halifax is the development of a new set of approaches to citizen-led life and learning that help to foster Truth and Reconciliation at the neighbour hood level. This means working closely with Indigenous people and communities in the urban context to foster a sense of belong ing, influence the creation of projects that invite learning around Indigenous culture, and weave Reconciliation principles and practices into the growing participation ecosystem.


Decolonizing the structures and processes that are embedded in and among systems is no easy feat. It is important to move beyond grabbing the low hanging fruit and start undertaking clear, concrete actions to dismantle prevailing deleterious structures and processes. Only then, can we rebuild new and equitable ways to live, work, and play together, where Indigenous presence is realized and all can thrive. Refer encing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s ‘96 Calls to Action’ and working alongside local Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers is a great place to start.

Insights and Areas for Growth:

• Creating a Reconciliation Framework that includes regular team learning sessions to develop a greater understanding of colonial processes and mindsets that show up in our work and our day to day lives.

• Integrating Indigenous practices and ceremony into our relations within our team, with partners, and in community.

• Incorporating Indigenous wisdom and perspective into everything we do.

• Creating a Guide Group made up of Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Indigenous artisans, Indigenous youth, and Two-Spirited folx

• Continuing to integrate Indigenous worldviews and perspectives in future partner gatherings

• Focusing efforts on attracting more of the urban Indigenous community and building in relevance of Indigenous experience.

“Turtle Island” is a term for North America. It has origins within the creation stories of many First Nations.
“Being a good relative” means to acknowledge the intercon nectedness among people, land, and nature by living in a way that honours a relation ship of respect, reciprocity, and stewardship.
30 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

Adaptability of the Approach

In partnership with the Participatory City Foundation, our success remains tethered to a field of practice that is helping to uncover universal mindsets, tools, and strat egies that help to nurture and grow participation culture at the neighbourhood level. On the ground, this is expe rienced as a practice of supporting ourselves and others to tap into our natural talents, and designing for human capabilities, rather than needs and nurturing feelings of commonality, over difference.

Another critical component of our journey is how we can work in ways that help to disrupt and dismantle existing structures of colonization and systemic oppression, in support of systems that prioritize relationships between people, land, and place, with accountabilities for future generations.

What these elements have in common are processes of learning and unlearning, to uncover the ways we have been conditioned and to call into question the systems and status quo that shape our daily movements and interactions. Tackling this is no small feat, and over the course of initiating the Every One Every Day platform, we continue sense-making around core elements of adaptability that are rooted in the context of place, and a deeper understanding that can only emerge through experimentation and practice.

Rooting ourselves and our work in the context of place.

Every One Every Day Kjipukutuk-Halifax offers a placebased approach that is deeply rooted in the history and geography of Halifax North, as well as the socio-eco nomic and political environment of Nova Scotia and the rest of Canada. This has meant critical dialogue within the team and with partners around the ways in which we can acknowledge and respond to on-going patterns of gentrification and honoring important processes of truth and healing. While the very nature of the platform is to emphasize the experience of commonality and connec tion, we recognize that to build relevance, trust, and connection within and across existing communities, we must find ways to enable and honor the Truth of people’s experience as it relates to place, while being careful not to fuel feelings of division and separation.

“The North End is a space of radical change, not necessarily in the most positive way.”

An important approach has been to bring in the voices of Community Elders to share wisdom, and support mean ingful conversations about the neighbourhood and the people who live there.

Activating Core Elements of a Demonstration Platform & Learning Campus.

As the Every One Every Day platform develops, we recognize the importance of communicating this work as a strategy for scaling deep – particularly when consid ering focused efforts around Truth and Reconciliation. It is not a replication model and we must be careful to illu minate its’ place-based nature and a scaling approach that is heavily tied to relational and systemic shifts within the local ecosystem. To support long-term processes of learning & scaling, it will require a growing investment and capacity in processes of knowledge building & trans lation that can support adaptation of the approach across other geographies and contexts.

Cultivating a Shared Field of Practice around Project Co-Design.

A set of Inclusivity Principles developed by the Partici patory City Foundation has provided us with a strong foundation, and insight into universal principles of prac tice that we have in common, and can use to that end. These principles inform an area of practice, understood as Project Do-Design, which requires a depth of care and intention to nurture in order to grow the participa tion ecosystem and avoid the stagnation of new ideas and projects over time. On-going practice to deepen our experience within this field of practice is critical to longterm success and presents an opportunity for shared learning that can be developed across jurisdictions. However, in Kjipuktuk, is further consideration of our role as Treaty people, and all that it entails. To that end, we are working to solidify a set or Reconciliation Guideposts that give credence to our actions and contribute to the global community, those who have been affected by colonization and assimilation policies.

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Building Team Culture and Practicing Shared Values.

As an ongoing process that is crucial to the longevity of our team and the work, creating a set of fine-grained, shared values that lead our work is at the forefront of our time spent together. These values will continue to grow and solidify as we move through the work, connecting with community, and other contributors, in a good way.

14 Design Principles for Inclusive Participation

1. Low time and commitment

2. No or low cost

3. Simple and straightforward

4. Many opportunities—wide variety

5. Nearby and accessible

6. From beginner to expert

7. Everyone equal

8. Promote directly and effectively

9. Introduce or accompany

10. Tangible benefits to people

11. Attracting not targeting

12. Fostering inclusive culture

13. 100% open—no stigma

14. Build projects with everyone

34 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

Sustainability and Scale

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax has the poten tial to change the way people understand and support one another and move from the ethos of individualism to the collective. This requires endless bouts of communal creativity and dedicated collaborations among neigh bours, local businesses and organizations, and strategic partners. It is only by leveraging and championing our collective skills, resources, and relationships that we can build a better tomorrow for everyone, today.

Shaping new narratives around abundance, creativity, and community innovation.

Across the globe, Participatory City and others are demon strating that with access to the right spaces, equipment, opportunities, and support—people will produce ideas and projects we may never think possible. And that when we design systems to draw upon the ideas and strengths of many different people, we can craft new narratives about each other and the world around us; Narratives that amplify feelings of commonality, and that notion that we have enough. Every One Every Day draws upon an underlying narrative that places abundance over scarcity, and connection over competition. In this way, calling us to see the many gifts that are already present within us and around us, and working together to nurture and grow collective creativity and a shared sense of abundance.


In the Mi’kmaw culture there is a value at the centre of everything we do: netukulimk (pronounced neh-DU-guh-limk). Its teachings—that the human and natural worlds are not separate from each other—are sewn into the fabric of Mi’kmaw iden tity, celebrated and acknowledged as a guiding principle in how we work, and how we interact with community and the land every day. Netukulimk means to have enough, but not more than enough. It teaches us to use natural bounty for ourselves and community sustenance, without wasting and jeopardizing it for the future. The Mi’kmaq have recognized and practiced this concept for centu ries and it has been the foundation for sustaining Mi’kmaq families, communities and society since time immemorial. One of the key practices of Netukulimk is understanding your impact on the natural world, and its life forms, and the future generations which guides us in a way to live and act responsibly in all aspects of our life.

Defining the right scale and pace at which to grow. We are called to consider the balance between value creation and the potential for systems transformation, while managing the complex needs and outputs of the work. Too often we are pushed to grow and replicate initiatives based on external forces and expectations that can undermine critical elements of the process and purpose. As a person-centered and place-based approach, the Every One Every Day platform needs to grow at a speed and scale that can demonstrate very high levels of inclusive participation, while also paying close attention to the range of outcomes that are essential for true success, such as understanding and integrating decolonized practice.

Building neighbourhoods for everyone, with everyone RENEW REIMAGINE & REDISCOVER SPRING2022 Friendship FALL 2022 PROGRAM Discover, Share and Celebrate Building neighbourhoodsfor everyone, with everyone
Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 37

Understanding how the broader ecosystem can be activated within the emerging ecosystem.

Across Halifax North, there is an abundance of supports, services and businesses that already create critical and positive impact across the neighbourhood; Yet a common thread among them is a targeted approach that seeks to build capacity and agency within a certain group of individuals, or across a specific set of opportunities. A critical strategy moving forward will be to understand and leverage how different organizations and business es can help to connect, weave, and fill in a broader set of opportunities that helps to expand inclusivity of the platform overall.

Illuminating the role of municipalities in reimagining the relationship between residents and local government and cultivating an environment of creativity and innovation in city-building.

Our work to date uncovers an essential need to work closely with our local municipality to remove barriers, champion public-private partnerships, and leverage municipal assets of all kinds. To date the active

involvement of Halifax Regional Municipality hinges on a few visionary people who understand the approach and its essential role in today’s era of city-building. If we are to grow the platform in ways that are meaningful and sustainable long-term, we require a deeper relationship with local government that embodies a commitment to shifting existing power structures, fostering new relation shiops with resdients that prioritize self-determination, and a sense of trust and belonging for all.

Clear and Compelling Story-Telling.

The Every One Every Day platform exists to not only harness the power of connection and co-creation, but also foster the emergence of stories and story-telling; Stories that illuminate the voices of many different resi dents and can inform our collective beliefs around who lives in our communities, what they value, and ultimately, who belongs. An important part of our work is to illumi nate these stories and the potential that can be realized when the well-being of people and the planet are placed at the heart of neighborhood and city building.

Opportunities to expand the platform in mutually beneficial ways:

Every One Every Day

Community Build Trailer

The Community-Build Trailer began with an emerging relationship with a local participatory design firm called OSO planning + design and a way to grow the Every One Every Day platform to create mutually beneficial connections with emerging ecosystem actors.

The trailer is being designed with residents to support a range of projects across the North End and inspire fresh ideas around how local people can work together to shape different spaces in their own neighbourhoods. This specialized piece of infrastructure will be equipped to build a multitude of resident-inspired projects, and facilitate skills building and sharing through small to medium-sized builds that benefit the neighbourhood.

An important component of its’ development is working closely with Halifax Regional Municipality to identi fy opportunities to station the trailer on different public properties as a means to facilitate new connections with local residents. Thinking longer-term, it presents opportunities for social enterprise and offers a tangible example of how public, private and social sector partnerships can be fostered to create positive change at the neighbourhood level.

The Community-Build Trailer will also serve as a highly visible vehicle for communications—helping to spread awareness and excitement of the opportunities that exist through Every One Every Day while also building new ideas about what projects can be brought to life across different parts of the neighbourhood.

38 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

Closing Statement

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax aims to inspire a way of life in neighbourhoods and communities where the things that we value, like relationships, culture, or connection to nature, are reflected in the places we live and the things we do together. And, where reconciliation can be practiced daily, through welcoming opportunities to learn about Indigenous culture and history, spending time together, and sharing across cultures to create a new path forward.

In the short time that Every One Every Day has been operating in Kjipuktuk, we have seen a glimpse of many differ ent residents working side-by-side to bring ideas to life in the neighbourhood while supporting others to take part. We have sparked excitement and curiosity around what life could be like if everyday, there were inviting spaces for neighbours to easily connect, share, learn, and create. At the centre of all of this, we have initiated a journey towards reconciliation in neighbourhoods, sparking our collective imaginations around what’s possible with spaces and opportunities to be together in new ways.

While we hope this is just the beginning, the vision for Every One Every Day rests in the hands of no single individual or organization, but rather, is an invitation for all of us to take part in creating a future society that centres connected ness, healing, regeneration, and where the creative potential of everyone, can be realized.

Wela’lin ~ Thank You


We are grateful to the many people who have contributed to bring Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk-Halifax to where it is today. A special thanks to:

The residents and neighbours of North End Halifax-Kjipuktuk.

Pamela Glode Desrochers, Executive Director, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre

Jayne Engle, Co-Director, Participatory City Canada/Global Tessy Britton, Founder, Participatory City Foundation

Jennifer Angel, former Chief Executive Officer, Develop Nova Scotia

Every One Every Day Project Team Members (Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre)

Aimee Gasparetto, Program Director

Tammy Mudge, Learning and Evaluation

Jocelyn Spence, Media and Design

Killa Atencio, Neighbourhood Project Designer

Julie Melanson, Nieghbourhood Project Designer

Kate Sunabacka, Neighbourhood Project Designer

With Support from MNFC Elder, Debbie Eisan, Theresa Meuse, and Wyatt White

Participatory City Foundation

Nat Defriend, Chief Executive Officer

Tim Warin, PC City Tutor Aggie Paulauskaite, PC City Tutor

Saira Awan, PC City Tutor

Laura Rogocki, PC City Tutor

Local Organizations & Businesses

Collaborators within the emerging local ecosystem. AlterEgos Café Common Good Solutions Halifax North Library Hope Blooms

North End Business Association

OSO planning + design

Wonder’neath Art Society

Participatory City Canada/Global

Our newest friends and colleagues who have recently joined this journey of collaboration and co-creation.

Tanya Chung Tiam-Fook, Co-Director Prachir Pasricha, Coordinator


McConnell Foundation Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Invest Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Covid-19 Response Council Emera Halifax Regional Municipality

Shaune Mackinlay, Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Halifax

Cheryl Copage-Gehue, Indigenous Community Engagement Advisor, Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Conor O’dea, Social Policy Advisor, Government Relations and External Affairs

Paul Johnston, Managing Director, Government Relations and External Affairs

Our warmest thanks and appreciation to everyone who has contributed space, inspiration, ideas, and resources, and engaged in the vision of inclusive participation and Reconciliation in Kjipuktuk-Halifax.

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax 41

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax is a project of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, in partnership with the Participatory City Foundation and Participatory Canada.

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax is supported by

42 Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk / Halifax

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