Worms & Mushrooms guidelines I
BOX OF brand which can be used for various products. The logo draws inspiration from the original Biospheric Foundation logo, using warm earthy colours and the following handwritten typefaces: Positiv-A Pointy Demo Regular
R=149 G=205 B=56 C=46 M=0 Y=100 K=0
R=121 G=77 B=32 C=38 M=65 Y=99 K=34
BOX OF packaging using recycled paper
Using the existing Biospheric foundation website I have created a subpage for the BOX OF brand
Worms & Mushrooms guidelines II
EVELINA ANGELOVA Infographic, aiming to encourage people to eat more mushrooms. It can be used as a poster, wallpaper or even wrapping paper and decoration for the Mushrooms workshops.
GAME OF MUSHROOMS - a mobile app with 2 basic functions: 1. Mushroom scanner which recognises the type of mushroom it has scanned and gives some basic information for example if this type is safe to eat. 2. Mushroom recognition game with multiple choise options, which gives trivia after a right answer.
Worms & Mushrooms guidelines III
Worms & Mushrooms guidelines IV
Mushrooms workshops raising awareness about the health benefits of mushrooms, through games with prizes. Target group: Families with children
Mushrooms workshops invitation leaflet and visualisation