issue no. 2
e f i L p Hem e n i z a g a M
news, food, hemp. EVOHEMP.COM
issue no. 2
letter from the editor
Hi guys,
With the farm bill of 2014 almost passing it's very exciting time for the hemp industry. Industrial hemp as been illegal, federally, to cultivate since 1937, 81 years ago. For the first time, all restrictions around growing industrial hemp could be lifted by the end of this year. So what does that mean for the farmers? They will benefit the most because now they will have the opportunity to cultivate, in any state, one of the top value commodities in our country. Which is gonna help the small family farmer the most because now they will be able to make a sufficient amount of income on a small amount of land. It, also, marks the beginning of the end of the government's brain-washing campaign around the cannabis plant. 2019 could be the best year for the American farmer in over a 100 years.
NEWS: THE FARM BILL by Jack Beezer
An amendment to the 2018 Farm Bill could fully legalize industrial hemp in the United States. The amendment legalizing hemp began as a bill proposed by Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader in the Senate. The “Hemp Farming Act of 2018”
However, the new amendment to the 2018 Farm Bill would officially remove hemp from the DEA’s list of controlled substances, thus allowing for complete legality of hemp. This would once and for all clear up any grey areas surrounding the
fully legalizes industrial hemp and all products made from it including CBD oil. Under the new law, the Drug Enforcement Administration and other government agencies would no longer be able to interfere with hemp and allow the cultivation, production and ability to sell everywhere in the U.S.
somewhat confusing state we are currently in and allow the industry to flourish.
This will be the biggest progression in the hemp industry since the 2014 Farm Bill which made industrial hemp legal for research programs. These programs were statebased and varied throughout, with some allowing only university research and others allowing a limited number of everyday farmers.
All products made from hemp, including CBD oil, would be legalized as well, as long as they follow federal guidelines and contain less than .3% THC. State agriculture departments, as well as Native American tribes, would be free to regulate hemp as they do any other traditional crop like corn or carrots.Needless to say this is a huge and necessary step towards making the hemp industry an undeniable economic powerhouse.
Holiday Hemp Gift Guide
Mary's Nutritional- Hemp Bath Bomb
Patagonia- Men's Work Pocket Hemp Tee Shirt
Evo Hemp- Discovery HempBox
Hempz- Exotic Green Tea & Asian Pear Herbal Body Moisturizer
By Brittany Greer
It’s already December, and the holiday season is in full swing. The temperature is changing, the peppermint lattes are flowing, and the beanies & flannels are making their appearances. What is happening internally as our world changes externally? Do you ever consider the way our bodies are responding to these transitions? Studies have shown that although most people are getting a couple more hours of sleep during the autumn and winter months, the quality of sleep is decreased while our circadian rhythm works to adjust to the shorter days and longer nights. This shift can leave us feeling a bit more sluggish than usual, so I’m here to share some yoga with you for grounding and improved energy.
Yoga Sequence for Grounding & Energy Begin seated with hips elevated by either a block, folded blanket, or cushion of some sort. Start to become aware of your breath as you inhale and exhale. Place one hand on the heart, and one on the belly as you feel your breath move in and out of the body. Allow the length of your inhales and exhales become equal. Stay here for five full rounds of breath. Shift forward to table-top position, stacking shoulders over wrists and hips over knees. Spread the fingers and press firmly into the hands as you begin to tilt the pelvis forward to broaden the sitting bones, then feel the low belly drop as you gaze towards the sky for cow pose. Then, starting from the pelvis, tuck the tailbone under to draw rib cage and upper back towards the sky and tuck your chin to your chest for cat pose. Continue moving through cat and cow as you wake the spine, maybe taking some neck rolls or pushing back to child’s pose finding some organic movement in the body.
Walk the hands forward slightly, tuck toes under and push the hips up and back to downward facing dog. Again broadening through the sit bones just like in cow pose, widening and firming the hands down onto the ground, and drawing the chest towards thighs. Keep a slight bend in your knees to continue to draw the hips up and back, then reach down through the heels. Chin should be slightly tucked so that your gaze is at the knees and the back of the neck is long. Stay here for three to five rounds of breath.
Take an inhale and gaze forward. On your out breath, step the right foot between your hands landing gently. Spin your back heal down onto the mat so that your back foot is parallel with the back of your mat and your front heel intersects your back arch. As you inhale, rise up into warrior two with arms extended into a T position. Your hips should be squared to the left and your gaze will be out over the front fingertips. Feel the stability and grounding this pose creates. Stay for three breaths before exhaling the hands down to your mat, framing the front foot and stepping your left foot forward to meet the right as you release into a forward fold. As you inhale bring the hands to shins and come up halfway, with the exhale, fold and release both hands to your mat, stepping your right foot to the back of your mat, and finding warrior two on the opposite side.
As you exhale, slowly release into your forward fold. Inhale up halfway, exhale fold in as you bend the knees and lower the sit bones all the way down onto your mat. Unwind and release onto your back in the final resting shape of savasana. Stay here for 5-10 minutes as you let the nervous system relax and feel the body being supported by the ground beneath you. Feel free to repeat this sequence once or twice, adding in any additional movements you might desire before resting in savasana. Enjoy the sensation of calm, grounding energy as you wake the body back up and move through the rest of your day.
DIY: Vanilla Bean
Winter Lotion Bars WHAT YOU'LL NEED: 55 g - Cocoa Butter 2 tablespoons - Coconut Oil 8 drops - Vanilla Essential Oil 2-3 drops -HempX Small Pot Spatula Ice Cube Mold
HOW TO: 1. Melt cocao butter and coconut oil at medium-low heat 2. Once melted, add vanilla and HempX 3. Mix well 4. Immediately pour into ice cube mold 5. Cool for two hours and enjoy!
How to: Holiday Stress by Brittany Greer
The holidays are a wonderful time for loved ones to come together. They are intended to remind us how blessed we are to have a community of support and love within reach. It can also be quite the challenge to put into practice all that we’ve learned around mindful living. It sometimes only takes one comment, one word, one look to trigger our emotional body into a place of re-activeness. Growing up in a conservative family from west Texas, it became very hard for me to stay grounded and loving throughout any gathering while being witness to so many things that challenged my current way of living. Many arguments, tears, and uncomfortable conversations later I’m here to share some practices that have helped me deal with the stress that family gatherings can stir up around the holidays.
These two things can play a huge role in how we’re feeling. Stress directly affects the nervous system, which, in turn, affects the digestive system among several other things. Getting foods full of B vitamins supports the nervous system and the production of neurotransmitters which are referred to as the body’s chemical messengers. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that can be produced when consuming leafy green veggies containing folate
(like spinach), and can aid in keeping you calm, cool and collected. Additionally, you can reach for berries which are high in antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that help fight against stress related free radicals. The antioxidants found in berries can help reduce blood pressure, a significant contributor to stress. Speaking of antioxidants, these
Something that is super
magical substances are also found
important to me in aiding to my
in dark chocolate! Win! Having just
stress response is making sure I’m
a small amount of dark chocolate
properly nourished and well slept.
(not the whole bar) can reduce cortisol in the body in addition to helping regulate blood pressure.
CBD is a great stress relief tool
If we can find the time and space
that can be applied topically or
to ourselves to practice yoga,
taken orally. Using CBD can
breathing techniques, and even
help the brain and body access
meditation - they can improve
mood regulating chemicals like
our body’s ability to handle
serotonin so they can be used
stressful situations. Studies show
more efficiently and return the
that even as little as 10 minutes of
body to a naturally balanced
meditation each day can help
state. CBD has also been shown
decrease anxiety and significantly
to increase the brain’s
reduce stress. Other studies have
hippocampus, which can shrink
shown both increases and
when a person is really anxious,
decreases in brain cell volume in
depressed, or stressed. Another
different areas, one being a
factor that plays into blood
decrease in the amygdala which
pressure regulation is SLEEP.
is responsible for fear, anxiety,
Getting adequate sleep in
and, you guessed it, - STRESS.
general, but especially during
There are a ton of benefits to
the holidays, is crucial. When
getting into a regular meditation
you aren’t getting the sleep
routine, and stress control is a key
your body needs, stress
part of that. When we meditate,
hormones are produced and a
we are focusing on our breath,
vicious cycle ensues. The more
mindfulness, and controlling the
stress hormones that are made
brain from wandering off to
by lack of sleep directly
unnecessary thoughts. When we
contribute to your inability to
begin to focus on taking deeper
fall asleep the next night. They
fuller breaths, our
continue production into your
parasympathetic nervous system
day with the peak being in the
is activated and more oxygen
afternoon/early evening when
flows to the brain. This lowers our
the body should be winding
blood pressure, slows the heart
down in preparation for sleep.
rate, and puts us in a calmer
This can make you irritable and
state. Yoga is a great way to
more likely to snap at your
combine both mindful
loved ones. So do yourself and
meditation, breath awareness,
everyone else a favor, get some
and movement. All of these things
together can create a sensation of calm and relaxation.
So this holiday season, make sure you and your loved ones are all eating stress-reducing foods, taking deep breaths, getting adequate sleep, and taking some time to practice mindfulness & movement. These will all help everyone relax and enjoy each other’s company, the way the holidays are meant to be spent! Happy Holidays! Love, Brittany
Holiday Recipes Have a holly, jolly holidays with these yummy ideas!
- Cheers! *simply mix/shake 2-3 drops of HempX in your cocktail
- melt chocolate - chocolate - pretzels (crushed) - add 1/2-1 dropper full HempX & mix - immediately transfer to wax-paper - 500 mg HempX - spread around to make thin, single layer - sea salt - sprinkle pretzels and sea salt - place in fridge til completely cool - break apart to make smaller pieces - enjoy!
this year, discover hemp.
CBD SUGAR COOKIES Ingredients: 1 Cup unsalted butter 1 Cup granulated white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1 dropper full- 500mg HempX 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 cups all purpose flour
Instructions: - Preheat oven to 350° F. - In the bowl of your mixer cream butter and sugar until smooth, at least 3 minutes - Beat in extracts, egg, and HempX. - In a separate bowl combine baking powder and salt with flour - Add a little at a time to the wet ingredients. - Wet your hands and finish off kneading the dough by hand. *DO NOT CHILL THE DOUGH. - Divide into workable batches, roll out onto a floured surface and cut. - You want these cookies to be on the thicker side *(closer to 1/4 inch rather than 1/8). - Bake at 350 for 6-8 minutes. - Let cool on the cookie sheet until firm enough to transfer to a cooling rack.
Hem-ppy Holidays!