Hemp Life Magazine- June Issue

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issue no. 8

e f i L p m e H e n i z a g a M

news, food, hemp. EVOHEMP.COM

Letter from the Editor

Hi guys,

Happy June! It is the start of summer! Get out those beach towels and put on some sunscreen because the beach is calling your name. We here at Evo Hemp have lots planned for the next couple of months so make sure to be following us on all our social media pages. It is giveaway season! Have you seen our new CBD-infused products, like our protein powder and hearts?! They give you that extra boost you've been needing in your daily routine. I hope this magazine finds you well as we continue this publication and we hope to bring you more interesting stories and topics. Thank you for taking the time to read these and appreciating the work behind them. Please enjoy this issue and have a great day :)

- Te Sis


Marketing Coordinator - Evo Hemp

HAPPY SUMMER! Receive 15% off with code: SUMMER15


Your Brain on Hemp by: Jack Keegan In today’s society, there are many people who still have a negative connotation surrounding hemp. It is a lot of times associated with a marijuana plant, however although they are similar, they are different varieties of plants from one another. They actually have opposite effects on the brain when consumed. The type of hemp that is consumed by humans has been bred to contain very little of the active ingredient in marijuana and more essential nutrients. When marijuana is consumed it has a negative impact on brain development, where hemp consumption is correlated with positive development. This is largely in part due to hemp containing essential fatty acids, also known as EFAs. The discovery of the health benefits of EFAs is one of the most important nutritional breakthroughs in recent history. Specifically, researchers have noted that omega-3 fatty acids found in hemp are one of the most important nutrients in optimizing brain function and your overall health.

One of the main ways that this occurs is through omega-3s making cell membranes more fluid. This in turn helps improve communication between brain cells, which induces brain development. A positive development that comes from fluidity is a boost in memory. The less omega-3s in a person’s brain, the less fluid all your memories are, making it harder to recollect specific things. As you ingest omega-3s, your memories become more fluid and flexible to remember certain times. The amount of omega-3s are also highly correlated with intelligence and cognitive performance in infants and young children. As the person begins to grow older, omega3’s are slowly lost from the brain affecting the person’s memory. Scientists suspect that because EFAs are lost as a person grows older and that it could be correlated with cognitive disorders like aggression, depression, anxiety and more serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This makes it that much more important for a person to make sure they are ingesting the proper amount of omega-3s, in order to keep the brain’s productivity at a high level. Since hemp provides the perfect ratio of Omega- 6 to Omega-3 then the EFA’s found in hemp seeds are easily digestible. Due to this, our brains can fully benefit from a daily intake of hemp-based products.

Don't let pain stand in your way of this.


A bean and rice burger with grilled vegetables & Evo Hemp Hearts by @Flora&Vino

A Brief History of Hemp By: Teia Sisauri When looking at the historical facts, we see hemp is the earliest plant used for textile fiber. There is evidence of hemp, dating back to 8000 BC, found in what was ancient Mesopotamia, and is now Iran and Iraq. It has been told that the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, of the Sung dynasty, taught his people how to grow and use hemp for cloth and over time, it spread throughout Europe. France, Spain, and Chile have been cultivating hemp for over 700 years, and Russia was even a huge supplier for hundreds of years. Evidence was found that by the time the English settlers came to America, hemp had already been growing vastly throughout the US in the areas of land now considered to be California, Kentucky New York, Oregon, Utah, Texas, New England, Virginia, Massachusetts, Louisiana, and Missouri. Â Even though it was an amazing plant, it easily became overshadowed by cotton as hemp was much more labor-intensive when harvested. Once the cotton gin was invented, hemp became insignificant, as it was much more costly.

Then, in the 1930s we saw a shift towards petroleum and plastics and businesses saw a chance to make much higher profits, especially DuPont, who was threatened by the growth of hemp. In 1938, a machine was invented to make harvesting hemp 100x easier, giving it the chance to become the next “billion-dollar crop,” but DuPont, feeling threatened by the crop, lobbied against it, forcing unjust laws and regulations, and eventually leading to the complete termination of growing hemp. And since then we have been trying to undo these laws. Because of all of these laws, put only in place because of big money seekers, we have banished a “wonder plant” who can do so much for our planet. A plant that can not only be used for health reasons but also can be used to make paper, plastics, clothing, etc. Hemp is very versatile and much needed and as long as we can remember it has been around much longer than any of us, we can see from our past why our ancestors love it so much and utilize what the earth has provided for us. Thanks to the hemp farm bill and the supporters of hemp, we are much closer to normalization.

CBD: No pain, All gain.


An Amaranth Hemp Bowl by @cadipotati with Evo Hemp90 protein powder and coconut creamer.

How Yoga Makes You Happy by: Julia Weisberger Yoga has become increasingly popular over the years, becoming the newest workout trend. A lot of people focus on yoga as a form of exercise to increase their energy levels, tone their body, and drop a few pounds, but what most people don’t know is that yoga is beneficial to your mental health too; Yoga can actually make you a happier person! One reason why yoga is so effective in improving people’s moods is that it creates mindful awareness (momentbymoment process of actively and openly observing one’s physical, mental, and emotional experiences). Yoga literally means “union” and refers to the mind and body, and creates links between the two through postures, meditation and breathing techniques. This mindfulness throughout your body allows both your body and mind to heal.

A large proportion of the United States population struggles with anxiety and mood disorders, and people generally turn to prescription drugs as a way to decrease their anxiety and/or to regulate their mood. Multiple studies have been conducted that have concluded that yoga has a greater impact on improving anxiety and mood than other forms of exercise. People that suffer with with anxiety and mood disorders tend to have lower levels of of GABA. Yoga produces higher levels of GABA than most other exercises, therefore yoga is an amazing physical activity that chemically improves your mood! On top of improving your mood, there is evidence that yoga has the ability to improve your body’s stress response. Practicing yoga regularly helps increase heart rate variability, which is an indicator of the body’s ability to respond to stress more flexibly. In addition to increased GABA levels and improved stress response, emotional stability is induced by brain waves that are increased after a yoga session. Scandinavian researchers measured brain wave activity before and after a twohour yoga class and found that the waves in the brain that create relaxation (alpha waves) and unconscious memory, dreams and emotion (theta waves) increased significantly. These results indicate that yoga relaxes the brain and allows people to be more intouch with their subconscious and emotions. Yoga is a practice that promotes health and self discipline, and has been a very powerful tool in helping people decline in selfdestructive patterns. It has inspired people to live healthier lives and has even helped people overcome struggles such as addiction. It’s no secret that yoga has physical benefits but it’s psychological improvements are often overlooked. Timothy McCall, M.D., author of Yoga as Medicine, once said “ Change your posture and change the way you breathe. Change your breathing and you change your nervous system. This is one of the great lessons of yoga: Everything is connected...”

Happy June! -Evo Hemp

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