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September 2013

No. 4

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T O N DO : T E G R O F



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4 3

12 6

7 14


C z ec h c u stom Saint Nicholas Day (Mikuláš) T

he charming tradition of St. Nicholas falls on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 5th. If you find yourself walking the streets on that evening, you may run into a group of strange characters: St. Nicholas (Mikuláš), the Angel (anděl) who represents the Good, and the Devil (čert) representing the Evil. All wear costumes. Mikuláš looks a bit like Santa Claus whose origin was supposedly inspired by St. Nicholas. All three characters walk the streets, stopping children and asking them if they were good in the past year. Most kids say yes and sing a song or recite a short poem. They are then rewarded with sweets, candy or other treats, which are handed out by the Angel. Bad kids would be put in the Devil‘s sack and taken to hell, or would only get a sack of potatoes or coal instead of candy - of course it does not really happen! St. Nicholas Tradition in PragueThe eve of St. Nicholas is especially fun in Prague. Parents bring their children to the Old Town Square where you can witness the tradition roughly between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. In small towns and villages, the three characters visit people‘s homes. The evening of December 5 is an exciting (and scary) time for children! Children also receive St. Nicholas presents from their parents and relatives. The gift, e.g. sweets and chocolates, can be put into a stocking and hidden somewhere in the child‘s room. The St. Nicholas tradition is supposedly based on a 4th century Greek bishop named Nicholas who is said to have left a gift of money on the windowsill of three poor girls to enable them to get married. Check it Out: http://www.myczechrepublic.com/

Life in wheelchair

by Gertrud KĂľima

This is a story about a Macedonian man, who had an accident that changed his life completly. He was born in Kochani in 1984. He went to school in Kocani and after that he went to the university in Skopje.

Everybody can have fun, but usually we never think about the consequences what can happen or we don´t realise how hard it can be with any kind of disability.


n his life everything was good until he was on the third year of the university. Then in the summer he went on a holiday to spend the best days in his life and it was, those were the best days in his life. He had a lot of fun with his friends. Every night they were going on parties. Daytime they usually spent on the beach, suntanning and swimming, they were jumping on some catapult. Everything that was making their adrenaline go high. The sixth day they decided to go in the near aqua park, to get some fun there. That was the day that changed his life. They were having so much fun and in the next moment he was injured. He broke his neck and in a second he wasn´t feeling his body. The next 12 days he spent in hospital, then he was transferred in rehab center. He spent 5 mounts there and then he went home.

But not everything is so bad, the good thing in this kind of situation where the conditions in the local area is bad, that most of the people are friendly. So they are getting help, if there are some stairs, they help them to get upstairs, also helping them to get off and on the sidewalks. Push their wheelchairs when they need, on some ascents.

His problems had just started. He came back to Kochani, which is small town in east of Macedonia. He wasn’t able to go anywhere. He was in a wheelchair and that was the main problem for people with this kind of disability. Wheelchair people are on the margins of the society, especially in this country. They don’t have acces in the stores, in the coffee bars, post office, police, municipality we can enterence only on the first floor, in the helth insurance and even in the insurance for disabilities we don’t have elevator (what a paradox). When they are crossing the street they need help to get off from the sidewalk and on the other side. They also need help to get on it again. There are also a lot of neglectful people, so they park their cars on park places for disabled people (this park places for disabled people are marked 5-6 mounths ago), park on some of the 3 or 4 ramps for acces blocking the way or park on the sidewalks. The sidewalks are also very damaged, with a lot of holes on it and they are narrow, when they exsist.


Son dönemde gündemi oldukça meşgul eden ve çeşitli sivil toplum kuruluşlarının cezai yaptırımın uygulanması için meclis ile bilgi alışverişinde bulunduğu nefret suçları, temelini önyargılarımızdan almaktadır. Toplumda önyargılarımızın ürünü olan ötekileştirilenler bu mağduriyeti fazlasıyla yaşamaktadırlar.Avrupa Güvenlik ve İşbirliği Teşkilatı (AGİT)’na göre, bir şahsa veya mülküne karşı işlenen herhangi bir suçun kaynağı, o kimsenin ırkı, rengi etnik kökeni ya da uyruğu, dini, cinsiyeti ve cinsel yönelimi, yaşı, fiziksel veya zihinsel engelleri yahut benzer bir durum ile ilgili ise bu suç nefret suçudur. Daha genel bir ifade ile nefret suçu, ötekinin gerçek ya da varsayılan nitelikleri nedeniyle uğramış olduğu her türlü zarardır. Yani mağdurun şahsının değil temsil ettiği varsayılan niteliklerinin cezalandırıldığı durumdur. Nitekim ülkemizde nefret suçunun ilk gündeme taşıyan “Hrant Dink olayında suçlu Hrant’ı tanımadığını söylemiş ve bu ifadesinden de anlaşılabileceği gibi suç Hrant’ın temsil ettiği etnisiteye karşı işlenmiştir. Birçoğumuz içgüdüsel olarak bazen sınıfındaki en çalışkanı bazen de kendimize rakip gördüğümüz birine karşı ön yargılar beslemişizdir. Bu önyargı karşısındakinde derin izler bırakıyorsa bu nefret suçu olarak kabul edilebilir. Ama eyleme dönüşmüyorsa nefret suçu

teşkil edemez. Ayrıca yapılan eylemin nefret suçu olarak kabul görmesi için mağdurun o eylemden ne kadar etkilendiği de önemlidir. Örneğin bir sanatçı ya da gazetecinin Devlet başkanını eleştiren eseri ile o sanatçının, başkanın emri ile işinden olması tarafları aynı düzeyde etkilemez. Sanatçı ya da gazeteci böyle bir durumdan işinden olacağından, tüm ailesi olumsuz etkilenecektir. Dünyada ve Ülkemizde Tarihsel Gelişimiİlk olarak 1969 yılında “Önyargıları Yasası” olarak ABD’de kavramlaştırılan Nefret suçları daha sonraki yıllarda ırk, din ve köken kavramlarını içerecek şekilde 1980’lerde ABD’de kabul edilmiş, zamanla Avrupa devletlerine yayılmıştır. Terim medyada ilk kez 1986 yılında Amerika’da New York’ta beyaz bir grup öğrenci tarafından siyah bir kişiye yönelik gerçekleşen ırkçı saldırının haberlere yansıması sırasında yaygın olarak kullanılmaya başlandı. Terimin içeriği 1990’ların başından itibaren ise ırk, din, cinsel yönelim, ulusal köken, engellilik durumu ve cinsiyet rollerini de kapsamaya başladı. Ülkemizde Nefret suçları, mağdurun temsil ettiği niteliğe göre bölgeler arası çeşitlilik gösterir. Ege bölgesind başörtülülere ve Romen vatandaşlara yönelik, Karadeniz’de mevsimlik işçilere ve Doğu Anadolu’da Ermeni vatandaşlara yönelik suçlar işlenmektedir.


by Hakim Gözala

Benim küçük sevgilim, Her geçen gün dışarıdan baskısını artıran ve bizi öz benliğimizden koparan 21. yy. oyunları birbirimizi gerçek anlamda anlamamızı zorlaştırıyor. Hem zaten birini anlamak inanılmaz zor bir iştir. Bir insanı ilk olarak baş başa bir sohbetin ilk yarım saatinde ve ikinci kez on yıl birlikte yaşadıktan sonra tanıyabileceğimizi söylersem, sanırım abartmış olmam. İlişkilerde hayal kırıklı riski ve her türlü içsel çuvallama riski saklıdır ki, bunun tek bir çözümü vardır. Hepsini daha baştan üstlenmek.

Sevgi dolu güzel insan, Hayatı yaşamanın iki yolu vardır. Bir tanesi kaderinin sorumluluğunu üstlenmek, kendi kararlarını kendin vermek ve uygulamak, avantaj ve dezavantajını, mutluluk ve mutsuzluğu kabul etmek, cesurca, dürüstçe, pazarlık etmeden; diğeri ise kaderini aramak. Ama insan onu ararken sadece gücünü, zamanını, hayallerini doğru ve iyi anlamdaki körlüğünü, iç güdülerini değil, kendi değerlerini de kaybeder. Gittikçe yoksullaşır. Yeni gelen daima var olandan kötüdür. Ben kendi kaderimi yaşamak istiyorum. Hayallerimi, değerlerimi kaybetmek istemiyorum. Bizi kendimize, doğaya, doğadaki tüm canlılara yabancılaştıran 21 .yy. oyunlarıyla bir bütün olarak başa çıkabileceğimizi düşünüyorum. Yek vücut olup kimsenin bizi ayırmasına izin vermemeliyiz. Çünkü biz hep bir bütünüz ve çünkü bizi ayırmak kainatın kanununa ters, insanlığın hukuğu karşısında suçlu olmaktır. Sevgili, birbirimize sonsuz duygularla bağlı olmalıyız ki, ikimizin kare farkının limiti sıfıra eşit olmamalı. Yani seni kendimden çıkardığımda, bende sana ait bir şeyler kalmalı. Buna da eminim ki bizi bir bütün olarak görenler, o anı unutamayacakları bir doğa olayı gibi zihinlerinde taşıyacaklardır. Ve belki de bu sonsuza dek sürecek. Ey sevgili, Bu mektup Kafka’nın Milena’sına “Milena…Milena…Milena…” haykırışları ve Nazım’ın Piraye’sine “Hasretim sana…bir hasretim…bir hasretim…akıl almaz.”hasretliğiyle yazılmış.

Estonian food by Gertrud K천ima


efore Skype and technology, Estonians were ordinary farmers. Usually farmers ate together with the whole family at the same dining table. Eating with family was one of the most important acitivites of the day and talking was strictly prhoibited. In the old times the way you ate, with who you ate and when you ate was very important because a lot of myths said if you disobey the rules you will starve, have bad crop etc. If some of your food crumble fell on the table it meant your future husband will be a drunk. After eating the dining table was cleaned with a white towel. Cleaning the dining table with a bare hand meant a lot of future conflicts with others. Doing it with paper or a woollen towel meant starving and misery. But time changes and all of us with it. In the 21st century Estonia eating is not that strict anymore.

Most common dishes in Estonia are potato salad, pickled pumpkin and cucumber, liver pate, cutlets, mashed potatoes, thickened juice.

Stuffed eggs

The most loved meat for Estonians is pork. Common sides are potato and sauerkraut. If you want to add something to the sauerkraut then groats and pork grease work very well.

Roast pork, sauerkraut, blood sausage and pickled pumpkin.

Curd snack (in Estonian „kohuke“) can be with a jam filling or not. Kohuke is usually covered with chocolate glaze and inside is ricotta.

Kamajahu is a mixture of roasted barley, rye, oat and pea flour. To make it as a dessert you add kefir (milk), sugar and any berrys for your taste.

Stirabout and buckwheat are usually eaten for breakfast.

Potato salad: boiled potatoes, dill, pickles, sour cream, onions (sometimes), sausage and boiled eggs.

Pea soup is also usually with pork meat and it can be like a puree or clear soup. This depends how a person wants peas to be.

One of the peculiarities for Estonia is mushroom, sometimes people call them meat for vegetarians. Pickled milk mushrooms or mushrooms with salt and sour cream and with onions are the most common way to eat mushrooms.

Mushrooms. On the right you can see pickled chanterelles.

Daylight and warmth have big influence how Estonians eat. For example darkness and winter bring on the table sauerkraut and oven dishes, blood sausage and jellied meat. During summer time Estonians eat lighter food like fresh garden things, such as potato and everything else that is light and fresh

Fish can be salted, smoked, grilled etc.


by Tereza Šamšulová

n Saturday morning we got into the car and set off on holiday, this year the second. Our destination was the Montenegro. First surprises along the way were Macedonian - Kosovo border. We did not have the car insurance, so turn and drove through Albania. Beyond has opened the door. The door to another world. In the poorest country in Europe. The fields with grazing cattle and old people walking in the traditional village costumes, kids were happy when they played with a string at the end of the two wheels and connecting rods from the children‘s car. The first thing that intrigued me, and it was color of houses. Most of them were twotone, orange and green. I guess they had to have somewhere colors in sale. Another thing I noticed, as transport, cars that go there are a Mercedes, buses are handled by private carriers, who have their own van and go from one place to another. No specific timetable. Over the long Albania, where our average speed through potholes on the road was 50km/h we came to Montenegro, and ultimately to accommodation. The first trip was headed to the town of St. Stefan with the city on the sea and deserted beaches. This was followed by a town Budva ‚s old city. The next day we discovered Stari Bar. Ruins of old fortress town where accompanied us all the way black pussy. The capital Podgorica, where it is exposed a new bridge and we went people empty main street. Hike to the mausoleum, which is higher than Sněžka and stunning views of the countryside. Now I know why the country is named, as it‘s called. The conclusion of a dinner we had in Kotor, where it was again a historic town and harbor park great ocean lodě.Nadšeni historical center next day we went to Dubrovnik in Croatia. Well, if you do not know what to do with time, so please drive even on Korcula. Is pretty deserted. Fourth, crisis day, we went to try the sea. It was cold, but float in it could. The last day was the plan monastery, which is carved into the rock. Very nice place of pilgrimage. Montenegro is richer than Macedonia. Friday we received again I oranici concrete, which they call the road home in Albania, Macedonia. Saturday was a maximum cylinder and resting.


by Tereza Šamšulová

Osobní zájmena

Přivlastňovací zájmena

We - my I – já You – ty You - vy They - oni He – on She – ona It – ono

my – moje your – tvoje his – jeho her – její its – jeho

ČÍSLOVKY 1 - jeden 2 - dva 3 - tři 4 - čtyři 5 - pět

ZVÍŘATA ant - mravenec bear - medvěd bee - včela bird - pták cat - kočka cow - kráva dog - pes elephant - slon fish - ryba fly - moucha goat - koza horse - kůň insect - hmyz lion - lev monkey - opice pig - svině, prase sheep - ovce snake - had

6 - šest 7- sedm 8 - osm 9 - devět 10 - deset

our - naše your - vaše their - jejich

11 - jedenást 12 - dvanást 13 - třináct 14 - čtrnást 15 - patnáct

BARVY black - černý blue - modrý brown - hnědý gray - šedý green - zelený orange - oranžový pink - růžový red - červený, rudý violet - fialový white - bílý yellow - žlutý

PŘÍKLADY This is my house – to je můj dům I´m a teacher – já jsem učitel His hair is black – jeho vlasy jsou černé

16 - šetnást 17 - sedmnást 18 - osmnást 19 - devatenáct 20 - dvacet

OVOCE apple - jablko apricot - meruňka banana - banán blackberry - ostružina cherry - třešeň lemon - citrón nut - ořech orange - pomeranč peach - broskev pear - hruška pineapple - ananas plum - bluma, slíva raspberry - malina strawberry - jahoda

20 - dvacet 21 - dvacet jedna 22 - dvacet dva 23 - dvacet tři 24 - dvacet čtyři

POTRAVA bread - chléb, chleba breakfast - snídaně butter - máslo cake - zákusek, koláč cheese - sýr chocolate - čokoláda egg - vejce food - potravina fruit - ovoce lunch - oběd meal - jídlo, pokrm meat - maso oil - olej rice - rýže salad - salát salt - sůl sandwich - sendvič sauce - omáčka soup - polévka sugar - cukr sweet - sladkost

The magazine was created in cooperation with EVS volunteers and coordinators Association Pavel Satev Kocani

Contact blogpavelsatev@gmail.com Association Pavel Satev Kocani Karl Marks 64 KoÄ?ani 2300 Madeconia

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