No. 3
3 - Retrospective for the volunteers a ctivities for September Month 7 - Estonia
9 - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 11 - 5 steps how to be happy
evitcepsorteRRetrospective roffor ehtthe sreetnulovvolunteers seitivitca activities rof for rebmetpeSSeptember htnoMMonth Although the summer past and many of our dear volunteers together with him, they will stay forever in our hearts by the great work what they did here. by Tatjana Stamenkovska
his month was in the spirit of a lot of dancing ! First was the Harlem Shake dance as goodbye party for our two volunteers Meli and Onur.
After that the volunteers organized the Flash Mob Dance what performed in the center of the town. The trainings lasted 10 days and the full choreography was prepared by our dear volunteer Nurdan Yigen. The volunteers on this way wanted to attract the attention of the local society and throughout the media to present their views how they imagine the world in future and which topics affect them the most. The main slogans were for world piece and to end the Visa politic for the long term EVS volunteers. The local TV station Kanal 8 came to support this volunteer activity and presented it during the TV News program http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=j1XrgIrQQVI as well in their on line newspaper http://kanal8.mk/index.php/517flash-mob-na-stranskite-volonteri -vo-kocani.
We would like to thank the TV station Kanal 8 for all the support what they give to us and always answer to our calls to cover our activities.
As well our volunteer Nurdan Yigen was holding free Hip Hop dance lessons to the children from the age of 7-14 years old. She was teaching them the basic Hip Hop moves what she have learned during her 7 years Hip Hop dance carrier. Another of our volunteers, Andre Furkan Erdogan organized free Latino dances . Main Latino dances what he was teaching were Swing, Tango and Bachata.
Let make Ajvar!
The volunteers also prepared the traditional Macedonian meal Ajvar. It is made from baked red paprika and eggplant after that they are grounded and cooked. This meal require some patient and time but it is very tasty so at the end of the day all the effort pays off.
What is ajvat? Ajvar (Macedonian and Serbian Cyrillic: ajвар) is a type of relish, made principally from red bell peppers, with garlic. It may also contain eggplant and chili peppers. Ajvar originates in the Serbian cuisine, and was therefore long known as „Serbian salad“ or „Serbian vegetable caviar“. It became a popular salad (side dish) throughout Yugoslavia after World War II and is nowadays popular in the Balkans. Original homemade ajvar is made of roasted peppers, while some industrial producers use cooked peppers, which leads to a lower quality. Depending on the capsaicin content in bell peppers and the amount of added chili peppers, it can be sweet (traditional), piquant (the most common), or very hot. Ajvar can be consumed as a bread spread or as a side dish.
Check it Out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajvar
French and Turkish cultural evenings
Our volunteers Marina Rioufreyt and Nikolas from France organized French cultural evening. Together they cooked for all the volunteers and association members meals from the traditional French kitchen. The Turkish cultural evening was organized by the volunteers Ozan Danis and Kadir Can Ozel. They showed us how difficult is to make the traditional Turkish meal Chi Kofte. During the two cultural evenings we were listening French and Turkish music what was motivating our hosts to cook and all of us to sing and have great time together.
ESTONIA by Gertrud K천ima
stonia is a small country, the territory of Estonia is 45 228 km2 and population is 1 340 415 people. Most of the people speak Estonian as their mother language but ca 30% speak Russian as their mother language. Estonia is situated in the Eastern Europe timezone in the North of Europe. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn and also the biggest city in Estonia. Nowadays Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Estonia is in the European Union and the official money is EURO. Estonia is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia. Closest are from the north Sweden and Finland, south Latvia and Lithuania and east Russia.
Highest point in Estonia is called Suur Munamägi (directly translated as Big Egg Mountin) and it is 318 meters from sea level. Apart from that Estonia has sea it has also a lot of lakes, rivers and islands. Two biggest islands are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, which also have their own counties. In 400-800 before Christ a meteorite fell in Saaremaa and made a big hole called Kaali meteorite crater. The average temperature in Estonia is approximately +50C. The lowest temperature that has registered was in 17th of January -43,50C. The highest temperature was in 11th of August +35,60C. Both of the temperatures is registered in the South of Estonia. Estonian flag`s colors are blue, black and white. Blue is for the sky, black is for the soil (dirt) and white represents the conation of happiness and light.
Estonia`s flag days are: 3rd of January - Day of Commemoration to the War of Independence fighters 2nd of February - Anniversary of the Tartu Peace Treaty 24th of February – Independence Day, Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia 14 of March – Native Language Day The second Sunday of May – Mothers Day 9th of May – Europe day 4th of June – National Flag Day 14th of June – Day of Mourning and Commemoration. Flags are flown as mourning flags 23rd of June – Victory Day 24th of June – St John‘s Day or Midsummer‘s Day 20th of August – Restoration of Independence Day 1st of September – Day of Knowledge The second Sunday of November – Fathers Day On Flag Days, government institutions, local and county governments and public legal entities,display the flag. The Estonian Government can make one-time decisions regarding the display of the Estonian Flag by government institutions, local and county governments and public legal entities, and on other days to mark events of importance for the Estonian state and its people. Last month on 20th of August Estonians were celebrating regained independence with a song festival. Estonians love to do and participate on their national Song and Dance festivals.
With one sentence, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, outlined the formula for world peace. Yes that‘s right!
by Kahraman Uzan
oday everyone is talking about peace, every big politician in his campaign speeches and campaign talking that they will stand for peace and tolerance, freedom and equality, democracy and other stuff. But of these wonderful speeches full of hyperbole, parables and utopian images of how the world would be better if they came to power, becoming just disappointing memories for everyone who believed in them. But this politician and diplomat, which the Turks call their father is the one who without promising achieved without taking gave, and gave anything but rather giving away what is precious, freedom and equality, peace and prosperity. As the great physicists and mathematicians revealed their own equations and theories, this young soldier from a barren, ravaged field, found grain and sowed the seeds of the Turkish republic. Although Ataturk was solder, for him was better to speak a thousand words, than to lose thousands of lives. His idea of peace that stayed after it showed that we should not be standing for a peace in the world because if we want peace everywhere we first need to find and establish peace in home. If everyone stands for it, the world would be the most peaceful place for living. How killing can solve world problems? Are the innocent lives and the enormous number of killed people, world leaders seing them as orders and medals? Does „eye for eye“ does not lead to global blindness? How you can just lead „wars for peace“? Does not sound absurd? This is one of the reasons because I started this little project for peace. My idea was born from the thought of Kemal Ataturk, who I respect and love so much, and I wanted to share it with as many as possible people in the world. The project is a video, in which me and my friends from different continents and countries, in our mother tongues, we are spreading Ataturk’s motto for peace. I am still working on it and I hope that as soon as possible my project will have a result; everybody will start with discovering their own peace helping for the peace in the world.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill by Mari Põldma
ll of our lives are filled with challenges that make it very difficult to be positive sometimes.
Even when things are difficult being positive and striving to make the best of whatever situation you are in really does make even the most challenging situations easier to bear. It doesn’t always come naturally but you must put alot of effort to it to work. Here are 5 steps to help you improve your happiness.
Don’t over generalize the bad stuff! Negative thinkers don’t contain or compartmentalize bad stuff in their minds. When adversity strikes in one part of life they’ll spread the meaning of that badness to cover their whole life. “My girlfriend left me; my whole life is ruined!” It is been found to be a typical thinking style in people prone to depression. Contain the damage by remembering it is specific. ”Okay my girlfriend has left me and that’s terrible but I still have my good friends, I have my work and I still like where I live!”
Don’t assume bad stuff is permanent whilst good stuff isn’t ! Negative thinking fools us into believing that bad stuff has either always been there or always will be there: “Nothing ever works out!” “I’ll never get another job!” “I’ll always be a loser” The bad stuff is seen in terms of “always” and the good stuff as “never”. But good events are seen as fragile and impermanent: “This is just too good to last!,” “I’m just waiting for something to go wrong!” If you recognise this thinking bias within yourself at least recognise it and make efforts to remember that bad situations can pass and good ones can continue.
Ditch the (self ) blame game! Another common negative thinking trap is “internalisation” of negative stuff and “externalisation” of positive stuff: “I always ruin everything!” when something goes wrong but “I was just lucky!”, when something goes well. Internalizing the negative whilst externalizing the positive is a recipe for feeling bad-recognise your part in good and bad events but don’t exclusively blame yourself when bad things happen or refuse to accept any credit when things go well.
Look positive to feel positive! When we feel positive we look more positive; simple cause and effect right? But it also works the other way. Research found that when volunteers were asked to sit up straight their confidence in their ability to achieve their goals dramatically increased. In other research it was found that getting volunteers to “smile” (by saying the letter “e” for thirty seconds) improved mood and optimism. So next time you want to feel and therefore think positively about something sit up straight and smile for thirty seconds even if you just silently mouth the letter “e”.
Quit assuming! When we think negatively we minimize or discount positive feedback and assume we know exactly what others will think and what is going to happen. “She hasn’t texted me back; she doesn’t like me!” or “He only said that to make me feel better, he doesn’t really think that!” Or: “I know this is going to be a disaster!” Stop it with all that certainty! Positive thinking isn’t about having to feel certain all the time or always “knowing” that everything going to go great, it’s more to do with relaxing with uncertainty feeling that “whatever happens I’ll be okay”. It takes humility from a person to recognize their negative mind set may just be wrong or incomplete or overly simplistic. The greatest, perhaps the only, real power we all have as individuals is the choice of how we react to life.
by Tereza Šamšulová
BASIC OF GREETINS Hello. Ahoj. Hi. Ahoj. Good morning. Dobré ráno. Good afternoon. Dobré odpoledne. Good evening. Dobrý večer. Good bye. Nashledanou. Bye. Nashle. Bye-bye. Sbohem. See you. Uvidíme se. See you later. Uvidíme se později. See you tomorrow.. Uvidíme se zítra. See you on Tuesday. Uvidíme se v úterý.
DIALOG - INTRODUSTIONS Ahoj, Jane, dovol mi, abych ti představila Johna, mého kolegu. Johne, tohle je moje stará kamarádka Jane. Ahoj, Johne, jak se máš? Mám se dobře. Díky a co ty? Taky se mám dobře. Hello, Jane, let me introduce you to John, my colleague. John, this is my old friend Jane. Hello, John, how are you? I´m fine. Thanks and what about you, Jane? I´m fine, too. Ahoj, Rebeko, chtěla bych, aby ses seznámila s mým přítelem Jimem. Jime, tohle je Rebeka, moje kamarádka. Ahoj, Jime. Ahoj, Rebeko. Jak se máš? Mám se dobře, díky a co ty? Hi, Rebecca, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Jim. Jim, this is Rebecca my friend. Hi, Jim. Hi, Rebecca. How are you? I´m fine, thanks and what about you? Fine, thanks. Dobře, díky.
The magazine was created in cooperation with EVS volunteers and coordinators Association Pavel Satev Kocani
Contact blogpavelsatev@gmail.com Association Pavel Satev Kocani Karl Marks 64 KoÄ?ani 2300 Madeconia