EVS in Kocani

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EVS in Kocani

February 2014 NO. 7

Rade Kratovce Mari P천ldma

Rade Kratovce is the oldest school in Kocani, Macedonia. It was built in 1936. It was built in to an empty lot. The name of the school firstly was Dositej Obradovic. In 1945 it was named to Rade Kratovce. As you saw on the picture the school has three floors but at first there was only one floor in the school. In 1963 they built second floor for the school. About the third floor we don't have information. Although it was built in 1936 they were not teaching there until 1939. In 1945 it started to work as a high school. In 1954-55 they built another school in Kocani and Rade Kratovce was not the only school anymore. Right now the school has 488 student. Rade Kratovce is connected to the school called Nivicani which has 25 students so Rade Kratovce has total of 513 student. The age group of the student begin from 5.8 years to 16 years old. The school has been diveded to 2 shifts. 1) 1st class to 5th class - from 7.30 to 12.10 2) 6th class to 9th class - from 13.00 to 18.35 Sometimes they change the schedule and it looks like this : 1) 6th class to 9th class - from 7.30 to 12.55 2) 1st class to 5th class - from 13.30 to 18.10 The classes in Rade Kratovce are 40 minutes long. The school has classroom like in any other school they have classrooms. They have 5 rooms where they have computers and one class for physics classes.

The school doesn't have after school activities like dancing lessons or football practice but what they do have are many events for many different occasions. In September before school the smallest children who start going to the school gather in the park to do some activities and to get their certificate to start school. In 23rd of March every year is shool's birthday. For that occasion they have special event planned. In 1st of April in Macedonia is a Day of Fools. Before that day students make masks. On the 1st of April they go to city center and they choose the funniest mask. Every year twice a year students go and plant trees. One time is in November and the second time is in March. Every year they have the Day of Healthy Food. They have events for that also. Some years they cook something healty for the event and some other years they have quiz about healty food. Also they have Ecology Day in Rade Kratovce - also called Green Day.

Teeme ära! Let’s Do It! Gertrud Kõima

What is „Let’s Do It!“? „Let’s Do It!“ begun in 2008. It’s the largest campaign to activate civic society in Estonia. In the first action, there were over 50 000 people (4% of the population) and they cleaned more than 10 000 tons of garbage. It took only 5 hours and less than 500 000 euros. For government it would have taken 3 years and 22,5 million euros. From this activity has grown up „Let’s Do It! World“, in 2010. Now all over the World people are more and more thinking about cleaning the environment. By now there are 110 countries who are in the „Let’s Do It!“ network. This movement even has a map, where You can mark the most troubling duping areas and everyone can see it online. Everybody can be a volunteer or even a hero. It doesn’t take much. You can start a cleanup in Your country. You can map the illegal waste around Your home – application is for iPhone and Android phones. Also You can join the existing team in Your country. With one day You can make a big difference, so participate on the cleanup day. One of the most important thing is also to spread the word. There are also people, who don’t like to participate in these kind of movements. They can also clean the World.

There are 10 steps: 1.Don’t throw trash! It will come back, in so many ways, and none of them is good. 2.Sort Your trash! Trash can be a valuable source of new resources. 3.Don’t throw anything away! Anything that You may no longer require could be valuable elsewhere. Think, before You dispose. 4.Don’t burn trash! When You burn trash, it returns many toxins to the environment. 5.Compost food leftovers. 6.Consume only as much as You really need to! Don’t let fashion or technology affect Your opinion. 7.Avoid using disposable products that generate trash! 8.Buy trash free products! Avoid products that are excessively packaged. 9.Support environmentally friendly legislation and actions! 10.Co-operate with others by suggesting alternatives! On 8th of February was “Let’s Do It! World” conference in Kosovo. With that I think Balkan countries will be really active this Year. All the events can be found from “Let’s Do It! World” homepage. Also everybody can put their own event there about cleaning the World.

Turkish Spa and Thermal Springs Selma Yigit

The ancient Romans discovered the therapeutic powers of Turkey's many thermal springs. Turkey has over one thousand thermal springs, scattered throughout western Anatolia. The spa holiday with its pampering and its health and beauty treatments may seem like a relatively new phenomenon, but the health giving properties of Turkey's natural springs have been renowned since antiquity. The Romans were well aware of the therapeutic powers of thermal springs andmineral waters, building the ancient city of Hierapolis close to the waters of Pamukkale. With one of the best climates in the world, with a unique variety of nature, as well as one of the healthiest diets in the world, Turkey is the ideal proposal for psychological and physical health and the search for well-being. Turkey is one of the seven countries in the world in terms of thermal source richness with almost 1300 thermal springs throughout Anatolia. Of course the existence of seismic faults make Turkey very rich in this aspect. The temperature of these hot springs varies between 20-110 degrees Celsius, and their flow is between 2-500 litres per second.

Gönen Springs Gönen is mostly known for its thermal springs which have been in continuous use since the Romans. Temperature of the slightly alkaline thermal water is 52°C, with a pH value of 7.36. The thermal water is hyperthermal, and hypertonic, and is known to contain copious amounts of sulphur, chlorine, bicarbonate, and sodium.

It can be applied both internally (i.e. by drinking) and externally (i.e. by having a bath). It’s said to help heal liver, gall bladder and kidney ailments by drinking, and rheumatism, infections of the large intestine, hardening of the arteries and neurological and vascular complications by bathing. Pamukkale An unusual natural and historical site with the sparkling white castle -like cascades, Pamukkale is one of the most important highlights of Turkey, unique in the world. The site is named in Turkish as "Pamukkale", that means "cotton castle", parallel to the glorious and spectacular view of the site. The dazzling white calcareous castles are formed by limestone-laden thermal springs, creating the unbelievable formation of stalactites, potholes and cataracts. Waters in the terraces are the sediments of the springs with calcium

bicarbonate in 33C. Waters, containing mainly calcium salts and carbon-dioxide, run off the plateau's by depositing calcium while carbon-dioxide disappearing. The marvelous landscape of Pamukkale has been created by this gradual formation, leaving a cotton-like image. Located above the theatre of Hierapolis, the mineral water sources from the thermal springs of Cal Mountain. It is collected in a pool, known as the "Sacred Pool" of ancient times, where you can swim amidst the historical remains of Hierapolis. The Sacred Pool is now located inside Pamukkale Hotel. The water of Pamukkale is famous for its benefits to the eyes and skin; and its curing properties to the ills of asthma, rheumatism, as well. Haymana Thermal Spring Haymana source of mineral spring is located in Central Anatolia. Southeast of Ankara, Haymana location is in a hilly area in the town. The composition of the water consist of bicarbonate, calcium, sodium, magnesium and consists of carbon dioxide. Haymana thermal waters are conducive for drinking and bath. They cures rheumatism, skin, heart and blood circulation, neuralgia, respiratory tract, gynecological diseases, neurological diseases and is good for muscle fatigue.

Ingel v천i saatan? Gailys

Tõmbun endasse peitun enese sisse sulgen sõnadel suu varjun mõtete taha peenralt vaasi toon kimbu valgeid nartsisse nad vaid vajavad vett nemad muud mult ei taha... ...tipin läpakasse ridu, mis kell 6 hommikul järsku mu peas trummeldama on hakanud. Vajutan espressomasina käima, hommikul tundub kohviaparaat nagu nimelt eriti kõva häält tegevat. Võtan kohvitassi kaasa ja sätin ennast elutuppa diivanile kerra. Üritan leida mõtet pähe turgatanud luuleridadele. Vahel on tunne, et kõik tahavad minult midagi. Aga vahel tahaks maailma peale karjuda, et jätke mind rahule, mul on enda hädad ka... Sulen silmad ja käed panen kõrvade peale kõrvus tagumas pulss hingepeeglisse vaatan ronib ristiga ämblik mu nartsisside peale ta ei hooli, kas minus elab ingel või saatan Järgmine salm pressib ennast minust välja. Ingel või saatan? Ilmselt üdini häid ja üdini halbu inimesi esineb ainult mehhiko seepides, päriselus on kõik kuskil seal vahepeal. Aga minul on alati olnud põhimõte, et enda õnne ei pea teiste inimeste arvelt turgutama ja enamikul juhtudest peaks jääma ausaks. Otsute puhul on mind ikka aidanud EMA test ehk ära tee midagi, millest sa oma emale ei julgeks lõpuni rääkida. Aga esimest korda olen ma oma minaga pahuksis. Isegi praegu kui Rainise peale mõtlen hakkab kõhus keerama. Rainisega kohtusime juhuslikult Maasikas. Juba esimesest käepigistusest tutvumisel läksid mul jalad nõrgaks ja kuidas ta veel tantsis! Tead seda tunnet, kus vaatad teist

inimest ja isegi ta hingab su meelest nii, et endal jääb hing kinni? Ma oleks tahtnud, et see öö poleks iialgi lõppenud. Aga nagu kõik head asjad saavad otsa, sai otsa ka meie öö. Ainus aeg meie tutvuse jooksul, kus ma ei muretsenud ning kus ingel ja saatan minus ei teadnud veel, et nad peavad minus võimutsemise nimel üksteisega võitlema. Loomulikult vahetasime numbreid, sest tunded olid nii ilmselgelt vastastikused. Hommikul, ärkasin Rainise sõnumi peale "Mis päevaplaanis? Äkki teeks ühise hommikusupi?". "Ärkan vaikselt, mõte seljankast tundub ahvatlev" toksisin vastu, endal süda sees hüppamas. Mõeldud – tehtud, kiire pesu, kerge meik ja supile! Ja siis, nii poole supi peal helises Rainise telefon ja minu suur tunne sai esimese paugu otse lagipähe. Vabanda korra, mul naine helistab, ütles Rainis häälega nagu paluks kelneril leiba juurde tuua. WTF!!!!! karjus ingel mu sees??? Tõuse püsti ja mine ära. Aga äkki pole see nii nagu paistab keelitas saatan mind jääma. 1:0 saatana kasuks, ma jäin, jäin äraootavale seisukohale. Sõime lõpuni, rääkisime maast ja ilmast, muuseas kutsus Rainis mind õhtul uuesti peole, lubasin hiljem otsustada. Helista, siis vaatame, jätsin otsad lahti kuna ingel ja saatan olid teineteise materdamisega nii ametis, et ühest otsust ma endast välja koukida ei suutnud. Õhtuks oli vaene põrguline maasse tambitud ja taevasaadik minus võidutses. Seis 1:1. Rainise peokutse lükkasin tagasi, vabanduseks väsimus eilsest peost ja ülitähtsad toimetused homme, põrguline suutis siiki nii palju mu südant leekides hoida, et "päris" EI öelda ma siiski ei suutnud. Õhku jäi ikka võibolla. Nartsissid on närtsind ja ämblik läks ära taga nutma neid siia küll keegi ei jää lasen endasse tagasi maailma kära kaitsvast mullist taas välja sirutan käe Kell on peaaegu pool seitse avastan viimaseid ridu blogisse kirjutades. Nüüd ruttu mullist välja ja trenni! Hommikune trenn on minusugusele ainus võimalus, sest kunagi ei tea, mis päev toob. Mitu korda nädalas

on vaja Tallinna vahet trippida, vahel venib koosolek pikaks, teinekord on vaja sõbrannale kindlasti külla minna või vahel satub mõni ahvatlev kutse mõnele üritusele ette. Viimasest ei saa üks vaba ja vallaline ja 30+ naisterahvas ju ometi keelduda, sest lõppude lõpuks võib su tulevane eluarmastus just selle üritusel kohal olla. "Neli ja neli, sügavad kükid, selg sirge, põlved küki ajal täisnurga alla" juhendab bodypump´i treener. Hommikul pool kaheksa on ühest küljest hea ja teisalt jälle ärritav nii vormis meest vaadata, selline võiks omal kodus olla käib mõte peast läbi. "Kolm poole peale, jõuate küll!" energiline hõige toob mu mõtest välja. Kuidas 4,5 minutit ometi nii pikk on leian ennast juba aktuaalsemal teemal arutlemas, ise samal ajal kang õlal ikka kükke vihtumas. Õnneks muusika on lahe ja aitab unustada, et higi tilgub juba mööda küünarnukke alla. Aga mida lugu ja lihasgrupp edasi seda mõnusamaks trenn läheb, ju siis on organism ka lõpuks üles ärganud. Venituste ajal on juba kahjugi, et see tunnike jälle läbi sai. Kangid-pingid kokku ja pessu. In my dreams! Pesu peab ootama, sest esimese asjana riietusruumi jõudes kuulen oma Samsungit meeleheitlikult kapis helisemas. Müügisekretär teatab, et pooled kaubad, mis peaks kohe-kohe kliendi poole sõitma hakkama on veel puudu. Kuivatan trennirätikuga nägu ja hakkan kõne, kõne järel asju korda ajama. Kõigepealt autojuhile - enne ära välja sõida kui ma sulle helistan, siis hankijale - pole mõtet hingeõhku raisata küsimusele, miks eile kaupu ei toodud vaid lähen kohe asja kallale - mul sõidab auto praegu teie lao poole, pange kaup kokku! Uuesti autojuhile - mine hankija lattu ja too ise puuduv kaup ära. Uhh, nüüd pessu... või siis mitte nii ruttu, Samsung teatab jälle, et kuskil on kellelgi midagi vaja. Seekord on helistajaks hankija, keda terve eelmise päeva olin üritanud tabada, hea ajastus igatahes. Nii, sellega korras, tsekin mobiili aku olukorda aga see näitab rahuldavad 3 pulka ehk päeva jagu julgelt veel. Telefon on mul aus, ilma mingite tilu-liludeta aga see eest rääkida saab ja pikalt kohe. Eelmine telefon oli mul moodne, luges samme, reageeris mängides käe liikumisele, koostas treenigplaane, mängis kõik võimalikku muusikat, tegi odava seebika tasemel fotosid ja videoid aga üks väike viga oli, minu tööpäeva juures, kus telefoni tuleb teadlikult vahetada vasaku kõrva juurest parema juurde, et ajapikku väga Partsiks ei muutuks, pidas aku

vastu max kella üheni! Kohutavalt ärritav, seega järgmiseks ostsin endale telefoni, millega saab RÄÄKIDA. Lõpuks ometi saan nii kaugele, et olen valmis kontorisse sõitma. Kell näitab 9.20. Tööpäev algab kell 9 aga noh, eks ole juba tööd ka tehtud vaigaistan oma kohusetunnet, kui kontori ees vaba parkimiskohta otsin. Läpakas kaenlasse ja tööle! Arvuti lahti. Kohe kui internet jõuab ennast lahti kerida, vupsab lahti ka MSNi aken "Tere hommikust kallikene!" ütleb see. Rainis! Südamest jookseb soe jutt läbi, võitle sellega kuidas tahad. "Hommikust" toksin vastu ja enne kui isegi aru saan, pistab kuradike mu sees sinna lõppu kelmika silma pilgutava smaili. Mõned igapäevased viisakuse avaldused ning kuidas-läheb-küsimused ja lepime kokku, et hakkame asjalikult tööle. Niikaua kui meiliserver 62 kahte kirja alla laeb lähen lasen omale tassi kohvi ja lähen õue esimest sigaretti kimuma. Kõige peenemad, kõige lühemad ja kõige lahjemad küll aga päris loobuda pole raatsinud neist ikka. Paljud hurjutavad, et ise teed kõvasti trenni ja siis suitsetad. Neid pareerin tavaliselt vastu küsimusega, et kas siis oleks parem kui ainult suitsetaksin? Ja üleüldse ega ma pole mingi sportlane, kes suitsetab, ma olen suitsetaja, kes teeb sporti! ;) Tööpäev möödub valguskiirusel nagu ikka, isegi lõunale ei taipa minna. Arvuti taga hävitan õunu ja beebiporgandeid, mida me raamatupidajaga kahasse armastame kaasa tassida. Üritame ju saledat joont hoida! Vahepeal on Rainis MSNi teel saanud minult peaaegu lubaduse temaga reede õhtul trehvata, sest "juhuslikult" satub ta siis Tartusse. Mina ei oska öelda ei, ümisen omaette tuntud laulukest ühest lapsena nähtud etendusest. No aga ei oska ja süda see ka ei võta tuure maha. Kardan, mis juhtub kui uuesti kohtume, kumb võidab, kas isetu või isekas mina? Reede õhtu läheneb, vahepeal oleme vahetanud Rainisega SMSse ja lobanud MSNis. Vastik on kui ei saa suvalisel ajal inimesele helistada või kirjutada!!!! Tunne on nagu vargal, kes hiilib ja teise vara himustab. Aga siiski on oreool minu pea ümber loppis ja inglike puhkama läinud ning otsustan Rainisega siiski kohtuda. 2:1 saatan võidutseb! Sõidame linnast välja järve äärde, kahjuks on päike juba loojunud ja loojanguilu

jääb nägemata aga ega me poleks seda ilmselt näinud nagunii, näeme vaid teineteist. Roosid ja vahuvein, Rainis on spetsiaalselt ka päris klaasist pokaalid ostnud. Saate ju aru kui õige idee see on kui tahate ühe naisterahva südant võita (õnneks ta ei tea, et ta võitis selle juba esimesel silmapilgul). Aeg justkui seisaks, oleme meie, pimedus ja kuskil kord lähedal, kord kaugel kostvad sädistavad linnud. Ma ei suuda Rainist ette kujutada, kellegi teise abikaasana, see pilt ei mahu mulle hetkel lihtsalt pähe sest ta on nii MINU just siin ja praegu. Arutleme kõige üle, alates globaalsetest asjadest kuni üksteise töömuredeni välja. Veel üks asi, mis mind tema juures paelub ongi see, et temaga saab kõigest rääkida ja isegi veel parem on, et temaga saab koos vaikida ja lihtsalt olla, ilma, et tekiks nö piinlikku vaikust või kohmetust, mida ilmtingimata lõhkuma peab. Ingel vaikib minus endiselt ja tegelikult me ei tee ka midagi väga taunitavat, lihtsalt istume üksteise embuses ja rüüpame shampanjat. Siiani on olukord vähemalt JOKK. Päikseloojangut me ei näinud aga tõusu juba näeme. Viimane aeg tagasi linna sõita, reaalsus sajab järsku sisse. Linna sõidame peaaegu vaikides, mis sa ikka ütled kui kõik on niigi ilmselge? Või siis just nii segane, et sõnadega ei päästa siin enam midagi. Pikk suudlus ja kallistus, millest ei tahaks kuidagi lahti lasta ja läinud ta ongi, nagu unenägu, mis ununeb kohe kui ärkad. Tõusen treppi mööda teisele korrusele ja avan korteri ukse, olen enesekindel, just nüüd ja siin see siiski lõppeb! 2:2 Viik! Kell on 6 hommikul, und ei ole. Lähen panen espressomasina tööle, vaiksele hommikule omaselt pläriseb see nagu nimme. Justkui osutades minu hilisele (varasele?) koju jõudmisele. Tõstan läpaka kaane lahti ja login sisse oma blogisse. Ma pean need tunded kuskile panema ja blogi on selle jaoks parim koht. Alustan sõna-sõna haaval trükkimist: Varastatud hetked, homselt laenatud tunnid su lõhn mu kehal, minna ei tahaks veel kumbki õhkõrn puudutus, su soojast suudlusest joobun täna veel mitte, kuid homme, homme su´st kindlasti loobun

Ma ei taha olla varas, käia salaja silmad maas endaga lepitust otsin, tundma õpin end taas nukruse summutan naeru, ehk igatsus ajaga kaob vaid süda ei kuula, ei allu, ta ikka veel metsikult taob... Lõpetan kohvi ja lähen magama. Hinges on magus valu, mis tuletab meelde, et kõik on alles ees... Küll tuleb ka see päris minu unistuste prints, kellega oma elupäevade lõpuni valge aiaga majas elada. Kell on 12, ärkan telefoni vibreerimise peale. Telefonist vaatab vastu sõnum. Rainis: "Igatsen!". Ma ei vasta, lähen panen espressomasina tööle, kell 12 päeval oskab ta muide täitsa vaikselt tegutseda! Joon kohvi ära ja lähen trenni... „kaks ja kaks jõutõmme“ hõiskab treener samal ajal kui mina higistan endast keelatud tundeid välja... 3:2 ingel on oma töö teinud! Kuni sul on oma ingel, kes sinu järele valvab on elu ikka saatanlikult ilus, tõden ma kangile raskust lisades... ;)

Praxes Maria Luís Metrogos

Back in Portugal we have this so called tradition - like in so many other countries – where, once you join University, you are “welcomed” and sort of initiated by your “superiors”, the veterans, the older students. This initiation is called “Praxe” in Portugal. Praxe is supposedly a number of activities which, allegedly – and according to the academic codes approved by restricted groups of the student community – is intended has a form of reception and integration of the new students in the academic community. On the day of registration in College/University you sign up a paper – sort of declaration – where you say if you want to be a part of “Praxes” if you want to be Praxado or if you are against it. If you are against it no Veteran can do anything to you, they can’t order you to make any sort of activity or any kind of physical “punishment”, however if you do so you will most likely listen to some verbal teasing and not so nice comments. If you are against Praxes you will be forbidden to wear the Traje – The traditional Academic Costume, since you are only able to use it once you became a veteran and once you’ve been Praxado. The Traje – The Academic Costume – is a traditional student costume that has it’s origins, and it’s inspired, in the religious clothing of the cleric used in the first centuries of college. The Traje is Black and White and for male students consist of trousers, vest, shirt, tie, suit jacket and classic shoes; and the female Traje consists in Skirt, Classical Shirt, Tie, black Tights, suit jacket and classical black shoes. Both Trajes (Academic Costumes) also have a Cape – Batina/Capa in Portugueese, that should be carried

on the shoulder or arm during the day and after the sunset should be worn around the shoulders so that the entire Traje is covered. When a student is “Trajado” he/she is not allowed to wear a watch, any make My Praxes in 2010 – Us “caloiros” with our Veterans up, piercings, earrings or have any tattoos shown. The purpose behind the use of the Traje and all the rules –about all the things that you are not allowed to wear – is so that every student looks the same and in that way there aren’t any difference between them or they don’t have any kind of possessions, they should all be equal. I’m not against Praxes – was a part of the Praxes, and luckily my University was (and still is Anti- Praxes) so the things we had to do weren’t that bad and also, lucky me, I also just had one day of Praxes. We had to do Grenades – through Vigil in memory of the six students in Meco ourselves on the ground, sticky monsters – run into the walls, we were painted, I had my hair covered with Nutella and flour, there were gymkhanas with not so “fun” activities to do, we had to sing crazy songs, we were not allowed to look to our superiors – Veterans in the eyes and we were called worms. Also we had to carry and egg throughout all this physical activities – punishments – and we had to treat it like it like it was our son, if something happen to it we would be punished. My experience wasn’t bad at all, sure I wasn’t

happy about everything they had me do, of course I was against some things – I still am, but I didn’t’ do anything I didn’t wanted to. Unfortunately in other Universities the Praxes go beyond extreme, there is physical and mental abuse and humiliation and abuse of power, some of the activities jeopardizes the physical and psychological integrity of the students and, in some extreme cases, leading to the death. Back in December six students died by drowning in Meco, a famous and quite dangerous due to the sea current Portuguese beach, where they were being “Praxados” at night. The six students entered the water at night, following an order from their Veteran, and ended up drowning. Unfortunately this are not the first deaths. Like I’ve said before I don’t consider myself Anti-Praxes, against it, because I had a good experience, however, I cannot understand how someone can have that so called “Power” over someone just because he or she is dressed in an Traje and because has two more years in college. I don’t understand how people when they are in those uniforms get so blinded by the “power” and the being superior that they can disrespect others with the excuse: “Well, it’s tradition…”. Let’s go back to traditions, not all traditions are good or should be defended, that’s why there is a thing called evolution. Of course some traditions should be maintain, especially cultural traditions, traditions that are part of the identity of a culture or a country. However if those traditions go against Human Rights or if in any way they disrespect someone or put their safety at risk, or are cruel in any way to a living being, then they should be abolished. When I was in my second and third year I was a veteran and my class/ year Praxou our Caloiros. The fact that I was in a Traje, or that I was “supposedly” their superior didn’t made act any different then what I am. I never shouted at any of them, I never order them to do anything and I allowed them to look me in the eyes (also, I never covered my tattoos, or hide my piercing when I was Trajada). I believe in respect and equality, I believe we are not better or have more power than others and I also believe that Respect should be earned by our actions and beliefs and that we should always stay true to ourselves and our beliefs.


Oil wrestling, also called grease wrestling, is the Turkish national sport. It is so called because the wrestlers douse themselves with olive oil. The term "gßres" is shared with other forms of wrestling practiced by Turkicspeakers across Europe and Central Asia, such as the Uzbek krash, Tuvan kuresh and Tatar koras. The wrestlers, known as pehlivan wear a type of hand-stitched lederhosen called a kisbet (sometimes kispet), which is traditionally made of water buffalo hide, and most recently has been made of calfskin. Unlike Olympic wrestling, oil wrestling matches may be won by achieving an effective hold of the kisbet. Thus, the pehlivan aims to control his opponent by putting his arm through the latter's kisbet. To win by this move is called paca kazik. Originally, matches had no set duration and could go on for one or two days until one man was able to establish his superiority, but in 1975 the duration was capped at 40 minutes for the baspehlivan] and 30 minutes for the pehlivan category. If there is no winner, play continues for another 15 minutes—10 minutes for the pehlivan category, wherein scores are kept to determine the victor. The annual Kirkpinar tournament, held in Edirne in Turkish Thrace since 1362, is the oldest continuously running, sanctioned sporting competition in the world. Oil wrestling festivals also take place in northern Greece in the Eastern Macedonia and West thrace. In recent years, this style of wrestling has also become popular in other countries, particularly the Netherland and Japan.

St. Valentine or St. Trifun Tatjana Stamenkovska

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 4th century. On the same date in the Balkans is the celebration of the Day of St. Trifun. St. Trifun is the protector of grapevine and wine. On this day grape growers are pruning the first vine and taking a piece of the blessed grapevine for good luck and good yields. Which St. Valentine it is the true one still remains a mystery: according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were at least three early Christian saints by that name. One was a priest in Rome, another a bishop in Terni, and of a third St. Valentine almost nothing is known except that he met his end in Africa. Rather astonishingly, all three Valentines were said to have been martyred on Feb. 14. Most scholars believe that the true St. Valentine was a priest who attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II around 496 AD. Time when the Christianity was

spreading all around the Rome calling their believers to marry just with one woman and be faithful to her all their life. Many people were giving Christian marriage vows, convincing the Christian man to marry. Emperor Claudius ll was against marrying of their soldiers, because believed a married man is not a god soldiers. For this reason Claudius order every person who were giving marriage vows to his soldiers to be arrested and trialed. St. Valentine from Rome is one of the most famous saints who is recognized by the Catholic church and his story become very famous all around the world after it publishing in the 5 or 6 century AD by Passio Marii et Marthae. It is believed the story borrowed few facts from many from other saints to make it more interesting. It states that Saint Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II in person. Claudius was impressed by Valentine and had a discussion with him, attempting to get him to convert to Roman paganism in order to save his life. Valentine refused and tried to convert Claudius to Christianity instead. Because of this, he was executed. Before his execution, he is reported to have performed a miracle by healing Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer Asterius. After this event the jailer's daughter and his forty-four member family members and servants were baptized. On the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he would have written the first "valentine" card to himself, addressed to the daughter of his jailer Asterius, who was no longer blind, signing as "Your Valentine. On the other hand at the same date St. Trifun’s day is celebrated mainly in the Balkans as a public holiday and is a custom that celebrates the ancient belief of connecting people and spirits of the earth. On this day the people are encouraged to visit

vineyards and symbolically cut one piece off the vines and then pour the wine on the sacrificed part. It is believed that this custom will bring a year rich with the grapes and that St.Trifun, who is the saint guardian of wine, will appreciate the offering and deliver another successful harvest. People are encouraged to offer copious amounts of wine to drink and celebrate life and the new coming season. Early in the morning people go to church to baptise a Trifun water to put in a bottle. With this water they splash the vineyard and the field for luck. The priest splash the branch with the holywater and cut out three branches and says "God give a blessing", three cut branch put under the wine and brandy. Let’s celebrate the double holiday – of love and wine – with a glass of some good grapes’ nectar and maybe a little bit of love poetry. Needless to say, love and wine have much in common, so let’s finish with the French proverb: “May our love be like good wine, grow stronger as it grows older”. Cheers! :)

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Gökçe Karaca

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (pronounced [mus'täfä ce'mäl ätä'tyrc]; 19 May 1881 (conventional) – 10 November 1938) was a Turkish army officer in the Ottoman military, revolutionary statesman, and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey. His surname, Atatürk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament. Atatürk was a military officer during World War I.Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His military campaigns led to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Atatürk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, and

women were given equal civil and political rights, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. The principles of Atat端rk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism. With the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, efforts to modernise the country started. The new government analyzed the institutions and constitutions of Western states such as France, Sweden, Italy, and Switzerland and adapted them to the needs and characteristics of the Turkish nation. Highlighting the public's lack of knowledge regarding Kemal's intentions, the public cheered: "We are returning to the days of the first caliphs." Mustafa Kemal capitalized on his reputation as an efficient military leader and spent the following years, up until his death in 1938, instituting political, economic, and social reforms. In doing so, he transformed Turkish society from perceiving itself as a Muslim part of a vast Empire into a modern, democratic, and secular nation-state.

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